hou module


Module containing all the sub-modules, classes, and functions to access Houdini.


class hou.Agent

Bases: hou.PackedPrim

An agent primitive.

See Crowd Agents for more information.

clipCatalog(self) → tuple of hou.AgentClip

Returns all of the animation clips that are available. This is equivalent to definition().clips().


clipWeights(self) -> tuple of float

Returns the blend weights for the agent’s animation clips.
clips(self) → tuple of hou.AgentClip

Returns the agent’s current animation clips.

collisionLayer(self) → hou.AgentLayer

Returns the current collision layer of the agent.

currentLayer(self) → hou.AgentLayer

Returns the current display layer of the agent.

definition(self) → hou.AgentDefinition

Returns the shared agent definition.

layers(self) → tuple of hou.AgentLayer

Returns all of the layers that are available. This is equivalent to definition().layers().

localTransform(self, transform) → hou.Matrix4

Returns the current local space transform of an agent primitive’s bone.

Index of a transform in the agent’s rig.
rig(self) → hou.AgentRig

Returns the agent’s rig. This is equivalent to definition().rig().


Sets the current times for the agent’s animation clips.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

A float sequence.

Sets the blend weights for the agent’s animation clips.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

A float sequence.

Sets the agent’s current animation clips.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

A hou.AgentClip sequence.

Sets the agent’s current collision layer.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

A hou.AgentLayer.

Sets the agent’s current display layer.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

A hou.AgentLayer.

Changes the agent’s definition. If the new definition’s rig has a different number of transforms, the agent’s current transforms will be reset. The agent’s current clips will be reset if the new definition does not contain clips with the same names.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

A hou.AgentDefinition.
setLocalTransform(xform, index)

Sets the current local space transform of an agent primitive’s bone.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

A hou.Matrix4.
Index of a transform in the agent’s rig.
setWorldTransform(xform, index)

Sets the current world space transform of an agent primitive’s bone.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

A hou.Matrix4.
Index of a transform in the agent’s rig.
shapeLibrary(self) → hou.AgentShapeLibrary

Returns the agent’s shape library. This is equivalent to definition().shapeLibrary().


The membership flag

worldTransform(self, transform) → hou.Matrix4

Returns the current world space transform of an agent primitive’s bone.

Index of a transform in the agent’s rig.
class hou.AgentClip(*args)

Bases: object

An agent’s animation clip.

See Crowd Animation Clips for more information.

channelNames(self) → tuple of str

Returns the names of the channels in the clip.

data(self, binary, worldspace = False) → str

Returns the clip data in ASCII or binary.

Specifies whether the clip data should be saved in ASCII (.clip) or binary (.bclip) format.
Specifies whether the transform channels should be saved in local or world space.
fileName(self, expanded = False) → str

If the clip is an external reference, returns the path to the file on disk.

Specifies whether to expand any variables in the path, such as $HIP.
isExternalReference(self) → bool

Returns a bool indicating whether the clip references a file on disk.

length(self) → float

Returns the length (in seconds) of the clip.

name(self) → str

Returns the name of the clip.

sample(self, time, channel_name) → float
The time (in seconds) to evaluate the clip at.
Name of a channel in the clip. See hou.AgentClip.channelNames.

Evaluates the clip at the given time and returns the value of the specified channel. For sampling the clip’s transforms, use hou.AgentClip.sampleLocal or hou.AgentClip.sampleWorld.

sampleLocal(self, time, transform) → hou.Matrix4
The time (in seconds) to evaluate the clip at.
Index of a transform in the agent’s rig.

Evaluates the clip at the given time and returns the local transform.

sampleRate(self) → float

Returns the sample rate of the clip.

sampleWorld(self, time, transform) → hou.Matrix4
The time (in seconds) to evaluate the clip at.
Index of a transform in the agent’s rig.

Evaluates the clip at the given time and returns the world transform.


The membership flag

class hou.AgentDefinition(*args)

Bases: object

The shared data for an agent primitive.

An agent definition includes a rig, shape library, layers, and clips, and can be shared between agent primitives. See Agent Primitives for more information.

Since an agent definition is shared between copies of an agent primitive (such as agents in an upstream SOP’s geometry), the definition returned by hou.Agent.definition is read-only. The hou.AgentDefinition.freeze method can be used to create a modifiable copy of an agent definition.


  • hou.crowds.findAgentDefinitions
addClip(self, clip)

Adds a clip to the agent definition.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if the agent definition is not modifiable.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the clip is associated with a different rig.

A hou.AgentClip.
addLayer(self, layer)

Adds a layer to the agent definition.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if the agent definition is not modifiable.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the layer is associated with a different rig or shape library.

A hou.AgentLayer.
addTransformGroup(self, group)

Adds a transform group to the agent definition.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if the agent definition is not modifiable.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the group is associated with a different rig.

A hou.AgentTransformGroup.
clips(self) → tuple of hou.AgentClip

Returns a list of the clips in the agent definition.

findClip(self, name) → hou.AgentClip

Finds the clip with the specified name, or None if no such clip exists.

findLayer(self, name) → hou.AgentLayer

Finds the layer with the specified name, or None if no such layer exists.

findTransformGroup(self, name) → hou.AgentTransformGroup

Finds the transform group with the specified name, or None if no such group exists.

freeze(self, new_shapelib = None) → hou.AgentDefinition

Creates a modifiable copy of the agent definition. Use hou.Agent.setDefinition to change one or more agents to use the new agent definition.

If specified, the copied agent definition and its layers will reference the new shape library.
layers(self) → tuple of hou.AgentLayer

Returns a list of the layers in the agent definition.

rig(self) → hou.AgentRig

Returns the agent definition’s rig.

shapeLibrary(self) → hou.AgentShapeLibrary

Returns the agent definition’s shape library.


The membership flag

transformGroups(self) → tuple of hou.AgentTransformGroup

Returns a list of the transform groups in the agent definition.

class hou.AgentLayer(*args)

Bases: object

An agent’s layer.

See Agent Layers for more information.

asJSON(self) → str

Returns a string containing the JSON that represents the layer.

bindings(self, transform = None) → tuple of hou.AgentShapeBinding

Returns the list of shape bindings in the layer.

Index of a transform in the agent’s rig. If specified, only the shape bindings attached to the specified transform will be returned.
deformingBindings(self) → tuple of hou.AgentShapeBinding

Returns the shape bindings in the layer which reference deforming shapes.

fileName(self, expanded = False) → str

If the layer is an external reference, returns the path to the file on disk.

Specifies whether to expand any variables in the path, such as $HIP.
isExternalReference(self) → bool

Returns a bool indicating whether the layer references a file on disk.

name(self) → str

Returns the name of the layer.

staticBindings(self) → tuple of hou.AgentShapeBinding

Returns the shape bindings in the layer which reference static shapes.


The membership flag

class hou.AgentRig(*args)

Bases: object

The rig of an agent primitive.

See Crowd Agents for more information.

asJSON(self) → str

Returns a string containing the JSON that represents the rig.

childIndices(self, transform) → tuple of int

Returns the children of the specified transform.

Index of a transform in the rig.
fileName(self, expanded = False) → str

If the rig is an external reference, returns the path to the file on disk.

Specifies whether to expand any variables in the path, such as $HIP.
findTransform(self, transform_name) → int

Returns the index of the transform with the given name, or -1 if the transform name is invalid.

Name of a transform in the rig.
isExternalReference(self) → bool

Returns a bool indicating whether the rig references a file on disk.

name(self) → str

Returns the name or filename of the rig.

parentIndex(self, transform) → int

Returns the parent of the specified transform, or -1 if the transform is a root of the transform hierarchy.

Index of a transform in the rig.

The membership flag

transformCount(self) → int

Returns the number of transforms in the rig.

transformName(self, transform) → str

Returns the name of the specified transform.

Index of a transform in the rig.
class hou.AgentShape

Bases: object

An agent’s shape.

See Crowd Agents for more information.

geometry(self) → hou.Geometry

Returns the shape’s geometry.

name(self) → str

Returns the shape’s name, which is unique within a shape library.


The membership flag

uniqueId(self) → int

Returns the shape’s globally unique id.

class hou.AgentShapeBinding(*args)

Bases: object

A shape binding in an agent’s layer.

A shape binding attaches a shape from the agent’s shape library to a transform in the agent’s rig. See Agent Layers for more information.

boundsScale(self) → float

Returns the scale factor for the shape’s bounding box.

deformer(self) → hou.AgentShapeDeformer

Returns the deformer used for the shape, or None if the shape binding is static.

isAttachedToTransform(self) → bool

Returns whether the shape is attached to a transform in the agent’s rig.

isDeforming(self) → bool

Returns whether the shape is static or deforming.

shape(self) → hou.AgentShape

Returns the referenced shape.

shapeId(self) → int

Returns the unique id of the shape. This is equivalent to shape().uniqueId().

shapeName(self) → str

Returns the name of the shape. This is equivalent to shape().name().


The membership flag

transformId(self) → int

Returns the index of the transform in the agent’s rig that the shape is attached to.

class hou.AgentShapeDeformer

Bases: object

A deformer for agent shapes.

Agent shape deformers are used to provide different deformation methods for shapes, such as linear skinning or dual quaternion skinning. Each shape binding can specify the deformer that should be used. The hou.crowds.shapeDeformers method provides a list of the available deformers.

name(self) → str

Returns the unique name for the deformer.


The membership flag

class hou.AgentShapeLibrary(*args)

Bases: object

The shape library of an agent primitive.

See Crowd Agents for more information.

addShape(self, name, geometry) → hou.AgentShape

Adds a new shape to the shape library.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if the shape library is not modifiable.

The name for the new shape.
A hou.Geometry containing the shape’s geometry.
data(self) → hou.Geometry

Returns the geometry representation of the shape library, which can be saved to disk.

fileName(self, expanded = False) → str

If the shape library is an external reference, returns the path to the file on disk.

Specifies whether to expand any variables in the path, such as $HIP.
findShape(self, shape_name) → hou.AgentShape

Finds the shape with the specified name, or None if no such shape exists.

freeze(self, keep_external_ref = False) → hou.AgentShapeLibrary

Creates a modifiable copy of the shape library.

If the original shape library referenced a file on disk, specifies whether the new shape library should be marked as _including_ the original library. In this situation, saving out the new shape library will only write out shapes that were not included from the original library, along with the path to the included shape library. Otherwise, saving out the new shape library will produce a standalone library containing all of the shapes.
isExternalReference(self) → bool

Returns a bool indicating whether the shape library references a file on disk.

name(self) → str

Returns the name or filename of the shape library.

shapes(self) → tuple of hou.AgentShape

Returns a list of all shapes in the shape library.


The membership flag

class hou.AgentTransformGroup(*args)

Bases: object

A group of transforms in an agent’s rig.

See Crowd Agents for more information.

asJSON(self) → str

Returns a string containing the JSON representation of the group.

fileName(self, expanded = False) → str

If the transform group is an external reference, returns the path to the file on disk.

Specifies whether to expand any variables in the path, such as $HIP.
isExternalReference(self) → bool

Returns a bool indicating whether the transform group references a file on disk.

name(self) → str

Returns the name of the transform group.


The membership flag

transformIndices(self) → tuple of int

Returns a list containing the index of each transform in the group.

weights(self) → tuple of float

Returns a list containing the weight of each transform in the group.

class hou.AssetBrowser

Bases: hou.PathBasedPaneTab


The membership flag

class hou.Attrib

Bases: object

This class stores information about a Geometry attribute.

An attribute describes extra data you can attach to different elements of geometry. The attribute values are the individual instances of that data, and for each attribute there is exactly one attribute value per geometry element. For example, if you look at the points in Houdini’s geometry spreadsheet, the point numbers are listed down the side, the point attributes are listed across the top, and the point attribute values are contained in the table.

The attribute specifies which elements store the attribute values: points, primitives, or vertices. An attribute can also be global (also known as a detail attribute), in which case there is one instance of the attribute value in the geometry.

The attribute also specifies the data type of the attribute values.

To look up existing attributes, use hou.Geometry.findPointAttrib, hou.Geometry.findPrimAttrib, hou.Geometry.findVertexAttrib, and hou.Geometry.findGlobalAttrib. To add a new attribute, use hou.Geometry.addAttrib.

Point positions are stored in a point attribute named P and point weights are stored in Pw. See hou.Point.position and hou.Point.weight for more information.
dataType(self) → hou.attribData enum value

Return the attribute’s data type (int, float or string).

The size of the attribute also determines the format of the attribute values. For example, if the data type is int and the size is 3, the attribute value will be a tuple of 3 ints. If the size was 1, the attribute value would simply be an int.

Note that a string attribute’s size must be 1.

defaultValue(self) → int or float or str or tuple

Return the attribute’s default value. Returns a single int/float/string for attributes of size 1 and a tuple of values for attributes with more than one component.

This method is useful when duplicating an attribute. See hou.Geometry.addAttrib for an example.


Remove this attribute from the geometry. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if you try to destroy the P or Pw point attributes.

geometry(self) → hou.Geometry

Return the Geometry object containing this attribute.

indexPairPropertyTables(self) → tuple of hou.IndexPairPropertyTable

Return the property tables for this attribute. If the attribute is not an index pair, returns an empty tuple.

isArrayType(self) → bool

Return True if the attribute is a type that contains array data (i.e. Float Array, Integer Array, String Array) and False otherwise.

isTransformedAsNormal(self) → bool

Return whether attribute values in the geometry are automatically transformed as a normal when Houdini transforms (e.g. rotates) the geometry.

For more information, see the hou.Geometry.addAttrib, in the transform_as_normal parameter documentation.

name(self) → str

Return the attribute’s name. Each attribute in the geometry has a unique name.

optionType(self, name) → hou.fieldType enum value

Return a hou.fieldType enumerated value that describes the type of data stored in an option. Returns hou.fieldType.NoSuchField if no field exists with that name.


option(self, name) -> bool, int, float, str, hou.Vector2, hou.Vector3, hou.Vector4, hou.Quaternion, hou.Matrix3, hou.Matrix4, tuple of int, or tuple of float

Return the value of an individual option, on None if no such option exists.

See also hou.Attrib.options, hou.Attrib.setOption and hou.Attrib.removeOption.

qualifier(self) → str

Return the attribute’s type qualifier. The qualifier is a description of the data contained in the attribute. An empty string is returned if the attribute has no numeric representation or if the attribute is the pseudo Pw point attribute.

removeOption(self, name)

Remove an entry in the dictionary of options. See hou.Attrib.options for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if there is no entry in the dictionary with this name.

setOption(self, name, value, type_hint = hou.fieldType::NoSuchField)

Set an entry in the dictionary of options. See hou.Attrib.options for more information.

The name of the option to set.
An integer, float, string, hou.Vector2, hou.Vector3, hou.Vector4, hou.Quaternion, hou.Matrix3, hou.matrix4, or sequence of numbers.
Used to determine the exact hou.fieldType desired when the specified value type is not enough to unambiguously determine it.

Sets the number of data components in the attribute value. See hou.Attrib.dataType for more information.

size(self) → int

Return the number of data components in the attribute value. See hou.Attrib.dataType for more information.

strings(self) → tuple of str

Return the string table for this attribute. If the attribute is not a string, returns an empty tuple.

A string attribute does not store each string value inside the attribute element (i.e. point, primitive, etc.). Instead, the unique string attribute values are stored in a table inside the attribute, and each attribute value stores an index to that string.

For example, suppose this attribute stores strings on points. If all points have the attribute value “foo” then the string table will be just (“foo”,) and each point will store the index 0. When you set some points’ values to “bar”, Houdini adds sets the string table to (“foo”, “bar”) and sets stores the index 1 in those points. When you set one of those points back to “foo”, Houdini leaves the string table unchanged and stores the index 0 in that point.

When using string attribute values, this implementation is hidden from you, and you get and set those attributes as strings. This method is provided only in case you need access to the string table.


The membership flag

type(self) → hou.attribType enum value

Return the type of attribute (point, primitive, vertex, or global).

class hou.BaseKeyframe

Bases: object

Abstract base class for all keyframe class.


  • chkey
  • chkeyls
  • chkey
  • chround
  • chsraw()
  • lock()
  • opscript
asCode(self, brief=False, save_keys_in_frames=False, function_name=None)

-> str

Returns a script of Python statements that can be executed to create the keyframe. To run the script, use either Python’s exec or execfile functions.

When <brief> is True, the output script omits commands for setting unused values, slopes and accelerations. This parameter only applies to non-string keyframes. The value of <brief> must be either True or False.
When <save_keys_in_frames> is True, asCode outputs commands for setting channel and key times in samples (frames) instead of seconds. The value of <save_keys_in_frames> must be either True or False.

If <function_name> is specified, then the output script is wrapped in a Python function definition with the given name. <function_name> must be a non-zero length string consisting of only alphanumeric and underscore characters. Any invalid characters are internally converted to underscores.

The function returns a reference to the newly created keyframe object.

Here is an example of saving the output to a file and then loading it back into Houdini:

> # Get a reference to the target keyframe. > tx_parm = hou.parm(“/obj/geo1/tx”) > key = tx_parm.keyframes()[0] > > # Execute asCode and write the output script to file. > script = key.asCode() > f = open(“create_key.py”, “w”) > f.write(script) > f.close() > > # Execute the script. The new keyframe will be stored > # in the ‘hou_keyframe’ variable. > execfile(“create_key.py”) > > # Commit the keyframe back into the node parameter. > tx_parm.setKeyframe(hou_keyframe)

Here is an example of saving the output into a function and then calling it in Houdini:

> # Get a reference to the target keyframe. > tx_parm = hou.Node(“/obj/geo1”).Parm(“tx”) > key = tx_parm.keyframes()[0] > > # Execute asCode and write the function definition to file. > func = key.asCode(function_name=”createKeyframe”) > f = open(“keylib.py”, “w”) > f.write(func) > f.close() > > # Call the function definition. > import keylib > hou_keyframe = keylib.createKeyframe() > > # Commit the keyframe back into the node parameter. > tx_parm.setKeyframe(hou_keyframe)

evaluatedType(self) → hou.parmData enum value

Returns the type that the keyframe evaluates to.

expression(self) → str

Returns the keyframe’s expression. For example, in cases where the keyframe has had two values set the interpolating function is returned e.g. “bezier()”, “spline()” etc.

This function raises hou.KeyframeValueNotSet if an expression has not been set.

See setExpression() and isExpressionSet().

expressionLanguage(self) → hou.exprLanguage enum value

Returns the keyframe’s expression’s language.

This function raises hou.KeyframeValueNotSet if an expression language has not ben set.

See setExpression(), and isExpressionLanguageSet().

frame(self) → double

Returns the keyframe’s frame number.

This function raises hou.KeyframeValueNotSet if the frame or time has not been set.

See setFrame() and setTime().

isExpressionLanguageSet(self) → bool

Returns whether the keyframe expression’s language is set.

See setExpression() and expressionLanguage().

isExpressionSet(self) → bool

Returns whether the keyframe’s expression is set.

See setExpression() and expression().

isTimeSet(self) → bool

Returns whether the keyframe’s time is set.

See setTime() and time().

setExpression(self, expression, language=None)

Sets the keyframe’s expression and language.

This function raises hou.TypeError if language is not a value from hou.exprLanguage.

See expression(), expressionLanguage(), isExpressionSet(), isExpressionLanguageSet().

setFrame(self, frame)

Sets the keyframe’s frame number. Using the number of frames per second (hou.fps), setting the frame number also sets the time. For example, with an fps of 24, then setting the frame number to 49 will set the time to 2 seconds.

See frame().

setTime(self, time)

Sets the keyframe’s time in seconds. Using the number of frames per second (hou.fps), setting the time also sets the frame number. For example, with an fps of 24, then setting the time to 2 seconds will set the frame number to 49.

See time().


The membership flag

time(self) → double

Returns the keyframe’s time in seconds.

This function raises hou.KeyframeValueNotSet if the time or frame has not been set.

See setTime() and setFrame().

class hou.BoundingBox(*args)

Bases: object

An axis-aligned 3D rectangular region.

For example, a bounding box might describe a piece of geometry’s minimum and maximum values on each of the coordinate axes. See hou.Geometry.boundingBox for an example of a function that returns a bounding box.

center(self) → hou.Vector3

Return the position of the center of the bounding box.

This method can be implemented as follows:

> def sizevec(self): > return (self.minvec() + self.maxvec()) * 0.5

contains(self, point)

Given a sequence of 3 floats (such as a hou.Vector3) describing a position, return whether the position is inside the box.

enlargeToContain(self, point_or_bbox)

Enlarge the bounding box to contain the given element. The element may be a sequence of 3 floats (such as a hou.Vector3) describing a position or another bounding box. If this box does not need to grow because it already completely contains the element, it won’t be modified.

isAlmostEqual(self, bbox, tolerance=0.00001) → bool

Returns whether this bounding box is equal to another, subject to numerical tolerances.

isValid(self) → bool

Returns whether this bounding box is valid.

maxvec(self) → hou.Vector3

Return a vector describing the corner of the box with the largest x, y, and z values.

minvec(self) → hou.Vector3

Return a vector describing the corner of the box with the smallest x, y, and z values.

setTo(self, bounds_sequence)

Given a sequence of (xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax) values, set the position of the bounding box.

Raises hou.InvalidSize if the tuple does not contain six elements.

sizevec(self) → hou.Vector3

Return a vector describing the size of the box in each of the x, y, and z axes.

This method can be implemented as follows:

> def sizevec(self): > return self.maxvec() - self.minvec()


The membership flag

class hou.BoundingRect(*args)

Bases: object

An axis-aligned 2D rectangular region.

A bounding rectangle can describe the size and location of a node in a network, or the visible area or a network editor pane.

center(self) → hou.Vector2

Return the position of the center of the bounding rectangle.

This method can be implemented as follows:

> def center(self): > return (self.min() + self.max()) * 0.5

closestPoint(self, point) → hou.Vector2
Given a sequence of 2 floats (such as a hou.Vector2) describing a position, return the position inside the rectangle that is closest to the provided point.

> >>> unitrect = hou.BoundingRect(0, 0, 1, 1) > >>> unitrect.closestPoint((0.5, 0.5)) > <hou.Vector2 [0.5, 0.5]> > >>> unitrect.closestPoint((100, 0.5)) > <hou.Vector2 [1.0, 0.5]> > >>> unitrect.closestPoint((-10, -5)) > <hou.Vector2 [0, 0]>

contains(self, rect) → bool
Given a hou.BoundingRect object, return whether that rectangle is inside the one described by this object.

> >>> unitrect = hou.BoundingRect(0, 0, 1, 1) > >>> unitrect.contains(hou.BoundingRect(0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0)) > True > >>> unitrect.contains(hou.BoundingRect(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5)) > False

enlargeToContain(self, point_or_rect)
Enlarge the bounding rectangle to contain the given element. The element may be a sequence of 2 floats (such as a hou.Vector2) describing a position or another bounding rectangle. If this rectangle does not need to grow because it already completely contains the element, it won’t be modified.

> >>> unitrect = hou.BoundingRect(0, 0, 1, 1) > >>> unitrect.enlargeToContain((2, 0.5)) > >>> unitrect > <hou.BoundingRect [0, 0, 2, 1]> > >>> unitrect = hou.BoundingRect(0, 0, 1, 1) > >>> unitrect.enlargeToContain(hou.BoundingRect(0.5, 0.5, 2, 1.5)) > >>> unitrect > <hou.BoundingRect [0, 0, 2, 1.5]>

expand(self, offset)

Moves the edges of the rectangle away from its center by the distances specified in the two float tuple or hou.Vector2 passed as the offset parameter. The offset is applied to both sides of the rectangle so actually changes the width and height of the rectangle by twice the passed in values.

Negative values can be passed into the offset to shrink the rectangle, but shrinking the rectangle by more than its current size will result in an invliad rectangle.

> >>> rect = hou.BoundingRect(1, 1, 2, 2) > >>> rect.expand((1, 1)) > >>> rect > <hou.BoundingRect [0, 0, 3, 3]> > >>> rect.expand((0, -2)) > >>> rect > <hou.BoundingRect [0, 2, 3, 1]> > >>> rect.isValid() > False

getOffsetToAvoid(self, bounds, direction = None) → hou.Vector2
Return a vector describing the minimum distance this rectangle must be translated to avoid any overlap with the bounds rectangle. If direction is provided as a hou.Vector2, it indicates the specific direction the returned offset should be. If the rectangles do not overlap, the result will be hou.Vector2(0.0, 0.0).

> >>> unitrect = hou.BoundingRect(0, 0, 1, 1) > >>> subrect = hou.BoundingRect(0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 0.6) > >>> unitrect.getOffsetToAvoid(subrect) > <hou.Vector2 [0, 0.6]> > >>> unitrect.getOffsetToAvoid(subrect, hou.Vector2(1.0, 0.0)) > <hou.Vector2 [0.8, 0]> > >>> unitrect.getOffsetToAvoid(subrect, hou.Vector2(1.0, 1.0)) > <hou.Vector2 [0.6, 0.6]>

intersect(self, rect)
Given a hou.BoundingRect object, updates the rectangle in this object to be the region where the two rectangles overlap.

> >>> rect = hou.BoundingRect(0, 0, 1, 1) > >>> rect.intersect(hou.BoundingRect(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5)) > >>> rect > <hou.BoundingRect [0.5, 0.5, 1, 1]>

intersects(self, rect) → bool
Given a hou.BoundingRect object, return whether that rectangle partially or fully overlaps the one described by this object.

> >>> unitrect = hou.BoundingRect(0, 0, 1, 1) > >>> unitrect.intersects(hou.BoundingRect(0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0)) > True > >>> unitrect.intersects(hou.BoundingRect(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5)) > True > >>> unitrect.intersects(hou.BoundingRect(1.5, 1.5, 2.5, 2.5)) > False

isAlmostEqual(self, rect, tolerance=0.00001) → bool
Returns whether this bounding rectangle is equal to another, subject to numerical tolerances.

> >>> unitrect = hou.BoundingRect(0, 0, 1, 1) > >>> subrect = hou.BoundingRect(0.001, 0.001, 0.999, 1.001) > >>> unitrect.isAlmostEqual(subrect) > False > >>> unitrect.isAlmostEqual(subrect, 0.01) > True

isValid(self) → bool
Returns whether this bounding rectangle is valid, indicating it has been initialized in any way.

> >>> hou.BoundingRect().isValid() > False > >>> hou.BoundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0).isValid() > True > >>> hou.BoundingRect(0, 0, 0, 0).isValid() > True

max(self) → hou.Vector2

Return a vector describing the corner of the rectangle with the largest x and y values.

min(self) → hou.Vector2

Return a vector describing the corner of the rectangle with the smallest x and y values.

scale(self, scale)
Scales this rectangle by the amount specified in the two float tuple or hou.Vector2 passed as the scale parameter. Note that scaling the rectangle by a negative value will result in an invlalid rectangle where the lower left corner is above or to the right of the upper right corner.

> >>> rect = hou.BoundingRect(1, 1, 2, 2) > >>> rect.scale(hou.Vector2(2, 3)) > >>> rect > <hou.BoundingRect [2, 3, 4, 6]> > >>> rect.scale((-1, -1)) > >>> rect > <hou.BoundingRect [-2, -3, -4, -6]> > >>> rect.isValid() > False

setTo(self, bounds_sequence)

Given a sequence of (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) values, set the position of the bounding rectangle.

Raises hou.InvalidSize if the tuple does not contain four elements.

size(self) → hou.Vector2

Return a vector describing the size of the rectangle in each of the x and y axes.

This method can be implemented as follows:

> def size(self): > return self.max() - self.min()


The membership flag

translate(self, offset)
Moves this rectangle by the amount specified in the two float tuple or hou.Vector2 passed as the offset parameter.

> >>> rect = hou.BoundingRect(1, 1, 2, 2) > >>> rect.translate(hou.Vector2(1, -1)) > >>> rect > <hou.BoundingRect [2, 0, 3, 1]>

class hou.Bundle

Bases: object


A named set of nodes whose contents can be from different networks. A bundle’s contents may be fixed or may be determined from a pattern, and the contents may be filtered by node type.

Unlike node groups, the nodes in a bundle may be from different node networks. For example, the same bundle may contain /obj/geo1 and /obj/subnet1/geo2. Node groups are primarily used to organize and display very large networks, while node bundles are normally used to track which objects are lit by a light, which objects are visible in a scene, etc.

There are two types of node bundles: regular and smart. You can add and remove individual nodes to and from a regular bundle. The nodes in a smart bundle, on the other hand, are determined from a pattern stored in the bundle. As nodes matching the pattern are created or deleted in Houdini, the contents of the bundle will update automatically. You can use hou.NodeBundle.pattern to determine if the bundle is a smart bundle or a regular one.

When a node matches the pattern in a smart bundle, that node and its children will be added to the bundle. For example, if the pattern in “/obj/” and /obj/box_object1 is a geometry object, all the nodes inside /obj/box_object1 will be added to the bundle, recursively. Carets (^) in the pattern can be used to remove nodes; for example, “/obj/ ^/obj/geo1” will match everything in /obj except for /obj/geo1.

A bundle may also have a filter to specify what types of nodes may be in the bundle. See hou.nodeTypeFilter for the possible filters. If you try to add a node to a regular bundle but the node does not match the filter, Houdini will fail to add the node. For smart bundles, the filter is applied after doing any pattern matching. For example, if the pattern is “/obj/*” and the filter is hou.nodeTypeFilter.Obj, the bundle will contain only the objects in /obj, without any SOPs, etc. inside them. Because the pattern is applied recursively, however, any objects inside object subnets will also be in the bundle.

To specify a bundle in a node parameter that expects a list of nodes, prefix the bundle name with @. For example, you can enter @bundle1 in the light mask parameter of an object so it is lit by the nodes inside the bundle named bundle1.

You can view and edit node bundles in Houdini’s Bundle List pane. Use hou.nodeBundle_ and hou.nodeBundles to access existing node bundles, and hou.addNodeBundle to create a new bundle.

addNode(self, node)

Add a node to the bundle.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if this bundle is a smart bundle, since the contents of smart bundles are automatically determined by their pattern.


Remove all nodes from the bundle.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if this bundle is a smart bundle, since the contents of smart bundles are automatically determined by their pattern.

containsNode(self, node) → bool

Return True if the node is in the bundle and False otherwise. node must be a hou.Node object.

This method is a shortcut for node in bundle.nodes(). For bundles with many nodes, this method will be slightly faster.


Convert the bundle into a normal bundle. The smart bundle pattern is removed.

Do nothing if the bundle is already a normal bundle.


Convert the bundle into a smart bundle. A regular expression is constructed from the contents of the bundle and then set as the bundle pattern.

Do nothing if the bundle is already a smart bundle.


Remove this bundle.

filter(self) → hou.nodeTypeFilter enum value

Return the bundle’s filter. For smart bundles, the filter is applied after matching nodes to the pattern, and nodes whose types do not match the filter are removed from the bundle.

See hou.nodeTypeFilter for the possible filters. hou.nodeTypeFilter.NoFilter is a special value to indicate that there is no filtering.

See the class documentation for more information about filtering.

findBestFilter(self) → hou.nodeTypeFilter enum value

Return the most restrictive bundle filter that matches all the nodes in the bundle.

See hou.nodeTypeFilter for the possible filters. hou.nodeTypeFilter.NoFilter is a special value to indicate that there is no filtering.

isSelected(self) → bool

Return True if the bundle is selected in the bundle list pane and False otherwise.

name(self) → str

Return the name of the bundle.

nodes(self) → tuple of hou.Node

Return a tuple of the nodes in this bundle.

pattern(self) → str or None

Return None if this bundle is a regular bundle, or a string pattern if the bundle is a smart bundle.

See the class documentation for more information on smart bundles. Note that if a node matches the pattern, all its subchildren will be in the bundle, as long as they match the filter. For example, if the pattern is “/obj/*” and the filter is hou.nodeTypeFilter.NoFilter, the bundle will contain all nodes under /obj, recursively.

removeNode(self, node)

Remove a node from the bundle.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if this bundle is a smart bundle, since the contents of smart bundles are automatically determined by their pattern.

setFilter(self, node_type_filter)

Set this bundle’s filter to a hou.nodeTypeFilter enumerated value. Use hou.nodeTypeFilter.NoFilter to clear the filter.

See hou.NodeBundle.filter and the class documentation for more information.

setName(self, name)

Change the name of the bundle.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the name contains non-alphanumeric characters other than _, or if a bundle with that name already exists.

setPattern(self, pattern_or_none)

Change the pattern of this bundle.

Setting the pattern to None changes the bundle into a regular bundle. In this case, the bundle’s contents are unchanged, but Houdini will no longer do pattern matching to determine the bundle’s contents.

If the pattern is a string, the bundle becomes a smart bundle and its contents immediately change to match the pattern. The bundle’s contents will update as nodes are created and deleted in Houdini.

See hou.NodeBundle.pattern and the class documentation for more information.

setSelected(self, on, clear_all_selected=false)

Select this bundle in the bundle list pane. If clear_all_selected is True, only this bundle will remain selected. Otherwise, this bundle will be added to the existing selection.


The membership flag

class hou.ButtonParmTemplate(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.ParmTemplate

Describes a parameter tuple containing a button.


The membership flag

class hou.ChannelEditorPane

Bases: hou.PaneTab


  • chanlist
  • chaneditor
channelListSplitFraction(self) → double

Return the width of the embedded channel list as fraction (0-1 value) of the pane’s width.

colorsCallback(self) → string

Return the active channel colors callback name.

colorsCallbacks(self) → tuple of string

Return the list of registered channel colors callback.

displayFilter(self) → string

Return the filter pattern for which channels are displayed.

editorMode(self) → hou.channelEditorMode enum value

Return the animation editor mode.

graph(self) → hou.ChannelGraph

Return the channel graph for this pane.

registerColorsCallback(self, callback_name, callback_object) → bool

Registers a callback to generate custom channel colors based on the node and parameter names.

A name for the custom color scheme. You can use this to remove the callback with the unregisterColorsCallback method.
A Python object with a getChannelColor method. For example:

> > class MyChannelColors(object): > def getChannelColor(self, node_path, channel_name): > return 0, 0, 0

The node argument is the path to the node (for example, /obj/table). The parm argument is the internal name of the channel (for example, tx). The method must return a 3-tuple representing normalized (0-1, not 0-255) red, green, and blue values. If the method returns (0, 0, 0) Houdini uses the default channel color.

You should register the callback in a session-independent startup script. When you register the callback, Houdini will call it once with empty string arguments to make sure it returns a triple. Your getChannelColor() method needs to handle this case.

The following example object uses the custom color tint of a node to color its channels:

> > import hou > > class NodeColors: > ‘’’ > Use hue variants of a node’s color for parameter names > ending in x, y or z. > ‘’’ > > def getChannelColor(self, node_path, channel_name): > # Handle the empty string case > if not node_path: > return 0, 0, 0 > > # Get a Node object from the path > n = hou.node(node_path) > # Get the node’s color as a hou.Color object > color = n.color() > # Get the color’s HSV values as a triple > hue, sat, val = n.color().hsv() > > # If the color is gray, use the default > if not sat: > return 0, 0, 0 > > # Hue-shift the node color for X, Y, and Z channels: > if channel_name.endswith(“x”): > color.setHSV(hue - 50, sat * 2, val * 1.2) > elif channel_name.endswith(“y”): > color.setHSV(hue, sat * 2, val * 1.2) > elif channel_name.endswith(“z”): > color.setHSV(hue + 50, sat * 2, val * 1.2) > > # Return the color as normalized (r, g, b) > return color.rgb()

setChannelListSplitFraction(self, value)

Set the width of the embedded channel list as fraction (0-1 value) of the pane’s width.

setColorsCallback(self, callback_name) → bool

Set the active channel colors callback name. If the callback name is invalid, the active callback will be reset to default. Return True if the callback was successfully changed. Return False if the callback name was invalid.

setDisplayFilter(self, filter)

Set the filter pattern for which channels are displayed. The channel name is used to match against the pattern.

setEditorMode(self, mode)

Set the animation editor mode.

setTemplateFilter(self, filter)

Set the filter pattern for which channels are templated. The channel name is used to match against the pattern.

templateFilter(self) → string

Return the filter pattern for which channels are templated.


The membership flag

unregisterColorsCallback(self, callback_name) → bool

Unregister a callback by name. It also resets the active callback if the callback to remove was the active one. Return True if the callback was successfully removed. Return False if the callback name was invalid.

class hou.ChannelGraph

Bases: object


  • chaneditor
selectedKeyframes(self) -> dictionary of (, tuple of hou.BaseKeyframe)


Returns a dictionary of (hou.Parm, keyframes) which are currently selected in the playbar. TIP: Here is an example of how to scale the selected key values by 2:

> keyframes = hou.playbar.selectedKeyframes() > for parm in keyframes.keys(): > for key in keyframes[parm]: > key.setValue(2 * key.value()) > parm.setKeyframe(key)


The membership flag

class hou.ChopNode

Bases: hou.Node

Class representing a CHOP node.


  • chopls
  • opget
  • opsave
  • opset
  • chop()
  • chope()
  • chopn()
  • chopr()
  • chops()
  • ic()
  • ice()
  • icl()
  • icmax()
  • icmin()
  • icn()
  • icr()
  • ics()
  • oc()
  • opflag()
bypass(self, on)

Turn the node’s bypass flag on or off, making this node have no effect.

clipData(self, binary) → str

Returns the clip data for the CHOP node in ASCII or binary, depending on the value of the binary parameter.

frameToSamples(self, frame) → double

Converts a value expressed as frames to a value expressed in samples.

isAudioFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns whether the node’s audio flag is on.

isBypassed(self) → bool

Returns whether the node’s bypass flag is on.

isCurrentFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns whether the node’s current flag is on.

isDisplayFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns whether the node’s display flag is on.

isExportFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns whether the node’s export flag is on.

isLocked(self) → bool

Returns whether this node’s lock flag is on.

isUnloadFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns whether the node’s unload flag is on.

sampleRange(self) -> (start, end)

Return a 2-tuple containing the start and end values of the sample range. The number of samples for each track in this node is start- end+1. Note that samples start from 0, not 1.

sampleRate(self) → double

Returns the sample rate used by this node in number of samples per second.

samplesToFrame(self, samples) → double

Converts a value expressed as samples to a value expressed in frames.

samplesToTime(self, samples) → double

Converts a value expressed as samples to a value expressed in seconds.

saveClip(self, file_name)

Saves the node’s output clip to a file. The filename extension determines the file format to use.

setAudioFlag(self, on)

Turns the node’s audio flag on or off.

setClipData(self, data, binary)

Sets the clip data for the CHOP node. Should only be called on locked nodes.

setCurrentFlag(self, on)

Turns the node’s audio flag on or off.

setDisplayFlag(self, on)

Turns the node’s display flag to on or off.

setExportFlag(self, on)

Turns the node’s export flag to on or off.

setLocked(self, on)

Turn this node’s lock flag on or off. Locking a node saves its current cooked channel data into the node. If you unlock a locked node, it will discard its locked channel data and recook, computing its channel data from its inputs and parameters.

setUnloadFlag(self, on)

Turns the node’s unload flag to on or off.


The membership flag

timeToSamples(self, time) → double

Converts a value expressed in seconds to a value expressed in samples.

track(self, track_name) → hou.Track or None

Return the track of the given name, or None if it doesn’t exist.

tracks(self) → tuple of Tracks

Returns a tuple of all the tracks in this node.

class hou.Color(*args)

Bases: object

Represents a color value.

You can get and set the internal values using different color representations such as RGB and L*a*b*.

Note that the constructor takes a single _tuple_ of RGB values, not three arguments. So, for example, to create red you would say:

> red = hou.Color((1.0, 0, 0))

You can set the color in one color space and get the color in a different color space to convert between spaces.

See HSL and HSV, Lab color space, CIE 1931 color space, and Color temperature for an introduction to the concepts the methods are based on.


  • rgb()
hsl(self) -> (float, float, float)

Returns the color as a tuple of (hue, saturation, lightness), where hue is 0 - 360, and saturation and lightness are 0.0 - 1.0.

hsv(self) -> (float, float, float)

Returns the color as a tuple of (hue, saturation, value), where hue is 0 - 360, and saturation and value are 0.0 - 1.0.

lab(self) -> (float, float, float)

Returns the color as a tuple of (L, a, b) as defined in the L*a*b* model, where L is 0 - 100, and a and b are unbound. (Note that a and b are restricted to -128 - 127 in TIFF files).

static ocio_spaces()

Returns a list of the color spaces defined in the Open Color IO configuration in Houdini.

rgb(self) -> (float, float, float)

Returns the color as a tuple of (red, green, blue) floating point values, where each value is in the range 0.0 to 1.0.

setHSL(self, tuple)

Sets the color as a tuple of (hue, saturation, lightness). See the hsl() method.

setHSV(self, tuple)

Sets the color as a tuple of (hue, saturation, value). See the hsv() method.

setLAB(self, tuple)

Sets the color as a tuple of (L, a, b) as defined in the L*a*b* model. See the lab() method.

setRGB(self, tuple)

Sets the color using a tuple of (red, green, blue) floating point values. See the rgb() method.

setTMI(self, tuple)

Sets the color as a tuple of (temperature, magenta, intensity). See the tmi() method.

setXYZ(self, tuple)

Sets the color as a tuple of (x, y, z) “tristimulus” values. See the xyz() method.


The membership flag

tmi(self) -> (float, float, float)

Returns the color as a tuple of (temperature, magenta, intensity), where each component is -1.0 to 1.0.

xyz(self) -> (float, float, float)

Returns the color as a tuple of (x, y, z) “tristimulus” values, where each component is 0.0 to 1.0 (but may go out of bounds from conversion).



Returns a list of the color spaces defined in the Open Color IO configuration in Houdini.
class hou.CompositorViewer

Bases: hou.PathBasedPaneTab

Minimal class representing a compositing view pane.

This class is currently very simple, implementing a minimal number of methods necessary to support compositing shelf tools. It does not currently allow programmatic control of most functions available in the UI.

You should probably avoid using this object. If you are writing custom tools for the compositing view, the higher-level functions in the cop2toolutils module are more useful.

currentState(self) → str

Returns the name of the tool currently in use in the view. This is an internal, undocumented designation but usually corresponds to the name of a node. You can change to a different tool using setCurrentState.

enterViewState(self, wait_for_exit=False)

Switch to the view tool.

setCurrentState(self, state, wait_for_exit=False)

Sets the currently active tool in the view. state is a string containing an internal, undocumented designation. See currentState().


The membership flag

class hou.ConstructionPlane

Bases: object

The grid (a.k.a. construction plane) in the scene viewer pane tab.


  • cplane
cellSize(self) → tuple of float

Return the x and y sizes (width and height) of one cell in the grid of cells. The return value is a tuple of two floats.

isVisible(self) → bool

Return whether the grid is visible in the viewer.

numberOfCells(self) → tuple of int

Return the number of cells in the x and y directions of the grid. In other words, return the number of columns and rows.

numberOfCellsPerRulerLine(self) → tuple of int

Return the number of cells in the x and y directions between ruler lines. Ruler lines are darker than the normal lines drawn between grid cells.

sceneViewer(self) → hou.SceneViewer

Return the scene viewer containing this plane.

setCellSize(self, size)

Change the x and y sizes (width and height) of each cell in the grid of cells. size is a sequence of two floats.

Changing the size of each cell will change the total size of the grid.

setIsVisible(self, on)

Make this grid visible or invisible in the viewer.

setTransform(self, matrix)

Set the transformation matrix for this plane to a hou.Matrix4.

This matrix is used to translate and rotate the plane. See the transform method for more information.

Note that scale information inside the transformation matrix is ignored. Use the setCellSize and setNumberOfCells methods to adjust the size of the plane.

The following function will change the position of the center of the plane:

> def set_origin(construction_plane, new_origin): > translation = hou.hmath.buildTranslate(hou.Vector3(new_origin) - origin(construction_plane)) > construction_plane.setTransform(construction_plane.transform() * translation) > > def origin(construction_plane): > return hou.Vector3(0, 0, 0) * construction_plane.transform()

The following function will change the normal of the plane:

> def set_normal(construction_plane, normal_vector): > existing_rotation = hou.Matrix4(construction_plane.transform().extractRotationMatrix3()) > rotation = existing_rotation * normal(construction_plane).matrixToRotateTo(normal_vector) > translation = hou.hmath.buildTranslate(origin(construction_plane)) > construction_plane.setTransform(rotation * translation) > > def normal(construction_plane): > return hou.Vector3(0, 0, 1) * construction_plane.transform().inverted().transposed() > > def origin(construction_plane): > return hou.Vector3(0, 0, 0) * construction_plane.transform()


The membership flag

transform(self) → hou.Matrix4

Return the transformation matrix for this plane.

When the transformation matrix is the identity matrix, the plane’s bottom-left corner is at the origin and it sits in the XY plane. In this orientation, increasing the number of cells in x or the size of a cell in x grows the plane outward from the origin along the x-axis. Similarly, increasing the number of cells or size of a cell in y grows the plane along the y-axis.

Note that the transformation matrix does not contain any scale information. Use the cellSize and numberOfCells methods to get the size of the plane.

The following function will return the position of the center of the plane:

> def origin(construction_plane): > return hou.Vector3(0, 0, 0) * construction_plane.transform()

The following function will return the normal of the plane:

> def normal(construction_plane): > return hou.Vector3(0, 0, 1) * construction_plane.transform().inverted().transposed()

class hou.ContextViewer

Bases: hou.PathBasedPaneTab

A class representing a context viewer pane tab.

compositorViewer(self) → hou.CompositorViewer

Returns a CompositorViewer if the ContextViewer is displaying a compositor viewer. If not, returns None.

sceneViewer(self) → hou.SceneViewer

Returns a SceneViewer if the ContextViewer is displaying a scene viewer. If not, returns None.


The membership flag

class hou.CopNode

Bases: hou.Node

Represents a compositing node.


  • pic()
  • picni()
  • opflag()
  • opget
  • opsave
  • opset
  • res()
  • seqanim()
  • seqend()
  • seqlength()
  • seqstart()
  • copmeta()
  • copmetas()
allPixels(self, plane="C", component=None, interleaved=True, time=-1.0)

-> tuple of float

Return a tuple of floats containing all pixel values for a particular image plane. The pixels in the bottom scanline of the image are first in the result, followed by the second-last scanline, etc. Floating point values in the color plane (“C”), for example, are typically in the range 0.0 to 1.0.

The name of the image plane to return. All images have “C” (color) and “A” (alpha) planes. Deep raster images may contain other planes, such as “Pz” (depth), “N” (normal), etc.
A particular subcomponent of the plane. For example, for the “C” plane you could specify one of the “r”, “g”, or “b” subcomponents. Specify None to indicate all components.
Whether the different components of the plane are interleaved in the result. For example, if the plane is “C”, the interleaved result would be organized as rgbrgbrgb… while the uninterleaved result would be rrr…ggg…bbb…. This parameter has no effect when a particular component is specified.

The time at which to cook the COP node. If this value is negative, Houdini uses the current time.

Note that this argument does not apply if allPixels is called from a Python COP that is cooking. In that case allPixels evaluates at the current cooking time.

This method does not accept a depth parameter like allPixelsAsString does. The values are converted to floating point data, regardless of the actual depth of the image plane.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the time argument is set to a value greater than or equal to 0.0 and allPixels is called from a cooking Python COP.


allPixelsAsString(self, plane=”C”, component=None, interleaved=True, time=-1.0, depth=None) -> str

Return a binary string representation of the floats containing all the values of all voxels. This method is faster than hou.CopNode.allPixels, and you can use the array module to convert the string into a Python sequence. Note that this method returns binary float data, so there are 4 bytes per R, G, and B component, not 1 byte.

If depth is hou.imageDepth.Float32, this method provides a faster implementation of the following:

> import array > def allPixelsAsString(self): > return array.array(“f”, self.allPixels()).tostring()

If depth is None and this method is called from the code implementing a Python COP to get an input plane, the depth will be the same as the plane’s native depth. If depth is None and this method is called from outside a Python COP, the depth will be hou.imageDepth.Float32. Otherwise, if depth is a hou.imageDepth enumerated value the result will be converted to the specified depth.

See hou.CopNode.allPixels for more information. See also hou.Volume.setVoxelSliceFromString.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the time argument is set to a value greater than or equal to 0.0 and allPixelsAsString is called from a cooking Python COP.

bypass(self, on)

Turns the node’s bypass flag on or off. When the bypass flag is on, the node will have no effect on the scene. The value of the on argument must be True or False.

Raises hou.PermissionError if the node is unwritable.

components(self, plane) → tuple of str

Returns a tuple of component names for the specified plane in the node’s image sequence. The value of the plane argument must be a plane name.

Raises ValueError if plane is None or empty. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the node could not be cooked or opened for processing. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the given plane does not exist.

depth(self, plane) → hou.imageDepth enum value

Return the data format used to represent one component of one pixel in the given image plane.

For example, if the depth of the “C” (color) plane is hou.imageDepth.Int8, each of the red, green, and blue components is stored as an (unsigned) 8-bit integer, occupying one byte. If, for example, it is instead hou.imageDepth.Float32, each of the red, green, and blue components is a 32-bit float and occupies 4 bytes (12 bytes total for all 3 components combined).

getMetaDataFloat(self, metadata_name, index=0) → double

Returns numeric metadata as a single double precision value. In the case of vectors, matrices and arrays, index indicates the component to fetch.

getMetaDataFloatArray(self, metadata_name) → tuple of double

Returns numeric metadata as an array of double-precision values.

getMetaDataInt(self, metadata_name, index=0) → int

Returns numeric metadata as a single integer. In the case of vectors, matrices and arrays, index indicates the component to fetch. Floating point metadata will be truncated.

getMetaDataIntArray(self, metadata_name) → tuple of int

Returns numeric metadata as an array of integers. Floating point metadata values will be truncated.

getMetaDataString(self, metadata_name) → str

Returns string metadata from metadata_name.

getPixelByUV(self, plane, u, v, component=None, interpolate=True)

tuple of float

Returns plane values for a single pixel in the node’s image. The plane is defined by the plane argument which must be set to the plane’s name. The pixel is defined by (u, v) coordinates where u and v are values between 0.0 and 1.0. If the optional component argument is specified, then the value for that particular component is returned. Otherwise, all of the plane’s component values are returned. The value of component should be the component’s name (i.e. “r”, “g”, “b”, etc.).

If the (u, v) coordinates do not fall exactly on a pixel, then the return values are calculated by linear blending of the values for the surrounding pixels. This can be disabled by setting the interpolate argument to False, in which case the values of the pixel located immediately to the bottom-left of (u, v) are returned.

Note that the returned values are for the node’s image at the current frame.

Raises ValueError if either u or v is outside of the 0.0-1.0 range. Raises ValueError if plane is None or empty. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the node could not be cooked or opened for processing. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the given plane does not exist. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the given component does not exist in the plane.

getPixelHSVByUV(self, u, v, interpolate=True) → tuple of float

Returns a 3-tuple containing the hue, saturation and value for a single pixel in the node’s image. The pixel is defined by (u, v) coordinates where u and v are values between 0.0 and 1.0.

If the (u, v) coordinates do not fall exactly on a pixel, then the return values are calculated by linear blending of the values for the surrounding pixels. This can be disabled by setting the interpolate argument to False, in which case the values of the pixel located immediately to the bottom-left of (u, v) are returned.

Note that the returned hue, saturation and value are for the node’s image at the current frame.

Raises ValueError if either u or v is outside of the 0.0-1.0 range. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the node could not be cooked or opened for processing.

getPixelLuminanceByUV(self, u, v, interpolate=True) → float

Returns the luminance value for a single pixel in the node’s image. The pixel is defined by (u, v) coordinates where u and v are values between 0.0 and 1.0.

If the (u, v) coordinates do not fall exactly on a pixel, then the luminance is calculated by linear blending of the luminance values for the surrounding pixels. This can be disabled by setting the interpolate argument to False, in which case the luminance of the pixel located immediately to the bottom-left of (u, v) is returned.

Note that the returned luminance value is for the node’s image at the current frame.

Raises ValueError if either u or v is outside of the 0.0-1.0 range. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the node could not be cooked or opened for processing.

hasMetaData(self, metadata_name) → bool

Returns True if the metadata with name metadata_name exists, False otherwise.

imageBounds(self, plane="C") → tuple of int

Returns the x and y boundaries of the given plane in the form of (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). The value of the plane argument is the plane name. By default, the image bounds of the color plane is returned.

Note that the image bounds is not the same as the image resolution. For example, the image bounds for a Font COP is the bounding rectangle around the displayed letters while the resolution is the size of the node’s image.

Note that the returned image bounds is for the current frame.

Raises ValueError if plane is None or empty. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the node could not be cooked or opened for processing. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the given plane does not exist.

isBypassed(self) → bool

Returns True if the node’s bypass flag is turned on. Returns False otherwise.

isCompressFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns True if the node’s compress flag is turned on. Returns False otherwise. The compress flag controls whether or not a preview image is shown for this node in the Network View.

isDisplayFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns True if the node’s display flag is turned on. Returns False otherwise.

isRenderFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns True if the node’s render flag is turned on. Returns False otherwise.

isSingleImage(self) → bool

Returns True if the node has a single image. Returns False if the node has an image sequence.

isTemplateFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns True if the node’s template flag is turned on. Returns False otherwise.

maskInputIndex(self) → int

Return the input index of the mask input for this node. Return -1 if this node type does not provide a mask input.

planes(self) → tuple of strings

Returns a tuple of plane names in the node’s image sequence.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the node could not be cooked or opened for processing.

saveImage(self, file_name, frame_range=())

Saves the node’s cooked image sequence to disk. For multiple images, make sure that the file_name argument contains $F so that the sequence is written to multiple files.

The optional frame_range argument can be specified to write only a subset of frames in the image sequence. frame_range must be a 2-tuple or a 3-tuple, where the first element is the start frame, the second element is the end frame and the third element is the frame increment. If frame_range is not given, then every frame in the image sequence is saved to disk.

Raises ValueError if the frame increment in frame_range is 0. Raises hou.InvalidSize if the size of frame_range is not 0, 2 or 3. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the node could not be cooked or opened for processing. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the image could not be saved to disk.

sequenceEndFrame(self) → float

Returns the last frame in the node’s image sequence.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the node could not be cooked or opened for processing.

sequenceFrameLength(self) → float

Returns the frame length of the node’s image sequence.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the node could not be cooked or opened for processing.

sequenceStartFrame(self) → float

Returns the start frame in the node’s image sequence.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the node could not be cooked or opened for processing.

setCompressFlag(self, on)

Turns the node’s compress flag on or off. If the compress flag is True, this node will not show a preview image in the Network View. If the compress flag is False, a preview image will be shown in the Network View. The value of the on argument must be True or False.

Raises hou.PermissionError if the node is unwritable.

setDisplayFlag(self, on)

Turns the node’s display flag on or off. When the display flag is on, the node’s image will appear in the image viewport. The value of the on argument must be True or False.

Raises hou.PermissionError if the node is unwritable.


setPixelsOfCookingPlane(self, values, component=None, interleaved=True, flip_vertically=False)

Set the pixels of the plane being cooked by the currently-running Python COP.


A sequence of floats, organized with the contents of the bottom scanline first.

If component is None, the length of the sequence of floats must be the number of pixels in the image times the number of components. Otherwise, it must be the number of pixels in the image.

Either the name of one component in the plane being cooked, or None. If a component name is given, values will contain only the values for that component. Otherwise, it will contain the values for all components of all pixels in the plane.

If component is None and interleaved is True, values is contains the first component of the first pixel, followed by the second component of the first pixel, until the last component of the first pixel, then the first component of the second pixel, etc. If it is False, values contains all the values of the first component for all pixels, followed by all the values of the second component, etc.

For example, if the plane is “C” and interleaved is True, the values will be organized as rgbrgbrgb…. If it is not interleaved, it will be organized as rrr…ggg…bbb….

If component is not None, this parameter is ignored.

The default value for this parameter is False, so the first scanline in the values array is assumed to be the bottom scanline. If flip_vertically is True, the input values are assumed to oriented starting at the top scanline.

If you call this method from outside the cook function in a Python COP, raises hou.OperationFailed.

See also hou.CopNode.allPixels and hou.CopNode.setPixelsOfCookingPlaneFromString. Also see the HOM cookbook and the Python COP documentation for examples.


setPixelsOfCookingPlaneFromString(self, values, component=None, interleaved=True, depth=None, flip_vertically=False)

Set the pixels of the plane being cooked by the currently-running Python COP. This method is like hou.CopNode.setPixelsOfCookingPlane except values contains a binary string representation of the data instead of a sequence of floats. Consequently, this method is faster.

The depth parameter specifies how to interpret the values in the binary string, and is a hou.imageDepth enumerated value. If depth is None, the depth is assumed to be in the depth of the plane being cooked. Note that, by specifying depth explicitly, you can provide data in any depth, regardless of the actual depth stored by the COP.

Note that this method can accept more types that just a string: it can receive any Python object that supports the buffer interface. In particular, arrays from the array and numpy Python modules are supported, so there is no need to first construct strings from those arrays.

See hou.CopNode.setPixelsOfCookingPlane and hou.CopNode.allPixelsAsString for more information.

setRenderFlag(self, on)

Turns the node’s render flag on or off. The render flag controls which node in a compositing network will be rendered to or to disk. The value of the on argument must be True or False.

Raises hou.PermissionError if the node is unwritable.

setTemplateFlag(self, on)

Turns the node’s template flag on or off. The value of the on argument must be True or False.

Raises hou.PermissionError if the node is unwritable.


The membership flag


Returns the x-resolution of the node’s image for the current frame.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the node could not be cooked or opened for processing.


Returns the y-resolution of the node’s image for the current frame.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the node could not be cooked or opened for processing.

class hou.DataParmTemplate(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.ParmTemplate

Describes a parameter tuple containing data values.

dataParmType(self) → hou.dataParmType enum value

Return the type of this data parameter. This type determines whether the parameter stores geometry data or a JSON map structure.

See hou.dataParmType for more information.

defaultExpression(self) → tuple of strings

Return the default expression for new parameter instances.

The default expression takes precendence over the default value. If a component has no default expression (i.e. an empty string), then the default value is used for new parameter instances.

Note that the default expression language is needed to interpret the meaning of the default expression.

For example, suppose this parm template is named “t”, the naming scheme is XYZW, it has 3 components, the default value is (1.0, 2.0, 3.0), the default expression is (“$F”, “hou.frame()”, “”) and the default expression language is (hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript, hou.scriptLanguage.Python, hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript). Then the corresponding parm tuple instance on a node would be named “t” and would contain parameters “tx”, “ty”, “tz”. When the node is created, “tx” would have a default Hscript expression of “$F”, “ty” would have a default Python expression of “hou.frame()”, and “tz” would have a default value of 3.0.

defaultExpressionLanguage(self) → tuple of hou.scriptLanguage

Return the default expression language for new parameter instances.

The default expression language only applies if the default expression is set. If the default expression of a component is not set, then the expression language is set to hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript.

setDefaultExpression(self, default_expression)

Set the default expression for new parameter instances to a sequence of strings.

See the hou.DataParmTemplate.defaultExpression method for more information. Note that if the number of strings in the sequence is different from the number of components in the parm template, any extra values will be discarded and any missing expressions will become the empty string.

setDefaultExpressionLanguage(self, default_expression_language)

Set the default expression language for new parameter instances to a sequence of hou.scriptLanguage values.

See the defaultExpressionLanguage method for more information. Note that if the number of hou.scriptLanguage values in the sequence is different from the number of components in the parm template, any extra values will be discarded and any missing expression languages will become hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript.


The membership flag

class hou.DataTree

Bases: hou.PaneTab

Represents a Data Tree panetab.

clearCurrentPath(self) → str

Clears the node(s) currently selected in the tree.

currentPath(self) → str

Returns the path to the current node in the tree.

setCurrentNodeExpanded(self, expanded)

Sets the expanded state of the currently selected node in the tree. If there is no selected node the method has no effect on the tree.

setCurrentPath(self, path, multi=False, index=-1)

Sets the currently selected node in the tree. If the provided path does not match a node in the tree, the tree will still attempt to set the current node to the best possible match of the provided path.

If multi is set to True, the previous selection will not be cleared before selecting the new the node. This allows multiple nodes to be selected in the tree.

setCurrentPaths(self, paths, expand)

Selects mutliple nodes in the data tree based on the array of paths passed in. If the expand flag is set to True the tree nodes will be expanded after selection.

setTreeExpanded(self, expanded)

Recursively sets the expanded state of the entire data tree.

setTreeType(self, tree_type) → bool

Changes the tree type being displayed in the Data Tree. Valid values are any strings returned by the treeTypes function. Returns True if the tree type was successfully changed, otherwise False.


The membership flag

treeType(self) → str

Returns the current tree type being shown in the Data Tree. This function may return an empty string if no tree type has been chosen yet.

treeTypes(self) → tuple of str

Returns a tuple of strings that represent the different tree types that can be shown in the Data Tree pane.

class hou.Desktop

Bases: object

Class representing a Houdini desktop (a pane layout).

A desktop contains one or more panes. Each pane contains one or more pane tabs of various types (scene viewer, parameters, network editor, etc.) The main desktop window can be split horizontally or vertically into two panes, and each pane can itself be split horizontally or vertically.

Note that a floating panel also contains one or more panes and a floating panel may optionally be attached to a desktop.

The methods in this class that return pane tabs, panes, and floating panels only return those objects that are attached to (i.e. saved with) the desktop. To access all the visible pane tabs, panes, and floating panels, including those not attached to any desktop, use the functions in hou.ui.

See also hou.ui.curDesktop, hou.ui.desktops, hou.Pane, hou.PaneTab, and hou.FloatingPanel.


createFloatingPaneTab(self, pane_tab_type, position=(), size=(), python_panel_interface=None) -> hou.PaneTab

Create and return a new floating window containing a single pane tab. Note that this method creates a floating panel with a single pane tab, and the graphical interface to add more tabs or split the pane inside the panel is not exposed.

A hou.paneTabType enumerated variable.
A tuple of two floats specifying the X and Y positions of the new window, respectively. The window will open near this position, not necessarily exactly at this position. If this value is an empty tuple, Houdini will choose a default location.
A tuple of two floats specifying the width and height of the new window, respectively. If this value is an empty tuple, Houdini will choose a default size.

The name of the Python Panel interface to be displayed in the floating pane tab. Specifying the interface name additionally hides the Python Panel toolbar. If python_panel_interface is None or points to an interface that does not exist then the default Python Panel pane tab is displayed along with the toolbar.

This argument is ignored if pane_tab_type is not set to hou.paneTabType.PythonPanel.

Also note that the floating panel containing the new pane tab does not contain any panes: calling hou.PaneTab.pane on the pane tab returns None, and calling hou.FloatingPanel.panes on its floating panel returns an empty tuple. See hou.FloatingPanel for more information on these stripped down floating panels.

See also hou.Desktop.createFloatingPanel.

The following example function takes a hou.Node and opens a floating parameter pane pinned to that node.

> def openParmPane(node): > ‘’‘Open a floating parameter pane for a particular node.’‘’ > pane_tab = hou.ui.curDesktop().createFloatingPaneTab(hou.paneTabType.Parm) > pane_tab.setCurrentNode(node) > pane_tab.setPin(True) > return pane_tab


createFloatingPanel(self, pane_tab_type, position=(), size=(), python_panel_interface=None) -> hou.FloatingPanel

Create a floating panel and return it. The returned floating panel contains one pane which contains one pane tab of the desired type.

See hou.Desktop.createFloatingPaneTab for a description of the parameters. This method differs from createFloatingPaneTab in two ways: First, it returns the floating panel instead of the pane tab. Second, the floating panel that is created from this method is not locked down, and the user can add more pane tabs and split the panes.

The following example creates a floating panel with a parameters pane tab and a channel viewer (motion viewer) pane tab:

> panel = hou.ui.curDesktop().createFloatingPanel(hou.paneTabType.Parm) > pane1 = panel.panes()[0] > pane2 = pane1.splitVertically() > pane2.tabs()[0].setType(hou.paneTabType.ChannelViewer)

currentPaneTabs(self) → tuple of hou.PaneTab

Return the pane tabs that are contained in this desktop or are in floating panels attached to this desktop and are currently selected in their containing panes.

This method does not return floating pane tabs that are not attached to this desktop. Use hou.ui.currentPaneTabs to get all the selected pane tabs, regardless of whether they are attached to this desktop.

displayHelp(self, node_type)

Loads the help for the specified node type in the last opened help browser pane tab. Creates a help browser pane tab if no such pane tab already exists.

displayHelpPath(self, help_path)

Loads the help for the specified help path in the last opened help browser pane tab. Creates a help browser pane tab if no such pane tab already exists. The path can either be a Houdini help URL (i.e. op:Sop/copy, tool:curve) or a raw help path (i.e. /nodes/sop/copy, shelf/curve).

displayHelpPyPanel(self, interface_name)

Loads the help for the python panel with the specified name in the last opened help browser pane tab. Creates a help browser pane tab if no such pane tab already exists.

Raises HOM_Error if the interface name is invalid.

displaySideHelp(self, show=True) → hou.PaneTab

Show or hide the side help pane.

If show is set to True (default) this method displays the help pane and returns a help browser pane tab. If set to False then this method hides the help browser pane at the side of the desktop and returns None.

findPane(self, pane_id) → hou.Pane or None

Return the pane with the given unique id, or None if no such pane exists. Like hou.Desktop.panes, this method searches panes in the desktop or in floating panels attached to the desktop.

Use hou.ui.findPane to search all the visible panes, regardless of whether they are attached to this desktop.

findPaneTab(self, name) → hou.PaneTab or None

Return the pane tab with the given name, or None if no such tab exists. Like hou.Desktop.paneTabs, this method searches pane tabs in the desktop or in floating panels attached to the desktop.

The name may optionally be prefixed by the desktop name and a period.

Use hou.ui.findPaneTab to search all the visible pane tabs, regardless of whether they are attached to this desktop.

floatingPaneTabs(self) → tuple of hou.PaneTab

Return all the pane tabs in floating panels that are attached to this desktop.

floatingPanels(self) → tuple of hou.FloatingPanel

Return all the floating panels attached to this desktop.

Use hou.ui.floatingPanels to get all the visible floating panels, including those not attached to this desktop.

See also hou.Desktop.floatingPaneTabs.

name(self) → str

Return the desktop’s name.

Each desktop has a unique name. The desktop’s name cannot be changed through either the scripting interface or through Houdini.

paneTabOfType(self, type, index=0) → hou.PaneTab or None

Find and return the pane tab with the desired type. If no such tab exists, return None. Like hou.Desktop.paneTabs, this method searches pane tabs in the desktop or in floating panels attached to the desktop.

Use hou.ui.paneTabOfType to search all the visible pane tabs, regardless of whether they are attached to this desktop.

A hou.paneTabType enumerated variable.
If there are multiple tabs with the desired type, this parameter determines which one is returned. Use index=0 to return the first found tab, index=1 to return the second found tab, etc. By default, index is 0.

This method can be approximately implemented as follows:

> def paneTabOfType(self, tab_type, index=0): > pane_tabs = [t for t in self.paneTabs() if t.type() == tab_type] > > if max(index, 0) > len(pane_tabs): > return None > return pane_tabs[max(index, 0)]


Similar to hou.Desktop.paneUnderCursor but return the hou.PaneTab object instead located under the mouse cursor. Return None if no pane tab is located under the mouse cursor.

This method does not search floating pane tabs that are not attached to this desktop. Use hou.ui.paneTabUnderCursor to search all the visible pane tabs, regardless of whether they are attached to this desktop.

paneTabs(self) → tuple of hou.PaneTab

Return the pane tabs that are contained in this desktop or are in floating panels attached to this desktop.

This method does not return floating pane tabs that are not attached to this desktop. Use hou.ui.paneTabs to get all the visible pane tabs, regardless of whether they are attached to this desktop.


Return the hou.Pane object located under the mouse cursor. Return None if no pane is located under the mouse cursor.

This method does not search floating panes that are not attached to this desktop. Use hou.ui.paneUnderCursor to search all the visible panes, regardless of whether they are attached to this desktop.

panes(self) → tuple of hou.Pane

Return the panes inside this desktop. Note that the result includes panes in floating panels as long as they are attached to the desktop.

The following function will return all visible panes, regardless of whether or not they are attached to a desktop:

> def allPanes(): > ‘’‘Return a tuple of all visible panes, regardless of whether or not > they are attached to a desktop.’‘’ > # Loop through all the pane tabs and add each tab’s pane to the result > # if it’s not already there. Note that the only way to uniquely > # identify a pane is using its id. > ids_to_panes = {} > for pane_tab in hou.ui.paneTabs(): > pane = pane_tab.pane() > if pane.id() not in ids_to_panes: > ids_to_panes[pane.id()] = pane > return ids_to_panes.values()


Make this desktop the currently selected one. See also hou.ui.desktops.

This example changes to the animate desktop:

> desktops_dict = dict((d.name(), d) for d in hou.ui.desktops()) > desktops_dict[‘Animate’].setAsCurrent()

shelfDock(self) → hou.ShelfDock

Return the shelf dock for the current desktop.


The membership flag

class hou.Dialog

Bases: object

Class representing a Houdini dialog.

This class represents only dialogs created by hou..ui.createDialog.

Custom dialogs can be created with Houdini’s User Interface Script Language. An overview of the language can be found in the Houdini Development Kit (HDK) documentation, specifically in the “Houdini User Interface -> The .ui Script Language” section.

addCallback(self, name, callback)

Register a callback function for the specified UI variable.

The function is invoked when the value of the UI variable changes and receives no arguments.

Raises hou.TypeError if name is None. Raises hou.OperationFailed if no UI variable with the specified name exists.

callbacks(self, name) → tuple of callbacks

Return all callback functions registered with the given UI variable.

Raises hou.TypeError if name is None. Raises hou.OperationFailed if no UI variable with the specified name exists.


Delete this dialog.

If you call methods on a Dialog instance after it has been destroyed, Houdini will raise hou.ObjectWasDeleted.

enableValue(self, name, onoff)

Enable or disable the specified UI variable.

Set onoff to True to enable the variable. Set onoff to False to disable the variable.

Raises hou.TypeError if either name is None. Raises hou.OperationFailed if no UI variable with the specified name exists.

menuItems(self, name) → tuple of str

Return the menu entries for the specified UI variable.

Raises hou.TypeError if name is None. Raises hou.OperationFailed if no UI variable with the specified name exists. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the UI variable does not point to a menu.

removeCallback(self, name, callback)

Remove the specified callback function from the UI variable.

Raises hou.TypeError if name is None. Raises hou.OperationFailed if no UI variable with the specified name exists. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the specified callback is not registered with the UI variable.

setMenuItems(self, name, items)

Set the menu entries in the specified UI variable.

Raises hou.TypeError if name is None. Raises hou.OperationFailed if no UI variable with the specified name exists. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the UI variable does not point to a menu.

setValue(self, name, value)

Set the value of the specified UI variable.

Raises hou.TypeError if either name or value is None. Raises hou.OperationFailed if no UI variable with the specified name exists.


The membership flag

value(self, name)

Return the value of the given UI variable.

Raises hou.TypeError if name is None. Raises hou.OperationFailed if no UI variable with the specified name exists.

waitForValueToChangeTo(self, name, new_value)

Wait for the specified UI variable to change its value to new_value.

This is a blocking call. The method will return execution when the variable has changed to the desired value. Note that Houdini will remain responsive even when this method is blocked waiting.

If the variable’s current value is already set to new_value then this method will return immediately.

Raises hou.TypeError if name is None. Raises hou.OperationFailed if no UI variable with the specified name exists.

class hou.DopData

Bases: object

A piece of data stored inside a DOP network’s simulation.

Each DOP network builds a tree of data, and then Houdini examines and updates this tree when it runs the simulation. DOP data elements can be DOP objects, geometry, volumes, forces, solvers, etc. The data is arranged in a tree structure, where child nodes are called subdata and are said to be attached to their parent nodes. Under the root of the tree are usually the DOP objects and data describing their relationships.

Note that the same piece of data can appear in the tree in multiple locations, with different names. DopData objects thus do not store their name, and the name of a piece of data in the tree is instead stored with its parent data(s).

By default, DopData objects store the path within the tree to the data. As a consequence, if the time changes and the solvers within the simulation change the contents of the tree of data, the Python DopData object will update to refer to the simulation’s new state. If the data path no longer refers to valid data, Houdini raises hou.ObjectWasDeleted when you try to access the DopData object from Python.

If you do not want the DopData to update with changes to the simulation, you can call hou.DopData.freeze. freeze returns another DopData object that refers the simulation’s state at the current time, and will not change when the simulation time changes.

Each piece of data can contain records, and each record stores a list of name and value pairs called fields. Each record has a name, but it’s possible for multiple records with the same name to exist in the same piece of data. In this case, the record also has an index, and you can think of the records as rows of a spreadsheet.

attachSubData(self, data, new_data_name, avoid_name_collisions=False)

Make existing data become subdata of this data. Houdini does not create a duplicate of the data. Instead, the data’s parent(s) and this data will both refer to the same instance of subdata. You would call this method from a script solver DOP.

The DopData that will become subdata of this data.
The name of the new subdata.
If True and data with the specified name exists, Houdini will create a unique name that does not conflict with any existing data.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if data with this name already exists. If you want to replace existing data it is up to you to first call hou.DopData.removeData.

Raises hou.PermissionError if called from outside a script solver DOP.

See hou.DopData.copyContentsFrom for an example of how to create a copy of existing data.

copyContentsFrom(self, data)

Copy the contents of the given DopData into this one, adapting the data if it is of a different type. You would call this method from a script solver DOP.

Raises hou.PermissionError if called from outside a script solver DOP.

Use this method along with hou.DopData.createSubData to copy existing subdata:

> def copySubData(new_parent_data, data_to_copy, new_data_name, avoid_name_collisions=False): > ‘’‘Create a copy of data and attach it to other data.’‘’ > new_data = new_parent_data.createSubData(new_data_name, data_to_copy.dataType(), avoid_name_collisions) > new_data.copyContentsFrom(data_to_copy) > return new_data


createSubData(self, data_name, data_type=”SIM_EmptyData”, avoid_name_collisions=False) -> hou.DopData

Create subdata under this data with the specified name and type. You would call this method from a script solver DOP.

The name of the new data. Note that this name may contain slashes to create subdata on existing data.
Either the name of the data type to create or a hou.DopDataType instance. If you simply want something containing an empty options record, use “SIM_EmptyData”.
If True and data with the specified name exists, Houdini will create a unique name that does not conflict with any existing data.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if data with this name already exists. If you want to replace existing data it is up to you to first call hou.DopData.removeData.

Raises hou.PermissionError if called from outside a script solver DOP.

Use hou.DopData.attachSubData to create a reference to existing data. See hou.DopData.copyContentsFrom for an example of how to create a copy of existing data.

creator(self) → hou.DopNode

Return the DOP node that created this DOP data inside the DOP network.

dataType(self) → str
Return a string describing the type of data this object contains.

> >>> obj = hou.node(“/obj/AutoDopNetwork”).simulation().objects()[0] > >>> obj.dataType() > ‘SIM_Object’

See also hou.DopData.dataTypeObject.
dopNetNode(self) → hou.Node

Return the DOP network node containing this DOP data.

findAllSubData(self, data_spec, recurse=False) → dict of str to


Given a pattern, return a dictionary mapping subdata paths to DOP data instances for all the subdatas whose name matches the pattern. If recurse is True, all grandchildren subdata will be added to the result.

> # The following code assumes you have created a box from the shelf and used > # Rigid Bodies > RBD Object on the shelf to make it a rigid body. > >>> obj = hou.node(“/obj/AutoDopNetwork”).simulation().objects()[0] > >>> obj.findAllSubData(“S*”).keys() > [‘SolverParms’, ‘Solver’] > >>> obj.findAllSubData(“S*”, recurse=True).keys() > [‘SolverParms’, ‘Solver/Random’, ‘SolverParms/ActiveValue’, ‘Solver’] > >>> obj.findAllSubData(“S*/*”, recurse=True).keys() > [‘SolverParms/ActiveValue’, ‘Solver/Random’]

findSubData(self, data_spec) → hou.DopData or None

Return the DOP data with the given name that is attached to this DOP data, or None if no such data exists. Note that the name may also be a slash-separated path to nested subdata.

See hou.DopData.subData for an example.

This method can be approximately implemented as follows:

> def findSubData(self, data_spec): > data = self > for name in data_spec.split(“/”): > if name not in data.subData(): > return None > data = data.subData()[name] > return data

freeze(self) → hou.DopData

Return a frozen version of this DopData. Frozen versions of the data will not update when the simulation updates. Instead, they will refer to the state of the simulation at the time they were frozen.

It is ok to call this method on a DopData object that is already frozen.

id(self) → str

Return the globally unique identifier (GUID) for this DOP data. This method is a shortcut for self.record(“Basic”).field(“uniqueid”).

If you want an object’s index, hou.DopObject.objid.

> >>> obj = hou.node(“/obj/AutoDopNetwork”).simulation().objects()[0] > >>> obj.id() > ‘0xD011E41C-0x000034AE-0x494C12E4-0x000018B9’ > >>> obj.objid() > 0

isFrozen(self) → bool

Return whether or not this data is frozen.

See hou.DopData.freeze for more information.

options(self) → hou.DopRecord

Return the Options record. This method is a shortcut for self.record(“Options”).

path(self) → str

Return the path to this object within the tree of DOP data. This path includes the DOP object or relationship as the first part of the path.

Note that the same piece of DOP data can exist in multiple places of the tree. The path returned is the path stored inside this Python DopData object, since the Python object uses the path to look up the underlying data each time you call a method on it.

Note that the path is only available for unfrozen objects. If you call this method on a frozen DopData object it raises hou.OperationFailed.

record(self, record_type, record_index=0) → hou.DopRecord

Given a record type name return that record, or None if no record exists with that name. If this DOP data contains multiple records with this record type name you can think of each record as a row in a spreadsheet, and record_index determines which one is returned. Use len(self.records(record_type)) to determine how many records of this type are in this DOP data.

Use hou.DopData.recordTypes to get a tuple of record types in a DOP data. See also hou.DopData.records for an example, and see hou.DopData.options for a way to easily access the “Options” record.

recordTypes(self) → tuple of str

Return a tuple of strings containing the record types stored inside this DOP data. Each DOP data contains records named “Basic” and “Options”, and some types of DOP data contain additional records.

records(self, record_type) → tuple of hou.DopRecord

Return a tuple of all the records of this record type. See also hou.DopData.record.

This example lists the input affectors for a rigid body box that collides with a ground plane:

> >>> obj = hou.node(“/obj/AutoDopNetwork”).simulation().objects()[-1] > >>> obj.records(“RelInAffectors”) > (<hou.DopRecord of type RelInAffectors index 0>, <hou.DopRecord of type RelInAffectors index 1>) > >>> [record.field(“relname”) for record in obj.records(“RelInAffectors”)] > [‘merge1’, ‘staticsolver1_staticsolver1’] > >>> obj.record(“RelInAffectors”, 1).field(“relname”) > ‘staticsolver1_staticsolver1’

removeSubData(self, data_spec)

Remove subdata with the given name. Raises hou.PermissionError if called from outside a script solver DOP.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if data with that name already exists.

selectionPath(self) → str

For DopData objects returned from a hou.SceneViewer.selectDynamics function call, this will return the a string that contains both the path to the DOP Network that created the data, and the path within the DOP data tree which uniquely identifies this DopData. This string is specifically intended to be passed in the prior_selection_paths argument of the hou.SceneViewer selection methods.

simulation(self) → hou.DopSimulation

Return the DOP simulation containing this DOP data. This method is a shortcut for self.dopNetNode().simulation().

subData(self) → dict of str to hou.DopData
Return a dictionary mapping names to DOP data instances for the subdata attached to this data.

> # The following code assumes you have created a box from the shelf and used > # Rigid Bodies > RBD Object on the shelf to make it a rigid body. > >>> obj = hou.node(“/obj/AutoDopNetwork”).simulation().objects()[0] > >>> obj > <hou.DopObject box_object1 id 0> > >>> obj.recordTypes() > (‘Basic’, ‘Options’, ‘RelInGroup’, ‘RelInAffectors’) > >>> record = obj.record(“Options”) > >>> record.fieldNames() > (‘name’, ‘groups’, ‘affectors’, ‘affectorids’, ‘objid’) > >>> record.field(“name”) > ‘box_object1’ > > >>> obj.subData().keys() > [‘PhysicalParms’, ‘ODE_Body’, ‘Solver’, ‘Geometry’, ‘SolverParms’, ‘ODE_Geometry’, ‘Forces’, ‘Position’, ‘Colliders’] > >>> obj.findSubData(“Forces/Gravity_gravity1”) > <hou.DopData of type SIM_ForceGravity> > >>> obj.findSubData(“Forces/Gravity_gravity1”).options().field(“force”) > <hou.Vector3 [0, -9.80665, 0]>


The membership flag

class hou.DopNode

Bases: hou.Node

Represents a dynamics node.

bypass(self, on)

Turn the node’s bypass flag on or off, making this node have no effect.

createdObjects(self) → tuple of hou.DopObject

Return a tuple of DOP objects that this DOP node creates.

displayNode(self) → hou.Node or None

If this node is a subnet (i.e. it contains child nodes), return the child that has its display flag set, or None if there are no children. Otherwise, return None.

dopNetNode(self) → hou.Node

Return the DOP network node that contains this DOP node.

isBypassed(self) → bool

Returns whether the node’s bypass flag is on.

isDisplayFlagSet(self) → bool

Return whether this node’s display flag is on. This is the orange Output flag in the interface.

isTemplateFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns whether this node’s template flag is on. This is the brown Hidden flag in the interface.

objectsToProcess(self) → tuple of hou.DopObject

Return a tuple of DOP objects that this node should process. Raises hou.PermissionError if called from outside a DOP implemented in Python.

processedObjects(self) → tuple of hou.DopObject

Return a tuple of DOP objects that this DOP node processes.

pythonSolverData(self) → hou.DopData

If this node is a Python DOP solver, return the solver data added to the DOP network by this node. Otherwise, raises hou.PermissionError.

This method is called from Python DOP solvers when the solver is not running, to copy data from the DOP parameters into the solver data.

See also hou.dop.scriptSolverData.

setDisplayFlag(self, on)

Turn the node’s display flag on or off. This the orange Output flag in the interface.

setTemplateFlag(self, on)

Turns this node’s template flag on or off. This is the brown Hidden flag in the interface.

simulation(self) → hou.DopSimulation

Return the simulation that this node contributes to. This method is a shortcut for self.dopNetNode().simulation().


The membership flag

class hou.DopObject

Bases: hou.DopData

A type of DOP data that contains an object in the simulation.

This object might be a rigid body, a fluid, cloth, etc. The type and properties of the DOP object are determined by the subdata attached to the object.

editableGeometry(self, name="Geometry") → hou.EditableDopGeometryGuard

or None

If this method is called from a Python solver DOP and it has SIM_Geometry (or SIM_GeometryCopy) subdata with the given name, it returns a Python guard object that can be used with the “with” statement to access and modify the corresponding hou.Geometry object.

In Python 2.5, the with statement is not enabled by default. To enable it, you need to add the following line at the beginning of your script/module:

> from __future__ import with_statement

For example, the following code in a Python solver DOP will add a point at the origin of the geometry:

> with dop_object.editableGeometry() as geo: > geo.createPoint()

Raises hou.PermissionError if not called from a Python solver DOP.
geometry(self, name="Geometry") → hou.Geometry or None

If this DOP object has SIM_Geometry subdata with the given name, return its corresponding read-only hou.Geometry object. Otherwise, this method returns None.

matches(self, pattern) → bool
Return whether or not this object’s name matches a pattern. * will match any number of characters and ? will match any single character. The pattern string contains only one pattern, so spaces in the pattern will be compared against the object name.

> >>> obj = hou.node(“/obj/AutoDopNetwork”).simulation().objects()[0] > >>> obj.name() > ‘box_object1’ > >>> obj.matches(“box*”) > True > >>> obj.matches(“c*”) > False > >>> obj.matches(“box* b*”) > False > >>> obj.matches(“b?x_object1”) > True

name(self) → str

Return the name of this DOP object.

objid(self) → int

Return the index of this object in the output from hou.DopSimulation.objects. This method is a shortcut for self.options().field(“objid”).

See hou.DopData.id for an example.

Some fields in DOP records store an objid to refer to other objects. The following function looks up an object by objid:

> def findObjectByObjid(dopnet_node, objid): > return dopnet_node.simulation().objects()[objid]


The membership flag

transform(self, include_geometry_transform=True) → hou.Matrix4

Return the transformation matrix for this object. If include_geometry_transform is False, the result is determined only by the object’s Position data. Otherwise, it is the transform in the object’s Geometry data, followed by the position transform.

For simple DopData types, this method can be approximately implemented as follows:

> def transform(self, include_geometry_transform=True): > result = hou.hmath.identityTransform() > > geometry = self.findSubData(“Geometry”) > if include_geometry_transform and geometry is not None: > result *= geometry.record(“Transform”).field(“transform”) > > # Retrieve the position. If there is Geometry data, use its > # positionpath field to get the SIM_Position subdata. If not, look > # for data named Position. > position = None > if geometry is not None: > position = geometry.findSubData( > geometry.options().field(“positionpath”)) > if position is None: > position = self.findSubData(“Position”) > > # If we found position data, build a transformation from the pivot, > # rotation quaternion, and translate. > if position is not None: > options = position.options() > rotation = hou.Matrix4(options.field(“orient”).extractRotationMatrix3()) > result *= (hou.hmath.buildTranslate(-options.field(“p”)) * > rotation * > hou.hmath.buildTranslate(options.field(“p”)) * > hou.hmath.buildTranslate(options.field(“t”))) > > return result

class hou.DopRecord

Bases: object

A table of values stored inside a DopData.

See hou.DopData for a description of DOP data, records, and fields.

field(self) → int, bool, float, str, hou.Vector2, hou.Vector3,

hou.Vector4, hou.Quaternion, hou.Matrix3, or hou.Matrix4

Return the value of a field inside this record, or None if no such field exists.

Note that you can add the suffixes “x”, “y”, and “z” to a vector field’s name to access the individual float values.

> # The following code assumes you have created a box from the shelf and used > # Rigid Bodies > RBD Object on the shelf to make it a rigid body. > >>> record = hou.node(“/obj/AutoDopNetwork”).simulation().findData(“box_object1/Forces/Gravity_gravity1”).options() > >>> record.fieldNames() > (‘force’, ‘handlepos’) > >>> record.field(“force”) > <hou.Vector3 [0, -9.80665, 0]> > >>> record.field(“forcey”) > -9.8066501617431641 > >>> record.fieldType(“force”) > fieldType.Vector3 > >>> record.fieldType(“forcey”) > fieldType.Float

This example function creates a dict out of a record:

> def recordAsDict(record): > return dict((field_name, record.field(field_name)) > for field_name in record.fieldNames())

The following function returns the geometry transform of an object:

> def dopGeometryTransform(dopnet_node, object_name): > subdata = dopnet_node.simulation().findObject(object_name).findSubData(“Geometry”) > return subdata.record(“Transform”).field(“transform”)

fieldNames(self) → tuple of str

Return the names of all the fields inside this record. See hou.DopRecord.field for an example.

fieldType(self, field_name) → hou.fieldType enum value

Return a hou.fieldType enumerated value that describes the type of data stored in a field. Returns hou.fieldType.NoSuchField if no field exists with that name.

See hou.DopRecord.field for an example.

recordIndex(self) → int

Return the index of this record. See hou.DopData.record and hou.DopData.records for more information.

recordType(self) → str

Return the name of this record. See hou.DopData.recordTypes for more information.

setField(self, field_name, value)

Set a field to the specified value. You would call this method from a script solver DOP. value may be an int, float, str, hou.Vector2, hou.Vector3, hou.Vector4, hou.Quaternion, hou.Matrix3, or hou.Matrix4.

Unfortunately, this method cannot be used to set a field to a boolean (True or False) value. If you pass a boolean to this method, it will set the field to the integer 1 or 0. To properly set it to a boolean value, use hou.DopRecord.setFieldBool.

Raises hou.PermissionError if called from outside a script solver DOP.

setFieldBool(self, field_name, value)

Set a field to the specified boolean value. You would call this method from a script solver DOP.

To set a field to a different type, use hou.DopRecord.setField.

Raises hou.PermissionError if called from outside a script solver DOP.


The membership flag

class hou.DopRelationship

Bases: hou.DopData

A type of DOP data that stores which DOP objects affect one another.

In addition to the “Basic” and “Options” records, a DopRelationship contains “ObjInAffectors” and “ObjInGroup” records. The former contains the objects doing the affecting and the latter contains the objects being affected.

See hou.DopSimulation.relationships for an example.

matches(self, pattern) → bool

Return whether or not this relationship’s name matches a pattern. See hou.DopObject.matches for more information.

name(self) → str

Return the name of this DOP relationship.

setAffectorGroup(self, objects)

Sets the list of objects that are doing the affecting. This corresponds to the “ObjInAffectors” record.

objects: A list of DOP objects.

Raises hou.PermissionError if called from outside a Python DOP.

setGroup(self, objects)

Sets the list of objects that are being affected. This corresponds to the “ObjInGroup” record.

objects: A list of DOP objects.

Raises hou.PermissionError if called from outside a Python DOP.


The membership flag

class hou.DopSimulation

Bases: object

A dynamics simulation contained inside a DOP network node.

See hou.DopData for more information about the contents of a DOP simulation. Note that methods of this class implicitly use the simulation data from the current frame.

createObject(self, name, solve_on_creation_frame) → hou.DopObject

Create and return a new DOP object, or return None if the object was not created successfully.

The name of the new object.
If True, the object will be solved on its first frame of existance.

Raises hou.PermissionError if called from outside a Python DOP.

Use hou.DopData.copyContentsFrom to clone data from an existing object.

createRelationship(self, name) → hou.DopRelationship

Create and return a new DOP relationship, or return None if the relationship was not created successfully.

The name of the new relationship.

Raises hou.PermissionError if called from outside a Python DOP.

Use hou.DopData.copyContentsFrom to clone data from an existing relationship, and use hou.DopRelationship.setGroup and hou.DopRelationship.setAffectorGroup to update the “ObjInGroup” and “ObjInAffectors” records.

dopNetNode(self) → hou.Node

Return the DOP network node containing this simulation.

findAllData(self, data_spec) → tuple of hou.DopData

Given a pattern, return a tuple of DOP data whose names match the pattern. See also hou.DopSimulation.findData.

findAllObjects(self, obj_spec) → tuple of hou.DopObject
Given a pattern, return a tuple of DOP objects whose names match the pattern.

> >>> simulation = hou.node(“/obj/AutoDopNetwork”).simulation() > >>> [obj.name() for obj in simulation.findAllObjects(“box_object?”)] > [‘box_object1’, ‘box_object2’] > >>> [obj.name() for obj in simulation.findAllObjects(“o* b*”)] > [‘obj1’, ‘obj2’, ‘box_object1’, ‘box_object2’]

findAllRelationships(self, rel_spec) → tuple of hou.DopRelationship

Return a tuple of hou.DopRelationship objects whose names match a pattern. See also hou.DopSimulation.relationships and hou.DopSimulation.findRelationship.

findData(self, data_spec) → hou.DopData or None

Return the DOP data with the given name. Note that the name may also be a slash-separated path to nested subdata.

If the data path refers to a DOP object, this method returns a hou.DopObject instance. If it refers to a DOP relationship, it returns a hou.DopRelationship instance. Otherwise, it returns a hou.DopData instance.

Note this method implicitly uses the simulation data from the current frame.

See also hou.DopData.findSubData.

findObject(self, obj_spec) → hou.DopObject or None

Return the DOP object with the given name, or None if no object exists with that name. See also hou.DopSimulation.findData and hou.DopSimulation.objects.

findRelationship(self, rel_spec) → hou.DopRelationship

Find a DOP relationship by name. Return None if no such relationship with that name exists. See also hou.DopSimulation.relationships.


Return the simulation’s total memory usage.

objects(self) → tuple of hou.DopData

Return a tuple of all the DOP objects in the simulation.

You cannot index into this list using the object ID (see hou.DopObject.objid). To create a dictionary mapping object IDs to hou.DopObjects, do this:

> id_dict = dict((obj.objid(), obj) for obj in simulation.objects())

relationships(self) → tuple of hou.DopRelationship
Return a tuple of hou.DopRelationship objects for all the DOP relationships in the simulation.

> # The following example assumes you have created two box objects and made > # them rigid bodies. > >>> simulation = hou.node(“/obj/AutoDopNetwork”).simulation() > >>> relationship = simulation.relationships()[1] > >>> affecting_objects = [ > … simulation.objects()[record.field(“objid”)] > … for record in relationship.records(“ObjInAffectors”)] > >>> [obj.name() for obj in affecting_objects] > [‘box_object1’] > >>> affected_objects = [ > … simulation.objects()[record.field(“objid”)] > … for record in relationship.records(“ObjInGroup”)] > >>> [obj.name() for obj in affected_objects] > [‘box_object2’]

removeObject(self, object)

Remove the given DOP object from the simulation.

The hou.DopObject to remove.

Raises hou.PermissionError if called from outside a Python DOP.

removeRelationship(self, rel)

Remove the given DOP relationship from the simulation.

The hou.DopRelationship to remove.

Raises hou.PermissionError if called from outside a Python DOP.


The membership flag


Return the simulation’s current time. This value is often the same as hou.time, unless it is called from a Python solver DOP or the Time Scale or Offset Time parameters of the DOP network have been changed from their default values.

class hou.Drawable(*args)

Bases: object

Represents extra geometry to draw in the viewer alongside user content (for example, as guide geometry).


You can attach geometry to a viewer in a Drawable object, causing the geometry to appear in the viewer even though the geometry is not actually part of the scene. This is useful to show _guide geometry_ in a custom Python state.

> import hou > # Create an empty geometry object > geo = hou.Geometry() > # Get the verb from the Box node > box_verb = hou.sopNodeTypeCategory().nodeVerb(“box”) > # Set the verb’s parameters > box_verb.setParms({ > “t”: hou.Vector3(0.5, 0.5, -0.5), > “scale”: 0.5, > }) > # Execute the verb and put its output in the Geometry object > box_verb.execute(geo, []) > > # Grab a reference to the viewer > scene_viewer = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.SceneViewer) > # Create a Drawable object > drawable = hou.Drawable(scene_viewer, geo, “my_guide”) > # Set the Drawable display mode as wireframe (this is the default) > drawable.setDisplayMode(hou.drawableDisplayMode.WireframeMode) > # Enable and show the drawable geometry > drawable.enable(True) > drawable.show(True) > # Tumble the view to see the geometry > import hou > # Create a geometry from the Sphere node > sphere_verb = hou.sopNodeTypeCategory().nodeVerb(“sphere”) > geo = hou.Geometry() > sphere_verb.execute(geo, []) > > # Add color and alpha attributes to the sphere > color_attrib = geo.addAttrib(hou.attribType.Prim, “Cd”, (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) > alpha_attrib = geo.addAttrib(hou.attribType.Prim, “Alpha”, 1.0) > > color = hou.Color(1.0, 0.0, 0.0) > for prim in geo.prims(): > prim.setAttribValue(color_attrib, color.rgb()) > prim.setAttribValue(alpha_attrib, 0.7) > > # Create a Drawable object > scene_viewer = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.SceneViewer) > drawable = hou.Drawable(scene_viewer, geo, “my_sphere”) > # Set the Drawable display mode with the current viewport shading mode > drawable.setDisplayMode(hou.drawableDisplayMode.CurrentViewportMode) > # Set the size of the sphere > drawable.setTransform(hou.hmath.buildScale(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)) > drawable.enable(True) > drawable.show(True)


  • The Drawable object keeps a reference to the Geometry object you pass. You can change the Geometry object’s contents and the next time the viewer redraws it will draw the new contents.

  • When you create the Drawable object, it is disabled and hidden. You need to call enable(True) and then show(True) for the geometry to appear.

  • Even after they are activated and shown, Drawable geometry does not appear in the viewer until the next redraw (for example, when the user changes the view).

    You can force an individual viewport to redraw using hou.GeometryViewport.draw.

    > scene_viewer.curViewport().draw()

  • You can generate the contents of a Geometry object from scratch using verbs, or grab a copy of the output of a SOP node using hou.SopNode.geometry.

  • You can also use hou.drawablePrimitive to specify a built-in shape to generate the content of a Drawable object.

  • enabling/disabling a drawable may cause performances issues if performed too often, especially with large geometries. It’s good practice to use show instead of enable for hiding and showing a drawable.

  • It’s also good practice to disable drawables when they are not actively used in a viewer.

  • The drawable geometry will appear in the viewer until you disable it, or the Drawable object is deleted. If there are no references to the object, Python will automatically delete it during garbage collection, and the guide geometry will disappear. So, you need to make sure to keep a live reference to the object as long as you want it to appear.

    If you’re using Drawable to draw guide geometry for a custom state, you will generally store a reference to the Drawable object on the state implementation object.

enable(self, value)

Enables or disables the drawing of the geometry.

True to enable or False to disable the drawing.

The name of this drawable.


displayMode(self): -> hou.drawableDisplayMode

Returns the display mode of the geometry.
setTransform(self, xform)

Sets the transform matrix of the geometry. The changes will appear the next time the viewer redraws.

A hou.Matrix4 transformation matrix to set the geometry’s tranlation, rotation, and scale.
setWireframeColor(self, color)

Updates the color of the geometry when the drawable display mode is set to hou.drawableDisplayMode.WireframeMode. The change will appear the next time the viewer redraws.

A hou.Color value to specify the primitive color.
show(self, value)

Displays or hides the geometry in the viewport. The object must be enabled first. It will appear the next time the viewer redraws.

True to show the geometry or False to hide it.

The membership flag


transform(self): -> hou.Matrix4

Returns the geometry transform matrix.
class hou.Edge

Bases: object

Each Edge object resides inside a Geometry object and stores an edge. Edges are reprsented as pairs of points.

edgeId(self) → str

Return a string such as p8-9 that identifies the edge

length(self) → float

Returns the length of this edge

points(self) → tuple of hou.Point

Return a tuple of the points that make up this edge.

prims(self) → tuple of hou.Prim

Return a tuple of the prims that has this edge


The membership flag

class hou.EdgeGroup

Bases: object

A named group of edges inside a Geometry object.

Edge groups reside inside the geometry, and each edge group has a unique name.

See hou.Edge for more information about edges. See also hou.PrimGroup and hou.PointGroup.


add(self, edge_or_list_or_edge_group)

If given a hou.Edge or a list of hou.Edge’s, add the edge(s) to the group. If given a hou.EdgeGroup, merge the contents of the other edge group with this group (the other group is unaffected). You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

It is ok to add edges to the group that were already in the group.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the edge or edge group belong to a different geometry object than this group.

contains(self, edge) → bool

Return whether or not an edge is in this group.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the edge belongs to a different geometry object than this group.


Remove this group from the geometry. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

edges(self) → tuple of hou.Edge

Return the contents of this group.

geometry(self) → hou.Geometry

Return the geometry object containing this group.


Return the name of the group. Each edge group has a unique name.

remove(self, edge_or_list_or_edge_group)

If given a hou.Edge or a list of hou.Edge’s, remove the edge(s) from the group. If given a hou.EdgeGroup, remove all edges in the other group from this group (the other group is unaffected). You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

It is not an error to try to remove an edge from the group that wasn’t already in the group.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the edge belongs to a different geometry object than this group.


The membership flag

class hou.EditableDopGeometryGuard

Bases: object


The membership flag

class hou.EnumValue

Bases: object

This class is the base class for an enumeration value. It cannot be instanced and is not meant to be used directly by the user.

All the built-in HOM enumeration values are derived from this class such as hou.paneTabType.*, hou.severityType.*, and hou.connectivityType.*.

name(self) → string

Returns the name of the enumeration value.


The membership flag

class hou.Error(*args)

Base class for all exceptions in the hou module.

You can check if an exception instance is a Houdini-specific exception using isinstance(ex, hou.Error).

description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.

instanceMessage(self) → str

Return a message specific to the exception instance.

class hou.Face

Bases: hou.Prim

A Face is a kind of geometry primitive (Prim object) that contains a sequence of vertices (Vertex objects). How these vertices are used depends on the type of face; polygons, for example, use the vertices to define the edges of the polygon, while NURBS curves use them as control points.

A hou.Surface, on the other hand, stores a two dimension grid of vertices, and might be a NURBS surface, Bezier surface, or quadrilateral mesh.

addVertex(self, point) → hou.Vertex

Create a new vertex inside this face, adding it to the end of the vertex list. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

point is a hou.Point object that the new vertex will refer to. See hou.Vertex for information on the relationship between points and vertices.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

> # These arrays define point positions and a set of polygons composed > # of those points. Note that the point positions could also be floating > # point values. > point_positions = ((0,0,0), (1,0,0), (1,1,0), (0,1,0)) > poly_point_indices = ((0,1,2), (2,3,0)) > > geo = hou.pwd().geometry() > > # Create all the points. > points = [] > for position in point_positions: > points.append(geo.createPoint()) > points[-1].setPosition(position) > > # Now create the polygons, adding vertices that refer to the points. > for point_indices in poly_point_indices: > poly = geo.createPolygon() > for point_index in point_indices: > poly.addVertex(points[point_index])

See also:
  • hou.Geometry.createPoint
  • hou.Geometry.createPolygon
arcLength(self, u_start, u_stop, divs=10) → float

Given normalized (i.e. from 0 to 1) u_start and u_stop values, return the length of the arc of curve. divs represents the number of divisions per spans. Increasing it increases the precision of the computation.

attribValueAt(self, attrib_or_name, u, du=0) → int, float, str or tuple

Return an attribute value at a normalized u parametric position on the curve. If du is 0, returns the interpolated attribute value; otherwise, returns the derivative of the attribute value.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the attribute is not a point or vertex attribute. If you want a primitive attribute value, it doesn’t vary across the surface, so use hou.Prim.attribValue.

isClosed(self) → bool

Return whether the first and last vertex are connected.

An open face forms a multi-segment line or curve, since the first and last vertices are not connected. A closed face forms a very thin surface.

normal(self) → hou.Vector3

Return the vector that’s perpendicular to the face.

positionAt(self, u) → hou.Vector3

Given a normalized (i.e. from 0 to 1) u value, return the position of the curve at that parametric location.

setIsClosed(self, on)

Set whether the face is open or closed. See hou.Face.isClosed for more information. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

Note that this method will raise hou.OperationFailed on a Bezier curve. See hou.Geometry.createBezierCurve for more information.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.


The membership flag

vertex(self, index) → hou.Vertex

A shortcut for self.vertices()[index]. You probably don’t need to call this method.

This method supports negative indices to index from the end, just like self.vertices()[index] would. Also, like Python’s indexing operator, it will raise IndexError when the index is out of range.

class hou.FlipbookSettings

Bases: object

A collection of options for the viewport flipbook dialog.

The viewport flipbook has a set of options beyond the Display Options provided by the viewport itself. This object contains all these settings.

  • Use hou.SceneViewer.flipbookSettings to get this object representing the current flipbook settings for the viewer. Changing the options on this object changes the settings for future interactive flipbooks generated from the viewer.
  • You can also pass the settings object directly to hou.SceneViewer.flipbook to generate a flipbook using the current settings.
  • To generate a flipbook using custom settings, first use hou.SceneViewer.flipbookSettings to get the current settings, and call hou.FlipbookSettings.stash to create a copy (so changing the options won’t affect the viewer’s interactive options). Then modify the settings and pass the object to hou.SceneViewer.flipbook.

> # Copy the viewer’s current flipbook settings > flipbook_options = scene.flipbookSettings().stash() > > # Change the settings however you need > # (for example, set the frame range and output filename) > flipbook_options.frameRange( (frame, frame) ) > flipbook_options.output(filename) > > # Generate the flipbook using the modified settings > scene.flipbook(scene.curViewport(), flip_options)

LUT(self) → str

The current LUT used for flipbooking.

antialias(self) → hou.flipbookAntialias
Query the current flipbook antialiasing setting:
  • hou.flipbookAntialias.UseViewportSetting: Use the current viewport setting.
  • hou.flipbookAntialias.Off: No antialiasing.
  • hou.flipbookAntialias.Fast: Minimal 2-sample antialiasing.
  • hou.flipbookAntialias.Good: 4-sample antialiasing.
  • hou.flipbookAntialias.HighQuality: 8-sample antialiasing.
aperture(self) → double

Query the default aperture setting.

appendFramesToCurrent(self) → bool

The current state of the flipbook append mode, either Append (True) or Overwrite (False).

audioFilename(self, audio_file)

The current audio file used by the flipbook.

audioFrameStart(self) → double

The frame where the audio will be playing audioTimeOffset seconds.

audioTimeOffset(self) → double

The audio time that will be playing at audioFrameStart frames.

backgroundImage(self) → str

The pathname of the background image or images.

beautyPassOnly(self) → bool

The current state of the beauty pass render flag.

blockEditing(self) → bool

The current state of block editing mode.

copy(self, from_settings)

Copy all settings in from_settings into this object.

cropOutMaskOverlay(self) → bool

Query if the resulting image will be cropped to the camera area.

depthOfFieldFromCamera(self) → bool

Query if the depth of field parameters (focusDistance, aperture, fStop) are sourced from a camera (True) or the flipbook dialog settings

depthOfFieldQuality(self) → double

Return the number of images rendered to simulate depth of field blur.

fStop(self) → double

Query the f-stop setting.

focusDistance(self) → double

Query the focus distance setting, the distance from the camera where objects are perfectly in focus.

frameIncrement(self) → int

The current frame increment of the flipbook.

frameRange(self) → tuple of double

The current frame range of the flipbook, as a tuple of 2 ints (start, end).

gamma(self) → double

The current gamma value.

initializeSimulations(self) → bool

The current state of simulation initialization. True indicates that simulations will be reset, and False indicates that any cached results will be used.

leaveFrameAtEnd(self) → bool

Query if the playbar frame is being left at the last frame (True) or restored to the previous frame (False).

motionBlurFrameRange(self) → hou.flipbookMotionBlurBias
Query the subframe range for motion blur:
  • hou.flipbookMotionBlurBias.Centered: Subframe range is centered around the currently rendering frame.
  • hou.flipbookMotionBlurBias.Forward: Subframe range starts at the currently rendering frame.
  • hou.flipbookMotionBlurBias.Previous: Subframe range ends at the currently rendering frame.
motionBlurSegments(self) → int

Query the number of subframes currently used for motion blur.

output(self) → str

The current output destination for flipbooking.

outputToMPlay(self) → bool

Query if images are being sent to an interactive MPlay sesion.

outputZoom(self) → int

Query the output zoom level. Valid settings are 100, 75, 50, and 25.

overrideGamma(self) → bool

The current state of the gamma override.

overrideLUT(self) → bool

The current state of the LUT override.

renderAllViewports(self) → bool

Render all visible viewports (True), or only the currently selected one.

resolution(self) → tuple of int

Returns a 2-tuple of ints representing the width and height of the flipbook dialog image output resolution. This is not used unless useResolution is enabled.

scopeChannelKeyframesOnly(self) → bool

The current state of scoped keyframe mode.

sessionLabel(self) → str

The current flipbook session label.

shutter(self) → double

Query the current camera shutter for motion blur.

shutterFromCamera(self) → bool

Query if the shutter is sourced from the camera or the flipbook dialog.

stash(self) → hou.FlipbookSettings

Return a new copy of this FlipbookSettings object. Changes to this new object will not update the flipbook dialog, but can be passed to hou.SceneViewer.flipbook() as the settings to use.


The membership flag

useDepthOfField(self) → bool

Query if depth of field rendering is on.

useMotionBlur(self) → bool

Query if motion blur is enabled.

useResolution(self) → bool

Query if the resolution is defined by the flipbook dialog (True) or by the current size of the viewport (False).

visibleObjects(self) → str

The current visibility list for objects to be rendered.

visibleTypes(self) → hou.flipbookObjectType

The current visible object types.

class hou.FloatParmTemplate(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.ParmTemplate

Describes a parameter tuple containing floating point values.

defaultExpression(self) → tuple of strings

Return the default expression for new parameter instances.

The default expression takes precendence over the default value. If a component has no default expression (i.e. an empty string), then the default value is used for new parameter instances.

Note that the default expression language is needed to interpret the meaning of the default expression.

For example, suppose this parm template is named “t”, the naming scheme is XYZW, it has 3 components, the default value is (1.0, 2.0, 3.0), the default expression is (“$F”, “hou.frame()”, “”) and the default expression language is (hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript, hou.scriptLanguage.Python, hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript). Then the corresponding parm tuple instance on a node would be named “t” and would contain parameters “tx”, “ty”, “tz”. When the node is created, “tx” would have a default Hscript expression of “$F”, “ty” would have a default Python expression of “hou.frame()”, and “tz” would have a default value of 3.0.

defaultExpressionLanguage(self) → tuple of hou.scriptLanguage

Return the default expression language for new parameter instances.

The default expression language only applies if the default expression is set. If the default expression of a component is not set, then the expression language is set to hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript.

defaultValue(self) → tuple of float

Return the default value for new parameter instances.

For example, suppose this parm template is named “t”, the naming scheme is XYZW, it has 3 components, and the default value is (1.0, 2.0, 3.0). The corresponding parm tuple instance on a node would be named “t” and would contain parameters “tx”, “ty”, and “tz”. When the node is created, “tx” would be 1.0, “ty” would be 2.0, and “tz” would be 3.0.

maxIsStrict(self) → bool

Return whether the maximum value is strictly enforced.

See the minIsStrict method for more information.

maxValue(self) → float

Return the minimum value of the parameter.

See also the minIsStrict method.

minIsStrict(self) → bool

Return whether the minimum value is strictly enforced.

If a minimum value is not strictly enforced, the slider will not let you change the value below the minimum, but you can set the value to be lower than the minimum by typing it in, changing it via hou.Parm.setValue, or using the ladder handle.

If it is strictly enforced and you try to change it below the minimum value using any mechanism, Houdini will set it to the minimum value.

See also the minValue method.

minValue(self) → float

Return the minimum value of the parameter.

See also the minIsStrict method.

setDefaultExpression(self, default_expression)

Set the default expression for new parameter instances to a sequence of strings.

See the hou.FloatParmTemplate.defaultExpression method for more information. Note that if the number of strings in the sequence is different from the number of components in the parm template, any extra values will be discarded and any missing expressions will become the empty string.

setDefaultExpressionLanguage(self, default_expression_language)

Set the default expression language for new parameter instances to a sequence of hou.scriptLanguage values.

See the defaultExpressionLanguage method for more information. Note that if the number of hou.scriptLanguage values in the sequence is different from the number of components in the parm template, any extra values will be discarded and any missing expression languages will become hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript.

setDefaultValue(self, default_value)

Set the default value for new parameter instances to a sequence of floats.

See the defaultValue method for more information. Note that if the number of floats in the sequence is different from the number of components in the parm template, any extra values will be discarded and any missing values will become zeros.

setMaxIsStrict(self, on)

Set whether the maximum value is strictly enforced.

See the maxIsStrict method for more information.

setMaxValue(self, max_value)

Set the maximum value of the parameter.

See the maxValue method for more information.

setMinIsStrict(self, on)

Set whether the minimum value is strictly enforced.

See the minIsStrict method for more information.

setMinValue(self, min_value)

Set the minimum value of the parameter.

See the minValue method for more information.


The membership flag

class hou.FloatingPanel

Bases: object

A floating window that contains one or more panes.

Much like a desktop, a floating panel contains panes. A floating panel may be attached to a desktop, in which case it is saved with the desktop, hidden when the desktop is closed, and shown when the desktop is opened. You can use floating panels to create desktops that span multiple monitors.

When you create a new floating panel, for example, it contains a single pane, which in turn contains a single pane tab showing the network editor.

Note that a floating panel may be locked to one particular pane tab. These stripped down panels do not display the interface for adding new pane tabs or splitting panes. In fact, these stripped down floating panels do not contain any panes at all, and hou.FloatingPanel.panes will return an empty tuple. You can create such a stripped down floating panel with hou.Desktop.createFloatingPaneTab.

See hou.Desktop for more information about panes and pane tabs.

attachToDesktop(self, on)

Attach this panel to the desktop. See hou.FloatingPanel.isAttachedToDesktop for more information.


Close the floating panel’s window, closing all the pane tabs inside it.

containsMenuBar(self) → bool

Return whether or not this panel contains Houdini’s main menu bar.

See also hou.FloatingPanel.setContainsMenuBar.

containsPlaybar(self) → bool

Return whether or not this panel contains Houdini’s playbar.

See also hou.FloatingPanel.setContainsPlaybar.

containsShelf(self) → bool

Return whether or not this panel contains Houdini’s shelf.

See also hou.FloatingPanel.setContainsShelf.

containsStatusBar(self) → bool

Return whether or not this panel contains Houdini’s status bar (the bar at the bottom of the desktop for status messages).

See also hou.FloatingPanel.setContainsStatusBar.

findPaneTab(self, name) → hou.PaneTab or None

Return the pane tab with the given name, or None if no such tab exists.

isAttachedToDesktop(self) → bool

Return whether or not this panel is attached to the desktop. Panels attached to the desktop are saved with the desktop and are opened when the desktop is opened and closed when the desktop is closed.

See also hou.FloatingPanel.attachToDesktop.

isFullscreen(self) → bool

Return whether or not this panel is in full screen mode.

See also hou.FloatingPanel.setIsFullscreen.

name(self) → str

Return the name of the floating panel. The panel’s name is displayed in its window’s title.

paneTabOfType(self, type, index=0) → hou.PaneTab or None

Find and return the pane tab with the desired type or None if no such pane tab exists.

A hou.paneTabType enumerated variable.
If there are multiple tabs with the desired type, this parameter determines which one is returned. Use index=0 to return the first found tab, index=1 to return the second found tab, etc. By default, index is 0.
paneTabs(self) → tuple of hou.PaneTab

Return all the pane tabs that are in this floating panel, regardless of which pane they are in.

panes(self) → tuple of hou.Pane

Return all the panes inside the panel. As mentioned in the documentation for this class, a floating panel may be stripped down and locked to one particular pane tab, and these stripped down floating panels do not contain any panes.

position(self) → hou.Vector2

Return the desktop position (in pixels) of the floating panel window.

setContainsMenuBar(self, on)

If on is True, move Houdini’s main menu bar to this panel. Otherwise, move it back to the main desktop window.

See also hou.FloatingPanel.containsMenuBar.

setContainsPlaybar(self, on)

If on is True, move Houdini’s playbar to this panel. Otherwise, move it back to the main desktop window.

See also hou.FloatingPanel.containsPlaybar.

setContainsShelf(self, on)

If on is True, move Houdini’s shelf to this panel. Otherwise, move it back to the main desktop window.

See also hou.FloatingPanel.containsShelf.

setContainsStatusBar(self, on)

If on is True, move Houdini’s status bar to this panel. Otherwise, move it back to the main desktop window.

See also hou.FloatingPanel.containsStatusBar.

setIsFullscreen(self, on)

Set whether or not this panel is in full screen mode.

See also hou.FloatingPanel.isFullscreen.

setName(self, name)

Set this panel’s name. Any characters in the name that are not letters, numbers, or underscores are replaced with underscores.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the name is an empty string.

setPosition(self, position)

Move the floating panel window to the specified desktop position (in pixels).

Raise hou.TypeError if position does not contain exactly two values.

setSize(self, size)

Resize the floating panel window (in pixels).

Raise hou.TypeError if size does not contain exactly two values. Raise hou.TypeError if size contains a value that is less than or equal to zero.

size(self) → hou.Vector2

Return the floating panel window’s size (in pixels).


The membership flag

class hou.FolderParmTemplate(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.ParmTemplate

Describes a folder in a parameter dialog.

Unlike all other hou.ParmTemplate subclasses, a folder does not correspond to an individual hou.ParmTuple. Instead, the set of adjacent folders form a folder set, and there is one parameter for this set that controls which folder is currently visible. These folder sets correspond to hou.FolderSetParmTemplate objects.

Folder parm template objects are useful when manipulating the parameter interface of a node or a digital asset definition. Unlike folder set parm templates, they contain the parm templates inside the folder. They also let you add, remove, or hide an individual folder or move it from set one to another using hou.ParmTemplateGroup objects. Doing these individual folder-level operations is not possible with folder set parm templates.

Note that folder parm templates are also used to represent multiparm blocks, much like the <Type Properties> dialog does. The folder parm template’s hou.folderType determines whether it is a folder or a multiparm block. Unlike folder parm templates, which do not correspond directly to parameter instances, a multiparm parm template does correspond to an integer parameter that controls the number of instances of the multiparm.

addParmTemplate(self, parm_template)

Append a parm template to the end of the list of parm templates inside the folder.

Note that hou.ParmTemplateGroup provides a number of methods to insert parm templates inside folders, including hou.ParmTemplateGroup.appendToFolder.

defaultValue(self) → int

Return the integer default value.

The default value is only used for folders that are multiparm blocks, and controls the default number of multiparm instances in newly created nodes.

endsTabGroup(self) → bool

Return whether this folder will be the last in the folder set, even if the next parameter is also a folder. In that case, the next parameter will begin a new folder set.

This parameter only has meaning if the parm template is for an actual folder and not for a multiparm block.

folderType(self) → hou.folderType enum value

Return the type of folder. Note that the folder may actually be a multiparm block.

isActualFolder(self) → bool

Return whether or not this parm template corresponds to an actual folder, as opposed to a multiparm or import block.

This method can be implemented as follows:

> def isActualFolder(self): > return self.folderType() in ( > hou.folderType.Tabs, hou.folderType.RadioButtons)

parmTemplates(self) → tuple of hou.ParmTemplate

Return a tuple of copies of the parm templates stored inside this folder.

Because copies are returned, you cannot change the contents of the parm templates inside this folder by modifying the parm templates returned. Instead, use methods in hou.ParmTemplateGroup to modify parm templates in this folder.

setDefaultValue(self, default_value)

Set the default value to an integer.

The default value is only used for folders that are multiparm blocks. See the defaultValue method for more information.

setFolderType(self, folder_type)

Set the type of folder to a hou.folderType enum value.

setParmTemplates(self, parm_templates)

Replace the parm templates inside this folder with a new sequence of parm templates.


The membership flag

class hou.FolderSetParmTemplate(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.ParmTemplate

Describes a set of folders.

A folder set is a group of adjacent folders, and only one of those folders can be displayed at a time. A folder set corresponds to one parameter, and the value of that parameter determines which folder is displayed.

Note that there is also a hou.FolderParmTemplate class. Folder sets are used when there is a mapping to a parameter; for example, asking a hou.ParmTuple for its parm template may return a folder set, but it will never return a folder. Folder parm templates are used by hou.ParmTemplateGroup because they easily let you add, remove, and move individual folders, and they let you easily place parameters inside folders. Attempting to place folder set parm templates in hou.ParmTemplateGroup objects will raise hou.OperationFailed.


setFolderNames(self, folder_names)

Set the names of the folders in this set to the given sequence of strings.

See the folderNames method for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if folder_names is an empty sequence.

folderStyle(self) → hou.folderType enum value

This method is deprecated. It is an alias for the folderType method.

folderType(self) → hou.folderType enum value

Return the type of folder.

setFolderType(self, folder_type)

Set the type of folder to a hou.folderType enum value.

Raises TypeError if the folder type is for a multiparm or import block.


The membership flag

class hou.Gallery

Bases: object

A collection of gallery entries that can be applied to operator nodes to set their parameters to predefined values.

In Houdini, a gallery is a collection of node templates and their parameter presets, which are represented by a hou.GalleryEntry. A gallery corresponds to a file where such templates are saved. Galleries can be managed with a hou.galleries module.


galleryEntries(self, name_pattern=None, label_pattern=None, keyword_pattern=None, category=None, node_type=None) -> tuple of hou.GalleryEntry

Return a tuple of entries that are stored in the gallery. See also hou.galleries.galleryEntries.

A pattern that the gallery entry name must match to be included in the returned tuple. The pattern can contain ‘?’ to match a single character, ‘*’ to match any number of characters, and ‘’ to match any character in the set. If None, all gallery entries are considered to match it.
A pattern that the gallery entry label must match to be included in the returned tuple. See the name_pattern above for special characters in the pattern. If None, all gallery entries are considered to match it.
A pattern that any of the the gallery entry keywords needs to match for the entry to be included in the returned tuple. See the name_pattern above for special characters in the pattern. If None, all gallery entries are considered to match it.
If not None, only gallery entries in the specified category will be included in the returned tuple.
If not None, only gallery entries for a given node type will be included in the returned tuple.

The membership flag

class hou.GalleryEntry

Bases: object

A gallery entry that can be applied to operator nodes to set their parameters to predefined values.

A gallery entry is an entity containing data about an operator node setup. It has information about the node’s parameter values, any additional spare parameters, channels, and for subnet nodes the information about the children, etc. Thus, a gallery entry is like a node template or a parameter preset. Such templates can be created from and applied to existing nodes.

A gallery entry is identified by a unique, and has a non-unique label, and is usually associated with a specific hou.NodeType (or several node types) of the nodes to which it applies. In addition to the node information, gallery entries can have own categories that organize them into manageable sets and also can have keywords that identify their purpose. For more information about gallery entries, please see a gallery entry editor.

In order for your gallery entries to appear in the Material Palette pane, they must satisfy two conditions. First, the node category must be set to indicate the gallery entry creates a SHOP node. Use code like:

> hou.galleries.galleryEntries(“entry_name”)[0].setNodeTypeCategory(hou.shopNodeTypeCategory())

The second condition is that the entry must contain one or more keywords that indicate what renderer the SHOP works with. This affects whether the gallery entry appears when a specific renderer is chosen in the Material Palette renderer menu. Even if “All” is chosen in that menu, the gallery entry must contain a keyword that matches one of the renderers that appears in that menu. To associate a gallery entry with the Mantra renderer, do the following:

> hou.galleries.galleryEntries(“entry_name”)[0].setKeywords((‘Mantra’,))

In HOM the gallery entries can be managed using hou.Gallery.

allowIconRegeneration(self) → bool

Return True if this gallery entry wants to let Houdini regenerate the icon for it automatically using an appropriate renderer. Only applies to material gallery entries.

applyToNode(self, node)

Apply the gallery entry to a given node. This method sets the node’s parameter values to match the ones stored by the entry. It may also add spare parameters and channels to the node and for the subnets, it may create new child nodes.

A node to which to apply the gallery entry.
bestNodeType(self) → NodeType or None

Return a best node type which this gallery entry is associated with and whose nodes it can be applied to.

canApplyToNode(self, node) → bool

Return True if this gallery entry can be safely applied to the given node. See hou.GalleryEntry.applyToNode for more info.

A node to test whether the gallery entry can be applied to.
canCreateChildNode(self, parent) → bool

Return True if hou.GalleryEntry.createChildNode can succeed.

categories(self) → tuple of strings

Return the categories this gallery entry subscribes to.

createChildNode(self, parent) → Node

Create a new node in the parent network and then apply this gallery entry to that newly created node.

A subnetwork within which the new node should be created. If None, an implicit natural parent is chosen using a node type this gallery entry is associated with.
description(self) → string

Return a description of the gallery entry. A description is a short string that states the gallery entry purpose. It is used for tool- tip pop-ups.

helpURL(self) → string

Return the URL of the help document for this gallery entry.

icon(self) → string

Return the icon name or a icon file path that should be used for this gallery entry.

keywords(self) → tuple of strings

Return the keywords that describe this gallery entry.

label(self) → str

Return the gallery entry label.

name(self) → string

Return the gallery entry name.

nodeTypeCategory(self) → NodeTypeCategory

Return the category of the node types this gallery entry is associated with.

nodeTypeNames(self) → tuple of strings

Return the names of the node type this gallery is associated with. The gallery can be safely applied to the nodes of these types.

requiredHDAFile(self) → string

Return a file path to an HDA library that should be loaded before trying to apply this gallery entry. It is often used for gallery entries associated with a non-native operator type.

script(self) → string

Return a script that modifies the node parameters to match the information stored in the gallery entry.

setAllowIconRegeneration(self, allow)

Sets the allow icon regneration flag on this gallery entry.

setCategories(self, categories)

Set the categories this gallery entry subscribes to.

A string with comma separated categories to set the gallery entry to.
setContentsFromNode(self, node)

Save the information about the node contents (i.e., child nodes). When applying the node entry later on, these nodes will be reconstructed in a new parent to match the contents of the current parent.

The parent of the nodes whose data should be saved.
setDescription(self, description)

Set the description of the gallery entry.

The text briefly describing the gallery entry purpose.
setEqual(self, entry)

Set this gallery entry to be exactly the same as the given entry, except for the name, which is left unchanged.

The gallery entry to copy the information from.
setHelpURL(self, helpurl)

Set the URL of the help document for this gallery entry.

setIcon(self, icon)

Set the icon name or an icon file path that should be used for this gallery entry.

setKeywords(self, keywords)

Set the keywords that describe this gallery entry.

A string containing a white-space separated list of keywords.
setLabel(self, label)

Set the gallery entry label.

The label string.
setName(self, name)

Set the gallery entry name.

The name string.
setNodeTypeCategory(self, category)

Set the category of the node types this gallery entry should be associated with.

A hou.NodeTypeCategory to associate this gallery entry with.
setNodeTypeNames(self, nodetypes)

Set the names of the node types this gallery should be associated with.

A string containing white-space separated list of node type names.
setRequiredHDAFile(self, hda_file)

Set a file path to an HDA library on which this gallery entry depends.

A path of the HDA library file (OTL).
setScript(self, script)

Set a script that modifies the parameters when the gallery entry is applied to a node.

A string that contains the commands setting the node’s parameters.
setScriptFromNode(self, node)

Set a script that modifies node parameters. Later on, when applying this gallery entry to a node, the script will reconstruct that node’s parameters to match exactly the parameters of a node passed to this method.

A node object from which to build the script.

The membership flag

class hou.Geometry(*args)

Bases: object

A Geometry object contains the points and primitives that define a 3D geometric shape. For example, each SOP node in Houdini generates a single Geometry object.

If you ask a SOP for its geometry via hou.SopNode.geometry, you’ll get a read-only reference to it. If the SOP recooks, the corresponding Geometry object will update to the SOP’s new geometry. If the SOP is deleted, accessing the Geometry object will raise a hou.ObjectWasDeleted exception. If you call methods that try to modify the geometry, they will raise a hou.GeometryPermissionError exception.

If you do not want the geometry to update when the SOP recooks, you can call hou.Geometry.freeze. freeze returns another Geometry object that will not change when the SOP recooks. Accessing frozen Geometry is slightly faster, since Houdini does not need to look up the SOP node for each access, so you may want to use frozen geometry for speed-crucial operations.

If you’re writing a SOP using Python, you will have read-write access to the geometry, and it will be frozen. To create a Python-defined SOP, select File > New Operator Type… and place the Python code in the Code tab.

Finally, you can allocate a new frozen geometry with read-write access by creating an instance of hou.Geometry.

addArrayAttrib(self, type, name, data_type, tuple_size=1) → hou.Attrib

Create a new point, primitive, vertex, or global (a.k.a. detail) array attribute. Returns a hou.Attrib object describing the newly created attribute. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

A hou.attribType value to specify if the new attribute should be a point, primitive, vertex, or global attribute.
The new attribute’s name. Each attribute in the geometry must have a unique name.
A hou.attribData value to specify if the new attribute should be an int, float, or string attribute.
The new attribute’s tuple size.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if an attribute with this name already exists. If you are familiar with the C++ Houdini Development Kit (HDK), you know that Houdini can support attributes with the same name but with different types. However, many SOPs do not let you distinguish between attributes that have the same name, and multiple attributes with the same name are discouraged. For this reason, you cannot create them with this method.

addAttrib(type, name, default_value, transform_as_normal=False, create_local_variable=True)
attribType(self) → hou.attribType enum value

Return the enumerated value hou.attribType.Global. Points, primitives, vertices, and geometry support the same set of methods for querying their attributes, and this method is one of them.

See also:

  • hou.Prim.attribType
  • hou.Point.attribType
  • hou.Vertex.attribType
attribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → int, float, str, or tuple

Return the global (a.k.a. detail) attribute value for a particular attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no attribute exists with this name.

attributeCaptureObjectPaths(self) → tuple of str
Returns a tuple of strings representing the capture object paths for this geometry. The capture objects are those used to capture this geometry and are identified from the geometry’s capture attributes. The skeleton root path is prepended to the capture object paths and the object nodes are given by:

> # This code will work from inside a Python SOP, but not from the Python > # shell. > geo = hou.pwd().geometry() > nodes = [hou.node(x) for x in geo.attributeCaptureObjectPaths()]

See also:
  • hou.Geometry.attributeCaptureRegions
attributeCaptureRegions(self) → tuple of str

Returns a tuple of strings representing the capture region paths for this geometry. The capture regions are identified from the geometry’s capture attributes.

See also:

  • hou.Geometry.attributeCaptureObjectPaths
averageEdgeLength(self) → float

Return the average edge length of the mesh.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if mesh does not contain any edges.

> # Return the average edge length. > geo.averageEdgeLength()

averageMinDistance(self, local_transform, geometry, geometry_transform)

-> float

Return the average over all points in <geometry> of the minimum distance to the point set of <self>

A transform to be applied to all points in this geometry.
The geometry to find distances from.
A transform to be applied to all points in <geometry>.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if <geometry> has no vertices.

> query_geometry = query_node.geometry() > queried_geometry = queried_node.geometry() > > # Return the average over all points in <queried_geometry> of the minimum > # distance to the point set of <query_geometry> > query_geometry.averageMinDistance( > query_node.worldTransform(), > queried_geometry, > queried_node.worldTransform())

boundingBox(self) → hou.BoundingBox

Return an axis-aligned 3D bounding box that is sized and positioned to be large enough to hold this geometry.


Remove everything from this geometry object. The geometry will have no points or primitives after calling this method.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

containsPrimType(self, type_or_name) → bool

Returns whether the geometry contains at least one primitive of the specified type.


A hou.primType, or a string containing the name of a primitive type.

Typical examples of string values are “Poly” (polygon) or “PackedAgent” (agent packed primitive). To see a complete list of possible typename values, run ginfo -P on a Houdini tools command line.

countPrimType(self, type_or_name) → long

Returns the number of primitives of the specified type in the geometry.


A hou.primType, or a string containing the name of a primitive type.

Typical examples of string values are “Poly” (polygon) or “PackedAgent” (agent packed primitive). To see a complete list of possible typename values, run ginfo -P on a Houdini tools command line.

createBezierCurve(self, num_vertices=4, is_closed=False, order=4)


Create a new Bezier curve with the specified number of vertices and return it. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

The number of verticies in the curve. A new point is added to the geometry for each vertex, and this point is located at the origin until you change its position. You can also add more vertices with hou.Face.addVertex.
Controls if the curve is open or closed; see hou.Face.isClosed for more information. If not specified, the resulting curve is open. This behavior is different from hou.Geometry.createPolygon, where the new polygon is closed.
Specifies the curve’s order. The default order is 4, corresponding to a cubic Bezier curve. An order of 2, the lowest order, will give a curve with linear segments.

An open Bezier curve must have (order - 1) * n + 1 vertices for some integer n>=1 (so valid values for order 4 curves are 4, 7, 10, etc.). A closed Bezier curve must have (order - 1) * n vertices (e.g. 3, 6, 9, etc. for order 4 curve). This restriction does not apply to curves of order 2, however.

As a consequence, you cannot use hou.Face.setIsClosed on non-linear Bezier curves, since the number of vertices would need to change.

See hou.Geometry.createNURBSCurve for more information.


createBezierSurface(self, rows, cols, is_closed_in_u=False, is_closed_in_v=False) -> hou.Surface

Create a Bezier surface in the XY plane centered at the origin with size (1, 1) and return it. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

rows, cols

Determines the size of the 2D array of vertices defining the control points of the surface.

Note that the number of rows corresponds to v and the number or columns corresponds to u, which can be slightly confusing. For example, geo.createBezierSurface(9, 7, is_closed_in_u=False, is_closed_in_v=True) is valid, but geo.createBezierSurface(9, 7, is_closed_in_u=True, is_closed_in_v=False) raises hou.OperationFailed.

is_closed_in_u, is_closed_in_v
Determines if it is open or closed in each of the u and v directions; see hou.Surface.isClosedInU for more information.
order_u, order_v
Specifies the surface’s order in of the U and V directions. The default order for both is 4, corresponding to a cubic NURBS surface. An order of 2, the lowest order, will give a surface with linear segments, essentially a mesh.

As with Bezier curves, a Bezier surface has some restrictions on the point count in each of the U and V directions. For a given direction; if it’s open the number of points in the direction must be (order - 1) * n + 1 for some integer n >= 1 (e.g. 4, 7, 10, …). If it’s open, the number of points must be (order - 1) * n where n >= 1 in that direction (e.g. 2, 4, 6, .. for order 3).

You can move or resize the surface using hou.Geometry.transformPrims.

If the geometry contains primitive attributes, the new surface receives the default values for those attributes.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

> import math > > # This code will work from inside a Python SOP, but not from the Python > # shell. > geo = hou.pwd().geometry() > > # Build a tube-like object about the y axis. > num_rows, num_cols = (10, 9) > surf = geo.createBezierSurface(num_rows, num_cols, is_closed_in_u=True) > for v_index in range(num_rows): > for u_index in range(num_cols): > angle = u_index * (2.0 * math.pi) / num_cols > surf.vertex(u_index, v_index).point().setPosition( > (math.cos(angle), v_index / float(num_cols-1), math.sin(angle)))

createEdgeGroup(self, name) → hou.EdgeGroup

Create a new edge group in this geometry.

The name of the new group. Raises hou.OperationFailed if a group with this name already exists.

Use hou.EdgeGroup.destroy to remove an edge group from the geometry.


createMeshSurface(self, rows, cols, is_closed_in_u=False, is_closed_in_v=False) -> hou.Surface

Create a quadrilateral mesh surface in the XY plane centered at the origin with size (1, 1) and return it. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

Note that a mesh object is not the same as a set of polygons defining the same shape. A mesh object is a single primitive.

See hou.Geometry.createNURBSSurface for more information.

createNURBSCurve(self, num_vertices=4, is_closed=False, order=4)


Create a new NURBS with the specified number of vertices and return it. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python- defined SOP.


The number of verticies in the curve. A new point is added to the geometry for each vertex, and this point is located at the origin until you change its position. You can also add more vertices with hou.Face.addVertex.

The minimum number of vertices for a NURBS curve is identical to its order. So for the default order of 4, the curve must have a minimum of 4 vertices. If you specify too few vertices, this method raises hou.OperationFailed.

Controls if the curve is open or closed; see hou.Face.isClosed for more information. If not specified, the resulting curve is open. This behavior is different from hou.Geometry.createPolygon, where the new polygon is closed. You can also open or close it with hou.Face.setIsClosed.
Specifies the curve’s order. The default order is 4, corresponding to a cubic NURBS curve. An order of 2, the lowest order, will give a curve with linear segments.

If the geometry contains primitive attributes, the new curve receives the default values for those attributes.

> # This code will work from inside a Python SOP, but not from the Python > # shell. > geo = hou.pwd().geometry() > curve = geo.createNURBSCurve(10) > i = 0 > for vertex in curve.vertices(): > vertex.point().setPosition((i, i % 3, 0)) > i = i + 1

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

See also:

  • hou.Prim.vertices
  • hou.Point.setPosition

createNURBSSurface(self, rows, cols, is_closed_in_u=False, is_closed_in_v=False) -> hou.Surface

Create a NURBS surface in the XY plane centered at the origin with size (1, 1) and return it. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

rows, cols
Determines the size of the 2D array of vertices defining the control points of the surface. The number of cols and rows in each direction, must be equal to or larger than the U and V orders, respectively.
is_closed_in_u, is_closed_in_v
Controls if the surface is open or closed in each of the U and V directionss; see hou.Surface.isClosedInU for more information. If not specified, the default behavior is to build an open surface.
order_u, order_v
Specifies the surface’s order in each of the U and V directionss. The default order for both is 4, corresponding to a cubic NURBS surface. An order of 2, the lowest order, will give a surface with linear segments, essentially a mesh.

If the geometry contains primitive attributes, the new surface receives the default values for those attributes.

You can move or resize the surface using hou.Geometry.transformPrims.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the number of rows and/or columns is invalid.

> # This code will work from inside a Python SOP, but not from the Python > # shell. > geo = hou.pwd().geometry() > > # Create a surface with a 10x10 grid of vertices. > surf = geo.createNURBSSurface(10, 10) > > # Initially, the center is at (0, 0, 0), size is (1, 1, 1), on the XY > # plane. Scale to (20, 10) and rotate into the XZ plane. > geo.transformPrims((surf,), > hou.hmath.buildScale((20, 10, 1)) * > hou.hmath.buildRotateAboutAxis((1, 0, 0), 90))

See also:
  • hou.Geometry.transformPrims
  • hou.Matrix4
  • hou.hmath
createPacked(self, typename) → hou.PackedPrim

A string containing the name of a type of packed primitive. Typical examples are “PackedDisk” (on-disk geometry file) or “AlembicRef” (Alembic file).

To see a complete list of possible typename values, run ginfo -P on a Houdini tools command line.

See hou.PackedPrim for more information.

createPoint(self) → hou.Point

Create a new point located at (0, 0, 0) and return the corresponding hou.Point object. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

If the geometry contains point attributes, the new point receives the default values for those attributes.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

See hou.Geometry.addAttrib, hou.Geometry.createPolygon, and hou.Face.addVertex for examples.

createPointGroup(self, name, is_ordered=False) → hou.PointGroup

Create a new point group in this geometry.

The name of the new group. Raises hou.OperationFailed if a group with this name already exists.
Whether or not the new group should be ordered. See hou.PointGroup for more information about ordered groups.

Use hou.PointGroup.destroy to remove a point group from the geometry.

createPoints(self, point_positions) → tuple of hou.Point

Create a set of points located at the specified positions and return a tuple of the new hou.Point objects. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

point_positions can be either a tuple of hou.Vector3 objects or a tuple of 3-tuple floating point numbers. For example, if point_positions is ((0, 1, 2), (1, 2, 3)) then this method will create 2 points with one positioned at (0, 1, 2) and the other at (1, 2, 3).

If the geometry contains point attributes, the new points receive the default values for those attributes.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable. Raises hou.InvalidSize if one of the specified point positions does not contain 3 values (for x, y, z).

See hou.Geometry.addAttrib, hou.Geometry.createPolygons, and hou.Face.addVertex for examples.

createPolygon(self) → hou.Polygon

Create a new polygon and return the corresponding hou.Polygon object. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

The newly created polygon has no vertices. Use hou.Face.addVertex to add them. The polygon is also closed (see hou.Face.isClosed for more information).

If the geometry contains primitive attributes, the new polygon receives the default values for those attributes.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

> geo = hou.pwd().geometry() > poly = geo.createPolygon() > for position in (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (0,1,0): > point = geo.createPoint() > point.setPosition(position) > poly.addVertex(point)

See hou.Face.addVertex for a slightly more complicated example.
createPolygons(self, points) → tuple of hou.Polygon

Create a set of polygons with the specified points as vertices and return a tuple of the new hou.Polygon objects. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

points can be either a tuple of tuples of hou.Point objects or a tuple of tuples of integers representing the point numbers. For example, if points is ((0, 1, 2), (3, 4, 5, 6)) then this method will create 2 polygons with one having points 0, 1 and 2 as its vertices and the other one having points 3, 4, 5 and 6 as its vertices.

The created polygons are closed (see hou.Face.isClosed for more information).

If the geometry contains primitive attributes, then the new polygons receive the default values for those attributes.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable. Raises hou.InvalidSize if one of the specified point tuples does not contain at least 3 elements. Raises hou.InvalidInput if one of the point numbers or hou.Point objects do not exist in the geometry.


> # Create 6 points in the geometry. > geo = hou.pwd().geometry() > point_positions = ( > (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1), > (1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1), (0, 1, 1), > ) > points = geo.createPoints(point_positions) > > # Create 2 polygons. > # The first polygon uses the first 3 points in the geometry as its vertices. > # The second polygon uses the last 3 points in the geometry as its vertices. > polygons = geo.createPolygons( > ((points[0], points[1], points[2]), (points[3], points[4], points[5])))

createPrimGroup(self, name, is_ordered=False) → Hou.PrimGroup

Create a new primitive group in this geometry.

The name of the new group. Raises hou.OperationFailed if a group with this name already exists.
Whether or not the new group should be ordered. See hou.PrimGroup for more information about ordered groups.

Use hou.PrimGroup.destroy to remove a primitive group from the geometry.

createTetrahedron(self) → hou.Prim

Create a new tetrahedron and return the corresponding hou.Prim object. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

The newly created tetrahedron has four vertices and new points have been allocated for them. To build a tetrahedron out of existin points, use

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

createTetrahedronInPlace(self, p0, p1, p2, p3) → hou.Prim

Create a new tetrahedron and return the corresponding hou.Prim object. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

The newly created tetrahedron has four vertices and uses the points that have been passed into it.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

createVolume(self, xres, yres, zres, bounding_box=None) → hou.Volume

Given the x, y, and z resolution (or size) of a voxel array, add a new volume primitive to the geometry and return it. The values in the new volume’s voxels are all zero.

xres, yres, zres
Integers greater than zero that specify the size of the voxel array in one dimension. Raises hou.OperationFailed if any of these values are not positive.
A hou.BoundingBox that specifies the volume’s 3D size. Note that this size is independent of the volume’s voxel resolution. If this parameter is None, Houdini uses a bounding box going from (-1,-1,-1) to (1,1,1).
data(self) → str

Return the geometry data in bgeo format.

For example:

> geometry = hou.node(“/obj/geo1/torus1”).geometry() > bgeo_data = geometry.data() > open(“/tmp/torus.bgeo”, “wb”).write(bgeo_data)

deletePoints(self, points)

Delete a sequence of points. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

Note that Houdini will delete any vertices that reference the point. For example, suppose you have a box with 6 polygons, each with 4 vertices. Also suppose that each point on the box is shared by 3 vertices on 3 separate polygons. If you delete one of those points, Houdini will remove each of those vertices from their corresponding polygons, leaving 3 polygons with 4 vertices and 3 polygons with 3 vertices.

To delete a single primitive, pass in a sequence with one point.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

deletePrims(self, prims, keep_points=False)

Delete a sequence of primitives. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

if True, the primitive will be deleted but its points will remain.

To delete a single primitive, pass in a sequence with one primitive.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

> # Delete every other primitive: > prims = [p for p in geo.prims() if p.number() % 2 == 0] > geo.deletePrims(prims) > > # Delete the first primitive: > geo.deletePrims([geo.iterPrims()[0]])

edgeGroups(self) → tuple of hou.EdgeGroup

Return a tuple of all the edge groups in the geometry.


edgeLoop(self, edges, loop_type, full_loop_per_edge, force_ring, allow_ring) -> tuple of hou.Edge

Returns a tuple of hou.Edge objects that make a path connecting the edges provided in the edges parameter. If multiple paths are being returned, they will be separated in the single returned tuple by a value of None. The paths are generated using the same algorithm used when performing loop selections in the viewport.

edges: A list of hou.Edge objects that define the path or paths of connected edges this function should return. Must contain at least one or two edges depending on the loop options.

loop_type: Controls the type of path returned. Can be any of the hou.componentLoopType values. If using either the hou.componentLoopType.Extended or hou.componentLoopType.Closed loop types, the inputs edges cannot contain any None entries. If these conditions are not met, a hou.OperationFailed exception will be thrown.

full_loop_per_edge: If set to True, with the loop_type set to hou.componentLoopType.Extended or hou.componentLoopType.Closed loop types, each inputs edge is used to create its own full loop or ring. If False, the edges are taken in pairs, and so the number of edges must be even.

force_ring: If set to True, this function will return edge rings instead of edge loops.

allow_ring: If set to True, this function may return an edge ring if the edges provided produce a ring more naturally than they produce a loop (for example if two perpendicular edges are provided from the same row on a polygonal grid). If set to False, only edge loops will be returned.

Raises a hou.OperationFailed if it was unable to construct a loop from the desired components.

execute(self, verb, inputs=[]) → HOM_Geometry

Invokes verb.execute() with myself as the first input, and returns the resulting geometry. This allows one to chain a series of verbs invocations: geo.execute(subdivide).execute(subdivide).

The optional inputs will have the geometry itself prepended.

findEdge(self, p0, p1) → hou.Edge
The first point that makes up the edge. See hou.Point for more information.
The second point that makes up the edge. See hou.Point for more information.

finds an edge given two points, or None if no such edge exists

findEdgeGroup(self, name) → hou.EdgeGroup or None
The name of the edge group.

Return the edge group with the given name, or None if no such group exists.

findGlobalAttrib(self, name) → hou.Attrib or None

Look up a global (a.k.a. detail) attribute by name. Returns the corresponding hou.Attrib object, or None if no attribute exists with that name.

findPointAttrib(self, name) → hou.Attrib or None

Look up a point attribute by name. Returns the corresponding hou.Attrib object, or None if no attribute exists with that name.

Note that the point position attribute is named P and is 3 floats in size. Also, the point weight attribute is named Pw and is 1 float in size. These attributes always exist in HOM, even though they are not listed by Houdini’s UI.

See hou.Point.attribValue for an example.

findPointGroup(self, name) → hou.PointGroup or None

Return the point group with the given name, or None if no such group exists.

findPrimAttrib(self, name) → hou.Attrib or None

Look up a primitive attribute by name. Returns the corresponding hou.Attrib object, or None if no attribute exists with that name.

findPrimGroup(self, name) → hou.PrimGroup or None

Return the primitive group with the given name, or None if no such group exists.

findVertexAttrib(self, name) → hou.Attrib or None

Look up a vertex attribute by name. Returns the corresponding hou.Attrib object, or None if no attribute exists with that name.

floatAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → float

Return the global (a.k.a. detail) attribute value for a particular floating point attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no attribute exists with this name or the attribute is not a float of size 1.

In most cases, you’ll just use hou.Geometry.attribValue to access attribute values. Houdini uses this method internally to implement attribValue.

floatListAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → tuple of float

Return the global (a.k.a. detail) attribute value for a particular floating point attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. The return value is a list of floats.

It is valid to call this method when the attribute’s size is 1. In this case, a list with one element is returned.

See also:

  • hou.Geometry.attribValue
freeze(self, read_only=False) → hou.Geometry

Return another Geometry object that is not linked to a particular SOP.

Normally, when you call hou.SopNode.geometry, the resultant Geometry object retains a reference to that SOP, and is said to be unfrozen. Each time you access points, primitives, attributes, etc. in an unfrozen Geometry object, Houdini uses the SOP’s latest cooked geometry. So, if you change parameters or change the time for an animated SOP, the Geometry object will update to the SOP’s new geometry.

Unless Python SOPs are involved, a frozen Geometry object does not have a similar live association with a particular SOP. If you ask a SOP for its geometry and then store a frozen copy of that geometry, when the SOP recooks the frozen Geometry object will not update. Instead, the frozen geometry saves its own copy of the point and primitive data, and is unaffected by subsequent changes to the SOP. When a frozen Geometry object is destroyed, any geometry copy it created is also destroyed.

Note that accessing a Geometry object’s points, primitives, attributes, etc. may be faster when dealing with frozen objects. You may want to work with frozen Geometry in speed-sensitive operations.

Calling this method on an unfrozen Geometry object returns a frozen one. Calling it on a frozen object has no effect, and it returns a frozen object.

When a Python-defined SOP cooks and runs Python code that asks for the SOP’s geometry, the returned Geometry object is writable. Modifying this Geometry object affects the output of this SOP. For efficiency, this geometry object is already frozen, so calling freeze on it has no effect.

If True, the resulting frozen geometry will be read-only. Use read-only frozen geometry to share embedded geometry among multiple packed primitives.
globPoints(self, pattern) → tuple of hou.Point

Return a tuple of points corresponding to a pattern of point numbers.

The pattern format is the same one used by the group fields on SOP nodes that take point selections. Elements in the pattern are separated by spaces, and elements can be point numbers, point number ranges, or group names.

This method can be useful when writing a Python SOP that works on only a selected set of points.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the pattern is not valid or if it refers to a group that does not exist. Note that an empty pattern is considered to be invalid. Numbers that do not refer to valid points are not errors, and simply do not match points.

> # Return a tuple containing points 5 and 7. > geo.globPoints(“5 7”) > > # Return a tuple containing points 5 to 10. > geo.globPoints(“5-10”) > > # Return a tuple containing all the points in the pointgroup called group1. > geo.globPoints(“group1”) > > # Return all the points except those from 0 to 98. > geo.globPoints(“!0-98”) > > # Return points 5, 10 to 20, and those in group1. > geo.globPoints(“5 group1 10-20”)

The following Python SOP example is behaves similarly to the Point sop.

> # This code will work from inside a Python SOP, but not from the Python > # shell. It assumes the Python sop has the following parm tuples: > # group: A string containing which points to affect > # t: A set of 3 floats that behaves like the point sop’s position > # parameter. Set these parameters to the expressions ($TX, $TY, $TZ). > geo = hou.pwd().geometry() > > # Use the group field to determine which points to affect. If it’s blank, > # operate on all points. > pattern = hou.ch(“group”) > if pattern == “”: > points = geo.points() > else: > points = geo.globPoints(pattern) > > # Loop through the points, setting the SOP’s current point as we go. > # Then evaluate the t parm tuple, so it can use the current point (e.g. > # with hscript’s $TX or Python’s pwd().curPoint()). > for point in points: > hou.pwd().setCurPoint(point) > new_position = hou.pwd().evalParmTuple(“t”) > point.setPosition(new_position)


globVertices(self, pattern) -> tuple of hou.Vertex

Return a tuple of vertices corresponding to a pattern of vertex numbers.

The pattern format is the same one used by the group fields on SOP nodes that take vertex selections. See hou.Geometry.globPoints for more information.

globalAttribs(self) → tuple of hou.Attrib

Return a tuple of all the global (a.k.a. detail) attributes.

intAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → int

Return the global (a.k.a. detail) attribute value for a particular integer attribute of size 1. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. See hou.Geometry.floatAttribValue for more information.

intListAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → tuple of int

Return the global (a.k.a. detail) attribute value for a particular integer attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. The return value is a list of ints. See hou.Geometry.floatListAttribValue for more information.


intersect(self, ray_origin, ray_direction, position_out, normal_out, uvw_out, pattern=None, min_hit=0.01, max_hit=1E18) -> int

Determines the intersection point of a ray with the geometry in this object.

This method is unusual in that instead of returning multiple pieces of information about the intersection, it requires that you pass it objects which it modifies in-place with the information.

> # Get some geometry from a SOP node > geometry = hou.node(“/obj/geo1/sphere1”).geometry() > # Shoot a ray from high up in the “sky” straight down at the origin > origin = hou.Vector3(0, 100, 0) > direction = hou.Vector3(0, -1, 0) > # Make objects for the intersect() method to modify > position = hou.Vector3() > normal = hou.Vector3() > uvw = hou.Vector3() > # Find the first intersection (if it exists) > did_intersect = geometry.intersect(origin, direction, position, normal, uvw)

Returns the ID number of the hit primitive if the ray intersected the geometry, or -1 if the ray did not hit.

A hou.Vector3 object representing the starting point of the ray in world space.
A hou.Vector3 object representing the direction vector of the ray.
Pass a hou.Vector3 object to this argument. The method will change the object’s values to represent the intersection position in world space.
Pass a hou.Vector3 object to this argument. The method will change the object’s values to represent the normal direction from the surface to the ray.
Pass a hou.Vector3 object to this argument. The method will change the object’s values to represent the UVW position within the intersecting primitive where the ray hit.
If you pass a string containing primitive group syntax, the ray can only intersect primitives that match the pattern.
Ignore intersections closer than this distance. You can use the min_hit argument to iterate through all possible hits along the ray, by setting the min_hit a tiny bit farther than the previous hit.

> hit_positions = [] > prev_dist = 0.01 > while geometry.intersect(origin, direction, position, normal, uvw, > min_hit=prev_dist): > # Make sure to store a copy of the position, not the object > # that is being modified in each iteration of the loop > hit_positions.append(hou.Vector3(position)) > prev_dist = origin.distanceTo(position) + 0.01

Ignore intersections father than this distance.
intrinsicNames(self) → tuple of str

Returns a tuple of strings representing the intrinsic values available for this geometry. Different geometry types will have different intrinsic values available. You can then get or set the value using intrinsicValue and/or setIntrinsicValue.

See the intrinsicValue method for more information.

intrinsicValue(self, intrinsic_name) → int, float, str, or tuple

Gets the value of an “intrinsic”, often computed, value of the geometry, such as memoryusage, pointcount, pointattributes, and so on. Raises OperationFailed if the given intrinsic name does not exist.

You can also view these values in the user interface using the geometry spreadsheet.

In Houdini, some primitives have “intrinsic” values which can’t be accessed directly through the attribute interface. Most intrinsic values are computed, such as measuredarea, however a few are writeable with the setIntrinsicValue method. For example, sphere primitives have a transform matrix as part of their definition.

You can get a list of the available intrinsic value names with the intrinsicNames method. Different geometry types will have different intrinsic values available.

intrinsicValueDict(self) → dict of str to value

Returns a dictionary mapping intrinsic names to their values.

iterPoints(self) → generator of hou.Point

Return a generator that iterates through all the points in the geometry.

Whereas hou.Geometry.points allocates and returns a tuple of all the points in the geometry, this method returns a generator object that will allocate hou.Point objects on demand. This object is very fast at random access into the sequence.

If you’re accessing a specific point by index and the geometry contains many points, it is faster to use iterPoints() than points(). If, however, you are iterating over all the points in the geometry, it is generally faster to use points() than iterPoints().

> # This is preferred: > geo.iterPoints()[23] > > # over this: > geo.points()[23] > > # But this is preferred: > for point in geo.points(): > …process point… > > # over this: > for point in geo.iterPoints(): > …process point…

iterPrims(self) → generator of hou.Prim

Return a generator that iterates through all the primitives in the geometry.

Whereas hou.Geometry.prims allocates and returns a tuple of all the primitives in the geometry, this method returns a generator object that will yield hou.Prim objects on demand. This object is very fast at random access into the sequence.

If you’re accessing a specific primitive by index and the geometry contains many primitives, it is faster to use iterPrims() than prims(). If, however, you are iterating over all the primitives in the geometry, it is generally faster to use prims() than iterPrims().

> # This is preferred: > geo.iterPrims()[23] > > # over this: > geo.prims()[23] > > # But this is preferred: > for prim in geo.prims(): > …process prim… > > # over this: > for prim in geo.iterPrims(): > …process prim…

See also the hou.Geometry.prims method.
loadFromFile(self, file_name)

Replace the contents of this geometry object with the data stored in a file. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

You may specify any type of file supported by Houdini’s File SOP. See hou.Geometry.saveToFile for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the file does not exist or otherwise cannot be loaded.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

See also hou.Geometry.merge.

merge(self, geometry)

Merge the points and primitives from another hou.Geometry object into this one. The new points and primitives are appended to this geometry’s points and primitives. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

See also hou.Geometry.loadFromFile.

nearestPrim(self, position) -> (hou.Prim or None, float, float, float)

Given a sequence of three floats containing a position, find the location on the primitive closest to that position and return a tuple containing that primitive, the u value on the primitive, the v value on the primitive, and the distance to the primitive.

Note that the first value in the return tuple can be None if there are no primitives in the geometry.

point(self, index) → hou.Point

Return the point at the specified index.

This is a convenience method for accessing a particular point without the overhead of obtaining all points via hou.Geometry.points.

Return None if no such point at the specified index exists.

pointAttribs(self) → tuple of hou.Attrib

Return a tuple of all the point attributes.

Note that the point position attribute is named P and is 3 floats in size. Also, the point weight attribute is named Pw and is 1 float in size. These attributes always exist in HOM, even though they are not listed by Houdini’s UI.

pointBoundingBox(self, pointpattern) → hou.BoundingBox

Return an axis-aligned 3D bounding box that is sized and positioned to include the points specified by the point pattern. If the pattern is blank, all points will be included.

Some primitives, such as spheres, extend beyond their points. This extension will not be included.

pointFloatAttribValues(self, name) → tuple of float

Return a tuple of floats containing one attribute’s values for all the points.

This method only works on int or float attributes. If the attribute contains more than one element, each point will correspond to multiple values in the result. For example, if “Cd” is a float attribute of size 3 and there are 3 points with values (0.1, 0.2, 0.3), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), and (0.8, 0.7, 0.6) then the result will be (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6).

Calling this method is faster than looping over all the points and calling hou.Point.attribValue.

If the attribute name is invalid or the attribute is not an int or float (e.g. it’s a string attribute), this method raises hou.OperationFailed.

Note that you cannot pass a hou.Attrib object to this method like you can with many methods dealing with attributes. However, you can use hou.Attrib.name to easily get the name from an Attrib object.


pointFloatAttribValuesAsString(self, name, float_type=hou.numericData.Float32) -> str

Return a string representation of the floats of one attribute’s value for all the points. This method is faster than hou.Geometry.pointFloatAttribValues, and you can use the array module to convert the string into a Python sequence.

A hou.numericData value to specify the float data type (either Float16, Float32 or Float64).

This method provides a faster implementation of the following:

> import array > def pointFloatAttribValuesAsString(self, name): > return array.array(“f”, self.pointFloatAttribValues(name)).tostring()

You can convert the return value from this method to an array using the following method:

> import array > def pointFloatAttribValuesAsArray(geometry, name): > a = array.array(“f”) > a.fromstring(geometry.pointFloatAttribValuesAsString(name)) > return a

See hou.Geometry.pointFloatAttribValues for more information.
pointGroups(self) → tuple of hou.PointGroup

Return a tuple of all the point groups in the geometry.

The following function returns the names of all the groups in the geometry:

> def pointGroupNames(geometry): > return [group.name() for group in geometry.pointGroups()]

pointIntAttribValues(self, name) → tuple of int

Return a tuple of integers containing one attribute’s values for all the points.

This method only works on int or float attributes. If the attribute contains more than one element, each point will correspond to multiple values in the result. For example, if “idmap” is an integer attribute of size 2 and there are 3 points with values (1, 2), (2, 3), and (3, 4) then the result will be (1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4).

Calling this method is faster than looping over all the points and calling hou.Point.attribValue.

If the attribute name is invalid or the attribute is not an int or float (e.g. it’s a string attribute), this method raises hou.OperationFailed.

Note that you cannot pass a hou.Attrib object to this method like you can with many methods dealing with attributes. However, you can use hou.Attrib.name to easily get the name from an Attrib object.

pointIntAttribValuesAsString(self, name, int_type=hou.numericData.Int32)

-> str

Return a string representation of the integers of one attribute’s value for all the points. This method is faster than hou.Geometry.pointIntAttribValues, and you can use the array module to convert the string into a Python sequence.

A hou.numericData value to specify the integer data type (either Int8, Int16, Int32 or Int64).

This method provides a faster implementation of the following:

> import array > def pointIntAttribValuesAsString(self, name): > return array.array(“i”, self.pointIntAttribValues(name)).tostring()

You can convert the return value from this method to an array using the following method:

> import array > def pointIntAttribValuesAsArray(geometry, name): > a = array.array(“i”) > a.fromstring(geometry.pointIntAttribValuesAsString(name)) > return a

See hou.Geometry.pointIntAttribValues for more information.
pointLoop(self, points, full_loop) → tuple of hou.Point

Returns a tuple of hou.Point objects that make a path connecting the points provided in the points parameter. If multiple paths are being returned, they will be separated in the single returned tuple by a value of None. The paths are generated using the same algorithm used when performing loop selections in the viewport.

points: A list of hou.Point objects that define the path or paths of connected points this function should return. Must contain at least two points.

loop_type: Controls the type of path returned. Can be any of the hou.componentLoopType values. If using either the hou.componentLoopType.Extended or hou.componentLoopType.Closed loop types, the inputs points cannot contain any None entries. Furthermore, each pair of points is used to define a separate full loop, so the number of points must be even. If these conditions are not met, a hou.OperationFailed exception will be thrown.

Raises a hou.OperationFailed if it was unable to construct a loop from the desired components.

pointNormals(self, points) → tuple of hou.Vector3

Returns a tuple of hou.Vector3 objects representing the point normals for the supplied points.

points: A list of hou.Point objects for which to compute point normals.

pointStringAttribValues(self, name) → tuple of str

Return a tuple of strings containing one attribute’s values for all the points.

This method only works on string attributes. If the attribute contains more than one element, each point will correspond to multiple values in the result. For example, if “strmap” is a string attribute of size 2 and there are 3 points with values (“apple”, “orange”), (“red”, “blue”), and (“one”, “two”) then the result will be (“apple”, “orange”, “red”, “blue”, “one”, “two”).

Calling this method is faster than looping over all the points and calling hou.Point.attribValue.

If the attribute name is invalid or the attribute is not a string attribute then this method raises hou.OperationFailed.

Note that you cannot pass a hou.Attrib object to this method like you can with many methods dealing with attributes. However, you can use hou.Attrib.name to easily get the name from an Attrib object.

points(self) → tuple of hou.Point

Return a tuple of all the points in the geometry.

See also the hou.Geometry.iterPoints method.

prim(self, index) → hou.Prim

Return the primitive at the specified index.

This is a convenience method for accessing a particular primitive without the overhead of obtaining all primitives via hou.Geometry.prims.

Return None if no such primitive at the specified index exists.

primAttribs(self) → tuple of hou.Attrib

Return a tuple of all the primitive attributes.

primBoundingBox(self, primpattern) → hou.BoundingBox

Return an axis-aligned 3D bounding box that is sized and positioned to include the primitives specified by the primitive pattern. If the pattern is blank, all primitives will be included.

Some primitives, such as spheres, extend beyond their points. This extension will be included.

primFloatAttribValues(self, name) → tuple of float

Return a tuple of floats containing one attribute’s values for all the primitives.

This method only works on int or float attributes. If the attribute contains more than one element, each primitive will correspond to multiple values in the result. For example, if Cd is a float attribute of size 3 and there are 3 primitives with values (0.1, 0.2, 0.3), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), and (0.8, 0.7, 0.6) then the result will be (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6).

Calling this method is faster than looping over all the primitives and calling hou.Prim.attribValue.

If the attribute name is invalid or the attribute is not an int or float (e.g. it’s a string attribute), this method raises hou.OperationFailed.

Note that you cannot pass a hou.Attrib object to this method like you can with many methods dealing with attributes. However, you can use hou.Attrib.name to easily get the name from an Attrib object.

primFloatAttribValuesAsString(self, name) → str

Return a string representation of the floats of one attribute’s value for all the primitives. This method is faster than hou.Geometry.primFloatAttribValues, and you can use the array module to convert the string into a Python sequence.

This method provides a faster implementation of the following:

> import array > def primFloatAttribValuesAsString(self, name): > return array.array(“f”, self.primFloatAttribValues(name)).tostring()

You can convert the return value from this method to an array using the following method:

> import array > def primFloatAttribValuesAsArray(geometry, name): > a = array.array(“f”) > a.fromstring(geometry.primFloatAttribValuesAsString(name)) > return a

See hou.Geometry.primFloatAttribValues for more information.
primGroups(self) → tuple of hou.PrimGroup

Return a tuple of all the primitive groups in the geometry.

primIntAttribValues(self, name) → tuple of int

Return a tuple of integers containing one attribute’s values for all the primitives.

This method only works on int or float attributes. If the attribute contains more than one element, each primitive will correspond to multiple values in the result. For example, if idmap is an integer attribute of size 2 and there are 3 primitives with values (1, 2), (2, 3), and (3,4) then the result will be (1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4).

Calling this method is faster than looping over all the primitives and calling hou.Prim.attribValue.

If the attribute name is invalid or the attribute is not an int or float (e.g. it’s a string attribute), this method raises hou.OperationFailed.

Note that you cannot pass a hou.Attrib object to this method like you can with many methods dealing with attributes. However, you can use hou.Attrib.name to easily get the name from an Attrib object.

primIntAttribValuesAsString(self, name, int_type=hou.numericData.Int32)

-> str

Return a string representation of the integers of one attribute’s value for all the primitives. This method is faster than hou.Geometry.primFloatAttribValues, and you can use the array module to convert the string into a Python sequence.

A hou.numericData value to specify the integer data type (either Int8, Int16, Int32 or Int64).

This method provides a faster implementation of the following:

> import array > def primIntAttribValuesAsString(self, name): > return array.array(“i”, self.primIntAttribValues(name)).tostring()

You can convert the return value from this method to an array using the following method:

> import array > def primIntAttribValuesAsArray(geometry, name): > a = array.array(“i”) > a.fromstring(geometry.primIntAttribValuesAsString(name)) > return a

See hou.Geometry.primIntAttribValues for more information.
primLoop(self, prims, loop_type) → tuple of hou.Prim

Returns a tuple of hou.Prim objects that make a path connecting the primitives provided in the prims parameter. If multiple paths are being returned, they will be separated in the single returned tuple by a value of None. The paths are generated using the same algorithm used when performing loop selections in the viewport.

prims: A list of hou.Prim objects that define the path or paths of connected primitives this function should return. Must contain at least two primitives.

loop_type: Controls the type of path returned. Can be any of the hou.componentLoopType values. If using either the hou.componentLoopType.Extended or hou.componentLoopType.Closed loop types, the inputs prims cannot contain any None entries. Furthermore, each pair of primitives is used to define a separate full loop, so the number of primitives must be even. If these conditions are not met, a hou.OperationFailed exception will be thrown.

Raises a hou.OperationFailed if it was unable to construct a loop from the desired components.

primStringAttribValues(self, name) → tuple of str

Return a tuple of strings containing one attribute’s values for all the primitives.

This method only works on string attributes. If the attribute contains more than one element, each primitive will correspond to multiple values in the result. For example, if “strmap” is a string attribute of size 2 and there are 3 primitives with values (“apple”, “orange”), (“red”, “blue”), and (“one”, “two”) then the result will be (“apple”, “orange”, “red”, “blue”, “one”, “two”).

Calling this method is faster than looping over all the primitives and calling hou.Prim.attribValue.

If the attribute name is invalid or the attribute is not a string attribute) then this method raises hou.OperationFailed.

Note that you cannot pass a hou.Attrib object to this method like you can with many methods dealing with attributes. However, you can use hou.Attrib.name to easily get the name from an Attrib object.

prims(self) → tuple of hou.Prim

Return a tuple of all the primitives in the geometry. The primitives returned will be subclasses of hou.Prim (e.g.polygons, volumes, etc.).

See also:

  • hou.Geometry.iterPrims
  • hou.Face
  • hou.Polygon
  • hou.Surface
  • hou.Volume
renameGlobalAttrib(self, old_name, new_name)

Rename the global attribute with the specified old name to the new name. This method is typically called from within a Python-defined SOP when the SOP’s geometry is writable.

Raises GeometryPermissionError if called on a read-only geometry. Raises TypeError if old_name or new_name is None. Raises OperationFailed if no such global attribute with the old name exists. Raises OperationFailed if a global attribute with the new name already exists.

renamePointAttrib(self, old_name, new_name)

Rename the point attribute with the specified old name to the new name. This method is typically called from within a Python-defined SOP when the SOP’s geometry is writable.

Raises GeometryPermissionError if called on a read-only geometry. Raises TypeError if old_name or new_name is None. Raises OperationFailed if no such point attribute with the old name exists. Raises OperationFailed if a point attribute with the new name already exists.

renamePrimAttrib(self, old_name, new_name)

Rename the primitive attribute with the specified old name to the new name. This method is typically called from within a Python- defined SOP when the SOP’s geometry is writable.

Raises GeometryPermissionError if called on a read-only geometry. Raises TypeError if old_name or new_name is None. Raises OperationFailed if no such primitive attribute with the old name exists. Raises OperationFailed if a primitive attribute with the new name already exists.

renameVertexAttrib(self, old_name, new_name)

Rename the vertex attribute with the specified old name to the new name. This method is typically called from within a Python-defined SOP when the SOP’s geometry is writable.

Raises GeometryPermissionError if called on a read-only geometry. Raises TypeError if old_name or new_name is None. Raises OperationFailed if no such vertex attribute with the old name exists. Raises OperationFailed if a vertex attribute with the new name already exists.

saveToFile(self, file_name)

Save the contents of the geometry object to a file. The file extension determines what file format to use.

All file formats supported by Houdini (e.g. geo, bgeo, obj, etc.), including extensions listed in GEOio, are supported. If the file extension is not recognized, the bgeo format is used.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the path to the file is invalid or there were permission or other I/O errors.

selection(self) → hou.Selection

Returns the current cook component selection associated with this geometry. This is the default selection set by the SOP that created the geometry.

setGlobalAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib, attrib_value)

Set a global (a.k.a. detail) attribute value. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no attribute exists with this name or if the attribute’s data type does not match the value passed in. If the attribute’s size is more than 1, the attribute value must be a sequence of integers/floats, and the size of the sequence must match the attribute’s size.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

> # This code will work from inside a Python SOP, but not from the Python > # shell. > geo = hou.pwd().geometry() > geo.addAttrib(hou.attribType.Global, “author”, “”) > geo.addAttrib(hou.attribType.Global, “version”, (0, 0, 0)) > geo.setGlobalAttribValue(“author”, “Joe”) > geo.setGlobalAttribValue(“version”, (1, 0, 7))

See also:
  • hou.Geometry.attribValue
  • hou.Point.setAttribValue
  • hou.Prim.setAttribValue
  • hou.Vertex.setAttribValue
setIntrinsicValue(self, intrinsic_name, value)

Some “intrinsic” values can be modified. For example, you change the internal size and rotation (transform) of a sphere primitive by passing a 16 float tuple representing the transform to setIntrinsicValue. Raises Error if the intrinsic is not writeable or does not accept the passed value, or if the given intrinsic name does not exist.

Modifying the geometry directly will lock the geometry’s parent node.

See the intrinsicValue method for more information.

setPointFloatAttribValues(self, name, values)

For a particular attribute, set the attribute values for all points. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python- defined SOP.

The name of the point attribute.
A sequence of int or float values in the same format as that returned by hou.Geometry.pointFloatAttribValues. See that method for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the attribute name is not valid, the attribute is not an int or float (i.e. it’s a string), or the array of values is not the correct size.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Also see hou.Geometry.pointFloatAttribValues.

setPointIntAttribValues(self, name, values)

For a particular attribute, set the attribute values for all points. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python- defined SOP.

The name of the point attribute.
A sequence of int or float values in the same format as that returned by hou.Geometry.pointIntAttribValues. See that method for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the attribute name is not valid, the attribute is not an int or float (i.e. it’s a string), or the array of values is not the correct size.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Also see hou.Geometry.pointIntAttribValues.

setPointStringAttribValues(self, name, values)

For a particular attribute, set the attribute values for all points. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python- defined SOP.

The name of the point attribute.
A sequence of string values in the same format as that returned by hou.Geometry.pointStringAttribValues. See that method for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the attribute name is not valid, the attribute is not a string, or the array of values is not the correct size.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Also see hou.Geometry.pointStringAttribValues.

setPrimFloatAttribValues(self, name, values)

For a particular attribute, set the attribute values for all primitives. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

The name of the primitive attribute.
A sequence of int or float values in the same format as that returned by hou.Geometry.primFloatAttribValues. See that method for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the attribute name is not valid, the attribute is not an int or float (i.e. it’s a string), or the array of values is not the correct size.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Also see hou.Geometry.primFloatAttribValues.

setPrimIntAttribValues(self, name, values)

For a particular attribute, set the attribute values for all primitives. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

The name of the primitive attribute.
A sequence of int or float values in the same format as that returned by hou.Geometry.primFloatAttribValues. See that method for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the attribute name is not valid, the attribute is not an int or float (i.e. it’s a string), or the array of values is not the correct size.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Also see hou.Geometry.primIntAttribValues.

setPrimStringAttribValues(self, name, values)

For a particular attribute, set the attribute values for all primitives. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

The name of the primitive attribute.
A sequence of string values in the same format as that returned by hou.Geometry.primStringAttribValues. See that method for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the attribute name is not valid, the attribute is not a string, or the array of values is not the correct size.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Also see hou.Geometry.primStringAttribValues.

setVertexFloatAttribValues(self, name, values)

For a particular attribute, set the attribute values for all vertices. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

The name of the vertex attribute.
A sequence of int or float values in the same format as that returned by hou.Geometry.vertexFloatAttribValues. See that method for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the attribute name is not valid, the attribute is not an int or float (i.e. it’s a string), or the array of values is not the correct size.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Also see hou.Geometry.vertexFloatAttribValues.

setVertexIntAttribValues(self, name, values)

For a particular attribute, set the attribute values for all vertices. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

The name of the vertex attribute.
A sequence of int or float values in the same format as that returned by hou.Geometry.vertexIntAttribValues. See that method for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the attribute name is not valid, the attribute is not an int or float (i.e. it’s a string), or the array of values is not the correct size.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Also see hou.Geometry.vertexIntAttribValues.

setVertexStringAttribValues(self, name, values)

For a particular attribute, set the attribute values for all vertices. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

The name of the vertex attribute.
A sequence of string values in the same format as that returned by hou.Geometry.vertexStringAttribValues. See that method for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the attribute name is not valid, the attribute is not a string, or the array of values is not the correct size.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Also see hou.Geometry.vertexStringAttribValues.

sopNode(self) → hou.SopNode

If the Geometry is not frozen, return the hou.SopNode object corresponding to this Geometry. Otherwise, return None.

See hou.Geometry.freeze for more information on frozen geometry.

sopNodeOutputIndex(self) → int

If the Geometry is not frozen, return the index of the SOP node output that this geometry corresponds to. Otherwise, return -1.

For most cases this method will return 0 to indicate that the geometry corresponds to the first output. This method will only return a value other than 0 for SOP nodes that have multiple outputs.

See hou.Geometry.freeze for more information on frozen geometry.

stringAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → str

Return the global (a.k.a. detail) attribute value for a particular string attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. See hou.Geometry.floatAttribValue for more information.

stringListAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → tuple of int

Return the global (a.k.a. detail) attribute value for a particular string attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. The return value is a list of strings. See hou.Geometry.floatListAttribValue for more information.


The membership flag

transform(self, matrix)

Transforms (e.g. rotates, scales, translates, etc.) the geometry by a transformation matrix. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

See hou.hmath for functions that build transformation matrices.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

transformPrims(self, prims, matrix)
Transforms a set of primitives (e.g. rotates, scales, translates, etc.) by a transformation matrix. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

> import math > > # This code will work from inside a Python SOP, but not from the Python > # shell. > > def createCircle(geo, num_vertices=10): > # Create a closed curve with the specified number of vertices. > curve = geo.createNURBSCurve(num_vertices) > curve.setIsClosed(True) > > # Arrange the points into a unit circle on the XZ plane, > # centered about the origin. > for i, vertex in enumerate(curve.vertices()): > angle = i * (2.0 * math.pi) / num_vertices > position = (math.cos(angle), 0, math.sin(angle)) > vertex.point().setPosition(position) > return curve > > # Create a bunch of circles on the XZ plane, tilt them slightly > # about X, translate them away from the origin, and rotate each > # one about the y axis by a different amount. > geo = hou.pwd().geometry() > num_copies = 20 > for i in range(num_copies): > curve = createCircle(geo) > geo.transformPrims([curve], > hou.hmath.buildRotateAboutAxis((1, 0, 0), 30) * > hou.hmath.buildTranslate((2, 0, 0)) * > hou.hmath.buildRotateAboutAxis((0, 1, 0), i * 360.0 / num_copies))

See hou.hmath functions that build transformation matrices.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

vertexAttribs(self) → tuple of hou.Attrib

Return a tuple of all the vertex attributes.

vertexFloatAttribValues(self, name) → tuple of float

Return a tuple of floats containing one attribute’s values for all the vertices.

This method only works on int or float attributes. If the attribute contains more than one element, each vertex will correspond to multiple values in the result. For example, if “attrib” is a float attribute of size 3 and there are 3 vertices with values (0.1, 0.2, 0.3), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), and (0.8, 0.7, 0.6) then the result will be (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6).

Calling this method is faster than looping over all the vertices and calling hou.Vertex.attribValue.

If the attribute name is invalid or the attribute is not an int or float (e.g. it’s a string attribute), this method raises hou.OperationFailed.

Note that you cannot pass a hou.Attrib object to this method like you can with many methods dealing with attributes. However, you can use hou.Attrib.name to easily get the name from an Attrib object.


vertexFloatAttribValuesAsString(self, name, float_type=hou.numericData.Float32) -> str

Return a string representation of the floats of one attribute’s value for all the vertices. This method is faster than hou.Geometry.vertexFloatAttribValues, and you can use the array module to convert the string into a Python sequence.

A hou.numericData value to specify the float data type (either Float16, Float32 or Float64).

This method provides a faster implementation of the following:

> import array > def vertexFloatAttribValuesAsString(self, name): > return array.array(“f”, self.vertexFloatAttribValues(name)).tostring()

You can convert the return value from this method to an array using the following method:

> import array > def vertexFloatAttribValuesAsArray(geometry, name): > a = array.array(“f”) > a.fromstring(geometry.vertexFloatAttribValuesAsString(name)) > return a

See hou.Geometry.vertexFloatAttribValues for more information.
vertexIntAttribValues(self, name) → tuple of int

Return a tuple of integers containing one attribute’s values for all the vertices.

This method only works on int or float attributes. If the attribute contains more than one element, each vertex will correspond to multiple values in the result. For example, if “idmap” is an integer attribute of size 2 and there are 3 vertices with values (1, 2), (2, 3), and (3, 4) then the result will be (1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4).

Calling this method is faster than looping over all the vertices and calling hou.Vertex.attribValue.

If the attribute name is invalid or the attribute is not an int or float (e.g. it’s a string attribute), this method raises hou.OperationFailed.

Note that you cannot pass a hou.Attrib object to this method like you can with many methods dealing with attributes. However, you can use hou.Attrib.name to easily get the name from an Attrib object.


vertexIntAttribValuesAsString(self, name, int_type=hou.numericData.Int32) -> str

Return a string representation of the integers of one attribute’s value for all the vertices. This method is faster than hou.Geometry.vertexIntAttribValues, and you can use the array module to convert the string into a Python sequence.

A hou.numericData value to specify the integer data type (either Int8, Int16, Int32 or Int64).

This method provides a faster implementation of the following:

> import array > def vertexIntAttribValuesAsString(self, name): > return array.array(“i”, self.vertexIntAttribValues(name)).tostring()

You can convert the return value from this method to an array using the following method:

> import array > def vertexIntAttribValuesAsArray(geometry, name): > a = array.array(“i”) > a.fromstring(geometry.vertexIntAttribValuesAsString(name)) > return a

See hou.Geometry.vertexIntAttribValues for more information.
vertexStringAttribValues(self, name) → tuple of str

Return a tuple of strings containing one attribute’s values for all the vertices.

This method only works on string attributes. If the attribute contains more than one element, each vertex will correspond to multiple values in the result. For example, if “strmap” is a string attribute of size 2 and there are 3 vertices with values (“apple”, “orange”), (“red”, “blue”), and (“one”, “two”) then the result will be (“apple”, “orange”, “red”, “blue”, “one”, “two”).

Calling this method is faster than looping over all the vertices and calling hou.Vertex.attribValue.

If the attribute name is invalid or the attribute is not a string attribute then this method raises hou.OperationFailed.

Note that you cannot pass a hou.Attrib object to this method like you can with many methods dealing with attributes. However, you can use hou.Attrib.name to easily get the name from an Attrib object.

class hou.GeometryDelta

Bases: object

Geometry delta provides access to the geometry differences (deltas) stored by some Geometry nodes such as the edit SOP.

If you ask a SOP for its geometry delta via hou.SopNode.geometryDelta, you’ll get a reference to it. If the SOP recooks, the corresponding geometry delta objects will update to the SOP’s new geometry delta object. If the SOP is deleted, accessing the geometry delta object will raise a hou.ObjectWasDeleted exception.

setPointPositionsFromString(self, positions)

Stores the differences between the provided positions and this SOP node’s input geometry into this node’s geometry delta object. This can be used, for example, to preload an edit SOP’s delta so its output geometry matches a desired shape without changing the input geometry.

The positions parameter should be a binary representation of the positions. For example, the result of calling hou.Geometry.pointFloatAttribValuesAsString.


The membership flag

class hou.GeometryPermissionError(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

Exception that is raised when you try to modify geometry from outside of a Python SOP.

description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.GeometrySelection(*args)

Bases: object

Represents a component selection performed by the user in a viewport.

Calling hou.SceneViewer.selectGeometry waits for the user to perform a selection in the viewport, and returns an object of this type representing the elected components. The returned selection can be manipulated by converting it to a specific component type, grown, or shrunk. Then the selection can be converted to a string that can be used in a SOP node group parameter.

If the selection contains components from more than one SOP, you can use the hou.GeometrySelection.mergedNode function to create a Merge SOP and/or Object Merge SOPs that brings all the referenced geometry into a single node.

connectivity(self) → hou.connectivityType enum value

Returns the hou.connectivityType that has been set on this geometry selection. Unlesss you call hou.GeometrySelection.setConnectivity, this function will return the no connectivity value.

geometryType(self) → hou.geometryType enum value

Returns the type of component that was selected.


Expands the selection by adding all components that are connected to components currently in the selection.


mergedNode(self, parent, creator_name, force_keep_original_objects=False, display_original_objects=False) -> Node

Creates a Merge SOP that combines all the SOPs referenced by the selection. Most selections will only reference a single SOP in which case no Merge SOP is required, and the selected SOP will be returned.

mergedSelectionString(self, empty_string_selects_all=True, force_numeric=False) -> string

Returns a single string that can be used in group parameters of the merged node returned by hou.GeometrySelection.mergedNode. If all components are selected from a single node this is equivalent to the first string in the tuple returned by hou.GeometrySelection.selectionStrings.
needsMergedNode(self, parent) → bool

Returns true if a Merge SOP needs to be created in order to access all components in the selection.

nodes(self) → tuple of Nodes

Returns a tuple of all nodes referenced by the selection.

ordered(self) → bool

Returns true if this is an ordered selection. This means that the order in which the user selected the components is preserved. To have an ordered selection, the ordered parameter needs to have been set to True when calling hou.SceneViewer.geometrySelection.

primitiveTypes(self) → tuple of hou.primitiveType enum values

Returns a tuple containing all primitive types that are contained in the selection.


selectionStrings(self, empty_string_selects_all=True, bool force_numeric=False) -> tuple of strings

Returns a tuple of strings that can be used to refer to the selected components in each SOP node referenced by the selection.
selections(self) → tuple of [Hom:hou.Selection]

Returns a tuple of component selection objects. These correspond to the nodes returned by the nodes function.

setConnectivity(self, connectivity)

Sets the type of connectivity to enforce when modifying the selection. The current selection is also expanded so that all connected components (using the supplied style of connectivity) become part of the selection.

setGeometryType(self, type)

Changes the type of component contained in the selection, converting the existing selection to the new component type.

setPrimitiveTypes(self, primitive_types)

Sets the tuple of primitive types allowed in the selection. Any primtives that are not of an allowed type are removed from the selection. Only has an effect if this is a primitive selection.

shrinkSelection(checkuv = true)

Removes components that are on the boundary of the selection.


The membership flag

class hou.GeometryViewport

Bases: object


  • viewcamera
  • viewhome
  • viewwrite
addEventCallback(self, callback)

Register a Python callback to be called whenever a viewport event occurs. The event types are defined in hou.geometryViewportEvent.


Any callable Python object that expects keyworded arguments specific to an event type. This callback can be used for any geometry viewport event type.

Arguments for hou.geometryViewportEvent.CameraSwitched:

  • event_type: This viewport event.
  • desktop: The desktop object holding the scene viewer.
  • viewer: The scene viewer object holding the viewport.
  • viewport: The viewport object that triggered the event.

> import hou > > def myViewportCB(**kwargs): > event_type=kwargs[‘event_type’] > desktop=kwargs[‘desktop’] > viewer=kwargs[‘viewer’] > viewport=kwargs[‘viewport’] > > print “

> print “event type=”,event_type > print “desktop=”,desktop > print “viewer=”,viewer > print “viewport=”,viewport > > cam = viewport.camera() > print “camera=%s
> > curSceneViewer = [item for item in hou.ui.curDesktop().currentPaneTabs() if item.type() == hou.paneTabType.SceneViewer][0] > curSceneViewer.curViewport().addEventCallback(myViewportCB)
changeName(self, str)

Set the name of the viewport.

changeType(self[, Hom:hou.geometryViewportType])

Set the viewport type (hou.geometryViewportType). This method first attempts to restore a stashed view for the new viewport type, but failing that, will home the viewport.


Remove all Python callbacks that have been registered with hou.GeometryViewport.addEventCallback.

defaultCamera(self) → hou.GeometryViewportCamera

Returns an object representing the viewport’s viewpoint. The returned object is “live” in that changing its settings will immediately change the view

If a camera/ight is locked to the view, changing the settings of the GeometryViewportCamera will change the camera/light node’s parameters as well.

Instead of a live object, you can get a “disconnected” version of the viewpoint using hou.GeometryViewportCamera.stash. This is a useful way to remember a certain viewpoint in code for later. You can restore a “stashed” camera using setDefaultCamera().

> # Remember the current view > cam = viewport.defaultCamera() > saved = cam.stash() > > # Change the view somehow > > # Restore the original view > viewport.setDefaultCamera(saved)


Request that the viewport redraw. Multiple draw() calls within the same script will be merged into a single call.

eventCallbacks(self) → tuple of callbacks

Return a tuple of all the Python callbacks that have been registered with hou.GeometryViewport.addEventCallback.


Moves the view to show all geometry/objects. See also frameNonTemplates().

frameBoundingBox(self, bbox)

Moves the view to show an arbitrary area in the scene.

A hou.BoundingBox representing the volume of space to focus on.

Frames the view on the grid.


Moves the view to show all _non-templated_ geometry.


Moves the view to show the selected geometry/objects.


Moves/tumbles the viewport to the default view.


Moves/tumbles the view to show all geometry/objects (including templated geometry). See also homeNonTemplated().


Homes the viewport on the grid.


Moves/tumbles the view to show all _non-templated_ geometry.


Moves/tumbles the view to show the selected geometry/objects.

isCameraLockedToView(self) → bool

Query to see if the camera is locked to the view. This returns the state of the camera lock only; this can be enabled without viewing through a camera.


Set the viewport camera lock. When True, any changes to the view will affect the camera object being viewed though. When False, the camera will become disconnected from the viewport and revert to the default viewport camera when the user tumbles the view. It is possible to enable this without the viewport looking through a camera, though view changes will not affect any objects until the user sets the viewport to look through a camera or light.

mapFromMouseChop(self, x, y) -> tuple of (int, int)

Convert from the Mouse CHOP’s X and Y screen values (which range from -1 to 1) to viewport coordinates, where (0,0) is the bottom left corner of the viewport.

mapToScreen(self, position) → hou.Vector2

Convert world coordinates to viewport coordinates.

A hou.Vector3 containing a world space position.
mapToWorld(self, x, y) -> tuple of (hou.Vector3, hou.Vector3)

Convert viewport coordinates to world coordinates. Returns a ray (direction vector and an origin point).

name(self) → str

Query of the name of the viewport (persp1, top1, etc).

queryInspectedGeometry(self) → hou.Geometry or None

Return the geometry currently being inspected in the viewport, or None when nothing is being inspected or when called outside of an inspect script.

queryInspectedPrim(self) → hou.Prim or None

Return the primitive currently being inspected in the viewport, or None when nothing is being inspected or when called outside of an inspect script. The primitive returned will be a subclass of hou.Prim.

queryNodeAtPixel(self, x, y) → hou.ObjNode, hou.SopNode, or None

Return the node draw at the specified pixel in the viewport, or None if there is nothing there. The type of node returned depends on the level of the viewer.

queryPrimAtPixel(self, node, x, y) → hou.Prim or None

Return the primitive drawn at the specified pixel in the viewport, or None if there is nothing there. The primitive returned will be a subclass of hou.Prim.

The parameter node is used to restrict the query to geometry within a particular node. If node is None, then the query is unrestricted.

removeEventCallback(self, callback)

Remove a specific Python callback that have been registered with hou.GeometryViewport.addEventCallback.

resolutionInPixels(self) → 2-tuple of int

Returns the resolution of the viewport in pixels, as (width, height).

saveViewToCamera(self, camera_node)

Copies the viewpoint transform of the current view onto the transformation parameters of a camera or light node.

A hou.ObjNode object representing the node to save the view to.
setCamera(self, camera_node)

Copies the viewport transfrom from the transformation parameters of a camera or light onto the current view. This is the same as choosing a camera/light from the Look throuogh submenu in the viewport’s Camera menu.

A hou.ObjNode object representing the node to save the view from.
setDefaultCamera(self, stashed_cam)

Takes a hou.GeometryViewportCamera and copies its values into this viewport.

Set the current camera settings of the viewport to the settings stored in cam_setting. If the viewport is looking through a camera and the view is not locked to the camera, it will be switched to “No camera”. If the view is locked to the camera, the camera object will be updated instead.

settings(self) → hou.GeometryViewportSettings

Set the name of the viewport. Setting the name does not affect its type, so naming a perspective view front will be confusing. This is best used in conjunction with changeType().


The membership flag

type(self) → hou.geometryViewportType enum value

Query the viewport type (UV, 3D, top, left, etc).


Set the viewport camera to “No camera” and stop looking through a camera object (or light).

viewPivot(self) → hou.Vector3

Returns a hou.Vector3 representing the view pivot as a point in world space.

viewTransform(self) → hou.Matrix4

Returns the transform matrix of the view. To set the viewpoint programmatically, use defaultCamera() to get a hou.ViewportCamera object and manipulate that.

class hou.GeometryViewportBackground

Bases: object

autoPlace(self) → bool

Query if the background image is automatically fit to the viewport.

brightness(self) → float

Query the intensity multiplier of the background iamge.

imageCOP(self) → str

Query the operation path of the background image.

imageFile(self) → str

Query the filename of the background image.

imageOffset(self) → tuple of float

Query the background image offset.

imageScale(self) → tuple of float

Query the background image scale.

imageSource(self) → str

Query the file or cop path, depending on the current background image source.

isCOPSource(self) → bool

Query if the background image is sourced from a composite operator.

isFileSource(self) → bool

Query if the background image is sourced from a disk file.

setAutoPlace(self, enable)

Automatically fit the background image to the viewport. If False, use the manual offset and scale to position the image.

setBrightness(self, intensity)

Set the intensity multiplier of the background image. A value of 1 keeps it at its original intensity, and values less than that dim it.

setImageCOP(self, op_path)

Set the path to the Composite operator defining the background image and set the background source to ‘COP’.

setImageFile(self, file_path)

Set the filename of the background image and set the background source to ‘File’.

setImageOffset(self, offset)

Set the background image offset, which is a 2-tuple of float. The values should be in the 0-1 range, representing fractions of the viewport width and height.

setImageScale(self, scale)

Set the background image scale, which is a 2-tuple of float. The values should be in the 0-1 range, representing fractions of the viewport width and height.

setImageSource(self, file_or_op_path)

Set the file or cop path, depending on the current background image source.

sourceFromCOP(self, use_cop)

Fetch the background image from a composite operator instead of a disk file. If False, a disk file is used.


The membership flag

class hou.GeometryViewportCamera

Bases: object

aperture(self) → float

Query the aperture of the viewport camera (or current camera).

aspectRatio(self) → float
clipPlanes(self) → 2-tuple of float

Query the clip planes of the viewport camera as (near,far).

focalLength(self) → float

Query the focal length of the viewport camera (or current camera).

isOrthographic(self) → bool

Query if the camara view uses an orthographic projection.

isPerspective(self) → bool

Query if the camara view uses a perspective projection.

orthoWidth(self) → float
pivot(self) → 3-tuple of float

Query the pivot of the viewport camera.

setAperture(self, ap)

Set the aperture of the viewport camera. Throws an error if the viewport is looking though camera object and the view is not locked to that camera.

setAspectRatio(self, ar)

Set the view aspect ratio of the viewport camera (16:9 would be 1.777). Throws an error if the viewport is looking though camera object and the view is not locked to that camera.

setClipPlanes(self, near_far)
setFocalLength(self, fl)

Set the focal length of the viewport camera. Throws an error if the viewport is looking though camera object and the view is not locked to that camera.

setOrthoWidth(self, ow)

Set the orthographic width of the viewport camera. Throws an error if the viewport is looking though camera object and the view is not locked to that camera. This has no effect on perspective cameras.

setPerspective(self, perspective)

Set the camera view to perspective (True) or orthographic (False). Fixed orthographics views cannot be changed to perspective (Top, Bottom, Left, Right, Front, and Back).

setPivot(self, xyz)
setTranslation(self, xyz)
setWindowOffset(self, xy)
setWindowSize(self, size)
stash(self) → hou.GeometryViewportCamera

Create a copy of the camera settings which can be used to store the view, usually so it can be restored later. Stashed camera settings are not connected to a viewport, so modifying them will have no effect on the viewport until it is passed to the viewport via hou.GeometryViewport.setDefaultCamera().


The membership flag

translation(self) → 3-tuple of float

Query the translation (position) of the viewport camera.

windowOffset(self) → 2-tuple of float

Query the window offset of the viewport, in (0,1) space.

windowSize(self) → 2-tuple of float

Query the window size of the viewport, in (0,1) space.

class hou.GeometryViewportDisplaySet

Bases: object

A Display Set represents a group of 3D viewport display options that apply to a particular context of geometry.


In Houdini’s 3D viewer display options window, you can apply different display options to certain subsets of objects/geometry, for example selected objects, or the displayed SOP. This object represents a set of options that apply to one of these subsets. For example, you can set templated SOPs to display as wireframe:

> # Get a reference to the geometry viewer > pane = hou.ui.curDesktop().paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.SceneViewer) > > # Get the display settings > settings = pane.curViewport().settings() > > # Get the GeometryViewportDisplaySet for objects > tmplset = settings.displaySet(hou.displaySetType.TemplateModel) > > # Tell Houdini to show set the shading mode for this subset to wireframe > tmplset.setShadedMode(hou.glShadingType.Wire)

There are several subsets available:


Object nodes which are not selected or ghosted.
Object nodes which are selected.
Object nodes which ghosted, which occurs when they are visible when at the SOP level and “Ghost Other Objects” is the current object mode, but are not the current object.


SOP with the display flag. This takes precendence over TemplateModel and CurrentModel, if the SOP has either the template flag set or is selected.
SOP that is currently selected. This takes precendence over TemplateModel, if that SOP also has the template flag set.
SOP that has a template flag set.

You can set the options in each display set independently of the other sets. You can also link a subset to another, so this subset uses the linked set’s options.

boundaryMode(self) → hou.boundaryDisplay
Query which viewport types display 3D boundaries (hou.boundaryDisplay).
  • hou.boundaryDisplay.Off:

    No 3D boundaries are displayed.

  • hou.boundaryDisplay.On:

    3D boundaries are shown in all viewports.

  • hou.boundaryDisplay.View3D:

    3D boundaries are shown in 3D viewports only.

  • hou.boundaryDisplay.ViewUV: .

    3D boundaries are shown in UV viewports only.

displaySetType() → hou.displaySetType
Returns the geometry context this display set represents:
  • hou.displaySetType.SceneObject - object nodes which are not selected or ghosted.
  • hou.displaySetType.SelectedObject - object nodes which are selected.
  • hou.displaySetType.GhostObject - object nodes which ghosted, which occurs when they are visible when at the SOP level and “Ghost Other Objects” is the current object mode, but are not the current object.
  • hou.displaySetType.DisplayModel - SOP with the display flag. This takes precendence over TemplateModel and CurrentModel, if the SOP has either the template flag set or is selected.
  • hou.displaySetType.CurrentModel - SOP that is currently selected. This takes precendence over TemplateModel, if that SOP also has the template flag set.
  • hou.displaySetType.TemplateModel - SOP that has a template flag set.
isShadingModeLocked(self) → bool

Query if the shading mode is locked. When locked, changing the shading mode in the viewport will not affect the look of geometry in this display set.

isShowingCoincidentPoints(self) → bool

Query if coincident point detection is enabled (yellow points and a duplicate count where coincident points are detected).

isShowingPointMarkers(self) → bool

Query if point markers are shown (blue dots at points).

isShowingPointNormals(self) → bool

Query if point normals are shown.

If the point normals are blue, the geometry has point normals. If they are dimmed, the model does not have normals and the normals shown have been automatically generated for display. If no normals are shown, the geometry has vertex normals. This query does not check for those conditions, but just the current setting of the display option.

isShowingPointNumbers(self) → bool

Query if point numbers are shown as text (blue point numbers, one per point).

isShowingPointPositions(self) → bool

Query if 3D point positions are being shown, as text: “(x,y,z)”.

isShowingPointTrails(self) → bool

Query if point trails are shown (based on the velocity v attribute).

isShowingPointUVs(self) → bool

Query if point texture coordinates are being shown, as text: “(u,v)”.

isShowingPrimBackfaces(self) → bool

Query if backfacing polygons are tinted to distinguish them from front facing polygons.

isShowingPrimBreakpoints(self) → bool

Query if breakpoints are displayed. Breakpoints are only available on NURBS and bezier surfaces and curves.

isShowingPrimHulls(self) → bool

Query if primitive hulls are shown. Only some primitives have hulls, such as volumes, NURBS, crowd agents, and bezier curves.

isShowingPrimNormals(self) → bool

Query if the primitive face normals are shown. Only polygon-based primitives have face normals.

isShowingPrimNumbers(self) → bool

Query if primitive numbers are shown. The primitive numbers can be used to specify primitives in primitive groups. The number is shown at the center of the primitive.

isShowingPrimProfileNumbers(self) → bool

Query if profile curve numbers are shown, on NURBS surfaces only. Each profile curve has an index from 0 to #profiles-1.

isShowingPrimProfiles(self) → bool

Query if profile curves are shown, on NURBS surfaces only.

isShowingUVBackfaces(self) → bool

Query if UV Backface highlighting is enabled in the UV view. Highlight polygons that are facing away, as the texture will appear backwards on these polygons.

isShowingUVOverlap(self) → bool

Query if the UV overlap is shown in the UV texture viewport. UV areas that reuse the same UV coordinates will be highlighted.

isShowingVertexMarkers(self) → bool

Query if vertex markers are shown. Vertex markers are inset into their polygon slightly, for ease of selection and selection display. The markers are small hollow squares. Not all primitive types have vertex markers.

isShowingVertexNormals(self) → bool

Query if vertex normals are shown. If the geometry does not have vertex normals, they will not be shown. The base of the vertex normal is inset slightly into its polygon to make it easier to see which polygon the normal is influencing.

isShowingVertexNumbers(self) → bool

Query if vertex numbers are shown. Each vertex on a polygon or mesh is numbered 0 to #edges-1.

isToolbarLinked(self) → bool

Query if the display set is linked to the right viewport toolbar. When linked, clicking a display option button on this toolbar will affect the corresponding option in this display set.

isUniqueDisplaySet(self) → bool

A display set can be linked to another display set, so that all of its options are taken from that linked set rather than its own. This method returns True if the display set is unique, in that it is not linked to another display set, and False if the set refers to another display set.

isUsingFadedLook(self) → bool

Query if the display set is faded. Faded geometry suppresses the display of geometry color.

isUsingGhostedLook(self) → bool

Query if the display set is ghosted. Ghosted geometry appears transluscent so that geometry behind it can be easily seen.

isUsingLighting(self) → bool

Query if lighting is used for this display set. When off, the geometry is displayed without any lighting (often much brighter).

isUsingXRay(self) → bool

Query if the display set is drawn with XRay. XRay geometry will appear as a faded wireframe behind other geometry that occludes it.

linkedToDisplaySet(self) → hou.displaySetType

A display set can be linked to another display set, so that all of its options are taken from that linked set rather than its own. This method returns the display set this set is linked to. If it is not linked to another set, it will return the its own set.

pointMarkerVisibility(self) → hou.markerVisibility

Query the visibility setting of point markers.

pointNormalVisibility(self) → hou.markerVisibility

Query the visibility setting of point normals.

pointNumberVisibility(self) → hou.markerVisibility

Query the visibility setting of point numbers.

pointPositionVisibility(self) → hou.markerVisibility

Query the visibility setting of point UVs.

pointTrailVisibility(self) → hou.markerVisibility

Query the visibility setting of point trails.

pointUVVisibility(self) → hou.markerVisibility

Query the visibility setting of point UVs.

primBreakpointVisibility(self) → hou.markerVisibility

Query the visibility setting of primitive breakpoints.

primNormalVisibility(self) → hou.markerVisibility

Query the visibility setting of primitive normals.

primNumberVisibility(self) → hou.markerVisibility

Query the visibility setting of primitive numbers.

setBoundaryMode(self, hou.boundaryDisplay)
Set the viewport types that highlight 3D boundaries for the geometry in the display set.
  • hou.boundaryDisplay.Off:

    No 3D boundaries are displayed.

  • hou.boundaryDisplay.On:

    3D boundaries are shown in all viewports.

  • hou.boundaryDisplay.View3D:

    3D boundaries are shown in 3D viewports only.

  • hou.boundaryDisplay.ViewUV: .

    3D boundaries are shown in UV viewports only.

setLinkToDisplaySet(self, view_display_set)
Link this display set to the settings of another display set. This display set’s option settings are then ignored, and the other sets are used in their place. Linking a set to itself restores its own settings.
  • hou.displaySetType.SceneObject
  • hou.displaySetType.SelectedObject
  • hou.displaySetType.GhostObject
  • hou.displaySetType.DisplayModel
  • hou.displaySetType.CurrentModel
  • hou.displaySetType.TemplateModel
setPointMarkerVisibility(self, visibility)
Controls how point markers are shown when displayed.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Always: All are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Selected: Only markers for selected points are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.AroundPointer: Markers close to the 3D point the mouse cursor is currently over are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.UnderPointer: Markers under the mouse cursor are shown.
setPointNormalVisibility(self, visibility)
Controls how point normals are shown when displayed.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Always: All are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Selected: Only normals for selected points are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.AroundPointer: Normals close to the 3D point the mouse cursor is currently over are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.UnderPointer: Normals under the mouse cursor are shown.
setPointNumberVisibility(self, visibility)
Controls how point numbers are shown when displayed.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Always: All are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Selected: Only numbers for selected points are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.AroundPointer: Numbers close to the 3D point the mouse cursor is currently over are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.UnderPointer: Numbers under the mouse cursor are shown.
setPointPositionVisibility(self, visibility)
Controls how point positions are shown when displayed.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Always: All are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Selected: Only positions for selected points are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.AroundPointer: Positions close to the 3D point the mouse cursor is currently over are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.UnderPointer: Positions under the mouse cursor are shown.
setPointTrailVisibility(self, visibility)
Controls how point trails are shown when displayed.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Always: All are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Selected: Only trails for selected points are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.AroundPointer: Trails close to the 3D point the mouse cursor is currently over are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.UnderPointer: Trails under the mouse cursor are shown.
setPointUVVisibility(self, visibility)
Controls how point UVs are shown when displayed.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Always: All are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Selected: Only UVs for selected points are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.AroundPointer: UVs close to the 3D point the mouse cursor is currently over are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.UnderPointer: UVs under the mouse cursor are shown.
setPrimBreakpointVisibility(self, visibility)

Controls how primitive breakpoints are shown when displayed.

setPrimNormalVisibility(self, visibility)
Controls how primitive face normals are shown when displayed.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Always: All are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Selected: Only normals for selected primitives are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.AroundPointer: Normals close to the 3D point the mouse cursor is currently over are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.UnderPointer: Normals under the mouse cursor are shown.
setPrimNumberVisibility(self, visibility)
Controls how primitive numbers are shown when displayed.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Always: All are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.Selected: Only numbers for selected primitives are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.AroundPointer: Numbers close to the 3D point the mouse cursor is currently over are shown.
  • hou.markerVisibility.UnderPointer: Numbers under the mouse cursor are shown.
setShadedMode(self, shaded_mode)
Sets the shading mode for this display set:
  • hou.glShadingType.WireBoundingBox: no geometry, only bounding box outline
  • hou.glShadingType.ShadedBoundingBox: no geometry, solid bounding box
  • hou.glShadingType.Wire: wireframe
  • hou.glShadingType.WireGhost: wireframe with muted hidden lines
  • hou.glShadingType.HiddenLineInvisible: wireframe with hidden lines
  • hou.glShadingType.HiddenLineGhost: wireframe with solid constant faces
  • hou.glShadingType.Flat: shaded with primitive face normals
  • hou.glShadingType.FlatWire: shaded with primitive face normals, outlined polygons
  • hou.glShadingType.Smooth: shaded with point or vertex normals
  • hou.glShadingType.SmoothWire: shaded with point or vertex normals, outlined polygons
setShadingModeLocked(self, on)

Locks the shading mode so that it cannot be changed by the user using the Shading Mode menu in the viewport or the wireframe toggle hotkey. Passing False unlocks the display set so that it follows the viewport’s shading mode.

setToolbarLinked(self, on)

Link the display set’s options to the option toggles in the right viewport toolbar. When linked, clicking a display option button on this toolbar will affect the corresponding option in this display set.

setUVBoundaryMode(self, hou.boundaryDisplay)
Set viewport types that highlight UV boundaries for the geometry in the display set.
  • hou.boundaryDisplay.Off:

    No UV boundaries are displayed.

  • hou.boundaryDisplay.On:

    UV boundaries are shown in all viewports.

  • hou.boundaryDisplay.View3D:

    UV boundaries are shown in 3D viewports only.

  • hou.boundaryDisplay.ViewUV: .

    UV boundaries are shown in UV viewports only.

setUniqueDisplaySet(self, on)

When True, remove any link from this display set to another display set. Its own settings will be used. Passing False has no effect; use setLinkToDisplaySet to link this set to another display set.

setVertexMarkerVisibility(self, visibility)

Controls how vertex markers are shown when displayed.

setVertexNormalVisibility(self, visibility)

Controls how vertex normals are shown when displayed.

setVertexNumberVisibility(self, visibility)

Controls how vertex numbers are shown when displayed.

setVertexUVVisibility(self, visibility)

Controls how vertex normals are shown when displayed.

shadedMode(self) → hou.glShadingType
Query the shading mode of the display set (hou.glShadingType):
  • hou.glShadingType.WireBoundingBox: no geometry, only bounding box outline
  • hou.glShadingType.ShadedBoundingBox: no geometry, solid bounding box
  • hou.glShadingType.Wire: wireframe
  • hou.glShadingType.WireGhost: wireframe with muted hidden lines
  • hou.glShadingType.HiddenLineInvisible: wireframe with hidden lines
  • hou.glShadingType.HiddenLineGhost: wireframe with solid constant faces
  • hou.glShadingType.Flat: shaded with primitive face normals
  • hou.glShadingType.FlatWire: shaded with primitive face normals, outlined polygons
  • hou.glShadingType.Smooth: shaded with point or vertex normals
  • hou.glShadingType.SmoothWire: shaded with point or vertex normals, outlined polygons
showCoincidentPoints(self, on)

Enable or disable coincident point detection. Orange points markers and a duplicate count are placed where coincident points are detected.

Coindicent point detection has affects viewport performance more significantly than other markers. It is best used when zoomed in on an area of the geometry for dense meshes, to avoid false positives.

Coindicent point detection has affects viewport performance more significantly than other markers. It is best used when zoomed in on an area of the geometry for dense meshes, to avoid false positives.
showPointMarkers(self, on)

Show or hide point markers.

showPointNormals(self, on)

Show or hide point normals.

showPointNumbers(self, on)

Show or hide point numbers.

showPointPositions(self, on)

Show or hide point position text display, drawn by each point.

showPointTrails(self, on)

Show or hide point trails on all points. Geometry must have a velocity attribute v.

showPointUVs(self, on)

Show or hide point UVs. If the geometry does not have point UVs, nothing will be displayed (ie. no UVs or vertex UVs).

showPrimBackfaces(self, on)

Enable to tint backfacing polygons to distinguish them from front facing polygons.

showPrimBreakpoints(self, on)

Enable or disable breakpoints display. Breakpoints are only available on NURBS and bezier surfaces and curves, and appear as hollow circles along the isoparms.

showPrimHulls(self, on)

Enable or disable primitive hulls. Only certain primitive types have hulls, such as NURBS, volumes, agents, and bezier curves.

showPrimNormals(self, on)

Enable or disable primitive face normals. This shows the face normals of polygons, not the value of a primitive N attribute.

showPrimNumbers(self, on)

Enable or disable the display of primitive numbers, which are shown in the middle of the primitive.

showPrimProfileNumbers(self, on)

Enable or disable profile curve number display on NURBS surfaces. Each profile on a NURBS surface has an index from 0 to #profiles-1.

showPrimProfiles(self, on)

Enable or disable profile curve display on NURBS surfaces.

showUVBackfaces(self, on)

Enable or disable UV backface highlighting in the UV viewport. Backfacing polygons would have the texture displayed on them backwards, from the point of view of the background image in the UV viewport.

showUVOverlap(self, on)

Enable or disable highlighting of UV overlap. Areas of the texture that would be share the same UVs are highlighted.

showVertexMarkers(self, on)

Enable or disable vertex markers. Vertex markers are drawn as small squares inset into its parent polygon slightly.

showVertexNormals(self, on)

Enable or disable vertex normal display. Vertex normals are drawn inset into its parent polygon slightly. The geometry must have vertex normals to be shown (vertex N).

showVertexNumbers(self, on)

Enable or disable vertex numbers. Vertex numbers are drawn as numbers inset into its parent polygon slightly, ranging 0 to #edges-1.

showVertexUVs(self, on)

Enable or disable vertex UV texture display. Vertex UVs are drawn inset into its parent polygon. The geometry must have vertex texture coordinates to be shown (vertex uv).


The membership flag

useFadedLook(self, on)

Suppress geometry color (Cd attribute, point, primitive, or vertex) on the geometry in the display set.

useGhostedLook(self, on)

Make all geometry in the display set appear ghosted - slightly translucent. This allows geometry behind the ghosted to seen and de- emphasizes the ghosted geometry in the viewport. This is normal used to direct focus to other geometry (displayed SOP within an object, for example).

useLighting(self, on)

Enable lighting for the geometry in the display set. This works in conjunction with the global lighting mode in the viewport. Both this option and the global lighting mode must be set to a lighting mode in order to see lighting (ie, enabling Lighting on this display set will not cause it to be lit if the global viewport mode is “No Lighting”).

useXRay(self, on)

Draw the geometry in the display set as XRay, which draws the geometry normally if not occluded, and as a dimmed wireframe where occluded by other geometry.

uvBoundaryMode(self) → hou.boundaryDisplay
Query which viewport types display UV boundaries (hou.boundaryDisplay).
  • hou.boundaryDisplay.Off:

    No UV boundaries are displayed.

  • hou.boundaryDisplay.On:

    UV boundaries are shown in all viewports.

  • hou.boundaryDisplay.View3D:

    UV boundaries are shown in 3D viewports only.

  • hou.boundaryDisplay.ViewUV: .

    UV boundaries are shown in UV viewports only.

vertexMarkerVisibility(self) → hou.markerVisibility

Query the visibility setting of vertex markers.

vertexNormalVisibility(self) → hou.markerVisibility

Query the visibility setting of vertex normals.

vertexNumberVisibility(self) → hou.markerVisibility

Query the visibility setting of vertex numbers.

vertexUVVisibility(self) → hou.markerVisibility

Query the visibility setting of vertex UVs.

class hou.GeometryViewportSettings

Bases: object


  • cplane
  • viewbackground
  • viewcamera
  • viewcopy
  • viewdisplay
  • viewls
  • viewname
  • vieworthogrid
  • viewprojection
  • viewsnapshot
  • viewtransform
  • viewtype
  • viewuvgrid
agentLODReduction(self) → bool

Query if mutliple levels of detail (LOD) are generated for crowd agents.

agentLODReductionBias(self) → int

Query the LOD bias for agents.

agentShapePointCutoff(self) → int

Query the minimum number of points in an agent LOD level.

agentWireframe(self) → hou.viewportAgentWireframe
Query the appearance of agents in wireframe mode.
  • hou.viewportAgentWireframe.Bone:

    Agents are rendered as bone-based skeletons.

  • hou.viewportAgentWireframe.Line:

    Agents are rendered as line-based skeletons.

allowParticleSprites(self) → bool

Query if particles are drawn as sprites when sprite attributes are detected on the particle (sprite* or shop_materialpath).

ambientOcclusion(self) → bool

Query if ambient occlusion is enabled. This can return true even if not in a high quality mode as this queries the raw display option value, not a reflection of whether the pass is active. If querying it the pass is active, the lighting mode should also be checked.

ambientOcclusionLevel(self) → int

Return the current occlusion level for ambient occlusion.

applyZoomToBackgroundImage(self) → bool

Query if the camera zoom is affecting the background image.

aspectRatio(self) → float

Query the viewport aspect ratio display option. Use viewAspectRatio() to query the current viewport aspect ratio.

autoGenerateVertexNormals(self) → bool

Query if vertex normals are produced when geometry is missing normals. If false, point numbers are produced.

backgroundImage(self, viewportBGImageView, layer)


Access the background image parameters for the target view type. layer is currently not used but reserved for future use.
  • hou.viewportBGImageView.Perspective:

    The 3D view not attached to a camera (“No cam”).

  • hou.viewportBGImageView.Camera:

    The 3D view looking through a camera.

  • hou.viewportBGImageView.Top:

    The orthographic top view.

  • hou.viewportBGImageView.Front:

    The orthographic front view.

  • hou.viewportBGImageView.Right:

    The orthographic right view.

  • hou.viewportBGImageView.Bottom:

    The orthographic bottom view.

  • hou.viewportBGImageView.Back:

    The orthographic back view.

  • hou.viewportBGImageView.Left:

    The orthographic left view.

  • hou.viewportBGImageView.UV:

    The UV texture viewport.

backgroundImageGammaLUT(self) → bool

Query if color correction is applied to the background image.

backgroundImageQuality(self) → int

Query the quality of background image display, from 0-100.

baseLODLevel(self) → int

Query the base level of detail.

camera(self) → ObjNode or None

Return the camera or light node that the viewport is looking through. Return None if the viewport is not looking through a camera or light node.

clampUVGridToBackground(self) → bool

Query if the grid is restricted to the background image’s area.

clipPlanes(self) → tuple of float

Query the near and far camera clip planes, returning them in a 2-tuple.

closureSelection(self, hou.viewportClosureSelection)
Change the closure selection display setting. A Closure selection is shown on a primitive when any part of that primitive is selected.
  • hou.viewportClosureSelection.Hide: Do not show closure selections.
  • hou.viewportClosureSelection.HullPrimitives: Only show closure selections on primitives that have hulls which are disconnected from the tessellated surface or curve (such as a NURBS surface).
  • hou.viewportClosureSelection.Show: Show closure selections on all primitive types.
colorScheme(self) → hou.viewportColorScheme
Query the current viewport color scheme.
  • hou.viewportColorScheme.Dark:

    Black background.

  • hou.viewportColorScheme.Grey:

    Light grey background.

  • hou.viewportColorScheme.Light:

    Light blue gradient background.

defaultMaterialAmbient(self, tint)

Set the ambient color of the default material (used when no material assignment is present or Show Materials is disabled).

defaultMaterialDiffuse(self) → hou.Color

Query the default material’s diffuse color.

defaultMaterialEmission(self, tint)

Set the emission color of the default material (used when no material assignment is present or Show Materials is disabled).

defaultMaterialSpecular(self) → hou.Color

Query the default material’s specular color.

displacementLevel(self) → double

Query the level of detail used for displacement mapping.

displayBackgroundImage(self) → bool

Query if background image display is globally enabled.

displayEnvironmentBackgroundImage(self) → bool

Query if environmenty lights’ envirnoment maps are shown as 360 degree background images.

displayOrthoGrid(self) → bool

Query if the grid is displayed in fixed orthographic views.

displayProjectedTextures(self) → bool

Query if projected textures from spotlights are rendered.

displaySet(self, display_set) → GeometryViewportDisplaySet

Returns the display set associated with the context ‘display_set’, which contains context-sensitive display options such as Draw Mode and Point Numbers.

displayTextureLayers(self) → bool

Query if multiple texture layers are rendered.

displayTextures(self) → bool

Query if material texturing is enabled.

displayUVTileBoundaries(self) → bool

Query if the boundaries of UV tiles are displayed.

distanceBasedPackedCulling(self) → bool

Query if packed primitive culling is enabled.

enableGuide(self, hou.viewportGuide, on)

Show or hide the guide specified by hou.viewportGuide.

filterBackgroundImage(self) → bool

Query if texture filtering of background images is enabled.

geometryInfo(self, hou.viewportGeometryInfo)
Queries the current geometry information display setting:
  • hou.viewportGeometryInfo.Off: No information displayed.
  • hou.viewportGeometryInfo.SelectedOnly: only display information if something is selected.
  • hou.viewportGeometryInfo.Always: Always display information.
guideEnabled(self, hou.viewportGuide) → bool

Query if the guide specified by hou.viewportGuide is shown (True) or hidden (False).

handleHighlight(self, hou.viewportHandleHighlight)
Sets the size of the handle highlight when the mouse is over a handle part:
  • hou.viewportHandleHighlight.Off: Handles do not show highlights.
  • hou.viewportHandleHighlight.Small: Handles have a subtle highlight.
  • hou.viewportHandleHighlight.Normal: Handles use their default highlight, which is twice the width of the small highlight.
hdrReflections(self) → bool

Query if High Dynamic Range (HDR) color buffers are use for the scene cubemap.

headlightDirection(self) → tuple of double

Query the vector direction of the headlight.

headlightIntensity(self) → double

Query the intensity of the headlight.

headlightSpecular(self) → bool

Query if specular reflections are generated by the headlight.

homeAutoAdjustClip(self) → hou.viewportHomeClipMode

Queries which camara clip planes are adjusted when performing a homing operation.

hullsOnly(self) → bool

Query if only hulls are drawn for complex curves and surfaces.

instanceStandInGeometry(self) → hou.viewportStandInGeometry
Query the current stand-in geometry for culled instances.
  • hou.viewportStandInGeometry.DisplayOff: Show nothing for culled instances.
  • hou.viewportStandInGeometry.LocationMarker: Show a location marker at the local space origin of each instanced.
  • hou.viewportStandInGeometry.BoundingBox: Show the culled instances’ bounding boxes.
interactiveMaterialUpdate(self) → bool

Query if materials are updated when they change.

interiorWireAlpha(self) → double

Query the dimness of the interior wires in a tet mesh. Outer wires are drawn normally, inner wires are dimmed. This only affects tet meshes in wireframe mode.

levelOfDetail(self) → double

Query the current level of detail used for tessellating geometry.

lightSampling(self) → int

Query the number of lighting samples.

lighting(self) → hou.viewportLighting

Query the current global lighting mode.

materialUpdate(self) → hou.viewportMaterialUpdate
Query the material assignment update frequency.
  • hou.viewportMaterialUpdate.Always:

    Update assignments whenever needeed.

  • hou.viewportMaterialUpdate.OffForPlayback:

    Update assignments whenever needed, but not during playback.

  • hou.viewportMaterialUpdate.Manual:

    Only update assignments when Update Materials is pressed.

maxLODLevels(self) → int

Query the maximum number of levels generated for an agent.

minHomeSize(self) → float

Query the smallest area that viewport can home to, in world units.

minReflectAmount(self) → double

Query the minimum reflection level required for a cubemap to be generated for an object.

objectOrigins(self) → bool

Query if object origin display is globally enabled.

offsetVertexMarkers(self) → bool

When enabled, vertex markers and normals are inset into the polygon so they can be selected independently when part of a seemless mesh. When disabled, the markers and normals are placed at the actual vertex, potentially overlapping.

onionSkinFrameIncrement(self) → int

Query the frame increment between onion skins.

onionSkinFramesAfterCount(self) → int

Queries the number of onion skins after the current frame.

onionSkinFramesAfterTint(self) → tuple of double

Query the tint color of skins that appear after the current frame.

onionSkinFramesBeforeCount(self) → int

Queries the number of onion skins before the current frame.

onionSkinFramesBeforeTint(self) → tuple of double

Query the tint color of skins that appear before the current frame.

onionSkinOpacity(self) → double

Query the current onion skin opacity.

onionSkinning(self) → bool

Query if onion skinning is globally enabled.

optimizeGeometry(self) → bool

Query if packed geometry is optimized.

orientDiscToNormal(self) → bool

Queries if discs and sprites are oriented to the normal (true) or not. The normal will be orthoganal to the disc (they will face in that direction).

originGnomonSize(self) → float

Queries the world size of the gnomon axes that appear at the world origin.

orthoRuler(self) → hou.viewportGridRuler
Query where the grid numbers are displayed on the fixed orthographic view grid.
  • hou.viewportGridRuler.Hide:

    Not displayed.

  • hou.viewportGridRuler.MainAxis:

    Displayed along the main axes at grid line intersections.

  • hou.viewportGridRuler.GridPoints:

    Displayed on grid line intersections.

othroGridOffset(self) → tuple of float

Query the offset of the grid in fixed orthographics views.

othroGridRuler(self) → tuple of int

Query the spacing of the grid numbers in fixed orthographics views as a 2-tuple.

othroGridSpacing(self) → tuple of float

Query the spacing of the grid lines in fixed orthographics views as a 2-tuple.

packedBoundingBoxMode(self) → hou.viewportPackedBoxMode
Query how culled packed primitives are displayed.
  • hou.viewportPackedBoxMode.NoDisplay:

    Culled packed primitives are not displayed at all.

  • hou.viewportPackedBoxMode.Wireframe:

    A wireframe bounding box replaces the packed primitive.

  • hou.viewportPackedBoxMode.Shaded:

    A shaded bounding box replaces the packed primitive.

  • hou.viewportPackedBoxMode.CurrentShadingMode:

    A bounding box replaces the packed primitive, drawn wireframe in wireframe shading modes and shaded otherwise.

particleDiscSize(self) → double

Query the disc diameter for particles drawn as Discs or Sprites if the pscale attribute does not exist. This is specified in world- space units.

particleDisplayType(self) → hou.viewportParticleDisplay
Query the default particle display.
  • hou.viewportParticleDisplay.Points: Constant sized point marker, with the diameter specified by particlePointSize. This marker is unaffected by pscale.
  • hou.viewportParticleDisplay.Pixels: Single pixel drawn for a particle.
  • hou.viewportParticleDisplay.Lines: Streak trail plus marker.
  • hou.viewportParticleDisplay.Discs: World-space circle, affected by pscale or discSize.
particlePointSize(self) → double

Query the point diameter for particles drawn as Points or Lines.

pointInstancing(self) → bool

Query if point instancing is globally enabled.

pointInstancingLimit(self) → int

Query the current polygon limit for instancing.

pointInstancingPercent(self) → double

Query the percentage of instances shown in the viewport for point instancing.

pointMarkerSize(self) → float

Queries the size of point marker decorations, in pixels.

polygonConvexQuality(self) → bool

Query the polygon convexing quality, true for high quality and false for fast convexing.

reflectMapSize(self) → int

Query the size of reflection cubemaps.

removeBackfaces(self) → bool

Query if backwards facing polygons are culled.

saveViewToCamera(self, camera_node)

Saves the viewport’s current view into the given camera node. It does this by setting the camera’s transform parameters to match the viewport’s view transform matrix.


Returns the number of samples used to antialias the viewport. Possible values are 1 (no antialiasing), 2, 4 (default for most hardware), 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128.

sceneGamma(self) → double

Query the scene gamma correction.

sceneLUT(self) → str

Query the current Lookup Table (LUT) file.

scenePolygonLimit(self) → int

Query the maximum allowed number of polygons in the view frustum, in millions of polygons.

selectWireframeAsSolid(self) → bool

Query if selection of wireframe polygons is done by face (true) or edge (false).

setAgentLODReduction(self, enable)

Enable the use of multiple levels of detail for crowd agents, each LOD level being half the polygon count of the previous level.

setAgentLODReductionBias(self, reduce_bias)

Set the LOD balance from Performance (0) to Quality (10), which biases which LOD levels are chosen.

setAgentShapePointCutoff(self, num_points)

Set the minimum number of points in an agent LOD level. If an LOD level would go below this number, it is not generated.

setAgentWireframe(self, viewportAgentWireframe)
Set the appearance of agents in wireframe mode.
  • hou.viewportAgentWireframe.Bone:

    Agents are rendered as bone-based skeletons.

  • hou.viewportAgentWireframe.Line:

    Agents are rendered as line-based skeletons.

setAmbientOcclusion(self, enable)

Enable an ambient occlusion pass in high quality lighting modes. This generates local occlusion shadows.

setAmbientOcclusionLevel(self, level)

Set the level of occlusion to generate, from 1-4. Higher levels produce a larger area of effect, while lower values produce fine detail.

setApplyZoomToBackgroundImage(self, enable)

Allow the camera zoom to affect the background image.

setAspectRatio(self, aspect)

Set the viewport aspect ratio (width/height).

setBackgroundImageGammaLUT(self, apply_to_bg)

Apply gamma and Lookup Table (LUT) color correction to the background image.

setBackgroundImageQuality(self, quality)

Set the quality of the background image, from 0-100. Values less than 100 will scale down the resolution of the background image.

setBaseLODLevel(self, base_level)

Set the level to use as the full level of detail model, generally 0 (the original agent model). For very heavy poly count agents, this can be set to higher values to reduce the polygon count of the highest level of detail model.

setCamera(self, camera_node)

Makes the viewport look through the given camera node.

setClampUVGridToBackground(self, enable)

Restrict the grid to the background image’s area.

setClipPlanes(self, clip)

Set the near and far camera clip planes from a 2-tuple.

setColorScheme(self, viewportColorScheme)
Set the color scheme for the viewport.
  • hou.viewportColorScheme.Dark:

    Black background.

  • hou.viewportColorScheme.Grey:

    Light grey background.

  • hou.viewportColorScheme.Light:

    Light blue gradient background.

setDefaultMaterialAmbient(self) → hou.Color

Query the default material’s ambient color.

setDefaultMaterialDiffuse(self, tint)

Set the diffuse color of the default material (used when no material assignment is present or Show Materials is disabled).

setDefaultMaterialEmission(self) → hou.Color

Query the default material’s emission color.

setDefaultMaterialSpecular(self, tint)

Set the specular color of the default material (used when no material assignment is present or Show Materials is disabled).

setDisplacementLevel(self, level)

Set the level of detail for displacement mapping. Displacement mapping adaptively subdivides the geometry to provide finer detail. Higher values result in denser subdivision, while lower values prodce lighter meshes. The default is 1.0.

setDisplayBackgroundImage(self, enable)

Globally enable background image display.

setDisplayEnvironmentBackgroundImage(self, enable)

Allow environment lights to show their environment maps as 360 degree background images.

setDisplayOrthoGrid(self, enable)

Display the grid in fixed orthographic views (Top, Left, Front, Bottom, Right, Back).

setDisplayProjectedTextures(self, enable)

Enable projected textures from spotlights with a valid texture.

setDisplayTextureLayers(self, enable)

Enable multiple texture layers when texturing. This causes an extra render of the geometry per texture layer.

setDisplayTextures(self, enable)

Enable material texturing.

setDisplayUVTileBoundaries(self, enable)

Display the boundaries of UV tiles at integral U and V numbers.

setDistanceBasedPackedCulling(self, enable)

Enable culling of packed primitives when the polygon count of the visible objects in the frustum exceeds a certain amount, starting with the most distant.

setFilterBackgroundImage(self, enable)

Enable texture filtering of background images. When off, individual pixels are shown as blocks at high zoome levels rather than blended.

setHdrReflections(self, hdr_reflect)

Enable High Dynamic Range (HDR) color buffers for the generated scene cubemap, which allows for higher contrast and bright spots in reflections.


hdrRendering(self) -> bool

Queries if High Dynamic Range (HDR) rendering is enabled.
setHeadlightDirection(self, dir)

Set the direction of the headlight used in Headlight lighting mode. This is expressed as a direction vector in camera space (the camera looks down -Z).

setHeadlightIntensity(self, intensity)

Set the intensity of the headlight used in Headlight lighting mode.

setHeadlightSpecular(self, enable)

Enable specular reflections when in Headlight lighting mode. Turning this off results in purely diffuse lighting.

setHomeAutoAdjustsClip(self, viewportHomeClipMode)
Set which camera clip planes are adjusted when performing a homing operation.
  • hou.viewportHomeClipMode.Neither:

    Neither clip plane is adjusted.

  • hou.viewportHomeClipMode.FarOnly:

    Only the far clip plane is adjusted.

  • hou.viewportHomeClipMode.NearOnly:

    Only the near clip plane is adjusted.

  • hou.viewportHomeClipMode.NearAndFar:

    Both clip planes are adjusted.

setHullsOnly(self, enable)

Draw only hulls for complex curves and surfaces like NURBS and Beziers.

setInteractiveMaterialUpdate(self, enable)

Update materials when they are changed to reflect their new state. When disabled, Update Materials must be pressed manually for changes to be reflected in the viewport.

setLightSampling(self, num_samples)

Set the number of lighting samples to perform when doing high quality lighting for area and environment lights.

setLighting(self, viewportLighting)
Set the global lighting mode for all viewports.
  • hou.viewportLighting.Off:

    No lighting, constant shaded.

  • hou.viewportLighting.Headlight:

    Basic lighting from a single directional light defined in the display options.

  • hou.viewportLighting.Normal:

    Good quality lighting from up to 10 basic lights (area lights modeled as point lights, limited environment lights).

  • hou.viewportLighting.HighQuality:

    High quality lighting from an unlimited number of lights including area, geometry, environment and ambient occlusion.

  • hou.viewportLighting.HighQualityWithShadows:

    High quality lighting with shadows.

setMaterialUpdate(self, viewportMaterialUpdate)
Set the material assignment update frequeuncy.
  • hou.viewportMaterialUpdate.Always:

    Update assignments whenever needeed.

  • hou.viewportMaterialUpdate.OffForPlayback:

    Update assignments whenever needed, but not during playback.

  • hou.viewportMaterialUpdate.Manual:

    Only update assignments when Update Materials is pressed.

setMaxLODLevels(self, num_levels)

Set the maximum number of levels to generate for an agent. This will be the original model plus this number.

setMinHomeSize(self, min_size)

Set the smallest area that viewport can home to, in world units.

setMinReflectAmount(self, min_reflect)

Set the minimum level of reflection required for a reflection cubemap to be generated for an object. This is based on the largest reflective value from all the materials assigned to the object. The larger this value, the more reflective an object must be to generate a reflection maps. A value of zero is not recommended, as all objects will generate a reflection map.

setNormalScale(self, normal_scale)

Set a scale factor for the display of normals to increase or decrease their length.

setObjectOrigins(self, globel_enable)

Globally allow object origins to be displayed. Object origins are enabled by setting the Origin flag on objects.

setOffsetVertexMarkers(self, enable)

When enabled, vertex markers and normals are inset into the polygon so they can be selected independently when part of a seemless mesh. When disabled, the markers and normals are placed at the actual vertex, potentially overlapping.

setOnionSkinFrameIncrement(self, frame_increment)

Set the frame increment between onion skins. Using 1 will draw every frame around the current frame ($F-2 $F-1 $F $F+1 $F+2, while 5 would step by 5 ($F-10 $F-5 $F $F+5 $F+10).

setOnionSkinFramesAfterCount(self, num_frames)

Set the number of onion skins after the current frame. Their spacing depends on the onion skin frame increment.

setOnionSkinFramesAfterTint(self, tint)

Tint all onion skins that appear after the current frame with this color.

setOnionSkinFramesBeforeCount(self, num_frames)

Set the number of onion skins before the current frame. Their spacing depends on the onion skin frame increment.

setOnionSkinFramesBeforeTint(self, tint)

Tint all onion skins that appear before the current frame with this color.

setOnionSkinOpacity(self, opacity)

Set the opacity of the onion skins to make them more or less prominent.

setOnionSkinning(self, global_enable)

Globally allow onion skinning to be displayed. Onion skinning is enabled on a per-object basis in the Misc tab of objects. This shows animation as a series of ghosted poses at other frames around the current frame.

setOptimizeGeometry(self, enable)

Optimize packed geometry when loaded to make it faster for display (triangulating and splitting meshes).

setOriginGnomonSize(self, size)

Sets the world size of the gnomon axes that appear at the world origin.

setOrthoRuler(self, viewportGridRuler)
Where to display the grid numbers on the fixed orthographic view grid.
  • hou.viewportGridRuler.Hide:

    Do not display.

  • hou.viewportGridRuler.MainAxis:

    Display along the main axes at grid line intersections.

  • hou.viewportGridRuler.GridPoints:

    Display on grid line intersections.

setOthroGridOffset(self, offset)

Set the offset of the grid in fixed orthographics views, as a 3-tuple in world space.

setOthroGridRuler(self, offset)

Set the spacing of the grid numbers in fixed orthographics views as a 2-tuple.

setOthroGridSpacing(self, offset)

Set the spacing of the grid lines in fixed orthographics views as a 2-tuple.

setPackedBoundingBoxMode(self, viewportPackedBoxMode)
Define how culled packed primitives are displayed.
  • hou.viewportPackedBoxMode.NoDisplay:

    Culled packed primitives are not displayed at all.

  • hou.viewportPackedBoxMode.Wireframe:

    A wireframe bounding box replaces the packed primitive.

  • hou.viewportPackedBoxMode.Shaded:

    A shaded bounding box replaces the packed primitive.

  • hou.viewportPackedBoxMode.CurrentShadingMode:

    A bounding box replaces the packed primitive, drawn wireframe in wireframe shading modes and shaded otherwise.

setPointMarkerSize(self, point_size)

Set the size of point marker decorations, in pixels.

setReflectMapSize(self, size)

Set the size of the cubemap used to store the surrounding scene as an environment map. Larger cubemaps produce sharper reflections but increase memory use.

setRemoveBackfaces(self, enable)

Cull polygons facing backwards instead of rasterizing them.

setSceneAntialias(self, aalevel)

Sets the viewports full-scene antialiasing level to one of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128. This represents the number of samples rendered to produce a higher quality image. Higher numbers produce better antialiasing, but this can affect the viewport’s rendering performance. Some graphics hardware only support a subset of these modes (eg. up to 8 or 32).

setSceneGamma(self, gamma)

Set the gamma correction for the scene. This value should match the calibrated gamma of the display device.

setSceneLUT(self, lut_file)

Specify a Lookup Table (LUT) file to use for color correction.

setScenePolygonLimit(self, millions_of_polygons)

Set the maximum number of polygons in the view frustum, in millions, before the viewport begins culling packed primitives.

setShadowMapSize(self, size)

Set the maximum shadow map size, in pixels. Larger maps will produce sharper shadows but increase memory usage. Shadow maps are always square.

setShadowMapSizeFromLight(self, enable)

Set whether to use the shadow map size specified by the Shadow Map size parameter in the light object (clamped to the maximum size specified in the display options) or always use the maximum size.

setShadowQuality(self, viewportShadowQuality)
Set the quality of shadow sampling in High Quality Lighting with Shadows lighting mode.
  • hou.viewportShadowQuality.Point:

    Area lights are treated as point lights when generating and sampling shadow maps. This is the fastest option.

  • hou.viewportShadowQuality.PointAA:

    Do some antialiasing of shadow edges. Treat area lights as point lights when generating and sampling shadow maps.

  • hou.viewportShadowQuality.Area:

    Area lights generate multiple shadow maps which are sampled to generate an approximation of a blurred shadow from an area source.

  • hou.viewportShadowQuality.AreaAA:

    Area lights generate multiple maps and antialias the shadow lookups.

setShadowSensitivity(self, offset)

Set the shadow bias to avoid self-shadowing. A 2-tuple is expected, with the first value setting the variable offset (depending on how parallel the surface is to the view direction) and the second a constant offset. Generally these don’t need to be changed from their default, but larger values reduce self shadowing but increase the risk of missing shadows for very close geometry.

setSingleBoneDeform(self, viewportAgentBoneDeform)
Set the complexity of bone-based deformation on agents.
  • hou.viewportAgentBoneDeform.Always:

    Only use 1 bone to deform on all agent instances (the one with the most influence).

  • hou.viewportAgentBoneDeform.ReducedLOD:

    Use up to 4 bones to deform the highest LOD agent instances, and 1 bone on all the reduced LOD instances.

  • hou.viewportAgentBoneDeform.Disabled:

    Use up to 4 bones to deform on all agent instances.

setSingleObjectMaterialLimit(self, num_materials)

Set the maximum number of material variations for a single object.

setStereoMode(self, viewportStereoMode)
Set the stereo display mode when viewing through a stereo camera.
  • hou.viewportStereoMode.Anaglyph:

    Anaglyph display of left/right as red/cyan.

  • hou.viewportStereoMode.HorizontalInterlace:

    Interlace left and right on alternating scanlines. Only useful for 3D monitors which support this.

  • hou.viewportStereoMode.HorizontalInterlaceReverse:

    Interlace left and right on alternating scanlines, swapping which scanlines are used for left and right.

  • hou.viewportStereoMode.QuadBufferGL:

    Use OpenGL quad buffer stereo, generally only available on professional cards.

setTexture2DSettingsFor3D(self, enable)

When enabled, use all the 2D texture settings for 3D textures.

setTextureAnisotropicFilter(self, num_samples)

Set the number of samples for anisotropic texture filtering. More samples produces better results for textures on polygons on an angle to the view direction.

setTextureAutoReduce(self, enable)

Enable auto-reduction of viewport textures. This attempts to scale down textures to fit within the texture cache.

setTextureAutoReduce2D(self, enable)

Allow auto-reduction of regular 2D textures.

setTextureAutoReduce3D(self, enable)

Allow auto-reduction of 3D textures (volumes).

setTextureBitDepthLimit2D(self, viewportTextureDepth)
Set the maximum bit depth for a 2D texture. Textures with a bit depth higher than this will be downconverted to this bit depth. Textures with an equal or lower bit depth will not be converted.
  • hou.viewportTextureDepth.Compressed8:

    Compressed, 8b SDR texture format. Smallest memory use.

  • hou.viewportTextureDepth.Fixed8:

    8b SDR texture format. Good balance between memory and quality.

  • hou.viewportTextureDepth.HDR16:

    16b HDR texture format. Excellent dynamic range, but more memory use and slower texturing performance.

  • hou.viewportTextureDepth.FullHDR:

    32b HDR texture format. Extreme dynamic range, but very high memory use and slow texturing performance. Use with care.

setTextureBitDepthLimit3D(self, viewportTextureDepth)
Set the maximum bit depth for a 3D texture (volume). Textures with a bit depth higher than this will be downconverted to this bit depth. Textures with an equal or lower bit depth will not be converted. 3D textures do not support compressed formats.
  • hou.viewportTextureDepth.Fixed8:

    8b SDR texture format. Good balance between memory and quality.

  • hou.viewportTextureDepth.HDR16:

    16b HDR texture format. Excellent dynamic range, but more memory use and slower texturing performance.

  • hou.viewportTextureDepth.FullHDR:

    32b HDR texture format. Extreme dynamic range, but very high memory use and slow texturing performance. Use with care.

setTextureCacheSize(self, size_in_mb)

Set the size of the texture cache, in megabytes. The viewport will use as much texture memory as it needs, even if it exceeds this level, but textures will be culled once they are no longer used to remain within this limit.

setTextureMaxMemory(self, size_in_mb)

Set the maximum size of a single texture, in megabytes. This prevents extremely large textures from starving the graphics hardware’s bandwidth (mostly by 3D textures).

setTextureMaxRes2D(self, res)

Set the maximum resolution of a 2D texture. res is an integer 2-tuple of (width, height). OpenGL has its own limit, and setting this limit higher than that will have no effect. The image will be scaled to fit the limit if it exceeds it.

setTextureMaxRes3D(self, res)

Set the maximum resolution of a 3D texture (volume). res is an integer 3-tuple of (width, height, depth). OpenGL has its own limit, and setting this limit higher than that will have no effect. The image will be scaled to fit the limit if it exceeds it.

setTextureMipmapping(self, enable)

Enable mipmapping for textures, improving display quality but increasing texture memory use by 50%.

setTextureResLimit2D(self, enable)

Limit the resolution of all 2D textures, so that the width and height cannot exceed the limit. Even if disabled, OpenGL has its own texture limits which will be applied (usually 8k or 16k).

setTextureResLimit3D(self, enable)

Limit the resolution of all 3D textures (volumes), so that the width, height, and depth cannot exceed the limit. Even if disabled, OpenGL has its own texture limits which will be applied (usually 2k or 8k).

setTextureScale2D(self, scale)

Uniformly downscale all 2D textures by this fraction (default 1.0, no scale).

setTextureScale3D(self, scale)

Uniformly downscale all 3D textures (volumes) by this fraction (default 1.0, no scale).

setTransparencyQuality(self, viewportTransparency)
Set the quality of the transparency pass performed by the viewport.
  • hou.viewportTransparency.Cutout:

    Fast test to render the transparent pixel as opaque (>0) or to discard it (0). This can be used for texture cards such as leaves. This doesn’t require an additional pass for transparency.

  • hou.viewportTransparency.Low:

    Render transparent pixels in a separate pass. Only the front- most transparent pixel is rendered.

  • hou.viewportTransparency.Medium:

    Render transparent pixels in an Order-Independent buffer of 8 samples, which is then sorted and composited together to do multi-layer transparency for up to 8 layers of overlapping transparency.

  • hou.viewportTransparency.High:

    Render transparent pixels in an Order-Independent buffer of 16 samples, which is then sorted and composited together to do multi-layer transparency for up to 16 layers of overlapping transparency.

setUVGridPixelOffset(self, offset)

Set the spacing, in pixels, of the dot grid.

setUVGridPixelSpacing(self, offset)

Set the spacing of the UV dot grid displayed over the background image.

setUVReferenceGrid(self, enable)

Display the grid in UV viewports.

setUseSceneLUT(self, enable)

Enable Lookup Table (LUT) color correction. A valid LUT file must also be present.

setVectorScale(self, scale)

Set the scale applied to vector decorations, to make them longer or shorter.

setViewMaskOpacity(self, opacity)

Set the opacity of the bars used to mask areas out the viewport outside the aspect ratio.

setVisibleObjects(self, uv)

Set the mask for all visible objects in the viewport. Wilcards can be used.

setWireOverPackedGeo(self, wire_over_packed)

Show polygon outlines on meshes in packed geometry when drawing a wire-over-shaded mode. Disabling this hides the outlines on packed geometry, making meshes appear as a single shape, which packed geometry technically is.

setXrayDrawing(self, global_enable)

Globally enable or disable X-ray drawing. Object must have their X-ray flag set in order to render as X-ray. X-ray causes the object to be visible when occluded.

setXrayQuality(self, quality)

Enable high-quality X-ray rendering, which draws X-rayed objects as dimmed shaded surfaces when occluded, with up to 8 levels of overlap between X-rayed objects. This looks better but takes longer to render. Regular X-ray rendering displays X-ray objects as wireframe when occluded.

setXrayStrength(self, strength)

Sets the strength of the occluded x-ray objects. Lower values make occluded X-ray objects dimmer.

shadeOpenCurves(self) → bool

Query if shaded open curves are enabled or not.

shadowMapSize(self) → int

Query the maximum size of the shadow maps used by High Quality Lighting with Shadows lighting mode.

shadowMapSizeFromLight(self) → bool

Query if the shadow map size is defined by the light object.

shadowQuality(self) → hou.viewportShadowQuality

Query the current shadow quality.

shadowSensitivity(self) → tuple of int

Query the variable and constant shadow offsets, returned in a 2-tuple.

showAmbient(self, enable)

Enable ambient lighting. When disabled, all ambient lights will not contribute to the final lit color. This can be used to debug lighting.

showBadges(self) → bool

Query if viewport status badges are displayed. Badges are icons which present additional state information.

showCameraName(self) → bool

Query if the camera name menu is displayed.

showDiffuse(self, enable)

Enable diffuse contribution of lighting. When disabled, diffuse will not contribute to the final lit color. This can be used to debug lighting.

showEmission(self, enable)

Enable emissive lighting. Emission lighting comes from materials on geometry, not lights, so modifying the lights in the scene has no effect on it. This can be used to debug lighting.

showGeometryColor(self, enable)

Enable contribution of the geometry Cd attribute to the material. When disabled, this is ignored. Cd multiplies both the the material diffuse and ambient colors.

showMaterials(self, enable)

Enable materials on geometry from SHOPs or VOPs. When disabled, these material assignments are ignored and only the attributes on the geometry will affect shading.

showName(self) → bool

Query if the viewport name menu is displayed.

showSpecular(self, enable)

Enable specular highlights. When disabled, specular will not contribute to the final lit color. This will also disable most reflections. This can be used to debug lighting.

showStateStatus(self) → bool

Query if the tool status messages are displayed.

showingAmbient(self) → bool

Query if ambient lighting is enabled.

showingDiffuse(self) → bool

Query if diffuse lighting is enabled.

showingEmission(self) → bool

Query if emission lighting is enabled.

showingGeometryColor(self) → bool

Query if geometry Cd contributes to the material.

showingMaterials(self) → bool

Query if materials are shown.

showingSpecular(self) → bool

Query if specular lighting is enabled.

showsBadges(self, show)

Display viewport status badges as icons beside the camera menu, which presents additional state information.

showsCameraName(self, show)

Display the camera name and menu in the upper right corner.

showsName(self, show)

Display the viewport name and menu in the upper right corner.

showsStateStatus(self, show)

Display any status messages of the current tool.

singleBoneDeform(self) → hou.viewportAgentBoneDeform
Query the complexity of bone-based deformation on agents.
  • hou.viewportAgentBoneDeform.Always:

    Only use 1 bone to deform on all agent instances (the one with the most influence).

  • hou.viewportAgentBoneDeform.ReducedLOD:

    Use up to 4 bones to deform the highest LOD agent instances, and 1 bone on all the reduced LOD instances.

  • hou.viewportAgentBoneDeform.Disabled:

    Use up to 4 bones to deform on all agent instances.

singleObjectMaterialLimit(self) → int

Query the maximum number of material variations for a single object.

spriteTextureLimit(self) → tuple of int

Query the maximum texture resolution for sprites. This is primarly a performance vs. quality tradeoff option. Larger sprites look better but may cause slowdowns for large particle systems.

stereoMode(self) → hou.viewportStereoMode

Query the current stereo display mode.

subdivsionLimit(self) → int

Returns the current subdivision polygon limit, in millions of polygons.

texture2DSettingsFor3D(self) → bool

Query if the 2D settings are used for 3D textures.

textureAnisotropicFilter(self) → int

Query the number of samples used for anisotropic texture filtering.

textureAutoReduce(self) → bool

Query if auto-reduction of viewport textures is enabled.

textureAutoReduce2D(self) → bool

Query if auto-reduction of regular 2D textures is allowed.

textureAutoReduce3D(self) → bool

Query if auto-reduction of 3D textures is allowed.

textureBitDepthLimit2D(self) → hou.viewportTextureDepth
Query the maximum bit depth for a 2D texture.
  • hou.viewportTextureDepth.Compressed8:

    Compressed, 8b SDR texture format. Smallest memory use.

  • hou.viewportTextureDepth.Fixed8:

    8b SDR texture format. Good balance between memory and quality.

  • hou.viewportTextureDepth.HDR16:

    16b HDR texture format. Excellent dynamic range, but more memory use and slower texturing performance.

  • hou.viewportTextureDepth.FullHDR:

    32b HDR texture format. Extreme dynamic range, but very high memory use and slow texturing performance. Use with care.

textureBitDepthLimit3D(self) → hou.viewportTextureDepth
Query the maximum bit depth of a 3D texture (volume).
  • hou.viewportTextureDepth.Fixed8:

    8b SDR texture format. Good balance between memory and quality.

  • hou.viewportTextureDepth.HDR16:

    16b HDR texture format. Excellent dynamic range, but more memory use and slower texturing performance.

  • hou.viewportTextureDepth.FullHDR:

    32b HDR texture format. Extreme dynamic range, but very high memory use and slow texturing performance. Use with extreme care.

textureCacheSize(self) → int

Query the texture cache size, in megabytes.

textureMaxMemory(self) → int

Return the maximum size of a single texture, in megabytes.

textureMaxRes2D(self) → 2-tuple of int

Return the maximum resolution for a 2D texture.

textureMaxRes3D(self) → 3-tuple of int

Query the maximum resolution of a 3D texture (volume).

textureMipmapping(self) → bool

Query if texture mipmapping is enabled.

textureResLimit2D(self) → bool

Query if 2D textures have their resolutions limited.

textureResLimit3D(self) → bool

Query if 3D textures have their resolutions limited.

textureScale2D(self) → float

Query the uniform scale applied to 2D textures.

textureScale3D(self) → float

Query the uniform scale applied to 3D textures (volumes).


The membership flag

transparencyQuality(self) → hou.viewportTransparency

Query the transparency quality.


Manually update all materials and material assignments.

useAspectRatio(self, enable)

Enforce a specific aspect ratio for the viewport, which will add bars if the viewport aspect ratio does not match.

useDisplacement(self, enable)

Enable displacement mapping for materials that have a displacement map. When disabled, the displacement map is ignored. This can have a significant hit for lower-end GPUs.

useMaterialOverrides(self, enable)

Allow material overrides from material stylesheets and the material_override attribute.

useMaterialStylesheets(self, enable)

Enable evaluation of material stylesheets for viewport material assignment.

usePackedStylesheets(self, enable)

Enable assignment of material stylesheets to geometry within packed primitives.

usePerPrimStylesheets(self, enable)

Enable evaluation of per-primitive stylesheets.

useReflections(self, enable)

Enable reflection mapping. Objects with reflective materials generate reflection maps of the scene around them, which can be quite expensive.

useSceneLUT(self) → bool

Query if Lookup Table color correction is enabled. This will return True even no LUT file exists.

useTransparency(self, enable)

Enable transparency rendering. When transparency is enabled, another pass handles areas of the geometry that have Alpha less than one (either due to an Alpha attribute or material opacity). When disabled, alpha is ignored and rendered as opaque.

usingAspectRatio(self) → bool

Query if a specific aspect ratio is being enforced.

usingDisplacement(self) → bool

Query if displacement mapping is allowed.

usingMaterialOverrides(self) → bool

Query if material overrides are being applied to material assignments.

usingMaterialStylesheets(self) → bool

Query if material stylesheet assignment is active.

usingPackedStylesheets(self) → bool

Query if material stylesheet assignments are applied to geometry within packed primitives.

usingPerPrimStylesheets(self) → bool

Query if per-primitive stylesheets are evaluated.

usingReflections(self) → bool

Query if reflection mapping is enabled.

usingTransparency(self) → bool

Query if transparency rendering is enabled.

uvAutoAttribute(self) → bool

Return True if the UV viewport is auto-detecting the class of the displayed UV attribute.

uvDisplayAttribute(self) → str

Return the attribute currently displayed in the UV viewport.

uvGridPixelOffset(self) → tuple of float

Query the spacing of the dot grid in pixels.

uvGridPixelSpacing(self) → tuple of float

Query the spacing of the UV dot grid displayed over background images.


uvReferenceGridOverImage(self) -> bool

Query if the dot grid is displayed.
uvVertexType(self) → bool

Return the class of the UV attribute, Point or Vertex. This returns the viewport setting, and not the detected class of the current UV attribute. If uvAutoAttribute is enabled, the class will be the same as the currently displayed attribute, but if it is disabled it may be different.

vectorScale(self) → float

Query the scale applied to the length of vector decorations.

vertexNormalCuspAngle(self) → double

Query the cusp angle for vertex normal generation. Any shared edge between polygons will be considered a hard edge if the polygon faces differ by more than this angle, otherwise the normals will be smooth over the edge.

vertexNormalLimit(self) → int

Query the polygon limit for generating vertex normals, in millions of polygons.

viewAspectRatio(self, masked) → float

Query the actual viewport aspect ratio. If masked is True, return the aspect ratio of the area inside the camera mask, otherwise return the full viewport aspect ratio.

viewMaskOpacity(self) → float

Query the opacity of the bars used to mask areas out the viewport outside the aspect ratio.

viewportType(self) → hou.geometryViewportType enum value

Query the viewport type (UV, 3D, top, left, etc).

visibleObjects(self) → str

Query the current visible object mask.

volumeQuality(self) → hou.viewportVolumeQuality
Query the volume display quality.
  • hou.viewportVolumeQuality.VeryLow: Very fast, low quality preview
  • hou.viewportVolumeQuality.Low: Fewer slices than Normal for speed
  • hou.viewportVolumeQuality.Normal: Good quality vs. speed setting.
  • hou.viewportVolumeQuality.High: Large number of slices with jittering
volumeWireAsPoints(self) → bool

Query if volumes are currently drawn as a point field in wireframe.

wireBlend(self) → double

Query the blend factor between wires and the surface in wire-over- shaded modes. Values close to 0 produce very faint lines, values closer to 1 produce solid lines.

wireOverPackedGeo(self) → bool

Query if polygon outlines are visible on packed geometry when a wire-over-shaded mode is active.

wireWidth(self) → double

Query the width of lines drawn for wireframe and wire-over-shaded modes.

xrayDrawing(self) → bool

Query if X-ray drawing is enabled globally.

xrayQuality(self) → bool

Queries if high quality X-ray rendering is active.

xrayStrength(self) → double

Query the strength of occluded x-ray objects.

class hou.HDADefinition

Bases: object

Represents the definition of a houdini digital asset (HDA).

A digital asset definition defines a node type and exists inside an hda file. The node type is implemented in terms of other nodes wired together inside a subnet. These nodes inside the subnet are called the definition’s contents.

An hda file contains one or more digital asset definitions, and installing an hda file installs all the definitions in the file. When a digital asset definition is installed, the node type it defines is added to Houdini. Note that you can access an HDADefinition without installing it.

A digital asset’s algorithm is determined by the nodes inside it. To edit those nodes you create an instance of the digital asset, unlock it, modify the contents, and save the definition. New digital asset instances are normally locked, meaning that they are read-only, and they automatically update when the asset’s definition changes. An unlocked instance is editable, does not update when the definition changes, and you can save its contents to change the definition.

To unlock a node, select Allow Editing of Contents or call hou.Node.allowEditingOfContents. To save the contents of an unlocked node to the definition, select Save Operator Type or call hou.HDADefinition.updateFromNode. To revert an unlocked instance back to the last saved definition and change it back into a locked instance, select Match Current Definition or call hou.Node.matchCurrentDefinition.

See also hou.hda and hou.HDAOptions.

addParmFolder(folder_name, in_folder=(), parm_name=None, create_missing_folders=False)

addParmFolder(self, folder_name, in_folder=(), parm_name=None, create_missing_folders=False)

Adds a folder to this node type’s parameters.

The name of the folder that is displayed in the parameter dialog.
A sequence of folder name strings to indicate where the folder should go. If this sequence is empty, the folder will go in top level set of folders. It it is, for example, (“Transform”,), the folder is added inside the Transform folder. If it is (“Transform”, “Options”), it will go inside the Options folder inside the Transform folder.

The name of the underlying parameter tuple corresponding to the set of folders. For example, the folders in a set might be named Transform, Subnet, and Controls, and these correspond to one parameter tuple named, say, ‘stdswitcher0’. The value of the parameter in this tuple is the index of the folder that is open.

If this is the first folder to go in the set, parm_name is used as the parameter name. Otherwise, it is ignored and Houdini uses the parameter name of the first folder in the set.

If this is the first folder in the set and parm_name is None, it will default to ‘folder0’. If parm_name is already in use, Houdini automatically generates a unique name.

Whether Houdini should create folders specified in in_folder that do not already exist. If this parameter is True, you can use this method to add nested folders in one call.

Note that you can add folders by passing a hou.FolderParmTemplate to the addSpareParmTuple method, so this method is deprecated. Note also that addSpareParmTuple is deprecated in favor of setParmTemplateGroup.

See also the removeParmFolder and addParmTuple methods.

This method is deprecated in favor of setParmTemplateGroup.

addParmTuple(parm_template, in_folder=(), create_missing_folders=False)

addParmTuple(self, parm_template, in_folder=(), create_missing_folders=False)

Add a parameter tuple to this node type’s parameters. Houdini places the new parameter at the bottom of the parameters in a particular folder.

An instance of a hou.ParmTemplate subclass that describes the parameter.
A sequence of folder name strings to tell Houdini which folder to put the parameter in. If this sequence is empty, the parameter will go in top level set of folders. It it is, for example, (“Transform”,), the parameter is added inside the Transform folder. If it is (“Transform”, “Options”), it will go inside the Options folder inside the Transform folder.
Whether Houdini should create folders specified in in_folder that do not already exist. If this parameter is True, you can create folders without having to call hou.HDADefinition.addParmFolder.

Note that this method can add a single folder by passing a hou.FolderParmTemplate for parm_template.

See also hou.HDADefinition.replaceParmTuple.

This method is deprecated in favor of hou.HDADefinition.setParmTemplateGroup.


addSection(self, name, contents=”“, compression_type=hou.compressionType.NoCompression) -> hou.HDASection

Create a new section with the specified contents. If a section already exists with this name, changes the existing contents to the new contents. Note that the contents may contain binary data. Also note that section names may contain ‘/’.

You can optionally specify a compression type, hou.compressionType, to compress the contents. Note that you must specify the same compression type when reading the contents back to decompress them.

See hou.HDASection for more information on sections. To remove a section, use hou.HDASection.destroy.

Sections can have associated properties stored in the hou.HDADefinition.extraFileOptions.

> def addSectionFromFile(hda_definition, section_name, file_name): > ‘’‘Add a section whose contents come from a file. If the section > already exists, replace its contents.’‘’ > section_file = open(file_name, “r”) > hda_definition.addSection(section_name, section_file.read()) > section_file.close()

compileCodeSection(self, source_section, destination_section)

This function is deprecated. Compiled VEX code should no longer be stored inside of an HDA.

copyToHDAFile(self, file_name, new_name=None, new_menu_name=None)

Copy this definition into an hda file.

The hda file where the definition will be saved. If the file does not already exist, it will be created. If it already contains a definition for this node type, it will be overwritten.
The new name of the node type. If None, the definition will be saved as the existing node type name. See also hou.NodeType.name.
The new description of the node type that appears in the tab menu. If None, Houdini will use the existing description. Note that the node type name must be unique within the hda file, so saving the definition with a new description to an hda file containing a definition with the old node name will still overwrite the existing definition. See also hou.NodeType.description.
description(self) → str

Return the description for this definition’s node type. Houdini uses this description for user interface elements such as the TAB menu. This description is also called the operator label in Houdini.

See also hou.NodeType.description.


Uninstall this definition and _delete it from the hda file_. Any node instances of this asset will warn that they are using an incomplete asset definition.

See also hou.hda.uninstallFile.

embeddedHelp(self) → str

Return the help text embedded in the digital asset. Return an empty string if no embedded help exists.

Embedded help typically comes from the Help tab of the operator type properties window, but it may also come from a dialog script.

extraFileOptions(self) → dict of str to bool, int, float, str

Return a dictionary containing the extra options attached to sections in the asset’s definition. For example, event handler scripts such as OnCreated are stored as sections inside the asset, and extra metadata in this dictionary determines whether Houdini runs these scripts as Python as as Hscript.

These is one dictionary for the entire asset, and keys in this dictionary are usually of the form section_name/option_name. For example, if the OnCreated section is marked as containing Python code, this dictionary will contain “OnCreated/IsPython” set to True.

Note that the contents of this dictionary are saved in the ExtraFileOptions section and are encoded in a binary format.

See also hou.HDADefinition.setExtraFileOption and hou.HDADefinition.removeExtraFileOption.

extraInfo(self) → str

Return a string storing extra information about the asset definition that isn’t stored elsewhere, like the representative node, guide geometry, whether default parameters are hidden, etc.

See also hou.HDADefinition.representativeNodePath and hou.HDADefinition.hideDefaultParameters to more easily retrieve some portions of the extra info.

hasSection(self, name) → bool

Return True if the HDA definition contains a section with the specified name and False otherwise.

See hou.HDASection for more information on sections.

hideDefaultParameters(self) → bool

Return whether the parameters that are common to nodes types in this node type category are hidden or not. For example, nearly all objects have common translation, rotation, scale, etc. parameters, and object level digital assets have these parameters by default. If hidden, though, these parameters are still there but are not displayed to the user.

Note that this value is also stored in the string returned by hou.HDADefinition.extraInfo.

icon(self) → str

Return the name or path of the icon for this definition’s node type. Note that Houdini uses its search path to locate icons, so you do not need to pass in a full path.

See also hou.NodeType.icon.

isCurrent(self) → bool

Return whether this definition is the one currently in use by Houdini.

This example shows how you can access other definitions for the same node type:

> def otherDefinitions(definition): > ‘’‘Given an HDADefinition object, return the other loaded definitions > for the same node type.’‘’ > # Look through all the loaded hda files for definitions providing > # the same node type. > result = [] > for hda_file in hou.hda.loadedFiles(): > # Skip the hda file containing the definition that was passed in. > if hda_file == definition.libraryFilePath(): > continue > > for other_definition in hou.hda.definitionsInFile(hda_file): > if other_definition.nodeType() == definition.nodeType(): > result.append(other_definition) > return result > # Print the paths to hda files providing other definitions for a digital asset instance. > >>> for other_definition in otherDefinitions(hou.node(“/obj/my_hda1”).type().definition()): > … print other_definition.libraryFilePath() > /path/to/file1.hda > /path/to/file2.hda

isInstalled(self) → bool

Return whether this definition is installed in Houdini.

It is possible to access HDADefinition objects in hda files that are not installed with hou.hda.definitionsInFile.

See also hou.hda.installFile.

isPreferred(self) → bool

Return whether this definition is preferred.

After loading hda files, Houdini uses a set of rules to resolve conflicts when it encounters multiple definitions for the same node type (e.g. preferring the most recent hda file, preferring definitions embedded in the hip file, etc.). When these rules do not use the definition you want, you can override them by explicitly marking a definition as preferred. Houdini saves this list of preferred definitions with the hip file. Marking a definition as not preferred will remove it from this list, and the normal rules will apply again.

libraryFilePath(self) → str

Return the path to the hda file containing the digital asset’s definition.

Note that it is possible to save an asset with a hip file, without storing it in an hda file. In this case, this method returns “Embedded”.

maxNumInputs(self) → int

Return the maximum number of inputs that node instances of this digital asset can have. Return a number greater than 4 if this node type can accept an unlimited number of inputs.

See also hou.NodeType.maxNumInputs.

minNumInputs(self) → int

Return the minimum number of connected inputs that node instances of this digital asset can have. If these inputs are not connected, the node will generate an error.

See also hou.NodeType.minNumInputs.

modificationTime(self) → int
Return the time when the definition was last modified. This time is returned as a POSIX timestamp, such as is returned by time.time().

> >>> import time > >>> time.ctime(hou.nodeType(hou.objNodeTypeCategory(), “toon_character”). > … definition().modificationTime()) > ‘Thu Nov 6 18:22:38 2008’

nodeType(self) → hou.NodeType

Return the node type defined by this digital asset. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the digital asset is not installed.

nodeTypeCategory(self) → hou.NodeTypeCategory

Return the node type category (e.g. Objects, SOPs, DOPs, etc.) for the node type defined by this digital asset. See hou.NodeTypeCategory for more information.

It is safe to call this method if the digital asset is not installed. If the digital asset is installed, this method is equivalent to self.nodeType().category().

nodeTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the node type defined by this digital asset. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the digital asset is not installed.

If the digital asset is installed, this method is a shortcut for self.nodeType().name().

options(self) → hou.HDAOptions

Return a hou.HDAOptions object for the options stored in this digital asset. See hou.HDAOptions for more information.

parmTemplateGroup(self) → hou.ParmTemplateGroup

Return the group of parm templates corresponding to the current parameter layout for this node.

You can edit the parameter layout for this node (add or remove spare parameters, reorder or hide built-in parameters, etc.) by getting the current parameter group, modifying it, and calling hou.Node.setParmTemplateGroup with it.

The following example creates a geometry object, adds a My Parms folder to it, and adds a My Parm float parameter to it in that folder. The parameters are added only to the geometry object created; other geometry objects are unaffected.

> >>> node = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”) > >>> group = node.parmTemplateGroup() > >>> folder = hou.FolderParmTemplate(“folder”, “My Parms”) > >>> folder.addParmTemplate(hou.FloatParmTemplate(“myparm”, “My Parm”, 1)) > >>> group.append(folder) > >>> node.setParmTemplateGroup(group)

See hou.ParmTemplateGroup and the setParmTemplateGroup method for more information and examples.
parsedContents(self) -> tuple of (str, str)

Return a list of (name, value) pairs of the parsed from the Contents section.

The Contents section consists of the child nodes used to create a node instance of the HDA.

See also hou.HDADefinition.uncompressedContents.

removeExtraFileOption(self, name)

Remove an entry in the dictionary of extra file options. See hou.HDADefinition.extraFileOptions for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if there is no entry in the dictionary with this name.

removeParmFolder(self, folder)

Remove an empty folder from this node type’s parameters.

A _sequence of folder names_. For example, to remove the Output folder, pass in (“Output”,) and not “Output”.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the folder does not exist or it is not empty. Use hou.HDADefinition.removeParmTuple to remove all the parameters inside the folder before calling this method.

See also addParmFolder, hou.ParmTemplateGroup.remove, and hou.ParmTemplateGroup.findFolder.

This method is deprecated in favor of hou.HDADefinition.setParmTemplateGroup.

removeParmTuple(self, name)

Remove a parameter tuple from this node type’s parameters.

See also hou.HDADefinition.addParmTuple and hou.HDADefinition.removeParmFolder.

This method is deprecated in favor of hou.HDADefinition.setParmTemplateGroup.

removeSection(self, name)

Remove an existing section. Only remove sections that you explicitly added. Do not remove the special sections that Houdini uses to store the contents of the digital asset definition, or Houdini will generate errors or strange side effects.

See hou.HDASection for more information on sections. Note that hou.HDASection.destroy will also remove a section.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no such section exists in the definition.

replaceParmTuple(self, parm_tuple_name, parm_template)

Replace an existing parameter tuple with a new one. The old parameter tuple is removed and the new one is added in its place.

The name of the parameter tuple to replace. Raises hou.OperationFailed if no parameter tuple exists with this name.
A hou.ParmTemplate describing the new parameter tuple.

The new parameter tuple may or may not have the same name as the old one. By providing a parameter tuple with the same name, you can modify an existing parameter tuple. The following example function changes the definition of the asset to make a parameter tuple visible or invisible in all nodes of that type.

To show or hide a parameter in just one instance of a node, use hou.ParmTuple.hide.

To change a spare parameter on a node, use hou.Node.replaceSpareParmTuple or hou.Node.setParmTemplateGroup.

This method is deprecated in favor of hou.HDADefinition.setParmTemplateGroup.

representativeNodePath(self) → str

Return the contents of the Representative Node field on the Basic tab of the Type Properties dialog.

For object-level digital assets that contain other object nodes, it is possible to make Houdini treat your digital asset like a camera or light by choosing a node inside the asset to represent it. For example, if you choose a camera inside the asset as the representative node, instances of the digital asset will appear in the viewport’s list of camera objects.

Note that this value is also stored in the string returned by hou.HDADefinition.extraInfo.


save(self, file_name, template_node=None, options=None, create_backup=True)

Save the definition into an hda file.

Where to save the definition. To save to the current hda file, use the return value from hou.HDADefinition.libraryFilePath.
Either None or a hou.Node object containing an unlocked instance of the digital asset that defines the definition’s new contents. If None, this method does not update the definition’s contents.
Either None or a hou.HDAOptions object that specifies extra behaviors of the definition. If template_node is not None, the compressContents, lockContents, saveSpareParms, and makeInitialParmsDefaults values of the hou.HDAOptions object are used. Otherwise, only the compressContents value is used.
Create a backup before modifying existing hda files.

See also hou.HDADefinition.updateFromNode for a way to save an unlocked node’s definition to the current hda file. See also hou.HDADefinition.copyToHDAFile.

sections(self) → dict of str to hou.HDASection

Return a dictionary mapping section names to hou.HDASection objects. See hou.HDASection for more information on sections.

setDescription(self, description)

Set the description for this definition’s node type. Houdini uses this description for user interface elements such as the TAB menu. This description is also called the operator label in Houdini.

See also hou.HDADefinition.description and hou.NodeType.description.


setExtraFileOption(self, name, value, type_hint = hou.fieldType::NoSuchField)

Set an entry in the dictionary of extra file options. See hou.HDADefinition.extraFileOptions for more information.

The name of the option to set.
An integer, float, string, hou.Vector2, hou.Vector3, hou.Vector4, hou.Quaternion, hou.Matrix3, hou.matrix4, or sequence of numbers.
Used to determine the exact hou.fieldType desired when the specified value type is not enough to unambiguously determine it.

The following example function marks an section, such as OnCreated, as containing Python code:

> def markSectionAsPython(definition, section_name): > definition.setExtraFileOption(section_name + “/IsPython”, True)

setExtraInfo(self, extra_info)

Set extra information about the asset definition that isn’t stored elsewhere, like the representative node, guide geometry, etc. This string is encoded in a specific format, so it is recommended that you only call this method with values returned from hou.HDADefinition.extraInfo.

setIcon(self, icon)

Set the icon for this definition’s node type. See hou.HDADefinition.icon for more information.

setIsPreferred(self, preferred)

Set whether this definition is preferred. See hou.HDADefinition.isPreferred for more information.

setMaxNumInputs(self, max_num_inputs)

Set the maximum number of inputs that node instances of this digital asset may have. This number must be greater than or equal to the minimum number of inputs. If it is 5 or greater, Houdini will use a merge SOP-style input connector that allows an unlimited number of inputs. Otherwise, the node will have between 0 and 4 input connectors, each of which may or may not be connected, that correspond to the subnet indirect inputs inside the digital asset.

See hou.Node.inputConnectors and hou.SubnetIndirectInput for more information on input connectors and subnet indirect inputs.

setMinNumInputs(self, min_num_inputs)

Set the minimum number of connected inputs that node instances of this digital asset must have. min_num_inputs must be between 0 and 4, inclusive. If a node does not have the minimum number of inputs, it will generate an error.

setModificationTime(self, time=-1)

Set the modification time for the definition to the given POSIX timestamp. If the time parameter is negative, uses the current time.

See also hou.HDADefinition.modificationTime.

setOptions(self, options)

Set this digital asset definition’s options to the data in a hou.HDAOptions object. See hou.HDAOptions for more information.


setParmTemplateGroup(self, parm_template_group, rename_conflicting_parms=False)

Change the spare parameters for this node.

A hou.ParmTemplateGroup object containing the new parameter layout.
If True, parameters in the group with the same parm tuple names will be automatically renamed. If False and there are parms with the same name, this method raises hou.OperationFailed.

Note that each node type has a set of parameters which must exist and must be of certain types. If your parm template group does not contain the required parameters for the node type the will be added at the bottom and will be made invisible. Similarly, if your parm template group attempts to modify the type, range, label, or other property of a required parameter, all changes to that parameter other than visibility settings will be ignored.

This method is preferred over the other parameter-related methods in this class (addSpareParmTuple, removeSpareParmTuple, replaceSpareParmTuple, addSpareParmFolder, removeSpareParmFolder) because it lets you more easily make manipulate parameters.

See hou.HDADefinition.setParmTemplateGroup to change the parameter interface of a digital asset.

setUserInfo(self, extra_info)

Set user information about the asset definition. This info isn’t used by Houdini so it can contain any text.


The membership flag

uncompressedContents(self) → str

Return a string containing the data of the uncompressed Contents section.

The Contents section consists of data in the CPIO format representing the child nodes used to create a node instance of the HDA.

See also hou.HDADefinition.parsedContents.

updateFromNode(self, node)
Update and save the definition to match the contents of a given unlocked instance of the asset. Calling this method is the same as selecting Save Operator Type on the node’s menu.

> def saveUnlockedNodes(): > ‘’‘Look through all the nodes in the file for unlocked digital asset > instances and save and lock them.’‘’ > for node in hou.node(“/”).allSubChildren(): > if node.type().definition() is None or node.matchesCurrentDefinition(): > continue > > node.type().definition().updateFromNode(node) > node.matchCurrentDefinition()

userInfo(self) → str

Return a string containing user specified information about the asset definition.

class hou.HDAModule

Bases: object

User-defined Python module containing functions, classes, and constants that are stored with and accessed from a digital asset.

In Python, a module lets you organize functions, classes, and constants into a common namespace. For example, os is a module and os.getcwd is a function inside that module, and you access the contents of a module by looking up Python attributes on it.

An HDAModule is a Python module that is associated with a particular digital asset type. It lets you store a library of Python code in one location in your asset, and you can invoke that code from parameters, event handlers, and callbacks inside that asset.

The module’s source code is stored in the Python Module section of the Scripts tab in the Type Properties dialog. For example, suppose the digit asset is an object named gear and the Python Module section contains the following:

> def position(): > return (hou.frame() * 1.2, 0.0, 3.2) > > def onButtonPress(): > print “you pressed the button” > > def onLoaded(): > print “onLoaded section running”

Unlike regular Python modules, which you access by name, you access a digital asset’s Python module by calling hou.NodeType.hdaModule on its node type. For example, suppose you created an object-level digital asset named gear and put the above code in its Python Module section. You could then access the contents of the Python module as follows:

> >>> node_type = hou.nodeType(hou.objNodeTypeCategory(), “gear”) > >>> node_type.hdaModule().position() > (1.2, 0.0, 3.2) > >>> node_type.hdaModule().onButtonPress() > you pressed the button

One use for the Python module is drive parameter expressions on nodes inside the digital asset. For example, suppose /obj/gear1 is an instance of the digital asset and /obj/gear1/geo1 is a node inside the asset. You could put the following inside geo1’s tx parameter expression:

> hou.node(“..”).type().hdaModule().position()[0]

For convenience, you can also access the module from a node instance of the digital asset using hou.Node.hdaModule. So, you could simplify the above expression to:

> hou.node(“..”).hdaModule().position()[0]

And since you don’t need to use the hou. prefix inside expressions, you could further simplify it to:

> node(“..”).hdaModule().position()[0]

The following example shows how you might run code in the module from the Callback Script field of a button parameter:

> hou.pwd().hdaModule().onButtonPress()

In an event handler script, such as On Loaded, you can use the kwargs dict to access the node type:

> kwargs[“type”].hdaModule().onLoaded()

Note that Houdini creates a local kwargs dict that’s accessible from the Python Module, too. It contains one entry with the key “type”, to give you access to the hou.NodeType defined by the digital asset.

If you find that a digital asset has too much Python code to store in one module, it’s possible to create submodules. For example, if you want to create a submodule named bar, put its source code in a new digital asset section (say, “bar_PythonModule”). Then, from the Python Module section, you can write the following:

> import toolutils > bar = toolutils.createModuleFromSection(“bar”, kwargs[“type”], “bar_PythonModule”)

bar now appears as a submodule of the main module. If, for example, the bar_PythonModule section contains:

> def foo(): > return 3.2

then you could write the following from a parameter on the digital asset node:

> pwd().hdaModule().bar.foo()

Note that the Python Module code is stored in a section of the digital asset named “PythonModule”. For example, you can get a string containing that source code using node_type.definition().sections()[“PythonModule”].contents().


The membership flag

class hou.HDAOptions(*args)

Bases: object

Stores miscellaneous options about a houdini digital asset (HDA).

The contents of this object correspond to some of the checkboxes on the Basic tab of the Type Properties dialog. These values are stored in the TypePropertiesOptions section of a digital asset definition.

Call hou.HDADefinition.options to get an HDAOptions instance. Note that an instance of this class is simply a data structure, and is not associated with an particular digital asset instance. In other words, changing the values inside this object will not change the digital asset. To save these values to the digital asset definition, call hou.HDADefinition.setOptions.

> >>> node = hou.node(“/obj/my_digital_asset1”) > >>> definition = node.type().definition() > >>> print definition.sections()[‘TypePropertiesOptions’].contents() > ParmsFromVfl := 0; > PrefixDroppedParmName := 1; > UseDSParms := 1; > ForbidOutsideParms := 1; > LockContents := 1; > SaveSpareParms := 0; # <– Currently 0 > CheckExternal := 1; > GzipContents := 1; > MakeDefault := 1; > PrefixDroppedParmLabel := 1; > UnlockOnCreate := 0; > > >>> options = definition.options() > >>> options.saveSpareParms() > False > >>> options.setSaveSpareParms(True) > >>> definition.setOptions(options) > >>> print definition.sections()[‘TypePropertiesOptions’].contents() > ParmsFromVfl := 0; > PrefixDroppedParmName := 1; > UseDSParms := 1; > ForbidOutsideParms := 1; > LockContents := 1; > SaveSpareParms := 1; # <– Now 1 > CheckExternal := 1; > GzipContents := 1; > MakeDefault := 1; > PrefixDroppedParmLabel := 1; > UnlockOnCreate := 0;

Return whether the Check for External Node References option is set.

If set, this option changes all absolute node references inside the digital asset into relative references.

compressContents(self) → bool

Return whether the Compress Contents option is on.

When this option is set, Houdini compresses the contents of the asset definition to reduce the size of the .hda file. Note that this option only as effect when the result of hou.HDAOptions.lockContents is True.

forbidOutsideParms(self) → bool

Return whether the Forbid Linking Parameters from Outside this Subnet option is set.

When set, this option does not allow you to drag parameters from nodes outside the contents of the digital asset.

lockContents(self) → bool

Return whether the Save Contents as Locked option is on.

When this option is not set, Houdini will use a creation script to store the contents of the digital asset instead of storing the node data. A creation script cannot store extra data like locked SOPs, edit SOP information, paint SOP information, etc.

If this option is not set, new instances of the digital asset will be locked, so the user can edit the contents. However, you probably do not ever want to turn this option off. Instead, if you want to lock new instances of the digital asset, see hou.HDAOptions.unlockNewInstances.

makeInitialParmsDefaults(self) → bool

Return whether the Save Defaults as Initial Parameters option is on.

When set, this option uses the default values of the original parameters as the initial values for new nodes, instead of their current values.

parametersFromVexCode(self) → bool

Return whether the Get Properties from VEX Code option is on.

When this option is set, most properties and parameters of the operator come from pragma statements in the VEX source code.

prefixDroppedParmNames(self) → bool

Return whether the Prefix Dropped Parameter Names option is on.

When this option is set, Houdini will not include a prefix on parameter names when you drag and drop parameters into the Existing Parameters areas of the Parameters tab of the Type Properties dialog.

See also hou.HDAOptions.prefixDroppedParmLabels.

saveCachedCode(self) → bool

Return the Save Cached Code option.

When set, this option will save cached code for applicable definitions, such as digital assets defined by VOP networks that generate VEX code. With this option on, the compiled code will be saved to the HDA section(s) and will be used for shaders, etc, without the need to recompile the network. This can save significant amounts of time for complex shaders.

saveInitialParmsAndContents(self) → bool

Return whether the Save Initial Contents and Parameters option is on.

When this option is set, Houdini saves any parameter values and node contents referenced by the digital asset to be saved as part of the asset’s definition.

saveSpareParms(self) → bool

Return the Save Spare Parameters option.

When set, this option will add code into the asset creation script to recreate the node’s current spare parameters. New node instances of the digital asset will contain the same spare parameters as those on the representative node.

Sets the Check for External Node References option. See hou.HDAOptions.checkForExternalLinks for more information.

setCompressContents(self, compress_contents)

Sets the Compress Contents option. See hou.HDAOptions.compressContents for more information.

setForbidOutsideParms(self, forbid_outside_parms)

Sets the Forbid Linking Parameters from Outside this Subnet option. See hou.HDAOptions.forbidOutsideParms for more information.

setLockContents(self, lock_contents)

Sets the Save Contents as Locked option. See hou.HDAOptions.lockContents for more information.

setMakeInitialParmsDefaults(self, make_initial_parms_defaults)

Sets the Save Defaults as Initial Parameters option. See hou.HDAOptions.makeInitialParmsDefaults for more information.

setParametersFromVexCode(self, parameters_from_vex_code)

Sets the Get Properties from VEX Code option. See hou.HDAOptions.parametersFromVexCode for more information.

setPrefixDroppedParmLabels(self, prefix_dropped_parm_labels)

Sets the Prefix Dropped Parameter Labels option. See hou.HDAOptions.prefixDroppedParmLabels for more information.

setPrefixDroppedParmNames(self, prefix_dropped_parm_names)

Sets the Prefix Dropped Parameter Names option. See hou.HDAOptions.prefixDroppedParmNames for more information.

setSaveCachedCode(self, save_cached_code)

Set the Save Cached Code option. See hou.HDAOptions.saveCachedCode for more information.

setSaveInitialParmsAndContents(self, save_initial_parms_and_contents)

Set the Save Initial Contents and Parameters option. See hou.HDAOptions.saveInitialParmsAndContents for more information.

setSaveSpareParms(self, save_spare_parms)

Set the Save Spare Parameters option. See hou.HDAOptions.saveSpareParms for more information.

setUnlockNewInstances(self, unlock_new_instances)

Sets the Unlock New Nodes on Creation option. See hou.HDAOptions.unlockNewInstances for more information.


The membership flag

unlockNewInstances(self) → bool

Return whether the Unlock New Nodes on Creation option is set.

When this option is set, Houdini will unlock new instances of the digital asset when they are created. Note that this option only has effect when the result of hou.HDAOptions.lockContents is True.

class hou.HDASection

Bases: object

Represents a “section” of data stored along with a digital asset.

A digital asset stores its contents in a number of different pieces of data called sections. Each section is named and contains an arbitrarily sized piece of data, often textual. Each section is like a file embedded inside the definition, and Houdini uses specially named sections to store the node contents, list of parameters, etc. You can embed your own data into a digital asset by putting it inside a section.

Any parameter in Houdini that references a file can also reference a section inside a digital asset. For example, if car is an object-level digital asset and the section is named “texture.jpg”, you can reference that texture with opdef:/Object/car?texture.jpg. Note that hou.readFile also supports this opdef: syntax.

By moving files into digital asset sections, you can build self- contained digital assets that can be distributed via a single hda file.

Note that section names may contain ‘/’.

contents(self, compressionType=hou.compressionType.NoCompression) → str

Return a string containing the contents of this section.

You can optionally specify a compression type, hou.compressionType, to decompress the contents.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if a compression type is specified and the contents are not compressed by that type.

> def saveSectionToFile(section, file_name): > ‘’‘Given a section, save it to a file.’‘’ > section_file = file(file_name, “w”) > section_file.write(section.contents()) > section_file.close()

definition(self) → hou.HDADefinition

Return the digital asset definition containing this section.


Remove this section from the HDA definition. You can also remove a section with hou.HDADefinition.removeSection, and this method is equivalent to self.definition().removeSection(self.name()).

Only remove sections that you explicitly added. Do not remove the special sections that Houdini uses to store the contents of the digital asset definition, or Houdini will generate errors or strange side effects.

To add a section, use hou.HDADefinition.addSection.

modificationTime(self) → int
Return the time when the section was last modified. This time is returned as a POSIX timestamp, such as is returned by time.time().

> >>> hou.nodeType(hou.cop2NodeTypeCategory(), “colorwheel”).definition() > <hou.HDADefinition of Cop2 colorwheel in /opt/hfs9.5/houdini/hda/OPlibCop2.hda> > >>> definition = hou.nodeType(hou.cop2NodeTypeCategory(), “colorwheel”).definition() > >>> definition.sections().keys() > [‘VflCode’, ‘DialogScript’, ‘VexCode’] > >>> section = definition.sections()[‘VflCode’] > >>> section.modificationTime() > 1177535169 > >>> import datetime, time > >>> datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(section.modificationTime()) > datetime.datetime(2007, 4, 25, 17, 6, 9) > >>> time.ctime(section.modificationTime()) > ‘Wed Apr 25 17:06:09 2007’

name(self) → str

Return the name of this section.

Note that is is not possible to rename a section, but the following function will emulate renaming:

> def renameSection(section): > ‘’‘Rename a section by removing it and creating a new one. Return the new section.’‘’ > new_section = section.definition().addSection(new_name, section.contents()) > section.destroy() > return new_section


setContents(self, contents, compressionType=hou.compressionType.NoCompression)

Set the contents of this section to the given string. A section may contain binary information, like bgeo files, images, etc.

You can optionally specify a compression type, hou.compressionType, to compress the contents. Note that you must specify the same compression type when reading the contents back to decompress them.

See hou.HDADefinition.addSection for an example of how to create a section from a file on disk.

size(self) → int

Return the number of bytes in the contents. This method is a shortcut for len(self.contents()).


The membership flag

class hou.HelpBrowser

Bases: hou.PaneTab

Class representing a help browser pane tab. Provides methods for controlling the help browser.


  • helpbrowser
displayHelp(self, node_type)

Loads the help for the specified node type.

Raises HOM_ObjectWasDeleted if the help browser pane tab was deleted.

displayHelpPath(self, help_path)

Loads the help for the specified help path. The path can either be a Houdini help URL (i.e. op:Sop/copy, tool:curve) or a raw help path (i.e. /nodes/sop/copy, shelf/curve).

displayHelpPyPanel(self, interface_name)

Loads the help for the python panel with the specified name.

Raises HOM_Error if the interface name is invalid.

homePage(self) → str

Returns the home page URL of this help browser.

Raises HOM_ObjectWasDeleted if the help browser pane tab was deleted.

setHomePage(self, home_page)

Sets the home page for this help browser to the specified URL.

Raises HOM_ObjectWasDeleted if the help browser pane tab was deleted, and raises HOM_Error if home_page is not given.

setUrl(self, url)

Loads the specified URL.

Raises HOM_ObjectWasDeleted if the help browser pane tab was deleted, and raises HOM_Error if url is not given.

showUI(self, show)

Shows or hides the help browser’s navigation controls.

Raises HOM_ObjectWasDeleted if the help browser pane tab was deleted.


The membership flag

url(self) → str

Return the current URL of this help browser.

Raises HOM_ObjectWasDeleted if the help browser pane tab was deleted.

class hou.IPRViewer

Bases: hou.PaneTab

An interactive preview render (IPR) window.

The IPR viewer progressively refines a render, first providing a rough view of the rendered image and eventually providing the fully rendered image. When you change a shader value, move an object, etc., the viewer will re-render the image.

When you Ctrl+click on a pixel in the rendered image, Houdini searches $HOUDINI_PATH for scripts/ipr/pickpixel.py and runs it. The version of this file that ships with Houdini pops up the shader contributing the pixel, or an information window if there is is no shader. If Houdini cannot find that Python file it then looks for the Hscript file scripts/ipr/pickpixel.cmd.

When you drag a SHOP node onto the rendered image, Houdini searches for and runs scripts/ipr/dragdrop.py. By default, this script assigns the SHOP to the object contributing the pixel. If it cannot find a Python version, Houdini then looks for scripts/ipr/dragdrop.cmd.

Note that shelf scripts can access the last location the user clicked on with hou.IPRViewer.lastClickLocation.

autoSavePath(self) → str

Returns the render save path. This is the path that is used when the IPR viewer is set to automatically save render progress to disk.

See also hou.IPRViewer.setSavePath.

autoSaveTime(self) → float

Returns the time between IPR auto saves in seconds. When auto saving is on, a render progress image is written out at this rate.

See also hou.IPRViewer.setAutoSaveTime.

cropRegion(self) -> (float, float, float, float)

Return the x0, x1, y0, and y1 normalized coordinates of the subregion that is selected, where (x0, y0) is the bottom-left corner and (x1, y1) is the top-right corner of the subregion.

You can optionally tell the IPR viewer to only re-render only a portion of the image. To select a subportion of the image, hold down shift and select the box.

Note that the bottom-left corner is (0.0, 0.0) and the top-right corner is (1.0, 1.0). For example, if the entire image is being rendered, this method returns (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0).

delay(self) → float

Return the contents of the viewer’s Delay field. This value determines how long Houdini waits between when you change a parameter value and when it starts re-rendering.

See also hou.IPRViewer.setDelay and hou.IPRViewer.updateTime.

displayedPlane(self) → str

Return the name of the currently-displayed image plane in the rendered output.

Note that the special Op_Id image plane contains the hou.Node.sessionId ids of the object nodes in the image. -1 indicates that there is no object node associated with the pixel. Use hou.IPRViewer.objectNode to access the object corresponding to that id.

Similarly, the Prim_Id plane contains the hou.Prim.number ids of the primitives in the image. Use hou.IPRViewer.prim to access the primitive corresponding to that id.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the viewer does not contain an image.

evaluatedStyleSheetJSON(self, x, y) → str

Returns a JSON string describing the material style sheet at a given pixel. If no style sheet is active, an empty string is returned.

evaluatedStyleSheetPaths(self, x, y) → tuple of str

Returns a list of paths to the styles that contribute to the style sheet at the current pixel.

imageResolution(self) -> (int, int)

Return the resolution of the image.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the viewer does not contain an image.

isActive(self) → bool

Indicates whether an active IPR sessions exists.

isAutoSaveOn(self) → bool

Returns whether or not the Auto Save toggle is selected. When turned on, IPR will periodically save the render progress to the auto save file path. The time between saves can be configured by setting the auto save time.

See also hou.IPRViewer.setAutoSave.

isAutoUpdateOn(self) → bool

Return whether or not the Auto-Update checkbox is checked. When it is unchecked, the viewer will not refresh when objects, shaders, lights, etc. change. In this case, you can force a re-render by clicking on the Render button.

See also hou.IPRViewer.setAutoUpdate.

isPaused(self) → bool

Indicates whether the IPR session is paused. If there is no active session, this returns false.

isPreviewOn(self) → bool

Return whether or not the Preview checkbox is checked. When it is unchecked, the viewer will not progressively refine the image using IPR, and will instead use the rendering engine from the ROP node to render it.

See also hou.IPRViewer.setPreview.

isRendering(self) → bool

Indicates whether the IPR session has an render in progress. Returns True even if the render is paused.


Kills the active IPR session (if there is one).

lastClickLocation(self) -> (int, int)

Return the x and y coordinates for the pixel location where the user last clicked in the IPR viewer. Note that this location might be outside the image: the x and y coordinates can be negative and can be greater than or equal to the image resolution. Note that if the user never clicked in the viewer, the x and y coordinates will be negative.

You would typically call this method from a shelf script. For example, a user can click on a pixel in the IPR viewer and then click on the shelf to perform an action on that pixel (e.g. display the shader parameters, assign a shader, etc.).

Use hou.IPRViewer.imageResolution to get the valid range for pixel coordinates.

Note that when you Ctrl-click on a pixel, Houdini searches $HOUDINI_PATH for scripts/ipr/pickpixel.py and runs it. This script can access the viewer with kwargs[“viewer”] and the location where the user clicked with kwargs[“position”].

The following script opens a floating parameter window for the shader corresponding to the pixel the user last clicked on.

> viewer = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.IPRViewer) > px, py = viewer.lastClickLocation() > > if (px < 0 or px > viewer.imageResolution()[0] or > py < 0 or py >= viewer.imageResolution()[1]): > hou.ui.displayMessage(“Click on the image and then run this script again”) > else: > material = viewer.materialNode(px, py) > > if material is not None: > parm_window = hou.ui.curDesktop().createFloatingPaneTab( > hou.paneTabType.Parm) > parm_window.setCurrentNode(material) > parm_window.setPin(True) > else: > hou.ui.displayMessage(“Click on an object to bring up the shader.”)

materialNode(self, x, y) → hou.ShopNode or None

Return the SHOP node contributing the pixel at the specified location, or None if there is nothing at the pixel, the pixel location is outside the image bounds, or there is no shader on the geometry.

This method first checks the primitive corresponding to the pixel and returns the SHOP corresponding to its shop_materialpath attribute. If the primitive does not have this attribute then it returns the SHOP assigned to the object. If no SHOP is assigned to the object, it returns None.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the viewer does not contain an image.

objectNode(self, x, y) → hou.ObjNode or None

Return the object node contributing the pixel at the specified location, or None if there is no object at the pixel or if the pixel location is outside the image bounds

The following function returns the SOP node containing the geometry that contributes the pixel to the final image:

> def sopNode(viewer, x, y): > obj_node = viewer.objectNode(x, y) > return (obj_node.renderNode() if obj_node is not None else None)

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the viewer does not contain an image.

Pauses the active IPR session (if there is one).

pixel(self, plane_name, x, y) → tuple of float

Return the value of a pixel in one plane of the image. This method returns a tuple of 1 to 4 floats, depending on the type of image plane.

Note that the color plane is named C.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the plane name is invalid, the pixel location is outside the image, or the viewer does not contain an image.

You can determine the number of components in the image plane using the following: len(viewer.pixel(plane_name, 0, 0)).

> >>> viewer.pixel(“C”, 300, 200) > (0.69970703125, 0.46728515625, 0.289794921875, 1.0)

pixels(self, plane_name) → tuple of tuple of float

Returns the value of all pixels in one plane of the image. This method returns a tuple of tuples of 1 to 4 floats, depending on the type of image plane. The results are in row-major order, starting at the bottom left corner of the IPR image.

Note that the color plane is named C.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the plane name is invalid or the viewer does not contain an image.

> >>> all_pixels = viewer.pixels(“C”) > >>> width = viewer.imageResolution()[0] > >>> all_pixels[width*200 + 300] > (0.69970703125, 0.46728515625, 0.289794921875, 1.0)

planes(self) → tuple of str

Return the names of the image planes in the rendered output.

Note that the special Op_Id image plane contains the hou.Node.sessionId ids of the object nodes in the image. -1 indicates that there is no object node associated with the pixel. Use hou.IPRViewer.objectNode to access the object corresponding to that id.

Similarly, the Prim_Id plane contains the hou.Prim.number ids of the primitives in the image. Use hou.IPRViewer.prim to access the primitive corresponding to that id.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the viewer does not contain an image.

prim(self, x, y) → hou.Prim or None

Return the geometry primitive contributing the pixel at the specified location, or None if there is nothing at the pixel or if the pixel location is outside the image bounds

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the viewer does not contain an image.


Resumes the active IPR session (if there is one).

ropNode(self) → hou.RopNode or None

Return the ROP node that is selected in the viewer, or None if nothing is selected.


saveFrame(self, file_path, snapshot=0, xres=-1, yres=-1, color=’C’, alpha=’C’, scope=’*’, lut=’‘, gamma=1.0, convert=True) -> bool

Saves the current IPR render to the specified file path. It is possible to save an in progress/incomplete render.

The output image type is inferred from the file extension on the provided file path. The snapshot parameter controls which IPR snapshot to save. A value of 0 indicates the active render.

The native IPR resolution is used by default, however a custom resolution can be specified with the xres and yres parameters. The color and alpha parameters control which render planes are used when writing RGBA images like .jpg or .png. If a deep image format such as .pic or .exr is used, the scope parameter can be used to specify which image planes to include in the output.

setAutoSave(self, on)

Set or unset the Auto Save toggle.

See hou.IPRViewer.isAutoSaveOn for more information.

setAutoSavePath(self, path)

Sets the render progress save path.

See also hou.IPRViewer.autoSavePath for more information.

setAutoSaveTime(self, float)

Sets the auto save time in seconds.

See also hou.IPRViewer.autoSaveTime for more information.

setAutoUpdate(self, on)

Check or uncheck the Auto-Update checkbox.

See hou.IPRViewer.isAutoUpdateOn for more information.

setDelay(self, time)

Set the contents of the viewer’s Delay field.

See hou.IPRViewer.delay for more information.

setPreview(self, on)

Check or uncheck the Preview checkbox.

See hou.IPRViewer.isPreviewOn for more information.

setRopNode(self, rop_node)

Set the ROP node to use for rendering.

setUpdateTime(self, time)

Set the contents of the viewer’s Update Time field.

See hou.IPRViewer.updateTime for more information.


Start a new render if there is no active IPR session or issue a re- render if there is one.


The membership flag

updateTime(self) → float

Return the contents of the viewer’s Update Time field. This value determines approximately how long each progressive refinement should take. Smaller values will produce more progressive renders where detail is added more gradually.

See also hou.IPRViewer.setUpdateTime and hou.IPRViewer.delay.

class hou.IndexPairPropertyTable

Bases: object

Describes properties of an index pair attribute.

attrib(self) → hou.Attrib

Return the parent index pair attribute.

floatListPropertyValueAtIndex(self, property_name, row) → tuple of


Return a list of property values for a particular floating point property.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no property exists with this name.

floatPropertyValueAtIndex(self, property_name, row) → float

Return the property value for a particular floating point property.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no property exists with this name or the property is not float of size 1.

intListPropertyValueAtIndex(self, property_name, row) → tuple of int

Return a list of property values for a particular integer property.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no property exists with this name.

intPropertyValueAtIndex(self, property_name, row) → int

Return the property value for a particular integer property.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no property exists with this name or the property is not integer of size 1.

propertyDataType(self, property_name) → hou.attribData enum value

Return the property’s data type (int, float or string).

propertyNames(self) → tuple of string

Return a list of all property names.

propertySize(self, property_name) → int

Return the number of data components in the property value.

stringListPropertyValueAtIndex(self, property_name, row) → tuple of


Return a list of property values for a particular string property.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no property exists with this name.

stringPropertyValueAtIndex(self, property_name, row) → string

Return the property value for a particular string property.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no property exists with this name or the property is not string of size 1.


The membership flag

class hou.IndirectInput

Bases: hou.NetworkMovableItem

An abstract base class for a network item that can be used as an input to nodes in the same network, but which is not a node itself.

There are two specific forms of an indirect input. The hou.SubnetIndirectInput provides a way to connect nodes outside a sub- network to nodes inside the sub-network. The hou.NetworkDot allows connections to be routed through a network along any path.

inputItem(self) → hou.NetworkMovableItem

Returns the item connected directly to the input side of this indirect input. This may be a node, indirect input, or None if nothing is connected. Note that the returned item may not be inside the same parent network as this object if it is a hou.SubnetIndirectInput.

inputItemOutputIndex(self) → int

Returns the index of the output connection on the network item connected directly to the input side of this object. Returns 0 if nothing is connected. This value will only be non-zero if a hou.Node is connected to this object since all other network items only has a single output connector.


The membership flag

class hou.InitScriptFailed(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.IntParmTemplate(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.ParmTemplate

Describes a parameter tuple containing integer values.

Note that integer parameters may also be menu parameters. Integer parameters with menus are conceptually the same as parameters derived from hou.MenuParmTemplate.

defaultExpression(self) → tuple of strings

Return the default expression for new parameter instances.

The default expression takes precendence over the default value. If a component has no default expression (i.e. an empty string), then the default value is used for new parameter instances.

Note that the default expression language is needed to interpret the meaning of the default expression.

For example, suppose this parm template is named “divisions”, the naming scheme is XYZW, it has 3 components, the default value is (10, 20, 30), the default expression is (“$F”, “hou.frame()”, “”) and the default expression language is (hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript, hou.scriptLanguage.Python, hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript). Then the corresponding parm tuple instance on a node would be named “divisions” and would contain parameters “divisionsx”, “divisionsy”, “divisionsz”. When the node is created, “divisionsx” would have a default Hscript expression of “$F”, “divisionsy” would have a default Python expression of “hou.frame()”, and “divisionsz” would have a default value of 30.

defaultExpressionLanguage(self) → tuple of hou.scriptLanguage

Return the default expression language for new parameter instances.

The default expression language only applies if the default expression is set. If the default expression of a component is not set, then the expression language is set to hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript.

defaultValue(self) → tuple of int

Return the default value for new parameter instances.

For example, suppose this parm template is named “divisions”, the naming scheme is XYZW, it has 3 components, and the default value is (10, 20, 30). The corresponding parm tuple instance on a node would be named “divisions” and would contain parameters “divisionsx”, “divisionsy”, and “divisionsz”. When the node is created, “divisionsx” would be 10, “divisionsy” would be 20, and “divisionsz” would be 30.

iconNames(self) → tuple of str

Return the tuple of icons corresponding to the menu items. If there are no icons, returns a tuple of empty strings.

These icons are used when this parm template uses a menu.


itemGeneratorScriptLanguage(self) -> hou.scriptLanguage enum value

Return the script used to generate menu items, or an empty string if there is no such script.
maxIsStrict(self) → bool

Return whether the maximum value is strictly enforced.

See the minIsStrict method for more information.

maxValue(self) → int

Return the minimum value of the parameter.

See also the minIsStrict method.

menuItems(self) → tuple of str

Return the tuple of internal menu names. If this integer does not use a menu, returns an empty tuple.

These internal menu names are not displayed in the UI, but they can be passed to hou.Parm.set.

menuLabels(self) → tuple of str

Return the tuple of menu labels displayed in the UI.

menuType(self) → hou.menuType enum value

Return the type of menu. See hou.menuType for more information.

menuUseToken(self) → bool

Return whether the parameter is set to the token value instead of the index.

See also the setMenuUseToken method.

minIsStrict(self) → bool

Returns whether the minimum value is strictly enforced.

If a minimum value is not strictly enforced, the slider will not let you change the value below the minimum, but you can set the value to be lower than the minimum by typing it in, changing it via hou.Parm.setValue, or using the ladder handle.

If it is strictly enforced and you try to change it below the minimum value using any mechanism, Houdini will set it to the minimum value.

See also the minValue method.

minValue(self) → int

Return the minimum value of the parameter.

See also the minIsStrict method.

setDefaultExpression(self, default_expression)

Set the default expression for new parameter instances to a sequence of strings.

See the hou.IntParmTemplate.defaultExpression method for more information. Note that if the number of strings in the sequence is different from the number of components in the parm template, any extra values will be discarded and any missing expressions will become the empty string.

setDefaultExpressionLanguage(self, default_expression_language)

Set the default expression language for new parameter instances to a sequence of hou.scriptLanguage values.

See the defaultExpressionLanguage method for more information. Note that if the number of hou.scriptLanguage values in the sequence is different from the number of components in the parm template, any extra values will be discarded and any missing expression languages will become hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript.

setDefaultValue(self, default_value)

Set the default value for new parameter instances to a sequence of ints.

See the defaultValue method for more information. Note that if the number of ints in the sequence is different from the number of components in the parm template, any extra values will be discarded and any missing values will become zeros.

setIconNames(self, icon_names)

Set the icon names to the given sequence of strings.

setItemGeneratorScript(self, item_generator_script)

Set the script used to generate menu items.

See the itemGeneratorScript method for more information.

setItemGeneratorScriptLanguage(self, language)

Set the script language used to generate menu items to a hou.scriptLanguage enum value.

See the itemGeneratorScriptLanguage method for more information.

setMaxIsStrict(self, on)

Set whether the maximum value is strictly enforced.

See the maxIsStrict method for more information.

setMaxValue(self, max_value)

Set the maximum value of the parameter.

See the maxValue method for more information.

setMenuItems(self, menu_items)

Set the internal menu names to the given sequence of strings.

See the menuItems method for more information.

If the new number of menu items is less than the old number, the menu labels will be shortened and the default value will be modified if it is out of range.

setMenuType(self, menu_type)

Set the type of menu to a hou.menuType enum value.

See the menuType method for more information.

setMenuUseToken(self, on)

Set whether the parameter is set to the token value instead of the index.

See also the menuUseToken method.

setMinIsStrict(self, on)

Set whether the minimum value is strictly enforced.

See the minIsStrict method for more information.

setMinValue(self, min_value)

Set the minimum value of the parameter.

See the minValue method for more information.


The membership flag

class hou.InterruptableOperation(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Use this class to turn any Python code block into an interruptable operation.


The membership flag

updateLongProgress(self, percentage=-1.0, long_op_status=None)

Update the progress percentage and status of the long, or high- level, operation. At the same time, check if the operation was interrupted by the user.

A fractional number between 0.0 and 1.0. A value of 0.0 means that no progress has been made while 1.0 means that the operation is complete. A negative percentage indicates that the progress percentage is not available.
Text describing the current status of the long operation. The status will overwrite the text in the 2nd progress bar of the interrupt dialog. To keep the previous text in the progress bar, set this parameter to None.

Raises hou.OperationInterrupted if the user has chosen to interrupt the operation.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the interruptable operation object was constructed outside of a with statement.

updateProgress(self, percentage=-1.0)

Update the progress percentage of the operation. At the same time, check if the operation was interrupted by the user.

A fractional number between 0.0 and 1.0. A value of 0.0 means that no progress has been made while 1.0 means that the operation is complete. A negative percentage indicates that the progress percentage is not available.

Raises hou.OperationInterrupted if the user has chosen to interrupt the operation.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the interruptable operation object was constructed outside of a with statement.

class hou.InvalidInput(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

Exception that is raised when you try to set a node’s input to something invalid.

description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag


alias of hou.OperationFailed

class hou.InvalidNodeType(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

Exception that is raised when you try to call a method on a Node that isn’t supported by that type of node.

For example, if you ask a non-subnet node for its indirect inputs, hou.Node.indirectInputs raises an instance of this exception.

description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.InvalidSize(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

Exception that is raised when you pass a sequence of the wrong length to a function.

description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.Keyframe(*args)

Bases: hou.BaseKeyframe

Class representing the default keyframe type, a numerical keyframe.


  • chkey
  • chkeyls
accel(self) → double

Returns the acceleration leaving the keyframe.

This function raises hou.KeyframeValueNotSet if the acceleration has not been set.

asJSON(self, brief=False, save_keys_in_frames=False) → dict

Returns a JSON dictionary that represents the keyframe. The dictionary includes the frame time, value/expression, and the slope and acceleration parameters. If the brief parameter is set to True a smaller set of key/value pairs are included in the dictionary to reduce space usage. If the save_keys_in_frames parameter is True the dictionary uses a frame number instead of a time value.

See also the fromJSON method.

evaluatedType(self) → hou.parmData enum value

Return the data type of the keyframe’s evaluated value. For keyframes storing numerical values this method returns hou.parmData.Float.

fromJSON(self, keyframe_dict)

Sets the keyframe time, value and parameters using the key/value pairs from a JSON dictionary.

See also the asJSON method.

inAccel(self) → double

Returns the acceleration entering the keyframe.

This method raises hou.KeyframeValueNotSet if the acceleration has not been set or it is tied.

inSlope(self) → double

Returns the slope entering the keyframe.

This method raises hou.KeyframeValueNotSet if the slope has not been set or the slope is tied.

inValue(self) → double

Returns the value entering the keyframe.

This method raises hou.KeyframeValueNotSet if the value has not been set or the value is tied.

interpretAccelAsRatio(self, on)

Sets whether Houdini should interpret the acceleration values entering and leaving the keyframe as a single ratio. When set to True, the ratio of the in-acceleration to out-acceleration is always maintained. If, for example, the in-acceleration is made to be twice as large using the Animation Editor, then the out-acceleration will automatically be adjusted to be twice as large as well. This is the default behavior for Houdini keyframes.

isAccelInterpretedAsRatio(self) → bool

Returns True if the acceleration values entering and leaving the keyframe are interpreted as a ratio by Houdini.

isAccelSet(self) → bool

Returns True if the acceleration entering or leaving the keyframe has been set.

isAccelTied(self) → bool

Returns True if the acceleration entering the keyframe has not been set.

isInSlopeAuto(self) → bool

Returns True if the slope entering the keyframe is set to automatic.

isSlopeAuto(self) → bool

Returns True if the slope leaving the keyframe is set to automatic.

isSlopeSet(self) → bool

Returns True if the slope entering or leaving the keyframe has been set.

isSlopeTied(self) → bool

Returns True if the slope entering the keyframe has not been set.

isValueSet(self) → bool

Returns True if the value entering or leaving the keyframe has been set.

isValueTied(self) → bool

Returns True if the value entering the keyframe has not been set.

setAccel(self, accel)

Sets the acceleration leaving the keyframe.

setInAccel(self, in_accel)

Sets the acceleration entering the keyframe. Sets the acceleration leaving the keyframe, if not already set. Unties the acceleration.

setInSlope(self, in_slope)

Sets the slope entering the keyframe. Sets the slope leaving the keyframe, if not already set. Unties the slope.

setInSlopeAuto(self, on)

Sets the slope entering the keyframe to automatic.

setInValue(self, in_value)

Sets the value entering the keyframe. Sets the value leaving the keyframe, if not already set. Unties the value.

setSlope(self, slope)

Sets the slope leaving the keyframe.

setSlopeAuto(self, on)

Sets the slope leaving the keyframe to automatic.

setValue(self, value)

Sets the value leaving the keyframe.

slope(self) → double

Returns the slope leaving the keyframe.

This method raises hou.KeyframeValueNotSet if the slope has not been set.


The membership flag


Unsets the acceleration entering the keyframe and untie the acceleration.


Unsets the slope entering the keyframe and untie the slope.


Unsets the value entering the keyframe and untie the values.

value(self) → double

Returns the value leaving the keyframe.

This method raises hou.KeyframeValueNotSet if the value has not been set.

class hou.KeyframeValueNotSet(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.LabelParmTemplate(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.ParmTemplate

Describes a label parameter. Unlike most other parameters, labels do not store parameter values.

columnLabels() → tuple of str

Return the tuple of strings of column labels. Normally, label parm templates do not have any column labels. However, they may have these extra labels that are displayed in addition to the main label.

Note that the number of components in a label parm template corresponds to the number of column labels.


Set the column labels to a sequence of strings.

The parameter editor in the <Type Properties Dialog> always has at least one column label, so if you supply an empty sequence there will be one column label that is an empty string.

See the columnLabels method for more information.


The membership flag

class hou.LoadWarning(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

Exception class for when loading a hip file in Houdini generates warnings.

description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.LopNode

Bases: hou.Node

Represents a lighting node.

activeLayer(self) → pxr.Sdf.Layer

Returns a pxr.Sdf.Layer object representing the USD layer that has been modified by this node.

bypass(self, on)

Turns this node’s bypass flag on or off, making this node have no effect.

displayNode(self) → Node

If this is a subnet TOP, return the TOP node inside the subnet with its display flag on. Otherwise, return None.

editableLayer(self) → pxr.Sdf.Layer

Returns a pxr.Sdf.Layer object with permission to edit that represents the active layer in a Python LOP.

editableStage(self) → pxr.Usd.Stage

Returns a pxr.Usd.Stage object with permission to edit that represents the USD stage input to a Python LOP.

inputPrims(self, inputidx) → tuple of str
Returns the paths of the USD primitives modified by the specified input of this node. This method is roughly equivalent to:

> lopnode.inputs()[inputidx].lastModifiedPrims()

isBypassed(self) → bool

Returns whether this node’s bypass flag is on.

isDebugFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns True if the node’s debug flag is turned on. Returns False otherwise.

isDisplayFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns whether this node’s display flag is on.

lastModifiedPrims(self) → tuple of str

Returns the paths of the USD primitives modified by this node.

network(self) → hou.LopNode

Return the LOP Network that contains this LOP Node. If this node is a LOP Network itself, this node will be returned. The LOP Network returned by this method is the one that is accessed using any of the methods that start with network or setNetwork.


Deletes all selection rules stored on the LOP Network that owns this LOP node.

networkSelection(self) → tuple of str

Return a tuple of strings representing all the scene graph locations currently selected in the LOP Network parent of this LOP node. This is the same selection that will be showing in the Scene Graph Tree pane and the LOP viewport.

networkSelectionCurrentPrim(self) → str

Return a string with the path to the scene graph primitive that should be displayed in the Scene Graph Details pane. Set this value with the hou.LopNode.setNetworkSelection method.

networkSelectionLayerId(self) → str

Return a string with the layer identifier of the specific USD layer that should be displayed in the Scene Graph Details pane. Set this value with the hou.LopNode.setNetworkSelection method.

networkSelectionRules(self) → dict of str to hou.LopSelectionRule

Return a dictionary mapping string names to hou.LopSelectionRule objects that match the selection rules stored on the LOP Network that owns this LOP node.

networkSessionEditor(self, output_index = 0, layer_index = 0)


Return a hou.LopSessionEditor object that allows editing of the current session-only modifications which should be applied to any scene being viewed in a Scene Graph Tree pane or a Scene Viewer pane.

The output_index controls which output of this LOP node will be used to author the stage presented through the hou.LopSessionEditor.stage method. The layer_index parameter controls which specific session sublayer is to be modified.

networkSetSelectionRule(self, name, rule)

Stores a named selection rule on the LOP Network that owns this LOP node. The rule parameter must be a hou.LopSelectionRule or None. Use None to remove a single named rule from the LOP Network.

The selection rule name can be a slash-separated path, in which case the selection rule will appear in the Scene Graph Tree pane as part of a nested hierarchy. This in no way affects the operation of the rule, serving only as a way of organizing sets of rules.

setDebugFlag(self, on)

Turns the node’s debug flag on or off. The debug flag on a LOP node is used to force the node to create its own USD Layer and apply its edits in that new layer. This makes it easier to track which scene graph modifications were made by which LOP node. Setting this flag will also affect the performance of the LOP Network since composition of the USD stage takes longer if there are more layers.

Raises hou.PermissionError if the node is unwritable.

setDisplayFlag(self, on)

Turn this node’s display flag on or off.

setLastModifiedPrims(self, primpaths)

When used in a Python based LOP node, this method sets the value that will be returned by subsequent calls to lastModifiedPrims. The primpaths parameter must be a tuple or list of strings.

setNetworkSelection(self, selection, layerid = None, currentprim = None)

Accepts a tuple of strings holding the scene graph locations which should become the selection in the LOP Network parent of this LOP node. This selection will be reflected in the Scene Graph Tree pane and the LOP viewport.

The optional layerid parameter can be a string which is the layer identifier of a specific layer that should be displayed in the Scene Graph Details pane. Similarly the currentprim string can be supplied to have the Scene Graph Details pane show the information for a primitive at a specific path. The currentprim is usually in the selection list, but it doesn’t need to be. Passing None for layerid or currentprim leave these values on the LOP Network unchanged.

sourceLayer(self, layerindex) → pxr.Sdf.Layer

Return a pxr.Sdf.Layer object representing the specific requested USD layer that is used to build the stage that is the output of this node.

sourceLayerCount(self) → int

Returns the number of source layers that are used to build the stage at the output of this node. The result from this method will be one greater than the maximum value that can be passed to the sourceLayer method.

stage(self, apply_network_overrides=True) → pxr.Usd.Stage

Returns a pxr.Usd.Stage object representing the USD stage output from this node. Set apply_network_overrides to True to return a stage with its session layer set with any temporary activation or visibility settings configured in the scene graph tree. Set it to False to return the stage with an empty session layer.


The membership flag

class hou.LopSelectionRule(*args)

Bases: object

Stores a set of rules that define how to make a selection of scene graph primitives.

collectionAwarePaths(self, lopnode) → tuple of str

Calculates the scene graph primitive selection using the scene graph from the provided Hom:hou.LopNode object.

Returns the full paths to every scene graph primitive or collection matching the selection pattern. Unlike the expandedPaths method, collections are not expanded to explicitly list their contents as primitives. Instead the full path of the collection itself is returned.

If the primitive pattern contains any exclusions the included collections cannot be accurately tracked, so the results of this method will be the same as for expandedPaths.

expandedPaths(self, lopnode) → tuple of str

Calculates the scene graph primitive selection using the scene graph from the provided Hom:hou.LopNode object.

Returns the full paths to every scene graph primitive matching the selection rules. All collections in the path pattern are expanded to list their included prims explicitly.

pathPattern(self) → str

Return the path pattern string used in this selection rule.

setPathPattern(self, pattern)

Sets the path pattern string used in this selection rule.


The membership flag

class hou.LopSessionEditor

Bases: object

Used to edit the current session overlay layer that is applied to the current LOP node’s scene graph.

This object is a context manager. You can create one using hou.LopNode.networkSessionEditor. At the end of the with block, the notification of the session edits is propagated to viewer panes.

layer(self) → pxr.Sdf.Layer

Return the pxr.Sdf.Layer object that contains all the current session edits to the scene graph. This object can be modified using the pxr.Sdf.Layer API to make further session modifications to the scene graph.

stage(self) → pxr.Sdf.Stage

Return the pxr.Usd.Stage object that contains all the current session edits to the scene graph. This object can be modified using the pxr.Usd.Stage API to make further session modifications to the scene graph.


The membership flag

class hou.MatchDefinitionError(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.Matrix2(*args)

Bases: object

A 2x2 matrix of floating point values.

asTuple(self) → tuple of float

Return the contents of the matrix as a tuple of 4 floats.

asTupleOfTuples(self) → tuple of tuple of float

Return the contents of the matrix as a tuple of tuples of 2 floats.

at(self, row, col) → double

Return the value of the matrix at the given row and column.

Raises IndexError if the row or column are not between 0 and 1, inclusive. Note that negative indices will not index from the end.

determinant(self) → double

Return the determinant of the matrix.

See Wikipedia’s determinant page.

inverted(self) → hou.Matrix2

Return the inverse of this matrix.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the matrix is not invertible. Otherwise, (self * self.inverted()).isAlmostEqual(hou.Matrix2(1)) is True.

See Wikipedia’s invertible matrix page for more information.

isAlmostEqual(self, matrix2, tolerance=0.00001) → bool

Returns whether this matrix is equal to another, within a tolerance.

preMult(self, matrix2) → hou.Matrix2

Returns matrix2 * self. Note that __mul__ returns self * matrix2, which is a different result because matrix multiplication is not commutative.

setAt(self, row, col, value)

Set the value of the matrix at the given row and column.

Raises IndexError if the row or column are not between 0 and 1, inclusive. Note that negative indices will not index from the end.

setTo(self, tuple)

Set this matrix’s contents. The sequence may contain either 4 floats or 2 sequences, each with 2 floats.

See hou.Matrix2.__init__ for examples of suitable parameter values.


Set this matrix to the multiplicative identity, having 1’s in the diagonal.

The matrix will contain the values [[1, 0], [0, 1]]. Note that you can construct a new matrix with these values using hou.Matrix2(1).


Set this matrix to contain all zeros.

Note that you can construct a new matrix with all zeros with hou.Matrix2().


The membership flag

transposed(self) → hou.Matrix2

Return the transpose of this matrix. The result is such that self.at(i, j) == self.transposed().at(j, i) for 0 <= i,j <= 1.

See Wikipedia’s transpose page for more information.

class hou.Matrix3(*args)

Bases: object

A 3x3 matrix of floating point values.

3x3 matrices are typically used in Houdini to represent a 3D rotation (with a possible scale). Most places in Houdini use hou.Matrix4, which can store generation 3D transformations (including translations).

Note that you can construct a general transformation Matrix4 from a Matrix3 by writing hou.Matrix4(matrix3).

asTuple(self) → tuple of float

Return the contents of the matrix as a tuple of 9 floats.

asTupleOfTuples(self) → tuple of tuple of float

Return the contents of the matrix as a tuple of tuples of 3 floats.

at(self, row, col) → double

Return the value of the matrix at the given row and column.

Raises IndexError if the row or column are not between 0 and 2, inclusive. Note that negative indices will not index from the end.

determinant(self) → double

Return the determinant of the matrix.

See Wikipedia’s determinant page.

extractRotates(self, rotate_order="xyz") → hou.Vector3

Return a Vector3 of Euler angles, in degrees, representing the rotation component of this matrix. Rotating about the coordinate axes in the specified order by these amounts will yield the rotation contained in this matrix.

A string containing a permutation of the letters x, y, and z that determines the order in which rotations are performed about the coordinate axes.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the matrix does not represent a valid rotation matrix (e.g. it is singular) or the rotate order is not a permutation of the string ‘xyz’.

See also hou.Matrix4.explode and hou.Matrix4.extractRotates.

inverted(self) → hou.Matrix3

Return the inverse of this matrix.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the matrix is not invertible. Otherwise, (self * self.inverted()).isAlmostEqual(hou.Matrix3(1)) is True.

See Wikipedia’s invertible matrix page for more information.

isAlmostEqual(self, matrix3, tolerance=0.00001) → bool

Returns whether this matrix is equal to another, within a tolerance.

preMult(self, matrix3) → hou.Matrix3

Returns matrix3 * self. Note that __mul__ returns self * matrix3, which is a different result because matrix multiplication is not commutative.

setAt(self, row, col, value)

Set the value of the matrix at the given row and column.

Raises IndexError if the row or column are not between 0 and 2, inclusive. Note that negative indices will not index from the end.

setTo(self, tuple)

Set this matrix’s contents. The sequence may contain either 9 floats or 3 sequences, each with 3 floats.

See hou.Matrix3.__init__ for examples of suitable parameter values.


Set this matrix to the multiplicative identity, having 1’s in the diagonal.

The matrix will contain the values [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]. Note that you can construct a new matrix with these values using hou.Matrix3(1).


Set this matrix to contain all zeros.

Note that you can construct a new matrix with all zeros with hou.Matrix3().


The membership flag

transposed(self) → hou.Matrix3

Return the transpose of this matrix. The result is such that self.at(i, j) == self.transposed().at(j, i) for 0 <= i,j <= 2.

See Wikipedia’s transpose page for more information.

class hou.Matrix4(*args)

Bases: object

A 4x4 matrix of floating point values.

4x4 matrices are typically used in Houdini to represent a 3D transformation (e.g. some combination of rotation, scaling, shearing, and translation). A single matrix compactly represents a transformation, and is much easier to deal with than multiple translate, rotate, scale, shear, transformation order, and rotation order values.

Note that Houdini’s matrices are stored in row-major format, and vectors that are multiplied with matrices are treated as row vectors. So, if p is a hou.Vector4 representing a point and M is a Matrix4, you write p*M, not M*p. Similarly, p*M1*M2 will first transform p by M1, and then transform it by M2.

Most mathematical notations treat vectors and points as column vectors instead of row vectors. They will often use A*B*C (or simply ABC) to refer to a combined transform that first applies C’s transform, then B’s, and then applies A’s. However, the convention is different in Houdini. To represent the equivalent matrix expression in Houdini, you need to concatenate the transforms in the reverse order. So, you would instead write C’*B’*A’, where C’, B’, A’ are the transpose of C, B, A respectively.

You can multiply Vector3s or Vector4s by Matrix4s. If you multiply a Vector3, it is the same as multiplying a Vector4 where the fourth component is 1 (see hou.Vector3.__mul__).

To transform a normal (as opposed to a point or vector), you need to multiply by the inverse transpose of the matrix. For example, suppose:

is a hou.Vector3 object representing a position (or a hou.Vector4 with v[4]==1)
is a hou.Vector4 object representing a vector (a direction with a length but no fixed location in space), with v[3]==0
is a hou.Vector4 object representing a normal, with v[3]==0
is a Matrix4 object representing a transform matrix

Then you would write:

> p * m # to transform the point > v * m # to transform the vector > n * m.inverted().transposed() # to transform the normal > # (note that m.inverted().transposed() is mathematically equivalent to m.transposed().inverted())

Here is a concrete example:

> >>> m = hou.hmath.buildTranslate((1, 1, 2)) > >>> m > <hou.Matrix4 [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 1, 2, 1]]> > >>> p = hou.Vector3(1, 2, 3) > >>> p * m > <hou.Vector3 [2, 3, 5]>

Both VEX and the UT_DMatrix4 class in the Houdini Development Kit (HDK) also store matrices in row-major format.


  • hou.hmath
  • hou.Matrix3
  • hou.Quaternion
  • hou.Vector3
  • hou.Vector4
asTuple(self) → tuple of float

Return the contents of the matrix as a tuple of 16 floats.

asTupleOfTuples(self) → tuple of tuple of float

Return the contents of the matrix as a tuple of tuples of 4 floats.

at(self, row, col) → float

Return the value of the matrix at the given row and column.

Raises IndexError if the row or column are not between 0 and 3, inclusive. Note that negative indices will not index from the end.

determinant(self) → float

Return the determinant of the matrix.

See Wikipedia’s determinant page.


explode(self, transform_order=’srt’, rotate_order=’xyz’, pivot=hou.Vector3(), pivot_rotate=hou.Vector3()) -> dict of str to hou.Vector3

Return a dictionary with keys ‘rotate’, ‘scale’, ‘translate’, and ‘shear’ whose values are hou.Vector3 objects. When applied in the specified order, the corresponding rotations, scales (and shears), and translations will give this matrix.

The rotation is returned as a set of Euler angles, in degrees. See Wikipedia’s Euler angles page for more information.


A string containing a permutation of the letters s, r, and t. The rotate, scale, and translate results are dependent on the order in which you perform those operations, and this string specifies that order.

For example, imagine a transformation where you first translate in x by one unit, then you rotate in z by 45 degrees. With a transform order of ‘trs’ (translate, rotate, scale), the translate component is (1, 0, 0). However, this same transformation could be constructed, for example, by first scaling, then rotating, and then translating. For this transformation order, the translate component would be (1.0 / math.sqrt(2), 1.0 / math.sqrt(2), 0).

A string containing a permutation of the letters x, y, and z that determines the order in which rotations are performed about the coordinate axes.
A Vector3 containing a position about which rotations and scales are performed. By default, this parameter is set to the origin.
A Vector3 containing the Euler angles about the x, y, and z axes, in degrees, that specifies the base rotation about the pivot. These angles are always processed in ‘xyz’ order.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the matrix does not represent a valid transform matrix (e.g. it is singular), the transform order is not a permutation of the string ‘srt’, or the rotate order is not a permutation of the string ‘xyz’.

See hou.hmath.buildRotateAboutAxis for an example of how to convert Euler angles into an axis and rotation.

See hou.ObjNode.setParmTransform for an example. This method is the inverse of hou.hmath.buildTransform. See also the other functions in hou.hmath that build transformation matrices.


extractRotates(self, transform_order=’srt’, rotate_order=’xyz’, pivot=hou.Vector3(), pivot_rotate=hou.Vector3()) -> hou.Vector3

A shortcut for self.explode(transform_order, rotate_order, pivot, pivot_rotate)[‘rotate’]. See hou.Matrix4.explode for more information.
extractRotationMatrix3(self) → hou.Matrix3

Extracts the 3x3 rotation matrix from this matrix, assuming it is a transformation matrix. If it fails to extract the rotation, for example if scaling is zero on one axis, it returns the identity matrix instead.


extractScales(self, transform_order=’srt’, pivot=hou.Vector3(), pivot_rotate=hou.Vector3()) -> hou.Vector3

A shortcut for self.explode(transform_order, rotate_order, pivot, pivot_rotate)[‘scale’]. See hou.Matrix4.explode for more information.

extractShears(self, transform_order=’srt’, pivot=hou.Vector3(), pivot_rotate=hou.Vector3()) -> hou.Vector3

A shortcut for self.explode(transform_order, rotate_order, pivot, pivot_rotate)[‘shear’]. See hou.Matrix4.explode for more information.

extractTranslates(self, transform_order=’srt’, pivot_rotate=hou.Vector3()) -> hou.Vector3

A shortcut for self.explode(transform_order, hou.Vector3(), pivot_rotate)[‘translate’]. See hou.Matrix4.explode for more information.

> >>> matrix = hou.hmath.buildTranslate(1, 0, 0) * hou.hmath.buildRotate(0, 0, 45) > >>> matrix.extractTranslates(‘trs’) > <hou.Vector3 [4, 0, 0]> > >>> matrix.extractTranslates(‘srt’) > <hou.Vector3 [0.707107, 0.707107, 0]>

inverted(self) → hou.Matrix4

Return the inverse of this matrix.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the matrix is not invertible. Otherwise, (self * self.inverted()).isAlmostEqual(hou.hmath.identityTransform()) is True.

See Wikipedia’s invertible matrix page for more information.

isAlmostEqual(self, matrix4, tolerance=0.00001) → bool

Return whether this matrix is equal to another, within a tolerance.

preMult(self, matrix4) → hou.Matrix4

Returns matrix4 * self. Note that __mul__ returns self * matrix4, which is a different result because matrix multiplication is not commutative.

setAt(self, row, col, value)

Set the value of the matrix at the given row and column.

Raises IndexError if the row or column are not between 0 and 3, inclusive. Note that negative indices will not index from the end.

setTo(self, sequence)

Set this matrix’s contents. The sequence may contain either 16 floats or 4 sequences, each with 4 floats.

See hou.Matrix4.__init__ for examples of suitable parameter values.


Set this matrix to the multiplicative identity, having 1’s in the diagonal.

The matrix will contain the values [[1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]]. Note that you can construct a new matrix with these values using hou.hmath.identityTransform or hou.Matrix4(1).


Set this matrix to contain all zeros.

Note that you can construct a new matrix with all zeros with hou.Matrix4().


The membership flag

transposed(self) → hou.Matrix4

Return the transpose of this matrix. The result is such that self.at(i, j) == self.transposed().at(j, i) for 0 <= i,j <= 3.

See Wikipedia’s transpose page for more information.

class hou.MenuParmTemplate(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.ParmTemplate

Describes a menu parameter containing evaluating to integer values. Note that StringParmTemplates may also have menus.


  • opmenu
defaultExpression(self) → string

Return the expression, which when evaluated, returns the index of the default menu item.

The default expression takes precendence over the default value. If the default expression is not set (i.e. an empty string), then the default value is used instead.

Note that the default expression language is needed to interpret the meaning of the default expression.

defaultExpressionLanguage(self) → tuple of hou.scriptLanguage

Return the default expression language.

The default expression language only applies if the default expression is set. If the default expression is not set, then the expression language is set to hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript.

defaultValue(self) → int

Return the index of the default menu item.

See also the defaultValueAsString method.

iconNames(self) → tuple of str

Return the tuple of icons corresponding to the menu items. If there are no icons, returns a tuple of empty strings.


itemGeneratorScriptLanguage(self) -> hou.scriptLanguage enum value

Return the programming language for the script that generates menu items.
menuItems(self) → tuple of str

Return the tuple of internal menu names.

These internal menu names are not displayed in the UI, but they can be passed to hou.Parm.set and will be returned by hou.Parm.evalAsString for menu parameters.

menuLabels(self) → tuple of str

Return the tuple of menu labels displayed in the UI.

menuType(self) → hou.menuType enum value

Return the type of menu. Note that some menu types only apply to string parameters with menus, so the meaningful menu types for MenuParmTemplates are hou.menuType.Normal (for standard menus) and hou.menuType.Mini for menus that only display a dropdown arrow. See hou.menuType for more information.

menuUseToken(self) → bool

Return whether the parameter is set to the token value instead of the index.

See also the setMenuUseToken method.

setDefaultExpression(self, default_expression)

Set the default expression, which when evaluated, returns the index of the default menu item.

If default_expression is the empty string, then the default expression is unset.

setDefaultExpressionLanguage(self, default_expression_language)

Set the default expression language.

See the defaultExpressionLanguage method for more information.

setDefaultValue(self, default_value)

Set the index of the default menu item.

Note that if this index is out of range, it will be adjusted.

setIconNames(self, icon_names)

Set the icon names to the given sequence of strings.

setItemGeneratorScript(self, item_generator_script)

Set the script used to generate menu items.

See the itemGeneratorScript method for more information.

setItemGeneratorScriptLanguage(self, language)

Set the script language used to generate menu items to a hou.scriptLanguage enum value.

See the itemGeneratorScriptLanguage method for more information.

setMenuItems(self, menu_items)

Set the internal menu names to the given sequence of strings.

See the menuItems method for more information.

If the new number of menu items is less than the old number, the menu labels will be shortened and the default value will be modified if it is out of range.

setMenuLabels(self, menu_labels)

Set the menu labels displayed in the UI to the given sequence of strings.

If the number of menu labels is less than the number of menu items, Houdini uses the internal menu item names for the missing labels. If the number of labels is more than the number of menu items, Houdini discards the extra labels.

If you want to change both the menu items and menu labels, be sure to change the menu items first.

setMenuType(self, menu_type)

Set the type of menu to a hou.menuType enum value.

See the menuType method for more information.

setMenuUseToken(self, on)

Set whether the parameter is set to the token value instead of the index.

See also the menuUseToken method.


The membership flag

class hou.NameConflict(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

Exception raised when a name conflict is detected during an operation.

description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.NetworkAnimValue(*args)

Bases: object

A value to adjust the appearance of a network editor without changing the underlying node data.

The hou.NetworkEditor pane allows network items to be moved or resized by user interactions without actually changing the node positions or sizes. This is accomplished by associating each NetworkAnimValue with a network item through the hou.NetworkEditor.setAdjustments method. NetworkAnimValues can either represent a single value, or they can represent an animation from one value to another. The actual animation is displayed automatically by the network editor.

For example, to following code would animate the position of a couple of nodes:

> >>> editor = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.NetworkEditor) > >>> n1 = hou.node(‘/obj/geo1’) > >>> pos1 = n1.position() > >>> newpos1 = pos1 + hou.Vector2(5, 5) > >>> anim1 = hou.NetworkAnimValue(1.0, pos1, newpos1) > >>> n2 = hou.node(‘/obj/geo2’) > >>> pos2 = n2.position() > >>> newpos2 = pos2 + hou.Vector2(5, 5) > >>> anim2 = hou.NetworkAnimValue(1.0, pos2, newpos2) > >>> editor.setAdjustments([n1, n2], [anim1, anim2], auto_remove=True) > >>> n1.setPosition(newpos1) > >>> n2.setPosition(newpos2)

Note that the new positions are set on the nodes immediately. But the animation starts them at their original positions, and makes it look like they move slowly to their new positions. Also note that the auto_remove parameter in the call to setAdjustments() has been set to True. This is because we are using the adjustments only to animate the nodes to their new positions, which have already been set. Once the animation is complete, the adjustments can be thrown away. Without this parameter, the adjustments would remain on the network editor until the next call the setAdjustments.


The membership flag

class hou.NetworkBox

Bases: hou.NetworkMovableItem

Represents a network box.

To create a network box, use the hou.Node.createNetworkBox method on the node inside which you want to create the box. To get an existing network box, use the hou.Node.findNetworkBox method on the node containing the network box. To get a list of all network boxes in a network, use the hou.Node.networkBoxes method on the containing node.


  • nbcolor
  • nbget
  • nblocate
  • nbls
  • nblsop
  • nbname
  • nbop
  • nbrm
  • nbset
  • nbsize
  • opscript
addItem(self, item)

Adds a hou.NetworkMovableItem of any kind to the network box.

addNetworkBox(self, netbox)

Adds a hou.NetworkDot to the network box. This method is deprecated. Use hou.NetworkBox.addItem instead.

addNode(self, node)

Adds a hou.Node to the network box. This method is deprecated. Use hou.NetworkBox.addItem instead.

addStickyNote(self, stickynote)

Adds a hou.StickyNote to the network box. This method is deprecated. Use hou.NetworkBox.addItem instead.

addSubnetIndirectInput(self, indirect)

Adds a hou.SubnetIndirectInput to the network box. This method is deprecated. Use hou.NetworkBox.addItem instead.


asCode(self, brief=False, recurse=False, save_box_contents=False, save_channels_only=False, save_creation_commands=False, save_keys_in_frames=False, save_parm_values_only=False, save_spare_parms=False, function_name=None) -> string

Prints the Python code necessary to recreate a network box.

See hou.Node.asCode for information on the keyword arguments.

autoFit(self) → bool

Returns the value of the auto fit flag on this network box.

comment(self) → str

Returns the comment for this network box.

destroy(self, destroy_contents=False)

Remove and delete the network box, optionally deleting the nodes it contains.


Resizes the network box to fit its contents.

isMinimized(self) → bool

Returns whether the network box is minimized.

items(self, recurse=True) → tuple of hou.NetworkMovableItem

Returns the items of any type inside the network box.

If True, recurses down into nested network boxes.
minimizedSize(self) → hou.Vector2

Return the size of this item’s tile in the network editor graph if it is minimized. Returned as a Vector2.

networkBoxes(self, recurse=True) → tuple of hou.NetworkBox

Returns the network boxes inside the network box.

If True, recurses down into nested network boxes.
nodes(self, recurse=True) → tuple of hou.Node

Returns the nodes inside the network box.

If True, recurses down into nested network boxes.

Removes all items from the network box.


Removes all nodes from the network box. This method if deprecated. Use hou.NetworkBox.removaAllItems or hou.NetworkBox.removeItems instead.

removeItem(self, item)

Removes the given item from the network box.

removeNetworkBox(self, netbox)

Removes the given network box from the network box. This method if deprecated. Use hou.NetworkBox.removaItem instead.

removeNode(self, node)

Removes the given node from the network box. This method if deprecated. Use hou.NetworkBox.removaItem instead.

removeStickyNote(self, stickynote)

Removes the given sticky note from the network box. This method if deprecated. Use hou.NetworkBox.removaItem instead.

removeSubnetIndirectInput(self, indirect)

Removes the given indirect input from the network box. This method if deprecated. Use hou.NetworkBox.removaItem instead.

resize(self, vector2)

Resizes a network box by the increments in the given hou.Vector2. Use setSize() to set the box’s absolute size.

restoredSize(self) → hou.Vector2

Return the size of this item’s tile in the network editor graph if it is not minimized. Returned as a Vector2.

setAutoFit(self, auto_fit)

Set the value of the auto fit flag on this network box. The default value is True which causes the network box to resize itself when nodes that belong to the network box are moved outside the bounds of the box. Setting this values to False prevents this automatic resizing. The Network View will draw the network box around it’s contents in any case. The default setting of True is primarily useful for backward compatibility with the old network editor which relies on this automatic resizing to draw the network box properly.

setBounds(self, bounds)

Sets the size and position of this sticky note to the given hou.BoundingRect bounds argument. Equivalent to calling setSize then setPosition.

setComment(self, comment)

Set the comment string for this network box. This comment is visible in the network editor and can be used to describe the purpose of the box.

setMinimized(self, on)

Minimizes or restores the network box.

setSize(self, size)

Sets the size of this network box to the given hou.Vector2 size parameter. Use resize() to set the box’s size relative to its current size.

stickyNotes(self, recurse=True) → tuple of hou.StickyNote

Returns the sticky notes inside the network box.

If True, recurses down into nested network boxes.
subnetIndirectInputs(self, recurse=True) → tuple of


Returns the subnet indirect inputs inside the network box.

If True, recurses down into nested network boxes.

The membership flag

class hou.NetworkDot

Bases: hou.IndirectInput

A small dot in a network that allows wires to be routed along specific paths without affecting the data passing through them.

Network dots are allowed to have a single input, but may have many outputs. They can be moved around to force a wire connecting two nodes to follow a specific path. They can also be used as “scaffolding” for a set of nodes that you want to be able to quickly add or remove in a larger network.

New dots are created by calling hou.Node.createNetworkDot on the node that will contain the dot. A list of all existing dots in a network can be generated by calling hou.Node.networkDots.


Delete this dot. Connections in and out of the dot are automatically re-established such that the behavior of the network will be unchanged by the removal of this dot.

inputConnections(self) → tuple of hou.NodeConnection

Returns a tuple of hou.NodeConnection objects for the connection coming into this dot. The tuple will have a length of one if anything is connected to the input of this dot. Returns an empty tuple if nothing is connected.

insertInput(self, input_index, item_to_become_input, output_index=0)

Connects a network item to the input of this dot, exactly like the two parameter form of setInput. But this method name and signature matches the signature of hou.Node.insertInput, which allows code to run on either a network dot or a node. The value of the input_index is ignored.

isPinned(self) → bool

Returns the pinned state of this dot. See hou.NetworkDot.setPinned for a more detailed discussion of the meaning of a pinned dot.

setInput(self, input_index, item_to_become_input, output_index=0)

Connects a network item to the input of this dot, exactly like the two parameter form of this function. But this second signature matches the signature of hou.Node.setInput, which allows code to run on either a network dot or a node. The value of the input_index is ignored.

setPinned(self, pinned)

Sets the boolean pinned state of this dot. Pinned dots are not functionally different from unpinned dots, but are treated differently by the network editor. A pinned dot remains even if its input and output connections are removed. An unpinned dot will be deleted automatically by the network editor if its input or last output is cut.

The following code is a greatly simplified version of the code for automatically deleting unconnected dots, which will delete any dots that are not pinned and that don’t have an input connection:

> >>> net = hou.node(‘/obj’) > >>> net.createNetworkDot().setPinned(False) > >>> net.createNetworkDot().setPinned(True) > >>> net.networkDots() > (<hou.NetworkDot dot1 in /obj>, <hou.NetworkDot dot2 in /obj>) > >>> for dot in net.networkDots(): > … if not dot.isPinned(): > … if dot.inputItem() is None: > … dot.destroy() > … > >>> net.networkDots() > (<hou.NetworkDot dot2 in /obj>,)


The membership flag

class hou.NetworkEditor

Bases: hou.PathBasedPaneTab

Represents a Network Editor panetab.

allVisibleRects(self, ignore_items) → tuple of (hou.NetworkMovableItem,


This method is equivalent to calling itemRect() for every network item that is currently visible in the network editor. Getting these results in a single method call is significantly faster, and eliminates the need to test each item for visibility. This method is used for finding items to snap against when moving nodes. The ignore_items parameter is a tuple of hou.NetworkMovableItem objects that should not be returned in the result tuple.

autoAddToNetbox(self, node)

This method is deprecated in the new network editor and does nothing.

autoPlaceNodes(self) → bool

This method is deprecated in the new network editor and always returns False.

autoScrollNodes(self) → bool

This method is deprecated in the new network editor and always returns False.

backgroundImages(self) → tuple of hou.NetworkImage

Return the descriptors for the current set of background images being displayed in the network editor. This will be the tuple passed into the last call to setBackgroundImages.

badges(self) → tuple of tuple of str

Return descriptions of the optional node badges that can be shown in the network editor. Each tuple contained in the returned value contains three strings describing the badge. The first is the preference value that controls whether the badge is hidden, or appears as a small or large icon. The second string is a description of the badge. The third string is the name of the badge icon. These values can be used to present an interface for configuring the badges.

closeTextEditor(self, id, apply_changes = True)

Immediately closes and commits any changes made to input fields opened with the openNameEditor(), openCommentEditor(), or openNoteEditor() methods. The id parameter is the value returned by the method that opened the editor. Set the apply_changes parameter to False if the changes made to the input field should not be applied.

cursorMap(self) → dict of (str, int) to str

Return the current mouse cursor configuration. This will just be the dictionary passed into the last call to setCursorMap.

cursorPosition(self, confine_to_view=True) → hou.Vector2

Return the current mouse cursor position expressed in network view coordinates. If confine_to_view is True, the returned value will be clipped to the area of the network currently visible in the network editor.

Here is an example of moving a node underneath the mouse cursor:

> # Get the network editor. > net_editor = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.NetworkEditor) > > # Get the node. > node = hou.node(“/obj/myNode”) > > # Set the node’s new position. > node.setPosition(net_editor.cursorPosition())

decoratedItem(self) → hou.NetworkItem

Return the currently set decorated item. This is just the item value passed into the last call to setDecoratedItem.

decorationInteractive(self) → bool

Return whether the currently decorated item is interactive. This is just the interactive value passed into the last call to setDecoratedItem.

defaultCursor(self) → str

Return the default mouse cursor set by the last call to setDefaultCursor().

dropTargetItem(self) -> (hou.NetworkItem, str, int)

Return the currently set drop target item information. These are just the values passed into the last call to setDropTargetItem.

flashMessage(self, image, message, duration)

Causes a message to appear briefly in the upper left corner of the network editor, then fade away. The image parameter specifies an icon or image file that should be displayed along with the text specified in the message parameter. Either of these parameters may be None if only an image or only text is desired. The duration parameter specifies the time in seconds before the message should fade away.

footprints(self) → tuple of hou.NetworkFootprint

Return the current footprint configuration as a tuple of hou.NetworkFootprint objects. These are just the values passed into the last call to setFootprints.


Centers the nodes within the network editor to show the current selection and zooms to its extents. This method wraps a call to hou.NetworkEditor.setVisibleBounds.

getPref(self, pref) → str

Return the value of the preference named pref. This preference may be a global or local preference. The returned value is always a string which can be interpreted as a number or other data structure as appropriate for the specific preference.

getPrefs(self) → dict of str to str

Return all global and local preferences for this network editor as a python dictionary mapping preference name strings to value strings.

handleCurrentKeyboardEvent(self, resend=False)

Requests that the network editor handle the current keyboard event. This method only makes sense when handling a keyboard event.

If the resend parameter is set to True, the keyboard event is sent to the network editor’s python handling code a second time rather than the network editor handling the keyboard event itself. This is useful if the network editor is in a state or mode that does not know how to handle a key, but which the state recognizes as one that should exit the current state, and possibly trigger some other python event handling code. This parameter is used in the state for selecting the position of a new node if the Tab key is pressed (which exits the positions selection state, and triggers a new Tab menu instead).

If this method is not called when handling a keyboard event, the network editor assumes that the python event handling code has handled the keyboard event.


Centers the nodes within the network editor to show the current selection. This method wraps a call to hou.NetworkEditor.setVisibleBounds.

insertIntoUnderlyingConnections(self, node, x, y)

This method is deprecated in the new network editor and does nothing.

isPosInside(self, pos) → bool

Return True if the hou.Vector2 passed as the pos parameter is inside the network view. The values in pos are mouse coordinates expressed relative to the network editor pane.

isShowingConnectors(self) → bool

Return True if the network editor zoom level is high enough that input and output connectors are visible. This can be useful in network editor event handlers that expect the user to click on a connector. If the connectors are not visible, some alternative interaction is required.

isVolatileKeyDown(self, key) → bool

Return True if the specified keyboard key is currently pressed. This allows the current state of a volatile key to be tested without seeing the “keydown” event triggered when the user pressed the key. Calling this method with a key that has not been registered through the setVolatileKeys method will always return False even if the key is currently pressed. The key string is of the form returned by the hou.ui.hotkeys method, which is a combination of the symbol on the key, and any modifier keys involved, such as “Ctrl+Shift+G”.

itemInputDir(self, item, input_index) → hou.Vector2

Return a normalized vector indicating the direction at which the wire connected to the specified input should emerge from its connector. The item parameter may be a hou.Node or hou.NetworkDot. The input_index specifies which input is of interest. This value must be zero if the item is a network dot.

itemInputPos(self, item, input_index, adjusted=True) → hou.Vector2

Return the center point of the input connector of the hou.Node or hou.NetworkDot specified by item. The input_index parameter specifies the specific input of interest. For network dots, this value must be zero. If the adjusted parameter is set to True, any adjustments to this item’s size and position set in the most recent call to setAdjustments() will be taken into account. If False, these adjustments will be ignored.

itemOutputDir(self, item, output_index) → hou.Vector2

Return a normalized vector indicating the direction at which the wire connected to the specified output should emerge from its connector. The item parameter may be a hou.Node, hou.NetworkDot, or hou.SubnetIndirectInput. The output_index specifies which output is of interest. This value must be zero if the item is a network dot or subnet indirect input.

itemOutputPos(self, item, output_index, adjusted=True) → hou.Vector2

Return the center point of the output connector of the hou.Node, hou.NetworkDot, or hou.SubnetIndirectInput specified by item. The output_index parameter specifies the specific output of interest. For network dots and subnet indirect inputs, this value must be zero. If the adjusted parameter is set to True, any adjustments to this item’s size and position set in the most recent call to setAdjustments() will be taken into account. If False, these adjustments will be ignored.

itemRect(self, item, adjusted=True) → hou.BoundingRect

Return the bounding rectangle of the hou.NetworkMovableItem specified by the item parameter. If the adjusted parameter is set to True, any adjustments to this item’s size and position set in the most recent call to setAdjustments() will be taken into account. If False, these adjustments will be ignored. Note that for nodes, only the node body is taken into account, not the node name, badges, or other decorations.

lengthFromScreen(self, len) → float

Given a length value len, expressed in screen units (pixels), return the equivalent length in network units. The result will depend on the current zoom level of the network editor.

lengthToScreen(self, len) → float

Given a length value len, expressed in network units, return the equivalent length in screen units (pixels). The result will depend on the current zoom level of the network editor.

listMode(self) → bool

Return True if the network editor is in list mode and False otherwise.

locatingEnabled(self) → bool

Return True if the network editor will highlight UI elementes under the mouse, and allow clicking on those UI elements.

modifyPositionForNode(self, vector2, node) → Vector2

This method is deprecated in the new network editor, and simply returns the position passed into the function.

networkBoxPendingRemovals(self) → tuple of hou.NetworkMovableItem

Return the items currently pending remove from their network box. These are just the values passed into the last call to setNetworkBoxPendingRemovals.

networkItemsInBox(self, pos1, pos2, for_drop=False, for_select=False)

tuple of (hou.NetworkItem, str, int)

Return any network items inside the bounding box defined by the hou.Vector2 points pos1 and pos2. These points are specified in screen space, which makes it easy to call this function given a mouse position.

The returned tuple of triples are sorted in increasing distance from the center of the specified bounding box. Each triple consists of a network item (which may be a node, sticky note, wire, etc.), a string which describes the part of the UI for that item that was found in the box, and an optional index value which differentiates between different instances of the same item/name combination. For example, if the connector for input 2 of the node geo1 was the only thing inside the provided box, the return value would be:

> >>> editor = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.NetworkEditor) > >>> editor.networkItemsInBox(pos1, pos2) > ((<hou.ObjNode of type subnet at /obj/subnet1>, ‘input’, 2),)

One of for_drop or for_select may be set to True to use a different criteria for deciding what a valid target is. By default, any UI widget that highlights with the mouse over it will be returned by this method. Setting for_drop to True will return only UI widgets that can be drop targets. Setting for_select to True will only return UI widgets that result in the item being selected when box picking.
nodeShapes(self) → tuple of str

Return a list of all valid node shape names. These are the values that can be set into the user data of a node to control the shape of a specific node. They are also the shape names that can be used as defaults for node types.

This code sets a node to a random shape:

> >>> import random > >>> editor = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.NetworkEditor) > >>> shapes = editor.nodeShapes() > >>> hou.node(‘/obj/geo1’).setUserData(‘nodeshape’, random.choice(shapes))

openCommentEditor(self, item, select_all = False) → int

Opens an input field for editing the comment of the network box specified in the item parameter. Returns an integer id which is passed to the network editor as part of an event indicating when the user finishes editing the text.

If select_all is set to True, the editor is opened with all text selected.

openNameEditor(self, item, select_all = False) → int

Opens an input field for editing the name of the node specified in the item parameter. Returns an integer id which is passed to the network editor as part of an event indicating when the user finishes editing the text.

If select_all is set to True, the editor is opened with all text selected.

openNodeMenu(self, node = None, items = [])

Brings up a node context menu under the current mouse position. The two parameters contol which node(s) will be affected by the menu option chosen by the user. If a hou.Node object is specified in the node parameter, the menu operation will affect that node, and, if that node is currently selected, all other selected network items will also be affected. If the items parameter is passed a non-empty list of hou.NetworkMovableItem objects, those items and only those items will be affected by the menu, regardless of the current selection.

If the chosen menu item only operates on a single node, the original node parameter value or the last hou.Node object in the items list will be affected. If the selected menu item can affect multiple nodes, all nodes will be affected. And in the few cases where network items other than nodes may be altered by a menu item, all items (nodes or otherwise) will be affected.

openNoteEditor(self, stickynote, select_all = False) → int

Opens an input field for editing the text of the sticky note specified in the stickynote parameter. Returns an integer id which is passed to the network editor as part of an event indicating when the user finishes editing the text.

If select_all is set to True, the editor is opened with all text selected.


openTabMenu(self, key=None, auto_place=False, branch=False, src_item=None, src_connector_index=-1, dest_item=None, dest_connector_index=-1, node_position=None, src_items=[], src_indexes=[], dest_items=[], dest_indexes=[])

Opens the tab menu in the network editor. When the user chooses a tool from the tab menu, the parameters passed to this function determine the context information that will be sent to the tool script. Generally, most tools treat these parameters in a consistent way as described below.

The key used (if any) to open the menu. This same key pressed with the menu up will cause the menu to close.
Set to True to make the tab menu turn on auto placement when a tool is chosen from the menu. The new node will be placed at a position determined automatically by the tab menu based on the source and destination nodes.
Set to True to cause the new node to create a new branch instead of inserting the new node between the source and destination nodes.
The node, dot, or subnet indirect input that will be connected to the input of the new node created by the tab menu.
The output index of the node that will be connected to the input of the new node created by the tab menu.
The node or dot that will be connected to the output of the new node created by the tab menu.
The input index of the node or dot that will be connected to the output of the new node created by the tab menu.
The location to use for the new node created by the tab menu.
A list of nodes, dot, or subnet indirect inputs that will be connected to the input of the new node created by the tab menu. This parameter (and all other list-based source and destination paramaters) take precedence over the single item parameters if both are specified.
A list of output indexes of the nodes that will be connected to the input of the new node created by the tab menu.
A list of nodes or dots that will be connected to the output of the new node created by the tab menu.
A list of input indexes of the nodes or dots that will be connected to the output of the new node created by the tab menu.
openVopEffectsMenu(self, node, input_index)

Brings up the VOP node effects menu for the hou.VopNode specified in the node parameter, at the input specified by the input_index parameter.

openVopOutputInfoMenu(self, node, output_index)

Brings up the VOP node output info menu for the hou.VopNode specified in the node parameter, at the output specified by the output_index parameter. This menu is used to control the behavior of the VOP node when the Debug or Bypass flags are enabled.

overviewPosFromScreen(self, pos) → hou.Vector2

Given a position value pos as a hou.Vector2, expressed in screen units (pixels) within the overview gadget, return the equivalent position in network units. This method returns a value that assumes the overview area is visible, even if it is not. If the provided position is outside the overview area, this method returns a value that assumes the overview gadget extends as far as required to reach the specified coordinates.

overviewPosToScreen(self, pos) → hou.Vector2

Given a position value pos as a hou.Vector2, expressed in network units, return the equivalent position in screen units (pixels) within the overview gadget in the network editor. This method returns a value that assumes the overview area is visible, even if it is not.

overviewVisible(self) → bool

Return a boolean indicating whether or not the overview gadget is currently visible. This result reflects the true state of the overview gadget even if the overview is configured to display automatically.

overviewVisibleIfAutomatic(self) → bool

Return a boolean indicating whether or not the overview gadget would currently be visible if it was configured to display automatically. In other words, this method returns True if any part of the network is currently outside the visible bounds of the editor.

posFromScreen(self, pos) → hou.Vector2

Given a position value pos as a hou.Vector2, expressed in screen units (pixels), return the equivalent position in network units. The result will depend on both the current zoom level and view position of the network editor.

posToScreen(self, pos) → hou.Vector2

Given a position value pos as a hou.Vector2, expressed in network units, return the equivalent position in screen units (pixels). The result will depend on both the current zoom level and view position of the network editor.

preSelectedItems(self) → tuple of hou.NetworkItem

Return the currently pre-selected items. These are just the values passed into the last call to setPreSelectedItems.

prompt(self) → str

Return the current prompt string. This is the value that was last passed to the setPromptText() method.


eventContextData(self) -> dict

Accesses the context data passed into the most recent call to the hou.NetworkEditor.pushEventContext method. If no calls have been made to this method, there is still a python dict available to store any global information that may be used by the network editor event handling code. As an example, the current view bounds for each network visited by the editor are stored as part of this context data dictionary.

Forces the network editor to redraw. This may be necessary in cases where your code updates aspects of your Houdini session which indirectly affect the drawing of the network editor (such as changing default node shapes and colors). Direct changes to the network (such as changing the shape or color of a specific node) should automatically cause the network editor to redraw. Only use this function when you see that a redraw is not being triggered automatically by the your code.

registerPref(self, pref, value, global)

Registers a preference with the name pref, and default value value. If global is True, this preference is treated as a global preference that is applied to all network editors and saved in $HOUDINI_USER_PREF_DIR/networkeditor.pref. Otherwise the preference is considered local to each network editor, and will be saved to the desk file with each network editor instance.

Registering a preference is required to ensure the preference is saved when it is not a preference used internally by the network editor. The preference that enables snapping, or the one to enable dropping a node onto an existing wire are examples of preferences that are only used by the python event handling code, and so must be explicitly registered. This registration should be done in response to the network editor initialization event which is sent once to each network editor when it is first created.

reloadNodeShapes(self) → tuple of str

Forces all node shape files to be reloaded. This may cause new shapes to become available, or existing shapes to be removed. Returns a tuple of strings that indicate the name of each loaded node shape, and any error messages generated while parsing each shape. Use nodeShapes() to get a simple list of all successfully loaded shapes after calling this method.

scheduleTimerEvent(self, seconds) → int

Requests that a timer event be sent to the network editor after seconds has elapsed. The returned integer id is included in the triggered event to differentiate between timers if more than one is scheduled at a time.

screenBounds(self) → hou.BoundingRect

Return the screen space bounds of the network editor viewing area. This does not include the menu bar, toolbar, or other UI elements. Only the area where the network contents are displayed is returned. The bounds are relative to the network area itself, so the lower left corner of the returned bounding box will always be (0, 0).

selectPosition(input_node=None, output_index=0, output_node=None, input_index=0)

selectPosition(self, input_node=None, output_index=0, output_node=None, input_index=0) -> hou.Vector2

This method wraps a call to hou.NetworkEditor.pushEventContext, with the event context set to ‘nodegraphselectpos’, and appropriate context data to give behavior similar to the old network editor.

Prompt the user to select a position in the network editor for a new node to be placed. The network editor visualizes the position with a dotted outline of a node placeholder. The user can then move the mouse to change the position and [LMB] to confirm. The user can also press [Esc] instead to cancel the selection.

You can optionally pass in hou.Node objects to the input_node and output_node arguments to visualize the node placeholder with connections to the specified input and output nodes.

Return a hou.Vector2 containing the x,y coordinates of the selected position.

Raise hou.OperationInterrupted if the user canceled the selection. Raise hou.OperationFailed if the network editor is in list mode.

This method can be useful for scripts that create new nodes and prompts for node positions. Here is an example:

> > # Get the input and output nodes that the new node will connect to. > input_node = hou.node(“/obj/myInput”) > output_node = hou.node(“/obj/myOutput”) > > # Set the new node to connect to the first output of the input node > # and the second input of the output node. > output_index = 0 > input_index = 1 > > # Get the network editor. > network_editor = hou.ui.curDesktop().paneTabOfType( > hou.paneTabType.NetworkEditor) > > # Prompt the user to select a position for the new node. > position = network_editor.selectPosition( > input_node, output_index, output_node, input_index) > > # Create the new node. > new_node = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”) > > # Position the new node and wire it to the input and output nodes. > new_node.move(position) > new_node.setInput(0, input_node, output_index) > output_node.setInput(input_index, new_node, 0)

setAdjustments(self, items, adjustments, auto_remove=False)

Configures temporary adjustments to the sizes and locations of network items in the editor. The items parameter is a tuple of hou.NetworkMovableItem objects. The adjustments parameter is a tuple of hou.NetworkAnimValue objects to associate with each network item in the items tuple. See the documentation of that class for more information about specifying adjustments.

The auto_remove parameter may be set to True to indicate that the network editor should automatically delete the adjustments once the animation on them has completed. This is useful for animations performed at the end of a user action, where the following events do not relate to the changes being made, and so it is easier not to have to manage the reset of the adjustment values explicitly in the future.

setBackgroundImages(self, images)

Configures the background images to be displayed in the network editor. The network editor saves and loads the image descriptions into the user data for each network, which allows a different set of background images for each network. The images are specified as a tuple of hou.NetworkImage objects. See the documentation of that class for more information.

setCursorMap(self, cursors)

Tells the network editor which mouse cursor to use based on what UI widget is under the mouse. This configuration is specified as a dictionary mapping a tuple to a string. The string is the name of the cursor, which can be any of the cursor file names from the $HFS/houdini/config/Cursors directory. Each tuple consists of a string and an integer. The string is the name of the UI widget, and the integer represents the specific index value within that UI widget.

The following code sets the network editor to show a “connect” cursor for all node inputs and outputs:

> >>> editor = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.NetworkEditor) > >>> editor.setCursorMap({ > … (‘input’, -1): ‘wire’, > … (‘output’, -1): ‘wire’ > … })

The following code sets the network editor to show an appropriate resize icon based on the specific section of the sticky note border under the mouse:

> >>> editor = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.NetworkEditor) > >>> editor.setCursorMap({ > … (‘stickynoteborder’, 0): ‘arrowSWNE’, > … (‘stickynoteborder’, 1): ‘arrowLeftRight’, > … (‘stickynoteborder’, 2): ‘arrowNWSE’, > … (‘stickynoteborder’, 3): ‘arrowUpDown’, > … (‘stickynoteborder’, 4): ‘arrowSWNE’, > … (‘stickynoteborder’, 5): ‘arrowLeftRight’, > … (‘stickynoteborder’, 6): ‘arrowNWSE’, > … (‘stickynoteborder’, 7): ‘arrowUpDown’ > … })

setCursorPosition(self, pos)

Moves the mouse cursor to the position specified by the hou.Vector2 pos parameter.

setDecoratedItem(self, item, interactive)

This method is similar to setDropTargetItem in that it tells the network editor to highlight a particular item when drawing it. In the case of the decorated item, however, only the network item needs to be provided. The result of setting a node as the decorated item is to bring up the node ring. Network dots may also be the decorated item, in which case the input and output connectors for the dot are shown. The interactive boolean flag indicates whether the user is allowed to interact with the decorations. If not, the node ring is drawn faded, and its buttons cannot be clicked. This non-interactive mode corresponds to having the Control key pressed while moving the mouse around the network editor.

setDefaultCursor(self, cursor_name)

Tells the network editor which mouse cursor to use when none of the UI mentioned in the dictionary sent to setCursorMap() is under the mouse.

setDragSourceData(self, items)

Controls the network items that are put into the drag and drop buffer. The values in this buffer are only used when dragging items out of the network editor (such as when the user drags a node from the network editor onto a textport, or a parameter dialog.

setDropTargetItem(self, item, name, index)

When the user is performing a drag and drop operation within the network editor, it is important that they receive some feedback about where the thing they are dragging will be dropped if they let go of the mouse button. This indication is provided by highlighting the drop target in the UI. This method allows the current drop target to be specified in python code. Usually the item, name, and index will be values returned in one of the tuples from the networkItemsInBox method.

setFootprints(self, footprints)

Configure the footprint rings that the network editor should display. The footprints parameter must be a tuple of hou.NetworkFootprint objects. See that class for more information.

setListMode(self, on)

Set the network editor to enter list mode if on is True and to exit list mode if on is False.

setLocatingEnabled(self, enabled)

Enables or disables highlighting of UI elementes under the mouse in the network editor. When disabled, mouse events sent to the network editor event processing code will never specify a located or selected UI element. In some modes (such as when in a viewing state where mouse events only modify the view) it is desirable to disable this behavior.

setNetworkBoxPendingRemovals(self, items)

When moving items around the network, network boxes automatically resize to contain their child items as they move. To indicate that items will be removed from their network box, pass them as a tuple to this method. Doing so will cause their network box containers to not resize to fit the items as they move.

setOverlayShapes(self, shapes)

The shapes parameter specifies a tuple of hou.NetworkShape objects which will be drawn into the overlay layer of the network editor canvas. See documentation of the network shape class and its subclasses for more information.

setPreSelectedItems(self, items)

When box selecting items in the network, it is useful to be able to see what will be selected if the mouse button is released. These items are drawn to the overlay layer of the network editor canvas in a light blue color with transparency. The network items passed as a tuple to this method are the ones that get drawn with this pre- selection highlight.

setPref(self, pref, value)

Sets the preference named pref to value. The value is always a string, and must be converted to or from a number, enum, or other format as appropriate. If the preference specified by pref is a global preference, all network editors will automatically update with the new value. Otherwise the change will only affect this network editor.

setPrefs(self, prefs)

Sets a number of preference values with a single method call. The prefs parameter must be a python dictionary mapping preference name strings to value strings. The preferences may be local or global, but this method is most often used for saving and loading the local preferences for a single network editor.

setPrompt(self, prompt)

Sets the prompt text that appears at the bottom of the network editor. This string should generally be set to correspond to the network item currently under the mouse cursor. This text should be fairly brief. More detailed information can be put into the tooltip through the setTooltip() method.

setShapes(self, shapes)

The shapes parameter specifies a tuple of hou.NetworkShape objects which will be drawn into the network editor. See documentation of the network shape class and its subclasses for more information.

setTooltip(self, tooltip)

Sets the tooltip string that should be shown under the mouse if it remains stationary for a short time. This string should generally be set to correspond to the network item currently under the mouse cursor. Because it appears after a delay, it is okay to make this text more verbose than the prompt text passed to setPromptText().


setVisibleBounds(self, bounds, transition_time=0.0, max_scale=0.0, set_center_when_scale_rejected=False)

Sets the visible bounds of the network editor viewing area, expressed in network space coordinates. This method will never alter the screen space size or location of the network editor. If the area specified by the bounds parameter has a different aspect ratio from the actual network editor, this method will automatically adjust the bounds to ensure that the area specified is fully visible.

A hou.BoundingRect specifying the area that should be visible in the network editor.
The amount of time, in seconds, over which the network editor will animate the transition from the current visible bounds to the new visible bounds.
If set to a non-zero value, this parameter controls the maximum zoom level that will be allowed. The default maximum scale used by the network editor code is 100.
If set to True, but the new zoom level is determined to be the same as the previous zoom, no change is made to the bounds at all. This prevents a bounds change, that was intended as a pure zoom, from inadvertently panning the view if the zoom doesn’t actually change.
setVolatileKeys(self, keys)

The keys parameter specifies a tuple of keyboard keys that should be processed as volatile keys. This means they generate a “keydown” event when the key is pressed, and a “keyup” event when the key is released. All other keys simply send a “keyhit” event after the key is released, with no notification when the key is first pressed. The key strings are of the form returned by the hou.ui.hotkeys method, which is a combination of the symbol on the key, and any modifier keys involved, such as “Ctrl+Shift+G”.

sizeFromScreen(self, size) → hou.Vector2

Given a box size value size as a hou.Vector2, expressed in screen units (pixels), return the equivalent size in network units. This is equivalent to making two separate calls to lengthFromScreen() for the width and height. The result will depend on the current zoom level of the network editor.

sizeToScreen(self, size) → hou.Vector2

Given a box size value size as a hou.Vector2, expressed in network units, return the equivalent size in screen units (pixels). This is equivalent to making two separate calls to lengthToScreen() for the width and height. The result will depend on the current zoom level of the network editor.

textBadges(self) → tuple of tuple of str

Return descriptions of the optional node text that can be shown in the network editor. Each tuple contained in the returned value contains three strings describing the text. The first is the preference value that controls whether the text is hidden, or appears as truncated or full text. The second string is a description of the text. The third string is the name of an icon that can be used to represent the meaning of the text. These values can be used to present an interface for configuring the text.


The membership flag

tooltip(self) → str

Return the current tooltip string. This is the value that was last passed to the setTooltip() method.

visibleBounds(self) → hou.BoundingRect

Return the network space bounds of the network editor viewing area.

class hou.NetworkFootprint(*args)

Bases: object

Describes the conditions under which a footprint ring should be displayed for a node in a network editor pane.

A footprint in the network editor is a ring drawn behind the node in the network editor, such as the blue “display flag” ring around the wave1 node and the orange “output flag” ring around the wave2 node:

This class describes to the network editor which nodes should be drawn with a footprint, and the color and position of that footprint. A tuple of these objects is passed to the hou.NetworkEditor.setFootprints method. This tuple should be updated every time the current network changes to a new node type category.

The default footprint setup for SOP nodes is the following:

> >>> editor = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.NetworkEditor) > >>> editor.setFootprints([ > hou.NetworkFootprint( > hou.nodeFlag.Display, > hou.ui.colorFromName(‘GraphDisplayHighlight’), 1, True > ), > hou.NetworkFootprint( > hou.nodeFlag.Render, > hou.ui.colorFromName(‘GraphRenderHighlight’), 0, True > ), > hou.NetworkFootprint( > hou.nodeFlag.Template, > hou.ui.colorFromName(‘GraphTemplateHighlight’), 2, True > ), > hou.NetworkFootprint( > hou.nodeFlag.Footprint, > hou.ui.colorFromName(‘GraphTemplateHighlight’), 2, True > ), > hou.NetworkFootprint( > ‘output’, > hou.ui.colorFromName(‘GraphOutputHighlight’), 1, True > ) > ])


The membership flag

class hou.NetworkImage(*args)

Bases: object

Describes a background image that can be displayed in a network editor pane.

The network editor pane can display any number of images in the background behind the nodes of the network. These background images are described using this class, and set in the network editor using the hou.NetworkEditor.setBackgroundImages method.

This code sets a single background image in the network editor:

> > editor = hou.ui.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.NetworkEditor) > image = hou.NetworkImage() > image.setPath(‘$HFS/houdini/pic/Mandril.pic’) > image.setRect(hou.BoundingRect(0, 0, 5, 5)) > editor.setBackgroundImages([image])

The network editor pane provides a mode for creating and editing background images directly in the pane. The resulting image layout is saved into the user data for the current network so that the image arrangement is automatically saved and restored with the hip file.

brightness(self) → float

Return the brightness adjustment for displaying this image in the network editor. This value should range from 0 to 1. Values less than 1 cause the image to be blended with the background of the network editor. An image with a brightness of 0 will appear as the background color, not black as is normally indicated by a brightness value of 0.

path(self) → str

Return the path to the image file.

rect(self) → hou.BoundingRect

Returns the bounding rectangle that defines the size and position of the image within the network. If the relativeToPath() value is set, then the rectangle is translated by the position of the network item to which this image is tied.

relativeToPath(self) → str

Images can be tied to network items such as nodes, network boxes, or sticky notes. This method returns the path to the network item to which this image is tied (or an empty string if its location is not relative to any network item).

setBrightness(self, brightness)

Sets the brightness adjustment for displaying this image in the network editor. This value should range from 0 to 1. Values less than 1 cause the image to be blended with the background of the network editor. An image with a brightness of 0 will appear as the background color, not black as is normally indicated by a brightness value of 0.

setPath(self, path)

Sets the path to the image file.

setRect(self, rect)

Sets the bounding rectangle that defines the size and position of the image within the network. If the relativeToPath() value is set, then the rectangle will be translated by the position of the network item to which this image is tied.

setRelativeToPath(self, path)

Images can be tied to network items such as nodes, network boxes, or sticky notes. This method sets the path to the network item to which this image is tied. Passing in an empty string indicates the location is not relative to any network item.


The membership flag

class hou.NetworkItem(*args)

Bases: object

The base class for all visible elements within a network.

This class has no methods, and only exists as a base class for hou.NetworkMovableItem and Hou.NodeConnection, both of which are visible in the network editor, but which have no real meaningful base class. By providing a common base class, items of these two types can be passed in or returned from hou.NetworkEditor functions.


The membership flag

class hou.NetworkMovableItem

Bases: hou.NetworkItem

The base class for all visible elements within a network, such as Nodes, Network Boxes, and Sticky Notes.

Each movable item has a position, color, and other attributes that allow for common interactions in the network editor. All movable items will have a parent network (except the node represented by hou.node(‘/’)), and may be contained by a hou.NetworkBox. Not all movable items have a name, but all have a numeric session id, which is a unique number within a given Houdini session for a given subclass of NetworkMovableItem.

color(self) → hou.Color

Return the color of this item’s tile in the network editor.

digitsInName(self) → int

Return the value of the last set of digits inside the node’s name, or 0 if there are no digits.

For example, the result is 102 for a node named geo102, and 34 for a node named light12to34.

isPicked(self) → bool

Equivalent to calling hou.NetworkMovableItem.isSelected.

isSelected(self) → bool

Return whether this item is selected.

See also hou.selectedNodes.

move(self, vector2)

Moves this item’s tile in the network editor graph by the increments in the given hou.Vector2.

To position a item absolutely, use setPosition().

To get the item’s current graph position, use position().

Raises hou.InvalidInput if the item cannot move to the position specified.

name(self) → str

Return this node’s name. See also hou.NetworkMovableItem.path.

parent(self) → hou.Node

Return the node that contains this item.

Note that this method returns None if the item is the root node (i.e. /).

> >>> hou.node(“/obj/box_object1”).parent() > <hou.Node at /obj> > >>> print hou.node(“/”).parent() > None

parentNetworkBox(self) → hou.NetworkBox or None

Returns the parent network box which contains this item, or None if it is not inside a network box.

path(self) → str

Return the full path (i.e. starting with /) of this node in the network.

position(self) → hou.Vector2

Return the position of this item’s tile in the network editor graph as a Vector2. See also move() and setPosition().

relativePathTo(self, base_node) → str
Return a relative path to another node object from this node.

> >>> box1 = hou.node(“/obj/box_object1/box1”) > >>> sphere1 = hou.node(“/obj/sphere_object1/sphere1”) > >>> box1.relativePathTo(sphere1) > ‘../../sphere_object1/sphere1’ > >>> hou.node(“/obj”).relativePathTo(box1) > ‘box_object1/box1’ > >>> box1.relativePathTo(box1) > ‘.’


Returns an integer value that uniquely identifies this item in a given Houdini session. This id is only guaranteed to be unique in a single Houdini process. It is useful as a quick and easy way to save a restore a reference to an item. It is also only unique for a specific item subclass. So there may be a Node with the same session id as a NetworkBox.

See hou.nodeBySessionId to turn a session id back into a node, or hou.networkBoxBySessionId to turn a session id back into a network box, or more generally, hou.itemBySessionId to turn a session id combined with an enum value indicating the item subclass into an item of that type.

setColor(self, color)

Sets the color of this item’s tile in the network editor to the given hou.Color.

setName(self, name, unique_name=False)

Set the name of this node. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the new name contains characters other than letters, numbers, periods, dashes, or underscores. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the node could not be renamed (for example, another node already exists with the name, the node is the root node or top-level manager (e.g. /obj), or the node is inside a locked asset). If the unique_name parameter is set to True, the supplied name may be changed to ensure that it doesn’t match the name of any existing node.

setPicked(self, on)

Equivalent to calling hou.NetworkMovableItem.setSelected with default values for all optional parameters.

setPosition(self, vector2)

Sets the position of this item’s tile in the network editor graph. Raises hou.InvalidInput if the item cannot have the given position.


setSelected(self, on, clear_all_selected=False, show_asset_if_selected=False)

Select or deselect this item, optionally deselecting all other selected items in this network. If show_asset_if_selected is True, and this item is a Node, then the panes will show the top-level asset of the selected item instead.
shiftPosition(self, vector2)

Equivalent to calling hou.NetworkMovableItem.move.

size(self) → hou.Vector2

Return the size of this item’s tile in the network editor graph as a Vector2.


The membership flag

class hou.NetworkShape

Bases: object

The base class for extra shapes that can be drawn into a network editor.

The network editor pane can be instructed to draw additional shapes to either the main canvas, or to the overlay area of the pane (drawn on top of the actual network). Each element that is drawn is described as a subclass of this NetworkShape base class, then passed to the network editor through either the hou.NetworkEditor.setShapes or hou.NetworkEditor.setOverlayShapes methods.


The membership flag

class hou.NetworkShapeBox(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.NetworkShape

Describes a rectangular area that can be drawn into a network editor.

This subclass of hou.NetworkShape describes a rectangle that can be drawn into a network editor pane.


The membership flag

class hou.NetworkShapeConnection(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.NetworkShape

Describes a wire that can be drawn into a network editor.

This subclass of hou.NetworkShape describes a wire that can be drawn into a network editor pane. This wire is drawn using the same wire style set on the current network.


The membership flag

class hou.NetworkShapeLine(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.NetworkShape

Describes a line that can be drawn into a network editor.

This subclass of hou.NetworkShape describes a line that can be drawn into a network editor pane.


The membership flag

class hou.NetworkShapeNodeShape(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.NetworkShape

Describes a node shape that can be drawn into a network editor.

This subclass of hou.NetworkShape describes a node shape that can be drawn into a network editor pane. This can draw any of the node shapes available to the nodes in the network through the Shape Palette.


The membership flag

class hou.Node

Bases: hou.NetworkMovableItem

The base class for all nodes in Houdini (objects, SOPs, COPs, etc.) An instance of this class corresponds to exactly one instance of a node in Houdini.

Each node has a unique path that defines its location in the tree of nodes. The node path hierarchy is similar to the hierarchy of folders and files in a file system. Some nodes, called networks, may contain other nodes inside them, much like a file folder would, while other nodes may not. For example, an object node instance and a SOP subnetwork node instance may contain SOP nodes, but a box SOP instance may not.

Be careful not to confuse nodes with node types. A node is an instance of a node type. For example suppose /obj/geo1/box1 is a box SOP. It has its own unique name (box1) and its own copies of parameter values. It is an instance of the box SOP node type. This node type defines what parameters are common to all box SOP node instances, as well as the algorithm that each BOX SOP performs. The class that represents a node type is hou.NodeType.

You cannot create instances of hou.Node using hou.Node.__init__. Instead, you look up Node objects corresponding to existing Houdini nodes with hou.node(). To create a new Houdini node instance inside another node, use hou.Node.createNode. To delete a Houdini node, use hou.Node.destroy.

Note that a Node object internally stores a reference to the corresponding Houdini node, and that their lifetimes are different. If a Python node object is deleted because its reference count in Python goes to zero, the Houdini node will be unaffected. On the other hand, if you have a Node object in a Python variable and the Houdini node is deleted, the Python variable will still exist, and Python will not crash. Instead, if you later call a method on that Python Node object, Houdini will raise a hou.ObjectWasDeleted exception.

Be careful not to confuse this class with the function hou.node.

addControlParmFolder(self, folder_name=None, parm_name=None)

Adds a control parameter folder as the front-most folder at the top- level. This is used to increase visibility of customized control parameters. If a folder of the same name already exists, no new folder will be created. If folder_name is None, it will be set as ‘Controls’. If parm_name is None, it will be set as ‘folder’.

If there are no current folders present, the existing parameters will be grouped together and stored into a new folder named ‘Parameters’ and placed after the new control parameter folder.

addEventCallback(self, event_types, callback)

Registers a Python callback that Houdini will call whenever a particular action, or event, occurs on _this particular node instance_.

Callbacks only persist for the current session. For example, they are not saved to the .hip file. If you want persistent callbacks in every session, you can add them in code in 456.py (runs when the user opens a .hip file). See where to add Python scripting for more information.

A sequence of hou.nodeEventType enumeration values describing the event types that will cause Houdini to call the callback function.

A callable Python object, such as a function or bound method. Houdini will call this function whenever one of the event types in event_types occurs.

Houdini calls the function with an event_type keyword argument containing the hou.nodeEventType value corresponding to the event that triggered the callback.

Houdini will pass additional keyword arguments depending on the event type. For example, in a callback for the ParmTupleChanged event, Houdini will pass a parm_tuple keyword argument containing a hou.ParmTuple reference to the parameter that changed. See hou.nodeEventType for the extra arguments (if any) passed for each event type.

You can add **kwargs to the argument list to accept all keyword arguments, to allow the same callback to be used for different events, or to be safe from future changes:

> def event_callback(event_type, **kwargs): > …

If you try to add the exact same callback function more than once, Houdini will still only call the function only once in response to an event. However, it may be useful to “add” the same function if you want to register it with different event_types.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the event_types list argument is empty.

The following example shows to set up a function that’s called whenever a certain node’s name changes:

> > def name_changed(node, event_type, **kwargs): > print(“The geometry object is now named”, node.name()) > > hou.node(“/obj/geo1”).addEventCallback(hou.nodeEventType.NameChanged, name_changed)

See also hou.Node.removeEventCallback and hou.Node.removeAllEventCallbacks.
addNodeGroup(self, name=None) → hou.NodeGroup

Add a node group to the node and return the new group.

If a group of the given name already exists then this function simply returns the existing group without adding a new one. If the name of the group is None or an empty string, then a unique default name is automatically chosen.

This function can only be called on nodes that are networks. If it is called on a node that is not a network, then it raises hou.OperationFailed.

To remove a node group, use hou.NodeGroup.destroy.

addSpareParmFolder(folder_name, in_folder=(), parm_name=None, create_missing_folders=False)

addSpareParmFolder(self, folder_name, in_folder=(), parm_name=None, create_missing_folders=False)

Adds a folder to the spare parameters.

Note that all the folders in a set correspond to one parameter. If this is the first folder to go in the set, parm_name will be used as the parameter name. Otherwise, parm_name will be ignored and the parameter name of the first folder in the set is used.

If this is the first folder in the set and parm_name is None, it will default to ‘sparefolder0’. If parm_name is already in use, a unique name will be automatically generated.

If create_missing_folders is True, this method will create the folders in in_folder that don’t exist. So, this method can be used to add spare folders and a spare parameter at the same time.

Note that you can add folders by passing a hou.FolderParmTemplate to the addSpareParmTuple method, so this method is deprecated. Note also that addSpareParmTuple is deprecated in favor of setParmTemplateGroup.

See also the removeSpareParmFolder and addSpareParmTuple methods.

This method is deprecated in favor of setParmTemplateGroup.

addSpareParmTuple(parm_template, in_folder=(), create_missing_folders=False)

addSpareParmTuple(self, parm_template, in_folder=(), create_missing_folders=False) -> hou.ParmTuple

Add a spare parameter tuple to the end of the parameters on the node. If in_folder is not an empty sequence, this method adds the parameters to the end of the parameters in a particular folder.

A hou.ParmTemplate subclass instance that specifies the type of parameter tuple, the default value, range, etc.
A sequence of folder names specifying which folder will hold the parameter. If this parameter is an empty sequence (e.g. ()), Houdini will not put the parameter inside a folder. If it is, for example, (“Misc”, “Controls”), Houdini puts it inside the “Controls” folder that’s inside the “Misc” folder. If it is, for example, (“Misc”,), Houdini puts it inside the “Misc” folder.
If True, and the folder location specified by in_folder does not exist, this method creates the missing containing folders.

Note that this method can add a single folder by passing a hou.FolderParmTemplate for parm_template.

See also the removeSpareParmTuple() and addSpareParmFolder() methods.

This method is deprecated in favor of setParmTemplateGroup.

allItems(self) → tuple of hou.NetworkMovableItem

Return a tuple containing all the children of this node. Unlike children, this method will also return hou.NetworkBox, hou.SubnetIndirectInput, hou.StickyNote, and hou.NetworkDot objects.

allNodes(self) → generator of hou.Node
Recursively return a sequence of all nodes contained in this node including this node. This method differs from hou.Node.allSubChildren in the following ways:
  • It includes this node in the returned sequence.

  • It does not guarantee a top-down or bottom-up traversal order.

  • The method is a generator and does not return a tuple so it is not safe to create or delete nodes while looping through the return value.

    Here is an example of printing out the paths for all nodes under /obj:

> root_node = hou.node(“/obj”) > for node in root_node.allNodes(): > print node.path()

allParms(self) → generator of hou.Parm

Recursively return a sequence of all the parameters on all of the nodes contained in this node including this node.

This method is a generator and does not return a tuple.

Here is an example of printing out the parameter paths for all nodes under /obj:

> root_node = hou.node(“/obj”) > for parm in root_node.allParms(): > print parm.path()

allSubChildren(self, top_down=True, recurse_in_locked_nodes=True)

tuple of hou.Node

Recursively return all sub children of this node. For example, hou.node(“/”).allSubChildren() will return all the nodes in the hip file.

If True, this function will do a top-down traversal, placing a node in the returned tuple before its children. If False, it will do a bottom-up traversal, placing children before their parents.

If True, the function will recurse inside locked child nodes (child nodes for which the isEditable() method returns False) and include children of the locked child nodes in the returned tuple.

If False, the function will not recurse inside locked children nodes, and children of the locked child nodes will not be included in the returned tuple. (The locked child nodes, however, will be included.)

For example if <recurse_in_locked_nodes> is True and hou.node(“/obj”) contains a Simple Female node (a locked node), then the tuple returned by hou.node(“/obj”).allSubChildren() will include the Simple Female node and its child nodes. If <recurse_in_locked_nodes> is False, the returned tuple will contain the Simple Female node, but not its child nodes.

Note that a tuple is returned, not a generator. This means that it is safe to delete or create nodes while looping through the return value.

The following function deletes all children of a particular type that appear anywhere inside a given node:

> def removeSubChildrenOfType(node, node_type): > ‘’‘Recursively delete all children of a particular type.’‘’ > for child in node.allSubChildren(): > if child.type() == node_type: > child.destroy()

This code, for example, removes all the visibility SOPs anywhere under /obj:

> >>> removeSubChildrenOfType(hou.node(“/obj”), hou.sopNodeTypeCategory().nodeTypes()[‘visibility’])

allowEditingOfContents(self, propagate=False)

Unlocks a digital asset so its contents can be edited.

To use this function, you must have permission to modify the HDA.

appendComment(self, comment)

Appends the given text to the comment associated with this node.


asCode(self, brief=False, recurse=False, save_channels_only=False, save_creation_commands=True, save_keys_in_frames=False, save_outgoing_wires=False, save_parm_values_only=False, save_spare_parms=True, function_name=None) -> str

Prints the Python code necessary to recreate a node.

Do not set values if they are the parameter’s default. Applies to the contents of the node if either recurse or save_box_contents is True.
Recursively apply to the entire operator hierarchy.
Script the contents of the node.
Only output channels. Applies to the contents of the node if either recurse or save_box_contents is True.
Generate a creation script for the node. If set to False, the generated script assumes that the network box already exists. When set to True, the script will begin by creating the network box.
Output channel and key times in samples (frames) instead of seconds. Applies to the contents of the node if either recurse or save_box_contents is True.
Evaluate parameters, saving their values instead of the expressions. Applies to the contents of the node if either recurse or save_box_contents is True.
Save spare parameters as well. When save_creation_commands is True, commands for creating spare parameters will also be output. Applies to the contents of the node if either recurse or save_box_contents is True.
If a function_name is specified, the output will be wrapped in a Python function.
cachedUserData(self, name) → str or None

Return the user-defined cached data with this name, or None if no data with this name exists.

See hou.Node.setCachedUserData for more information.

This method can be implemented as follows:

> def cachedUserData(self, name): > return self.cachedUserDataDict().get(name)

Note that None is a valid value for a key, so the most reliable way to check if a key is valid is to check if it is in the result of cachedUserDataDict:

> >>> n = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”) > >>> n.cachedUserDataDict() > {} > >>> print n.cachedUserData(“foo”) > None > >>> “foo” in n.cachedUserDataDict() > False > >>> n.setCachedUserData(“foo”, None) > >>> n.cachedUserDataDict() > {‘foo’: None} > >>> print n.cachedUserData(“foo”) > None > >>> “foo” in n.cachedUserDataDict() > True

cachedUserDataDict(self, name) → dict of str to str

Return a dictionary containing all the user-defined name/string pairs for this node.

See hou.Node.setCachedUserData for more information.

canCreateDigitalAsset(self) → bool

Return True if hou.Node.createDigitalAsset can succeed.

canGenerateCookCode(self, check_parent=False) → bool

Return True if the node can generate compiled cook code and False otherwise.

If check_parent is true, the parents in the ancestor hierarchy are tested if any of them can generate code.


changeNodeType(self, new_node_type, keep_name=True, keep_parms=True, keep_network_contents=True, force_change_on_node_type_match=False) -> hou.Node

Changes the node to a new type (within the same context). new_node_type is the internal string name of the type you want to change to.

Keep_name, keep_parms, and keep_network_contents indicate that the node should keep the same name, parameter values, and contents, respectively, after its type has changed. force_change_on_node_type_match indicates whether to perform the change even when is already of the specified type.

childTypeCategory(self) → hou.NodeTypeCategory

Return the hou.NodeTypeCategory corresponding to the children of this node. For example, if this node is a geometry object, the children are SOPs. If it is an object subnet, the children are objects.

children(self) → tuple of hou.Node

Return a list of nodes that are children of this node. Using the file system analogy, a node’s children are like the contents of a folder/directory.

To find the number of children nodes, use len(node.children()).

The order of the children in the result is the same as the user defined ordering in Houdini. To see this order, switch the network view pane into list mode, and ensure that the list order is set to user defined. To reorder nodes, drag and drop them in the list.

> def pc(node): > ‘’‘Print the names of the children of a particular node. This function > can be handy when working interactively in the Python shell.’‘’ > for child in node.children(): > print child.name() > > def ls(): > ‘’‘Print the names of the nodes under the current node.’‘’ > pc(hou.pwd())

The following expression evaluates to a list of children of a particular node type:

> [c for c in node.children() if c.type() == node_type]


Removes all alias names from parameters on the node.


collapseIntoSubnet(self, child_nodes, subnet_name=None, subnet_type=None) -> hou.Node

Given a sequence of children nodes of this node, collapse them into a subnetwork. In other words, create a subnet inside this node’s network and move the specified children of this network inside that subnet.

The children nodes of this node that will go in the new subnet.
The name for the new subnet node, or None if you want Houdini to automatically choose a name.
The type for the new subnet node, or None if you want Houdini to automatically choose a primary subnetwork type, which is recommended.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if a node inside child_nodes is not a child of this network, or if child_nodes is an empty sequence.

This example function takes a single node and replaces it with a subnet, moving the node into the subnet..

> def collapseSingleNodeIntoSubnet(node, subnet_name=None): > node.parent().collapseIntoSubnet((node,), subnet_name=None)

comment(self) → str

Return the node’s comment string.

cook(self, force=False, frame_range=())

Asks or forces the node to re-cook.

The frames at which to cook the object. This should be a tuple of 2 or 3 ints giving the start frame, end frame, and optionally a frame increment, in that order. If you supply a two-tuple (start, end), the increment is 1.
cookCodeGeneratorNode(self, check_parent=False) → hou.Node

Return the node itself or a network node that contains this node and can generate compiled cook code. For example, the generator node for a VOP node could be the SHOP node or SOP node that contains it for example.

Return None if this node cannot generate code and is not contained in a code generating node either either.

cookCodeLanguage(self) → str

Return the language of the generated cook code (i.e. VEX, RSL).

Raises hou.OperationFailed if this node cannot generate compiled code.

cookCount(self) → int

Returns the number of times this node has cooked in the current session.


copyItems(self, items, channel_reference_originals = False, relative_references = True, connect_outputs_to_multi_inputs = True) -> tuple of hou.NetworkMovableItem

Create copies of all specified items in this network. The items do not need to be children of this network, but all items must be contained in the same parent network.

If channel_reference_originals is True, the parameters of all new nodes are set to channel reference the original nodes. If a copied node is a sub-network, only the top level node establishes channel references to the original. Child nodes inside the sub-network will be simple copies of the original child nodes. The relative_references parameter controls whether the channel references use relative or absolute paths to the source nodes.

If connect_outputs_to_multi_inputs is True, and any items being copied have outputs connected to a multi-input node (like a Merge), then the new item copies will also be connected to the multi-input node. Normally copied nodes do not have any outputs to nodes outside the copied set.

Returns a tuple of all the new network items.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if this node cannot contain children. Raises hou.PermissionError if this node is inside a locked asset.

copyItemsToClipboard(self, items)

Given a sequence of child items (nodes, network boxes, sticky notes, etc), save them to the clipboard so they can be pasted into this or another network.

A sequence of hou.NetworkMovableItems that are children of this node.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if any of the nodes or network boxes are node children of this node. Raises hou.PermissionError if you do not have permission to read the contents of this node.


copyNetworkBox(self, network_box_to_copy, new_name=None, channel_reference_original=False) -> hou.NetworkBox

Copies a network box and returns the copy.

If new_name is given, the network box will be copied to a new network box named new_name (a different name will be generated if there is already a network box with that name).

If channel_reference_original is True, all operators created by the copy will have their animatable parameters set to reference the original operators.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if this node is not a network or if the node child type does not match the network box’s node type.

copyStickyNote(self, network_box_to_copy, new_name=None)


Copies a sticky note and returns the copy.

If new_name is given, the sticky note will be copied to a new sticky note named new_name (a different name will be generated if there is already a sticky note with that name).

Raises hou.OperationFailed if this node is not a network or if the node child type does not match the sticky note’s node type.

copyTo(destination_node) → hou.Node

Copy this node to a new place in the node hierarchy. The new node is placed inside the given destination node. This method returns the new node.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the destination node cannot contain the new node. Raises hou.PermissionError if the destination node is inside a locked asset.


createCompiledDigitalAsset(self, name=None, hda_file_name=None, description=None)

Create a compiled digital asset from this node. You would typically call this method on vop network nodes, such as Material Shader Builder SHOP, Surface Shader Builder SHOP, or VEX Surface SHOP Type VOPNET. The digital asset does not have contents section, which means it does not have vop network inside, but instead relies on the saved VEX code sections to provide the shader code.

After the creation of a compiled HDA, if its VEX code section is ever changed manually, the corresponding vex object code section can be recompiled using hou.HDADefinition.compileCodeSection.

The name of the node type that the new digital asset will define.
The name of the hda file where Houdini will save the digital asset. If None Houdini will use $HOME/houdiniX.Y/hda/OPcustom.hda.
The name that will appear in the tab menu. If None, Houdini will use the name for the description.

createDigitalAsset(self, name=None, hda_file_name=None, description=None, min_num_inputs=None, max_num_inputs=None, compress_contents=False, comment=None, version=None, save_as_embedded=False, ignore_external_references=False, change_node_type=True, create_backup=True) -> Node

Create a digital asset from this node. You would typically call this method on subnet nodes.

The name of the node type that the new digital asset will define.
The name of the hda file where Houdini will save the digital asset. If None Houdini will use $HOME/houdiniX.Y/hda/OPcustom.hda.
The name that will appear in the tab menu. If None, Houdini will use the name for the description.
The minimum number of inputs that need to be wired into instances of the digital asset. See hou.HDADefinition.minNumInputs for more information.
The number of input connectors available on instances of the digital asset for input connections. See hou.HDADefinition.minNumInputs for more information.
Whether or not the contents of this digital asset are compressed inside the hda file. See hou.HDAOptions.compressContents for more information.
A user-defined comment string. See hou.HDADefinition.comment for more information.
A user-defined version string. See hou.HDADefinition.version for more information.
Whether or not the digital asset’s definition will be saved with the hip file instead of an hda file. When this parameter is True, Houdini ignores the hda_file_name parameter. Setting this parameter to True is equivalent to setting this parameter to False and setting the hda_file_name parameter to “Embedded”.
If True, Houdini will not generate warnings if the contents of this digital asset reference nodes outside the asset.
Normally, Houdini will change the node creating the digital asset into the new digital asset type. Setting this flag to false will cause the node to remain unchanged.
Create a backup before modifying an existing hda file.
createInputNode(input_index, node_type_name, node_name=None, run_init_scripts=True, load_contents=True, exact_type_name=False)

createInputNode(self, input_index, node_type_name, node_name=None, run_init_scripts=True, load_contents=True, bool exact_type_name=False)

Create a new node and connect it to one of this node’s inputs. Return the new node.

The index of this node’s input connector.
The name of the type of node to create. See the createNode method for more information.
See the createNode method for more information.
See the createNode method for more information.
See the createNode method for more information.
See the createNode method for more information.

See also the createOutputNode method.

createNetworkBox(self, name=None) → hou.NetworkBox

Creates a network box inside this network. Raises hou.OperationFailed if this node is not a network.

If you don’t specify a name, Houdini gives the box a default name.

Network box names are not displayed in the network editor pane. Instead, a “comment” can be specified with the hou.NetworkBox.setComment method, and this comment will appear in the title bar of the network box.

createNetworkDot(self) → hou.NetworkDot

Creates a network dot inside this network. Raises hou.OperationFailed if this node is not a network.


createNode(self, node_type_name, node_name=None, run_init_scripts=True, load_contents=True, exact_type_name=False) -> hou.Node

Create a new node of type node_type_name as a child of this node.

The name of the new node. If not specified, Houdini appends a number to the node type name, incrementing that number until a unique node name is found. If you specify a name and a node already exists with that name, Houdini will append a number to create a unique name.
If True, the initialization script associated with the node type will be run on the new node.
If True, any subnet contents will be loaded for custom subnet operators.
If True, the node’s type name will be exactly as specified in the node_type_name. Otherwise, a preferred operator type that matches the given node_type_name may be used. For example, the given “hda” may match a newer version “hda::2.0”, or if there are two available operators “namespaceA::hda” and “namespaceB::hda”, and the “namespaceB” has precedence, then the created node will be of type “namespaceB::hda”.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if this node cannot contain children. Raises hou.PermissionError if this node is inside a locked asset.

> >>> obj = hou.node(“/obj”) > > # Let Houdini choose a name based on the node type name. > >>> obj.createNode(“geo”) > <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/geo1> > > # Let Houdini choose a unique name. > >>> obj.createNode(“geo”) > <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/geo2> > > # Give the node a specific name. > >>> obj.createNode(“geo”, “foo”) > <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/foo> > > # Let Houdini create a unique name from our suggested name. Also, don’t > # run the geometry object init scripts so the contents are empty. > >>> obj.createNode(“geo”, “geo1”, run_init_scripts=False) > <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/geo3> > >>> obj.node(“geo1”).children() > (<hou.SopNode of type file at /obj/geo1/file1>,) > >>> obj.node(“geo3”).children() > ()

createOrMoveVisualizer(self, output_index)

Creates a node for visualizing the data from a particular output of this node. If a visualizer node already exists in the current network, it is moved and connected to the specified output_index. This method is only implemented for SOP and VOP nodes. Other node types do nothing when this method is called.

createOutputNode(node_type_name, node_name=None, run_init_scripts=True, load_contents=True, exact_type_name=False)

createOutputNode(self, node_type_name, node_name=None, run_init_scripts=True, load_contents=True, bool exact_type_name=False)

Create a new node and connect its first input to this node’s (first) output. Return the new node.

See the createNode method for more information on the parameters.

See also the createInputNode method.

createStickyNote(self, name=None) → hou.StickyNote

Creates a sticky note inside this network. Raises hou.OperationFailed if this node is not a network.

If you don’t specify a name, Houdini gives the note a default name.

creationTime(self) → datetime.datetime

Return the date and time when the node was created.


isBuiltExplicitly(self) -> bool

Return whether this node was built explicitly (defaults to True). Most nodes are built explicitly, but some are implicitly created by Houdini. For example, if you select geometry from multiple SOPs and then perform an operation, Houdini will put down an implicit merge SOP before performing that operation. When reselecting geometry in SOPs, Houdini will automatically delete any SOPs that were created implicitly.
creatorState(self) → str

This returns the name of the viewport tool that was used to be created. This name is not set by default and is usually the empty string.

dataBlock(self, key) → str

Returns the data block stored under the given key. This method will only work if the specified data block is has a type that can be represented by a python object. Otherwise None is returned.

Raises hou.ValueError if the provided key is not assocaited with any data block on this node.

dataBlockKeys(self, blocktype) → tuple of str

Return the names of all data blocks stored on this node that are of the data type specified by the blocktype parameter.

Data blocks are similar to user data in that they can contain any extra data that may be useful to attach to a specific node. They differ from user data in that data blocks are designed to more efficiently handle large blocks of data. Data blocks can also contain binary data, and have a data type associated with each block.

dataBlockType(self, key) → str

Return the data type of the block specified by the key parameter.

Raises hou.ValueError if the provided key is not assocaited with any data block on this node.

deleteItems(self, items)

Destroys all the items in the provided tuple of hou.NetworkMovableItem objects. This is significantly more efficient than looping over the items and calling destroy() on each one. It also safely handles cases where one object may not be allowed to be deleted unless another object is also deleted.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if one or more of the provided items is not a child of this node. Raises hou.PermissionError if this node is or is inside a locked digital asset.

deleteScript(self) → str

Return the script that will run when this node is deleted.

dependents(self, include_children = True) → tuple of hou.Node

Return a tuple of nodes that are reference this node, either through parameter expressions, referring to the node by name, or using expressions which rely on the data generated by this node. These reflect all the other ways (besides connecting to an input) in which one node may affect another.

Note that the result can differ depending last cook of the nodes.


Delete this node.

If you call methods on a Node instance after it has been destroyed, Houdini will raise hou.ObjectWasDeleted.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if you try to delete a node inside a locked asset.

destroyCachedUserData(self, name)

Remove the user-defined cached data with this name.

See hou.Node.setCachedUserData for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no user data with this name exists.

destroyUserData(self, name)

Remove the user-defined data with this name.

See hou.Node.setUserData for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no user data with this name exists.

errors(self) → tuple of str

Return the text of any errors from the last cook of this node, or an empty tuple if there were no errors.

evalParm(self, parm_path) → int, float, or str

Evaluates the specified parameter and returns the result.

evalParmTuple(self, parm_path) → tuple of int, float, or str

Evaluates the specified parameter tuple and returns the result.

expressionLanguage(self) → hou.exprLanguage enum value

Return the node’s default expression language.

When you enter an expression in a parameter that does not already contain an expression, the node’s expression language is used to determine how that expression should be evaluated. You can change a node’s expression language in the parameter dialog in the GUI.

Changing the node’s expression language will not change the language in parameters already containing expressions (i.e. parameters with keyframes).

Note that if a parameter already contains an expression and you change that expression in the GUI, the expression language will not change, regardless of the value of the node’s expression language. To change the language of an existing expression in a parameter from Python, use hou.Parm.setExpression, as in parm.setExpression(parm.expression(), language).

extractAndDelete(self) → tuple of hou.NetworkMovableItem

Move the children of this subnet node to become siblings of this node, and then delete this node. The method is the opposite of collapseIntoSubnet(). Returns a tuple containing all extracted items.

Raises hou.InvalidNodeType if this node is not a subnetwork.

findNetworkBox(self, name) → hou.NetworkBox

Return a network box with the given name inside this node, or None if no network box with the given name exists.

findNetworkBoxes(self, pattern) → tuple of hou.NetworkBox

Return a list of network boxes inside this node whose names match a pattern.

findOrCreateMotionEffectsNetwork(self, create=True)


Return a CHOP network node suitable for storing Motion Effects. By default, if the node doesn’t exist, it will be created.

See also hou.Parm.storeAsClip and hou.Node.motionEffectsNetworkPath.

findStickyNote(self, name) → hou.StickyNote

Return a sticky note with the given name inside this node, or None if no sticky note with the given name exists.

findStickyNotes(self, pattern) → tuple of hou.StickyNote

Return a list of sticky notes inside this node whose names match a pattern.

glob(self, pattern, ignore_case=False) → tuple of hou.Node

Return a tuple of children nodes name matches the pattern.

The pattern may contain multiple pieces, separated by spaces. An asterisk (*) in a pattern piece will match any character. By default, Houdini will add the nodes from each pattern piece to those already matched. However, if the pattern piece begins with a caret (^), Houdini will remove the matches for that piece from the result.

By default the pattern match is case-sensitive. Set ignore_case to True for case-insensitive pattern matching. Note that case insensitivity only applies when matching node names. It does not apply when matching group, network box or bundle names.

This method returns an empty tuple if you pass in an empty pattern.

> >>> obj = hou.node(“/obj”) > >>> obj.createNode(“geo”, “geo1”) > <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/geo1> > >>> obj.createNode(“geo”, “geo2”) > <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/geo2> > >>> obj.createNode(“geo”, “grid”) > <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/grid> > >>> obj.createNode(“geo”, “garbage”) > <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/garbage> > >>> obj.createNode(“geo”, “box”) > <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/box> > > >>> def names(nodes): > … return [node.name() for node in nodes] > > >>> names(obj.glob(“g*”)) > [‘geo1’, ‘geo2’, ‘grid’, ‘garbage’] > >>> names(obj.glob(“ge* ga*”)) > [‘geo1’, ‘geo2’, ‘garbage’] > >>> names(obj.glob(“g* ^ga*”)) > [‘geo1’, ‘geo2’, ‘grid’]

See also hou.Node.recursiveGlob.

globParms(self, pattern, ignore_case=False, search_label=False, single_pattern=False) -> tuple of hou.Parm

Return a tuple of parameters matching the pattern.

The pattern may contain multiple pieces, separated by spaces. An asterisk (*) in a pattern piece will match any character. By default, Houdini will add the parameters from each pattern piece to those already matched. However, if the pattern piece begins with a caret (^), Houdini will remove the matches for that piece from the result.

By default the pattern match is case-sensitive. Set ignore_case to True for case-insensitive pattern matching. Note that case insensitivity only applies when matching node and parameter names. It does not apply when matching group, network box or bundle names.

By default, only parameters with names matching the pattern are returned. Set search_label to True to also return parameters with labels matching the pattern.

If single_pattern is True, the pattern will be treated as one pattern even if there are spaces in the pattern.

This method returns an empty tuple if you pass in an empty pattern.


hm(self) -> hou.HDAModule

This method is a shortcut for self.hdaModule().

See also hou.phm.

hide(self, on)

Hide or show a node in the network editor. See hou.Node.isHidden for more information about hidden nodes.

indirectInputs(self) → tuple of hou.SubnetIndirectInput

Return the hou.SubnetIndirectInput objects of a subnet.

Raises hou.InvalidNodeType if this node is not a subnetwork.

infoTree(self, verbose=False, debug=False) → hou.NodeInfoTree

Returns a tree structure containing information about the node and its most recently cooked data. The contents of the tree vary widely depending on the node type, and the nature of its cooked data. This tree of data is used to generate the node information window contents.

Setting verbose to True will cause some additional information to be generated. In particular data that is expensive to calculate, or which will generate a large amount of information tends to be generated only if this option is turned on.

Setting debug to True will, in a few cases, cause additional information to be displayed which generally will be most useful when debugging the internal opreation of Houdini. For example, geometry attributes will display their “data ids”, which can be helpful when tracking down errors in SOPs written with the HDK.

inputAncestors(self, include_ref_inputs=True, follow_subnets=False)

tuple of hou.Node

Return a tuple of all input ancestors of this node. If include_ref_inputs is False, then reference inputs are not traversed. If follow_subnets is True, then instead of treating subnetwork nodes as a single node, we also traverse its children starting with its display node.

See also the inputs() method.

inputConnections(self) → tuple of hou.NodeConnection

Returns a tuple of hou.NodeConnection objects for the connections coming into the top of this node. The tuple will have a length equal to the number of connections coming into the node. Returns an empty tuple if nothing is connected to this node.

To get a list of the connected nodes themselves, use hou.Node.inputs. To get a list of all possible connection sites (whether or not anything is connected to them), use hou.Node.inputConnectors.

> >>> cookie = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”).createNode(“cookie”) > >>> cookie.setInput(1, cookie.parent().createNode(“box”)) > >>> cookie.inputConnections() > (<hou.NodeConnection from grid1 output 0 to cookie input 1>,) > >>> cookie.inputConnectors() > ((), (<hou.NodeConnection from grid1 output 0 to cookie input 1>,))

See also hou.Node.inputConnectors.
inputConnectors(self) → tuple of tuple of hou.NodeConnection

Return a tuple of tuples of hou.NodeConnection objects. The length of the result tuple is equal to the maximum number of inputs that can be connected to this node. Each subtuple contains exactly one node connection if something is wired into the connector; otherwise it is the empty tuple.

See also hou.NodeConnection and hou.Node.inputConnections.

inputIndex(self, input_name)

Obtains an index of a node input that has the given name.

For the node categories that use input names, it returns the index of the input with the given name. For VOP nodes, the name may also be a node parameter name that has a corresponding input.

inputLabels(self) → tuple of str

Returns a tuple of all input labels for this node. Labels for input connectors that are hidden are also included.

inputNames(self) → tuple of str

Returns a tuple of all input names for this node. Names for input connectors that are hidden are also included.

inputs(self) → tuple of hou.Node

Return a tuple of the nodes connected to this node’s inputs. If an input is connected to a hou.SubnetIndirectInput, the node connected to the corresponding input on the parent subnet is returned. In other words the presence of the indirect input is hidden. This means the resulting nodes may not all be siblings of the calling node.

If a particular input is not connected (or is connected to an indirect input and the corresponding subnet parent input is not connected), a None value is placed in the tuple at that location.

insertInput(self, input_index, item_to_become_input, output_index=0)

Insert an input wire. In other words, for each input connector after input_index, shift the contents of that input connector to the next one, and then call hou.Node.setInput. See hou.Node.setInput for the meanings of the parameters.

isCurrent(self) → bool

Return a boolean to indicate of the node is the last selected node in its network.

Each network (i.e. node containing children) stores its own list of selected nodes, and the last selected node has special meaning. For example, it is the node displayed in unpinned parameter panes.

See also hou.selectedNodes to get a tuple of all the selected nodes in all networks in Houdini. The last node in this list also has special meaning in Houdini, and corresponds to the global current node.

isDisplayDescriptiveNameFlagSet(self) → bool

Return a boolean to indicate of the node should display its descriptive name in the network editor.

isEditable(self) → bool

Return True if the node is editable. This is similar to the hou.Node.isEditableInsideLockedHDA method except that it will return True for nodes that are not inside a locked HDA. This function is the simplest way to determine if most node modifications (changing inputs, changing parameters, changing flags) will be allowed on the node.

isEditableInsideLockedHDA(self) → bool

Return True if the node is an editable node contained inside a locked HDA node and False otherwise. In particular this function will return False for a node that is not inside a locked HDA.

isFlagReadable(self, flag) → bool

Return True if the specified flag is readable and False otherwise.

flag must be a hou.nodeFlag value.

isFlagWritable(self, flag) → bool

Return True if the specified flag is writable and False otherwise.

flag must be a hou.nodeFlag value.

isGenericFlagSet(self, flag) → bool

Returns the value of the specific flag.

flag must be a hou.nodeFlag value.


Return whether the node is hidden in the network editor. Note that Houdini also uses the term “exposed” to refer to nodes that are not hidden.

If a visible node is connected to a hidden node, the network editor will display dashed lines for the wire going from the visible node to the hidden node.

See also hou.Node.hide.

isInsideLockedHDA(self) → bool

Return whether this node is inside a locked digital asset. If this node is not inside a locked HDA, the node may deviate from the HDA definition.

isLockedHDA(self) → bool

If this node is an instance of a digital asset, return whether or not it is locked. Otherwise, return False.

To differentiate between unlocked digital assets and nodes that are not instances of digital assets, check if the node’s type has a definition:

> def isUnlockedAsset(node): > return not node.isLockedHDA() and node.type().definition() is not None

See hou.HDADefinition.updateFromNode for an example of how to save and lock all unlocked digital asset instances.
isNetwork(self) → bool

Return True if this node is a network, in other words a node that may contain child nodes. Otherwise return False which indicates that several other methods such as hou.Node.createNode will raise hou.OperationFailed if they are called.

isTimeDependent(self) → bool

Return whether the node is time dependent. A time dependent node is re-evaluated every time the frame changes.

item(self, item_path) → hou.NetworkMovableItem or None

Return the network item at the given path, or None if no such item exists. If you pass in a relative path (i.e. the path does not start with /), searches are performed relative to this node.

If the path is an absolute path (i.e. it starts with /), this method is a shortcut for hou.item(node_path). Otherwise, it is a shortcut for hou.item(self.path() + “/” + item_path). See also hou.item.

Note that the return value may be an instance of a subclass of NetworkMovableItem. For example, if the item being found is an object node, the return value will be a hou.ObjNode instance. If the item is a nework box, the return value will be a hou.NetworkBox instance.

items(self, item_path_tuple) → tuple of hou.NetworkMovableItem or None
This is like item() but takes multiple paths and returns multiple NetworkMovableItem objects. This is the equivalent of:

> items = [self.item(path) for path in paths]


layoutChildren(self, items=(), horizontal_spacing=-1.0, vertical_spacing=-1.0)

Automatically position all or some children of this node in the network editor.

A sequence of child hou.NetworkMovableItem objects to position. This may include nodes, dots, and/or subnet inputs. If this sequence is empty, this method will reposition all child items of this node.
A fraction of the width and height of a tile that affects the space between nodes with common inputs. If this parameter is -1, Houdini uses the default spacing.
A fraction of the width and height of a tile that affects the space between a node and its output nodes. If this parameter is -1, Houdini uses the default spacing.
loadChildrenFromFile(self, file_name, ignore_load_warnings=False)

Calls hou.Node.loadItemsFromFile. Provided for backward compatibility. New code should call loadItemsFromFile directly.

loadItemsFromFile(self, file_name, ignore_load_warnings=False)

Load the contents of a file (saved with hou.Node.saveItemsToFile) into the contents of this node.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the file does not exist or it is not the correct type of file. Raises hou.PermissionError if this node is a locked instance of a digital asset. Raises hou.LoadWarning if the load succeeds but with warnings and ignore_load_warnings is False.

loadParmClip(file_name, sample_rate=0, start=None)

auto-insert ocstring: HOM_Node::loadParmClip


Return a list of local variables that can be referenced in parameter expressions on this node.


If this node is an unlocked digital asset, change its contents to match what is stored in the definition and lock it. The parameter values are unchanged.

If this node is locked or is not a digital asset, this method has no effect.

See also hou.Node.matchesCurrentDefinition and hou.Node.isLocked.

matchesCurrentDefinition(self) → bool

Return whether the contents of the node are locked to its type definition.

messages(self) → tuple of str

Return the text of any messages from the last cook of this node, or an empty tuple if there were no messages.

modificationTime(self) → datetime.datetime

Return the date and time when the node was last modified.

motionEffectsNetworkPath(self) → str

Return a node path representing the location for storing clips. This location may or may not exist. To find or create such a network, use hou.Node.findOrCreateMotionEffectsNetwork.


moveToGoodPosition(self, relative_to_inputs=True, move_inputs=True, move_outputs=True, move_unconnected=True) -> hou.Vector2

Moves a node to a well-spaced position near its inputs or outputs and returns the new position of the node.
needsToCook(self, time=hou.time()) → bool

Asks if the node needs to re-cook.


iterNetworkBoxes(self) -> generator of hou.NetworkBox

Return a generator that iterates through all the network boxes inside this node.
networkDots(self) → tuple of hou.NetworkDot

Returns a tuple of all dots in this network.

node(self, node_path) → hou.Node or None

Return the node at the given path, or None if no such node exists. If you pass in a relative path (i.e. the path does not start with /), searches are performed relative to this node.

For example, to get the parent node of a node in the the variable n, use n.node(“..”). To get a child node named geo5, use n.node(“geo5”). To get a sibling node named light3, use n.node(“../light3”).

Note that the return value may be an instance of a subclass of Node. For example, if the node being found is an object node, the return value will be a hou.ObjNode instance.

If the path is an absolute path (i.e. it starts with /), this method is a shortcut for hou.node(node_path). Otherwise, it is a shortcut for hou.node(self.path() + “/” + node_path). See also hou.node.

nodeGroup(self, name) → hou.NodeGroup

Return a node group contained by the node with the given name, or None if the group does not exist.

nodeGroups(self) → tuple of hou.NodeGroup

Return the list of node groups in this node.

nodes(self, node_path_tuple) → tuple of hou.Node or None
This is like node() but takes multiple paths and returns multiple Node objects. This is the equivalent of:

> nodes = [self.node(path) for path in paths]

numOrderedInputs(self) → int

Some nodes can have a small number of dedicated inputs with specific meanings, followed by an arbitrary number of additional inputs, where gaps are not permitted between the inputs (these are referred to as unordere inputs). This is common in DOP nodes such as the Multiple Solver DOP. This function returns the number of dedicated (or ordered) inputs that occur before the unordered inputs begin. This function will only return non-zero valus if the hou.NodeType.hasUnorderedInputs function for this node’s hou.Node.type object returns True.

outputConnections(self) → tuple of hou.NodeConnection

Return a tuple of NodeConnection objects for the connections going out of the bottom of this node. If nothing is wired into the output of this node, return an empty tuple.

To get a list of the connected nodes themselves, use hou.Node.outputs.

Note that this method is a shortcut for: reduce(lambda a, b: a+b, self.outputConnectors(), ()). Since most nodes have only one output connector, though, this method is usually equivalent to self.outputConnectors()[0].

> >>> box = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”).createNode(“box”) > >>> box.parent().createNode(“xform”).setFirstInput(box) > >>> box.parent().createNode(“subdivide”).setFirstInput(box) > >>> box.outputConnections() > (<hou.NodeConnection from box1 output 0 to xform1 output 0>, <hou.NodeConnection from box1 output 0 to subdivide1 input 0>)

See also hou.node.outputConnectors.
outputConnectors(self) → tuple of tuple of hou.NodeConnection
Return a a tuple of tuples of hou.NodeConnection objects. The length of the result tuple is equal to the number of output connectors on this node. Each subtuple contains all the connections going out of that connector, and is empty if nothing is wired to that connector.

> >>> split = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“dopnet”).createNode(“split”) > >>> split.parent().createNode(“rbdsolver”).setFirstInput(split) > >>> split.parent().createNode(“gravity”).setFirstInput(split, 1) > >>> split.parent().createNode(“merge”).setFirstInput(split, 1) > >>> split.outputConnectors() > ((<hou.NodeConnection from split1 output 0 to rbdsolver1 input 0>,), (<hou.NodeConnection from split1 output 1 to gravity2 input 0>, <hou.NodeConnection from split1 output 1 to merge1 input 0>), (), ())

See also hou.NodeConnection and hou.Node.outputConnections.
outputIndex(self, output_name)

Obtains an index of a node output that has the given name.

For the node categories that use input names, it returns the index of the output with the given name.

outputLabels(self) → tuple of str

Returns a tuple of all output labels for this node.

outputNames(self) → tuple of str

Returns a tuple of all output names for this node.

outputs(self) → tuple of hou.Node

Return a tuple of the nodes connected to this node’s outputs.

This method is a shortcut for [connection.inputNode() for connection in self.outputConnections()].

parm(self, parm_path) → hou.Parm or None

Return the parameter at the given path, or None if the parameter doesn’t exist.

parmAliases(self, recurse=False) → dict of hou.Parm to str

Return a dictionary of parameter aliases on the node’s parameters. The keys in the dictionary are the parameters that have aliases and the values are the alias names.

Return the parameter aliases for this node _and its children_.
parmClipData(start=None, end=None, binary=True, use_blosc_compression=True, sample_rate=0, scoped_only=False)

parmClipData(start=None, end=None, binary=True, use_blosc_compression=True, sample_rate=0, scoped_only=False) -> str

Returns the clip data for the parameters of this node. This method is similar to hou.Node.saveParmClip, except that it returns the clip data (file contents) instead of saving the animation to a clip file.

<start>, <end>, <sample_rate>, and <scoped_only> behave the same as in hou.Node.saveParmClip.

If <binary> is True, return binary clip data, otherwise return plain text (ASCII) clip data.

If <use_blosc_compression> is True, blosc compress the binary clip data. This cannot be used for plain text (ASCII) clip data.

Raises a hou.OperationFailed exception if none of the parameters of this tuple have animation.

Raises a hou.InvalidInput exception if start >= end. If specifying only <start>, ensure that the specified value is less than the global end frame. Likewise, if specifying only <end>, ensure it is larger than the global start frame.

Raises a hou.InvalidInput exception if binary = False and use_blosc_compression = True.

parmTuple(self, parm_path) → hou.ParmTuple or None

Return the parm tuple at the given path, or None if it doesn’t exist.

This method is similar to parm(), except it returns a hou.ParmTuple instead of a hou.Parm.

parmTuples(self) → tuple of hou.ParmTuple

Return a list of all parameter tuples on this node.

This method is similar to parms(), except it returns a list of hou.ParmTuple instead of hou.Parm.

parmTuplesInFolder(self, folder_names) → tuple of hou.ParmTuple

Return a list of the parameter tuples in a folder on this node. This method is similar to parmsInFolder(), except it returns a list of hou.ParmTuple instead of hou.Parm. See parmsInFolder() above for information about the arguments.

See also hou.Parm.containingFolders and hou.Parm.containingFolderSetParmTuples

parms(self) → tuple of hou.Parm

Return a list of the parameters on this node.

parmsInFolder(self, folder_names) → tuple of hou.Parm

Return a list of parameters in a folder on this node. Returns all parameters in the folder and its subfolders (if any).


A sequence of folder name strings. For example, to get a list of the parameters in the Shading folder of the Render folder, use (“Render”, “Shading”). Note that by folder name, we mean the label used in the parameter dialog, not the internal parameter name.

If this sequence is empty, the method returns all parameters on the node, the same as if you called parms().

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the folder specified by folder_names does not exist.

For example, suppose a node had a Render folder that contained a Shading subfolder. Then this line of code would return the parameters in the Render folder:

> # Note the trailing comma after “Render” to tell Python that “Render” is > # contained in a tuple/sequence as opposed to just a single string with > # parentheses around it. > >>> node.parmsInFolder((“Render”, ))

And this line of code would return the parameters in the Shading subfolder.

> >>> node.parmsInFolder((“Render”, “Shading”))

See also hou.Parm.containingFolders and hou.Parm.containingFolderSetParmTuples
parmsReferencingThis(self) → tuple of hou.Parm

Return a list of the parameters that reference this node.

pasteItemsFromClipboard(self, position = None)

Load the contents of a file saved with hou.Node.copyItemsToClipboard into the contents of this node. If the position parameter is given as a tuple of two float values (or equivalent, like a hou.Vector2), the pasted items are moved such that they are centered around the provided position.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if this node is not a network, or if there are errors loading the items from the clipboard. Raises hou.PermissionError if this node is a locked instance of a digital asset.

recursiveGlob(self, pattern, filter=hou.nodeTypeFilter.NoFilter)

tuple of hou.Node

Like hou.Node.glob, return a tuple of children nodes whose name matches the pattern. However, any matching child will have all its children added, recursively. As well, the result may be filtered by node type.

Houdini first matches children nodes against the pattern, then recursively adds the subchildren of matching children, and then applies the filter.

Child node names will be matched against this string pattern. See hou.Node.glob and hou.NodeBundle for information about the pattern syntax. Note that if a child node matches the pattern, all of its subchildren will be added to the result (subject to filtering), regardless of the pattern.
A hou.nodeTypeFilter enumeration value to limit matched nodes to a particular type (e.g. object nodes, geometry object nodes, surface shader SHOPs, etc.).

The pattern and filter behavior is very similar to that used by node bundles in Houdini. See hou.NodeBundle for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the pattern is invalid.

references(self, include_children = True) → tuple of hou.Node

Return a tuple of nodes that are referenced by this node, either through parameter expressions, referring to the node by name, or using expressions which rely on the data generated by another node. These reflect all the other ways (besides connecting to an input) in which one node may affect another.

Note that the result can differ depending last cook of the nodes. It’s recommended that you first call cook() on the node first.


Remove all event callbacks for all event types from this node.

See hou.Node.addEventCallback for more information.

removeEventCallback(self, event_types, callback)

Given a callback that was previously added on this node and a sequence of hou.nodeEventType enumerated values, remove those event types from the set of event types for the callback. If the remaining set of event types is empty, the callback will be removed entirely from this node.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the callback had not been previously added.

See hou.Node.addEventCallback for more information.

removeSpareParmFolder(self, folder)

Removes an empty folder from the spare parameters.

folder is a sequence of folder names. So, to remove the Output folder, use (“Output”,) instead of “Output”.

See also addSpareParmFolder(), hou.ParmTemplateGroup.remove, and hou.ParmTemplateGroup.findFolder.

removeSpareParmTuple(self, parm_tuple)

Removes the specified spare parameter tuple.

See also addSpareParmTuple().

This method is deprecated in favor of setParmTemplateGroup.


Removes all spare parameters from this node.

replaceSpareParmTuple(self, parm_tuple_name, parm_template)

Replace an existing spare parameter tuple with a new one. The old parameter tuple is removed and the new one is added in its place.

The name of the spare parameter tuple to replace. Raises hou.OperationFailed if no parameter tuple exists with this name, or if it is the name of a non-spare parameter.
A hou.ParmTemplate describing the new parameter tuple.

The new parameter tuple may or may not have the same name as the old one. By providing a parameter tuple with the same name, you can modify an existing spare parameter tuple.

Note that you cannot replace non-spare parameter tuples. However, you can change the visibility of non-spare parameters using hou.ParmTuple.hide.

To change a parameter for all instances of digital asset, use hou.HDADefinition.replaceParmTuple.

This method is deprecated in favor of setParmTemplateGroup.


Runs the initialization script associated with this node’s type.

saveChildrenToFile(self, nodes, network_boxes, file_name)

Combines separate lists of nods and network boxes into a single sequence, and calls hou.Node.saveItemsToFile. This method is provided for backward compatibility. New code should call saveItemsToFile directly.

A sequence of hou.Nodes that are children of this node.
A sequence of hou.NetworkBoxes that are contained in this node. Note that the contents of the network boxes are not automatically saved, so it is up to you to put them in the list of nodes.
saveCompiledCookCodeToFile(self, file_name, context_name=None)

Saves compiled VEX code to a disk file (for nodes that support this). See hou.Node.saveCookCodeToFile for a description of the arguments.


saveCookCodeToFile(self, file_name, skip_header=False, context_name=None)

Saves VEX/RSL source code to a disk file (on nodes that support this).

The file path in which to save the generated code.
If True, the method does not write a header comment at the beginning of the file containing the file name and node path from which the code was generated and a time stamp.

A string containing name of the shader context for the code. This option applies to nodes such as the Material Shader Builder which can generate code for multiple context types.

For example, a Material network might contain both surface and displacement shaders, so you must specify which type of shader code to generate:

> node(“/shop/vopmaterial1”).saveCookCodeToFile(“myfile.vfl”, context_name=”surface”)

On single-context nodes this argument is ignored.

For VEX materials, possible values are surface, displacement, light, shadow, fog, image3d, photon, or cvex.

For RSL materials, possible values are surface, displacement, light, volume, or imager.

saveItemsToFile(self, items, file_name, save_hda_fallbacks = False)

Given a sequence of child items (nodes, network boxes, sticky notes, etc), save a file containing those items. You can load this file using hou.Node.loadItemsFromFile.

A sequence of hou.NetworkMovableItems that are children of this node.
The name of the file to write the contents to. You can use any extension for this file name.
Set to True to save simplified definitions for HDAs into the file along with the child nodes. Doing this allows the generated file to be safely loaded into any houdini session, even if the assets used in the file are not already loaded into the houdini session. Depending on the use of the generated file, this information is often not required and makes the files unnecessarily large.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if any of the nodes or network boxes are node children of this node, or if the file could not be written to. Raises hou.PermissionError if you do not have permission to read the contents of this node.

saveParmClip(file_name, start=None, end=None, sample_rate=0, scoped_only=False)

saveParmClip(self, file_name, start=None, end=None, sample_rate=0, scoped_only=False)

Saves the animation associated with the parameters of this node to the clip file specified by <file_name>. The extension of <file_name> determines the format of the saved file.

You can use one of the following extensions:

  • .clip: save animation as plain text (ASCII) clip file.

  • .bclip: save animation as a bclip (binary clip) file.

  • .bclip.sc: save animation as a bclip file using Blosc compression.

    Set <sample_rate> to a non-zero, non-negative value to specify the sample_rate to be used for the clip file. For example, if the current frame rate is 24 (hou.fps), and <sample_rate> is set to 12, the animation will be sampled every second frame since <sample_rate> is half of the current frame rate.

    If <start> is not None, start saving the animation from the specified frame (inclusive). Otherwise, the animation will be saved from the global start frame (inclusive).

    Similarly, if <end> is not None, stop saving the animation at the specified frame (inclusive). Otherwise, the animation will be saved until the global end frame (inclusive).

    The global start and end frame are specified in the Global Animation Options window.

    If <scoped_only> is True, only the animation associated with scoped parameters will be saved. If there are no scoped parameters, the animation associated with auto-scoped parameters will be saved.

    If <scoped_only> is False, animation associated with any of the parameters of this node will be saved.

    Raises a hou.OperationFailed exception if none of the parameters of this node have animation. If <scoped_only> is True, this exception can be raised if none of the scoped parameters have animation, or if none of the auto-scoped parameters have animation (if the node has no scoped parameters).

    Raises a hou.OperationFailed exception if there is an error saving the animation to file.

    Raises a hou.InvalidInput exception if start >= end. If specifying only <start>, ensure that the specified value is less than the global end frame. Likewise, if specifying only <end>, ensure it is larger than the global start frame.


selectedChildren(self, include_hidden=False, include_hidden_support_nodes=False) -> tuple of hou.Node

Return a tuple containing the children of this node that are selected. Note that the last selected node has special meaning, and can also be retrieved with hou.Node.isCurrent.

If False, hidden nodes are not included in the result, even if they are selected.
If True, include in the returned tuple any hidden nodes that exist solely to support nodes that are actually selected. This specifically refers to VOP Parameter nodes, but may include other support nodes as well.

The following example will print the names of all selected objects in /obj:

> for n in hou.node(“/obj”).selectedChildren(): > print n.name()

To find the total number of selected children nodes, use len(node.selectedChildren()).

selectedItems(self, include_hidden=False, include_hidden_support_nodes=False) -> tuple of hou.NetworkMovableItem

Return a tuple containing the children of this node that are selected. Unlike selectedChildren, this method will also return any selected hou.NetworkBox, hou.SubnetIndirectInput, hou.StickyNote, and hou.NetworkDot objects.

If False, hidden nodes are not included in the result, even if they are selected. Other network item types cannot be hidden, and so are unaffected by the value of this parameter.
If True, include in the returned tuple any hidden nodes that exist solely to support nodes that are actually selected. This specifically refers to VOP Parameter nodes, but may include other support nodes as well.

The following example will print the positions of all selected items in /obj:

> for n in hou.node(“/obj”).selectedItems(): > print n.position()

setCachedUserData(self, name, value)

Add/set a named value on this node instance. Unlike setUserData, values set using this method are not saved with the hip file.

name: A unique name (key) for the user-defined data. By using different names, you can attach multiple pieces of user-defined data to a node. value: The value to store. Unlike setUserData, this value may be any Python object.

This name/value pair is not stored with the hip file. It is useful for nodes implemented in Python that want to save temporary values between cooks, to avoid recomputing them on subsequent cooks.

The following example illustrates how to set, access, and delete cached user-defined data:

> >>> n = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”) > >>> n.setCachedUserData(“my data”, [1, 2, {“a”: “b”, “c”: “d”}]) > >>> n.cachedUserData(“my data”) > [1, 2, {‘a’: ‘b’, ‘c’: ‘d’}] > >>> n.cachedUserDataDict() > {‘my data’: [1, 2, {‘a’: ‘b’, ‘c’: ‘d’}]} > >>> n.destroyCachedUserData(“my data”) > >>> n.cachedUserDataDict() > {} > >>> print n.cachedUserData(“my data”) > None

See per-node user-defined data for more information and examples.
setComment(self, comment)

Sets the comment associated with this node. See also appendComment().

setCreatorState(self, state)

This sets the name of the tool that created this node. If you call this with a name that differs from the node type name, you should also call setBuiltExplicitly(False).

setCurrent(self, on, clear_all_selected=False)

Set or unset this node as the last selected one.

Each network (i.e. node containing children) stores its own list of selected nodes, and the last selected node has special meaning. For example, it is the node displayed in unpinned parameter panes.

If on is True, this node will become the last selected node. If it is False and this node was the last selected one, it will be unselected and the second-last selected node will become the last selected node.

If clear_all_selected is true, Houdini will unselect every node in this network before performing the operation.

See also hou.Node.setSelected and hou.selectedNodes.

setDataBlock(self, key, block, blocktype)

Stores the provided data block on the node under the provided key name, marking it with the provided data type.

Passing a block value of None will remove any data block with the specified key.

setDeleteScript(self, script_text, language=hou.scriptLanguage.Python)

Sets the script that will run when this node is deleted.

setExpressionLanguage(self, language)

Set the node’s default expression language. See expressionLanguage() for more information.

setFirstInput(self, item_to_become_input, output_index=0)

A shortcut for self.setInput(0, item_to_become_input). See hou.Node.setInput for more information.

setGenericFlag(self, flag, value)

Sets the value of the specified flag based on the bool value argument.

flag must be a hou.nodeFlag value.

setInput(self, input_index, item_to_become_input, output_index=0)

If item_to_become_input is not None, connect the output connector of another node to an input connector of this node. Otherwise, disconnect anything connected to the input connector.

The index of this node’s input connector.
If None this method disconnects everything from the input connector. If a hou.Node or a hou.SubnetIndirectInput, this method connects its output to this node’s input connector.
The index of the other node’s output connector.

Raises hou.InvalidInput if output_index is invalid. Raises hou.OperationFailed if item_to_become_input is not in the same network as this node. Raises hou.PermissionError if the node is inside a locked asset.


setNamedInput(self, input_name, item_to_become_input, output_name_or_index)

Connects an output on this node (specified by either an output name or an output index) to the input on the item_to_become_input specified by input_name.

setNextInput(self, item_to_become_input, output_index=0, unordered_only=False)

Connect the output connector from another node into the first unconnected input connector or a multi-input connector of this node. If a node has some ordered inputs followed by a multi-input connector, the unordered_only parameter can be used to force the input to connect to the unordered multi-input connection instead of any of the ordered input which may not be connected.

This method is roughly equivalent to:

> for input_index, conectors in enumerate(self.inputConnectors()): > if len(connectors) == 0: > self.setInput(input_index, item_to_become_input, output_index) > raise hou.InvalidInput(“All inputs are connected”)

Raises hou.InvalidInput if all inputs are connected. See hou.Node.setInput for more information.
setParmClipData(data, binary=True, blosc_compressed=True, sample_rate=0, start=None)

auto-insert ocstring: HOM_Node::setParmClipData

setParmExpressions(parm_dict, language=None, replace_expressions=True)

setParmExpressions(self, parm_dict, language=None, replace_expressions=True)

Given a dictionary mapping parm names to expression strings, set each of the corresponding parms on this node to the given expression string in the dictionary.

See hou.Parm.setExpression for a description of the language and replace_expressions parms.

The following example expressions set the tx and sy parameters at once:

> >>> node = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”) > >>> node.setParmExpressions({“tx”: ‘ch(“ty”)’, “sy”: “sin($F)”})

Raises hou.OperationFailed if any of the parameter names are not valid.

See also the setParms method.

setParms(self, parm_dict)

Given a dictionary mapping parm names to values, set each of the corresponding parms on this node to the given value in the dictionary.

The following example sets the tx and sy parameters at once:

> >>> node = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”) > >>> node.setParms({“tx”: 1, “sy”: 3})

Raises hou.OperationFailed if any of the parameter names are not valid.

See also the setParmExpressions method.

setParmsPending(self, parm_dict)

Given a dictionary mapping parm names to values, sets the pending value of each of the corresponding parms on this node.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if any of the parameter names are not valid.

See also the setPending method.

setUserData(self, name, value)

Add/set a named string on this node instance.

A unique name (key) for the user-defined data. By using different names, you can attach multiple pieces of user-defined data to a node.
The string to store.

This name/value pair is stored with the hip file and is included in the output from opscript and hou.Node.asCode.

The following example illustrates how to set, access, and delete user-defined data:

> >>> n = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”) > >>> n.setUserData(“my data”, “my data value”) > >>> n.userData(“my data”) > ‘my data value’ > >>> n.userDataDict() > {‘my data’: ‘my data value’} > >>> n.destroyUserData(“my data”) > >>> n.userDataDict() > {} > >>> print n.userData(“my data”) > None

See per-node user-defined data for more information and examples.

If you prefix a user data key with nodeinfo_, the key (without the prefix) and the value will be shown as a custom field in the node info popup window.
spareParms(self) → tuple of hou.Parm

Return a list of the spare (user-defined) parameters on this node.

stampValue(self, parm_name, default_value)

Return a copy stamping floating point or string value. This node must be a downstream stamping operator, such as a Copy SOP, Cache SOP, LSystem SOP, or Copy CHOP.

The name of the stamping variable.
The value that this function returns if Houdini is not currently performing stamping, or if parm_name is not a valid variable name. This value may be a float or a string.

You might put the following expression in a Python parameter:

> node(“../copy1”).stampValue(“sides”, 5)


iterStickyNotes(self) -> generator of hou.StickyNote

Return a generator that iterates through all the sticky notes inside this node.
subnetOutputs(self) → tuple of hou.Node

Return the hou.Node objects that are produce the subnet’s outputs.

Raises hou.InvalidNodeType if this node is not a subnetwork.

supportsMultiCookCodeContexts(self) → bool

Return True if this node can generate compiled cook code for multiple contexts (i.e. surface context, displacement context, etc.) and False otherwise.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if this node cannot generate compiled code.

syncNodeVersionIfNeeded(self, from_version)

Synchronize the node from the specified version to the current version of its HDA definition. See also hou.HDADefinition.version.


The membership flag

type(self) → hou.NodeType

Return the hou.NodeType object for this node.

For example, all camera node instances share the same node type.


Update the UI states, such as hidden and disabled, for each parameter in the node.

UI states can be expressed as conditionals (i.e. Disable When) which require evaluation. Typically in graphical Houdini the Parameter Pane performs the evaluation when the node is selected in order to determine how the node parameters should look in the pane. However in non-graphical Houdini or if the Parameter Pane has not yet loaded the node, then the evaluation does not occur and the UI states remain at their defaults causing methods such as hou.Parm.isDisabled and hou.Parm.isHidden to return incorrect values. In these cases, it is recommended that hou.Node.updateParmStates is called.

userData(self, name) → str or None

Return the user-defined data with this name, or None if no data with this name exists.

See hou.Node.setUserData for more information.

This method can be implemented as follows:

> def userData(self, name): > return self.userDataDict().get(name)

userDataDict(self, name) → dict of str to str

Return a dictionary containing all the user-defined name/string pairs for this node.

See hou.Node.setUserData for more information.

warnings(self) → tuple of str

Return the text of any warnings from the last cook of this node, or an empty tuple if there were no warnings.

class hou.NodeConnection

Bases: hou.NetworkItem

Represents a connection (wire) between two Nodes.


You can get a list of NodeConnection objects from a hou.Node instance using hou.Node.inputConnections and hou.Node.outputConnections.

It is probably easier to use the hou.Node..inputs and hou.Node.outputs methods (which return the endpoints of a node’s connections) to traverse the network, rather than dealing with the connections themselves.

This object is “read-only”. To create or edit connections, use methods on the node, such as hou.Node.setNamedInput, hou.Node.setInput, hou.Node.setFirstInput, hou.Node.setNextInput, hou.Node.createInputNode, and hou.Node.createOutputNode.


The hou.NodeConnection.outputNode and hou.NodeConnection.inputNode are named in relation to the _nodes_, not the “input” and “output” ends of the _connector_.

So, outputNode() returns the node whose _output_ is this connector. In the diagram, outputNode() on the highlighted connection would return node “A”. inputNode() returns the node whose input is this connector. In the diagram, inputNode() on the highlighted connection would return node “C”.


Some nodes have multiple inputs and/or multiple outputs. For example, most VOPs have several inputs and outputs. The Split DOP has multiple outputs.

A node with a multi-input, such as the Merge SOP, has multiple “inputs” for each connection, even though in the network editor it is drawn with one “connection point” at the top.

Inputs and outputs are always addressed by their position (index).

inputIndex(self) → int

Returns the index of the input connection on the node that the output side of this connections connects to.

inputItem(self) → hou.NetworkMovableItem
If this connection has a subnet indirect input connected to it, return the corresponding hou.SubnetIndirectInput object. If this connection has a node connected to it, return the corresponding hou.Node object. Otherwise, return None. This method is essentially equivalent to the following:

> def getInputItem(node_connection): > if node_connection.subnetIndirectInput() is not None: > return node_connection.subnetIndirectInput() > return node_connection.inputNode()

inputItemOutputIndex(self) → int

Returns zero if this connection has a subnet indirect input connected to it. Otherwise return the index of the output connection on the node that the input side of this connections connects to. In combination with the inputItem method, node and subnet indirect inputs can be processed through a common code path for many use cases.

inputLabel(self) → str

Returns the label of the input connection on the node that the output side of this connections connects to.

inputName(self) → str

Returns the name of the input connection on the node that the output side of this connections connects to.

inputNode(self) → hou.Node

Return the node on the input side of this connection. This is the node that the connection comes from, in the direction of data flow. If this connection goes through an indirect input, this will return the node connected to the parent node (or None if nothing is connected).

isSelected(self) → bool

Return True if this connection is selected.

outputIndex(self) → int

Returns the index of the output connection on the node that the input side of this connections connects to. If this connection goes through an indirect input, this will return the index of the output connected to the parent node (or 0 if nothing is connected).

outputItem(self) → hou.NetworkMovableItem

Return the node or network dot on the output side of this connection. This is the node or dot that the connection goes to, in the direction of data flow. This method should never return None.

outputLabel(self) → str

Returns the label of the output connection on the node that the input side of this connections connects to.

outputName(self) → str

Returns the name of the output connection on the node that the input side of this connections connects to.

outputNode(self) → hou.Node

Return the node on the output side of this connection. This is the node that the connection goes to, in the direction of data flow. If this connection has a network dot as its output, this method returns None.

setSelected(self, selected, clear_all_selected = False)

Selects or de-selects this connection. If the clear_all_selected parameter is set to True, all other selections (both connections, and nodes, network boxes, etc.) will be cleared before this connection is selected.

subnetIndirectInput(self) → hou.SubnetIndirectInput

If this connection has a subnet indirect input connected to it instead of a node, return the corresponding object. Otherwise, return None. See hou.SubnetIndirectInput for information on subnet indirect inputs.


The membership flag

class hou.NodeError(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

Exception class used to set errors on nodes implemented via Python.

Raise instances of this class from within Python SOPs, objects, etc. to set an error flag on the node. See Writing Python SOPs for more information.


  • hou.NodeWarning
  • hou.Error
description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.NodeGroup

Bases: object

Represents a node group.

In Houdini, a node group contains a set of nodes from the same network. Each group is named, and you can edit a group’s contents from the network view pane by selecting Viewing Controls > Show Groups from its right-mouse menu.

A node bundle, on the other hand, may contain nodes from multiple networks, and corresponds to a hou.NodeBundle object. You can edit a node bundle from the bundle list pane.

addNode(self, node)

Add a hou.Node to this group.

If the node is already in the group, this method does nothing. If the node is not in the correct network for this group, raises hou.OperationFailed.

asCode(self, save_creation_commands=False, function_name=None) → str

Returns the Python code necessary to recreate this group.

Generate a creation script for the node group. If set to False (the default), the generated script assumes that the node group already exists. When set to True, the script will begin by creating the node group.
If a function_name is specified, the output will be wrapped in a Python function.

Remove all nodes from this group.


Delete this group. Does not delete the nodes that were contained in it.

name(self) → str

Returns the name of this group.

nodes(self) → tuple of hou.Node

Return a tuple containing the nodes in this group.

parent(self) → hou.Node

Returns the network node containing this group.

removeNode(self, node)

Remove a hou.Node from this group.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the node is not in the group.


The membership flag

class hou.NodeInfoTree(*args)

Bases: object

A tree structure designed to contain information about nodes and the data they generate.

This class represents a tree structure, where each branch of the tree can have any number of named sub-trees, as well as a two dimensional grid of strings. Most often this grid has two columns (“Property” and “Value”), with some number of rows to represent arbitrary key/value pairs. But the grid can also contain more complex data (such as the volume information in geometry data).

branchOrder(self) → tuple of str

Returns the “natural” order of the child branches in the dictionary returned by branches(). This ordering is often not very important, but in situations where there are a large number of branches that do have some sort of natural order (such as the branches for each DOP object returned by a DOP node) this method can help organize the information.

This code iterates through all child branches of a node’s info tree in their natural order, assuming an RBD simulation created from a default sphere and torus object:

> >>> nodeinfo = hou.node(‘/obj/AutoDopNetwork/output’).infoTree() > >>> dopinfo = nodeinfo.branches()[‘DOP Info’] > >>> objinfo = dopinfo.branches()[‘Objects’] > >>> objbranches = objinfo.branches() > >>> for objname in objinfo.branchOrder(): > … obj = objbranches[objname] > … print objname, ‘:’, obj.branches() > … > torus_object1 : {‘Geometry’: <hou.NodeInfoTree>} > sphere_object1 : {‘Geometry’: <hou.NodeInfoTree>}

branches(self) → dict of str to hou.NodeInfoTree

Return a dictionary of all child branches. Each branch has a name, and is a full tree, which may have it’s own branches, and so on.

headings(self) → tuple of str

Returns the titles of the columns for the data returned by the rows() method. Usually this will be simply (‘Property’, ‘Value’), for rows that are simply key/value pairs. But in some cases the headings can help interpret the returned information.

infoType(self) → str

Returns a string that can be used to describe the type of data stored in this tree. For example, a tree holding geometry information (generated either by a SOP node or a DOP node) will return “Geometry” from this method.

name(self) → str

Returns the name of this branch of the tree.

rows(self) → tuple of tuple of str

Return a two dimensional grid of strings. The returned tuple represents the rows of the grid. The contained tuples each represent one row. All contained tuples will be the same length, which will be the length of the tuple returned by the headings() method.


The membership flag

class hou.NodeType

Bases: object

Information common to all instances of a type of node, such as the parameters.

For example, the Geometry object and Subdivide SOP are node types. /obj/geo1 and /obj/geo2, on the other hand, are Node instances of the Geometry object node type.

A digital asset defines a node type. The nodes contained inside the asset’s definition implement the node type’s algorithm, and you can customize the parameters in the node type using the Type Properties dialog,

You can get a NodeType object from a Node object with hou.Node.type. For example, if /obj/geo1 is a geometry object, hou.node(“/obj/geo1”).type() will return the NodeType corresponding to all geometry objects.

All the node types in Houdini are organized into categories, and a node type is uniquely identified by its category and node type name. For example, objects, SOPs, POPs, etc. are node type categories. You can also access a NodeType object from a category with hou.NodeTypeCategory.nodeTypes. Similarly, you can call hou.nodeType_ with the category and node type name.

See also hou.Node and hou.NodeTypeCategory.

addAlias(self, alias)
Add an alias for this node type. You can use this alias when creating new nodes.

> >>> geo_type = hou.nodeType(hou.objNodeTypeCategory(), “geo”) > >>> geo_type.addAlias(“transformable”) > >>> geo_type.aliases() > (‘transformable’,) > >>> hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“transformable”) > <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/geo1>

aliases(self) → tuple of str

Return all current aliases for this node type. See hou.NodeType.addAlias for an example.

allInstalledDefinitions(self) → tuple of hou.HDADefinition

Search all installed operator type libraries and return a tuple of available hou.HDADefinition objects providing definitions for this node type.

Houdini allows multiple otl files to be loaded at the same time that each contain definitions for the same node type. The definition in use is called the current definition. See also hou.HDADefinition.isCurrent.

category(self) → hou.NodeTypeCategory

Return the node type category for this node type. For example, for the geometry object, the result is the object returned by hou.objNodeTypeCategory.

containedNodeTypes(self) → tuple of str

Return a tuple of all NodeType names of the contents of an HDA.

defaultColor(self) → hou.Color

Return the color used to display a node of this type in the network view if the node’s hou.nodeFlag.ColorDefault flag is set.

defaultHelpUrl(self) → str

Return a generic URL that the help system will try to resolve to the actual location that stores the node type documentation. The generic URL is in the form “operator:table/optypename” and may include additional information such as a namespace or a version.

defaultShape(self) → str

Return the name of the shape used to display a node of this type in the network view if no shape is explcictly assigned to the node.

definition(self) → hou.HDADefinition

If this node type corresponds to a digital asset, return the hou.HDADefinition. Otherwise, return None.

deprecated(self) → bool

Return whether or not this node type has been marked deprecated. See also hou.NodeType.deprecationInfo.

deprecationInfo(self) → dict of str to str or hou.NodeType

If the node type has been marked deprecated, this call will return the deprecation information as a dictionary.

The currently supported keys are:

The version of Houdini where this operator got deprecated. The form is either major.minor, or major.minor.build (e.g. 14.0 or 14.5.122). This item is always present.
The new node type this node was replaced with. This can be used to create a system of automatic node replacement.
This lists the reason given for the deprecation, in case there is no new node to replace with.
description(self) → str

Return the description of this node type that appears in the tab menu. For example, for the geometry object, the description is “Geometry”. This description is also called the operator label in Houdini.

embeddedHelp(self) → str

Return the help text embedded in this node type. Return an empty string if no embedded help exists.

The embedded help is searched for in two different places in the following order:

  • If an HDK node, the text given by its OP_Operator::getHDKHelp() override
  • If an HDA node, the corresponding result of hou.HDADefinition.embeddedHelp()
hasEditableInputData(self) → bool

Return True if nodes of this node type allow the user to associate data with each input to the node. The purpose of this data may vary from one node type to another. This data can be accessed with methods such as hou.Node.editableInputName and hou.Node.setEditableInputName.

hasPermanentUserDefaults(self) → bool

Returns whether a user has set permanent defaults for this node type.

See also hou.Parm.hasTemporaryDefaults

hasUnorderedInputs(self) → bool

Return whether it is impossible for this node type to have gaps in its connected inputs. For example, the cookie SOP has two inputs, and it’s possible for only the second input to be connected, so this method would return False. However, the merge SOP cannot have any gaps in its inputs, so this method would return True.

See also hou.Node.inputs, hou.Node.inputConnections, and hou.Node.inputConnectors.

hdaModule(self) → hou.HDAModule

Return the HDAModule object for this node type. If the type is not for a digital asset, the module is empty. Otherwise, the module contains the functions, constants, classes, etc. in the user-defined “PythonModule” section of the digital asset.

You can use hou.Node.hdaModule as a shortcut to access the HDAModule from a node instance.

See hou.HDAModule for more information.

helpUrl(self) → str

Return the URL where the node type stores the documentation, e.g., a file name or an HDA section path. May return an empty string if node type does not know where the documentation is.

hidden(self) → bool

Return whether or not this node type appears in the tab menu. See also hou.NodeType.setHidden.

icon(self) → str

Return the name or path of the icon for this node type. Note that node types that ship with Houdini use a name instead of a full path, and Houdini uses its search path to locate the icon with that name.

instances(self) → tuple of hou.Node

Return a tuple of all the nodes of this type in the current scene.

isGenerator(self) → bool

Return if this node type has been flagged as a generator. For example, a grid SOP generates new geometry, while a subdivide SOP does not, and instead processes the geometry passed into it. See also hou.NodeType.minNumInputs.

isManager(self, include_management_types=True) → bool

Return whether this NodeType is a manager. The manager node instances are /obj, /out, /part, /ch, /shop, /img, and /vex.

If include_management_types is set to True then this method will additionally return True if this node type is a management node type such as a SHOP network, or VOP network, etc.

isReadable(self) → bool

Return True if this node type is readable and False otherwise. A readable node type is one that you can create node instances from.


areContentsViewable(self) -> bool

Return True if the node network contained in the node type is viewable and False otherwise.
maxNumInputs(self) → int

Return the maximum number of inputs that nodes of this type can have. Return 9999 if this node type can accept an unlimited number of inputs (e.g. the merge SOP).

maxNumOutputs(self) → int

Return the maximum number of outputs that nodes of this type can have. Most node types have only one output, but some, like the split dop, can have multiple.

minNumInputs(self) → int

Return the minimum number of inputs that nodes of this type can have. If these inputs are not connected, the node will generate an error.

name(self) → str

Return the name of this node type. For example, for the geometry object type, the name is “geo”. The name and the node type category together uniquely identify a node type.

nameComponents(self) → tuple of str
Returns a tuple of node type name components that constitute the full node type name. The components in the tuple appear in the following order: scope network type, node type namespace, node type core name, and version.

> # parse the full name into components > >>> node_type = hou.nodeType(hou.dopNodeTypeCategory(), ‘pyrosolver::2.0’) > >>> node_type.nameComponents() > (‘’, ‘’, ‘pyrosolver’, ‘2.0’)

nameWithCategory(self) → str
Return the name of the node type, prefixed with the name of the node type category. For example, for the geometry object, this function returns “Object/geo”. The category name and type name together uniquely identify a node type.

> >>> hou.nodeType(hou.objNodeTypeCategory(), “geo”).nameWithCategory() > ‘Object/geo’

namespaceOrder(self) → tuple of str

Returns a node type name list sorted in the descending namespace precedence order. The node types in the list have the same base type as this node type. They have different namespace and/or version.

Houdini uses this list when resolving an unqualified type name in hou.Node.createNode(); it will use the first entry in that list that matches the name specified in the function.

> # parse the full name into components > >>> node_type = hou.nodeType(hou.dopNodeTypeCategory(), ‘pyrosolver’) > >>> node_type.namespaceOrder() > (‘pyrosolver::2.0’, ‘pyrosolver’)

parmTemplateGroup(self) → hou.ParmTemplateGroup

Return the group of parm templates corresponding to this node type’s parameter interface.

See hou.ParmTemplateGroup for more information on parm template groups. To change the parameter interface for a node type defined by a digital asset, see hou.HDADefinition.setParmTemplateGroup.

parmTemplates(self) → tuple of hou.ParmTemplate

Return a tuple of parm templates for the parameters on this node type. Note that spare parameters on individual node instances are not included in this tuple, since they are independent from the node type.

removeAlias(self, alias)

Remove an alias for this node type.

setDefaultColor(self, color)

Set the color used to display a node of this type in the network view if the node’s hou.nodeFlag.ColorDefault flag is set. Pass None as the color parameter to remove the type-specific default.

setDefaultShape(self, shape)

Set the name of the shape used to display a node of this type in the network view if no shape is explcictly assigned to the node. Pass None as the shape parameter to remove the type-specific default.

setHidden(self, hidden)

Set whether or not this node type appears in the tab menu. See also hou.NodeType.hidden.

source(self) → hou.nodeTypeSource enum value
Return a hou.nodeTypeSource enumerated value to indicate if this node type is implemented in VEX, RSL, or the HDK (in C++), or if it is a built-in node type that ships with Houdini.

> >>> obj_cat = hou.objNodeTypeCategory() > >>> sop_cat = hou.sopNodeTypeCategory() > >>> hou.nodeType(obj_cat, “biped_auto_rig”).source() > nodeTypeSource.Subnet > >>> hou.nodeType(sop_cat, “mountain”).source() > nodeTypeSource.VexCode

sourceNetwork(self) → hou.Node or None

If this node type is a digital asset, return the Node instance whose contents define the digital asset. Otherwise, return None.

sourcePath(self) → str
Return the path to the source for this node type, or “Internal” if it is a built-in node type. If the node was created using the HDK, return the path to the shared object/dll for the node type.

> >>> obj_cat = hou.objNodeTypeCategory() > >>> hou.nodeType(obj_cat, “biped_auto_rig”).sourcePath() > ‘oplib:/Object/biped_auto_rig?Object/biped_auto_rig’ > >>> hou.nodeType(obj_cat, “geo”).sourcePath() > ‘Internal’


The membership flag


hasUnorderedInputs(self) -> bool

Return whether it is impossible for this node type to have gaps in its connected inputs. For example, the cookie SOP has two inputs, and it’s possible for only the second input to be connected, so this method would return False. However, the merge SOP cannot have any gaps in its inputs, so this method would return True.

See also hou.Node.inputs, hou.Node.inputConnections, and hou.Node.inputConnectors.

class hou.NodeTypeCategory

Bases: object

Represents a category of node types, such as surface nodes (SOPs) or particle nodes (POPs).

Use hou.nodeTypeCategories to get a dict of node type category names to NodeTypeCategory objects. You can use hou.objNodeTypeCategory, hou.sopNodeTypeCategory, etc. to directly access a particular node type category.

See also hou.NodeType and hou.Node.

> # Get the names of all the node type categories. > >>> hou.nodeTypeCategories().keys() > [‘Shop’, ‘Cop2’, ‘CopNet’, ‘Particle’, ‘ChopNet’, ‘Object’, ‘Driver’, ‘Pop’, > ‘Chop’, ‘Sop’, ‘Manager’, ‘Vop’, ‘Director’, ‘Dop’, ‘VopNet’]


  • hou.nodeTypeCategories
  • hou.objNodeTypeCategory
  • hou.sopNodeTypeCategory
  • hou.popNodeTypeCategory
  • hou.dopNodeTypeCategory
  • hou.cop2NodeTypeCategory
  • hou.shopNodeTypeCategory_
  • hou.vopNodeTypeCategory
  • hou.ropNodeTypeCategory
  • hou.chopNodeTypeCategory
  • hou.popNetNodeTypeCategory
  • hou.cop2NetNodeTypeCategory
  • hou.vopNetNodeTypeCategory
  • hou.chopNetNodeTypeCategory
  • hou.managerNodeTypeCategory
  • hou.rootNodeTypeCategory
hasSubNetworkType(self) → bool

Return True if the category contains a node type that creates sub- network nodes.

label(self) → str

Returns the descriptive of this node type category that appears in network editor panes.

loadDSO(self, dso_path)

Loads the HDK custom operator identified by the given file path for this node type category. It will use the HOUDINI_DSO_PATH environment variable to find it if necessary.

name(self) → str

Returns the name of this node type category.

nodeType(self, type_name) → hou.NodeType or None

Returns a single node type that matched the provided type name. Returns None if the type name doesn’t match a node type in this category.

nodeTypes(self) → dict of str to hou.NodeType

Return a dict mapping node type names to node types in this category.

For example, if this node type category is SOPs, the keys in the dictionary would be “box”, “sphere”, “polyextrude”, “subdivide”, etc.

Note that the node types in this category may not all be instances of the same class. For example, most node types in the SOP node type category are instances of hou.SopNodeType, but some, like SHOP networks, CHOP networks, etc. are not.

> # Access the box SOP’s node type. > hou.sopNodeTypeCategory().nodeTypes()[‘box’] > def findNodeTypes(node_type_category, pattern): > ‘’‘Return a list of node types in a particular node type category > whose names match a pattern.’‘’ > import fnmatch > > return [node_type > for node_type_name, node_type in node_type_category.nodeTypes().items() > if fnmatch.fnmatch(node_type_name, pattern)]

See also hou.nodeType_.
nodeVerb(self, name) → hou.SopVerb or None

Return a specific verb from the provided verb name. Returns None if no matching verb is found.

nodeVerbs(self) → dict of str to hou.SopVerb

Return a dict mapping verb names to node verbs in this category.

Most verbs are named after their corresponding node type. Alternatively, given a hou.SopNode, one can use hou.SopNode.verb to extract the verb.


The membership flag

viewerStates(self, viewer_type) → tuple of hou.ViewerState
class hou.NodeWarning(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

Exception class used to set warnings on nodes implemented via Python.

Raise instances of this class from within Python SOPs, objects, etc. to set an warning messages on the node. See Writing Python SOPs for more information.


  • hou.NodeError
  • hou.Error
description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.NotAvailable(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

Exception class for when an operation attempted to use a feature that is not available. This class is a subclass of hou.Error.


  • hou.Error
description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.ObjNode

Bases: hou.Node

An instance of an object node in the Houdini scene.

Each object has a “transformation” (or “transform”) encapsulating its position (or “translation”), rotation, and scale. For a subnet object, the subnet’s transform is applied to the objects inside the subnet. An object can have additional transforms from parent objects on top of the transform defined by its parameters, as well as a normally hidden pretransform that defines the object’s “rest” or “zero” position (normally all zeros). An object’s final position/rotation/scale in world space is defined by (object’s transform) * (pretransform) * (parent transform).

You can set an object’s position/rotation/scale to certain world space values regardless of parent/pre-transform values with the hou.ObjNode.setWorldTransform method.
Houdini does not support shear parameters on objects. If you try to set an object’s parameters to a transform containing shear, Houdini will automatically remove the shear.
alembicGetCameraDict(archivePaths, objectPath, sampleTime)

Return camera information.

buildLookatRotation(self, to_node, up_vector=None) → hou.Matrix4

Return a matrix that will rotate this object to look at the specified object.

The returned hou.Matrix4 object transforms this object from its current position in world space so that its negative z axis points at the origin of the to_node object.

up_vector can either be a hou.Vector3 object or None. If it is None, this method uses an up vector of hou.Vector3(0, 1, 0).

You can extract the rotation values from the return value with hou.Matrix4.extractRotates. You can set an object’s transform with hou.ObjNode.setWorldTransform.

> # Set the cam1 object’s transform so it points at geo1. > cam1 = hou.node(“/obj/cam1”) > lookat_obj = hou.node(“/obj/geo1”) > cam1.setWorldTransform(cam1.buildLookatRotation(lookat_obj))

See also hou.ObjNode.setWorldTransform.
combine(self, nodes)

Combine the geometry from the given list of hou.ObjNode’s into this object. After this operation, the old objects will be deleted.

Raises hou.ObjectWasDeleted if any of the nodes no longer exist in Houdini. Raises TypeError if any of the nodes are not of type hou.ObjNode. These exceptions are raised prior to performing the combine operation to avoid partial results.

displayNode(self) → hou.Node or None

If this object contains SOPs or DOPs, return the one that has its display flag on. Otherwise, return None.

getTransformFromPointToPoint(self, pos3, other_node, other_pos3)


Return the transform matrix that rotates the point pos3 (in this object node’s transform space) to the point other_pos3 (in another object node’s transform space).

> obj1.getTransformFromPointToPoint(pos1, obj2, pos2)

…is equivalent to…

> (obj1.worldTransform().inverted() * > hou.hmath.buildTranslate(-pos1) * > hou.hmath.buildTranslate(pos2) * > obj2.worldTransform())

See also the hou.ObjNode.getTransformToNode and hou.ObjNode.worldTransform methods, and the functions in the hou.hmath module.
getTransformToNode(self, obj_node) → hou.Matrix4

Return a matrix that transforms this node to line up with the other node.

The following invariant is true: node1.worldTransform() * node1.getTransformToNode(node2) == node2.worldTransform().

This method can be implemented as follows:

> def getTransformToNode(self, obj_node): > self.worldTransform().inverted() * obj_node.worldTransform()

To align node1 (an ObjNode object) with node2 (another ObjNode object), you don’t need to use getTransformToNode(). You can simply write: node1.setWorldTransform(node2.worldTransform()).

See also hou.ObjNode.origin(), hou.ObjNode.worldTransform(), and hou.ObjNode.setWorldTransform().

isDisplayFlagSet(self) → bool

Return whether or not this object’s display flag is turned on. Note that the display flag and the display parameter both determine whether the object is actually displayed.

Use hou.ObjNode.isObjectDisplayed to determine if the object is actually displayed.

isObjectDisplayed(self) → bool

Return whether or not this object is displayed. This method takes into account both the display flag and the display parameter. If the display parameter is enabled, because the tdisplay parameter is set, this parameter overrides the flag.

See also hou.ObjNode.isDisplayFlagSet, which returns the current state of the flag.

isSelectableInViewport(self) → bool

Return whether or not the selectable flag is set. When it is not set, it is not possible to select this object or any of its geometry interactively in the viewport.

isShowingOrigin(self) → bool

Return whether or not this object displays its local origin gnomon in the viewport.

Note that you can change this setting by right-clicking on the node.

isUsingXray(self) → bool

Return whether or not this object displays its geometry in xray mode. Houdini displays xrayed geometry in wireframe and makes it visible even when it is hidden behind another surface.

Note that you can change this setting by right-clicking on the node.

localTransform(self) → hou.Matrix4

Return the matrix that transforms this object’s geometry into space of its input.

The local transform matrix contains the cumulative transforms of:

  • The node’s pre-transform

  • The transform defined by the node’s transform parameters

  • The transform adjustment by the node’s lookat and path parameters

    The local transform matrix, independent of the node’s pre-transform, can be obtained as follows:

> def localTransformIgnorePreTransform(self): > return (self.localTransform() * self.preTransform().inverted())

See also hou.ObjNode.localTransformAtTime and hou.ObjNode.worldTransform.
localTransformAtTime(self, time) → hou.Matrix4

Return, for the specified time, the matrix that transforms this object’s geometry into the space of its input.

If the object’s local transform is animated, this method provides a way to get the transformation at a specific time.

See hou.ObjNode.localTransform for more information.

material(self, operation, parameter)

Manages object-local overrides of material parameters. This is basically the scripting equivalent of the Material Override menu in the parameter editor for objects. It allows you to create parameters on an object that override the equivalent values on the object’s material.

The operation argument should be one of the following strings:

Create parameters on the object to override _all_ material parameters.
Select and create object parameters to override material parameters.
Removes _all_ object parameter overrides.
Removes any unchanged object parameters (that is, that are currently set to their default value).
Synchronize the object parameter overrides with the parameter definitions on the material.
Revert any parameter overrides on the object to their values on the material.
(Followed by a second argument containing a list of parameter names strings.) Creates object parameters to override the named parameters on the material.

> > myobject = hou.node(“/obj/obj1”) > > # Add all material overrides > myobject.material(“override”) > > # Remove all material overrides > myobject.material(“remove”) > > # Add specific overrides for “baseColor” and “roughness” parameters > myobject.material(“addlist”, [“baseColor”, “roughness”])


Set this object’s rotate values to zero and adjust the pre-transform so that the object’s world transform does not change.


  • W is the world transform,

  • L is the parameter transform without any rotate component,

  • L’ is the existing parm transform,

  • P is the desired new pre-transform,

  • P’ is the current pre-transform,

  • O is the parent transform combined with the containing subnet’s, transform


  • W = L * P * O and W = L’ * P’ * O

  • L * P = L’ * P’

  • P = L^ * L’ * P’ So, this method is implemented approximately as follows:

> def moveParmRotateIntoPreTransform(self): > old_parm_transform = self.parmTransform() > self.parmTuple(“r”).set((0.0, 0.0, 0.0)) > self.setPreTransform( > self.parmTransform() * old_parm_transform * self.preTransform())

See also hou.ObjNode.preTransform and the class documentation.

Set this object’s scale values to one and adjust the pre-transform so that the world transform does not change.

See hou.ObjNode.moveParmRotateIntoPreTransform for more information.


Set this object’s parm transform to the identity and adjust the pre- transform so that the world transform does not change.

This method is implemented approximately as follows:

> def moveParmTransformIntoPreTransform(self): > self.setPreTransform(self.parmTransform() * self.preTransform()) > self.setParmTransform(hou.hmath.identityTransform())

See also hou.ObjNode.moveParmRotateIntoPreTransform, hou.ObjNode.moveParmScaleIntoPreTransform, and hou.ObjNode.moveParmTranslateIntoPreTransform. Also see hou.ObjNode.movePreTransformIntoParmTransform.

Set this object’s translate values to zero and adjust the pre- transform so that the world transform does not change.

See hou.ObjNode.moveParmRotateIntoPreTransform for more information.


Set this object’s pre-transform to the identity and adjust the parm transform so that the world transform does not change.

This method is implemented approximately as follows:

> def movePreTransformIntoParmTransform(self): > self.setParmTransform(self.parmTransform() * self.preTransform()) > self.setPreTransform(hou.hmath.identityTransform())

See also hou.ObjNode.movePreTransformIntoParmTransform.
origin(self) → hou.Vector3

Return the object’s origin position, in world space.

obj.origin() is equivalent to obj.Vector3(0, 0, 0) * obj.worldTransform().

> # To compute the world space vector from obj1’s origin to obj2’s origin, you > # can write: > obj2.origin() - obj1.origin() > > # To compute the distance, in world space, between the origins of two > # objects, simply take the length of this vector: > (obj2.origin() - obj1.origin()).length() > > # If there are no rotations or scales, the vtorigin() hscript expression > # function will return the same result as obj2.origin() - obj1.origin(). > # If there are rotations or scales, though, it won’t. A Python equivalent > # of vtorigin() is defined by: > def vtorigin(obj1, obj2): > return (obj2.worldTransform() * obj1.worldTransform().inverted()).extractTranslates()

See also the hou.ObjNode.worldTransform and hou.ObjNode.getTransformToNode methods.
parentAndSubnetTransform(self) → hou.Matrix4

Return the input node’s world space transform (if there is an input connected), combined with the world space transform of the containing subnet object (if there is one). See the class documentation for more information.

This method can approximately be implemented as follows:

> def parentAndSubnetTransform(self): > if len(self.inputConnectors()[0]) != 0: > return self.inputs()[0].worldTransform() > > containing_subnet = self.parent() > if containing_subnet.type().category() == hou.objNodeTypeCategory(): > return containing_subnet.worldTransform() > > return hou.hmath.identityMatrix()

parmPivotTransform(self) → hou.Matrix4

Return the pivot transform defined by the parameters on this node.

This method can approximately be implemented as follows:

> def parmPivotTransform(self): > pivot_transform = hou.hmath.buildTranslate(self.evalParmTuple(“p”)) > return ( > hou.hmath.buildTransform({ > “translate”: self.evalParmTuple(“p”), > “rotate”: self.evalParmTuple(“pr”)}, > transform_order=”srt”, > rotate_order=”xyz”)

See also hou.ObjNode.parmTransform.
parmTransform(self) → hou.Matrix4

Return the transform defined by the parameters on this node.

This method can approximately be implemented as follows:

> def parmTransform(self): > pivot_transform = hou.hmath.buildTransform({ > “translate”:self.evalParmTuple(“p”), > “rotate”:self.evalParmTuple(“pr”)}, > transform_order=”srt”, > rotate_order=”xyz”) > return ( > pivot_transform.inverted() * > hou.hmath.buildTransform({ > “translate”: self.evalParmTuple(“t”), > “rotate”: self.evalParmTuple(“r”), > “scale”: [self.evalParm(“scale”) * s > for s in self.evalParmTuple(“s”)], > “shear”: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)}, > transform_order=self.parm(“xOrd”).evalAsString(), > rotate_order=self.parm(“rOrd”).evalAsString()) * > pivot_transform)

See the class documentation for the relation between this transform and the world space transform. See also hou.ObjNode.worldTransform.

NOTE: For Python Objects, the python code sets the parm transform as well and won’t necessarily have any visible parameters. To get the local transform of an object (ie. the transform without any parenting), use hou.ObjNode.localTransform.

preTransform(self) → hou.Matrix4

Return this object’s pretransform.

The pre-transform allows you to apply a transform after the parameter transform but before input and containing object transforms. See the class documentation for more details.

Unlike the parameter transform, the pretransform is not stored using any parameters on the node. Instead, Houdini stores the pretransform as a matrix. Because it is directly as a matrix, the pretransform may contain shears.

renderNode(self) → hou.Node or None

If this object contains SOPs or DOPs, return the one that has its render flag on. Otherwise, return None.

setCookTransform(self, matrix)

Set the parameter transform for the Python object that’s cooking. Call this method from objects implemented in Python to set the result of the cook.

Note that an object implemented in Python controls the parameter transform (i.e. the result of hou.ObjNode.parmTransform). The world transform (i.e. the result of hou.ObjNode.worldTransform) is still affected by parent node’s transforms, pre-transforms, etc.

This method raises hou.OperationFailed if you call it on an object that is not implemented in Python or if you call it from outside that object’s Python cook code.

See the Transforms from Disk example.

setDisplayFlag(self, on)

Turn the object’s display flag on or off. See also hou.ObjNode.isDisplayFlagSet.

setParmPivotTransform(self, matrix, fail_on_locked_parms=False)

Sets the pivot transform controlled by this object’s parameters.

This method will adjust the pivot translate and pivot rotate values of this object to achieve the desired transform. It will not compensate for any changes this causes to the world transform of this object.

If fail_on_locked_parms is True, and any of the pivot translate or pivot rotate rotate parameters of the object are locked, this method will raise hou.OperationFailed. If it is False and any of those parameters are locked, this method will change their values but leave them locked.

See also hou.ObjNode.parmPivotTransform and hou.ObjNode.setParmTransform.

This method can be approximately implemented as follows, ignoring locked parameters:

> def setParmPivotTransform(self, matrix): > parm_values = matrix.explode( > transform_order=self.parm(‘xOrd’).evalAsString(), > rotate_order=self.parm(‘rOrd’).evalAsString(), > pivot=hou.Vector3()) > > for parm_name, key in (‘p’, ‘translate’), (‘pr’, ‘rotate’): > self.parmTuple(parm_name).set(parm_values[key])

See also hou.Matrix4.explode.
setParmTransform(self, matrix, fail_on_locked_parms=False)

Sets the transform controlled by this object’s parameters.

This method will adjust the translate, rotate, and scale values of this object to achieve the desired parameter, or local, transform. It will account for the existing pivot position, transformation order, and rotation order, and will leave them unchanged.

Note that object nodes do not currently have shears parameters, so any shears in the matrix will be discarded.

If fail_on_locked_parms is True, and any of the translate, rotate, or scale parameters of the object are locked, this method will raise hou.OperationFailed. If it is False and any of those parameters are locked, this method will change their values but leave them locked.

See also hou.ObjNode.parmTransform and hou.ObjNode.setWorldTransform.

This method can be approximately implemented as follows, ignoring locked parameters:

> def setParmTransform(self, matrix): > parm_values = matrix.explode( > transform_order=self.parm(‘xOrd’).evalAsString(), > rotate_order=self.parm(‘rOrd’).evalAsString(), > pivot=hou.Vector3(self.evalParmTuple(‘p’))) > > for parm_name, key in (‘t’, ‘translate’), (‘r’, ‘rotate’), (‘s’, ‘scale’): > self.parmTuple(parm_name).set(parm_values[key])

See also hou.Matrix4.explode.
setPreTransform(self, matrix)

Set this object’s pretransform. See hou.ObjNode.preTransform for more information.

setSelectableInViewport(self, on)

Set the object’s selectable flag. See hou.ObjNode.isSelectableInViewport for more information.

setWorldTransform(self, matrix, fail_on_locked_parms=False)

Adjust this object’s parameters to achieve the desired world transformation.

This method will adjust the translate, rotate, and scale values of this object to achieve the desired final world transform. It accounts for the transforms of containing networks, parent transforms, and pre-transforms.

If fail_on_locked_parms is True, and any of the translate, rotate, or scale parameters of the object are locked, this method raises hou.OperationFailed. If it is False and any of those parameters are locked, this method will change their values but leave them locked.


  • W is the desired new world transform,

  • W’ is the existing world transform,

  • L is the desired transform defined by the node’s parameters,

  • L’ is the existing parm transform,

  • P is the object’s pre-transform,

  • O is the parent transform combined with the containing subnet’s, transform

    Then, since W = L * P * O we have P = W * O^ * R^. So, this method could be implemented as follows:

> def setWorldTransform(self): > self.setParmTransform( > matrix * self.parentAndSubnetTransform().inverted() * self.preTransform().inverted(), > fail_on_locked_parms)

Alternately, we can derive L from W’ and L’ as follows:
  • W’ = L’ * P * O

  • so P * O = L^’ * W’

  • and (P * O)^ = W^’ * L’ and

  • W = L * P * O

  • so L = W * (P * O)^

  • giving L = W * W’^ * L’

    Thus, this method could also be implemented using the current world and parm transforms as follows:

> def setWorldTransform(self): > self.setParmTransform( > matrix * self.worldTransform().inverted() * self.parmTransform(), > fail_on_locked_parms)

Note that, because parm transforms cannot contain shears, it is possible that the resulting world transform will not match the desired transform. If r is a function that removes shears from a transform then the new world transform will actually be L * P * O = r(W * O^ * P^) * P * O.

See also hou.ObjNode.worldTransform and hou.ObjNode.setParmTransform.

showOrigin(self, on)

Show or hide this object’s local origin gnomon in the viewport. See also hou.ObjNode.isShowingOrigin.


The membership flag

useXray(self, on)

Turn this object’s xray mode on or off. See also hou.ObjNode.isUsingXray.

worldTransform(self) → hou.Matrix4

Return the matrix that transforms this object’s geometry into world space.

The world transform matrix contains the cumulative transforms of:

  • The node’s pre-transform

  • The transform defined by the node’s parameters

  • The transforms of parent nodes or containing networks

    This method can approximately be implemented as follows:

> def worldTransform(self): > return (self.localTransform() * self.parentAndSubnetTransform())

See also hou.ObjNode.setWorldTransform and hou.ObjNode.worldTransformAtTime.
worldTransformAtTime(self, time) → hou.Matrix4

Return, for the specified time, the matrix that transforms this object’s geometry into world space.

If the object’s world transform is animated, this method provides a way to get the transformation at a specific time.

See hou.ObjNode.worldTransform for more information.

class hou.ObjectWasDeleted(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

Exception class for when you use a stale variable to attempt to access something that was deleted in Houdini. This class is a subclass of hou.Error.

For example, setting a variable to a Node object, deleting that node in Houdini, and attempting to call a method using the variable will raise this exception.


  • hou.Error
description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.OperationFailed(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.OperationInterrupted(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.OrboltURLHandler

Bases: object


The membership flag

class hou.OrientedBoundingRect(*args)

Bases: object

An oriented 2D rectangular region.

Computes an oriented bounding rectangle for a set of points.

center(self) → hou.Vector2

Returns the position of the center of the bounding rectangle.

isAlmostEqual(self, brect, tolerance=0.00001) → bool

Returns whether this bounding rectangle is equal to another, subject to numerical tolerances.

orientation(self) → hou.Matrix2

Returns a hou.Matrix2 that defines the orientation of the bounding rectangle.

sizevec(self) → hou.Vector2

Returns a vector describing the size of the box in the x and y axes.


The membership flag

class hou.PackedFragment

Bases: hou.PackedPrim

A packed fragment primitive.

See packed primitives for more information.

setEmbeddedGeometry(self, geo, attrib, name)

Embeds into this primitive all primitives from geo with the value name for the primitive attribute attrib. Use read-only frozen geometry to share geometry between multiple packed fragment primitives. See hou.Geometry.freeze for more information.


The membership flag

class hou.PackedGeometry

Bases: hou.PackedPrim

A packed geometry primitive.

See packed primitives for more information.


Returns the geometry of this primitive.

setEmbeddedGeometry(self, geo)

Embeds the provided geometry into this primitive. Use read-only frozen geometry to share geometry between multiple packed geometry primitives. See hou.Geometry.freeze for more information.


The membership flag

class hou.PackedPrim

Bases: hou.Prim

A packed primitive.

See packed primitives for more information.

To set contents of the packed primitive, use the hou.Prim.setIntrinsicValue method:

> prim = myGeometry.createPacked(“PackedDisk”) > prim.setIntrinsicValue(“unexpandedfilename”, “defgeo.bgeo”)

To get the list of available “intrinsic attributes” you can set:

  • View a packed primitive of the type you want in the geometry spreadsheet and turn on display of intrinsic attributes.


  • In a Houdini tools command line, type ginfo -IP to see a list of all intrinsc attributes on all packed primitive types.

fullTransform(self) → hou.Matrix4

Returns the full 4x4 transform for this primitive’s geometry. This includes translations due to points and any transforms inside the primitive (for example, transforms inside an Alembic file).

setTransform(self, m4)

Sets this primitive’s local transform. This sets the local 3x3 transform _and_ the translation of the point. This does not affect any transforms inside the primitive (for example, transforms inside an Alembic file).

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

A hou.Matrix4 object containing the full transform.

The membership flag

transform(self) → hou.Matrix3

Returns the local 3x3 transform associated with this primitive. The transform doesn’t include the local point transform or any transforms inside the primitive (for example, transforms inside an Alembic file).

vertex(self, index) → hou.Vertex

A shortcut for self.vertices()[index]. You probably don’t need to call this method.

This method supports negative indices to index from the end, just like self.vertices()[index] would. Also, like Python’s indexing operator, it will raise IndexError when the index is out of range.

class hou.Pane

Bases: object

A rectangular area of the desktop that contains one or more pane tabs.

Desktops (and floating panels) are composed of one or more panes. Initially a desktop contains one pane, and more panes are added to it by splitting existing panes in two, either horizontally or vertically.

See hou.Desktop for more information about panes and pane tabs. See hou.FloatingPanel for more information about floating panels.

createTab(self, type) → hou.PaneTab

Create a new pane tab with the desired type and return it. The new pane tab will be current (i.e. it will be the pane tab that’s open).

currentTab(self) → hou.PaneTab

Return the currently focused pane tab.

See also hou.PaneTab.setIsCurrentTab.

desktop(self) → hou.Desktop or None

Return the desktop in which this pane exists, or None if it is in a floating panel that’s not attached to the desktop.

getSplitChild(self, index) → hou.Pane or None

Return the split child Pane at index if the Pane is a split.

getSplitDirection(self, dir) → double

Return the split direction of the parent split.

getSplitFraction(self, fraction) → double

Return the split fraction of the parent split.

getSplitParent(self) → hou.Pane or None

Return the parent split pane if the Pane is nested under a split.

isMaximized(self) → bool

Return True if this pane is maximized.

isSplit(self) → bool

Return True if the pane is a split.

isSplitMaximized(self) → bool

Return the true if the Pane is maximized on the split. A split can’t be minimized and maximized at the same time. In its default state, a split is not minimized and not maximized.

isSplitMinimized(self) → bool

Return the true if the Pane is minimized on the split. A split can’t be minimized and maximized at the same time. In its default state, a split is not minimized and not maximized.

setIsMaximized(self, on)

Set the maximized state of this pane.

setIsSplitMaximized(self, on) → bool

Set the maximized state of a split.

setSplitDirection(self, dir)

Set the split direction of the parent split.

setSplitFraction(self, fraction)

Set the split fraction of the parent split.

splitHorizontally(self) → hou.Pane

Split the pane, adding a new pane to the right, and return the new pane. The new pane will have a single tab whose type is the same as the type of this pane’s current tab.

See also hou.Pane.splitVertically.


Turn an horizontal split Pane into a vertical split Pane.


Swap the left and right panes of an horizontal split Pane. Swap the top and bottom panes of a vertical split Pane.

splitVertically(self) → hou.Pane

Split the pane, adding a new pane to the bottom, and return the new pane. The new pane will have a single tab whose type is the same as the type of this pane’s current tab.

See also hou.Pane.splitHorizontally.

tabOfType(self, type, index=0) → hou.PaneTab or None

Find and return a pane tab with the desired type, or None if no such tab exists in the pane.

If there are multiple tabs in the pane with the desired type, then the first found tab is returned. Use index to return the other tabs. For example, use index=0 to return the first found tab, use index=1 to return the second found tab, etc.

See also hou.ui.paneTabOfType.

tabs(self) → tuple of hou.PaneTab

Return the pane tabs in this pane.


The membership flag

class hou.PaneTab

Bases: object

One of the tabs inside a desktop pane.

Each pane type is of a particular type (e.g. scene viewer, network view, parameters, etc.). A pane may contain multiple tabs and displays the contents of one tab at a time.

See hou.Desktop for more information about panes and pane tabs.

clone(self) → hou.PaneTab

Create a floating copy of the pane tab and return the cloned pane tab. The new pane tab is in a new floating panel.


Close the pane tab.

floatingPanel(self) → hou.FloatingPanel or None

Return the floating panel that contains this pane tab or None if the pane tab is not in a floating panel.

isCurrentTab(self) → bool

Return whether this tab is the selected tab in the containing pane.

isFloating(self) → bool

Return whether this pane tab is in a floating panel.

This method can be approximately implemented as follows:

> def isFloating(self): > return self.pane() is None or self.pane().floatingPanel() is not None

isPin(self) → bool

Return whether this pane tab is pinned. This method is equivalent to (self.linkGroup() == hou.paneLinkType.Pinned)

See also hou.PaneTab.linkGroup.

linkGroup(self) → hou.paneLinkType enum value

Return the link group that this pane tab belongs to.

See also hou.PaneTab.isPin.

name(self) → str

Return the name of this tab.

pane(self) → hou.Pane or None

Return the pane in the desktop that contains this pane tab. Note that pane tabs in regular floating panels are always in a pane, since regular floating panels contain one or more panes.

However, some floating panels have their content stripped down to only contain one particular pane tab type, and do not display the user interface to add more pane tabs, split the pane, etc. This method returns None for these stripped down floating panels.


Set this tab as the selected tab in the containing pane.

setLinkGroup(self, group)

Set the link group membership of this pane tab.

setName(self, name)

Set the name of this pane tab. A pane tab name may contain spaces.

Note that this name is the internal name of the tab, and is different from the label displayed in the interface.

setPin(self, pin)
If pin is True, set the link group membership to hou.paneLinkType.Pinned. Otherwise, set it to hou.paneLinkType.FollowSelection. This method can be implemented using hou.PaneTab.setLinkGroup as follows:

> def setPin(self, pin): > if pin: > self.setLinkGroup(hou.paneLinkType.Pinned) > else: > self.setLinkGroup(hou.paneLinkType.FollowSelection)

See also hou.PaneTab.setLinkGroup.
setType(self, type) → hou.PaneTab

Create a new pane tab of the given type, replace this tab with it, and return the new pane tab. Use the returned pane tab afterward; references to this tab become invalid.


contentSize() -> tuple of int

Return a 2-tuple containing the pane tab’s content area width and height.

The width and height do not include the network navigation control area (if any), pane tab borders or tab area.


The membership flag

type(self) → hou.paneTabType enum value

Return the type of this tab (i.e. whether it is a scene viewer, parameter editor, network editor, etc.).

class hou.Parm

Bases: object

A parameter in a node. Each parameter has a unique name within its node and exists inside a parameter tuple.


  • chadd
  • chalias
  • chautoscope
  • chkey
  • chkeyget
  • chkeyls
  • chlock
  • chrefit
  • chreverse
  • chrm
  • chround
  • chscope
  • chstretch
  • opparm
  • opscript
  • ch()
  • chf()
  • chs()
  • chsraw()
  • cht()
alias(self) → str

Returns the parameter’s channel alias name. Returns an empty string if no such name exists.


appendClip(self, chop_node, apply_immediately, current_value_only, create_locked, set_value_to_default)

Appends this parameter to the specified Channel CHOP.

apply_immediately: If set to True, then the export flag on the Channel CHOP will be set.

current_value_only: If set to True, then only the current value of the parameter will be stored.

create_locked: If set to True, then the parameters are locked on creation.

set_value_to_default: If set to True, then the parameters are reverted to their default values on creation


asCode(self, brief=False, save_values=True, save_keyframes=True, save_keys_in_frames=False, save_flag_values=True, save_aliases=True, function_name=None) -> str

Returns a script of Python statements that can be executed to set the parameter tuple’s values, flags and other properties. To run the script, use either Python’s exec or execfile functions.

When <brief> is True, the output script omits commands for setting values and flags that are set to the factory defaults. The script also omits keyframe commands that set unused values, slopes and accelerations. The value of <brief> must be either True or False. save_values: When <save_values> is True, asCode outputs commands for setting the parameter tuple’s values. The value of <save_values> must be either True or False.
When <save_keyframes> is True, asCode outputs commands for creating the parameter tuple’s keyframes (if any). The value of <save_keyframes> must be either True or False.
When <save_keys_in_frames> is True, asCode outputs commands for setting channel and key times in samples (frames) instead of seconds. This parameter has no effect if <save_keyframes> is set to False. The value of <save_keys_in_frames> must be either True or False.
When <save_flag_values> is True, asCode outputs commands for setting the parameter tuple’s flag values. The value of <save_flag_values> must be either True or False.
When <save_aliases> is True, asCode outputs commands for setting the parameter tuple’s channel aliases. The value of <save_aliases> must be either True or False.
If <function_name> is specified, then the output script is wrapped in a Python function definition with the given name. <function_name> must be a non-zero length string consisting of only alphanumeric and underscore characters. Any invalid characters are internally converted to underscores.

The wrapper function takes in a single argument which must be a reference to an existing node parameter tuple. For symmetry, the function also returns the parameter tuple reference.

Here is an example of saving the output to a file and then loading it back into Houdini:

> # Get a reference to the target parameter tuple. > pt = hou.parmTuple(“/obj/geo1/t”) > > # Execute asCode and write the output script to file. > script = pt.asCode() > f = open(“set_parm_tuple_properties.py”, “w”) > f.write(script) > f.close() > > # Execute the script. This will set the values, flag values > # and other properties on /obj/geo1’s t parameter tuple. It will > # also store a reference to the t parameter tuple into a variable > # named ‘hou_parm_tuple’. > execfile(“set_parm_tuple_properties.py”)

Here is an example of saving the output into a function and then calling it in Houdini:

> # Get a reference to the target parameter tuple. > node = hou.parmTuple(“/obj/geo1/t”) > > # Execute asCode and write the function definition to file. > func = p.asCode(function_name=”setParmTupleProperties”) > f = open(“parmtuplelib.py”, “w”) > f.write(func) > f.close() > > # Call the function definition to set the properties on another > # parameter tuple. > import parmtuplelib > hou_parm_tuple = parmtuplelib.setParmTupleProperties(node.parm(“t”))

clipData(start=None, end=None, binary=True, use_blosc_compression=True, sample_rate=0)

clipData(start=None, end=None, binary=True, use_blosc_compression=True, sample_rate=0) -> str

Returns the clip data for this parameter. This method is similar to hou.Parm.saveClip, except that it returns the clip data (file contents) instead of saving the animation to a clip file.

<start>, <end>, and <sample_rate> behave the same as in hou.Parm.saveClip.

If <binary> is True, return binary clip data, otherwise return plain text (ASCII) clip data.

If <use_blosc_compression> is True, blosc compress the binary clip data. This cannot be used for plain text (ASCII) clip data.

Raises a hou.OperationFailed exception if the parameter does not have animation.

Raises a hou.InvalidInput exception if start >= end. If specifying only <start>, ensure that the specified value is less than the global end frame. Likewise, if specifying only <end>, ensure it is larger than the global start frame.

Raises a hou.InvalidInput exception if binary = False and use_blosc_compression = True.

componentIndex(self) → int

Returns the component index of this parameter.

For example, the translation parameter along the x-axis, “tx”, would return a component index of 0, while the translation parameter along the y-axis, “ty” would return a component index of 1.

containingFolderIndices(self) → tuple of int

Return a tuple of indices corresponding to the folders containing this parameter. Each index refers to a folder in the corresponding folder set parameter.

This method can be implemented as follows:

> def containingFolderIndices(self): > return tuple( > list(folder_set_parm_tuple.parmTemplate().folderNames()).index( > folder_name) > for folder_set_parm_tuple, folder_name in zip( > parm.containingFolderSetParmTuples(), parm.containingFolders()))

This example makes a parameter visible in the parameter pane by opening all the folders containing it.

> def makeParmVisible(parm): > for folder_set_parm_tuple, folder_index in zip( > parm.containingFolderSetParmTuples(), > parm.containingFolderIndices()): > folder_set_parm_tuple[0].set(folder_index)

containingFolderSetParmTuples(self) → tuple of hou.ParmTuple

Return a tuple of ParmTuples corresponding to the folders containing this parameter.

For example, if this parameter is in the Shading folder and the Shading folder is inside the Render folder, this method will return a tuple containing the Render parm tuple and the Shading parm tuple. Any parm tuples returned will be folder sets.

If this parameter is not inside a folder, an empty tuple is returned.

See also the containingFolders() method, and hou.Node.parmsInFolder and hou.Node.parmTuplesInFolder.

containingFolders(self) → tuple of str

Returns a tuple of strings corresponding to the names of the folders containing this parameter.

For example, if this parameter is in the Shading folder and the Shading folder is inside the Render folder, this method will return (“Render”, “Shading”). Note that by folder name, we mean the label used in the parameter dialog, not the internal parameter name.

Returns an empty tuple if this parameter is not inside a folder.

Note that calling this method on many parameters may be slow. For a faster alternative, see hou.Node.parmsInFolder.

See also the containingFolderSetParmTuples method, and hou.Node.parmTuplesInFolder.


Copies this to the parameter clipboard. See also hou.parmClipboardContents.


createClip(self, parent_node, name, create_new, apply_immediately, current_value_only, create_locked, set_value_to_default) -> hou.ChopNode

Creates a Channel CHOP representing this parameter. The Channel CHOP is created with the given name as a child of the given parent node. The parent_node is typically created via hou.Node.findOrCreateMotionEffectsNetwork.

create_new: Always create a new Channel CHOP. If set to False, then if a Channel CHOP already exists with the same name, it will be re- used. If the parameter already exists on the Channel CHOP, the older parameter will be removed first.

apply_immediately: If set to True, then the export flag on the Channel CHOP will be set.

current_value_only: If set to True, then only the current value of the parameter will be stored.

create_locked: If set to True, then the parameters are locked on creation.

set_value_to_default: If set to True, then the parameters are reverted to their default values on creation

See also hou.Node.findOrCreateMotionEffectsNetwork.


Removes all keyframes from this parameter.

This has no effect if there are no keyframes to delete. The value of the parameter after all keyframes are removed will be the one it evaluated to at the current frame.

This function will raise a hou.ObjectWasDeleted exception if it is invoked on a parameter that does not exist in Houdini.

This function will raise a hou.PermissionError exception if writing to the specified parameter is impossible.

See also hou.Parm.deleteKeyframeAtFrame and hou.ParmTuple.deleteAllKeyframes.

deleteKeyframeAtFrame(self, frame)

Removes a keyframe from this parameter at the given frame.

This function will raise a hou.ObjectWasDeleted exception if it is invoked on a parameter that does not exist in Houdini.

This function will raise a hou.PermissionError exception if writing to the specified parameter is impossible.

This function will raise a hou.OperationFailed exception the parameter doesn’t have a keyframe at the given frame.

See also hou.Parm.deleteAllKeyframes.

description(self) → str

Returns this parameter’s label.

disable(self, on)

Sets the UI disable state of this parameter in its node. This is not the same as locking a parameter, as the underlying value can still be modified. It’s closer to what a disable-when conditional does, when a parameter is disabled automatically by it.

eval(self) → int, float, or str

Evaluates this parameter at the current frame and returns the result. See also the evalAtFrame and evalAtTime methods.

evalAsFloat(self) → float

Evaluates this parameter at the current frame and returns the result as a float.

Raises hou.TypeError if the value cannot be converted to a float.

evalAsFloatAtFrame(self, frame) → float

Evaluates this parameter at a certain frame and returns the result as a float.

Raises hou.TypeError if the value cannot be converted to a float.

evalAsGeometry(self) → hou.Geometry

Evaluates this parameter at the current frame and returns the result as a geometry.

Raises hou.TypeError if the parameter is not a geometry.

evalAsGeometryAtFrame(self, frame) → hou.Geometry

Evaluates this parameter at a certain frame and returns the result as a geometry.

Raises hou.TypeError if the parameter is not a geometry.

evalAsInt(self) → int

Evaluates this parameter at the current frame and returns the result as an integer.

Raises hou.TypeError if the value cannot be converted to an integer.

evalAsIntAtFrame(self, frame) → int

Evaluates this parameter at a certain frame and returns the result as an integer.

Raises hou.TypeError if the value cannot be converted to an integer.

evalAsJSONMap(self) → dict of str to str

Evaluates this parameter at the current frame and returns the result as a JSON map structure (i.e. Python dictionary).

Raises hou.TypeError or hou.OperationFailed if the parameter is not a JSON map data parameter.

evalAsJSONMapAtFrame(self, frame) → hou.JSONMap

Evaluates this parameter at a certain frame and returns the result as a JSON map structure (i.e. Python dictionary).

Raises hou.TypeError or hou.OperationFailed if the parameter is not a JSON map data parameter.

evalAsNode(self) → hou.Node

Evaluates this parameter at the current frame and returns the result as a hou.Node.

Raises hou.TypeError if the value cannot be converted to a hou.Node.

evalAsNodeAtFrame(self, frame) → hou.Node

Evaluates this parameter at a certain frame and returns the result as a hou.Node.

Raises hou.TypeError if the value cannot be converted to a hou.Node.

evalAsNodes(self) → tuple of hou.Node

Evaluates this parameter at the current frame and returns the result as a tuple of hou.Node.

Raises hou.TypeError if the value cannot be converted to a hou.Node.

evalAsNodesAtFrame(self, frame) → tuple of hou.Node

Evaluates this parameter at a certain frame and returns the result as a tuple of hou.Node.

Raises hou.TypeError if the value cannot be converted to a hou.Node.

evalAsRamp(self) → hou.Ramp

Evaluates this parameter at the current frame and returns the result as a ramp.

Raises hou.TypeError if the parameter is not a ramp.

evalAsRampAtFrame(self, frame) → hou.Ramp

Evaluates this parameter at a certain frame and returns the result as a ramp.

Raises hou.TypeError if the parameter is not a ramp.

evalAsString(self) → str

Evaluates this parameter at the current frame and returns the result as a string.

If you want the string contents of the parameter before variable expansion and expression evaluation then call hou.Parm.unexpandedString.

Raises hou.TypeError if the value cannot be converted to a string.

evalAsStringAtFrame(self, frame) → str

Evaluates this parameter at a certain frame and returns the result as a string.

If you want the string contents of the parameter before variable expansion and expression evaluation then call hou.Parm.unexpandedString.

Raises hou.TypeError if the value cannot be converted to a string.

evalAtFrame(self, frame) → int, float, or str

Evalute this parameter at a given frame and return the result as an integer, float or string.

See also evalAtTime.

evalAtTime(self, time) → int, float, or str

Evalute this parameter at a given time and return the result as an integer, float or string.

See also evalAtFrame.

expression(self) → str

Returns this parameter’s expression.

For example, a parameter might contain the Python expression frame() * 2. In this case hou.Parm.eval at frame 2 would return the value 4, while calling expression() would return the string frame() * 2.

If the parameter does not contain an expression, this method will raise hou.OperationFailed. Also, if the parameter contains more than one keyframe then it could contain multiple different expressions, so it also raises hou.OperationFailed in that case.

This method is roughly equivalent to…

> parm.keyframes()[0].expression()

See also the setExpression(), expressionLanguage(), keyframes(), and eval() methods.
expressionLanguage(self) → hou.exprLanguage enum value

Returns the parameter’s expression’s language.

If the parameter does not contain an expression, this method will raise hou.OperationFailed. Also, if the parameter contains more than one keyframe then it could contain multiple different expressions, so it also raises hou.OperationFailed in that case.

To change the expression language, use hou.Parm.setExpression and explicitly specify the language: parm.setExpression(parm.expression(), language).

This method is roughly equivalent to…

> parm.keyframes()[0].expressionLanguage()

See also the expression(), setExpression(), keyframes(), and setExpressionLanguage() methods.
getReferencedParm(self) → hou.Parm

Returns the referenced parameter. If no parameter is referenced, returns this parameter.

hasTemporaryDefaults(self) → bool

Returns whether a default has been explicitly set on the parameter.

See also the revertToDefaults() and revertToAndRestorePermanentDefaults()methods.

hide(self, on)

Sets the UI hidden state of this parameter in its node. Calling this method has the same effect as changing the Invisible checkbox on the Edit Parameter Interface dialog, or hiding the parameter with a hide-when conditional.

However, changing the UI state with this function is transient and does not affect node parameter templates, which means that the new state is not saved to .hip file and can be restored when refreshing the node to its spare parameter templates.

To permanently change the UI state of a parameter on a node, please use hou.ParmTemplate.hide instead:

> parms = hou.node(‘/obj/node’).parmTemplateGroup() > p = parms.find(‘lookatpath’) > p.hide(True) > parms.replace(‘lookatpath’, p) > hou.node(‘/obj/node’).setParmTemplateGroup(parms)

insertMultiParmInstance(self, index)

Insert a new multi parm instance before the given index. To append a new multi parm instance, set the index to be the current number of instances. The current number can be queried by calling evalAsInt on the this parameter.


isAtDefault(self, compare_temporary_defaults=True, compare_expressions=False) -> bool

Returns whether the parameter is currently at its default.

compare_temporary_defaults: When <compare_temporary_defaults> is True, isDefault also checks

compare_expressions: When <compare_Expressions> is True, isDefault compares the actual

See also the revertToDefaults() and revertToAndRestorePermanentDefaults()methods.

isAutoSelected(self) → bool

Returns whether this parameter’s autoselect property is on.

isAutoscoped(self) → bool

Returns whether this parameter’s autoscope property is on.

isConstrained(self) → bool

Returns True if the Parm’s parent node is an OBJ that is cooked and has constraints.

isDisabled(self) → bool

Returns the disable state of the parameter, ignoring the lock state. This can be used to read the result of a disable-when conditional.

It is recommended that hou.Node.updateParmStates is called before executing this method either in non-graphical Houdini or when the owner node has not yet been loaded into the Parameter Pane.

isHidden(self) → bool

Returns the hidden state of the parameter. This can be used to read the result of a hide-when conditional.

It is recommended that hou.Node.updateParmStates is called before executing this method either in non-graphical Houdini or when the owner node has not yet been loaded into the Parameter Pane.

isLocked(self) → bool

Returns whether this parameter is locked (uneditable).

isMultiParmInstance(self) → bool

Return whether this parameter is an instance of a multi parm. For example, the pt0x, pt1x, pt2x, etc. parameters in an add SOP are instances of a multiparm.


isSelected(self) -> bool

Returns whether this parameter’s channel is selected. If it is selected, then it is selected in the animation editor.
isSpare(self) → bool

Returns whether this parameter is a “spare” (user-defined) parameter.

isTimeDependent(self) → bool

Returns whether this parameter is _time dependent_, that is, its value changes depending on the point on the timeline at which it’s evaluated. For example the parameter has an expression containing the $F (current frame number) variable.

isVisible(self) → bool
Returns whether or not this parameter would be visible in the parameter dialog for this node. It checks both the parameter’s template, and the hidden state of the parameter. This is equivalent to the following code (but runs faster because it avoids creating the hou.ParmTemplate):

> >>> p = hou.parm(‘/obj/geo1/tx’) > >>> not p.isHidden() and not p.parmTemplate().isHidden() > True

keyframes(self) → tuple of hou.BaseKeyframe

Returns the keyframes on this parameter.

keyframesBefore(self, frame) → tuple of hou.BaseKeyframe

Returns a tuple of keyframes on this paramter that occur at or before frame. If no keyframes are found an empty tuple is returned.

keyframesInRange(self, start_frame, end_frame) → tuple of


Returns a tuple of keyframes on this parameter that fall in the range start_frame to end_frame, inclusive. If no keyframes are found an empty tuple is returned.


keyframesRefit(self, refit, refit_tol, refit_preserve_extremas, refit_bezier, resample, resample_rate, resample_tol, range, range_start, range_end, bake_chop)

Performs a refitting operation with resampling and range controls.

If set to true, a cubic refitting will be performed with the supplied refit options. If set to false, the refitting is skipped and only the resampling or range operation will be performed.
Refit Tolerance in absolute value.
Preserves the keys that are local minimas or maximas.
If True, the new keyframes will be set to use bezier() segments. If False, the new keyframes will be set to use cubic() segments.
If True, a resampling operation is performed prior to the refitting. If False, the channel is used as is.
Resample rate in frames. If set to 1.0, a keyframe will be added at every frame.
Resample Tolerance in frames. If set to 1.0, the resampling won’t happen if a frame exists within one frame.
If True, the range_start and range_end arguments are used. It’s useful when baking cycles when using cycle/cycle offset or oscillate channel extrapolation. If False, the channel range will be used based on the first and last keyframes.
Start frame of the range.
End frame of the range.
A hou.parmBakeChop enumaration value.
loadClip(file_name, sample_rate=0, start=None)

auto-insert ocstring: HOM_Parm::loadClip

lock(self, on)

Locks (lock(True)) or unlocks (lock(False)) this parameter (this is, makes the value uneditable).

Raises hou.PermissionError if this parameter is part of a locked digital asset.

menuItems(self) → tuple of str

Returns a list of all possible menu items (for a menu parameter). Raises hou.OperationFailed if this parameter is not a menu.

menuLabels(self) → tuple of str

Returns a list of labels for all possible menu items (for a menu parameter). Raises hou.OperationFailed if this parameter is not a menu.

multiParmInstanceIndices(self) → tuple of int

If this parameter is a multi-parameter instance, then return a tuple of indices of where the parameter appears in the multi-parameter block and any nested blocks. Indices for outer multi-parameter blocks are listed first.

For example if this parameter appears as the fourth instance in the multi-parameter block then (3,) is returned.

As another example if this parameter appears as the third instance in the multi-parameter block and the block itself appears as the first instance of an outer multi-parameter block then (0, 2) is returned.

multiParmInstances(self) → tuple of hou.Parm

If this parameter corresponds to the number of instances for a multiparm, return all the parameters corresponding to all instances of this multiparm.

Returns an empty tuple if this parameter is not for a multiparm.

name(self) → str

Returns this parameter’s name.

node(self) → hou.Node

Returns the node on which this parameter exists.

overrideTrack(self) → hou.Track or None

Returns the CHOP track overriding this parameter, if any.

parentMultiParm(self) → hou.Parm

Return the parent multi-parameter if this parameter is a multi- parameter instance and None otherwise.

parmTemplate(self) → hou.ParmTemplate

Returns the template for this parameter.

parmsReferencingThis(self) → tuple of hou.Parm

Return a tuple of all the parameters in the scene that have channel references to this parameter.

path(self) → str

Returns the full path to this parameter.

pressButton(self, arguments={})

Emulates clicking a button parameter to trigger its callback script. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the callback script could not be run. An optional dictionary of arguments can be passed to the callback script. Raises hou.TypeError if a n argument value type is unsupported.

This can be called on any type parameter to trigger its callback script, it is not limited to only button parameters.
An optional dictionary of arguments for the callback script. The dictionary is merged with the keyword values passed to the callback. The arguments values are single values of the following types: int, bool, float, str.
rawValue(self) → str

Returns the parameter’s raw text value without evaluation or expansion. If the parameter has an expression then the expression is returned otherwise the parameter’s plain text value is returned.

removeMultiParmInstance(self, index)

Removes the multi parm instance at the given index.


Changes the value back to the default that ships with Houdini, and restores that default.

See also the revertToDefaults() method, and hou.ParmTuple.revertToAndRestorePermanentDefaults


Change the value back to the default(s). See also the revertToAndRestoreFactoryDefaults() method.

saveClip(self, file_name, start=None, end=None, sample_rate=0)

Saves the animation associated with this parameter to the clip file specified by <file_name>. The extension of <file_name> determines the format of the saved file.

You can use one of the following extensions:

  • .clip: save animation as plain text (ASCII) clip file.

  • .bclip: save animation as a bclip (binary clip) file.

  • .bclip.sc: save animation as a bclip file using Blosc compression.

    Set <sample_rate> to a non-zero, non-negative value to specify the sample_rate to be used for the clip file. For example, if the current frame rate is 24 (hou.fps), and <sample_rate> is set to 12, the animation will be sampled every second frame since <sample_rate> is half of the current frame rate.

    If <start> is not None, start saving the animation from the specified frame (inclusive). Otherwise, the animation will be saved from the global start frame (inclusive).

    Similarly, if <end> is not None, stop saving the animation at the specified frame (inclusive). Otherwise, the animation will be saved until the global end frame (inclusive).

    The global start and end frame are specified in the Global Animation Options window.

    Raises a hou.OperationFailed exception if the parameter does not have animation.

    Raises a hou.OperationFailed exception if there is an error saving the animation to file.

    Raises a hou.InvalidInput exception if start >= end. If specifying only <start>, ensure that the specified value is less than the global end frame. Likewise, if specifying only <end>, ensure it is larger than the global start frame.

set(self, value, language=None, follow_parm_reference=True)

Sets the parameter value at the current frame.


A float, integer, or string to set the parameter value to.

Pass in a hou.Ramp object, as the parameter value, to set the value of a ramp parameter. The ramp object’s type needs to match the target ramp’s type.

Pass in a hou.Geometry object, as the parameter value, to set the value of a geometry data parameter.

Pass in a hou.Parm object to create a channel reference from this parameter to the specified parameter.

This option only applies when setting to a hou.Parm value. Specifies the expression language to use when creating a channel reference from this parameter to the given parameter. Set this option to an hou.exprLanguage object or None to choose the default language.
This option only applies when setting to a hou.Parm value. When this option is set to True then this method will follow channel references and create a channel reference from the referenced parameter to the given parameter.

If this parameter currently contains a channel reference to another parameter, then this method will follow channel references and change the value of the referenced parameter. If this is not the desired behavior, then first delete the channel reference with hou.Parm.deleteAllKeyframes. Alternatively if you are setting the value to another parameter and do not want to follow existing channel references then set the optional follow_parm_reference argument to False.

Raises hou.TypeError if the type of value does not match the type of this parameter. Raises hou.PermissionError if this parameter is not writable.

See also hou.Node.setParms.

setAlias(self, alias_name)

Gives the parameter another name by which it can be referenced in channels. You can pass in an empty string to remove an existing alias name.

setAutoSelect(self, on)

Changes the autoselect property of the parameter. If this property is on, this parameter defines the default selection state when it is displayed in the animation editor.

setAutoscope(self, on)

Changes the autoscope property of the parameter. If this property is on, this parameter is automatically scoped when the object is selected.

setClipData(data, binary=True, blosc_compressed=True, sample_rate=0, start=None)

auto-insert ocstring: HOM_Parm::setClipData

setExpression(self, expression, language=None, replace_expression=True)

Sets this parameter’s expression.

expression: A string containing the expression that will go inside the parameter.

language: Either a hou.exprLanguage enumeration value or None.

If language is None and the parameter does not already contain an expression, the language will be the node’s expression language. (See hou.Node.expressionLanguage.) Otherwise, if language is None and the parameter already has an expression, the expression language will not change.

replace_expression: This parameter only has effect if the parameter already contains keyframes. If it is True, Houdini will replace the keyframe before the current time with one containing the new expression. Otherwise, it will always add a keyframe at the current time. Note that this behavior matches what happens when you edit an expression from Houdini’s parameter dialog.

Unlike hou.Parm.set, this method does not follow channel references. That is, if this parameter is referencing another parameter and you call setExpression(), it change the channel reference expression into the specified expression.

If the parameter does not already contain any keyframes, this method is roughly equivalent to setting a keyframe at frame 1, where the keyframe’s expression and language are the ones specified.

This method can be approximately implemented as follows:

> def setExpression(self, expression, language=None, replace_expression=None) > if self.template().type() == hou.parmTemplateType.String: > k = hou.StringKeyframe() > else: > k = hou.Keyframe() > > k.setExpression(expression, language) > > if len(self.keyframes()): > if replace_expression: > k.setTime(self.effectiveKeyframeAtFrame(hou.frame()).time()) > else: > k.setTime(hou.time()) > else > k.setTime(0.0) > > self.setKeyframe(k)

See also the expression, expressionLanguage, and setKeyframe methods, hou.Node.expressionLanguage, and hou.Node.setExpressions.
setFromParm(self, src)

Copies the value of an entire parameter, including channels, from the provided src parameter.

setKeyframe(self, keyframe)

Sets a keyframe on this parameter.

Raises hou.TypeError if keyframe is not of type hou.BaseKeyframe. Raises hou.PermissionError if this parameter is not writable.

setKeyframeExtrapolation(self, before, extrapol)

Sets a extrapolation on this parameter for time before the first keyframe or after the last keyframe. Extrapolation defines how a parm value is evaluated outside the keyframe range.

If set to true, the extrapolation for evaluations before the first keyframe will be set. If set to false, the extrapolation for evaluations after the last keyframe will be set.
A hou.parmExtrapolate enumaration value.

This function will raise a hou.ObjectWasDeleted exception if it is invoked on a parameter that does not exist in Houdini.

This function will raise a hou.PermissionError exception if writing to the specified parameter is impossible.

This function will raise a hou.OperationFailed exception the parameter doesn’t have a valid animation channel.

setKeyframes(self, keyframes)

Sets multiple keyframe on this parameter. Calling this method is more efficient than calling hou.Parm.setKeyframe several times because it sends out only one update event to Houdini for the entire batch of keyframes that are set.

keyframes must be a tuple or list of hou.BaseKeyframe objects.

Raises hou.PermissionError if this parameter is not writable.

setPending(self, value)

Sets the parameter value at the current frame and marks it as pending if the parameter is keyed.

Raises hou.TypeError if the type of value does not match this parameter’s type. Raises hou.PermissionError if this parameter is not writable.

setScope(self, on)

Changes the scope property of this parameter’s channel, which affects whether it is loaded in the animation editor.

setSelect(self, on)

Changes the select property of this parameter’s channel, which affects whether it is selected in the animation editor.


The membership flag

tuple(self) → hou.ParmTuple

Returns the hou.ParmTuple associated with this parameter.

For example, calling this method on the Parm object for the translation parameter “tx”, would return a ParmTuple that contains Parm objects for the three translation parameters “tx”, “ty” and “tz”. If no tuple is associated with the parameter, then the parameter itself is returned in a tuple of size 1.

unexpandedString(self) → str

Returns the contents of the parameter before dollar sign and back- tick expansion.

Examples of unexpanded strings would be “image$F.pic”, “$HIP/split.hda”, or “chs(‘../font1/text’)”. If you were to call eval() on them, Houdini would perform variable expansion and back- tick expression evaluation, so you would get back something like “image1.pic” instead of “image$F.pic”.

Because only string parameters will attempt to do dollar sign and string expansion, this method will raise hou.OperationFailed if called from a non-string parameter.

Suppose a string parameter contains keyframes. In this situation, Houdini will not attempt to do string expansion on the parameter’s value, so calling this method will raise hou.OperationFailed. Instead of calling this method, you can call expression() to access the first Keyframe’s expression. If there are multiple keyframes, you can call keyframes() to get a list of hou.StringKeyframe objects and call expression() on those objects to retrieve the expression.

class hou.ParmTemplate

Bases: object

Describes a parameter tuple (its name, type, etc.). This is base class for all parameter templates.

ParmTemplates are most often used when describing a parameter in a digital asset definition’s parameter interface or when describing an individual node’s parameter layout (including its spare parameters). A ParmTemplate describes a parameter and the type of data it holds, but it does not store the current value of a parameter; only hou.Parm objects inside hou.ParmTuple objects actually store parameter values. You can think of a hou.ParmTuple as an instance of a ParmTemplate. For example, the “t” parm tuple on geometry objects can be described by a hou.FloatParmTemplate – it has a label of “Transform”, a data type of hou.parmData.Float, 3 components, a naming scheme of hou.parmNamingScheme.XYZW, etc. Each geometry object node has a hou.ParmTuple named “t” that uses this ParmTemplate.

Note that ParmTemplate objects are just data containers, and they have no live relationship with objects in Houdini. For example, a hou.Node object corresponds directly to a node in Houdini, and if the node is renamed in Houdini hou.Node.name will return the new name. ParmTemplates, on the other hand, do not have a live relationship. Creating a ParmTemplate based on a spare parameter or asset definition parameter will simply copy the information into the ParmTemplate object, and modifying the object will not affect the spare parameter/asset parameter.

Note also that ParmTemplate objects are always instances of a subclass of this class, so you cannot construct an instance of this class directly.

To manipulate the parameters of a digital asset, you can retrieve the asset’s current set of ParmTemplates into a hou.ParmTemplateGroup using hou.HDADefinition.parmTemplateGroup. You can then modify the group, adding parameters to it and replacing parameters in it, and save the group back to the asset definition with hou.HDADefinition.setParmTemplateGroup. Similarly, you can change a node’s parameter layout with hou.Node.parmTemplateGroup and hou.Node.setParmTemplateGroup.

You can also ask a hou.ParmTuple for its ParmTemplate in order to find out information about the parameter, such as allowed ranges of values, the label displayed to the user in the parameter pane, the parameter’s popup help, etc.

asCode(self, function_name=None, variable_name=None) → str

Return a string containing Python statements that can be executed to recreate the parameter template. To run the string, use Python’s compile, or execfile functions or the exec statement.


If <function_name> is specified, then the code returned creates a Python function with the given name. <function_name> must be a non-zero length string consisting of only alphanumeric and underscore characters. Any invalid characters are internally converted to underscores.

The function returns a reference to the newly created parameter template object.

The name of a Python variable that the result code will assign to. If None, Houdini uses the variable name “hou_parm_template”.

Here is an example of saving the output to a file and then loading it back into Houdini:

> # Get a reference to the target parameter template. > node = hou.node(“/obj/geo1”) > parm_template = node.parm(“tx”).parmTemplate() > > # Execute asCode and write the output script to a file. > code = parm_template.asCode() > source_file = open(“create_parm_template.py”, “w”) > source_file.write(code) > source_file.close() > > # Execute the script. The new parameter template will be stored > # in the ‘hou_parm_template’ variable. > execfile(“create_parm_template.py”) > > # Add a spare parameter to the node using the saved parameter > # template. > node.addSpareParmTuple(hou_parm_template)

Here is an example of saving the output into a function in a file and then calling it from Houdini:

> # Get a reference to the target parameter template. > node = hou.node(“/obj/geo1”) > parm_template = node.parm(“tx”).parmTemplate() > > # Execute asCode and write the function definition to a file. > code = parm_template.asCode(function_name=”createParmTemplate”) > source_file = open(“parmtemplatelib.py”, “w”) > source_file.write(code) > source_file.close() > > # Call the function definition. > import parmtemplatelib > hou_parm_template = parmtemplatelib.createParmTemplate() > > # Add a spare parameter to the node using the saved parameter > # template. > node.addSpareParmTuple(hou_parm_template)

clone(self) → hou.ParmTemplate

Return a copy of this parm template.

This method can be called on an instance of a ParmTemplate subclass and an instance of the subclass is properly returned.

conditionals(self) → dict of [Hom:hou.parmCondType] enum value to


Returns the set of conditionals currently affecting this parameter.

See the Conditionals section of the <Operator Type Properties window> help for more information on this string.

dataType(self) → hou.parmData enum value

Return the data type stored in hou.Parm instances inside hou.ParmTuple instances corresponding to this ParmTemplate.

For example, suppose this parm tuple is a hou.FloatParmTemplate with 3 components. The corresponding hou.ParmTuple will have 3 hou.Parm objects inside it, and each will store a floating point value. In this example, this method would return hou.parmData.Float.

disableWhen(self) → str

This method is deprecated in favor of the conditionals method.

help(self) → str

Return the help that Houdini displays when you hover over the parameter label in the parameter pane.

hide(self, on)

Marks this parameter as visible or invisible in the parameter pane.

Note that hidden parameters still exist, and can be evaluated, channel-referenced, etc. They simply will not be displayed in the parameter pane.

hideLabel(self, on)

Hide or show the label for this parameter in the parameter pane.

isHidden(self) → bool

Return whether this parameter is hidden in the parameter pane.

isLabelHidden(self) → bool

Return whether the label for this parameter is hidden in the parameter pane.

joinWithNext(self) → bool

This method is deprecated in favor of the joinsWithNext method.

joinsWithNext(self) → bool

Return whether this parameter is displayed on the same line as the next parameter in the parameter pane.

label(self) → string

Return the name of the parameter tuple that is displayed in the parameter pane.

look(self) → hou.parmLook enum value

Return the look of this parameter in the parameter pane. For example, a tuple of 3 floats can be displayed as a 3D vector or as an RGB color.

See hou.parmLook for more information.

name(self) → string

Return the internal name of the parm template. This is the name that hou.ParmTuple objects created from this parm template will have.

Note that the names of hou.Parm objects inside ParmTuples based off this ParmTemplate are determined by this name, the number of components in this parm template, and the naming scheme. See the namingScheme method for more information.

namingScheme(self) → hou.parmNamingScheme enum value

Return the naming scheme used to name parameters inside the parm tuple for this ParmTemplate.

For example, if the naming scheme is hou.parmNamingScheme.XYZW and the parm template is named “foo” and has 3 components, the parameters will be named “foox”, “fooy”, and “fooz”. On the other hand, if the naming scheme was hou.parmNamingScheme.Base1, the parameters would be named “foo1”, “foo2”, and “foo3”.

Note that when the parm template only has 1 component, the parm name is the same as the parm tuple name.

See hou.parmNamingScheme for more information.

numComponents(self) → int

Return the number of values stored inside hou.ParmTuple instances of this ParmTemplate.

For example, if this parm template has 3 components, there will be 3 parameter fields displayed in the parameter pane and there will be 3 hou.Parm objects inside a hou.ParmTuple based off this parm template.

scriptCallback(self) → str

Return the contents of the script that Houdini runs when this parameter changes. This script is most commonly used in hou.ButtonParmTemplate objects to respond to the button being pressed.

Note that Houdini uses the tags dictionary to store the script callback information.

scriptCallbackLanguage(self) → hou.scriptLanguage enum value

Return the language of the script that Houdini runs when this parameter changes.

Note that Houdini uses the tags dictionary to store the script callback information.

See also the scriptCallback method.

setConditional(self, type, conditional)

Set a conditional string of the given hou.parmCondType type for this parameter. This string consists of rules on how this parameter’s display behaves when other parameters change.

See the Conditionals section of the <Operator Type Properties window> help for more information on this string.

setDisableWhen(self, disable_when)

This method is deprecated in favor of the setConditional method.

setHelp(self, help)

Set the help that Houdini displays when you hover over the parameter label in the parameter pane.

setJoinWithNext(self, on)

Sets whether this parameter is displayed on the same line as the next parameter in the parameter pane.

setLabel(self, label)

Change the name of the label that is displayed in the parameter pane.

setLook(self, look)

Set the look of this parameter to a hou.parmLook enum value.

See the look method for more information.

setName(self, name)

Change the internal name of this parm template. Remember that ParmTemplates just store data, so the name change will not have any effect unless this parm template is later used to modify a parameter layout in Houdini.

setNamingScheme(self, naming_scheme)

Set the naming scheme used to name parameters inside the parm tuple for this ParmTemplate to a hou.parmNamingScheme enum value.

See the namingScheme method for more information.

setNumComponents(self, num_components) → int

Set the number of values stored inside hou.ParmTuple instances of this ParmTemplate.

Note that some ParmTemplate subclasses only support one component, so calling this method with a value other than 1 may raise a hou.OperationFailed exception. Also, changing the number of components may automatically change the size of the tuple of default values for some ParmTemplate subclasses.

setScriptCallback(self, script_callback)

Set the callback script to the given string. This script runs in response to a parameter change.

See the scriptCallback method for more information.

setScriptCallbackLanguage(self, script_callback_language)

Set the script callback language to a hou.scriptLanguage enum value.

See the scriptCallbackLanguage method for more information.

setTags(self, tags)

Set the dictionary of extra data stored in this parm template.

See the tags method for more information.

tags(self) → dict of string to string

Return a dictionary of extra data stored in the parm template.

Houdini uses this dictionary to attach arbitrary data to parm templates. The keys in this dictionary vary depending on the ParmTemplate type and its use.


The membership flag

type(self) → hou.parmTemplateType enum value

Return the enumerated value identifying the type of this parameter.

Remember that ParmTemplate objects are always instances of a subclass of this class. The following table shows the mapping between hou.parmTemplateType enumeration values and ParmTemplate subclasses:

Enumerated Value
ParmTemplate Subclass
class hou.ParmTemplateGroup(*args)

Bases: object

A group of parameter templates used to represent the parameter layout of a node or the parameters in a digital asset definition.

This class stores a group of hou.ParmTemplate objects. You can create an empty group, create a group from a sequence of parm templates, or create a group from the parameter definitions of a digital asset or from a particular node’s current parameter layout. Similarly, you can set an asset’s parameters or a node’s parameter interface to the contents of a parameter group.

You can get an asset’s parm templates with hou.HDADefinition.parmTemplateGroup and set them with hou.HDADefinition.setParmTemplateGroup. Similarly, you can get an individual node’s parameter definition with hou.Node.parmTemplateGroup and set it with hou.Node.setParmTemplateGroup. When setting a node’s parameter interface, any parms that are not in the node’s type’s set of parms will be added as spare parameters. Similarly, if parameters in the node’s type are not present in the group, they will be automatically added at the end and made invisible. Also, if they exist but the types, labels, looks, naming schemes, etc are different, Houdini will discard all changes you attempt to make to these reserved parameters except for visibility settings.

Note that ParmTemplateGroups store their own copy of the parm templates. Asking for the parm templates in a group will return a copy of the parm templates; modifying those copies will not change the contents of the group. For example, to change a parameter in a group you cannot simply call find and modify the hou.ParmTemplate it returned. Instead, you must call replace.

It is important to understand the difference between folder parm templates and folder set parm templates when using ParmTemplateGroups. Folder sets correspond directly to hou.ParmTuple objects – there is one parm tuple (that contains one parm) for each set of folders, and changing the value of that parm changes which folder is displayed. Individual Folders, on the other hand, do not directly correspond to hou.ParmTuple objects, but they are used in Houdini’s <Type Properties> dialog and they make it easy to add individual folders and control which parameters are inside a folder. Unlike a hou.FolderSetParmTemplate, a hou.FolderParmTemplate stores the set of parm templates inside that folder. When a node or definition’s parameters are set to the contents of a parm template group, the folder sets are determined and the parm tuple name for the set is the name of the first folder in that set. The names of the other folders in the set are not used.

ParmTemplateGroups use folder parm templates instead of folder set parm templates. Attempting to add a FolderSetParmTemplate to a group will raise hou.OperationFailed. Asking a parm tuple for its parm template, on the other hand, may return a folder set but will never return a folder. Previously, folder parameter templates and parm template groups did not exist, so the only way to add folders were with special methods like hou.HDADefinition.addParmFolder and hou.Node.addSpareParmFolder. Now that that they exist, you may create folders by passing folder parm templates to hou.HDADefinition.addParmTuple and hou.Node.addSpareParmTuple. However, using parm template groups is preferred over calling these methods.

Note that folder parm templates are also used to represent multiparm blocks, much like the <Type Properties> dialog does. The folder parm template’s hou.folderType determines whether it is a folder or a multiparm block. Unlike folder parm templates, which do not correspond directly to parameter instances, a multiparm parm template does correspond to an integer parameter that controls the number of instances of the multiparm.

addParmTemplate(self, parm_template)

This method is simply an alias for the append method.

It makes it easier to treat parm template groups and hou.FolderParmTemplate objects uniformly, since hou.FolderParmTemplate has an addParmTemplate method.

append(self, parm_template)

Add a parm template after all existing parm templates, outside of any folder.

See also appendToFolder.


appendToFolder(self, label_or_labels_or_parm_template_or_indices, parm_template)

Add a parm template to the bottom of an existing folder.

Note that you cannot add to a folder by simply looking up the folder parm template and calling hou.FolderParmTemplate.addParmTemplate on it, because asking for a folder will return a deep copy. The parm templates inside the copied folder will be separate from those inside this group, and modifying the folder will not affect the group. Consider the following example:

> >>> folder = group.findFolder(“Transform”) > # “folder” now has its own copy of the parms inside it. > >>> folder.addParmTemplate(new_parm_template) > # “folder“‘s parm templates are updated, but the group’s parm templates are > # unchanged. > > >>> group.appendToFolder(folder, new_parm_template) > # The group is modified. “folder“‘s contents are unchanged.

asCode(self, function_name=None, variable_name=None)

Return Python code that will recreate this group.

If not None, the returned code will create a Python function.
The name of the variable that will be assigned the newly-created parm template group.
asDialogScript(rename_conflicting_parms=False, full_info=False)

Return a string containing the dialog script file contents corresponding to this parm template group.

Houdini saves parameter definitions in this format when saving digital asset definitions (in the DialogScript section of the digital asset) and when saving parameter layouts of nodes.

The default behaviour for reserved parameters is to output baseparm tokens for reserved parameters so that it is resistant to changes in their definition. To change this, use full_info=True.


Remove all parm templates from this group.

containingFolder(self, name_or_parm_template) → hou.FolderParmTemplate

Return a copy of the hou.FolderParmTemplate in this group containing a parm template.

Either the name of the parm template or another hou.ParmTemplate object to compare against when searching for a match.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the parameter is not inside the group or is not inside a folder.

containingFolderIndices(self, name_or_parm_template_or_indices) → tuple

of int

Return the indices of the folder in this group containing a given parm template. Return an empty tuple if no match was found.

See replace for a description of the parameter and findIndices for a description of the return value.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the parameter is not inside the group or is not inside a folder.

entries(self) → tuple of hou.ParmTemplate

Return a tuple containing copies of the parm templates inside this group.

Note that folders are returned as hou.FolderParmTemplate objects, and each folder parm template contains the parm templates inside it. Use hou.FolderParmTemplate.parmTemplates to access the elements in a folder.

The following example creates a function named allParmTemplates that returns a single sequence of parm templates, including folders, for all parm templates in the group:

> def allParmTemplates(group_or_folder): > for parm_template in group_or_folder.parmTemplates(): > yield parm_template > > # Note that we don’t want to return parm templates inside multiparm > # blocks, so we verify that the folder parm template is actually > # for a folder. > if (parm_template.type() == hou.parmTemplateType.Folder and > parm_template.isActualFolder()): > for sub_parm_template in allParmTemplates(parm_template): > yield sub_parm_template

See also the parmTemplates method.
entriesWithoutFolders(self) → tuple of hou.ParmTemplate

Return a tuple containing all the non-folder parm templates inside this group. The output is the flattened set of parm templates in the group, and includes the non-folder parms inside folders.

Like entries, this method returns a copy of the parm templates inside this group.

Note that this function does not return parm templates for entries inside multiparm blocks.

Also see the entries method for the example function allParmTemplates.

entryAtIndices(self, indices) → hou.ParmTemplate

Given a sequence of integer indices return a copy of the hou.ParmTemplate object at that location. The indices are of the format returned by findIndices.

Like the hou.ParmTemplate.find and hou.ParmTemplate.entries methods, this method returns a copy of the parm template stored inside this group. Modifying the copied parm template will not affect the contents of this group. Use replace to change a parm template.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the indices are invalid, including when the indices sequence is empty.

This method could be implemented as follows:

> def entryAtIndices(self, indices): > if len(indices) == 0: > raise hou.OperationFailed(“Invalid indices”) > parm_template = self.entries()[indices[0]] > > # If there are multiple indices then we should have just looked up > # a folder parm template. > for index in indices[1:]: > parm_template = parm_template.parmTemplates()[index] > return parm_template

find(self, name) → hou.ParmTemplate or None

Search in this group for a parm template whose name matches the specified one. Return a copy of the parm template or None if no match was found.

Note that this function returns a copy of the parm template stored in this group. Modifying the copy will not affect the parameters in this group. The following example shows how to use the find and replace methods to modify the “pos” parm template in the group:

> >>> parm_template = group.find(“pos”) > >>> parm_template.setLabel(“Position”) > >>> parm_template.replace(“pos”, parm_template)

If you created the group from existing parameters, folder parm templates in the same folder set will share the same name, so searching for a folder using this method may return the first folder in the folder set. To instead search for a folder by its folder label, use findFolder.

Note that, in general, the group does not prevent you from adding two parameters with the same name. In this case, searching for a parameter with this name will return the first one. Note, though, that when when setting this group to a node or asset definition’s parms, either the duplicate parameters will be renamed on an exception will be raised. See the rename_conflicting_parms parameter to hou.HDADefinition.setParmTemplateGroup for more information.

findFolder(self, label_or_labels) → hou.FolderParmTemplate or None

Search in this group for a folder parm template with the given label. Return a copy of the hou.FolderParmTemplate or None if the folder wasn’t found.

Either a string containing the folder’s label or a tuple of strings containing the labels of containing folders as well as the folder’s label.

Note that a folder parm template’s label is what appears in the interface in the parameter dialog. The folder parm template’s name is used to determine the name of the parm tuple for the folder set, if the folder is the first in the folder set. See the documentation for this class for more information.

findIndices(self, name_or_parm_template) → tuple of int

Search in this group for a parm template and return a tuple of integers corresponding to the indices of the parm in the group. Return an empty tuple if no match was found.

Either the name of the parm template or another hou.ParmTemplate object to compare against when searching for a match.

If the parm template was found and it is not inside any folders, the result tuple will contain a single integer with the index of the parm template. Otherwise, the first entry will be the index of a folder inside the group, the next will be an index of a folder inside that folder, and so on until the last index is an index of a parm template inside a folder.

See also findIndicesForFolder.

findIndicesForFolder(self, label_or_labels) → tuple of int

Search in this group for a folder parm template with the given label. Return an empty tuple if no match was found.

See findFolder for a description of the parameter and findIndices for a description of the return value.

Note that this method does not accept a parm template. However, if you have a folder parm template and want to find its indices, simply call findIndices on the folder parm template.

hide(self, name_or_parm_template_or_indices, on)

Hide a parameter by making it invisible. The parameter still exists in the group, but parameter dialogs will not display it.

See replace for a description of the name/parm template/indices parameter.

This method could be implemented as follows:

> def hide(self, name_or_parm_template_or_indices, on): > parm_template = self.find(name_or_parm_template_or_indices) > parm_template.hide(on) > self.replace(name_or_parm_template_or_indices, parm_template)

See also hideFolder and hou.ParmTemplate.hide.
hideFolder(self, label_or_labels, on)

Hide a folder and all the parameters in it.

You may pass in either a string containing a single folder name or a sequence of strings to indentify a nested folder. For example, the sequence (“Render”, “Dicing”) identifies the Dicing folder inside the Render folder. The folder is hidden if on is True and unhidden if it is False.

The following example hides the Transform parameter in a geometry object:

> >>> group = geo_node.parmTemplateGroup() > >>> group.hideFolder(“Transform”, True) > >>> geo_node.setParmTemplateGroup(group)

The following example hides the Dicing folder inside the Render folder on a geometry object:

> >>> group = geo_node.parmTemplateGroup() > >>> group.hideFolder((“Render”, “Dicing”), True) > >>> geo_node.setParmTemplateGroup(group)

This method could be implemented as follows:

> def hideFolder(self, label_or_labels, on): > self.hide(self.findFolder(label_or_labels), on)

See also hide.
insertAfter(self, name_or_parm_template_or_indices, parm_template)

Insert a parm template inside this group after an existing one. The new parm template will be in the same folder as the existing one.

See replace for a description of the name/ parm template/indices parameter.

Use appendToFolder to add an entry to a empty folder. Use append to add an entry to an empty parm template group.

insertBefore(self, name_or_parm_template_or_indices, parm_template)

Insert a parm template inside this group before an existing one. The new parm template will be in the same folder as the existing one.

See replace for a description of the name/parm template/indices parameter.

Use appendToFolder to add an entry to a empty folder. Use append to add an entry to an empty parm template group.

isFolderHidden(self, label_or_labels) → bool

Return whether a folder or one of its containing folders is hidden.

Note that if a folder is inside a hidden folder but this folder is not marked as hidden, calling hou.ParmTemplate.isHidden on the folder parm template will return False, while this method will return True.

You may pass in either a string containing a single folder name or a sequence of strings to indentify a nested folder. For example, the sequence (“Render”, “Dicing”) identifies the Dicing folder inside the Render folder. The folder is hidden if on is True and unhidden if it is False.

isHidden(self, name_or_parm_template_or_indices) → bool

Return whether the given parameter is itself hidden or lies inside a hidden folder.

See replace for a description of the name/parm template/indices parameter.

Note that if the parameter is inside a hidden folder but the parameter is not marked as hidden, calling hou.ParmTemplate.isHidden on the parm template will return False, while this method will return True.

parmTemplates(self) → tuple of hou.ParmTemplate

This method is simply an alias for the entries method.

It makes it easier to search down through a parm template group for items nested in folders, since the hou.FolderParmTemplate class also has a method named parmTemplates. The following example shows how to look up the labels for a folder parameter given its indices:

> def folderLabels(parm_template_group, indices): > container = parm_template_group > result = [] > for index in indices: > container = container.parmTemplates()[index] > result.append(container.label()) > return result

remove(self, name_or_parm_template_or_indices)

Remove a parm template from the group. Note that if you remove a folder, all of the parm templates in the folder are also removed.

See replace for a description of the name/parm template/indices parameter.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the parm template could not be found.

replace(self, name_or_parm_template_or_indices, parm_template)

Replace a parm template inside this group with another parm template.

Either the name of the parm template being replaced, a copy of the parm template, or a tuple of integer indices that identify the parm template and any containing folders.

This method changes the contents of this group. Note that it stores a copy of the parm template in the group, so future changes to the parm template passed in will not affect the group.

See the find method for a simple example of how to use this method.

Note that parm templates for reserved parameters (for example, the transform parameters in object-level digital assets) can be replaced in the parm template group, but all aspects of reserved parameters except for their visibility and join settings will be restored to their defaults when you save this group to a node or asset definition.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the parm template doesn’t exist.


Set the contents of this group to match the parameters defined by the given dialog script string.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if there is an error in the dialog script contents.

sourceNode(self) → hou.Node or None

Return the node that the parameter template group was generated from. If the group was not generated from a node, then return None.

Raises hou.ObjectWasDeleted if the source node has been destroyed.

sourceNodeType(self) → hou.NodeType or None

Return the node type that the parameter template group was generated from. If the group was not generated from a node type, then return None.

Raises hou.ObjectWasDeleted if the source node type has been destroyed.


The membership flag

class hou.ParmTuple

Bases: object

A tuple of one or more node parameters. Each parameter tuple has a unique name within its node.

The ParmTuple class behaves like a Python sequence, so you can index into it using square brackets, iterate over it, call len on it, etc. The elements inside the parameter tuple are hou.Parm objects.

A parameter tuple’s name may only contain letters, numbers, and underscores. For example, objects contain a parameter tuple named “t” that contains three integer parameters. The names of the parameters inside the tuple are determined from the parameter tuple’s name and its naming scheme. For example, the “t” parameter uses the XYZW naming scheme, so the three parameters inside it are named “tx”, “ty”, and “tz”. Note that if the parameter tuple only contains one parameter, the tuple and the parameter inside it may have the same name.

In addition to a name, a parameter tuple also has a label that is displayed to the user in the parameter dialog. For example, the “t” parameter’s label is “Translate”. The label may contain spaces and punctuation characters.

Each parameter in a tuple stores a value. Different instances of parm tuples in different nodes will store their own set of parameter values. The value in a parameter may be animated, in which case the parameter evaluates to a different result depending on the current time on the playbar. See hou.Keyframe for more information about animated parameters.

Each hou.NodeType has a set of parameter tuple descriptions associated with it, and each instance of a hou.Node has a corresponding set of parameter tuple instances. The parameter tuples store specific values that are saved with the node. The descriptions of the parameter tuples, however, are represented by a hou.ParmTemplate. A parameter template describes the type, default values, ranges, etc. of a parameter tuple.

See also hou.parmTuple_ and hou.Node.parmTuple.


appendClip(self, chop_node, apply_immediately, current_value_only, create_locked, set_value_to_default)

Appends this parameter to the specified Channel CHOP.

apply_immediately: If set to True, then the export flag on the Channel CHOP will be set.

current_value_only: If set to True, then only the current value of the parameter will be stored.

create_locked: If set to True, then the parameters are locked on creation.

set_value_to_default: If set to True, then the parameters are reverted to their default values on creation

clipData(start=None, end=None, binary=True, use_blosc_compression=True, sample_rate=0)

clipData(start=None, end=None, binary=True, use_blosc_compression=True, sample_rate=0) -> str

Returns the clip data for the parameters of this tuple. This method is similar to hou.ParmTuple.saveClip, except that it returns the clip data (file contents) instead of saving the animation to a clip file.

<start>, <end>, and <sample_rate> behave the same as in hou.ParmTuple.saveClip.

If <binary> is True, return binary clip data, otherwise return plain text (ASCII) clip data.

If <use_blosc_compression> is True, blosc compress the binary clip data. This cannot be used for plain text (ASCII) clip data.

Raises a hou.OperationFailed exception if none of the parameters of this tuple have animation.

Raises a hou.InvalidInput exception if start >= end. If specifying only <start>, ensure that the specified value is less than the global end frame. Likewise, if specifying only <end>, ensure it is larger than the global start frame.

Raises a hou.InvalidInput exception if binary = False and use_blosc_compression = True.


Copies this to the parameter clipboard. See also hou.parmClipboardContents.


createClip(self, parent_node, name, create_new, apply_immediately, current_value_only, create_locked, set_value_to_default) -> hou.ChopNode

Creates a Channel CHOP representing this parameter. The Channel CHOP is created with the given name as a child of the given parent node. The parent_node is typically created via hou.Node.findOrCreateMotionEffectsNetwork.

create_new: Always create a new Channel CHOP. If set to False, then if a Channel CHOP already exists with the same name, it will be re- used. If the parameter already exists on the Channel CHOP, the older parameter will be removed first.

apply_immediately: If set to True, then the export flag on the Channel CHOP will be set.

current_value_only: If set to True, then only the current value of the parameter will be stored.

create_locked: If set to True, then the parameters are locked on creation.

set_value_to_default: If set to True, then the parameters are reverted to their default values on creation

See also hou.Node.findOrCreateMotionEffectsNetwork.


Remove all the keyframes from this parameter tuple.

This method be approximately implemented as follows:

> def deleteAllKeyframes(self): > for parm in self: > parm.deleteAllKeyframes()

See also hou.Parm.deleteAllKeyframes.
description(self) → str

Return this parameter tuple’s label that is displayed in the parameter dialog.

disable(self, on)

Sets the UI disable state of this parameter tuple in its node. This is not the same as locking a parameter, as the underlying value can still be modified. It’s closer to what a disable-when conditional does, when a parameter is disabled automatically by it.

eval(self) → tuple of int, float, str, or hou.Ramp

Evalute this parameter tuple at the current frame and returns the result as a tuple of integers, floats or strings, or a hou.Ramp object, depending on the type of the parameter.

See also the evalAtFrame and evalAtTime methods.

evalAsFloats(self) → tuple of float

Evaluates this parameter tuple at the current frame and returns the result as a tuple of floats.

Raises hou.TypeError if a value cannot be converted to a float.

evalAsFloatsAtFrame(self, frame) → tuple of float

Evaluates this parameter tuple at a certain frame and returns the result as a tuple of floats.

Raises hou.TypeError if a value cannot be converted to a float.

evalAsGeometries(self) → tuple of hou.Geometry

Evaluates this parameter tuple at the current frame and returns the result as a tuple containing a hou.Geometry object.

Raises hou.TypeError if a value cannot be converted to a hou.Geometry.

evalAsGeometriesAtFrame(self, frame) → tuple of hou.Geometry

Evaluates this parameter tuple at a certain frame and returns the result as a tuple containing a hou.Geometry object.

Raises hou.TypeError if a value cannot be converted to a hou.Geometry.

evalAsInts(self) → tuple of int

Evaluates this parameter tuple at the current frame and returns the result as a tuple of integers.

Raises hou.TypeError if a value cannot be converted to an integer.

evalAsIntsAtFrame(self, frame) → tuple of int

Evaluates this parameter tuple at a certain frame and returns the result as a tuple of integers.

Raises hou.TypeError if a value cannot be converted to an integer.

evalAsRamps(self) → hou.Ramp

Evaluates this parameter tuple at the current frame and returns the result as a tuple containing a hou.Ramp object.

Raises hou.TypeError if this is not a ramp parameter.

evalAsRampsAtFrame(self, frame) → hou.Ramp

Evaluates this parameter tuple at a certain frame and returns the result as a tuple containing a hou.Ramp object.

Raises hou.TypeError if this is not a ramp parameter.

evalAsStrings(self) → tuple of str

Evaluates this parameter tuple at the current frame and returns the result as a tuple of strings.

Raises hou.TypeError if a value cannot be converted to a string.

evalAsStringsAtFrame(self, frame) → tuple of str

Evaluates the parameter tuple at a frame and returns the result as a tuple of strings.

Raises hou.TypeError if a value cannot be converted to a string.

evalAtFrame(self, frame) → tuple of int, float, str, or hou.Ramp

Evalute the parameter tuple at a given frame and return the result as a tuple of integers, floats, strings, or a Ramp object, depending on the type of the parameter.

See also evalAtTime.

evalAtTime(self, time) → tuple of int, float, str, or hou.Ramp

Evalute the parameter tuple at a given time and return the result as a tuple of integers, floats, strings, or a Ramp object, depending on the type of the parameter.

See also evalAtFrame.

hide(self, on)

Sets the UI hidden state of this parameter tuple in its node. Calling this method is equivalent to changing the Invisible checkbox on the Edit Parameter Interface dialog, or hiding the parameter with a hide-when conditional.

To hide a folder, use hou.Node.setParmTemplateGroup. This method cannot be used to hide a folder because a parm tuple corresponds to a set of folders, not an individual folder.

To change the visibility of all new instances of the node type defined by a digital asset, use hou.HDADefinition.setParmTemplateGroup as in the following example:

> def showParmTupleInDefinition(parm_tuple, visible): > ‘’‘parm_tuple is a hou.ParmTuple on an instance of the digital asset.’‘’ > definition = parm_tuple.node().type().definition() > parm_template_group = definition.parmTemplateGroup() > parm_template = parm_template_group.find(parm_tuple.name()) > parm_template.hide(not visible) > parm_template_group.replace(parm_tuple.name(), parm_template) > definition.setParmTemplateGroup(parm_template_group)


isAtDefault(self, compare_temporary_defaults=True, compare_expressions=False) -> bool

Returns whether the parameter tuple is currently at its defaults.

compare_temporary_defaults: When <compare_temporary_defaults> is True, isDefault also checks

compare_expressions: When <compare_Expressions> is True, isDefault compares the actual

See also the revertToDefaults() and revertToAndRestorePermanentDefaults()methods.

isDisabled(self) → bool

Returns the disable state of the parameter tuple, ignoring the lock state. This can be used to read the result of a disable-when conditional.

It is recommended that hou.Node.updateParmStates is called before executing this method either in non-graphical Houdini or when the owner node has not yet been loaded into the Parameter Pane.

isHidden(self) → bool

Returns the hidden state of the parameter tuple. This can be used to read the result of a hide-when conditional.

It is recommended that hou.Node.updateParmStates is called before executing this method either in non-graphical Houdini or when the owner node has not yet been loaded into the Parameter Pane.

isMultiParmInstance(self) → bool

Return whether this parameter is an instance of a multi parm. For example, the pt0, pt1, pt2, etc. parameter tuples in an add SOP are instances of a multiparm.

isSpare(self) → bool

Returns whether the parameter is a “spare” (user-defined) parameter.

loadClip(file_name, sample_rate=0, start=None)

auto-insert ocstring: HOM_ParmTuple::loadClip

lock(self, bool_values)

Lock or unlock all the parameters in this tuple. Houdini displays locked parameters as disabled and does not let you change their values.

A sequence of True or False values, where each value corresponds to a component of this parameter. Where an element of bool_values is True, that component will be locked (uneditable), and where an element is False, the corresponding component will be unlocked (editable).

For example, the parameter tuple for “translation” contains Parm objects for translation along each of the axes, “tx”, “ty” and “tz”. If lock is called with the following tuple of boolean values, (True, True, False), then the parameter “tx” and “ty” will be locked and made non-editable, while “tz” will be unlocked and made editable.

Raises hou.InvalidSize if bool_values has a different length than this parameter tuple. Raises hou.PermissionError if any of the parameters in this parameter tuple are not writable.

multiParmInstances(self) → tuple of hou.ParmTuple

If this parameter corresponds to the number of instances for a multiparm, return all the parameter tupless corresponding to all instances of this multiparm.

Returns an empty tuple if this parameter is not for a multiparm.

name(self) → str
Return the name of this parameter tuple. Note that the parameter tuple’s name and its naming scheme determine the names of the parameters inside it.

> >>> node = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”) > >>> node.parmTuple(“t”).parmTemplate().namingScheme() > parmNamingScheme.XYZW > >>> [parm.name() for parm in node.parmTuple(“t”)] > [‘tx’, ‘ty’, ‘tz’] > > >>> parm_tuple = node.parent().createNode(“cam”).parmTuple(“dcolor”) > >>> parm_tuple.parmTemplate().namingScheme() > parmNamingScheme.RGBA > >>> [parm.name() for parm in parm_tuple] > [‘dcolorr’, ‘dcolorg’, ‘dcolorb’]

node(self) → hou.Node

Return the node containing this parameter tuple.

parentMultiParm(self) → hou.Parm

Return the parent multi-parameter if this parameter is a multi- parameter instance and None otherwise.

parmTemplate(self) → hou.ParmTemplate

Return this parameter tuple’s template.

Note that a folder parameter will have a hou.FolderSetParmTemplate template and a multiparm parameter will have a hou.FolderParmTemplate template.


Changes the value back to the defaults that ship with Houdini, and restore those defaults.

See also the revertToDefaults() method.


Changes the value back to the default(s). See also the revertToAndRestoreFactoryDefaults() method.

saveClip(self, file_name, start=None, end=None, sample_rate=0)

Saves the animation associated with the parameters of this tuple to the clip file specified by <file_name>. The extension of <file_name> determines the format of the saved file.

You can use one of the following extensions:

  • .clip: save animation as plain text (ASCII) clip file.

  • .bclip: save animation as a bclip (binary clip) file.

  • .bclip.sc: save animation as a bclip file using Blosc compression.

    Set <sample_rate> to a non-zero, non-negative value to specify the sample_rate to be used for the clip file. For example, if the current frame rate is 24 (hou.fps), and <sample_rate> is set to 12, the animation will be sampled every second frame since <sample_rate> is half of the current frame rate.

    If <start> is not None, start saving the animation from the specified frame (inclusive). Otherwise, the animation will be saved from the global start frame (inclusive).

    Similarly, if <end> is not None, stop saving the animation at the specified frame (inclusive). Otherwise, the animation will be saved until the global end frame (inclusive).

    The global start and end frame are specified in the Global Animation Options window.

    Raises a hou.OperationFailed exception if none of the parameters of this tuple have animation.

    Raises a hou.OperationFailed exception if there is an error saving the animation to file.

    Raises a hou.InvalidInput exception if start >= end. If specifying only <start>, ensure that the specified value is less than the global end frame. Likewise, if specifying only <end>, ensure it is larger than the global start frame.

set(self, values, language=None, follow_parm_references=True)

Sets the values of the parameters in the tuple at the current frame.


A sequence of floats, integers or strings, corresponding to the components of this parameter tuple.

For example, the parameter tuple for “translation” contains hou.Parm objects for translation along each of the axes, “tx”, “ty” and “tz”. If set is called with the following tuple of floats, (2.5, 4.0, 5.5), then the parameter “tx” with be set to 2.5, “ty” will be set to 4.0 and “tz” will be set to 5.5.

You can also pass in a hou.ParmTuple object for this argument to create channel references from the parameters in this tuple to the parameters in the passed-in tuple. If this tuple has more parameters than the passed-in tuple then no work is performed on the extra parameters. If the passed-in tuple has more parameters than this tuple then the the extra parameters are ignored.

This option only applies when setting to a hou.ParmTuple value. Specifies the expression language to use when creating channel references from this parameter tuple to the given parameter tuple. Set this option to an hou.exprLanguage object or None to choose the default language.
This option only applies when setting to a hou.ParmTuple value. When this option is set to True then this method will follow channel references and create channel references from the referenced parameter tuple to the given parameter tuple.

If this parameter tuple currently contains channel references to another parameter tuple, then this method will follow channel references and change the value of the referenced parameter tuple. If this is not the desired behavior, then first delete the channel reference with hou.ParmTuple.deleteAllKeyframes. Alternatively if you are setting the value to another parameter tuple and do not want to follow existing channel references then set the optional follow_parm_references argument to False.

Raises hou.InvalidSize if values has a different length than this parameter tuple. Raises hou.PermissionError if any of the parameters in this parameter tuple are not writable.

setAutoscope(self, bool_values)

Changes the autoscope property of components of this parameter tuple.

A sequence of True or False values, where each value corresponds to a component of this parameter. Where an element of bool_values is True, that component will be autoscope.

For example, the parameter tuple for “translation” contains Parm objects for translation along each of the axes, “tx”, “ty” and “tz”. If setAutoscope is called with the following tuple of boolean values, (True, True, False), then the parameter “tx” and “ty” will be automatically scoped, while “tz” will not.

Raises hou.InvalidSize if values has a different length than this parameter tuple. Raises hou.PermissionError if any of the parameters in this parameter tuple are not writable.

setClipData(data, binary=True, blosc_compressed=True, sample_rate=0, start=None)

auto-insert ocstring: HOM_ParmTuple::setClipData

setPending(self, values)

Sets the value of a parameter in the tuple at the current frame and marks it as pending if the parameter is keyed.

A sequence of floats or strings, corresponding to the components of this parameter tuple.

For example, the parameter tuple for “translation” contains Parm objects for translation along each of the axes, “tx”, “ty” and “tz”. If set is called with following tuple of floats, (2.5, 4.0, 5.5), then the parameter “tx” with be set to 2.5, “ty” will be set to 4.0 and “tz” will be set to 5.5.

Raises hou.InvalidSize if values has a different length than this parameter tuple. Raises hou.PermissionError if any of the parameters in this parameter tuple are not writable.


The membership flag

class hou.PathBasedPaneTab

Bases: hou.PaneTab


  • bookmark
  • pane
  • mousepath()
cd(self, path)
currentNode(self) → Node
pwd(self) → Node
setCurrentNode(self, node, pick_node = True)
setPwd(self, node)

The membership flag

class hou.PerfMonEvent

Bases: object

Represents an event that is recorded by the performance monitor and used to generate time and memory growth statistics for profiles.

Note that all methods in this class may raise an hou.OperationFailed exception if the event was not actually recorded in the Performance Monitor. This can happen if hou.perfMon.startEvent or hou.perfMon.startCookEvent was called when the Performance Monitor was not recording.

The stopTime(), memory() and time() methods have been removed. Memory and time values are now returned by the stop() method.


  • hou.perfMon
  • hou.PerfMonProfile
  • hou.PerfMonRecordOptions
  • Performance monitor pane
id(self) → int

Return the event’s unique identifier which is used internally by the performance monitor.

This method is deprecated.

isAutoNestEnabled(self) → bool

Return True if the event will automatically ‘nest’ other events that are started and stopped while this event is running. When the event is stopped, it will decrement the times and memory of its nested events from its total time and memory. That way, the event’s total time and memory will reflect the work performed in the event itself and not in any of its nested events.

isRunning(self) → bool

Return true if the event is running, that is, if the event has been started but not stopped.

isTiming(self) → bool

This method is deprecated in favor of isRunning.

name(self) → str

Return the event name.

This method is deprecated.

object(self) → str

Return the object that the event applies to. Return None if the event is not associated with an object.

startTime(self) → float

Return the start time of the event in milliseconds since the epoch date.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the event does not contain any time data. This can happen if the event was started when the Performance Monitor was not recording any time statistics.


Stop the event timer and return a 2-tuple, (<time>, <memory>), containing the event’s elapsed time and memory growth.

The elapsed time is the number of milliseconds that the event was timing for. The memory growth is the increase in memory usage by Houdini (in bytes) from when the event started and when it stopped.

If the event was not recording memory, then the returned memory value is 0.0. Likewise, if the event was not recording time, then the returned time value is 0.0.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the event is already stopped.


The membership flag

class hou.PerfMonProfile

Bases: object

Represents a performance monitor profile.


  • hou.perfMon
  • hou.PerfMonEvent
  • hou.PerfMonRecordOptions
  • Performance monitor pane

Stop the profile from recording timed events and remove it from the performance monitor.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the profile is not active, that is, the profile is neither recording nor paused.

exportAsCSV(self, file_path)

Export the profile statistics to disk using a comma-separated (CSV) format. The exported .csv file can be loaded into a spreadsheet application such as Microsoft Excel and used to generate graphs.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the profile is still active or if the .csv file could not be written to disk (i.e. permission problems).

id(self) → int

Return the profile’s unique identifier which is used internally by the performance monitor.

isActive(self) → bool

Return True if the profile is either recording events or is paused.

isPaused(self) → bool

Return True if the profile is paused from recording.

isRecordingCookStats(self) → bool

Return True if the profile is recording cook events and statistics.

isRecordingDrawStats(self) → bool

Return True if the profile is recording draw events and statistics.

isRecordingErrors(self) → bool

Return True if the profile is recording errors.

isRecordingFrameStats(self) → bool

Return True if the profile is recording frame events and statistics.

isRecordingGPUDrawStats(self) → bool

Return True if the profile is recording GPU draw events and statistics.

isRecordingRenderStats(self) → bool

Return True if the profile is recording statistics related to rendering.

isRecordingScriptStats(self) → bool

Return True if the profile is recording script events and statistics.

isRecordingSolveStats(self) → bool

Return True if the profile is recording simulation solver events and statistics.

isRecordingThreadStats(self) → bool

Return True if the profile is recording thread statistics.

isRecordingViewportStats(self) → bool

Return True if the profile is recording viewport events and statistics.


Pause the profile from recording events and statistics.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the profile is stopped or already paused.


Unpause the profile so that it can record events and statistics.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the profile is stopped or is already recording (i.e. not paused).

save(self, file_path)

Save the profile to disk.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the profile is still active or if the file could not be written to disk (i.e. permission problems).


Return the profile statistics in JSON format.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the profile is still active and has not generated any statistics.


Stop the profile from recording and generate statistics for the events that it has already recorded.

Raises hou.OperatioNFailed if the profile is not active.


The membership flag

title(self) → str

Return the profile title.

class hou.PerfMonRecordOptions(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Represents the set of options used by the Performance Monitor and specifies the type of statistics to be recorded in a profile.


  • hou.perfMon
  • hou.PerfMonProfile
  • Performance monitor pane
recordCookStats(self) → bool

Return True if cook statistics should be recorded.

recordDrawStats(self) → bool

Return True if node draw statistics should be recorded.

recordErrors(self) → bool

Return True if warnings and errors should be recorded.

recordFrameStats(self) → bool

Return True if frame statistics should be recorded.

recordGPUDrawStats(self) → bool

Return True if node GPU draw statistics should be recorded.

recordMemoryStats(self) → bool

Return True if memory statistics should be recorded.

recordRenderStats(self) → bool

Return True if Mantra render statistics should be recorded.

recordScriptStats(self) → bool

Return True if hscript and Python script statistics should be recorded.

recordSolveStats(self) → bool

Return True if DOP solver statistics should be recorded.

recordThreadStats(self) → bool

Return True if thread statistics should be recorded.

recordViewportStats(self) → bool

Return True if viewport statistics should be recorded.

setRecordCookStats(self, record)

Turn the recording of cook statistics on or off.

setRecordDrawStats(self, record)

Turn the recording of node draw statistics on or off.

setRecordErrors(self, record)

Turn the recording of warnings and errors on or off.

setRecordFrameStats(self, record)

Turn the recording of frame statistics on or off.

setRecordGPUDrawStats(self, record)

Turn the recording of node GPU draw statistics on or off.

setRecordMemoryStats(self, record)

Turn the recording of memory statistics on or off.

setRecordRenderStats(self, record)

Turn the recording of Mantra render statistics on or off.

setRecordScriptStats(self, record)

Turn the recording of hscript and Python statistics on or off.

setRecordSolveStats(self, record)

Turn the recording of DOP solver statistics on or off.

setRecordThreadStats(self, record)

Turn the recording of thread statistics on or off.

setRecordViewportStats(self, record)

Turn the recording of viewport statistics on or off.


The membership flag

class hou.PerformanceMonitor

Bases: hou.PaneTab

Represents a Performance Monitor panetab.


  • performance
enableLiveUpdates(self, on)

Enable or disable live updates for recordings. If live updates is enabled, then statistics are displayed in the statistics viewer and are periodically updated while the performance monitor is recording.

isLiveUpdatesEnabled(self) → bool

Return whether live updates is enabled.

isRecording(self) → bool

Return whether the performance monitor is recording.

isSamplingCookStats(self) → bool

Return whether the sampling of cook statistics is turned on.

isSamplingErrors(self) → bool

Return whether the sampling of warnings and errors is turned on.

isSamplingFrameStats(self) → bool

Return whether the sampling of frame statistics is turned on.

isSamplingObjectDrawStats(self) → bool

Return whether the sampling of object drawing statistics is turned on.

isSamplingObjectGPUDrawStats(self) → bool

Return whether the sampling of object GPU drawing statistics is turned on.

isSamplingScriptStats(self) → bool

Return whether the sampling of script statistics is turned on.

isSamplingSolveStats(self) → bool

Return whether the sampling of DOP solve statistics is turned on.

isSamplingThreadStats(self) → bool

Return whether the sampling of thread statistics is turned on.

isSamplingViewportStats(self) → bool

Return whether the sampling of viewport statistics is turned on.

objectView(self) → hou.perfMonObjectView enum value

Return the structure type that is used to view objects in the statistics viewer.

sampleCookStats(self, on)

Turn sampling of cook statistics on or off.

sampleErrors(self, on)

Turn sampling of warnings and errors on or off.

sampleFrameStats(self, on)

Turn sampling of frame statistics on or off.

sampleObjectDrawStats(self, on)

Turn sampling of object drawing statistics on or off.

sampleObjectGPUDrawStats(self, on)

Turn sampling of object GPU drawing statistics on or off.

sampleScriptStats(self, on)

Turn sampling of script statistics on or off.

sampleSolveStats(self, on)

Turn sampling of DOP solve statistics on or off.

sampleThreadStats(self, on)

Turn sampling of thread statistics on or off. Note that turning on thread sampling can add overhead to the processing times (i.e. cook times, solve times, etc.) in the scene.

sampleViewportStats(self, on)

Turn sampling of object-drawing statistics on or off.

setObjectView(self, view)

Set the structure type to use when viewing objects in the statistics viewer.

setTimeFormat(self, format)

Set the format to use when viewing times in the statistics viewer.


Start recording in the performance monitor.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the performance monitor is already recording.


Stop recording in the performance monitor.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the performance monitor is already stopped.


The membership flag

timeFormat(self) → hou.perfMonTimeFormat enum value

Return the format that is used to view times in the statistics viewer.

class hou.PermissionError(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.

instanceMessage(self) → str

Return a message specific to the exception instance.


The membership flag

class hou.Point

Bases: object

Each Point object resides inside a Geometry object and stores a 3D position. Points may be shared between primitives (such as polygons), and the set of points and primitives describes a 3D shape.

The set of points may also store arbitrary data in the form of attributes, and each point instance stores a unique attribute value.

attribType(self) → hou.attribType enum value

Return the enumerated value hou.attribType.Point. Points, primitives, vertices, and geometry support the same set of methods for querying their attributes, and this method is one of them.

See also:

  • hou.Prim.attribType
  • hou.Vertex.attribType
  • hou.Geometry.attribType
  • hou.attribType
attribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → int, float, str or tuple

Return value stored in this point for a particular attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object.

Looking up an attribute value using a hou.Attrib object is slightly faster than looking it up by name. When looking up attribute values inside a loop, look up the hou.Attrib object outside the loop, and pass it into this method.

Note that the point position attribute is named P and is 4 floats in size. This attribute always exists.

When looking up the attribute values of all points, it is faster to call hou.Geometry.pointFloatAttribValues or hou.Geometry.pointFloatAttribValuesAsString than to call this method for each point in the geometry.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no attribute exists with this name.

> # Create an object containing two SOPs: a box SOP wired into a color SOP. > geo_node = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”) > box = geo_node.createNode(“box”) > color = geo_node.createNode(“color”) > color.setFirstInput(box) > > # Grab the color SOP’s geometry, get its first point, and print out the > # value of the Cd attribute. > geo = color.geometry() > point = geo.iterPoints()[0] > print point.attribValue(“Cd”) > > # Look up the Cd attribute and illustrate how to access the attribute > # value using the attribute object. > cd_attribute = geo.findPointAttrib(“Cd”) > print point.attribValue(cd_attribute)

floatAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → float

Return the point attribute value for a particular floating point attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no attribute exists with this name or the attribute is not float of size 1.

In most cases, you’ll just use hou.Point.attribValue to access attribute values. Houdini uses this method internally to implement attribValue.

floatListAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → tuple of float

Return the point attribute value for a particular floating point attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. The return value is a tuple of floats.

It is valid to call this method when the attribute’s size is 1. In this case, a tuple with one element is returned.

See also hou.Point.attribValue.

geometry(self) → hou.Geometry

Return the hou.Geometry object containing this point.

intAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → int

Return the point attribute value for a particular integer attribute of size 1. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. See hou.Point.floatAttribValue for more information.

intListAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → tuple of int

Return the point attribute value for a particular integer attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. The return value is a tuple of ints. See hou.Point.floatListAttribValue for more information.

number(self) → int

Return the number of this point. Points are numbered sequentially starting from 0, and the points returned by hou.Geometry.points are in order by their number.

position(self) → hou.Vector3

Return the position of this point as a Vector3 containing the (X, Y, Z) position values.

This method is a shortcut for accessing the P attribute of the point.

> point.position() > # is equivalent to > hou.Vector3(point.attribValue(“P”))

Because the position is returned as a Vector3, it can be accessed as a sequence. However, you can also easily use hou.Matrix4 to transform the position.

See also:

  • hou.Point.weight
  • hou.Vector3
  • hou.Matrix4
prims(self) → tuple of hou.Prim

Returns a tuple of the primitives that reference this point.

setAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib, attrib_value)

Store an attribute value in this point. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object, and must be an existing point attribute in the geometry. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no attribute exists with this name or if the attribute’s data type does not match the value passed in. If the attribute’s size is more than 1, the attribute value must be a sequence of integers/floats, and the size of the sequence must match the attribute’s size.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

See hou.Geometry.addAttrib for an example.

See also:

  • hou.Prim.setAttribValue
  • hou.Vertex.setAttribValue
  • hou.Geometry.setGlobalAttribValue
setPosition(self, position)

Changes the point’s location. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

Any sequence of floats, such has a hou.Vector3 or a tuple of floats, of length either 3 or 4. The fourth coordinate corresponds to the weight, and is usually 1. The weight is typically used by NURBS curves and sequences. If the sequence is of size 3, the weight will be unchanged.

This method is a shortcut for calling hou.Point.setAttribValue on the P attribute.

> point.setPosition((x, y, z)) > # is the same as > point.setAttribValue(“P”, (x, y, z))

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if the geometry is not modifiable. Raises hou.InvalidSize if the length of position is not 3.

See also hou.Point.setWeight.

setWeight(self, weight)

Change the point’s weight. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

This method is a shortcut for calling hou.Point.setAttribValue on the Pw attribute.

See hou.Point.weight for more information about a point’s weight. See also hou.Point.setPosition.

stringAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → str

Return the point attribute value for a particular string attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. See hou.Point.floatAttribValue for more information.

stringListAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → tuple of str

Return the point attribute value for a particular string attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. The return value is a tuple of strings.

It is valid to call this method when the attribute’s size is 1. In this case, a tuple with one element is returned.

See also hou.Point.attribValue.


The membership flag

vertices(self) → tuple of hou.Vertex

Returns a tuple of the vertices that reference this point. Note that this requires a search through a primitive’s vertices, so the cost is linear in the total number of vertices in these primitives.

weight(self) → float

Return the weight of this point. Point weights are displayed in Houdini’s geometry spreadsheet as the fourth component of the position, and are used in NURBS curves and surfaces.

Most of the time, the weight is 1.0.

This method is a shortcut for accessing the Pw attribute of the point.

> point.weight() > # is equivalent to > point.attribValue(“Pw”)

You can build a hou.Vector4 containing both the position and weight as follows:

> hou.Vector4(tuple(point.position()) + (point.weight(),))

See also hou.Point.position.
class hou.PointGroup

Bases: object

A named group of points inside a Geometry object.

Point groups reside inside the geometry, and each point group has a unique name.

Groups are either ordered or unordered. When asking for the contents of an ordered group, the results will be returned in the order they were added to to the group. For an unordered group, the results will be returned in an arbitrary order (though it is normally arranged by increasing point number). When creating a group using the group SOP, use the <Create Ordered> checkbox to create an ordered group. When creating one from Python, Use the is_ordered parameter of hou.Geometry.createPointGroup to control whether a group is ordered.

See hou.Point for more information about points. See also hou.PrimGroup.


  • haspoint()
  • pointlist()
add(self, point_or_list_or_point_group)

If given a hou.Point or a list of hou.Point’s, add the point(s) to the group. If given a hou.PointGroup, merge the contents of the other point group with this group (the other group is unaffected). You would typically call this method from the code of a Python- defined SOP.

It is ok to add points to the group that were already in the group.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the point or point group belong to a different geometry object than this group.


Remove all points from this group. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

The points remain in the geometry; only the group is affected.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

contains(self, point) → bool

Return whether or not a point is in this group.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the point belongs to a different geometry object than this group.


Remove this group from the geometry. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

geometry(self) → hou.Geometry

Return the geometry object containing this group.


Return the name of the group. Each point group has a unique name.

optionType(self, name) → hou.fieldType enum value

Return a hou.fieldType enumerated value that describes the type of data stored in an option. Returns hou.fieldType.NoSuchField if no field exists with that name.


option(self, name) -> bool, int, float, str, hou.Vector2, , hou.Vector4, hou.Quaternion, hou.Matrix3, hou.Matrix4, tuple of int, or tuple of float

Return the value of an individual option, on None if no such option exists.

See also hou.PointGroup.options, hou.PointGroup.setOption and hou.PointGroup.removeOption.

points(self) → tuple of hou.Point

Return the contents of this group.

remove(self, point_or_list_or_point_group)

If given a hou.Point or a list of hou.Point’s, remove the point from the group. If given a hou.PointGroup, remove all points in the other group from this group (the other group is unaffected). You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

It is not an error to try to remove a point from the group that wasn’t already in the group.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the point belongs to a different geometry object than this group.

removeOption(self, name)

Remove an entry in the dictionary of options. See hou.PointGroup.options for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if there is no entry in the dictionary with this name.

setOption(self, name, value, type_hint = hou.fieldType::NoSuchField)

Set an entry in the dictionary of options. See hou.PointGroup.options for more information.

The name of the option to set.
An integer, float, string, hou.Vector2, hou.Vector3, hou.Vector4, hou.Quaternion, hou.Matrix3, hou.matrix4, or sequence of numbers.
Used to determine the exact hou.fieldType desired when the specified value type is not enough to unambiguously determine it.

The membership flag

class hou.Polygon

Bases: hou.Face

A Polygon is a kind of Face whose vertices are connected via straight lines.

Currently, hou.Face, and its base class hou.Prim contain all the necessary methods for polygon inspection and manipulation.


The membership flag

class hou.PopNetNode

Bases: hou.Node

displayNode(self) → Node
renderNode(self) → Node

The membership flag

class hou.PopNode

Bases: hou.Node

Represents a particle node.


  • opget
  • opset
  • opflag()
  • popevent()
  • popeventtime()
  • poppoint()
  • poppointid()
  • poppointnum()
bypass(self, on)

Turns this node’s bypass flag on or off, making this node have no effect.

curPoint(self) → hou.Point

Returns the current point, equivalent to the $PT local variable. This function only works on a node that has a $PT local variable, and only when the node is being cooked.

displayNode(self) → Node
isBypassed(self) → bool

Returns whether this node’s bypass flag is on.

isDisplayFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns whether this node’s display flag is on.

isRenderFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns whether this node’s render flag is on.

isTemplateFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns whether the template flag on this node is on.

renderNode(self) → Node
setDisplayFlag(self, on)

Turn this node’s display flag on or off.

setRenderFlag(self, on)

Turns this node’s render flag on or off.

setTemplateFlag(self, on)

Sets this node’s template flag on or off.


The membership flag

class hou.Prim

Bases: object

Each Prim resides inside a Geometry object and stores some sort of 3D geometric primitive, like a polygon, a NURBS curve, or a volume. Each primitive usually contains a set of Vertex objects, each of which references a Point object.

This class has a number of subclasses for the different primitive types, such as hou.Polygon and hou.Volume.

attribType(self) → hou.attribType enum value

Return the enumerated value hou.attribType.Prim. Points, primitives, vertices, and geometry support the same set of methods for querying their attributes, and this method is one of them.

See also:

  • hou.Point.attribType
  • hou.Vertex.attribType
  • hou.Geometry.attribType
  • hou.attribType
attribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → int, float, str or tuple

Return the value stored in this primitive for a particular attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object.

Looking an attribute value using a hou.Attrib object is slightly faster than looking it up by name. When looking up attribute values inside a loop, look up the hou.Attrib object outside the loop, and pass it into this method.

When looking up the attribute values of all primitives, it is faster to call hou.Geometry.primFloatAttribValues or hou.Geometry.primFloatAttribValuesAsString than to call this method for each primitive in the geometry.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no attribute exists with this name.

attribValueAtInterior(self, attrib_or_name, u, v, w=0.0) → int, float,

str or tuple

Return an attribute value at the normalized u, v, w parametric position in the interior of the primitive.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the attribute is not a point or vertex attribute. If you want a primitive attribute value, it doesn’t vary across the surface, so use hou.Prim.attribValue.

Use hou.Face.attribValueAt for querying attributes along the perimeter.

boundingBox(self) → hou.BoundingBox

Return an axis-aligned 3D bounding box that is sized and positioned to be large enough to hold this primitive.

floatAttribValue(self, attrib) → float

Return the primitive attribute value for a particular floating point attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no attribute exists with this name or the attribute is not float of size 1.

In most cases, you’ll just use hou.Prim.attribValue to access attribute values. Houdini uses this method internally to implement attribValue.

floatListAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → tuple of float

Return the primitive attribute value for a particular floating point attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. The return value is a tuple of floats.

It is valid to call this method when the attribute’s size is 1. In this case, a tuple with one element is returned.

See also hou.Prim.attribValue.

geometry(self) → hou.Geometry

Return the hou.Geometry object containing this primitive.

groups(self) → tuple of hou.PrimGroup

Return a tuple of the primitive groups that contain this primitive.

intAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → int

Return the primitive attribute value for a particular integer attribute of size 1. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. See hou.Point.floatAttribValue for more information.

intListAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → tuple of int

Return the primitive attribute value for a particular integer attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. The return value is a tuple of ints. See hou.Prim.floatListAttribValue for more information.

intrinsicNames(self) → tuple of str
intrinsicReadOnly(self, intrinsic_name) → bool

Returns whether the intrinsic is read-only or can be modified with setIntrinsicValue()

intrinsicSize(self, intrinsic_name) → int

Returns the intrinsic value tuple size.

intrinsicValue(self, intrinsic_name) → int, float, str, or tuple
intrinsicValueDict(self) → dict of str to value

Returns a dictionary mapping intrinsic names to their values.

nearestToPosition(self, pos3)

Given a sequence of three floats containing a position, find the location on this primitive that is closest to that position. Returns a tuple containing the u value on this primitive, the v value on this primitive, and the distance to this primitive.

numVertices(self) → int

A shortcut for len(self.vertices()). You probably don’t need to call this method.

number(self) → int

Return the number of this primitive. Primitives are numbered sequentially starting from 0, and the primitives returned by hou.Geometry.prims are in order by their number.

points(self) → list of hou.Point

Shortcut for getting all the points of a primitive without iterating through each vertex.

positionAtInterior(self, u, v, w=0.0) → hou.Vector3

Given normalized (i.e. from 0 to 1) u, v, w values, return the interior position of the primitive at that parametric location.

Use hou.Face.positionAt for querying positions along the perimeter.

setAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib, attrib_value)

Store an attribute value in this primitive. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object, and must be an existing primitive attribute in the geometry. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no attribute exists with this name or if the attribute’s data type does not match the value passed in. If the attribute’s size is more than 1, the attribute value must be a sequence of integers/floats, and the size of the sequence must match the attribute’s size.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

> # Create a float primitive attribute of size 3 named “Cd”, and assign > # each primitive a unique color. This code will work from inside a Python > # SOP, but not from the Python shell. > geo = hou.pwd().geometry() > color_attrib = geo.addAttrib(hou.attribType.Prim, “Cd”, (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) > num_prims = len(geo.prims()) > color = hou.Color() > for prim in geo.prims(): > fraction = float(prim.number()) / num_prims > # Give each primitive a different hue, but full saturation and value. > # Store the RGB value in the attribute. > color.setHSV((fraction * 255, 1, 1)) > prim.setAttribValue(color_attrib, color.rgb())

setIntrinsicValue(self, intrinsic_name, value)
stringAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → str

Return the primitive attribute value for a particular string attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. See hou.Prim.floatAttribValue for more information.

stringListAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → tuple of str

Return the primitive attribute value for a particular string attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. The return value is a tuple of strings.

It is valid to call this method when the attribute’s size is 1. In this case, a tuple with one element is returned.

See also hou.Prim.attribValue.


The membership flag

type(self) → hou.primType enum value

Return a hou.primType value containing the type of this primitive (e.g. polygon, NURBS curve, metaball, etc).

vertices(self) → generator of hou.Vertex

Return a sequence of the vertices contained in this primitive.

If the primitive is a face (e.g. a polygon or NURBS curve), the result corresponds to the order of the vertices in that face. If it is a surface (e.g. a NURBS mesh), however, the primitive has a 2D array of vertices, and this method returns all vertices in the 2D array, ordered by the rows.

See hou.Surface.vertex for more information about the relationship between the 2D vertex array and the sequential vertex index, and for more ways to access the vertices in a surface.

class hou.PrimGroup

Bases: object

A named group of primitives inside a Geometry object.

Primitive groups reside inside the geometry, and each primitive group has a unique name.

Groups are either ordered or unordered. When asking for the contents of an ordered group, the results will be returned in the order they were added to to the group. For an unordered group, the results will be returned in an arbitrary order (though it is normally arranged by increasing primitive number). When creating a group using the group SOP, use the <Create Ordered> checkbox to create an ordered group. When creating one from Python, Use the is_ordered parameter of hou.Geometry.createPrimGroup to control whether a group is ordered.

See hou.Prim for more information about primitives. See also hou.PrimGroup.


  • hasprim()
  • primlist()
add(self, prim_or_list_or_prim_group)

If given a hou.Prim or a list of hou.Prim’s, add the primitive(s) to the group. If given a hou.PrimGroup, merge the contents of the other primitive group with this group (the other group is unaffected). You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

It is okay to add primitives to the group that were already in the group.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the primitive or primitive group belong to a different geometry object than this group.


Remove all primitives from this group. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

The primitives remain in the geometry; only the group is affected.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

contains(self, prim) → bool

Return whether or not a primitive is in this group.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the primitive belongs to a different geometry object than this group.


Remove this group from the geometry. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

geometry(self) → hou.Geometry

Return the geometry object containing this group.


Return the name of the group. Each primitive group has a unique name.

optionType(self, name) → hou.fieldType enum value

Return a hou.fieldType enumerated value that describes the type of data stored in an option. Returns hou.fieldType.NoSuchField if no field exists with that name.


option(self, name) -> bool, int, float, str, hou.Vector2, hou.Vector3, hou.Vector4, hou.Quaternion, hou.Matrix3, hou.Matrix4, tuple of int, or tuple of float

Return the value of an individual option, on None if no such option exists.

See also hou.PrimGroup.options, hou.PrimGroup.setOption and hou.PrimGroup.removeOption.

prims(self) → tuple of hou.Prim

Return the contents of this group.

remove(self, prim_or_list_or_prim_group)

If given a hou.Prim or a list of hou.Prim’s, remove the primitive(s) from the group. If given a hou.PrimGroup, remove all primitives in the other group from this group (the other group is unaffected). You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

It is not an error to try to remove a primitive from the group that wasn’t already in the group.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the primitive belongs to a different geometry object than this group.

removeOption(self, name)

Remove an entry in the dictionary of options. See hou.PrimGroup.options for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if there is no entry in the dictionary with this name.

setOption(self, name, value, type_hint = hou.fieldType::NoSuchField)

Set an entry in the dictionary of options. See hou.PrimGroup.options for more information.

The name of the option to set.
An integer, float, string, hou.Vector2, hou.Vector3, hou.Vector4, hou.Quaternion, hou.Matrix3, hou.Matrix4, or sequence of numbers.
Used to determine the exact hou.fieldType desired when the specified value type is not enough to unambiguously determine it.

The membership flag

class hou.PySwigIterator

Bases: object


The membership flag

class hou.PythonPanel

Bases: hou.PathBasedPaneTab

Class representing a pane tab that can display an embedded PySide or PyQt interface.

See also hou.pypanel and hou.PythonPanelInterface.

PySide and PyQt interfaces can only be created from the main Houdini application thread. You cannot call any method in this class from a separate thread (i.e. do not call from a Python Shell).
activeInterface(self) → hou.PythonPanelInterface

Returns the interface currently assigned to the Python Panel, or None if no interface has been assigned.

activeInterfaceRootWidget(self) → Qt.QtWidgets.QWidget subclass

Returns a reference to the user-defined root widget created by the active interface in the Python Panel. Returns None if there is no active interface or widget.

isToolbarExpanded(self) → bool

Return True if the toolbar is expanded and False otherwise.

isToolbarShown(self) → bool

Return True if the toolbar is shown and False otherwise.

setActiveInterface(self, interface)

Show the specified interface in the Python Panel. interface is a hou.PythonPanelInterface object.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if interface is not an installed Python Panel interface.

showToolbar(self, show)

Show or hide the toolbar. show must be either True or False.


The membership flag

class hou.PythonPanelInterface

Bases: object

Represents the definition of a Python panel interface.


  • hou.pypanel
  • hou.PythonPanel
filePath(self) → str

Returns the file path for this interface.

icon(self) → str

Returns the icon for this interface.

id(self) → int

Returns the id for this interface.

label(self) → str

Returns the label for this interface.

name(self) → str

Returns the name for this interface.

script(self) → str

Returns the script for this interface.

setFilePath(self, script)

Sets the file path for this interface.

setIcon(self, icon)

Sets the icon for this interface.

setId(self, id)

Sets the id for this interface.

setLabel(self, label)

Sets the label for this interface.

setName(self, name)

Sets the name for this interface.

setScript(self, script)

Sets the script for this interface.


The membership flag

class hou.Quadric

Bases: hou.Prim

A Quadric is a kind of geometry primitive (Prim object) that represents a 3-dimensional surface defined by a quadratic polynomial equation (e.g. a sphere or tube).


The membership flag

transform(self) → hou.Matrix3

Return the 3x3 matrix associated with this quadric. This matrix determines what type of quadric it is.

See Wikipedia’s Quadric page for more information.

vertex(self, index) → hou.Vertex

A shortcut for self.vertices()[index]. You probably don’t need to call this method.

This method supports negative indices to index from the end, just like self.vertices()[index] would. Also, like Python’s indexing operator, it will raise IndexError when the index is out of range.

class hou.Quaternion(*args)

Bases: object

A representation of a 3D rotation (or orientation). You can smoothly interpolate between two rotation values by interpolating between two quaternions.

Quaternions provide an easy way to nicely interpolate between two rotation values, and avoid the gimbal lock and direction changes caused by interpolating Euler angles. They can easily be converted to and from rotation matrices, Euler angles, and angle-axis rotations.

A quaternion is represented by a vector of 4 floats (x, y, z, and w). Any rotation in three dimensions is a rotation by some angle about some axis, and you can think of the (x, y, z) portion of the quaternion as storing the axis and the w portion as storing a (representation of) the angle.

See Wikipedia’s Quaternion page and its Quaternions and space rotation page for more information.

conjugate(self) → hou.Quaternion

Return a quaternion containing the opposite rotation of that stored in this quaternion. Intuitively, for unit length quaternions, the quaternion returned contains a rotation by the same angle about an axis pointing in the opposite direction.

dot(self, other) → float

Return the dot product of this quaternion with another one.

extractAngleAxis(self) -> (float, hou.Vector3)

Return an axis and a rotation about that axis corresponding to the rotation in the quaternion. The return value is a 2-tuple containing a float and a hou.Vector3. The returned axis vector is normalized.

If this quaternion is the zero quaternion, the angle returned is zero and the vector is the zero vector. Otherwise, if it is not normalized, the return values will correspond to the rotation represented by the normalized quaternion.

See also hou.Quaternion.setToAngleAxis.

extractEulerRotates(self, rotate_order="xyz") → hou.Vector3

Return the Euler rotations (the x, y, and z rotation values, in degrees, about the coordinate axes) corresponding to the rotation in the quaternion.

This method can also be implemented as follows:

> def extractEulerRotates(self, rotate_order=”xyz”): > return hou.Matrix4(self.extractRotationMatrix3()).explode(rotate_order=rotate_order)[“rotate”]

See also hou.Quaternion.setToEulerRotates.
extractRotationMatrix3(self) → hou.Matrix3

Return a 3x3 rotation matrix corresponding to the rotation in the quaternion.

To create a hou.Matrix4 instead of a hou.Matrix3, you can easily create a Matrix4 from the Matrix3:

> hou.Matrix4(quaternion.extractRotationMatrix3())

If the quaternion is the zero quaternion, this method does not raise an exception. Instead, it returns the identity matrix.

See also hou.Quaternion.setToRotationMatrix.

inverse(self) → hou.Quaternion

Return a quaternion containing the multiplicative inverse of this quaternion. For unit quaternions, the inverse is the same as the conjugate.

See also hou.Quaternion.conjugate.

isAlmostEqual(self, quaternion, tolerance=0.00001) → bool

Returns whether this quaternion is equal to another, within a numerical tolerance.

length(self) → float

Return the length of the quaternion. When quaternions represent rotations, their length is one.

A quaternion’s length is compute the same as a Vector4’s: hou.Vector4(self).length()

normalized(self) → hou.Quaternion

Return a normalized version of this quaternion (i.e. a version of this quaternion whose length is one). Quaternions that represent rotations are always normalized.

Normalizing a quaternion whose length is zero or near zero will return a new quaternion with the same values.

This method can be implemented as follows (for non-zero length quaternions):

> def normalized(self): > return self * (1.0 / self.length())

rotate(self, vec) → hou.Vector3

Rotates the given hou.Vector3 by this quaternion and returns the result.

setTo(self, tuple)

Set the quaternion’s 4 float values (x, y, z, and w). tuple must be a sequence of 4 floats.

This method will modify an existing quaternion object. Use hou.Quaternion.__init__ to construct a new quaternion from these four values.

See also hou.Quaternion.__setitem__.

setToAngleAxis(self, angle_in_deg, axis)

Set this quaternion to contain the rotation about an axis by the given angle. angle_in_deg is in degrees and axis is a sequence of 3 floats.

This method can also be implemented as follows:

> def setToAngleAxis(self, angle_in_deg, axis): > self.setToRotationMatrix( > hou.hmath.buildRotateAboutAxis(axis, angle_in_deg))

See also hou.Quaternion.extractAngleAxis.
setToEulerRotates(self, angles_in_deg, rotate_order="xyz")

Set this quaternion to contain the rotation specified by Euler rotations about the x, y, and z coordinate axes.

This method can also be implemented as follows:

> def setToEulerRotates(self, angles_in_deg, rotate_order=”xyz”): > self.setToRotationMatrix( > hou.hmath.buildRotate(angles_in_deg, rotate_order))

See also hou.Quaternion.extractEulerRotates and hou.hmath.buildRotate.
setToRotationMatrix(self, matrix3_or_matrix4)

Set this quaternion to contain the rotation component of the transformation in a hou.Matrix3 or hou.Matrix4.

See also hou.Quaternion.extractRotationMatrix3.

setToVectors(self, a, b)

Sets this quaternion to the quaternion which rotates the hou.Vector3 a onto the vector b.

slerp(self, other, fraction) → hou.Quaternion

Perform spherical linear interpolation between this quaternion and another, returning a new quaternion. fraction is a float from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 gives this quaternion and 1.0 gives the other quaternion. This method is very useful to smoothly interpolate between two different rotations.

See Wikipedia’s Slerp page for more information.

The following example will nicely interpolate between two sets of Euler rotations.

> def interpolateEulerRotations(rotation1, rotation2, fraction, rotate_order=”xyz”): > quaternion1 = hou.Quaternion() > quaternion1.setToEulerRotates(rotation1, rotate_order) > quaternion2 = hou.Quaternion() > quaternion2.setToEulerRotates(rotation2, rotate_order) > > return quaternion1.slerp(quaternion2, fraction).extractEulerRotates(rotate_order)


The membership flag

class hou.RadialItem

Bases: object


  • hou.ui.RadialScriptItem
  • hou.ui.RadialSubmenu

Deletes this radial menu item.


The membership flag

type(self) → hou.radialItemType

Return this radial menu item’s type.

class hou.RadialMenu

Bases: hou.RadialSubmenu

  • Use hou.ui.radialMenus or hou.ui.radialMenu to get a reference to an

    existing menu.

    • Use hou.ui.createRadialMenu to create a new menu.


  • hou.ui.radialMenu
  • hou.ui.radialMenus
  • hou.ui.createRadialMenu
  • hou.RadialItem
categories(self) → str

Return a comma separated list of this radial menu’s categories.

name(self) → str

Return this radial menu’s name.

save(self, filename)

Saves this radial menu to the specified file.

setCategories(self, categories)

Sets this radial menu’s categories (specified as a comma separated list).

sourceFile(self) → str

Return the name of the file from which this radial menu was loaded or saved.


The membership flag

class hou.RadialScriptItem

Bases: hou.RadialItem

check(self) → str

Return a Python expression used to determine the radial menu item’s checked state.

icon(self) → str

Return this radial menu item’s icon.

label(self) → str

Return this radial menu item’s label.

script(self) → str

Return Python code that will be run when the radial menu item is activated.


Sets the Python expression used to determine the radial menu item’s checked state.


Sets this radial menu item’s icon.


Sets this radial menu item’s label.


Sets the Python code that will be run when the radial menu item is activated.


The membership flag

class hou.RadialSubmenu

Bases: hou.RadialItem


createScriptItem(self, [Hom:hou.radialItemLocation], label=None, icon=None, check=None, script=None) -> hou.RadialScriptItem

Creates a script item at the specified location (replacing any existing radial menu item) and initializing the script item’s label, icon, expression specifying the checked state, and script executed when the item is activated. The new script item is returned.
createSubmenu(self, [Hom:hou.radialItemLocation, ]label=None)


Creates a submenu at the specified location (replacing any existing radial menu item) and initializing the submenu’s label. The new submenu is returned.

item(self[, Hom:hou.radialItemLocation]) → hou.RadialItem

Return the radial menu item at the specified location. Return None if no radial menu item exists at the specified location.

items(self) → dict of hou.radialItemLocation to hou.RadialItem

Return a dict mapping radial item locations to radial menu items.

label(self) → str

Return this submenu’s label.


Sets this submenu’s label.


The membership flag

class hou.Ramp(*args)

Bases: object

A Ramp represents a function that yields either floating point values or colors. You can evaluate this function between 0.0 and 1.0, and the function’s shape is determined by a sequence of values at key positions between 0.0 and 1.0.

If you evaluate a ramp parameter on a node, Houdini will return a Ramp object.

You can check the curve “basis” of a ramp you get from a parameter by calling the hou.Ramp.basis method,which returns a hou.rampBasis value.

In the Hermite basis, the curve passes through the _odd_ control points, and the _even_ control points control the tangent at the previous point. See the Wikipedia article on Hermite spline curves for more information.

To get a smooth curve, you should evenly space the control points.


  • spline()
basis(self) → tuple of hou.rampBasis enum values

Return a tuple of hou.rampBasis enumeration values that determine how Houdini interpolates between the keys in the ramp. See hou.Ramp.__init__ for more information.

colorType(self) → colorType

If this is a color ramp, return the color space that is used during interpolation. The default is hou.colorType.RGB.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if this ramp is not a color ramp.

isColor(self) → bool

Return True if this is a color ramp, and False if it is a single float ramp.

keys(self) → tuple of float

Return a tuple of floats between 0.0 and 1.0 containing the ramp key positions. See hou.Ramp.__init__ for more information.

lookup(self, interpolant) → float or tuple

Return the value of the ramp at a specified position from 0.0 to 1.0, inclusive.

Returns a float (for floating-point value ramps) or a tuple of 3 floats (for color ramps).

setColorType(self, hou.colorType)

If this is a color ramp, set the color space that is used during interpolation. The default is hou.colorType.RGB.

To obtain a more perceptually uniform interpolation, use hou.colorType.LAB. To obtain a ramp that matches the rainbow, use hou.colorType.HSV.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if this ramp is not a color ramp.


The membership flag

values(self) → tuple of float or tuple of tuple of float

Return a tuple of floats (for a float ramp) or a tuple of tuples of 3 floats (for a color ramp) corresponding to the values in the ramp stored at each key. See hou.Ramp.__init__ for more information.

class hou.RampParmTemplate(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.ParmTemplate

Parameter template for a ramp parameter.

colorType(self) → hou.colorType enum value

The color space in which to interpolate color ramp keys.

See hou.colorType for more information on color spaces.

defaultBasis(self) → hou.rampBasis enum value

The basis function used to control how values are interpolated between ramp keys.

See hou.rampBasis for more information.

defaultExpression(self) → string

Return the expression, which when evaluated, returns the number of ramp keys to be used in new ramp parameter instances.

The default expression takes precendence over the default value. If the default expression is not set (i.e. an empty string), then the default value is used instead.

Note that the default expression language is needed to interpret the meaning of the default expression.

defaultExpressionLanguage(self) → tuple of hou.scriptLanguage

Return the default expression language.

The default expression language only applies if the default expression is set. If the default expression is not set, then the expression language is set to hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript.

defaultValue(self) → int

Return this is the default number of ramp keys in new ramp parameter instances.

setColorType(self, color_type)

Set the color space in which to interpolate color ramp keys to a hou.colorType enum value.

setDefaultBasis(self, ramp_basis)

Set the basis function used to control how values are interpolated between ramp keys. ramp_basis is a hou.rampBasis enum value.

setDefaultExpression(self, default_expression)

Set the default expression, which when evaluated, returns the number of ramp keys to be used in new ramp parameter instances.

If default_expression is the empty string, then the default expression is unset.

setDefaultExpressionLanguage(self, default_expression_language)

Set the default expression language.

See the defaultExpressionLanguage method for more information.

setDefaultValue(self, default_value)

Set the default number of ramp keys to be used in new ramp parameter instances.

setParmType(self, ramp_parm_type)

Set the type of this ramp to a hou.rampParmType enum value.

setShowsControls(self, on)

Set whether new instances of this ramp parameter have the controls expanded by default.

showsControls(self) → bool

Return whether new instances of this ramp parameter have the controls expanded by default. The user may later expand or collapse the ramp controls on the parameter.


The membership flag

class hou.RedrawBlock(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: object

Use this class to collect mulitple redraws for any Python code block and only redraw once.


The membership flag

class hou.ReferencePlane

Bases: object

The reference grid (a.k.a. reference plane) in the scene viewer pane tab.

cellSize(self) → tuple of float

Return the x and y sizes (width and height) of one cell in the grid of cells. The return value is a tuple of two floats.

isVisible(self) → bool

Return whether the grid is visible in the viewer.

numberOfCellsPerRulerLine(self) → tuple of int

Return the number of cells in the x and y directions between ruler lines. Ruler lines are darker than the normal lines drawn between grid cells.

sceneViewer(self) → hou.SceneViewer

Return the scene viewer containing this plane.

setCellSize(self, size)

Change the x and y sizes (width and height) of each cell in the grid of cells. size is a sequence of two floats.

Changing the size of each cell will change the total size of the grid.

setIsVisible(self, on)

Make this grid visible or invisible in the viewer.

setTransform(self, matrix)

Set the transformation matrix for this plane to a hou.Matrix4.

This matrix is used to translate and rotate the plane. See the transform method for more information.

Note that scale information inside the transformation matrix is ignored.

The following function will change the position of the origin of the plane:

> def set_origin(reference_plane, new_origin): > translation = hou.hmath.buildTranslate(hou.Vector3(new_origin) - origin(reference_plane)) > reference_plane.setTransform(reference_plane.transform() * translation) > > def origin(reference_plane): > return hou.Vector3(0, 0, 0) * reference_plane.transform()

The following function will change the normal of the plane:

> def set_normal(reference_plane, normal_vector): > existing_rotation = hou.Matrix4(reference_plane.transform().extractRotationMatrix3()) > rotation = existing_rotation * normal(reference_plane).matrixToRotateTo(normal_vector) > translation = hou.hmath.buildTranslate(origin(reference_plane)) > reference_plane.setTransform(rotation * translation) > > def normal(reference_plane): > return hou.Vector3(0, 0, 1) * reference_plane.transform().inverted().transposed() > > def origin(reference_plane): > return hou.Vector3(0, 0, 0) * reference_plane.transform()


The membership flag

transform(self) → hou.Matrix4

Return the transformation matrix for this plane.

When the transformation matrix is the identity matrix, the plane’s bottom-left corner is at the origin and it sits in the XY plane. In this orientation, increasing the number of cells in x or the size of a cell in x grows the plane outward from the origin along the x-axis. Similarly, increasing the number of cells or size of a cell in y grows the plane along the y-axis.

Note that the transformation matrix does not contain any scale information. The reference plane extends to infinity.

The following function will return the normal of the plane:

> def normal(reference_plane): > return hou.Vector3(0, 0, 1) * reference_plane.transform().inverted().transposed()

class hou.RopNode

Bases: hou.Node

Represents a render output node.


  • opset
  • render
  • opflag()
  • opget
bypass(self, on)

Turns the node’s bypass flag on or off, making this node have no effect.

inputDependencies(self) → (tuple of hou.RopNode, tuple of tuples of


Returns the input dependencies of the ROP node, consisting of ROPs, and the frames that need to be be rendered prior to rendering the ROP.

This method returns a tuple of two elements:

  • The first element is a sequence of the hou.RopNode objects representing the input dependencies.
  • The second element is a sequence, where each element corresponds to the RopNode object at the same position in the first sequence, and is a sequence of floats representing the frames that must be rendered for the corresponding RopNode.
isBypassed(self) → bool

Returns whether this node’s bypass flag is on.

isLocked(self) → bool

Returns whether this node’s lock flag is on.


render(self, frame_range=(), res=(), output_file=None, output_format=None, to_flipbook=False, quality=2, ignore_inputs=False, method=RopByRop, ignore_bypass_flags=False, ignore_lock_flags=False, verbose=False, output_progress=False)

Renders this node and optionally any of its inputs. Inputs are recursively processed (unless ignore_inputs is True), so that all descendents are rendered in the proper order before this node is rendered.

Sequence of 2 or 3 values, overrides the frame range and frame increment to render. The first two values specify the start and end frames, and the third value (if given) specifies the frame increment. If no frame increment is given and the ROP node doesn’t specify a frame increment, then a value of 1 will be used. If no frame range is given, and the ROP node doesn’t specify a frame range, then the current frame will be rendered.
Sequence of two scaling factors that will be used to scale the resolution of the image, along the x- and y-axes. The scaling factors will be applied to the node and all dependencies that are also rendered.
Overrides the location to which the image is written.
Overrides the format of the image.
If True, renders this node to a flipbook.
Overrides the render quality.
If True, renders only this node (does not render any of its dependencies).

Either hou.renderMethod.RopByRop or hou.renderMethod.FrameByFrame. The default is ROP by ROP: each ROP will render its entire sequence before proceeding to the next ROP. If you specify FrameByFrame, all ROPs will render the first frame, then the second, etc.

This parameter is only relevant when rendering ROPs in a dependency network.

If True, renders this node even if its bypass flag is on.
If True, ignores any lock flags on this node and its dependencies.
If True, then the method will print messages during the render. For example, a message is printed when each frame starts rendering.
If True, then the method will print Alfred-style progress messages. This argument does not apply if the verbose argument is set to False.
setLocked(self, on)

Sets this node’s lock flag on or off. The lock flag caches the node’s data and the data from its inputs and prevents them from being recalculated during cooking.


The membership flag

class hou.SceneGraphTree

Bases: hou.PathBasedPaneTab


The membership flag

class hou.SceneViewer

Bases: hou.PathBasedPaneTab


  • vieweroption
  • viewlayout
  • viewls
  • viewsnapshot
  • viewsnapshotoption
beginStateUndo(self, label)

Opens an undo block to perform undoable operations with the current viewer state. All operations performed after the opening will appear as one single operation on the undo stack. Use hou.SceneViewer.endStateUndo to close an open block.

beginStateUndo and endStateUndo can be used for managing an undo block that begins in one function but ends in another one. Only one undo block is supported for a sequence of undoable operations. Exceptions will be raised if a call to a second beginStateUndo is detected before the undo block is closed by endStateUndo.

Python state example of a valid undo block:

> def onMouseEvent(self, kwargs): > ui_event = kwargs[“ui_event”] > node = kwargs[“node”] > if ui_event.reason() == hou.uiEventReason.Start: > # left mouse button pressed > self.scale = node.parent().parm(“scale”).evalAsFloat() > self.scene_viewer.beginStateUndo(‘scale’) > > if ui_event.reason() == hou.uiEventReason.Active: > # left mouse button down while the mouse is moving > self.scale *= 1.01 > node.parent().parm(“scale”).set(self.scale) > > if ui_event.reason() == hou.uiEventReason.Changed: > # left mouse button released > self.scene_viewer.endStateUndo()

Example of a non-valid undo block that raises an exception:

> def onMouseEvent(self, kwargs): > ui_event = kwargs[“ui_event”] > node = kwargs[“node”] > if ui_event.reason() == hou.uiEventReason.Start: > # left mouse button pressed > self.tx = node.parent().parm(“tx”).evalAsFloat() > self.scale = node.parent().parm(“scale”).evalAsFloat() > self.scene_viewer.beginStateUndo(‘scale’) > > if ui_event.reason() == hou.uiEventReason.Active: > # left mouse button down while the mouse is moving > self.scale *= 1.01 > node.parent().parm(“scale”).set(self.scale) > > self.scene_viewer.beginStateUndo(‘move x’) > self.tx += 0.2 > node.parent().parm(“tx”).set(self.tx) > self.scene_viewer.endStateUndo() > > if ui_event.reason() == hou.uiEventReason.Changed: > # left mouse button released > self.scene_viewer.endStateUndo()

The label of the undo block used for displaying the undo operation in the Edit menu. An exception is raised if the label is empty.

Clear the prompt message previously set with hou.SceneViewer.setPromptMessage.

constructionPlane(self) → hou.ConstructionPlane

Return the construction plane (or grid) in the perspective viewport of this viewer.

See hou.ConstructionPlane for more information.

curViewport(self) → hou.GeometryViewport

Returns this viewer’s current viewport. The current viewport is the one containing the mouse cursor. If the cursor is not in a viewport, then the selected, or active, viewport is returned.

currentGeometrySelection(self) → hou.GeometrySelection

Returns the current geometry selection if the viewer is in a geometry select mode and otherwise returns None.

currentHydraRenderer(self) → str
currentSceneGraphSelection() → tuple of string
currentState(self) → string

Returns the name of the viewer’s current tool state.


Returns the default pick modifier to which Houdini will revert after a select state terminates.

denoise(self) → bool

Denoising setting for non-GL renders (on/off).


Closes an undo block previously opened with hou.SceneViewer.beginStateUndo.

endStateUndo will raise an exception if called before beginStateUndo.

enterCurrentNodeState(self, wait_for_exit=False)

Enters the viewer into the node-specific tool state of the last selected node. If wait_for_exit is True, then the function will not return until the viewer exits the tool.

enterRotateToolState(self, wait_for_exit=False)

Enters the viewer into rotate tool state. This is available only for the node contexts that support the move tools. If wait_for_exit is True, then the function will not return until the viewer exits the tool.

enterScaleToolState(self, wait_for_exit=False)

Enters the viewer into scale tool state. This is available only for the node contexts that support the move tools. If wait_for_exit is True, then the function will not return until the viewer exits the tool.

enterTranslateToolState(self, wait_for_exit=False)

Enters the viewer into translate tool state. This is available only for the node contexts that support the move tools. If wait_for_exit is True, then the function will not return until the viewer exits the tool.

enterViewState(self, wait_for_exit=False)

Enters the viewer into view tool state. If wait_for_exit is True, then the function will not return until the viewer exits the tool.

findViewport(self, name) → hou.GeometryViewport
flipbook(self, viewport=None, settings=None, open_dialog=False)

Capture a flipbook. A flipbook creates a quick preview animation by taking consecutive screenshots of a viewport at each frame.


Launch a flipbook for viewport if specified or the current viewport if viewport is not. Optionally a hou.FlipbookSettings object can be passed to settings which will override the current settings. This override will only affect the current flipbook and not change the dialog settings. If open_dialog is True, the flipbook dialog is presented to the user, otherwise a flipbook is launched immediately.

flipbookSettings(self) → hou.FlipbookSettings

Access to the flipbook dialog settings, which can be queried, set, or copied.


Returns true if the group list gadget has been turned on for this viewer.


Returns the width and height in inches of the group list gadget.


Returns the type of component listed in the group list gadget.

hydraRenderers(self) → tuple of str
isCreateInContext(self) → bool

Returns true if the group list gadget is configured to color geometry in the viewer based on group membership or attribute value.


Returns true if the group list will condense the hierarchy of groups defined by a string attribute representing a path.


Returns true if the group list gadget is including empty groups in its list.


Returns true if the group list is showing only groups that contain one or more selected or pre-selected components.


Returns true if the group list gadget has been turned on for this viewer. This function only refers to the option to show the group list when not selecting groups in the viewer. In that case the group list will be visible, but this function may still return False.


Returns true if group, attribute, or connectivity information will be used to automatically expand selections made in this viewer. This option corresponds to the matching check box in the component selection button’s context menu.


Returns true if the viewer is configured to only pick fully contained components when performing an area-based selection. This option corresponds to the matching check box in the component selection button’s context menu.


Returns true if selections made in this viewer will pick from the Current SOP. If not, the pick occurs on the Display SOP. This option corresponds to the current/display option in the component selection button’s context menu.


Returns true if the viewer is configured to only pick visible components when performing an area-based selection. This option corresponds to the matching check box in the component selection button’s context menu.


Returns true if secure selection is turned on in this viewer. This option corresponds to the secure selection option in the select tool’s context menu.


Returns true if selections made in this viewer will automatically expand to include the whole geometry. This option corresponds to the matching check box in the component selection button’s context menu.


Returns a value indicating whether the user is able to pick front facing components, back facing components, or both. This option corresponds to the frant and back facing options in the component selection button’s context menu.


Returns the type of geometry that will be picked in this viewer. This option corresponds to the component types selectable in the component selection button’s context menu.


Returns the manner in which additional selection are combined with the existing selection. This option corresponds to the picking modifier in the select tool context menu.


Returns the style of area picking currently being used by this viewer. This option corresponds to the picking style specified in the select tool’s context menu.

referencePlane(self) → hou.ReferencePlane

Return the reference plane (or grid) in the perspective viewport of this viewer.

See hou.ReferencePlane for more information.

runShelfTool(self, tool_name)

Run the named shelf tool in the current viewport.


selectDynamics(self, prompt=’Select dynamics objects’, sel_index=0, allow_objects=True, allow_modifiers=False, quick_select=False, use_existing_selection=True, allow_multisel=True, icon=None, label=None, prior_selection_paths=[], prior_selection_ids=[], prior_selections=[]) -> tuple of hou.DopData


selectDynamicsPoints(self, prompt=’Select dynamics points’, sel_index=0, quick_select=False, use_existing_selection=True, allow_multisel=True, only_select_points=True, object_based_point_selection=False, use_last_selected_object=False, icon=None, label=None, prior_selection_paths=[], prior_selection_ids=[], prior_selections=[]) -> tuple of (hou.DopData, hou.GeometrySelection)


selectDynamicsPolygons(self, prompt=’Select dynamics polygons’, sel_index=0, quick_select=False, use_existing_selection=True, object_based_point_selection=False, use_last_selected_object=False, icon=None, label=None, prior_selection_paths=[], prior_selection_ids=[], prior_selections=[]) -> tuple of (hou.DopData, hou.GeometrySelection)


selectGeometry(self, prompt=’Select geometry’, sel_index=0, allow_drag=False, quick_select=False, use_existing_selection=True, initial_selection = None, initial_selection_type = None, ordered=False, geometry_types=(), primitive_types=(), allow_obj_sel=True, icon=None, label=None, prior_selection_paths=[], prior_selection_ids=[], prior_selections=[], allow_other_sops=True, consume_selections=True) -> GeometrySelection


selectObjects(self, prompt=’Select objects’, sel_index=0, allow_drag=False, quick_select=False, use_existing_selection=True, allow_multisel=True, allowed_types=(‘*’,), icon=None, label=None, prior_selection_paths=[], prior_selection_ids=[], prior_selections=[]) -> tuple of Nodes


selectOrientedPositions(self, prompt=’Click to specify a position’, number_of_positions=1, connect_positions=True, show_coordinates=True, bbox=BoundingBox(),icon=None, label=None) -> tuple of (Vector3, Matrix3) tuples

This method is very similar to hou.SceneViewer.selectPositions, except the position type is always world space, and instead of a tuple of positions this returns a tuple of (position, orientation) pairs, with the position a hou.Vector3 and the orientation a hou.Matrix3. This allows you to prompt the user for oriented position, respecting possible orientation aids such as the construction plane and alignment.

selectPositions(self, prompt=’Click to specify a position’, number_of_positions=1, connect_positions=True, show_coordinates=True, bbox=BoundingBox(), position_type=positionType.WorldSpace, icon=None, label=None) -> tuple of Vector3s


selectSceneGraph(self, prompt, preselection, prim_mask, quick_select, use_existing_selection, confirm_existing, allow_multisel, allow_drag, path_prefix_mask, prim_kind) -> tuple of string


Returns the selection mode of the viewer of type hou.selectionMode.

setCurrentGeometrySelection(self, geometry_type, nodes, selections)

Replaces a current geometry selection if the viewer is in a geometry select mode and otherwise raises hou.NotAvailable. Any of the specified selections not matching geometry_type will be automatically converted to that type where possible.


setCurrentState(self, state, wait_for_exit=False, generate=hou.stateGenerateMode.Insert, request_new_on_generate=True)

Sets the current tool state of the viewer. If wait_for_exit is True, then the function will not return until the viewer exits the tool.

A hou.stateGenerateMode enumeration value to specify how a new node should be generated, inserted inline or into a new branch.
Some states reuse the current node whenever possible. Setting this argument to True requests that such states generate a new node.
setDefaultPickModifier(self, modifier)

Sets the default pick modifier to which Houdini will revert after a select state terminates.

setDenoise(self, enable)

Enables denoising for non-GL renders.

setDepthSnapping(self, on)
setGroupListColoringGeometry(self, on)

Turns on or off the group list gadget to coloring of geometry in the viewer based on group membership or attribute value.

setGroupListCondensingPathHierarchies(self, on)

Turns on or off the condensing of the hierarchy in the group list. This applies to components grouped by string attributes representing a path. Turning this option on can fit more information into the list, but can make it harder to distinguish levels in the hierarchy.

setGroupListMask(self, mask)

Sets the mask value in the group list gadget for this viewer. This can be a filter applied to the comonent groups, or an attribute name (starting with an @ charater), or a connectivity type.

setGroupListShowingEmptyGroups(self, on)

Turns on or off the display of empty groups in the group list gadget.

setGroupListShowingOnlyPreSelectedGroups(self, on)

Turns on or off the trimming of the group list to show only groups that contain one or more selected or pre-selected components.

setGroupListSize(self, width, height)

Sets the size in inches of the group list gadget.

setGroupListType(self, group_list_type)

Sets the type of component listed in the group list gadget. This can be set to a specific component type or to follow the current component selection type.

setGroupListVisible(self, on)

Turns on or off the group list gadget for this viewer.

setGroupPicking(self, on)

Turns on or off the group, attribute, or connectivity based picking. When turned on, the group list gadget is automatically made visible.

setHydraRenderer(self, ren_name)
setOrientOnSnap(self, on)
setPickFacing(self, facing)

Sets the option of whether to restrict selection to front facing, back facing, or either type of components.

setPickGeometryType(self, geometry_type)

Sets the type of geometry that will be picked in this viewer. This value can be changed at any time by the user, or when a selector is invoked.

setPickModifier(self, modifier)

Sets the method used to modify the existing selection when a new selection is made. Modifier keys can still be used to alter this behavior. Only the default operation (with no modifier keys) is affected by this setting. Note that the select state will revert to the default pick modifier upon termination, so to make your change persist beyond this you will also need to change this default using setDefaultPickModifier().

setPickStyle(self, style)

Sets the style of area picking to be used by this viewer.

setPickingContainedGeometry(self, on)

Turns on or off the option to select only fully contained components when performing area-based selections such as box or brush picking.

setPickingCurrentNode(self, on)

Tells this viewer whether picks should be made on the Current SOP or on the Display SOP.

setPickingVisibleGeometry(self, on)

Turns on or off the option to select only visible components when performing area-based selections such as box or brush picking.

setPromptMessage(self, message, message_type=promptMessageType.Prompt)

Sets the viewport to display a message at the bottom of the screen.

Text message to display.
A hou.promptMessageType value representing the type of message to display. Defaults to hou.promptMessageType.Prompt.
setSecureSelection(self, on)

Turns on or off the secure selection option in this viewer.

setSelectionMode(self, selection_mode)

Sets the selection mode of this view. The value for ‘selection_mode’ must be from hou.selectionMode.

setShowCameras(self, show)
setShowGeometry(self, show)
setShowLights(self, show)
setShowSelection(self, show)
setSnapToOtherObjects(self, on)
setSnapToTemplates(self, on)
setSnappingMode(self, snapping_mode)
setViewportLayout(self, layout, single=-1)

Sets the viewer’s viewport layout.

A hou.geometryViewportLayout value. For example, to set the viewer to show four viewports at the corners:

> viewer_pane.setViewportLayout(hou.geometryViewportLayout.Quad)


If you specify the layout, this argument lets you specify which of the four viewports from the quad view to show as the single


Use the current viewport (the viewport the mouse is/was over).


Use the top-left viewport from the quad layout (usually the Top view).


Use the top-right viewport from the quad layout (usually the Perspective view).


Use the bottom-left viewport from the quad layout (usually the Front view).


Use the bottom-right viewport from the quad layout (usually the Right view).

setWholeGeometryPicking(self, on)

Turns on or off the option to expand selections made in this viewer to include the entire geometry.

showCameras(self) → bool
showGeometry(self) → bool
showHandle(self, name, value)

Shows or hides a display handle linked to the current tool state. This API is typically used with Python states and can be called from any python state callbacks – with one small caveat. Avoid calling showHandle from the python state constructor, doing so will lead to a runtime error.

The name of the handle as specified with hou.ViewerStateTemplate.bindHandle
Bool value, True to show the handle, False to hide it.
showLights(self) → bool
showSelection(self) → bool
stageSerial() → int

Integer that is increased every time the Scene Graph View data is modified. Only count on this number to be bigger when changes occur, and not necessarily incremented by 1.


The membership flag

viewerType(self) → hou.stateViewerType enum value

Returns the type of the viewer, either Scene for a viewer looking at Objects, SOPs, or DOPs; or SceneGraph for a viewer looking at LOPs.

viewportLayout(self) → hou.geometryViewportLayout

Returns the current viewport layout as a hou.geometryViewportLayout value.

viewports(self) → tuple of hou.GeometryViewports
class hou.ScriptEvalContext(*args)

Bases: object

Use this to temporarily change the scripting evaluation context within a Python code block.


Return the hou.Node for this context.


Return the hou.Parm for this context. Returns None if this context was created from a hou.Node.


  • hou.evaluatingParm

The membership flag

class hou.Selection(*args)

Bases: object

A class that represents a geometry component selection.

Component selections are not tied to any specific hou.Geometry. Therefore most method on this class must be passed a Geometry object to look up information about individual components. This explicit separation allows the selection class to be used as a utility class for processing geometry topology (growing the set of components, shrinking it, finding the boundary, etc.). This separation also avoids any expectations that changing the contents of a selection object might be expected to update the selection visible on some goemetry in the viewport. Setting the visible viewport selection must always be an explicit operation on a hou.SopNode in order for Houdini to be able to track changes properly.

If a selection object is returned from a call to hou.Geometry.selection, hou.GeometrySelection.selections, or a hou.SopNode.selection, the selection cannot be modified. A copy of the selection must be made first with the freeze() method. This new selection can be modified, and passed back into a hou.SopNode.setSelection if desired. Because each SOP has a selection for each component type, when you set a new selection it will replace the existing selection of that component type. Note that this may not result in the visible selection in the viewport changing if the viewport is not currently configured to select that component type. The viewport selection type can be controlled with the hou.SceneViewer class. A selection created by calling any of the hou.Selection() initializer methods are created in a modifiable state, so a call to freeze() is not required.

A selection returned from a hou.Geometry or a hou.SopNode is a reference to the source selection, and so will change if the selection on the source geometry is changed. This seems like a departure from the separation of selection objects from any particular geometry, however it matches the behavior of the hou.Geometry class returned from a SOP node. This is because the underlying selection data is shared with the SOP rather than copied. The freeze() method can be used to force a copy of the selection data that is disconnected from any particular SOP (as well as allowing the selection contents to be modified).

boundary(self, geo, uv_connectivity = False)

Using the supplied hou.Geometry object for reference, changes the selection to contain those components on the boundary of the current selection. The uv_connectivity parameter controls whether to use topology or uv attribute values to determine whether components are connected.


Removes all components from the current selection.

combine(self, geo, selection, modifier)

Using the supplied hou.Geometry object for reference, combines this selection with another.

A hou.Geometry object that is used when doing any selection conversions.
A hou.Selection object that will be combined with the current selection. If this selection does not have the same component type as the current selection, an implicit conversion to the current component type is performed before combining the selections.
A hou.pickModifier value that controls how the selections will be combined. This lets you perform a union, intersection, or other operation on a pairs of selections.
convert(self, geo, selection_type)

Using the supplied hou.Geometry object for reference, converts the current selection to the new hou.geometryType.

edges(self, geo) → tuple of hou.Edge

Returns a tuple of all edges in the selection. If the selection does not contain edges, an implicit conversion to edges is performed to generate the return value.

freeze(self) → hou.Selection

Returns a copy of the Selection object. This copy can be modified with any of the functions that alter the selection.

grow(self, geo, uv_connectivity = False)

Using the supplied hou.Geometry object for reference, adds to the selection any components connected to the current selection. The uv_connectivity parameter controls whether to use topology or uv attribute values to determine whether components are connected.

invert(self, geo)

Using the supplied hou.Geometry object for reference, inverts the current selection. The selection will contain only those components that were not in the selection before this method call.


Returns the number of components in the selection.

points(self, geo) → tuple of hou.Point

Returns a tuple of all points in the selection. If the selection does not contain points, an implicit conversion to points is performed to generate the return value.

prims(self, goe) → tuple of hou.Prim

Returns a tuple of all primitives in the selection. If the selection does not contain primitives, an implicit conversion to primitives is performed to generate the return value.


selectionString(self, geo, force_numeric = False, collapse_where_possible = True, asterisk_to_select_all = False) -> str

Returns a string that specifies the selected components. The format of this string is appropriate for use in SOP Group parameter fields.

A hou.Geometry object that is used when generating the selection string (such as determining if all components are selected).
Set this to True to force the generated string to contain only numeric ranges, even if the selection was constructed with group or attribute based selection.
Set this to True to cause numeric ranges to be collapsed as much as possible, regardless of the selection order. So for example if the user selected primitive 3, then 2, then 1, the generated selection string would either be ‘3 2 1’ or ‘1-3’ depending on this parameter.
When this parameter is set to False, if a selection contains all components in the supplied geometry, the resulting value is an empty string. This is appropriate when using the resulting string in a SOP node Group parameter. If this parameter is set to True, a full selection will return a value of ‘*’ instead.

Returns a hou.geometryType value indicating the type of component referenced by this selection.

shrink(self, geo, uv_connectivity = False)

Using the supplied hou.Geometry object for reference, removes from the selection any components on the boundary of the current selection. The uv_connectivity parameter controls whether to use topology or uv attribute values to determine whether components are connected.


The membership flag

vertices(self, geo) → tuple of hou.Vertex

Returns a tuple of all vertices in the selection. If the selection does not contain vertices, an implicit conversion to vertices is performed to generate the return value.

class hou.Selector

Bases: object

Describes how Houdini should prompt the user to choose geometry in the viewport when creating a new SOP node instance.

Use hou.SopNodeType.addSelector to create a selector and add it to a SOP node type. When the user creates a new instance of a node type in the viewer, Houdini will invoke all of its selectors sequentially. Each selector prompts the user to select geometry. When all selectors have been invoked, Houdini creates the new node and each selector connects its input nodes and fills in any group parameters on the node to match what was selected.

allowDragging(self) → bool

Return whether the user is allowed to select the geometry and begin manipulating the handles with a single mouse click. A transform SOP, for example, lets you select the geometry and drag it right away. Dragging the geometry forces the selector to finish immediately, the selector connects the input and sets the group parameter, and subsequent mouse movements are passed to the handle which translates the geometry by changing parameter values.


Remove this selector from its node type.

See also hou.SopNodeType.addSelector.

emptyStringSelectsAll(self) → bool

Return whether or not use an empty string in the group parameter if the user selects all the geometry. If False, Houdini will place an asterisk (*) in the group parameter when the user selects all the geometry. Most SOPs use an empty string.

extraInfo(self) → str

Returns an optional extra info string that contains additional settings.

geometryTypes(self) → tuple of hou.geometryType enum values

Return a tuple of hou.geometryType enumeration values. This tuple describes which geometry entities (e.g. points, primitives, edges, etc.) the selector allows. Note that this list is a property of the selector type and you cannot specify it when creating a new selector. Instead, you must choose a selector type with the desired geometry types.

See hou.SopNodeType.selectors for a function that returns a list of all the selector types. The following function will return the geometry types for a particular selector type.

> def geometryTypesForSelectorType(selector_type): > ‘’‘Given a selector type name, return the tuple of geometry types it > will select.’‘’ > # First find a node type that uses this selector. > for node_type in hou.sopNodeTypeCategory().nodeTypes().values(): > # Skip manager nodes, like shopnets, ropnets, etc. > if not isinstance(node_type, hou.SopNodeType): > continue > > for selector in node_type.selectors(): > if selector_type == selector.selectorType(): > return selector.geometryTypes() > > # The selector type name is invalid. > raise hou.OperationFailed(“Invalid selector type”)

groupParmName(self) → str

Return the name of the SOP node parameter containing the group field. The selector will set this parameter to the string representing the points, primitives, edges, etc. chosen by the user in the viewer. It is typically named “group”.

groupTypeParmName(self) → str

Return the name of the SOP node parameter containing the menu of geometry types. If the selector can select multiple geometry types (e.g. points or primitives), it will set this parameter to match the type of geometry the user chose. The transform SOP, for example, has a Group Type parameter that tells it how to interpret the string in the Group parameter. For such selectors, the parameter is typically named “grouptype”. For selectors that do not allow multiple geometry types, this parameter is usually “”.

groupTypeParmValues(self) → tuple of int

Return a tuple of indices mapping geometry types to indices on the geometry type parameter menu.

Whether or not a selector is ordered is a property of the selector type, and you cannot specify it when creating a new selector. Instead, you must choose the appropriate selector type. For example, the “everything” selector can select primitives, primitive groups, points, point groups, edges, and breakpoints. It sets a group type menu parameter to match the type of selection, and this menu must have the entries “Guess from Group”, “Breakpoints”, “Edges”, “Points”, and “Primitives”. For an “everything” selector, this method returns (4, 4, 3, 3, 2, 1), mapping the geometry element types to 0-based entries in the menu. For example, if the user selects edges, the selector will look up the fifth element (2) and set the menu parameter to the item at index 2 (“Edges”).

The length of the tuple of ints is the same as len(self.geometryTypes). If this selector is not intended to work with a menu parameter, each value in the tuple will be -1.

See also hou.Selector.geometryTypes.

inputIndex(self) → int

Return the index of the input connector on the SOP node where the selector should wire input SOPs. A cookie SOP, for example, has two input connectors and one selector for each input connector.

inputRequired(self) → bool

Return whether or not this input is required or optional. If the user does not select any geometry and the input is not required, the selector will not connect anything to its input connector.

name(self) → str

Return the name of this selector. The name is unique within the node type it is attached to.

nodeType(self) → hou.NodeType

Return the node type that this selector is attached to.

ordered(self) → bool

Return whether or not this selector preserves the order in which the user selected the geometry.

For example, the selector is for points and the user clicks on points 1, 0, and 2, in that order, an ordered selector will set the SOP’s group parameter to “1 0 2”, while an unordered selector will set it to “0-2”. For SOPs where the order of the group selector matters, use ordered selectors.

Whether or not a selector is ordered is a property of the selector type, and you cannot specify it when creating a new selector. Instead, you must choose the appropriate selector type. For example, “prims” is an unordered selector type, but “ordered_prims” is ordered. See hou.Selector.geometryTypes for a function that can be adapted to determine if a selector is ordered, and see hou.SopNodeType.selectors for a function to list all the selector types.

primitiveTypes(self) → tuple of hou.primType enum values

Return a sequence of hou.primType enumeration values to specify what primitive types are allowed.

Note that if you pass an empty sequence for the primitive_types parameter in hou.SopNodeType.addSelector and then call this method on the newly-created selector, this method will return a tuple of all primitive types.

prompt(self) → str

A string to display at the bottom of the viewer to instruct the user what to select.

selectorType(self) → str

Return the name of the type of selector to use. Different selectors have different behaviors. For example “prims” will select only primitives and is used, for example, by the cookie SOP. “points” will select only points, and is used by SOPs like the point SOP. “everything” will select any geometry, and is used for SOPs like “xform” and “blast”.

See hou.SopNodeType.selectors for example code that returns all the available selector types.


The membership flag

class hou.SeparatorParmTemplate(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.ParmTemplate

Template for a separator parameter. Separators are just lines between parameters and do not store any parameter values.


The membership flag

class hou.Shelf

Bases: hou.ShelfElement

Represents a tab of shelf tools.

You can’t instantiate this object directly, call hou.shelves.newShelf instead.


Removes this shelf tab from Houdini and deletes it from the shelf defintion file.

setTools(self, tools)

Replaces the current contents of the shelf with the given list of hou.Tool objects.


The membership flag

tools(self) → tuple of hou.Tool

Returns the tools on this shelf tab.

class hou.ShelfDock

Bases: object

Represents the shelf area at the top of the screen, within which shelf sets and shelf tabs exist.

The shelf docking area on any given desktop has space for any number of shelf sets, each of which may contain shelf tabs.


  • hou.Desktop
iconsize(self) -> (int, int)

Returns the height and width, in pixels, of the icons in the shelf at the current “Display Tools As” setting.

shelfSets(self) → tuple of hou.ShelfSet

Returns a list of the shelf sets in the current shelf dock.

show(self, on)

Show or hide the shelf dock by uncollapsing or collapsing its stow bar.


The membership flag

class hou.ShelfElement

Bases: object

Superclass of shelf tools, shelf tabs, and shelf sets.

filePath(self) → str

Returns the file that contains the definition of this object.

isReadOnly(self) → bool

Returns True if the element is read-only (can’t be edited).

label(self) → str

Returns the object’s human-readable label.

name(self) → str

Returns the internal name of this object.

Multiple objects may have the same name (for example, two different assets might both provide a hammer tool), but only one will be active at a time in a Houdini session.

setFilePath(self, file_path)

Sets the path string for where this object’s definition is stored.

setLabel(self, label)

Sets the object’s human-readable label. This is what’s displayed in the UI.

setName(self, name)

Sets this object’s internal name. This is how you refer to the object in scripts.

The name has similar rules to naming Houdini nodes: it must not start with a number, and can only contain letters, numbers, an underscores.

For example, if a Tool objects name is foo, you can get a reference to it using:

> footool = shelves.tool(“foo”)

setReadOnly(self, on)

> # Get a reference to a tool > t = hou.shelves.tool(“geometry_sphere”) > # Prevent the tool from being modified > t.setReadOnly(True) > # Allow the tool to be modified > t.setReadOnly(False)


The membership flag

class hou.ShelfSet

Bases: hou.ShelfElement

Represents a collection of shelf tabs.

You can’t instantiate this object directly, call hou.shelves.newShelfSet instead.


Removes this shelf set from Houdini and deletes it from the shelf definition file.

setShelves(self, shelves)

Replaces the current contents of the shelf with the given list of hou.Shelf objects.

shelves(self) → tuple of hou.Shelf

Returns the shelf tabs in this shelf set.


The membership flag

class hou.ShellIO

Bases: object

A proxy object that replaces Python’s stdin, stdout, and stderr streams within Houdini.

This class is mostly an implementation detail of how Houdini replaces Python’s standard streams with versions that allow Python input and output in Houdini windows and pane tabs.

The methods that might be useful outside of internal SideFX scripts are addCloseCallback(), removeCloseCallback(), and callbacks(). These let you register functions that Houdini calls when the Python shell window or pane tab is closed (the equivalent of atexit() scripts in regular Python).

The other methods should be considered internal implementation details, and you should not use them.


Register a Python callback to be called whenever the last Houdini Python Shell is closed.

The argument is a callable object that expects no parameters.

> def cleanup(): > # Here is where you would run your cleanup code when > # the Python shell has closed. > pass > > hou.ui.shellIO().addCloseCallback(cleanup)

You might use this function to cleanly terminate any mechanisms that are dependent on the Python shell. For example, you can register a callback which disables an object from logging output messages to the shell.
addDataForReading(self, data)
getAndClearWrittenData(self) → string
isWaitingForCommand(self) → bool
isatty(self) → bool

Implemented as part of the “file-like object” interface.

readline(self, size=-1) → string

Implemented as part of the “file-like object” interface.


Remove a Python callback that was previously registered with hou.ShellIO.addCloseCallback. See hou.ShellIO.addCloseCallback for more information.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the callback was not previously registered.

setIsWaitingForCommand(self, on)

The membership flag

write(self, data)

Implemented as part of the “file-like object” interface.

class hou.ShopNode

Bases: hou.Node

The base class for all SHOP nodes in Houdini. An instance of this class corresponds to exactly one instance of a node in Houdini.

See hou.Node for more information.

coshaderNodes(self, parm_name) → tuple of hou.ShopNode

If this SHOP has a co-shader parameter given by parm_name it may also have an input corresponding to that parameter. This function will return the tuple of hou.ShopNode assigned as co-shaders to this SHOP node either via connected input or the operator node path specified in that parameter.

If the parameter represents a single co-shader, the array will contain at most one element, however if the parameter refers to a co-shader array then the tuple may contain more than one element.

Co-shader parameter name specifying the co-shader shop to return.
definingVopNetNode(self) → hou.VopNetNode or None

If this SHOP is defined by a VOP network, return the hou.VopNetNode that defines it. Otherwise, return None.

shaderName(self, as_otl_path=True, shader_type_name=None) → str

Return the name of the shader inside this SHOP. If as_otl_path is True, returns an opdef: path to the SHOP type. The shader_type_name is a string indicating the shader context type to use; some nodes may provide several shader types, and each may have a different name. This is applicable only to multi-context shader nodes, such as a vopnet material shop.

shaderString(self, render_type=None) → str

Return the shader string generated by this shader for the given render type. This string is written to the file that is read in by the renderer.


A string representing the renderer. If this string is empty or is “*”, Houdini uses the default render type for this shader. Possible render types include “VMantra” (Mantra), “RIB” (RenderMan), “OGL” (OpenGL), “OGL2” (OpenGL 2), and “I3D” (Image 3D).

You can use hou.ShopNodeType.renderMask to determine the render types supported by this SHOP’s type. You can also use hou.ShopNodeTypeCategory.renderers to get all the possible render types. Note that some SHOP types, like the properties SHOP or the switch SHOP, have a render mask of “*” to indicate that they will work with any shader type.

If you pass in an unknown or unsupported render type, this method returns an empty string.

> >>> for node_type_name in (“v_plastic”, “ri_matte”): > … hou.node(“/shop”).createNode(node_type_name) > > <hou.ShopNode of type v_plastic at /shop/v_plastic1> > <hou.ShopNode of type ri_matte at /shop/ri_matte1> > > >>> for shop in hou.node(“/shop”).children(): > … for render_type in shop.type().renderMask().split(): > … print shop.name(), “supports”, render_type > … print ” shader_string:”, shop.shaderString(render_type) > … print > v_plastic1 supports VMantra > shader_string: opdef:/Shop/v_plastic > > v_plastic1 supports OGL > shader_string: /shop/v_plastic1 > > ri_matte1 supports RIB > shader_string: “matte” > > ri_matte1 supports OGL > shader_string: /shop/ri_matte1

shaderType(self) → hou.shaderType enum value

Returns a hou.shaderType indicating the type of this shader.

Note that this method is a shortcut for self.type().shaderType(), which calls hou.ShopNodeType.shaderType.

supportedRenderers(self) → tuple of str

Returns a list of strings describing the renderers this shader supports.


The membership flag

class hou.ShopNodeType

Bases: hou.NodeType

This kind of NodeType contains extra attributes specific to SHOP nodes.

renderMask(self) → string

Return a string with space-separated names of the renderers that this SHOP type supports. Note that some SHOP types, like the switch SHOP, return “*” to indicate that they support all renderers.

See hou.ShopNode.shaderString for an example.

shaderType(self) → [Hom:hou.shaderType] enum value

Return the type of shader for this SHOP type. For example, this shop type might be a surface shader or a displacement shader. See hou.shaderType for the possible shader types.

See also hou.ShopNode.shaderType.


The membership flag

class hou.SopNode

Bases: hou.Node

Represents a surface node.

bypass(self, on)

Turn this node’s bypass flag on or off, making this node have no effect.

curPoint(self) → Point

Return this node’s current point. You would typically call this method from an expression on a node that iterates over a set of points and re-evaluates the parameter for each point.

This method lets you implement the Python equivalent of Hscript’s local variables. Many of Houdini’s SOPs iterate over a set of points, and for each point they store the current point and then evaluate a parameter. If the parameter contains a local variable, Houdini looks up the SOP’s current point when evaluating that variable. For example, the point SOP evaluates the t parameter for each point, and sets that point’s position according to the value of the parameter. If that parameter contains, say, the local variable $TX, it will evaluate to the x position of the current point.

This method gives you access to the hou.Point representation of Houdini’s current point. Using this point you could evaluate the position, an attribute value, or do more complex operations like compute the distance from the point to the origin.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if you call this method from outside a SOP parameter expression, or if the SOP does not support local variables.

The following lists Python equivalents for some point-related Hscript expression local variables. Note that you can also access local variables from Python using hou.lvar.

> # $PT (Hscript expression) or lvar(‘PT’) (Python): > pwd().curPoint().number() > > # $NPT (Hscript expression) or lvar(‘NPT’) (Python): > len(pwd().geometry().iterPoints()) > > # $TX (Hscript expression) or lvar(‘TX’) (Python): > pwd().curPoint().position()[0] > > # $WEIGHT (Hscript expression) or lvar(‘WEIGHT`) (Python): > pwd().curPoint().position()[3] > > # $CR (Hscript expression) or lvar(‘CR’) (Python): > pwd().curPoint().attribValue(“Cd”)[0] > > # $ID (Hscript expression) or lvar(‘ID’) (Python): > pwd().curPoint().attribValue(“id”) > > # $LIFE (Hscript expression) or lvar(‘LIFE’) (Python): > pwd().curPoint().attribValue(“life”) > > # $VX (Hscript expression) or lvar(‘VX’) (Python): > pwd().curPoint().attribValue(“v”)[0]

curPrim(self) → Prim

Return this node’s current primitive. You would typically call this method from an expression on a node that iterates over a set of primitives and re-evaluates the parameter for each primitive.

See hou.SopNode.curPoint for more information.

The following lists Python equivalents for some primitive-related Hscript expression local variables. Note that you can also access local variables from Python using hou.lvar.

> # $PR (Hscript expression) or lvar(‘PR’) (Python): > pwd().curPrim().number() > > # $NPR (Hscript expression) or lvar(‘NPR’) (Python): > len(pwd().geometry().iterPrims()) > > # $NX (Hscript expression) or lvar(‘NX’) (Python): > pwd().curPrim().attribValue(“N”)[0] > pwd().curPrim().normal()[0] > > # $CR (Hscript expression) or lvar(‘CR’) (Python): > pwd().curPrim().attribValue(“Cd”)[0]

curVertex(self) → Vertex

Return this node’s current vertex. You would typically call this method from an expression on a node that iterates over a set of primitive vertices and re-evaluates the parameter for each vertex.

See hou.SopNode.curPoint for more information.

Note that hou.SopNode.curPrim returns the primitive containing this vertex returned by this method.

The following lists Python equivalents for some vertex-related Hscript expression local variables. Note that you can also access local variables from Python using hou.lvar.

> # $VTX (Hscript expression) or lvar(‘VTX’) (Python): > pwd().curVertex().number() > > # $NVTX (Hscript expression) or lvar(‘NVTX’) (Python): > pwd().curPrim().numVertices()

displayNode(self) → Node

If this is a subnet SOP, return the SOP inside the subnet with its display flag on. Otherwise, return None.

geometry(self, output_index=0) → hou.Geometry

Return the geometry computed by this SOP node. If the SOP has not already cooked, this method will cook the SOP.

The returned Geometry object is not frozen. See hou.Geometry.freeze for more information on frozen Geometry objects.

You can optionally specify the output_index argument to request the geometry attached to another output on the node. This only applies to SOP nodes with multiple outputs. If there is no geometry for the specified output index then None is returned.

geometryAtFrame(self, frame, output_index=0) → hou.Geometry

Return the geometry computed by this SOP node cooked at the specified frame. If the SOP has not already cooked, this method will cook the SOP.

The returned Geometry object is frozen. See hou.Geometry.freeze for more information on frozen Geometry objects.

You can optionally specify the output_index argument to request the geometry attached to another output on the node. This only applies to SOP nodes with multiple outputs. If there is no geometry for the specified output index then None is returned.

geometryDelta(self) → hou.GeometryDelta

Return the geometry delta stored in this SOP node. If the SOP has no deltas then None is returned.

If the SOP recooks, the geometry delta objects will update to the SOP’s new geometry delta object. If the SOP is deleted, accessing the geometry delta object will raise a hou.ObjectWasDeleted exception.

hasVerb(self) → Boolean

Returns if the node has a verb represenation.

inputGeometry(self, index) → hou.Geometry

Return the geometry that is connected to the node input specified by index.

The returned Geometry object is not frozen. See hou.Geometry.freeze for more information on frozen Geometry objects.

inputGeometryAtFrame(self, frame, index) → hou.Geometry

Return the geometry that is connected to the node input specified by index and at the specified frame.

The returned Geometry object is not frozen. See hou.Geometry.freeze for more information on frozen Geometry objects.

isBypassed(self) → bool

Return whether this node’s bypass flag is on.

isDisplayFlagSet(self) → bool

Return whether this node’s display flag is on.

isHardLocked(self) → bool

Return whether this node is hard-locked. A hard-locked node stores its data inside the node, and no longer responds to parameter or input node changes.

isHighlightFlagSet(self) → bool

Return whether this node’s highlight flag is on. When this flag is turned on, Houdini displays portions of the geometry in yellow in the viewport, to indicate the operations performed by this SOP.

isRenderFlagSet(self) → bool

Return whether this node’s render flag is on.

isSelectableTemplateFlagSet(self) → bool

Return whether this node’s selectable template flag is on. A selectable template displays like the display SOP in the viewport, and you can select it when choosing points, primitives, etc. Note that only the display SOP will be included in the containing geometry object or SOP subnet, however, so selectable templates are only visible while working inside their SOP network.

isSoftLocked(self) → bool

Return whether this node is soft-locked. A soft-locked node stores position delta information , preventing all but a small set of manual modeling changes from being made.

isTemplateFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns whether this node’s template flag is on. Templated SOPs are display as wireframe in the viewport, and you cannot select geometry from them.

isUnloadFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns whether this node’s unload flag is on.

renderNode(self) → hou.Node

If this is a subnet SOP, return the SOP inside the subnet with its render flag on. Otherwise, return None.

selection(self, selection_type) → hou.Selection

Return the current component selection of the specified component type.

This method is deprecated now that component selections are once again managed at the viewer level. See hou.SceneViewer.currentGeometrySelection.

setCurPoint(self, point_or_none)

Set this node’s current point. You can only call this method from a Python-defined SOP.

See hou.SopNode.curPoint for an explanation of a SOP’s current point. You would use this method to set the current point from inside a SOP written in Python, before you evaluate a parameter containing a local variable referring to the current point. See hou.Geometry.globPoints for an example.

Note that you can set the current point to None. In this case, subsequent calls to hou.SopNode.curPoint will raise hou.OperationFailed. After a Python SOP is done cooking, Houdini will automatically set the current point back to None.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if called from outside a Python-defined SOP.

setCurPrim(self, prim_or_none)

Set this node’s current primitive. You can only call this method from a Python-defined SOP. See hou.SopNode.setCurPoint for more information.

setCurVertex(self, vertex_or_none)

Set this node’s current primitive. You can only call this method from a Python-defined SOP. See hou.SopNode.setCurPoint for more information.

Note that setting the current vertex will also set the current primitive to the primitive containing the vertex.

setDisplayFlag(self, on)

Turn this node’s display flag on or off.

setHardLocked(self, on)

Turn this node’s hard-lock flag on or off. Locking a node saves its current cooked geometry into the node. If you unlock a hard-locked node, it will discard its locked geometry data and recook, computing its geometry from its inputs and parameters.

setHighlightFlag(self, on)

Turn this node’s highlight flag on or off.

setRenderFlag(self, on)

Turns this node’s render flag on or off.

setSelectableTemplateFlag(self, on)

Turn this node’s selectable template flag on or off.

setSelection(self, selection)

Sets the current component selection to the supplied value. A separate selection object is stored for each component type, so changing the selection this way may not update the viewport if it is not currently set to show this type of selection.

This method is deprecated now that component selections are once again managed at the viewer level. See hou.SceneViewer.setCurrentGeometrySelection.

setSoftLocked(self, on)

Turns this node’s soft-lock flag on or off, allowing a subset of manual modeling changes to be made to the locked node.

setTemplateFlag(self, on)

Turns this node’s template flag on or off.

setUnloadFlag(self, on)

Turns this node’s unload flag on or off.


The membership flag

verb(self) → hou.SopVerb

Returns the verb associated with a specific node. This allows you to run the nodes operation on geometry independently of the node itself.

class hou.SopNodeType

Bases: hou.NodeType

This kind of NodeType contains extra attributes specific to SOP nodes.


addSelector(self, name, selector_type, prompt=’Select components’, primitive_types=(), group_parm_name=None, group_type_parm_name=None, input_index=0, input_required=True, allow_dragging=False, empty_string_selects_all=True) -> hou.Selector

Add a selector to this SOP node type. When the user creates a new instance of this SOP in the viewer, Houdini will invoke all the selectors, wait for the user to select geometry, and then connect input SOPs and fill in group parameters to match what was selected.

A name to give this selector. The name must be unique within this node type.
The name of the type of selector to use. Different selectors have different behaviors. For example “prims” will select only primitives and is used, for example, by the cookie SOP. “points” will select only points, and is used by SOPs like the point SOP. “everything” will select any geometry, and is used for SOPs like “xform” and “blast”.
A string to display at the bottom of the viewer to instruct the user what to select.
A sequence of hou.primType enumeration values to specify what primitive types are allowed. This parameter has no effect if the selector does not select primitives. If this sequence is empty, all primitive types will be allowed.
The name of the SOP node parameter containing the group field. The selector will set this parameter to the string representing the points, primitives, edges, etc. chosen by the user in the viewer. If None, the selector will look for a parameter named “group”.
The name of the SOP node parameter containing the menu of geometry types. If the selector can select multiple geometry types (e.g. points or primitives), it will set this parameter to match the type of geometry the user chose. The transform SOP, for example, has a Group Type parameter that tells it how to interpret the string in the Group parameter. If None, the selector will look for a parameter named “grouptype”.
The index of the input connector on the SOP node where the selector should wire input SOPs. A cookie SOP, for example, has two input connectors. It has two selectors, one for each input connector.
Whether or not this input is required or optional. If the user does not select any geometry and the input is not required, the selector will not wire anything to its input connector.
Whether the user is allowed to select the geometry and begin manipulating the handles with a single mouse drag. A transform SOP, for example, lets you select the geometry and drag it right away to transform it. Dragging the geometry forces the selector to finish immediately, the selector connects the input and sets the group parameter, and subsequent mouse movements are passed to the handle which translates the geometry by changing parameter values.
Whether or not to use an empty string in the group parameter if the user selects all the geometry. If False, Houdini will place an asterisk (*) in the group parameter when the user selects all the geometry. Most SOPs use an empty string.

You would typically call this method from the shelf tool script of a digital asset. For example, you might put the following in the Tools script section of a Python sop that transforms points (having a parameter named group):

> hou.sopNodeTypeCategory().nodeTypes()[‘$HDA_NAME’].addSelector( > “Points to Transform”, > “points”, > prompt=”Select the points to transform and press Enter to complete”, > group_parm_name=”group”)

See also hou.Geometry.globPoints and hou.Geometry.globPrims for information on how to parse the strings the selector puts in the group field.

See also hou.Selector.

selectors(self, selector_indices=()) → tuple of hou.Selector
Return all the selectors for this node type. See hou.SopNodeType.addSelector and hou.Selector for more information.

> def sopSelectorTypes(): > ‘’‘Return a list of all the SOP selector type names.’‘’ > selector_types = [] > for node_type in hou.sopNodeTypeCategory().nodeTypes().values(): > # Skip manager nodes, like shopnets, ropnets, etc. > if not isinstance(node_type, hou.SopNodeType): > continue > > for selector in node_type.selectors(): > selector_type = selector.selectorType() > if selector_type not in selector_types: > selector_types.append(selector_type) > selector_types.sort() > return selector_types > def sopTypeNamesUsingSelector(selector_type): > ‘’‘Given the name of a selector type, return a list of all the SOP > node types using that selector.’‘’ > node_types = [] > for node_type in hou.sopNodeTypeCategory().nodeTypes().values(): > # Skip manager nodes, like shopnets, ropnets, etc. > if not isinstance(node_type, hou.SopNodeType): > continue > > for selector in node_type.selectors(): > if selector.selectorType() == selector_type: > node_types.append(node_type) > > result = [node_type.name() for node_type in node_types] > result.sort() > return result


The membership flag

class hou.SopVerb

Bases: object

Represents the code of a surface node.

execute(self, destgeo, inputgeolist)

Applies the verb to the giving destination hou.Geometry. The input list is a list of hou.Geometry corresponding to the source node’s inputs. The parameters used in execution are whatever was set with the setParms or loadParmsFromNode functions. The parameters are initialized with the node defaults.

NOTE: Node defaults may change between versions.

loadParmsFromNode(self, sopnode)

Initializes all the parameters of this verb from the parameters of a specific hou.SopNode. Useful for cloning an existing node instance’s behaviour.

minNumInputs(self) → integer

Returns the minimum number of geometry inputs required for this verb to compute succesfully.

parms(self) → dictionary

Returns a dictionary of parameter name / value pairs currently set on this verb. This will be the complete list understood, including defaults. Multiparms are represented as a sub list of dictionaries.

This uses ParmTuple names, not channel names.

setParms(self, parmdictionary)

Updates a subset of parmeters on this verb with those specified in the dictionary. Exceptions are raised if attempts are made to set non-existent parameters or with incorrect types.

This uses ParmTuple names, not channel names. So for a transform you would use xform.setParms({‘t’:(2,0,0)}) rather than tx.


The membership flag

class hou.StickyNote

Bases: hou.NetworkMovableItem

Represents a sticky note.

To create a sticky note, use the hou.Node.createStickyNote method on the node inside which you want to create the note. To get an existing sticky note, use the hou.Node.findStickyNote method on the node containing the sticky note. To get a list of all notes in a network, use the hou.Node.stickyNotes method on the containing node.


asCode(self, brief=False, recurse=False, save_box_contents=False, save_channels_only=False, save_creation_commands=False, save_keys_in_frames=False, save_parm_values_only=False, save_spare_parms=False, function_name=None) -> str

Prints the Python code necessary to recreate a sticky note.

See hou.Node.asCode for information on the keyword arguments.


Remove and delete the sticky note.

drawBackground(self) → bool

Returns whether the sticky note will draw a colored background and title bar.

isMinimized(self) → bool

Returns whether the sticky note is minimized.

minimizedSize(self) → hou.Vector2

Return the size of this item’s tile in the network editor graph if it is minimized. Returned as a Vector2.

resize(self, vector2)

Resizes a sticky note by the increments in the given hou.Vector2. Use setSize() to set the note’s absolute size.

restoredSize(self) → hou.Vector2

Return the size of this item’s tile in the network editor graph if it is not minimized. Returned as a Vector2.

setDrawBackground(self, on)

Turns on or off the drawing of the colored background for the text and the title bar in the network editor. Turning this on makes the sticky note easier to see. Turning it off allows the text to be less obtrusive.

setMinimized(self, on)

Minimizes or restores the sticky note.

setSize(self, size)

Sets the size of this sticky note to the given hou.Vector2 size parameter. Use resize() to set the note’s size relative to its current size.

setText(self, str)

Sets the text of the sticky note.

setTextColor(self, color)

Sets the color of the text of the sticky note. The color parameter should be a hou.Color object.

setTextSize(self, size)

Sets the size of the text of the sticky note. The size value specifies the height (in network units) of the font.

text(self) → str

Return the text displayed in the sticky note.

textColor(self) → hou.Color

Return the color of the text displayed in the sticky note.

textSize(self) → float

Return the size of the text displayed in the sticky note, expressed as the height of the font in network units.


The membership flag

class hou.StringKeyframe(*args)

Bases: hou.BaseKeyframe

asJSON(self, brief=False, save_keys_in_frames=False) → dict

Returns a JSON dictionary that describes the keyframe. The dictionary includes the keyframe time and the expression if it has been set. If the save_keys_in_frames parameter is set to True, a frame number is used instead of a time.

See also the fromJSON method.

evaluatedType(self) → hou.parmData enum value

Return the data type of the keyframe’s evaluated value. For string keyframes this method returns hou.parmData.String.

fromJSON(self, keyframe_dict)

Sets the keyframe time and expression using the key/value pairs from a JSON dictionary.

See also the asJSON method.


The membership flag

class hou.StringParmTemplate(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.ParmTemplate

Describes a parameter tuple containing string values. These values can be arbitrary strings or references to files or nodes

Note that string parameters may also be menu parameters. String parameters with menus are different from hou.MenuParmTemplate objects because menu parm templates evaluate to integers.

defaultExpression(self) → tuple of strings

Return the default expression for new parameter instances.

The default expression takes precendence over the default value. If a component has no default expression (i.e. an empty string), then the default value is used for new parameter instances.

Note that the default expression language is needed to interpret the meaning of the default expression.

defaultExpressionLanguage(self) → tuple of hou.scriptLanguage

Return the default expression language for new parameter instances.

The default expression language only applies if the default expression is set. If the default expression of a component is not set, then the expression language is set to hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript.

defaultValue(self) → tuple of str

Return the default value for new parameter instances.

The number of strings in the return value is the same as the number of components in the parm template.

fileType(self) → hou.fileType enum value

Return the file type of this string parameter. The file type applies only when stringType() == hou.stringParmType.FileReference. Only hou.fileType.Any, hou.fileType.Image, and hou.fileType.Geometry are supported by dialog scripts.

See hou.fileType for more information.

iconNames(self) → tuple of str

Return the tuple of icons corresponding to the menu items. If there are no icons, returns a tuple of empty strings.

These icons are used when this parm template uses a menu.


itemGeneratorScriptLanguage(self) -> hou.scriptLanguage enum value

Return the script used to generate menu items, or an empty string if there is no such script.
menuItems(self) → tuple of str

Return the tuple of internal menu names. If this string does not use a menu, returns an empty tuple.

These internal menu names are not displayed in the UI, but they can be passed to hou.Parm.set and will be returned by hou.Parm.evalAsString for menu parameters.

menuLabels(self) → tuple of str

Return the tuple of menu labels displayed in the UI.

menuType(self) → hou.menuType enum value

Return the type of menu. See hou.menuType for more information.

setDefaultExpression(self, default_expression)

Set the default expression for new parameter instances to a sequence of strings.

See the hou.StringParmTemplate.defaultExpression method for more information. Note that if the number of strings in the sequence is different from the number of components in the parm template, any extra values will be discarded and any missing expressions will become the empty string.

setDefaultExpressionLanguage(self, default_expression_language)

Set the default expression language for new parameter instances to a sequence of hou.scriptLanguage values.

See the defaultExpressionLanguage method for more information. Note that if the number of hou.scriptLanguage values in the sequence is different from the number of components in the parm template, any extra values will be discarded and any missing expression languages will become hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript.

setDefaultValue(self, default_value)

Set the default value for new parameter instances to a sequence of strings.

See the defaultValue method for more information. Note that if the number of strings in the sequence is different from the number of components in the parm template, any extra values will be discarded and any missing values will become the last value in the sequence or an empty string if the sequence is empty.

setFileType(self, file_type)

Set the type of this string parameter to a hou.fileType enum value.

See the fileType method for more information.

setIconNames(self, icon_names)

Set the icon names to the given sequence of strings.

setItemGeneratorScript(self, item_generator_script)

Set the script used to generate menu items.

See the itemGeneratorScript method for more information.

setItemGeneratorScriptLanguage(self, language)

Set the script language used to generate menu items to a hou.scriptLanguage enum value.

See the itemGeneratorScriptLanguage method for more information.

setMenuItems(self, menu_items)

Set the internal menu names to the given sequence of strings.

See the menuItems method for more information.

If the new number of menu items is less than the old number, the menu labels will be shortened and the default value will be modified if it is out of range.

setMenuType(self, menu_type)

Set the type of menu to a hou.menuType enum value.

See the menuType method for more information.

setStringType(self, string_type)

Set the type of this string parameter to a hou.stringParmType enum value.

See the stringType method for more information.

stringType(self) → hou.stringParmType enum value

Return the type of this string parameter. This type determines whether the parameter has special selection controls to choose a file path or the paths to one or more nodes.

See hou.stringParmType for more information.


The membership flag

class hou.StyleSheet(*args)

Bases: object

A class that represents a Houdini style sheet. It can be used to evaluate, test, and debug style sheet output.

Unlike the hou.styles module, the style sheets represented by this class are not saved anywhere. They are parsed style sheets that can be evaluated for particular objects and geometry. This allows you to debug the operation of your style sheets outside of mantra. It also allows building SOPs which evaluate style information to apply it to a more specific target.

asJSON(self) → str

Returns a string containing the JSON that represents the style sheet. If the style sheet was constructed from a string argument, the original string will be returned even if there were parsing errors. If this style sheet was cloned with a specific target, the JSON string is generated from the style information that applies to that target.

clone(self) → hou.StyleSheet

Makes an identical copy of an existing style sheet object.

cloneWithAddedStyleSheet(self, stylesheet, target) → hou.StyleSheet

Makes a copy of an existing style sheet object combined with another style sheet object. The added styles are given a lower priority than the styles already in the style sheet. In addition, a target argument can be provided which is a JSON formatted string describing a target condition which must be satisfied in order for the added styles to be applied. This function can therefore be used to build an object level style sheet by combining per-primitive style sheets from the object’s geometry.

cloneWithObject(self, object) → hou.StyleSheet

Makes a copy of an existing style sheet object which contains only the styling information that applies to the provided hou.ObjNode.

cloneWithPrim(self, prim) → hou.StyleSheet

Makes a copy of an existing style sheet object which contains only the styling information that applies to the provided hou.Prim.

cloneWithShape(self, shape_name, prim) → hou.StyleSheet

Makes a copy of an existing style sheet object which contains only the styling information that applies to the named shape in the provided crowd agent hou.PackedPrim.

errors(self) → str

Returns any errors generated while parsing the style sheet. If there are no errors, an empty string is returned. For style sheet objects returned from any of the cloneWith methods, the returned string will always be empty.


The membership flag

class hou.SubnetIndirectInput

Bases: hou.IndirectInput

A node-like item that appears inside subnets and corresponds to the node wired into the subnet.

For example, suppose you have a font SOP, polyextrude SOP, and facet SOP connected together in a chain. If you collapse the polyextrude and facet SOPs into a subnet, you’re left with a font SOP connected to a subnet SOP. Inside the subnet SOP is subnet indirect input #1 connected to a polyextrude SOP, which is connected to the facet SOP.

Each subnet indirect input is numbered starting from 1 and corresponds to an input connector on the subnet. (See hou.NodeConnection for more information on input connectors.)

The names of the subnet indirect inputs in the network pane correspond to the contents of the Input #n Label parameters on the subnet node, where n is the number.

inputConnections(self) → tuple of hou.NodeConnection

Returns an empty tuple. This method exists to mirror similar methods on hou.Node and hou.NetworkDot. This allows these network items to be treated in a more uniform way in Python code.

number(self) → int

Return the number of the corresponding input connector on the subnet. Note that the first input corresponds to the number 1, not 0.


The membership flag

class hou.Surface

Bases: hou.Prim

A Surface is a kind of geometry primitive (Prim object) that contains a two dimensional grid of vertices (Vertex objects). How these vertices are used depends on the type of surface: meshes, for example, use the vertices to define a quadrilateral mesh, while NURBS surfaces use them as control points.

A hou.Face, on the other hand, stores a sequence of vertices, and might be a polygon or NURBS curve.

addCol(self, after=-1)

Add a column of vertices after the given u (i.e. column) index. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

This method also adds one point per vertex added. The new points are located at the origin until you move them.

The u (i.e. column) index after may be negative, in which case the indexing starts from the end. By default, after is -1, meaning that the new column will go after the last column. Raises hou.OperationFailed if the after index is invalid.

> > # This code will work from inside a Python SOP, but not from the Python > # shell. > def vertexPos(vertex): > return hou.Vector3(vertex.point().position()) > > # Build a NURBS surface. > geo = hou.pwd().geometry() > surf = geo.createNURBSSurface(10, 10) > > # Add a new column, and set the new point positions to the average of > # the adjacent point positions. > surf.addCol(after=7) > for v_index in range(surf.numRows()): > vertex_before = surf.vertex(7, v_index) > vertex_after = surf.vertex(9, v_index) > surf.vertex(8, v_index).point().setPosition( > (vertexPos(vertex_before) + vertexPos(vertex_after)) * 0.5)

addRow(self, after=-1)

Add a row of vertices after the given v (i.e. row) index. The new vertices are located at the origin until you move them. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

See hou.Surface.addCol for more information.

attribValueAt(self, attrib_or_name, u, v, du=0, dv=0) → int, float, str

or tuple

Return an attribute value at a normalized (u, v) parametric position on the surface. If du and dv are both 0, returns the interpolated attribute value; otherwise, returns the (partial) derivative of the attribute value.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the attribute is not a point or vertex attribute. If you want a primitive attribute value, it doesn’t vary across the surface, so use hou.Prim.attribValue.


Return whether the first and last columns of vertices are connected.

A grid, for example, is open in both U and V. A tube is open in one of U or V and closed in the other. A torus is closed in both U and V.


Return whether the first and last rows of vertices are connected.

See hou.Surface.isClosedInU for more information.

normalAt(self, u, v) → Vector3

Given normalized (i.e. from 0 to 1) u and v values, returns the normal of the surface at that parametric location. The normal is a vector that is perpendicular to the surface at that location.

The normal vector is normalized (i.e. it is a unit vector, so its length is 1).

See the surface_wires cookbook example for an example.


Return the number of columns in the 2D array of vertices.


Return the number of rows in the 2D array of vertices.

positionAt(self, u, v) → hou.Vector3

Given normalized (i.e. from 0 to 1) u and v values, returns the position of the surface at that parametric location.

See the surface_wires cookbook example for an example.


The membership flag

vertex(self, u_index, v_index)

Return an element in the 2D array of vertices, given the u (column) and v (row) indices into the array.

Negative indices are allowed, in which case Houdini will index starting from the last vertex.

For non-negative indices, this method is roughly equivalent to writing surf.vertices()[v_index * surf.numCols() + u_index].

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the u or v indices are invalid.

> # Use a grid SOP to create a NURBS grid with 3 rows and 2 columns. > geo = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”).createNode(“grid”).geometry() > grid_node = geo.sopNode() > grid_node.setDisplayFlag(True) > for name, value in (“type”, “nurbs”), (“rows”, 5), (“cols”, 4): > grid_node.parm(name).set(value) > > # Print out the x positions of all the vertices in the surface. > surf = geo.iterPrims()[0] > for v_index in surf.numRows(): > for u_index in surf.numCols(): > print surf.vertex(u_index, v_index).point().position()[0], > print

See also:
  • hou.Prim.vertices
  • hou.Surface.verticesInCol
  • hou.Surface.verticesInRow
  • hou.Geometry.iterPrims
verticesInRow(self, v_index)

Given a v (i.e. row) index, return a tuple containing all the vertices in that row.

See also hou.Prim.vertices.

class hou.SystemExit(*args)
code(self) → int
class hou.Take

Bases: object


  • hou.takes
addChildTake(self, name) → hou.Take

Create a new take with the given name and add it as a child to this take.

If no name is specified then the take will have a generated name based on the default take name.


removeNodeBypassFlag(self, node)

Exclude the given node’s bypass flag from this take making it uneditable in this take.

This method does nothing if the node’s bypass flag is not included in the take.

Raise hou.OperationFailed if the node argument is None. Raise hou.OperationFailed if this take is not the current take.


removeNodeDisplayFlag(self, node)

Exclude the given node’s display flag from this take making it uneditable in this take.

This method does nothing if the node’s display flag is not included in the take.

Raise hou.OperationFailed if the node argument is None. Raise hou.OperationFailed if this take is not the current take.


removeNodeRenderFlag(self, node)

Exclude the given node’s render flag from this take making it uneditable in this take.

This method does nothing if the node’s render flag is not included in the take.

Raise hou.OperationFailed if the node argument is None. Raise hou.OperationFailed if this take is not the current take.

addParmTuple(self, parm_tuple)

Include the given parameter in this take making it editable in this take.

This method does nothing if the parameter is already included in this take.

Raise hou.OperationFailed if the parm_tuple argument is None. Raise hou.OperationFailed if this take is not the current take.

addParmTuplesFromTake(self, take, overwrite_existing=True)

Include all the given take’s parameters in this take making the parameters editable in this take.

If overwrite_existing is True then parameters that are already included in this take will have their values overwritten by the same parameters found in the other take. Otherwise, parameters already included in this take will not be affected by the same parameters found in the other take.

Raise hou.OperationFailed if the take argument is None. Raise hou.OperationFailed if this take is not the current take.

children(self) → tuple of hou.Take

Return a tuple of the child takes.

destroy(self, recurse=False)

Deletes the take.

If recurse is True then all child and descendent takes will be deleted as well.

hasParmTuple(self, parm_tuple) → bool

Return True if the given parameter is included in this take and False otherwise.

Raise hou.OperationFailed if the parm_tuple argument is None.

insertTakeAbove(self, name) → hou.Take

Create a new take with the given name and add it as a child of this take’s parent. This take is reparented with the newly created take as the parent.

Raise hou.OperationFailed if this take is the main (master) take.

isCurrent(self) → bool

Return True if the take is the current take and False otherwise.

loadChildTakeFromFile(self, filename) → tuple of hou.Take

Load a take from a file that is saved to disk and make it a child of this take. This will also load any child and descendent takes that are saved in the file.

Return a tuple of takes that have been loaded from the file. The first take in the tuple is the direct child take of this take. All takes that follow are the children and descendents of the first take.

Loaded takes will be renamed if there already exists takes with the same names.

Note that you can only load files that have been saved from the same .hip file session. If Houdini is restarted or if the .hip file is closed and re-opened after the save then the file will fail to load.

Raise hou.OperationFailed if the filename argument does not point to a valid file on disk.

moveUnderTake(self, take)

Reparent this take to the specified take.

Raise hou.OperationFailed if the take argument is None. Raise hou.OperationFailed if this take is the main (master) take.


Return the name of the take.

parent(self) → hou.Take

Return the parent take or None if this take is the main (master) take.

parmTuples(self) → tuple of hou.ParmTuple

Return a tuple of node parameters that are included and editable in this take.

path(self) → str

Return the path of the take. The take path consists of the name of this take as well as the names of its ancestor takes.

removeParmTuple(self, parm_tuple)

Exclude the given parameter from this take making it uneditable in this take.

This method does nothing if the parameter is not included in this take.

Raise hou.OperationFailed if the parm_tuple argument is None. Raise hou.OperationFailed if this take is not the current take.

removeParmTuplesFromNode(self, node)

Exclude all the given node’s parameters from this take making them uneditable in this take.

Raise hou.OperationFailed if the node argument is None. Raise hou.OperationFailed if this take is not the current take.

saveToFile(self, filename, recurse=False)

Save this take to a file on disk.

If recurse is True then any child and descendent takes will also be saved to the file.

Note that the saved file can only be loaded within the same .hip file session. If Houdini is restarted or if the .hip file is closed and re-opened then the saved file will fail to load.

Raise hou.OperationFailed if the filename argument does not point to a valid location on disk.

setName(self, name)

Rename the take.


The membership flag

class hou.ToggleParmTemplate(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: hou.ParmTemplate

Describes a parameter tuple containing a checkbox.

defaultExpression(self) → string

Return the expression, which when evaluated, returns the initial value of the toggle.

The default expression takes precendence over the default value. If the default expression is not set (i.e. an empty string), then the default value is used instead.

Note that the default expression language is needed to interpret the meaning of the default expression.

defaultExpressionLanguage(self) → tuple of hou.scriptLanguage

Return the default expression language.

The default expression language only applies if the default expression is set. If the default expression is not set, then the expression language is set to hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript.

defaultValue(self) → bool

Returns the default value for new parameter instances.

Note that ToggleParmTemplates have only one component. Unlike float, integer, and string parm templates, the default value is a single bool and not a tuple.

setDefaultExpression(self, default_expression)

Set the default expression, which when evaluated, returns the initial value of the toggle.

If default_expression is the empty string, then the default expression is unset.

setDefaultExpressionLanguage(self, default_expression_language)

Set the default expression language.

See the defaultExpressionLanguage method for more information.

setDefaultValue(self, default_value)

Set the default value for new parameter instances.


The membership flag

class hou.Tool

Bases: hou.ShelfElement

Represents a tool on the shelf, encapsulating a script as well as a label, help, and other information.

You can’t instantiate this object directly, call hou.shelves.newTool instead.


Deletes the tool from Houdini session and removes its definition from the file it’s stored in.

help(self) → str

Returns the tool’s help text.

helpURL(self) → str

Returns the URL pointing to this tool’s help.

icon(self) → str

Returns the tool’s icon string.

language(self) → hou.scriptLanguage enum value
Returns a value representing the language in which the tool script is written.

> >>> t = shelves.tool(“geometry_sphere”) > >>> t.language() == hou.scriptLanguage.Python > True

script(self) → str

Returns the text of the script that runs when the user clicks the tool.


setData(self, script=’‘, language=hou.scriptLanguage.Python, icon=’‘, help=’‘, help_url=’‘, network_categories=(), viewer_categories=(), cop_viewer_categories=(), network_op_type=’‘, viewer_op_type=’‘, locations=())

Convenience method for setting multiple options at once, rather than calling multiple set methods. Sets various options on the tool based on optional keyword arguments you pass.

> # Get a tool > t = shelves.tool(“geometry_sphere”) > # Set the tool’s icon and help URL > t.setData(icon=”SOP_sphere”, help_url=”tool:sphere”)

setHelp(self, help)

Sets the tool’s help text. Houdini will parse this as wiki text and display it in the help viewer when the user requests help for this tool. To have the help viewer go to a URL instead, use setHelpURL.

setHelpURL(self, help_url)

Sets a URL the help viewer should go to when the user requests help for this tool. If this is not empty, Hoduini will open this URL in the help viewer instead of parsing and displaying the contents of Tool.help().

setIcon(self, icon)

Sets a new icon string for the tool. The string can contain a file path or URL pointing to an SVG file or an image file Houdini knows how to load. You can use an opdef: path to refer to an icon file inside an asset.

setLanguage(self, language)
Sets a new language for the script, where <language> is a value from the hou.scriptLanguage module (usually hou.scriptLanguage.Python).

> t = shelves.tool(“tool_1”) > t.setLanguage(hou.scriptLanguage.Hscript) > t.setScript(“message hello”)

We highly recommend writing scripts in Python rather than Hscript.
setScript(self, script)

Sets the text of the script to run when the user clicks the tool in the shelf. See how to write a tool script for information on the global variables available to the script and tips for common tasks.

setToolLocations(self, locations)

Sets the description of the places that the tool should show up in the UI. Eg, a tool could be configured to be included in the network pane’s TAB menu but not in the viewport pane’s TAB menu.

setToolMenuCategories(self, pane_type, categories)

Set the tool categories. The categories are used to further control the visibility of the tool. For example, some tools specify “Mantra” or “RenderMan” as keywords, and they show up in the TAB menu only if the specified renderer is configured as active in the preferences pane.

setToolMenuOpType(self, pane_type, op_type)

Sets the operator type to be associated with the tool. The tool will show up in the TAB menu only if the operator can be created. For example, some operator types are scoped only to a particular parent, thus the tool that creates nodes of this type makes sense only inside that paretn.


The membership flag

toolMenuCategories(self, pane_type) → tuple of hou.NodeTypeCategory

Returns the categories specified for the tool.

toolMenuLocations(self) → tuple of str

Returns the submenus of the TAB menu in which the tool is included.

toolMenuOpType(self, pane_type) → str

Returns the operator type associated with this tool.

class hou.TopNode

Bases: hou.Node

Represents a task node.


isPDGFilter(self, idx) -> bool

Returns true if the root work item with the given index part if the filter.
bypass(self, on)

Turns this node’s bypass flag on or off, making this node have no effect.


Dirties all the tasks in a PDG graph so that when the graph cooks again, it will cause a complete recook.

displayNode(self) → Node

If this is a subnet TOP, return the TOP node inside the subnet with its display flag on. Otherwise, return None.

enablePDGFilter(self, filter_on)

Sets the node’s TOP network to use the current root task filter.

executeGraph(self, filter_roots)

Executes the PDG graph owned by the parent network of this node. If filter_roots is True, then the graph will be executed with respect to the root work items stored by the TOP Network filter.

getFilterNodes(self) → tuple of hou.Node

Returns a tuple of all nodes whose filters affect the node.

getPDGGraphContextName(self) → str

Returns a string containing the name of the graph context owned by the parent network of this node.

getPDGNodeName(self) → str

Returns the name of the PDG node owned by this node.

getSelectedWorkItem(self) → int

Returns the index of the current selected work item in this TOP Network.

getWorkItemName(self, idx) → str

Returns the name of the work item with the given index.

graphCommands(self) → str

Returns a string containing python commands require to construct the PDG graph owned by the parent network of this node.

inputDataTypes(self) → tuple of str

Returns a tuple of the data types for the input ports of this node.

isBypassed(self) → bool

Returns whether this node’s bypass flag is on.

isDisplayFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns whether this node’s display flag is on.

isFilterOn(self) → bool

Returns true is this node is currently affected by a work item filter set on another node in the network.


isMapper(self) - > bool

Returns true if the TOP node is a mapper.
isPartitioner(self) → bool

Returns true if the TOP node is a partitioner.

isProcessor(self) → bool

Returns true if the TOP node is a processor.

isRenderFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns whether this node’s render flag is on.


isScheduler(self) - > bool

Returns true if the TOP node is a scheduler.
outputDataTypes(self) → tuple of str

Returns a tuple of the data types for the output ports of this node.

renderNode(self) → Node

If this is a subnet TOP, return the TOP node inside the subnet with its render flag on. Otherwise, return None.

setDisplayFlag(self, on)

Turn this node’s display flag on or off.

setRenderFlag(self, on)

Turns this node’s render flag on or off.

setSelectedWorkItem(self, idx)

Sets the selected work item in this TOP Network to be the work item with the given index.

taskGraphCommands(self) → str

Returns a string containing python commands require to construct the PDG task graph owned by the parent network of this node.


The membership flag

class hou.Track

Bases: object

Each hou.ChopNode contains its data in one or more tracks. A track contains a sequence of floating point samples over time. Each track has a unique name in its containing CHOP.


  • chop()
  • chopcf()
  • chopci()
  • chopct()
  • chopf()
  • chopi()
  • chopl()
  • chopstr()
  • chopt()
allSamples(self) → tuple of double

Returns all the sample values in this track.

chopNode(self) → hou.ChopNode

Returns the hou.ChopNode owner of this track.

eval(self) → double

Returns the value of this track at the current time.

evalAtFrame(self, frame) → double

Returns the value of this track at a given frame.

evalAtFrameRange(self, start, end) → tuple of double

Returns the sample values of this track between a given start and end frame.

evalAtSample(self, sample) → double

Returns the value of the track at a given sample value.

evalAtSampleIndex(self, index) → double

This method is deprecated in favor of evalAtSample.

evalAtSampleRange(self, start, end) → tuple of double

Returns the sample values of this track between a given start and end sample index.

evalAtTime(self, time) → double

Returns the value of this track at a given time.

evalAtTimeRange(self, start, end) → tuple of double

Returns the sample values of this track between a given start and end time.

name(self) → str

Returns the name of this track (each track in a CHOP has a unique name).

numSamples(self) → int

Return the number of samples in this track.


The membership flag

class hou.TypeError(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.UIEvent(*args)

Bases: object

Represents a user interface event, such as a mouse press. You can access this object in an event handler to respond to user input.

hou.UIEvent provides information to interact with user input and is used with Python states. You do not instantiate this type of object yourself.


device(self) → hou.UIEventDevice
Returns an object containing input-device-specific event data. For example, if this is a mouse click event, you can use event.device().mouseX() to get the X coordinate in screen space, and event.device().isLeftButton() to check whether the left mouse button was pressed.

> if ui_event.device().isLeftButton(): > …

hasQueuedEvents(self) → bool

Returns true if this event contains queued device events.

queuedEvents(self) → list of hou.UIEventDevice

If returns True, this method returns the list of queued input device events.


The membership flag

value(self) → obj

Returns the “value” payload of this event. You can tell the C++ type of this value by calling .

class hou.UIEventDevice(*args)

Bases: object

Object containing methods for testing input-device-specific information on a UI event, such as which mouse button was pressed.

Do not instantiate this object yourself. You can get a UIEventDevice object from a hou.UIEvent using hou.UIEvent.device. For more information see Python states.

isAltKey(self) → bool

Returns True if an Alt/Option key was pressed.

isArrowDown(self) → bool

Returns True if the Down arrow key was pressed.

isArrowLeft(self) → bool

Returns True if the Left arrow key was pressed.

isArrowRight(self) → bool

Returns True if the Right arrow key was pressed.

isArrowUp(self) → bool

Returns True if the Up arrow key was pressed.

isAutoRepeat(self) → bool

Returns True if the held key was auto-repeating.

isCapsLock(self) → bool

Returns True if the Caps Lock key was pressed.

isCtrlKey(self) → bool

Returns True if the Control key was pressed.

isKeyPad(self) → bool

Returns True if the pressed key was on the number pad.

isLeftButton(self) → bool

Returns True if the [LMB] left mouse button was pressed.

isMiddleButton(self) → bool

Returns True if the [MMB] middle mouse button was pressed.

isRightButton(self) → bool

Returns True if the [RMB] right mouse button was pressed.

isShiftKey(self) → bool

Returns True if the a Shift key was pressed.

isTablet(self) → bool

Returns True if the event was generated by a tablet stylus.

mouseWheel(self) → int

The result is negative if the wheel was rotated up and positive if it was rotated down.

Different mice will produce different outputs:

  • Mice with “clicky” wheels will generally output a -1 or +1 event for each click (at least that is the intention).
  • Mice with “free spinning” wheels, or touch sensitive surfaces (such as the Apple Magic Mouse), will produce a wider range of values. Small/slow scrolling might trigger a mouse wheel event but this method returns 0, whereas big/fast scrolling can produce higher numbers for each event, up to around 7, with the numbers increasing as the user “thows” the wheel and decreasing as it slows.
mouseX(self) → int

Returns the horizontal mouse position in screen coordinates, counting from the left edge of the view.

mouseY(self) → int

Returns the vertical mouse position in screen coordinates, counting from the bottom edge of the view.

tabletAngle(self) → double

Returns tablet stylus angle value.

tabletPressure(self) → double

Returns the tablet pressure value.

tabletRoll(self) → double

Returns the tablet stylus roll value.

tabletTilt(self) → double

Returns the tablet stylus tilt value.


The membership flag


time(self): -> double

Returns the time in seconds relative to the event.
class hou.UndosDisabler

Bases: object

Use this class to disable undos within a Python code block.

This object cannot be instantiated directly. See hou.undos.disabler.

This object is a context manager. You can create one using hou.undos.disabler. Changes inside the with block will not add actions to the undo stack.


The membership flag

class hou.UndosGroup

Bases: object

Used to group all undos within a Python code block into a single action.

This object is a context manager. You can create one using hou.undos.group. Changes inside the with block appear as a single action in the undo stack.


Returns the group label.


The membership flag

class hou.VDB

Bases: hou.Prim

A VDB is a kind geometry primitive (Prim object) that stores data in a three dimensional grid of voxels.

activeVoxelBoundingBox(self) → hou.BoundingBox

Returns the smallest exclusive bounding box within the VDB volume that has active voxels.

activeVoxelCount(self) → int

Returns the number of active voxels in the volume.

dataType(self) → hou.vdbData

Returns the voxel data type within the VDB volume.

gradient(self, position) → hou.Vector3

Given a sequence of three floats containing a 3D position, return a vector which points in the direction of the greatest rate of increase of the volume’s value.

See Wikipedia’s gradient page for more information.

indexToPos(self, index) → hou.Vector3

Given a sequence of three ints containing an index into the voxel array, return the corresponding 3D position of the middle of that voxel.

isEmpty(self) → bool

Returns whether the VDB volume has no data.

isSDF(self) → bool

Return whether or not the volume should be semantically treated as a signed distance field. If true, the volume can be thought of as representing a closed surface, where the negative voxel values are inside, the positive voxel values are outside, and voxels on the surace are zero.

For VDB volumes, there is typically only a 3 voxel radius around the surface where there exists data.

posToIndex(self, position) → tuple of int

Given a sequence of three floats containing a 3D position, return a tuple of three ints containing the corresponding index into the voxel array.

resolution(self) → hou.Vector3

Return the x, y, and z dimensions of hou.VDB.activeVoxelBoundingBox. Since VDB volumes are sparse, this represents the virtual resolution of all the voxels which have data (or are “active”).

sample(self, position) → float

Given a sequence of three floats containing a 3D position, return the value of the volume at that position. If the position is not in the middle of a voxel, Houdini will interpolate using values from surrounding voxels.

See also hou.VDB.voxel and hou.VDB.posToIndex.

taper(self) → int

Returns the taper value of the volume’s transform. For untapered transforms, this value will be 1.


The membership flag

transform(self) → hou.Matrix3

Return a 3x3 matrix containing the scale and rotation transformations for this volume.

Note that the position information for the volume can be obtained by calling volume.vertex(0).point().position().

The following function returns a 4x4 transformation matrix for the volume that includes the translation:

> def fullTransform(volume): > return (hou.Matrix4(volume.transform()) * > hou.hmath.buildTranslate(volume.vertex(0).point().position()))

You need to get the object node’s transform to get to worldspace.
vertex(self, index) → hou.Vertex

A shortcut for self.vertices()[index]. You probably don’t need to call this method.

This method supports negative indices to index from the end, just like self.vertices()[index] would. Also, like Python’s indexing operator, it will raise IndexError when the index is out of range.

voxel(self, index) → float

Given a sequence of three integers containing a voxel index, return the value of the corresponding voxel.


voxelRangeAsVector3(self, range) -> tuple of hou.Vector3

Return a tuple containing the values of all voxels withing a bounding box range. It is faster to call this method to retrieve all the voxels than it is to loop through the voxel array in Python.

See help for hou.VDB.voxelRange for implementation details.

voxelSize(self) → hou.Vector3

Returns the size of voxels within the VDB volume. All voxels will be of this size for untapered volumes. For tapered volumes, this size represents the size of voxel at the origin of the frustum.

class hou.ValueError(*args)

Bases: hou.Error

description(self) → str

Return a description of the class of exception. The description is not related to the exception instance.

exceptionTypeName(self) → str

Return the name of the exception type. Instances of different subclasses of hou.Error will return different names. Instances of the base class will return “Error”.

You can also use str(e.__class__) to get the name of the subclass.


The membership flag

class hou.Vector2(*args)

Bases: object

A sequence of 2 floating point values, with associated mathematical operations.

A Vector2 might be used to represent a position in 2D space, a 2D direction and length, or the size of a rectangle. For example, hou.Node.position returns a position and hou.Node.size returns the size of a rectangle.

See also hou.Vector3 and hou.Vector4.

distanceTo(self, vector2) → float

Interpret this vector and the argument as 2D positions, and return the distance between them. The return value is equivalent to (self - vector2).length().

dot(self, vector2) → float

Return the dot product between this vector and the one in the parameter.

See Wikipedia’s dot product page.

isAlmostEqual(self, vector2, tolerance=0.00001) → bool

Return whether this vector is equal to another, within a tolerance. Verifies that the difference between each component of this vector and the corresponding component of the other vector is within the tolerance.

length(self) → float

Interpret this vector as a direction vector and return its length. The result is the same as math.sqrt(self[0]**2 + self[1]**2).

lengthSquared(self) → float

Interpret this vector as a direction vector and return the square of its length. The result is the same as self[0]**2 + self[1]**2.

normalized(self) → hou.Vector2

Interpreting this vector as a direction, return a vector with the same direction but with a length of 1.

If the vector’s length is 0 (or close to it), the result is the original vector.

For vector’s with non-zero lengths, this method is equivalent to self * (1.0/self.length()).

setTo(self, sequence)

Set the contents of this vector to a sequence of floats.

Raises InvalidSize if values is not 2 elements long, or TypeError if values is not a sequence of floats or ints.


The membership flag

x(self) → float

Return the first component of the vector. Equivalent to v.

y(self) → float

Return the second component of the vector. Equivalent to v.

class hou.Vector3(*args)

Bases: object

A sequence of 3 floating point values, with associated mathematical operations.

A Vector3 might be used to represent a position in 3D space, or a 3D direction with a length.

See also hou.Vector2 and hou.Vector4.

angleTo(self, vector3) → float

Interprets this Vector3 and the parameter as directions and returns the angle (in degrees) formed between the two vectors when you place the origins at the same location.

cross(self, vector3) → hou.Vector3

Return the cross product of this vector with another vector. The return value is a vector that is perpendicular to both vectors, pointing in the direction defined by the right-hand rule, with length self.length() * vector3.length() * math.sin(hou.hmath.degToRad(self.angleTo(vector3))).

See Wikipedia’s cross product page.

distanceTo(self, vector3) → float

Interpret this vector and the argument as 3D positions, and return the distance between them. The return value is equivalent to (self - vector3).length().

dot(self, vector3) → float

Return the dot product between this vector and the one in the parameter. This value is equal to self[0]*vector3[0] + self[1]*vector3[1] + self[2]*vector3[2], which is also equal to self.length() * vector3.length() * math.cos(hou.hmath.degToRad(self.angleTo(vector3)))

See Wikipedia’s dot product page.

isAlmostEqual(self, vector3, tolerance=0.00001) → bool

Return whether this vector is equal to another, within a tolerance. Verifies that the difference between each component of this vector and the corresponding component of the other vector is within the tolerance.

length(self) → float

Interpret this vector as a direction vector and return its length. The result is the same as math.sqrt(self[0]**2 + self[1]**2 + self[2]**2).

lengthSquared(self) → float

Interpret this vector as a direction vector and return the square of its length. The result is the same as self[0]**2 + self[1]**2 + self[2]**2.

matrixToRotateTo(self, vector3) → hou.Matrix4

Return a matrix that rotates this vector onto vector3, rotating about the axis perpendicular to the two vectors. If the two vectors have the same direction, return the identity matrix.

multiplyAsDir(self, matrix4) → hou.Vector3

Interpret this vector as a direction and returns a transformed direction that has been rotated and scaled (not translated) by the matrix4

normalized(self) → hou.Vector3

Interpret this vector as a direction and return a vector with the same direction but with a length of 1.

If the vector’s length is 0 (or close to it), the result is the original vector.

For vectors with non-zero lengths, this method is equivalent to self * (1.0/self.length()).

ocio_transform(self, src_space, dest_space) → hou.Vector3

Use Open Color IO to transform the color from the source space to the destination space.

setTo(self, sequence)

Set the contents of this vector to a sequence of floats.

Raises InvalidSize if values is not 3 elements long, or TypeError if values is not a sequence of floats or ints.

smoothRotation(self, reference, rotate_order="xyz") → hou.Vector3

Returns the Euler rotations (in degrees) that have the closest values to reference while still describing the same orientation as this vector.

A hou.Vector3 of Euler angles, in degrees. Typically, this will be the rotations from the previous sample or frame.
A string containing a permutation of the letters x, y, and z that determines the order in which rotations are performed about the coordinate axes.

The membership flag

x(self) → float

Return the first component of the vector. Equivalent to v.

y(self) → float

Return the second component of the vector. Equivalent to v.

z(self) → float

Return the third component of the vector. Equivalent to v.

class hou.Vector4(*args)

Bases: object

A sequence of 4 floating point values, with associated mathematical operations.

A Vector4 could be used to represent a position or direction in 4D space. In 3D math, however, it is more commonly used to represent either a position or a vector, depending on the value of the fourth component. Positions have a fourth component of 1.0, and vectors have a fourth component of 0.0. Subtracting a position from another yields a vector, adding two vectors together yields a vector, and adding a point and a vector yields a point. Operations that yield a fourth component value other than 0 or 1, like adding two points together, are not valid. Similarly, is makes sense to speak about a vector’s length but not a position’s length. The fourth component also affects how the position/vector is transformed; see hou.Vector3.__mul__ for more information.

See also hou.Vector2 and hou.Vector3.

dot(self, vector4) → float

Return the dot product between this 4D vector and the one in the parameter. This value is equal to self[0]*vector4[0] + self[1]*vector4[1] + self[2]*vector4[2] + self[3]*vector4[3].

isAlmostEqual(self, vector4, tolerance=0.00001) → bool

Return whether this vector is equal to another, within a tolerance. Verifies that the difference between each component of this vector and the corresponding component of the other vector is within the tolerance.

length(self) → float

Interpret this vector as a 4D direction vector and return its length. If this vector is representing a 3D direction (so the fourth component is 0), the result is the 3D length.

The result is the same as math.sqrt(self[0]**2 + self[1]**2 + self[2]**2 + self[3]**2).

lengthSquared(self) → float

Return the result of self.length()**2. The result is the same as self[0]**2 + self[1]**2 + self[2]**2 + self[3]**2.

normalized(self) → Vector4

Interpret this vector as a 4D direction and return a vector with the same direction but with a length of 1. If this vector being used to represent a 3D direction (so the fourth component is 0), the result is still meaningful, and represents the corresponding 3D direction.

If the vector’s length is 0 (or close to it), the result is the original vector.

For vectors with non-zero lengths, this method is equivalent to self * (1.0/self.length()).

ocio_transform(self, src_space, dest_space) → hou.Vector4

Use Open Color IO to transform the color from the source space to the destination space.

setTo(self, sequence)

Set the contents of this vector to a sequence of floats.

Raises InvalidSize if values is not 4 elements long, or TypeError if values is not a sequence of floats or ints.


The membership flag

w(self) → float

Return the fourth component of the vector. Equivalent to v.

x(self) → float

Return the first component of the vector. Equivalent to v.

y(self) → float

Return the second component of the vector. Equivalent to v.

z(self) → float

Return the third component of the vector. Equivalent to v.

class hou.Vertex

Bases: object

Existing inside a Geometry object, a Vertex object is contained in exactly one Prim, and references exactly one Point.

This setup allows points to be shared between primitives. For example, a polygon contains its own list of vertices that are not shared with other primitives, but vertices in different polygons may refer to the same point. When that point moves, the corresponding vertices on all adjacent polygons will also move, preventing polygon edges from separating.

Note that you can use hou.Vertex.point to retrieve a point from a vertex, but there is no method to retrieve all the vertices referring to a point. Houdini does not store this information internally, but you can derive it. The best way to quickly retrieve this information is to build a dictionary mapping all points to sets of vertices, and then reuse this dictionary in your algorithm.

attribType(self) → hou.attribType enum value

Return the enumerated value hou.attribType.Vertex. Points, primitives, vertices, and geometry support the same set of methods for querying their attributes, and this method is one of them.

See also:

  • hou.Point.attribType
  • hou.Prim.attribType
  • hou.Geometry.attribType
  • hou.attribType
attribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → int, float, str or tuple

Return the value store in this vertex for a particular attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object.

Looking an attribute value using a hou.Attrib object is slightly faster than looking it up by name. When looking up attribute values inside a loop, look up the hou.Attrib object outside the loop, and pass it into this method.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no attribute exists with this name.

floatAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → float

Return the vertex attribute value for a particular floating point attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no attribute exists with this name or the attribute is not float of size 1.

In most cases, you’ll just use hou.Vertex.attribValue to access attribute values. Houdini uses this method internally to implement attribValue.

floatListAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → tuple of float

Return the vertex attribute value for a particular floating point attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. The return value is a tuple of floats.

It is valid to call this method when the attribute’s size is 1. In this case, a tuple with one element is returned.

See also hou.Vertex.attribValue.

geometry(self) → Geometry

Return the hou.Geometry object containing this vertex.

intAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → int

Return the vertex attribute value for a particular integer attribute of size 1. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. See hou.Vertex.floatAttribValue for more information.

intListAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → tuple of int

Return the vertex attribute value for a particular integer attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. The return value is a tuple of ints. See hou.Vertex.floatListAttribValue for more information.

linearNumber(self) → int

Return the number of this vertex within its whole detail. Vertices in the detail are sometimes in the same order as they occur in primitives, but this is often not true. Linear vertex numbers in a detail are sequential, starting from 0, and ending with one less than the total number of vertices in the detail. This can be useful so that a function that can be applied to point, vertex, primitive, or detail attributes doesn’t have to take two numbers just to handle the vertex case.

number(self) → int

Return the number of this vertex within its primitive. Vertices in the same primitive are numbered sequentially starting from 0, and the vertices returned by hou.Prim.vertices are in order by their number.

point(self) → hou.Point

Return the hou.Point object that this vertex refers to. Each vertex refers to exactly one point.

prim(self) → hou.Prim

Return the hou.Prim object containing this vertex.

If the primitive is a face, use hou.Prim.vertices to access the other vertices in the primitive. If it is a surface, use hou.Surface.vertex, hou.Surface.numRows, and hou.Surface.numCols.

setAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib, attrib_value)

Store an attribute value in this vertex. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object, and must be an existing vertex attribute in the geometry. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if no attribute exists with this name or if the attribute’s data type does not match the value passed in. If the attribute’s size is more than 1, the attribute value must be a sequence of integers/floats, and the size of the sequence must match the attribute’s size.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

stringAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → str

Return the vertex attribute value for a particular string attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. See hou.Vertex.floatAttribValue for more information.

stringListAttribValue(self, name_or_attrib) → tuple of str

Return the vertex attribute value for a particular string attribute. The attribute may be specified by name or by hou.Attrib object. The return value is a tuple of strings.

It is valid to call this method when the attribute’s size is 1. In this case, a tuple with one element is returned.

See also hou.Vertex.attribValue.


The membership flag

class hou.VexContext

Bases: object

Represents a VEX/VOP context. Different contexts allow the use of different functions/VOPs.

This class is for internal use by Houdini and isn’t usually necessary for scripting Houdini or creating tools.

This object is returned by hou.vexContextForNodeTypeCategory and hou.vexContextForShaderType. You can get a list of all VEX context objects using hou.vexContexts.


  • vexinfo
name(self) → str

Returns the name of this context as a string. For example, ‘Sop’ or ‘surface’.

nodeTypeCategory(self) → hou.NodeTypeCategory
Returns the hou.NodeTypeCategory object associated with this VEX context.

> >>> # Get a reference to a SOP node > >>> n = hou.node(“/obj/geo1/pointvop1”) > >>> # Get its type category (SOPs) > >>> sops = n.type().category() > >>> # Get the context associated with the SOPs category > >>> ctx = hou.vexContextForNodeTypeCategory(sops) > >>> # Get the node type category associated with the Sop context > >>> ctx.nodeTypeCategory() > <hou.NodeTypeCategory for Sop>

pathsToLoadedVexFunctions(self) → dict mapping names to paths
shaderType(self) → hou.shaderType enum value or None

Returns a hou.shaderType value representing the shader type associated with this VEX context.


The membership flag

class hou.ViewerEvent(*args)

Bases: hou.UIEvent

Represents a user interface event specific to viewers.

hou.ViewerEvent objects are used with Python states. Houdini will call event handlers with a dictionary containing various useful data, including a ui_event key containing a ViewerEvent object. You do not instantiate this type of object yourself. See Python states for more information.

hou.ViewerEvent is a specialized hou.UIEvent class that you can used for accessing ray coordinates in a viewer.

ray(self) -> (origin_point, direction)

Returns a tuple of two hou.Vector3 objects representing the origin point and a direction vector of a “pointing ray” in 3D world space corresponding to the underlying hou.UIEventDevice’s mouse coordidnates in screen space.

The resulting ray can be used to shoot into the scene that passes through whatever is under the mouse. The method puts the ray origin at the mouse screen coordinates on the near plane and then maps the camera space position to world space. For a perspective projection, the near plane part of the frustum is usually small in world space, so the origin point will be pretty close to the camera position.

snappingRay(self) -> (origin_point, direction, snapped)

Same as hou.ViewerEvent.ray, but the returned original point may be snapped with respect to the snapping controls in Houdini. The tuple returns the hou.Vector3 objects representing the origin point and a direction vector along with a bool value (snapped) representing the snap result.

If snapped is True, the origin point corresponds to a snapped coordinate in 3D world space. If False, the origin point is a regular “pointing ray”.

snapped may be False if snap is not enabled or the origin point doesn’t correspond to a snapped point.

The membership flag

class hou.ViewerState

Bases: object

Describes an interactive state for a viewer pane.

Viewer panes such as a Scene Viewer or Compositor Viewer can enter specific “states”. A state controls the available handles, mouse interactions, and in some cases node creation or deletion based on user interaction with the viewer pane. This class does not represent a running state in a viewer, but instead describes a state that can be entered with methods such as hou.SceneViewer.setCurrentState or hou.CompositorViewer.setCurrentState.

Each node type that can be displayed in a viewer pane will have an associated viewer state (though not all viewer states need to be associated with a node type). This node type specific viewer state is used to create new instances or edit existing instances of the node type in a viewer pane.

The list of viewer states associated with a given node type category is returned from the hou.NodeTypeCategory.viewerStates method.

categories(self) → tuple of hou.NodeTypeCategory

Return the node type category for the nodes that are associated with this state.

description(self) → string

Return the brief name of the state that appears in the upper left corner of the viewer pane when this state is active.

hotkey(self) → string

Return the hotkey associated with this state.

icon(self) → string

Return the icon for the state that appears in the upper left corner of the viewer pane when this state is active.

name(self) → string

Return the internal name of this state, which is the string that must be passed to the setCurrentState() method of the viewer pane to enter this state.

nodeType(self) → hou.NodeType or None

Return the node type associated with this state. May return None if this state is not associated with a particular node type, such as the SOP or Object View states which are used for panning and tumbling in a scene viewer pane.


Return the parameter templates associated with this state.


The membership flag

class hou.ViewerStateMenu(*args)

Bases: object

Builds a context menu for a viewer state.


The ViewerStateMenu class lets you build a context menu for a viewer state. This class is also represents sub-menus of the top-level context menu.

Currently you can add the following items to the menu

  • Toggle (checkbox) item: represents a setting you can turn on or off

  • Radio strip: represents a choice of several mutually exclusive items.

  • Action item: represents an action to preform. You implement the action in the state’s onMenuAction method.

  • Separator item: creates a visual separation between groups of items in the menu.

    Hotkeys created with hou.hotkeys.addCommand can be added to toggle, action and radio strip menu items.

    See setting up viewer state context menus for more information.

    The following example shows how to implement and bind a menu to a sop viewer state.

> from __future__ import print_function > import hou > > > class ExampleState(object): > def __init__(self, state_name, scene_viewer): > self.state_name = state_name > self.scene_viewer = scene_viewer > > # the menu callback > def onMenuAction(self, kwargs): > action = kwargs[“menu_item”] > if action == ‘toggle1’: > print(“Set toggle 1 to”, kwargs[“toggle1”]) > > elif action == ‘toggle2’: > print(“Set toggle 2 to”, kwargs[“toggle2”]) > > elif action == ‘action’: > print(“Chose action 1”) > > elif action == ‘radio_strip’: > print(“Set the radio strip to”, kwargs[“radio_strip”]) > > elif action == ‘submenu_toggle1’: > print(“Set the submenu toggle to”, kwargs[“submenu_toggle1”]) > > > def createViewerStateTemplate(state_type, state_label): > template = hou.ViewerStateTemplate( > state_type, state_label, hou.sopNodeTypeCategory() > ) > template.bindFactory(ExampleState) > > # create some hotkeys > example_context = “h.pane.gview.state.sop.example” > hou.hotkeys.addContext(example_context, “Example Operation”, “These keys apply to the Example operations”) > > h1 = example_context + ‘h1’ > hou.hotkeys.addCommand(h1, ‘example 1’, ‘example 1’) > hou.hotkeys.addAssignment(h1, ‘1’) > > h2 = example_context + ‘h2’ > hou.hotkeys.addCommand(h2, ‘example 2’, ‘example 2’) > hou.hotkeys.addAssignment(h2, ‘2’) > > h3 = example_context + ‘h3’ > hou.hotkeys.addCommand(h3, ‘example 3’, ‘example 3’) > hou.hotkeys.addAssignment(h3, ‘3’) > > h4 = example_context + ‘h3’ > hou.hotkeys.addCommand(h4, ‘example 4’, ‘example 4’) > hou.hotkeys.addAssignment(h4, ‘4’) > > # define the state popupmenu > m = hou.ViewerStateMenu(‘menu’, ‘Example’) > > m.addSeparator() > m.addToggleItem( ‘toggle1’, ‘Toggle1’, True, hotkey=h1 ) > m.addToggleItem( ‘toggle2’, ‘Toggle2’, False ) > m.addSeparator() > m.addActionItem( ‘action’, ‘Action1’, hotkey=h2 ) > m.addSeparator() > m.addRadioStrip( ‘radio_strip’, ‘Radio’, “radio_item1” ) > m.addRadioStripItem( ‘radio_strip’, ‘radio_item1’, ‘Radio1’, hotkey=h3 ) > m.addRadioStripItem( ‘radio_strip’, ‘radio_item2’, ‘Radio2’, hotkey=h4 ) > m.addSeparator() > subm = hou.ViewerStateMenu(‘submenu’, ‘More Example…’) > subm.addToggleItem( ‘submenu_toggle1’, ‘Sub toggle1’, True ) > m.addMenu( subm ) > m.addSeparator() > > # attach popupmenu to state > template.bindMenu(m) > > return t

addMenu(self, submenu)
Adds a ViewerStateMenu object as a submenu.

> menu = hou.ViewerStateMenu(“menu”, “State Menu”) > menu.addActionItem(“delete”, “Delete”) > menu.addSeparator() > submenu = hou.ViwerStateMenu(“options”, “Options”) > submenu.addToggleItem(“show_points”, “Show Points”, True) > submenu.addToggleItem(“show_point_nums”, “Show Point Numbers”, False) > menu.addMenu(submenu)

addRadioStrip(self, id, label, default)

Prepares the menu to accept a group of mutually exclusive “radio button” items.

A unique string ID for the strip. All menu items added to the group with addRadioStripItem() will have this string as their first argument.
A title displayed above the group in the menu.
A radio item id as specified with hou.ViewerStateMenu.addRadioStripItem representing the default choice when the menu is created.

> menu = hou.ViewerStateMenu(“menu”, “State Menu”) > menu.addRadioStrip(“deform_type”, “Deformation”, “bend”) > menu.addRadioStripItem(“deform_type”, “bend”, “Bend”) > menu.addRadioStripItem(“deform_type”, “squash”, “Squash”)

addRadioStripItem(self, strip_id, id, label, hotkey='')

Adds an menu item to a radio strip menu.

The string ID of the radio strip (created with addRadioStrip()). All items that share the same strip_id are mutually exclusive.
A unique string ID for this item.
The menu item text as it will appear in the menu.
An optional hotkey ID string to associate with this menu item. You can use hou.hotkeys.addCommand to create a custom hotkey.

> menu = hou.ViewerStateMenu(“menu”, “State Menu”) > menu.addRadioStrip(“deform_type”, “Deformation”, “bend”) > menu.addRadioStripItem(“deform_type”, “bend”, “Bend”) > menu.addRadioStripItem(“deform_type”, “squash”, “Squash”)

Adds a separator menu item.

> menu = hou.ViewerStateMenu(“menu”, “State Menu”) > menu.addActionItem(“delete”, “Delete”) > menu.addSeparator() > menu.addToggleItem(“show_points”, “Show Points”, True) > menu.addToggleItem(“show_point_nums”, “Show Point Numbers”, False)

addToggleItem(self, id, label, default, hotkey='')

Adds a toggle menu item to this menu.

A unique string ID for this item.
The menu item text as it will appear in the menu.
Whether the item is on or off by default when the menu is created.
An optional hotkey ID string to associate with this menu item. You can use hou.hotkeys.addCommand to create a custom hotkey.

> menu = hou.ViewerStateMenu(“menu”, “State Menu”) > menu.addToggleItem(“show_points”, “Show Points”, True) > menu.addToggleItem(“show_point_nums”, “Show Point Numbers”, False


The membership flag

class hou.ViewerStateTemplate(*args)

Bases: object

Contains attributes describing a certain viewer state (tool).

Viewer states control interaction in the viewport. For example, the Rotate tool is a view state. The Handles tool allows access to the state associated with the current node. Houdini lets you create and register your own custom view states in Python.

This object describes a custom state, including its implementation class and any bindings (menus, handles, hotkeys, selectors). You supply an instance of this object when registering a custom state, and Houdini uses it to create concrete instances of the state from the template.

> import hou > > # Create a class implementing the state callbacks > class MyState(object): > def __init__(self, state_name, scene_viewer): > self.state_name = state_name > self.scene_viewer = scene_viewer > > > # Create a template to describe the state and its bindings > template = hou.ViewerStateTemplate( > “mystate”, “My Custom State”, > hou.sopNodeTypeCategory() > ) > template.bindFactory(MyState) > template.bindHandleStatic( > “rotate”, “rot”, > [(“rx”, “x”), (“ry”, “y”), (“rz”, “z”)] > ) > > # Register the template with Houdini > hou.ui.registerViewerState(my_template)

For information on how to create your own custom view states, see Python states.

bindFactory(self, callable)
Takes a callable object (such as a class or function) that returns an implementation of the state interface. Usually this will be a class (a Python class is a callable object which returns an instance of the class). The callable should accept two arguments: a string containing the name of the state, and a hou.SceneViewer object representing the current viewer.

> class MyState(object): > def __init__(self, state_name, scene_viewer): > self.state_name = state_name > self.scene_viewer = scene_viewer > > def onMouseEvent(sefl, kwargs): > ui_event = kwargs[“ui_event”] > > > def createViewerTemplate(*args): > template = hou.ViewerStateTemplate(“mystate”, “My State”, hou.sopNodeTypeCategory()) > template.bindFactory(MyState) > return template


bindGeometrySelector(self, prompt, allow_drag=False, quick_select=True, auto_start=True, use_existing_selection=True, initial_selection=”“, initial_selection_type=hou.geometryType.Primitives, ordered=False, geometry_types=hou.geometryType.Primitives, primitive_types=None, allow_other_sops=False, hotkey=None)

Binds a geometry selector to this viewer state. This selector is used for selecting geometry elements when the underlying viewer state is active. This selector can only be used in a scene viewer, exception is thrown otherwise at registration (hou.ui.registerViewerStateTemplate).

Only one selector can be used with a viewer state. Multiple selectors are not supported, exception is thrown otherwise.

The viewer state plug-in can implement the onSelection method to receive new selections. onSelection gets the new selection as a hou.GeometrySelection stored in the selection entry of the input kwargs dictionary. The return value can be True to stop the selection tool or False to keep it running. Pressing [Enter] also terminates the selector.

Prompt displayed in the viewport when the selector is active. The prompt is mandatory.
Determines whether selecting a component with a single mouse click completes the selection. This is typically used to prevent a multiple component selection. Defaults to False.
If this is True, the state’s selection event is called whenever the selection changes. If this is False, Houdini waits for the user to finish selection by pressing [Enter] before it notifies the state about the new selection.

If True (the default), start the selector when the viewer state is activated. If False, you must specify a hotkey argument that activates the selector.

If you specify auto_start=False but don’t specify a hotkey (or specify hotkey=None), Houdini will print a warning to the console and then act as if auto_start=True.
If this is True, and a component selection exists when the user activates the state, Houdini will call onSelection with that selection. If this is False, Houdini will clear any existing selection and ask for a new selection.
When use_existing_selection is False, this is a string of component group syntax representing what to set the selection to when the state is activated. The default is no selection.
A hou.geometryType value, representing the type of components specified by the initial_selection argument. The default is hou.geometryType.Primitives.

If this is True, Houdini returns the components in the selection in the order the user selected them. The default is False, meaning the order of the components you get is unrelated to the order they were selected.

Only set this to True if for some reason you need to distinguish, for example, the first primitive the user clicked, or the last, or that kind of thing.

A hou.geometryType value representing the component type the user can select. The default is hou.geometryType.Primitives.
If this is not None, it should be a hou.primType value representing a type of primitive the user can select. The default of None allows selecting all types.
Allow selecting components on geometry from other geometry nodes visible in the viewport. Defaults to False.
An optional hotkey which acts as a switch for starting or stopping the selector. The default is None.

bindHandleStatic(self, handle_type, name, bindings, settings=None)

Binds a handle to a node parameter, so dragging the handle automatically updates the bound parameter.

A string naming the type of handle.
A unique string to use to identify the handle. Each binding’s name must be unique _within this state_. Trying to bind the same name more than once will raise an exception.

A list of (“node_parm_name”, “handle_parm_name”) tuples. This binds the parts of the handle to individual parameters on the node. For example:

Holds the binding information for the handle to node parm mappings. The bindings are provided as a list of node to handle parm name tuples.

A string containing specific settings of a handle. These settings are mostly read-only and cannot be changed at runtime.

> t = hou.ViewerStateTemplate(‘my_state’, ‘my_state_label’, hou.sopNodeTypeCategory()) > … > t.bindHandleStatic( ‘vector’, ‘Up Direction’, > [ > (‘group’, ‘input’), > (‘originx’, ‘tx’), > (‘originy’, ‘ty’), > (‘originz’, ‘tz’), > (‘upx’, ‘vx’), > (‘upy’, ‘vy’), > (‘upz’, ‘vz’) > ] > )


bindObjectSelector(self, prompt, quick_select=True, auto_start=True, use_existing_selection=True, allow_multisel=True, allowed_types=(‘*’,), hotkey=None)

Binds an object selector to a viewer state of type Object. This selector is used for selecting objects when the underlying viewer state is active. This selector can only be used in a scene viewer, exception is thrown otherwise at registration (hou.ui.registerViewerStateTemplate).

Only one selector can be used with a viewer state. Multiple selectors are not supported, exception is thrown otherwise.

The viewer state plug-in can implement the onSelection method to receive new selections. onSelection gets the new selection as a list of hou.Node objects stored in the selection entry of the input kwargs dictionary. The return value can be True to stop the selection tool or False to keep it running. Pressing [Enter] also terminates the selector.

Prompt displayed in the viewport when the selector is active. The prompt is mandatory.
If this is True, the state’s selection event is called whenever the selection changes. If this is False, Houdini waits for the user to finish selection by pressing [Enter] before it notifies the state about the new selection. Defaults to True.

If True (the default), start the selector when the viewer state is activated. If False, you must specify a hotkey argument that activates the selector.

If you specify auto_start=False but don’t specify a hotkey (or specify hotkey=None), Houdini will print a warning to the console and then act as if auto_start=True.
If this is True, and a component selection exists when the user activates the state, Houdini will call onSelection with that selection. If this is False, Houdini will clear any existing selection and ask for a new selection. Defaults to True.
A list of strings to specify one or multiple object types the user can select. For instance, add geo to allowed_types to select geometry objects only. Patterns such as * can be used to select any objects or more restritive patterns such as cam for selecting any camera objects. All available object types can be obtained with hou.objNodeTypeCategory.nodeTypes. Defaults to *.
An optional hotkey which acts as a switch for starting or stopping the selector. The default is None.

bindSceneGraphSelector(self, prompt, allow_drag=True, quick_select=True, auto_start=True, use_existing_selection=True, allow_multisel=True, prior_selection_paths=None, prim_mask=None, path_prefix_mask=None, prim_kind=None, hotkey=None)

Binds a scene graph selector to this viewer state. This selector is used for selecting scene graph elements when the underlying viewer state is active. This selector can only be used in a scene graph viewer, exception is thrown otherwise at registration (hou.ui.registerViewerStateTemplate).

Only one selector can be used with a viewer state. Multiple selectors are not supported, exception is thrown otherwise.

The viewer state plug-in can implement the onSelection method to receive new selections. onSelection gets the new selection as a list of element paths stored in the selection entry of the input kwargs dictionary. The return value can be True to keep running the selection tool or False to stop it. Pressing [Enter] also terminates the selector.

Prompt displayed in the viewport when the selector is active. The prompt is mandatory.
Allows the selection to be completed with a single mouse click. Defaults to True.
Configure the selector to use quick selections. When True the selection callback is called automatically for each selection, if False the user must hit ‘enter’ to complete the selection. Defaults to True.
Start the selector when the viewer state is activated. True by default.
If True, the selector uses the existing selection. Defaults to True.
Allows the tool to select multiple elements. Defaults to True.
Array of element paths to pre-select.
Filter mask for the selection (hou.scenePrimMask). Defaults to hou.scenePrimMask.ViewerSetting
Filter out selectable elements by a name prefix. Empty by default.
Primitive kind to highlight. Empty by default.
An optional hotkey which acts as a toggle switch for starting or stopping the selector. No hotkey by default.

bindSelector(self, name, selector_type, prompt, primitive_types=None, group_parm_name=None, input_index=0, input_required=True, allow_dragging=True)

Binds a selector to the digital asset tied to this viewer state. You can bind multiple selectors to the same viewer state.

These selectors are typically used by the shelf tool of the digital asset to create new instances of the SOP nodes. Houdini will invoke all bounded selectors, wait for the user to select geometries, and then connect the input SOPs and fill in group parameters to match what was selected.

A unique selector name identifier.

The type of the selector to bind. The following types are supported:


Select only primitives.


Select only points.


Select only edges.


Select any geometries.

Prompt displayed in the viewport to instruct the user what to select. The prompt is mandatory.
Specify the type of selectable primitives (hou.primType). Defaults to all types.
The name of the SOP node parameter containing the group field. The selector will set this parameter to the string representing the points, primitives, edges, etc. chosen by the user in the viewer. If None, the selector will look for a parameter named “group”.
The index of the input connector on the SOP node where the selector should wire input SOPs. A cookie SOP, for example, has two input connectors. It has two selectors, one for each input connector. Defaults to 0.
Specify if an input is required or not. If the user does not select any geometry and the input is not required, the selector will not wire anything to its input connector. Defaults to True.
Determines if click-and-drag operations are allowed. Click-and- drag operations select the geometry and begin manipulating the handles with a single mouse drag. Dragging the geometry forces the selector to finish immediately, the selector connects the input and sets the group parameter, and subsequent mouse movements are passed to the handle which translates the geometry by changing parameter values. Defaults to True.
categoryName(self) → str

Returns the name of the node type category of the state which you can use for creating the proper category object.


The membership flag

typeName(self) → str

Returns a unique string used to identify the viewer state.

class hou.ViewportVisualizer

Bases: object

Represents a viewport visualizer.

You can create a new visualizer by calling hou.viewportVisualizers.createVisualizer. You can get a list of registered visualizers by calling hou.viewportVisualizers.visualizers.

category(self) → hou.viewportVisualizerCategory

Return the category that the visualizer belongs to.

categoryNode(self) → hou.Node

Return the node that the visualizer is installed on. This only applies if the visualizer belongs to the Node category.

Return None if the visualizer belongs to either the Common or Scene category.


Delete this viewport visualizer.

If you call methods on a visualizer instance after it has been destroyed, Houdini will raise hou.ObjectWasDeleted.

evalParm(self, parm_name) → int, float, or str

Evaluate the specified parameter and return the result.

evalParmAsFloat(self, parm_name) → float

Evaluate the specified parameter and return the result as a float.

Raise hou.TypeError if the value cannot be converted to a float.

evalParmAsInt(self, parm_name) → int

Evaluate the specified parameter and return the result as an integer.

Raise hou.TypeError if the value cannot be converted to a integer.

evalParmAsRamp(self) → hou.Ramp

Evalute the specified parameter and return the result as a ramp.

Raises hou.TypeError if the parameter is not a ramp.

evalParmAsString(self, parm_name) → int

Evaluate the specified parameter and return the result as a string.

Raise hou.TypeError if the value cannot be converted to a string.

icon(self) → string

Return the name of the visualizer’s icon.

isActive(self, viewport=None) → bool

If this is a Common or Scene visualizer then return True if it is active for the specified viewport or False otherwise. The viewport argument must be a hou.GeometryViewport object.

If this is a Node visualizer then return True if it is active for all viewports and False otherwise.

Raise hou.TypeError if this is a Node visualizer and the viewport argument is not None. Node visualizers are either active in all viewports or none of them. They cannot be activated for a specific viewport.

Raise hou.TypeError if this is either a Common or Scene visualizer and the viewport argument is None.

isActiveWhenCurrent(self) → bool

Return True if the visualizer is applied when the geometry is the current geometry. Return False otherwise.

isActiveWhenDisplayed(self) → bool

Return True if the visualizer is applied when the geometry is displayed. Return False otherwise.

isActiveWhenGhosted(self) → bool

Return True if the visualizer is applied when the geometry is ghosted. Return False otherwise.

isActiveWhenSelected(self) → bool

Return True if the visualizer is applied when the geometry is selected. Return False otherwise.

isActiveWhenTemplated(self) → bool

Return True if the visualizer is applied when the geometry is templated.

isActiveWhenUnselected(self) → bool

Return True if the visualizer is applied when the geometry is unselected. Return False otherwise.

isShownInToolbar(self) → bool

Return True if the visualizer appears in the viewer pane’s toolbar. Return False otherwise.

label(self) → string

Return the visualizer’s user-friendly label.

name(self) → string

Return the visualizer’s unique identifier.

parmNames(self) → tuple of string

Return a tuple of the visualizer’s customizable parameters. Note that the parameters can change when either the visualizer’s type changes or one of the parameters changes (for example changing the Color Type parameter on a color visualizer).

scope(self) → hou.viewportVisualizerScope

Return the scope of geometries that the visualizer affects.

setIcon(self, icon)

Set the visualizer’s icon. icon must be the icon name.

setIsActive(self, on, viewport=None)

If this is a Common or Scene visualizer then set whether it is active or not for a specified viewport. The viewport argument must be a hou.GeometryViewport object.

If this is a Node visualizer then set whether it is active or not for all viewports.

Raise hou.TypeError if this is a Node visualizer and the viewport argument is not None. Node visualizers are either active in all viewports or none of them. They cannot be activated for a specific viewport.

Raise hou.TypeError if this is either a Common or Scene visualizer and the viewport argument is None.

setIsActiveWhenCurrent(self, on)

Set whether the visualizer is applied when the geometry is the current geometry.

setIsActiveWhenDisplayed(self, on)

Set whether the visualizer is applied when the geometry is displayed.

setIsActiveWhenGhosted(self, on)

Set whether the visualizer is applied when the geometry is ghosted.

setIsActiveWhenSelected(self, on)

Set whether the visualizer is applied when the geometry is selected.

setIsActiveWhenTemplated(self, on)

Set whether the visualizer is applied when the geometry is templated.

setIsActiveWhenUnselected(self, on)

Set whether the visualizer is applied when the geometry is unselected.

setLabel(self, label)

Set the visualizer’s user-friendly label.

setName(self, name)

Set the visualizer’s unique identifier.

setScope(self, scope)

Set the scope of geometries that the visualizer affects.

This method does nothing if the visualizer belongs to the Common or Scene because the scope is always global.

setType(self, type)

Sets the visualizer’s type. This essentially recreates the visualizer and rebuilds its customizable parameters. Call hou.ViewportVisualizer.parmNames to get a list of the parameters.

showInToolbar(self, on)

Set whether the visualizer appears in the viewer pane’s toolbar.


The membership flag

type(self) → hou.ViewportVisualizerType

Return the visualizer’s type.

class hou.ViewportVisualizerType

Bases: object

Represents a viewport visualizer type.

description(self) → string

Return a brief description of the visualizer type.

icon(self) → string

Return the name of the type’s icon.

name(self) → string

Return the visualizer type’s unique identifier.


The membership flag

class hou.Volume

Bases: hou.Prim

A Volume is a kind geometry primitive (Prim object) storing a three dimensional array of voxels.

allVoxels(self) → tuple of float

Return a tuple of floats containing the values of all voxels. It is faster to call this method to retrieve all the voxels than it is to loop through the voxel array in Python.

You can, for example, use Python’s Numpy library to perform operations on the voxel data and then store the result back into the volume from a Python SOP using hou.Volume.setAllVoxels. Note that Numpy allows you to reshape the flat tuple of floats to behave like a 3D matrix of floats.

This method can be approximately implemented as follows (though this Python implementation is much slower):

> def allVoxels(self): > result = [] > xres, yres, zres = self.resolution() > for z in range(zres): > for y in range(yres): > for x in range(xres): > result.append(self.voxel((x, y, z))) > return tuple(result)

See also hou.Volume.allVoxelsAsString, hou.Geometry.pointFloatAttribValues, and hou.Geometry.primFloatAttribValues.
allVoxelsAsString(self) → str

Return a binary string representation of the floats containing all the values of all voxels. This method is faster than hou.Volume.allVoxels, and you can use the array module to convert the string into a Python sequence.

This method provides a faster implementation of the following:

> import array > def allVoxelsAsString(self): > return array.array(“f”, self.allVoxels()).tostring()

You can convert the return value from this method to an array using the following method:

> import array > def allVoxelsAsArray(volume): > a = array.array(“f”) > a.fromstring(volume.allVoxelsAsString()) > return a

See hou.Volume.allVoxels for more information.
gradient(self, position) → hou.Vector3

Given a sequence of three floats containing a 3D position, return a vector which points in the direction of the greatest rate of increase of the volume’s value.

See Wikipedia’s gradient page for more information.

indexToPos(self, index) → hou.Vector3

Given a sequence of three ints containing an index into the voxel array, return the corresponding 3D position of the middle of that voxel.

isHeightField(self) → bool

Return whether or not the volume is flagged as a heightfield. Such volumes are two dimensional and have the heightfield visualization set.

isSDF(self) → bool

Return whether or not the volume is flagged as a signed distance field. Such volumes have a special border condition where out of bound reads will add the distance to the bounding box to the streaked boundary condition. They are also best to be semantically treated as signed distance fields.

isValidIndex(self, index) → bool

Return whether or not a sequence of three ints containing an index into the voxel array is valid, ie, within the bounds of the array.

This method can approximately be implemented as follows:

> def isValidIndex(self, index): > for i, maximum in zip(index, self.resolution()): > if i < 0 or i >= maximum: > return False > return True

posToIndex(self, position) → tuple of int

Given a sequence of three floats containing a 3D position, return a tuple of three ints containing the corresponding index into the voxel array.

Note that the returned index will be invalid if the position is outside the volume. Use hou.Volume.isValidIndex to determine if the index is valid.

resolution(self) → hou.Vector3

Return the x, y, and z dimensions of the volume. For example, a resolution of (10, 20, 30) means the volume is 10 voxels in x by 20 voxels in y by 30 voxels in z.

sample(self, position) → float

Given a sequence of three floats containing a 3D position, return the value of the volume at that position. If the position is not in the middle of a voxel, Houdini will interpolate using values from surrounding voxels.

See also hou.Volume.voxel and hou.Volume.posToIndex.

setAllVoxels(self, values)

Set the value of all voxels in this volume. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the sequence of values is not exactly the same as self.resolution()[0] * self.resolution()[1] * self.resolution()[2].

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.

See also hou.Volume.allVoxels.

setAllVoxelsFromString(self, values)

Set the value of all voxels in this volume from a string representation of a sequence of single precision float values. This method is faster than hou.Volume.setAllVoxels.

Note that this method can accept more types that just a string: it can receive any Python object that supports the buffer interface. In particular, arrays from the array and numpy Python modules are supported, so there is no need to first construct strings from those arrays.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the length of the string is not exactly the same as self.resolution()[0] * self.resolution()[1] * self.resolution()[2] * 4.

See hou.Volume.setAllVoxels and hou.Volume.allVoxelsAsString for more information.

The following example function accepts an array.array(“f”) and sets the voxels to its contents:

> def setAllVoxelsFromArray(volume, arr): > assert(arr.typecode == “f”) > volume.setAllVoxelsFromString(arr)

setTransform(self, matrix4)

Given a 4x4 matrix, set the position, rotation, and scale of this volume.

Note that if you want to just set the translate portion of a volume to a hou.Vector3, you could just call volume.vertex(0).point().setPosition(position).

setVoxel(self, index, value)

Set the value of a voxel. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python-defined SOP.

A sequence of three integers containing a voxel index. Raises hou.OperationFailed if any of the values in index are out of range.
A float containing the voxel’s new value.

Raises hou.GeometryPermissionError if this geometry is not modifiable.


setVoxelSliceFromString(self, values, plane, index)

Set the value of the voxels in a particular slice of this volume. You would typically call this method from the code of a Python- defined SOP.


A binary string representing of a sequence of floats containing the new values for the slice.

Note that this method can accept more types that just a string: it can receive any Python object that supports the buffer interface. In particular, arrays from the array and numpy Python modules are supported, so there is no need to first construct strings from those arrays.

The plane corresponding to this slice. This value must be either “xy”, “xz”, or “yz”.
The index of this slice in the array.

See hou.Volume.setVoxelSlice for more information.

The following example builds a volume from an compositing network sequence:

> def buildVolumeFromCopSequence( > cop_node, geo, voxel_depth, plane=”C”, component=”r”): > zres = int(cop_node.sequenceFrameLength()) > volume_bbox = hou.BoundingBox(*( > 0, 0, 0, > cop_node.xRes(), cop_node.yRes(), zres) * voxel_depth) > volume = geo.createVolume( > cop_node.xRes(), cop_node.yRes(), zres, volume_bbox) > > for z in range(zres): > pixels = cop_node.allPixelsAsString( > plane, component, > time=hou.frameToTime(z + cop_node.sequenceStartFrame())) > volume.setVoxelSliceFromString(pixels, “xy”, z)


The membership flag

transform(self) → hou.Matrix3

Return a 3x3 matrix containing the scale and rotation transformations for this volume.

Note that the position information for the volume can be obtained by calling volume.vertex(0).point().position().

The following function returns a 4x4 transformation matrix for the volume that includes the translation:

> def fullTransform(volume): > return (hou.Matrix4(volume.transform()) * > hou.hmath.buildTranslate(volume.vertex(0).point().position()))

You need to get the node transform to get to worldspace.
vertex(self, index) → hou.Vertex

A shortcut for self.vertices()[index]. You probably don’t need to call this method.

This method supports negative indices to index from the end, just like self.vertices()[index] would. Also, like Python’s indexing operator, it will raise IndexError when the index is out of range.

volumeAverage(self) → float

Return the average value of all voxels.

volumeMax(self) → float

Return the maximum value of all voxels.

volumeMin(self) → float

Return the minimum value of all voxels.

voxel(self, index) → float
Given a sequence of three integers containing a voxel index, return the value of the corresponding voxel.

> >>> volume_sop = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”).createNode(“volume”) > >>> volume_sop.parm(“initialval1”).set(0.3) > >>> volume = volume_sop.geometry().prims()[0] > >>> volume.resolution() > (10, 10, 10) > >>> volume.voxel((0, 0, 0)) > 0.3

voxelSlice(plane, index) → tuple of float

Return a tuple of floats containing the values of all voxels in a particular slice. It is faster to call this method to retrieve a slice than it is to loop through the voxel array in Python.

The plane corresponding to this slice. This value must be either “xy”, “xz”, or “yz”.
The index of this slice in the array. For example, if the plane is “xy”, this index is the z value and the result will contain all values in the voxel with this particular z value.

This method can be approximately implemented as follows (though this Python implementation is much slower):

> def voxelSlice(self, plane, index): > result = [] > > start = [0] * 3 > stop = list(self.resolution()) > > slice_axis = {“xy”: 2, “xz”: 1, “yz”: 0}[plane] > start[slice_axis] = index > stop[slice_axis] = index + 1 > > for z in range(start[2], stop[2]): > for y in range(start[1], stop[1]): > for x in range(start[0], stop[0]): > result.append(self.voxel((x, y, z))) > return tuple(result)

See also hou.Volume.voxelSliceAsString and hou.Volume.allVoxels.
voxelSliceAsString(plane, index) → str

Return a binary string representation of the floats containing all the values of voxels in a particular slice.

See hou.Volume.voxelSlice and hou.Volume.allVoxelsAsString for more information.

class hou.VopNetNode

Bases: hou.Node

definedType(self) → NodeType
shaderType(self) → hou.shaderType enum value or None

The membership flag

vexContext(self) → VexContext
class hou.VopNode

Bases: hou.Node

Represents a VOP (VEX Operator) node.

bypass(self, on)

Turns the node’s bypass flag on or off. When the bypass flag is on, the node will have no effect on the scene. The value of the on argument must be True or False.

Raises hou.PermissionError if the node is unwritable.

code(self) → str

Returns the VEX or RSL code that defines this node.

currentSignatureName(self) → str

Returns the current signature name of this node. The HDA nodes may provide several valid signatures, and this function returns the name of the currently used signature. A signature is defined by a set of input types and each set is assigned a name.


deleteIndependentInputNodes(self, input_index):, make_parm_node, reference_input_defaults) -> bool

Deletes a chain of nodes wired into a particular input if and only if they are wired only into the specified input on this node. Returns true if nodes were deleted, false otherwise.
extraBindings(self) → tuple of str

Returns the list of extra bindings the VOP node would add to the generated code. Implemented specifically for Snippet VOPs, this allows one to determine what bindings will be created by any adhoc @ references.

inputDataTypes(self) → tuple of str

Returns a tuple of all input data types for this node. Data types for input connectors that are hidden are also included.

The strings returned by this method can be used to set the Type parameter on a Parameter or Constant VOP.

inputGroupNames(self) → tuple of str

Returns the names of the input groups on this VOP Node. Note that not all groups will contain any inputs, and so not all groups will be visible in the Network View. Use the hou.VopNode.inputsInGroup method to determine which inputs are part of a particular group.

inputIndexOrder(self) → tuple of int

Return a tuple of integers which represent input index numbers that can be passed to hou.Node.setInput and related functions. The order of the index numbers represents the order in which those inputs appear in the network view tile for this object. This ordering is affected by the way inputs are grouped together on the parameter pane for this node.

inputsInGroup(self, group) → tuple of int

Returns the input index values of all inputs that appear in the group with the name specified in group. This parameter should be a value returned by the hou.VopNode.inputGroupName method. This method returns the same set of inputs whether the group is expanded or collapsed. Returns an empty tuple if the group name contains no inputs or is not a recognized group name.


insertParmGenerator(self, input_name, parm_gen_type, reference_input_defaults) -> hou.VopNode

Creates a parameter or a constant node and wires it into an input specified by input_name on this node. parm_gen_type must be a value of hou.vopParmGenType. If reference_input_defaults is True, this node will reference the defaults of the newly created node.

A resultant parameter or constant node is returned.


insertParmGeneratorsForAllInputs(self, parm_gen_type, reference_input_defaults) -> dict of str to hou.VopNode

Creates parameter or constant nodes and wires them into unconnected inputs on this node. parm_gen_type must be a value of hou.vopParmGenType. If reference_input_defaults is True, then this node will reference the defaults of the newly created nodes.

A dictionary is returned with input names for keys and hou.VopNode objects for values.

isBypassed(self) → bool

Returns True if the node’s bypass flag is turned on. Returns False otherwise.

isCompressFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns True if the node’s compress flag is turned on. Returns False otherwise. The compress flag controls whether or not a preview image is shown for this node in the Network View.

isDebugFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns True if the node’s debug flag is turned on. Returns False otherwise.

isDetailHighFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns True if the node’s high detail flag is turned on. Returns False otherwise.

isDetailLowFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns True if the node’s low detail flag is turned on. Returns False otherwise.

isDetailMediumFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns True if the node’s medium detail flag is turned on. Returns False otherwise.


isInputCompatible(self, idx, other, other_idx, allow_conversions = False) -> bool`

Return True if input idx of this object can be connected to output other_idx of node other. Two inputs can be connected if they are of the same data type. If the allow_converions parameter is set to True, a more permissive check is done which accepts an input connection if the output data type can be automatically converted to the input data type without an explicit conversion node (such as a float output to a vector input).
isInputGroupExpanded(self, group) → bool

Returns True if the group with the name specified by group is expanded in the Network View. The group parameter should be a value returned by the hou.VopNode.inputGroupName method. Returns the current expanded state of the group even if the group is not currently visible due to the setting of the input/output detail flags. Returns True if the group name is not valid.

isInputVisible(self, input_name) → bool

Returns True if the input connector specified by input_name on this node is visible, False otherwise.

isMaterialFlagSet(self) → bool

Returns True if the node’s material flag is turned on. Returns False otherwise. The material flag indicates whether this node is intended for use as a material to be assigned to objects or geometry.

outerCode(self) → str

Returns the outer code associated with this node.

outputDataTypes(self) → tuple of str

Returns a tuple of all output data types for this node. Data types for output connectors that are hidden are also included.

The strings returned by this method can be used to set the Type parameter on a Parameter or Constant VOP.

parmDefinerNode(self) → hou.VopNode

Return the Parameter VOP node that defines the parameter that this node is bound to. This method only applies to Parameter VOP nodes.

Return None if this node is not a Parameter VOP or if this node is the definer node.

setCompressFlag(self, on)

Turns the node’s compress flag on or off. If the compress flag is True, this node will not show a preview image in the Network View. If the compress flag is False, a preview image will be shown in the Network View. The value of the on argument must be True or False.

Raises hou.PermissionError if the node is unwritable.

setDebugFlag(self, on)

Turns the node’s debug flag on or off. The value of the on argument must be True or False.

Raises hou.PermissionError if the node is unwritable.

setDetailHighFlag(self, on)

Turns on or off the high detail flag for this node’s inputs and outputs. With this flag turned on, all inputs and outputs to this node will appear in the network view, whether they are connected to another node or not. This flag does not affect the operation of this node, only its appearance in the network view. The value of the on argument must be True or False.

Raises hou.PermissionError if the node is unwritable.

setDetailLowFlag(self, on)

Turns on or off the low detail flag for this node’s inputs and outputs. With this flag turned on, all inputs and outputs to this node will appear in the network view as connecting to a single location on the node. This flag does not affect the operation of this node, only its appearance in the network view. The value of the on argument must be True or False.

Raises hou.PermissionError if the node is unwritable.

setDetailMediumFlag(self, on)

Turns on or off the medium detail flag for this node’s inputs and outputs. With this flag turned on, only connected inputs and outputs to this node will be visible in the network view. This flag does not affect the operation of this node, only its appearance in the network view. The value of the on argument must be True or False.

Raises hou.PermissionError if the node is unwritable.

setInputGroupExpanded(self, group, expanded)

Sets the expanded state of the input group with the name specified by the group parameter. This controls the appearance of this input group in the Network View. Pass a group value of None to expand or collapse all input groups.

setIsInputVisible(self, input_name, is_visible)

Shows or hides an input connector of this node. The input is specified by input_name. The connector is shown if is_visible is True, and hidden otherwise.

setMaterialFlag(self, on)

Turns the node’s material flag on or off. If the material flag is True, it indicates that this node is meant to be used as a material to be assigned to objects or geometry. It will appear in material node choosers and be saved to IFDs generated with the option to save all materials turned on.

Raises hou.PermissionError if the node is unwritable.

shaderCode(self, shader_type=hou.shaderType.Surface) → str

Returns the generated VEX or RSL code for this VOP, using the given shader type to control output context. If the VOP is a subnet that can be packaged up as an encapsulated shader, then the specific code to define an encapsulated shader is output. Otherwise, the code generated for the entire VOP network is output.

shaderLanguageName(self) → str

Returns the name of the language the shader is written in.

shaderName(self, as_otl_path=True, shader_type_name=None) → str

Return the name of the shader defined by this VOP (if it is an embedded shader) or the shader name defined by the shop in which this VOP resides. If as_otl_path is True, returns an opdef: path to the SHOP type. The shader_type_name is a string indicating the shader context type to use; some nodes may provide several shader types, and each may have a different name. This is applicable only to multi-context shader nodes, such as a vopnet material shop.


shaderString(self, render_type=None, shader_type=hou.shaderType.Surface, as_encapsulated=False) -> str

Returns the string that encodes the shader name and parameter values suitable for specifying as a shader assignment in an input stream acceptable by the renderer of a given type. If the VOP is material that provides a few shader contexts (eg, surface and displacement), it is necessary to provide the shader type explicitly. If as_encapsulated is true, the returned shader string will encode the shader as embedded in the parent shader with parameters referencing the parent, if needed.

The membership flag

class hou.VopNodeType

Bases: hou.NodeType

This kind of NodeType contains extra attributes specific to VOP nodes.

inputTags(self, input_name) → dict of string to string

Returns a dictionary of key-value paris associated with the given input. This dictionary allows attaching arbitrary data to node inputs.

outputTags(self, output_name) → dict of string to string

Returns a dictionary of key-value paris associated with the given output. This dictionary allows attaching arbitrary data to node outputs.

renderMask(self) → str

Returns a string with space-separated names of the renderers that this VOP type supports. Note that some VOP types, like the switch VOP, return “*” to indicate that they support all renderers, while others return an empty string to indicate they are not real shaders.

See hou.VopNode.shaderString for an example.

shaderType(self) → [Hom:hou.shaderType] enum value

Returns the type of shader for this VOP type. For example, this vop type might be a surface shader or a displacement shader. See hou.shaderType for the possible shader types.

See also hou.VopNode.shaderType.


The membership flag


Create a new node bundle with the specified name.

addNodeBundle(name = None) -> hou.NodeBundle

See hou.NodeBundle for more information about node bundles.

If name is None, a unique bundle name is generated automatically.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the name is not alphanumeric or a bundle with that name already exists.


  • opbadd

Allow (or disallow) an environment variable to overwrite the value of a global variable saved in a hip file.

allowEnvironmentToOverwriteVariable(name, onoff)

Note that you need to allow the variable to be overwritten from within Houdini/hython _before_ loading in the hip file.

For example, suppose you set the JOB environment variable to /home/john/dyproject and created a hip file in /home/john/myproject/hip/scene.hip. Your hip file could then reference files using a $JOB prefix. If you then moved your project to /mnt/projects/myproject you cannot simply change the JOB environment variable because Houdini saved the old value of $JOB to the hip file. This function lets you override the value of $JOB before you load the hip file, as follows:

> import os > os.environ[“JOB”] = “/mnt/projects/myproject” > hou.allowEnvironmentToOverwriteVariable(“JOB”, True) > hou.hipFile.load(os.path.expandvars(“$JOB/hip/scene.hip”))


Compares two numbers and returns True if they are almost equal in terms of how far apart they are when represented as floating point numbers.

almostEqual(x, y) -> bool
class hou.appearanceChangeType

Bases: object

Enumeration of types of appearance change events that can happen to nodes.

See hou.Node.addEventCallback.


Any ErrorState Pick Color DeleteScript CommentLockFlag CompressFlag OTLMatchState ActiveInput Connections ExpressionLanguage NetworkBox PostIt
ActiveInput = appearanceChangeType.ActiveInput
Any = appearanceChangeType.Any
Color = appearanceChangeType.Color
Comment = appearanceChangeType.Comment
CompressFlag = appearanceChangeType.CompressFlag
Connections = appearanceChangeType.Connections
DeleteScript = appearanceChangeType.DeleteScript
Dot = appearanceChangeType.Dot
ErrorState = appearanceChangeType.ErrorState
ExpressionLanguage = appearanceChangeType.ExpressionLanguage
LockFlag = appearanceChangeType.LockFlag
NetworkBox = appearanceChangeType.NetworkBox
OTLMatchState = appearanceChangeType.OTLMatchState
Pick = appearanceChangeType.Pick
PostIt = appearanceChangeType.PostIt

The membership flag


Appends the given source code to the hou.session module. The appended code is made available immediately. You do not have to re-import hou.session.


This function throws a hou.OperationFailed exception if it fails to update the hou.session module. This can happen if the appended source has syntax errors or if it conflicts with the existing contents of the module.


  • hou.session
  • hou.sessionModuleSource
  • hou.setSessionModuleSource

Returns the application’s compilation date.

applicationCompilationDate() -> string

If this method is executed in python, then it returns the date which the hou module was compiled on.


  • version


  • hou.applicationName
  • hou.applicationVersion
  • hou.applicationVersionString
  • hou.applicationPlatformInfo
  • hou.licenseCategory
  • hou.isApprentice

Returns the application name.

applicationName() -> string


  • version


  • hou.applicationCompilationDate
  • hou.applicationVersion
  • hou.applicationVersionString
  • hou.applicationPlatformInfo
  • hou.licenseCategory
  • hou.isApprentice

Returns a string containing information about the system that compiled this version of Houdini.

applicationPlatformInfo() -> string

Most of the time you can use Python’s platform module to get information about the current operating system, processor type, etc. However, this function can provide information not available through the platform module, such as the version of the compiler that compiled Houdini.

> >>> hou.applicationPlatformInfo() > linux-x86_64-gcc4.4


  • hou.applicationCompilationDate
  • hou.applicationVersion
  • hou.applicationVersionString
  • hou.applicationName
  • hou.licenseCategory
  • hou.isApprentice

Returns the application’s version number as a tuple of integers – (major_version, minor_version, build_version).

applicationVersion() -> tuple of 3 ints

If this method is executed in python, then it returns the hou module’s version number.


  • version


  • hou.applicationCompilationDate
  • hou.applicationName
  • hou.applicationVersionString
  • hou.applicationPlatformInfo
  • hou.licenseCategory
  • hou.isApprentice
class hou.attribData

Bases: object

Enumeration of attribute data types.


Int Float String
Float = attribData.Float
Int = attribData.Int
String = attribData.String

The membership flag

class hou.attribType

Bases: object

Enumeration of geometry attribute types.

Note that global attributes are also known as detail attributes.

The type of data (e.g. int, float, string) is called the attribute data type, can correspond to hou.attribData.

See hou.Geometry.addAttrib and hou.Attrib for more information.


Point Prim Vertex Global
Global = attribType.Global
Point = attribType.Point
Prim = attribType.Prim
Vertex = attribType.Vertex

The membership flag


Evaluate a Bezier interpolation spline for an animated parameter using the left keyframe’s outgoing value, tangent, and acceleration and the right keyframe’s incoming value, tangent, and acceleration.

bezier() -> float

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • bezier()
class hou.boundaryDisplay

Bases: object

Enum for viewport boundary overlay.

Boundaries are used to show the edges of polygon mesh islands, for either position or UV coordinates.


The boundary is disabled.
The boundary is shown in 3D viewports only.
The boundary is shown in UV viewports only.
The boundary is shown in all viewports.
Off = boundaryDisplay.Off
On = boundaryDisplay.On
View3D = boundaryDisplay.View3D
ViewUV = boundaryDisplay.ViewUV

The membership flag


Change the current node. Houdini has one current node, analogous to a current directory in a file system. If a relative path is given, it is relative to the node returned by hou.pwd().


If no node exists at the path, this function raises hou.OperationFailed.

Even though, when called from a parameter’s expression, hou.pwd() returns the node containing the parameter and not Houdini’s current node, hou.cd() will always change the current node.

This function will raise hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.


  • hou.pwd
  • hou.setPwd


  • opcf

The same as evalParm(). Provided for backward compatibility.

ch(path) -> int, float, or string


  • hou.evalParm
  • hou.evalParmTuple
  • hou.chsop
  • hou.chsoplist
  • hou.parm
  • hou.parmTuple


  • ch()
  • chs()
class hou.channelEditorMode

Bases: object

Dopesheet = channelEditorMode.Dopesheet
Graph = channelEditorMode.Graph
Table = channelEditorMode.Table

The membership flag


Returns a CHOP node path pattern to take precedence when exporting to the same channel.

chopExportConflictResolutionPattern() -> str

Returns a pattern for matching CHOP node paths that should take precedence when there are other CHOPs that override the same channels thus leading to conflicts.


Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini channel container (chopnet) nodes.

chopNetNodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory

Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini channel (chop) nodes.

chopNodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory

Evaluate a parameter that references a node, and return the absolute path to the node.

chsop(path) -> string


  • hou.evalParm
  • hou.chsoplist


  • chsop()

Evaluate a parameter that references a node path list, and return a space separated list of absolute node paths.

chsoplist(path) -> string


  • hou.evalParm
  • hou.chsop


  • chsoplist()

Clears the selected state for all nodes, network boxes, and other subclasses of hou.NetworkMovableItem in the Houdini session.


This function is equivalent to traversing the node hierarchy and calling setSelected(False) on every hou.NetworkMovableItem in the scene, but operates much much faster.

This function will raise hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.


  • hou.NetworkBoxItem.isSelected
  • hou.NetworkBoxItem.setSelected
class hou.colorItemType

Bases: object




NetworkBox StickyNote StickyNoteText
NetworkBox = colorItemType.NetworkBox
StickyNote = colorItemType.StickyNote
StickyNoteText = colorItemType.StickyNoteText

The membership flag

class hou.colorType

Bases: object

Enumeration of color spaces.


The red green blue color model.
The hue saturation value color model.
The hue saturation lightness color model.
The CIE L* a* b* color space model.
The CIE XYZ color space model.
HSL = colorType.HSL
HSV = colorType.HSV
LAB = colorType.LAB
RGB = colorType.RGB
TMI = colorType.TMI
XYZ = colorType.XYZ

The membership flag

class hou.componentLoopType

Bases: object

Enumeration of component loop types.


A partial loop connects the components provided in a path with each input component acting as a way-point on the path. The loop will always start with the first provided component and end with the last.
An extended loop is always created from just two components (or possibly one edge component). It finds a path between these two components, then extends that path at both ends. It extends each direction until it either hits a boundary in the geometry, or finds its way back to the existing path. Often the resulting path will neither start with the start component or end with the end component.
A closed loop is always created from just two components (or possibly one edge component). It always tries to find a path the goes from the starting component, passes through the end component, and then continues on looking for a path back to the starting component. The paths returned will generally both start and end with the starting component.
Closed = componentLoopType.Closed
Extended = componentLoopType.Extended
Partial = componentLoopType.Partial

The membership flag

class hou.compressionType

Bases: object

Enumeration of compression types.


Compress using Gzip.
Compress using Blosc.
Do not compress.
Blosc = compressionType.Blosc
Gzip = compressionType.Gzip
NoCompression = compressionType.NoCompression

The membership flag

class hou.confirmType

Bases: object

Enumeration of confirmation dialog suppression options.


OverwriteFile UnlockNode DeleteSpareParameters DeleteWithoutReferences NestedChannelGroups SiblingChannelGroups DeleteShelfElement DeleteGalleryEntry InactiveSnapMode BackgroundSave LockMultiNode
BackgroundSave = confirmType.BackgroundSave
DeleteGalleryEntry = confirmType.DeleteGalleryEntry
DeleteShelfElement = confirmType.DeleteShelfElement
DeleteSpareParameters = confirmType.DeleteSpareParameters
DeleteWithoutReferences = confirmType.DeleteWithoutReferences
InactiveSnapMode = confirmType.InactiveSnapMode
LockMultiNode = confirmType.LockMultiNode
NestedChannelGroups = confirmType.NestedChannelGroups
OverwriteFile = confirmType.OverwriteFile
SiblingChannelGroups = confirmType.SiblingChannelGroups
UnlockNode = confirmType.UnlockNode

The membership flag

class hou.connectivityType

Bases: object

Enumeration of connectivity types.


NoConnectivity Texture Position
NoConnectivity = connectivityType.NoConnectivity
Position = connectivityType.Position
Texture = connectivityType.Texture

The membership flag


Evaluate an animation function for an animated parameter. The return value is always the left keyframe’s outgoing value.

constant() -> float

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • constant()

Returns the value of a cook context option.

contextOption(option) -> float or str

The return type will depend on the type of data used to set the option value.

Retrieves the current value of a cook context option. This may have been set by a node requesting data from another node, or from the global default context option values stored in the hip file.


  • hou.contextOptionNames
  • hou.hasContextOption
  • hou.setDefaultContextOption

Returns the names of all available cook context options.

contextOptionNames() -> tuple of str

Retrieves the names of all options available in the current cook context. If this method is invoked outside a cook context, it will return the names of all the default cook context options stored in the hip file.


  • hou.contextOption
  • hou.hasContextOption
  • hou.setDefaultContextOption
hou.convertClipData(*args, **kwargs)
convertClipData(data, from_binary, from_blosc_compression, to_binary, to_blosc_compression) -> str

Converts the given clip <data> from the given format into the specified format.

<from_binary> and <from_blosc_compression> specify the format of the given <data>.

  • If <from_binary> is True, the given data is binary clip data. Otherwise it is plain text (ASCII) clip data.
  • If <from_blosc_compression> is True, the given data is blosc compressed binary clip data. This cannot be used with ASCII clip data.

<to_binary> and <to_blosc_compression> specify the format the data should be converted to.

  • If <to_binary> is True, convert to binary clip data. Otherwise convert to ASCII clip data.
  • If <to_blosc_compression> is True, convert to blosc compressed binary clip data. This cannot be used with ASCII clip data.

Raises a hou.InvalidInput exception if from_binary = False and from_blosc_compression = True, or if to_binary = False and to_blosc_compression = True.

Raises a hou.OperationFailed exception if the given <data> is invalid.

hou.convertKeyframesToClipData(*args, **kwargs)
convertKeyframesToClipData(keyframe_map, binary=True, use_blosc_compression=True) -> str

Converts the given keyframes into clip data.

A dictionary mapping parameter names (str) to a list of keyframes for the parameter (hou.Keyframe).

<binary> and <use_blosc_compression> specify the format of the returned clip data.

  • If <binary> is True, the returned data is binary clip data. Otherwise it is plain text (ASCII) clip data.
  • If <use_blosc_compression> is True, the returned data is blosc compressed binary clip data. This cannot be used with ASCII clip data.

Raises a hou.InvalidInput exception if binary = False and use_blosc_compression = True.

Raises a hou.OperationFailed exception if the given <keyframe_map> is empty.


Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini composite container (copnet) nodes.

cop2NetNodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory

Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini composite (cop) nodes.

cop2NodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory

Copy all given nodes to a new place in node hierarchy.

copyNodesTo(nodes, destination_node) -> tuple of Nodes

The nodes to be copied should be a sequence of hou.Node objects. The destination node will be the parent of new copied nodes. The type of all source nodes should match the destination node child type.

This function returns a tuple of hou.Node objects corresponding to the copied nodes.

Nodes will be copied to the destination in batches based on their parent. All the nodes in a batch will be copied at the same time. This way, any relative channel references between nodes with the same parent will be updated to reflect the copied node location. Batches themselves will be copied sequentially. Thus, channel references between nodes with different parents will not be updated in copies.

For every copied node, if a node with the same name already exists at the destination, the copy will be renamed. Any relative channel references to the copy will be updated with the new copy name.

This function will raise a hou.OperationFailed exception if any of the nodes to be copied are of invalid type, the destination node cannot be copied into, or source node type does not match the destination node child type.

This function will raise hou.ObjectWasDeleted if any of source nodes or the destination node no longer exist in Houdini.

All of the above issues with source and destination nodes will be reported before copying starts to avoid partial copy.

After the function finishes execution, all the new nodes created by it will be selected.


  • opcp

Copy given nodes to clipboard.


This function copies given nodes to clipboard.

The nodes to be copied should be a sequence of hou.Node objects that have the same parent. Copying nodes from different networks at the same time is currently not supported.


  • hou.pasteNodesFromClipboard


  • opcopy

Smooth curve between the left keyframe’s outgoing slope and the right’s incoming slope.

cubic() -> float

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • cubic()

Returns the DOP Network node set as the “current” simulation in the UI.

currentDopNet() -> hou.Node

The “current” DOP network is the network the shelf tools put new nodes into. The user can change this using the simulation menu in the bottom right corner of the main window.

If you’re building a shelf tool that creates simulation nodes, you should use this function to know where to put them.

Call hou.setCurrentDopNet to set the current simulation network programatically.


  • hou.setCurrentDopNet

Repeats the motion between two times.

cycle(start_frame, end_frame) -> float

The values within the range are repeated exactly. If you want to line up the values with the value of the previous keyframe, use hou.cycleoffset() instead.

This function is the same as hou.cyclet() except hou.cyclet() accepts times instead of frames.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.cycleoffset
  • hou.cycleoffsett
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • cycle()

Repeats the motion between two frames, lining up the first repeated value with the left keyframe’s value.

cycleoffset(start_frame, end_frame) -> float

The repeated values are shifted so that each repeated portion has its first value set to the last value of the previous cycle. If the start frame is less than the end frame, the animation will cycle forwards. Otherwise, it will cycle backwards.

This function is the same as hou.cycleoffsett() except hou.cycleoffsett() accepts times instead of frames. If you want to repeat motion exactly, use the hou.cycle() function instead.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.cycleoffsett
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • cycleoffset()

Repeats the motion between two times, lining up the repeated values with the left keyframe’s value.

cycleoffsett(start_time, end_time) -> float

The repeated values are shifted so that each repeated portion has its first value set to the last value of the previous cycle. If the start frame is less than the end frame, the animation will cycle forwards. Otherwise, it will cycle backwards.

This function is the same as hou.cycleoffset() except hou.cycleoffset() accepts frames instead of times. If you want to repeat motion exactly, use the hou.cyclet() function instead.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.cycleoffset
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • cycleoffsett()

Repeats the motion between two times.

cyclet(start_time, end_time) -> float

The values within the range are repeated exactly. If you want to line up the values with the value of the previous keyframe, use hou.cycleoffsett() instead.

This function is the same as hou.cycle() except hou.cycle() it accepts frames instead of times.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cycleoffset
  • hou.cycleoffsett
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • cyclet()
class hou.dataParmType

Bases: object

Enumeration of data parameter types.

A hou.DataParmTemplate is set to one of these types to specify whether a data parameter will hold geometry data or a key-value dictionary structure.


Geometry KeyValueDictionary
Geometry = dataParmType.Geometry
KeyValueDictionary = dataParmType.KeyValueDictionary

The membership flag


Return the default color for a particular network element.

defaultColor(color_item) -> hou.Color

Returns the default color that will be used for new network elements such as network boxes and sticky notes. Node default colors are controlled with methods on the hou.NodeType.


  • hou.colorItemType
  • hou.NodeType.defaultColor
  • hou.setDefaultColor
class hou.displaySetType

Bases: object

Enum of viewport geometry contexts.

There are several contexts for controlling shading and marker display which allow geometries from different operators to be distinguished from one another.


Objects which are displayed but not selected, when the scene is viewing objects.
Objects which are displayed and selected, when the scene is viewing objects.
Objects which are not the currently edited object when Ghost other Objects display mode is active.
The currently displayed surface operater when editing an object.
The currently selected surface operater when editing an object.
Surface operaters that have their template flag set when editing an object.
CurrentModel = displaySetType.CurrentModel
DisplayModel = displaySetType.DisplayModel
GhostObject = displaySetType.GhostObject
SceneObject = displaySetType.SceneObject
SelectedObject = displaySetType.SelectedObject
TemplateModel = displaySetType.TemplateModel

The membership flag


Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini dynamic (DOP) nodes.

dopNodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory
class hou.drawableDisplayMode

Bases: object

Enumerator for the drawable display mode.


Specifies the display mode currently active in the viewport.
Specifies the display mode as wireframe.
CurrentViewportMode = drawableDisplayMode.CurrentViewportMode
WireframeMode = drawableDisplayMode.WireframeMode

The membership flag

class hou.drawablePrimitive

Bases: object

Enumerator for the drawable primitive types.


hou.drawablePrimitive.Circle hou.drawablePrimitive.Sphere hou.drawablePrimitive.Tube
Circle = drawablePrimitive.Circle
Sphere = drawablePrimitive.Sphere
Tube = drawablePrimitive.Tube

The membership flag


Interpolates between the left keyframe’s outgoing value and the right keyframe’s incoming value.

ease() -> float

The tangents will be flat at both ends of the function, so the curve will slowly ease from the left value and, near the end of the function, slowly reduce the speed until it is at rest at the right value.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • ease()

Interpolates between the left keyframe’s outgoing value and the right keyframe’s incoming value.

easein() -> float

The tangent will be flat at the left end of the function, so it will slowly ease from the outgoing value of the left keyframe.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • easein()

Interpolates between the values of two keyframes.

easeinp(ease_speed) -> float

This function is like hou.easein, except it has an additional parameter to say how fast the curve should ease into the motion.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • easeinp()

Interpolates between the left keyframe’s outgoing value and the right keyframe’s incoming value.

easeout() -> float

The tangent will be flat at the right end of the function, so it will slowly come to rest at the incoming value of the right keyframe.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • easeout()

Interpolates between the values of two keyframes.

easeoutp(ease_speed) -> float

This function is like hou.easeout, except it has an additional parameter to say how fast the curve should ease into the motion.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • easeoutp()

Interpolates between the values of two keyframes.

easep(ease_bias) -> float

An ease bias of less than one slow the animation near right keyframe, while an ease bias greater than one will slow it near the left keyframe.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • easep()

Evaluate a parameter, given either an absolute or a relative path to it. Relative path searches are done from the node returned by . This function is a shortcut for hou.parm(path).eval().

evalParm(path) -> int, float, or string

The return type will depend on the type of the parameter.

When a parameter is evaluating, hou.pwd returns the node containing that parameter, so hou.evalParm() can be used inside expressions to perform relative parameter references.

This function throws a hou.NotAvailable exception if you call it from MPlay.


  • hou.evalParmTuple
  • hou.Parm
  • hou.ParmTuple


  • ch()
  • chs()

Evaluate a parameter, given either an absolute or a relative path to it. Relative path searches are done from the node returned by . This function is a shortcut for hou.parmTuple(path).eval().

evalParmTuple(path) -> tuple of int, float, or str, or hou.Ramp

The return type will depend on the type of the parameter.

When a parameter is evaluating, hou.pwd returns the node containing that parameter, so hou.evalParmTuple() can be used inside expressions to perform relative parameter references.

This function throws a hou.NotAvailable exception if you call it from MPlay.


  • hou.evalParm
  • hou.Parm
  • hou.ParmTuple


  • ch()
  • chramp()
  • chs()

Return the parameter that is currently evaluating.

evaluatingParm() -> hou.Parm

You can call this function from a parameter expression to determine which parameter is currently evaluating. This function provides the Python equivalent of Hscript’s $CH variable.


  • hou.ScriptEvalContext
hou.exit(*args, **kwargs)

Exits Houdini, returning the exit code to the operating system. If suppress_save_prompt is false, this function asks the user if he/she wants to save. If the user presses “Cancel”, the exit will be canceled and the next statement will execute.

exit(exit_code=0, suppress_save_prompt=False)

The exit confirmation prompt only appears if the session has unsaved changes. This function will not return until after the user has made a choice from the prompt. If this function is called from outside Houdini (e.g. MPlay or a non-graphical Python shell), the dialog is not displayed and suppress_save_prompt==True is implied.

Note that if the user chose to exit, this function will raise a Python SystemExit exception to ensure the executing Python script terminates. This approach ensures that the next Python statement will not be executed, since Houdini may add events to its event queue that carry out the actual shutdown, or hou.exit() may be called from a different thread than the one executing the shutdown.

Note that if you call sys.exit() from within the interactive Houdini Python shell, it will call hou.exit() with suppress_save_prompt=True. The Houdini Python shell does this by intercepting the SystemExit exception raised by sys.exit() and calling hou.exit(). Since both sys.exit() and hou.exit() both raise SystemExit exceptions, the shell calls hou._isExiting() to differentiate between the two.

Avoid calling sys.exit() from any place other than the interactive Houdini Python shell, such as non-graphical Python shells, and instead call hou.exit(). Using hou.exit() ensures that Houdini shuts down cleanly.


  • quit

Expands global variables and expressions in a string at the current frame.

expandString(str) -> str

Expands global variables in the expression. For example, when Houdini is at frame 10:

> >>> hou.expandStringAtFrame(‘$F’) > ‘10’

Also expands HScript expressions in backticks, such as the channel reference in this example. This returns the value of the translate X parameter for geo1 at the current frame as a string:

> hou.expandStringAtFrame(‘ch(“/obj/geo1/tx”)’)

This function evaluates the string as if it were the contents of a non- animated text parameter. To evaluate a straight HScript expression (without needing backticks), use hou.hscriptExpression.

Raises hou.OperationFailed exception if the first argument is None.

> >>> hou.expandString(“$HIP/file.geo”) > ‘/dir/containing/hip/file/file.geo’ > >>> hou.expandString(“file`$F+1`.pic”) > ‘file2.pic’


  • hou.expandStringAtFrame
  • hou.hscriptExpression

Expands global variables and expressions in a string at a given frame.

expandStringAtFrame(str, frame_number) -> str

Expands global variables in the expression. For example:

> >>> hou.expandStringAtFrame(‘$F’, 10) > ‘10’

Also expands HScript expressions in back-ticks, such as the channel reference in this example. This returns the value of the translate X parameter for geo1 at the current frame as a string:

> hou.expandStringAtFrame(‘ch(“/obj/geo1/tx”)’, hou.frame())

This function evaluates the string as if it were the contents of a non- animated text parameter. To evaluate a straight HScript expression (without needing back-ticks), use hou.hscriptExpression.

Raises hou.OperationFailed exception if the first argument is None.


  • hou.expandString
  • hou.hscriptExpression
class hou.exprLanguage

Bases: object

Enumeration of available expression languages.


Python Hscript
Hscript = exprLanguage.Hscript
Python = exprLanguage.Python

The membership flag


Return the globals dictionary used by the parameter expression evaluation namespace.

expressionGlobals() -> dict

When Houdini evaluates a Python expression inside a parameter, it uses a separate namespace. This way, Houdini can run from hou import * and from hou.session import * in that namespace, allowing you to drop the hou. and hou.session. prefixes in your expressions, and the global namespace does not get polluted.

In Python, namespaces are stored as dictionaries. This function returns the dictionary for the Python parameter expression namespace. It is analogous to the builtin globals function, which returns you the dictionary for the current namespace.

You might use this function from the pythonrc.py file to set up Python functions that can be called from any Python parameter expression. For example, if you put your functions in a module called expr, you might put the following in pythonrc.py:

> import expr > hou.expressionGlobals()[‘expr’] = expr

Then, from a Python expression, you could write expr.foo(), where foo is a function defined in your expr module.

You can also use this dictionary with Python’s exec statement. The following example also imports the expr module into the both the global and expression namespaces:

> code = compile(“import expr”, “<generated_code>”, “exec”) > exec code > exec code in hou.expressionGlobals()

See Python Parameter Expressions for more information on using Python expressions in parameters. See startup scripts for more information about pythonrc.py.

class hou.fbxCompatibilityMode

Bases: object

FBXStandard = fbxCompatibilityMode.FBXStandard
Maya = fbxCompatibilityMode.Maya

The membership flag

class hou.fbxMaterialMode

Bases: object

FBXShaderNodes = fbxMaterialMode.FBXShaderNodes
VopNetworks = fbxMaterialMode.VopNetworks

The membership flag

class hou.fieldType

Bases: object

Enumeration of field types.


NoSuchField Integer Boolean Float String Vector2 Vector3 Vector4 Quaternion Matrix3 Matrix4 UV UVW IntArray FloatArray
Boolean = fieldType.Boolean
Float = fieldType.Float
FloatArray = fieldType.FloatArray
IntArray = fieldType.IntArray
Integer = fieldType.Integer
Matrix2 = fieldType.Matrix2
Matrix3 = fieldType.Matrix3
Matrix4 = fieldType.Matrix4
NoSuchField = fieldType.NoSuchField
Quaternion = fieldType.Quaternion
String = fieldType.String
StringArray = fieldType.StringArray
UV = fieldType.UV
UVW = fieldType.UVW
Vector2 = fieldType.Vector2
Vector3 = fieldType.Vector3
Vector4 = fieldType.Vector4

The membership flag

class hou.fileChooserMode

Bases: object

Enumeration of possible read/write modes for the file chooser.

See hou.ui.selectFile.


Read Write ReadAndWrite
Read = fileChooserMode.Read
ReadAndWrite = fileChooserMode.ReadAndWrite
Write = fileChooserMode.Write

The membership flag

class hou.fileType

Bases: object

Enumeration of file types.


Any Image Geometry Ramp Capture Clip Lut Cmd Midi I3d Chan Sim SimData Hip Otl Dae Gallery Directory
Any = fileType.Any
Capture = fileType.Capture
Chan = fileType.Chan
Clip = fileType.Clip
Cmd = fileType.Cmd
Dae = fileType.Dae
Directory = fileType.Directory
Gallery = fileType.Gallery
Geometry = fileType.Geometry
Hip = fileType.Hip
I3d = fileType.I3d
Image = fileType.Image
Lut = fileType.Lut
Midi = fileType.Midi
Otl = fileType.Otl
Ramp = fileType.Ramp
Sim = fileType.Sim
SimData = fileType.SimData

The membership flag


Search the Houdini path for the specified directory, returning a tuple of all the matches. The directory name specified should be relative to the Houdini directory.

findDirectories(directory_name) -> tuple of strings

If the directory cannot be found in the Houdini path, OperationFailed is raised.


  • hou.findDirectory
  • hou.findFile
  • hou.findFiles
  • hou.houdiniPath

Search the Houdini path for a specified directory, returning the first match found. The directory name specified should be relative to the Houdini directory.

findDirectory(directory_name) -> string

If the directory cannot be found in the Houdini path, OperationFailed is raised.


  • hou.findDirectories
  • hou.findFile
  • hou.findFiles
  • hou.houdiniPath

Search the Houdini path for a specified file, returning the first match found. The filename specified should be relative to the Houdini directory.

findFile(file_name) -> string

If the file cannot be found in the Houdini path, OperationFailed is raised. Directories are not found, for directories use hou.findDirectory instead.


  • hou.findFiles
  • hou.findDirectory
  • hou.findDirectories
  • hou.houdiniPath


  • findfile()

Search the Houdini path for the specified file, returning a tuple of all the matches. The filename specified should be relative to the Houdini directory.

findFiles(file_name) -> tuple of strings

If the file cannot be found on the Houdini path, OperationFailed is raised. Directories are not found, for directories use hou.findDirectories instead.


  • hou.findFile
  • hou.findDirectory
  • hou.findDirectories
  • hou.houdiniPath


  • findfiles()
hou.findFilesWithExtension(*args, **kwargs)

Search the Houdini path for files with a particular extension, returning a tuple of all the matches. A subdirectory can also be optionally provided which is appended to each entry in the Houdini path before looking for files.

findFilesWithExtension(file_extension, subdirectory = None) -> tuple of strings

Directories are not returned by this method.


  • hou.findFile
  • hou.findDirectory
  • hou.findDirectories
  • hou.houdiniPath


  • findfiles()
class hou.flipbookAntialias

Bases: object

Enum values for flipbook antialiasing settings.

See hou.FlipbookSettings.antialias.


Use the current viewport’s antialiasing setting.
No antialiasing.
Fast 2-sample antialiasing.
4-sample antialiasing.
High-quality 8-sample antialiasing.
Fast = flipbookAntialias.Fast
Good = flipbookAntialias.Good
HighQuality = flipbookAntialias.HighQuality
Off = flipbookAntialias.Off
UseViewportSetting = flipbookAntialias.UseViewportSetting

The membership flag

class hou.flipbookMotionBlurBias

Bases: object

Enum values used to specify the motion blur subframe range.

See hou.FlipbookSettings.motionBlurFrameRange.


Subframe range is centered around the currently rendering frame.
Subframe range begins at the currently rendering frame.
Subframe range ends at the currently rendering frame.
Centered = flipbookMotionBlurBias.Centered
Forward = flipbookMotionBlurBias.Forward
Previous = flipbookMotionBlurBias.Previous

The membership flag

class hou.flipbookObjectType

Bases: object

Enum values for setting the flipbook’s visible object types.

Used by FlipbookSettings.visibleTypes() to set the visible object types when doing a flipbook.


All object types that are currently visible will be rendered.
Only geometry objects will be rendered, which excludes bone, muscle, null, camera, light, and blend objects.
All object types other than Geometry that are currently visible will be rendered.
All object types will be rendered, even if their type is not currently visible.
AllObjects = flipbookObjectType.AllObjects
GeoExcluded = flipbookObjectType.GeoExcluded
GeoOnly = flipbookObjectType.GeoOnly
Visible = flipbookObjectType.Visible

The membership flag

class hou.folderType

Bases: object

Enumeration of folder types for FolderParmTemplates.

See also hou.FolderParmTemplate.


A folder that expands and collapses to show and hide its contents respectively.
A simple folder for organizing parameters in the form of a group box.
A normal folder represented by a tab.
A folder with a radio button. The open folder is the selected radio button in the set of buttons.
A block of multiparms. The user can add or remove instances of this parameter block.
A multiparm block inside a smaller region with scroll bars.
A multiparm block where each instance of the parameters in the block appears in its own tab.
A block containing parameters imported from another node.
Collapsible = folderType.Collapsible
ImportBlock = folderType.ImportBlock
MultiparmBlock = folderType.MultiparmBlock
RadioButtons = folderType.RadioButtons
ScrollingMultiparmBlock = folderType.ScrollingMultiparmBlock
Simple = folderType.Simple
TabbedMultiparmBlock = folderType.TabbedMultiparmBlock
Tabs = folderType.Tabs

The membership flag


Return the number of frames per second.

fps() -> float

This value is used when converting between frames and time.


  • hou.setFps
  • hou.frame
  • hou.time


  • fps

Return the playbar’s current frame. Note that Houdini can be on a fractional frame if fractional frames are enabled.

frame() -> float

Note that this function is equivalent to Hscript’s $FF variable. If you want hscript’s $F variable, use hou.intFrame, which rounds the frame to the nearest integer.

To enable fractional frames, turn off the Integer Frame Values in the Global Animation Options dialog.

This function rounds its output to 3 decimal places, just like Hscript’s $FF variable does. Note, though, that because a Python float may not be able to precisely represent a floating point value, and because Python does not round numbers when it displays them, the frame number might end with 9999999999999 or 0000000000001 when you print it to the Python shell. When you convert the number to a string, though, Python will round the value, so it will contain at most 3 decimal places.

> >>> 2.759 > 2.7589999999999999 > >>> 2.757 > 2.7570000000000001 > >>> str(2.759) > ‘2.759’

If Houdini is on a fractional frame and you do not want the rounded value, use hou.timeToFrame(hou.time()).

> >>> hou.setFrame(13.193) > >>> hou.frame() > 13.193 > >>> hou.timeToFrame(hou.time()) > 13.192999839782715 > >>> hou.setFrame(2.759) > >>> hou.frame() > 2.7589999999999999 > >>> int(hou.frame()) > 2 > >>> hou.intFrame() > 3


  • hou.intFrame
  • hou.setFrame
  • hou.time
  • hou.fps


  • fcur

Convert from a given frame value to a time value.

frameToTime(frame) -> float

Calling this function is the same as evaluating (frame - 1.0) / hou.fps(). Unlike hou.timeToFrame(), no rounding is performed.


  • hou.fps
  • hou.time
  • hou.frame


  • fps
class hou.geometryType

Bases: object

Enumeration of geometry component types.


Points Vertices Edges Breakpoints Primitives
Breakpoints = geometryType.Breakpoints
Edges = geometryType.Edges
Points = geometryType.Points
Primitives = geometryType.Primitives
Vertices = geometryType.Vertices

The membership flag

class hou.geometryViewportEvent

Bases: object

Enumeration of the geometry viewport events that can be handled by callback functions.

See hou.GeometryViewport.addEventCallback.


This event is triggered when the viewport camera has been switched to a different one.
CameraSwitched = geometryViewportEvent.CameraSwitched

The membership flag

class hou.geometryViewportLayout

Bases: object

Enumeration of viewport layouts.

> # Get a reference to the 3D viewer pane tab > desktop = hou.ui.curDesktop() > viewer = desktop.paneTabOfType(hou.paneTabType.SceneViewer) > > # Get the current layout > current_layout = viewer.viewportLayout() > # Change the layout to “quad view” > viewer.setViewportLayout(hou.geometryViewportLayout.)

See the viewport methods on the SceneViewer object.










DoubleSide = geometryViewportLayout.DoubleSide
DoubleStack = geometryViewportLayout.DoubleStack
Quad = geometryViewportLayout.Quad
QuadBottomSplit = geometryViewportLayout.QuadBottomSplit
QuadLeftSplit = geometryViewportLayout.QuadLeftSplit
Single = geometryViewportLayout.Single
TripleBottomSplit = geometryViewportLayout.TripleBottomSplit
TripleLeftSplit = geometryViewportLayout.TripleLeftSplit

The membership flag

class hou.geometryViewportType

Bases: object

Enumeration of scene viewer viewport types.


Perspective Top Bottom Front Back Right Left UV
Back = geometryViewportType.Back
Bottom = geometryViewportType.Bottom
Front = geometryViewportType.Front
Left = geometryViewportType.Left
Perspective = geometryViewportType.Perspective
Right = geometryViewportType.Right
Top = geometryViewportType.Top
UV = geometryViewportType.UV

The membership flag


Return a preference value.

getPreference(name) -> string


  • hou.getPreferenceNames
  • hou.setPreference

Return all the preference names.

getPreferenceNames() -> tuple of strings


  • hou.getPreference
  • hou.setPreference

Return the value of the specified Houdini environment variable.

getenv(name, default_value=None) -> str

Return the value of the specified Houdini environment variable. Return default_value if the environment variable does not exist.


  • hou.putenv
  • hou.unsetenv
class hou.glShadingType

Bases: object

Enum for viewport shading modes


Objects displayed as wireframe bounding boxes.
Objects displayed as solid bounding boxes.
Geometry displayed as regular wireframe.
Geometry displayed as wireframe with occluded wires dimmed.
Geometry displayed as wireframe with constant filled polygons.
Geometry displayed as wireframe hidden occluded wires.
Geometry displayed as lit, but with flat shaded polygons.
Geometry displayed as lit, but with flat shaded, outlined polygons.
Geometry displayed as shaded and lit.
Geometry displayed as shaded and lit with outlined polygons.
Flat = glShadingType.Flat
FlatWire = glShadingType.FlatWire
HiddenLineGhost = glShadingType.HiddenLineGhost
HiddenLineInvisible = glShadingType.HiddenLineInvisible
ShadedBoundingBox = glShadingType.ShadedBoundingBox
Smooth = glShadingType.Smooth
SmoothWire = glShadingType.SmoothWire
Wire = glShadingType.Wire
WireBoundingBox = glShadingType.WireBoundingBox
WireGhost = glShadingType.WireGhost

The membership flag

class hou.groupListType

Bases: object

Enumeration of group list types.


Points Vertices Edges Breakpoints Primitives MatchPickType
Breakpoints = groupListType.Breakpoints
Edges = groupListType.Edges
MatchPickType = groupListType.MatchPickType
Points = groupListType.Points
Primitives = groupListType.Primitives
Vertices = groupListType.Vertices

The membership flag

class hou.handleOrientToNormalAxis

Bases: object

Enumeration of handle axes that can be aligned to a geometry normal.

See hou.ui.handleOrientToNormalAxis for more information.


Y = handleOrientToNormalAxis.Y
Z = handleOrientToNormalAxis.Z

The membership flag


Returns True if the specified option exists in the current cook context.

hasContextOption(option) -> bool

This method tests for options that may have been set by a node requesting data from another node, or that are set in the default cook context options stored with the hip file.


  • hou.contextOption
  • hou.contextOptionNames
  • hou.setDefaultContextOption

Given a node type category, operator name and digital asset library path, return an HDADefinition object. Return None if no such digital asset definition matches the arguments.

hdaDefinition(node_type_category, name, lib_path) -> hou.HDADefinition or None

Be careful not to confuse this function with the class hou.HDADefinition.


> # Return the HDA definition for a SOP digital asset named ‘foo’ > # that is located in the ‘/tmp/bar.hda’ library. > hou.hdaDefinition(hou.sopNodeTypeCategory(), ‘foo’, ‘/tmp/bar.hda’)


  • hou.hda
class hou.hdaEventType

Bases: object

Enumeration of types of events that can happen for digital asset libraries.

See hou.hda.addEventCallback.

The AssetCreated and AssetDeleted events do not fire when a library file is installed or uninstalled.



A new asset was created (using the Create Digital Asset context menu item in the network editor or through HOM).

The callback function is called with this event type and the following additional argument:

An hou.HDADefinition object representing the newly created asset.

An asset was deleted (using the Asset Manager UI or through HOM). Note that the asset no longer exists by the time the function is called.

The callback function is called with this event type and the following additional arguments:

A string containing the name of the deleted asset.
A string containing the file path of the asset library (.hda) file that contained the asset.
A hou.NodeTypeCategory representing the type category (for example, Object, SOP, DOP) of the deleted asset.

An asset was saved.

The callback function is called with this event type and the following additional argument:

An hou.HDADefinition object representing the saved asset.

A digital asset library has been installed into the current Houdini session.

The callback function is called with this event type and the following additional argument:

The file path to the installed asset library (.hda) file.

A digital asset library has been uninstalled from the current Houdini session.

The callback function is called with this event type and the following additional argument:

The file path to the uninstalled asset library (.hda) file.
AssetCreated = hdaEventType.AssetCreated
AssetDeleted = hdaEventType.AssetDeleted
AssetSaved = hdaEventType.AssetSaved
LibraryInstalled = hdaEventType.LibraryInstalled
LibraryUninstalled = hdaEventType.LibraryUninstalled

The membership flag

class hou.hdaLicenseType

Bases: object

Enumeration of digital asset license permission levels.


Execute Read Full
Execute = hdaLicenseType.Execute
Full = hdaLicenseType.Full
Read = hdaLicenseType.Read

The membership flag


Return the base URL for all Houdini help pages.

helpServerUrl() -> string
class hou.hipFileEventType

Bases: object

Enumeration of the hip file event types that can be handled by callback functions.

See hou.hipFile.addEventCallback.


This event is triggered immediately before the current .hip file is cleared. For example, when selecting File -> New in the main menu bar.
This event is triggered immediately after the current .hip file is cleared. For example, when selecting File -> New in the main menu bar.
This event is triggered immediately before a .hip file is loaded into Houdini.
This event is triggered immediately after a .hip file is loaded into Houdini.
This event is triggered immediately before a .hip file is merged into the current Houdini session.
This event is triggered immediately after a .hip file is merged into the current Houdini session.
This event is triggered immediately before the current .hip file is saved.
This event is triggered immediately after the current .hip file is saved.
AfterClear = hipFileEventType.AfterClear
AfterLoad = hipFileEventType.AfterLoad
AfterMerge = hipFileEventType.AfterMerge
AfterSave = hipFileEventType.AfterSave
BeforeClear = hipFileEventType.BeforeClear
BeforeLoad = hipFileEventType.BeforeLoad
BeforeMerge = hipFileEventType.BeforeMerge
BeforeSave = hipFileEventType.BeforeSave

The membership flag


Return the path to the Houdini directory in your $HOME directory.

homeHoudiniDirectory() -> str

Return the directory in your $HOME directory where Houdini stores user- specific settings. On many platforms, this directory is $HOME/houdiniX.Y, where X is the Houdini major version and Y is the minor version. Note that on the Mac, though, this directory might be in a different location.

See hou.houdiniPath for more information about how Houdini searches for files.


  • hou.houdiniPath
  • hou.applicationVersion
  • hou.findFile
  • hou.findFiles
  • hou.findDirectory
  • hou.findDirectories

Return the contents of the Houdini path as a tuple of strings.

houdiniPath(path_variable = None) -> tuple of strings

This method returns an ordered list of path components of the Houdini Path. The Houdini Path is used when searching for various files like otls, shelf tools, preferences, desktops, icons, etc. By adjusting the HOUDINI_PATH environment variable, you can add entries to the path that are specific to the current user, job, or studio.

By default the components of the HOUDINI_PATH variable are returned. If the path_variable passed in refers to another well-known Houdini path, the components of that search path are returned instead. For example houdiniPath(“HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH”)

See the output of hconfig -ap for more information on the current paths and their values.


  • hou.findFile
  • hou.findFiles
  • hou.findDirectory
  • hou.findDirectories

Executes the given hscript command and returns a 2-tuple of strings where the first string contains the regular output of the executed command and the second string contains the error output. You can specify multiple commands by using ‘;’ or the newline character as the separator.

hscript(command) -> tuple of strings


  • execute()

Return the text help of an hscript command. This function is used to help re-implement hscript commands in Python.

hscriptCommandHelp(command_name) -> string
hou.hscriptExpandString(*args, **kwargs)

Deprecated: Use expandString.

hscriptExpandString(str) -> string
This is deprecated. Use hou.expandString instead.


  • hou.expandString

Evaluate an Hscript expression.

hscriptExpression(expression_string) -> float, str, or tuple

Given an expression string, this function evaluates it as though it was an HScript expression on a parameter. The return type depends on the expression.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the expression is invalid or generates an error occur during evaluation.

> >>> hou.hscriptExpression(“$HIP”) > ‘/path/to/hip/directory’ > >>> hou.hscriptExpression(“$F”) > 1.0 > >>> hou.hscriptExpression(‘vector(“[1, 2, 3]”)’) > (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) > >>> hou.hscriptExpression(‘matrix(“[[1, 2][3, 4]]”)’) > ((1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0)) > >>> hou.hscriptExpression(“hello”) > ‘hello’ > >>> hou.hscriptExpression(“‘hello’”) > ‘hello’ > >>> hou.hscriptExpression(“‘hello’ + ‘ world’”) > ‘hello world’ > >>> hou.hscriptExpression(‘”$F”’) > ‘1’ > >>> hou.hscriptExpression(“’$F’”) > ‘$F’

This function is somewhat similar to hou.expandString, however, expandString will replace the portions of the string containing variables, leaving the rest of the string unchanged. If the variable is unknown, it will not do any expansion.

> >>> hou.expandString(“$HOME”) > ‘/home/me’ > >>> hou.expandString(“HOME is $HOME”) > ‘HOME is /home/me’ > >>> hou.hscriptExpression(“HOME is $HOME”) > Traceback (most recent call last): > File “<console>”, line 1, in <module> > File “/opt/hfs10.5/houdini/python2.5libs/hou.py”, line 19331, in hscriptExpression > return _hou.hscriptExpression(*args) > OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed. > Syntax error - extra tokens detected in expression > >>> hou.expandString(“$F”) > ‘1’ > >>> hou.expandString(‘”$F”’) > ‘“1”’ > >>> hou.hscriptExpression(“$GARBAGE”) > Traceback (most recent call last): > File “<console>”, line 1, in <module> > File “/opt/hfs10.5/houdini/python2.5libs/hou.py”, line 19331, in hscriptExpression > return _hou.hscriptExpression(*args) > OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed. > Undefined variable > >>> hou.expandString(“$GARBAGE”) > ‘$GARBAGE’ > >>> hou.hscript(“echo -n $GARBAGE”)[0] > ‘’ > >>> hou.expandString(“”) > ‘’ > >>> hou.hscriptExpression(“”) > Traceback (most recent call last): > File “<console>”, line 1, in <module> > File “/opt/hfs10.5/houdini/python2.5libs/hou.py”, line 19331, in hscriptExpression > return _hou.hscriptExpression(*args) > OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed. > Invalid expression


  • hou.hscriptFloatExpression
  • hou.hscriptStringExpression
  • hou.hscriptVectorExpression
  • hou.hscriptMatrixExpression
  • hou.expandString
  • hou.expandStringAtFrame

Evaluate an Hscript expression as a float.

hscriptFloatExpression(expression) -> float

This function will force the return type to be a float.

Most of the time, you want to use hou.hscriptExpression over this function. See it for more examples.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the expression is invalid or generates an error occur during evaluation.

If the expression contains variables, Houdini will attempt to evaluate them as floats, and use the value 0.0 if they cannot be converted to floats. However, if the expression definitely evaluates to a string that does not start with a number, this function raises hou.OperationFailed.

> >>> hou.hscriptFloatExpression(“3”) > 3.0 > >>> hou.hscriptFloatExpression(“‘3’”) > 3.0 > >>> hou.hscriptFloatExpression(“‘3X’”) > 3.0 > >>> hou.hscriptFloatExpression(“‘X3’”) > Traceback (most recent call last): > File “<console>”, line 1, in <module> > File “/opt/hfs10.5/houdini/python2.5libs/hou.py”, line 9359, in hscriptFloatExpression > return _hou.hscriptFloatExpression(*args) > OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed. > Bad data type for function or operation > >>> hou.hscriptFloatExpression(“3X”) > Traceback (most recent call last): > File “<console>”, line 1, in <module> > File “/opt/hfs10.5/houdini/python2.5libs/hou.py”, line 9359, in hscriptFloatExpression > return _hou.hscriptFloatExpression(*args) > OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed. > Syntax error - extra tokens detected in expression > >>> hou.hscriptFloatExpression(“$F”) > 1.0 > >>> hou.hscriptFloatExpression(‘”$F”’) > 1.0 > >>> hou.hscriptFloatExpression(“$HOME”) > 0.0 > >>> hou.hscriptFloatExpression(‘”$HOME”’) > Traceback (most recent call last): > File “<console>”, line 1, in <module> > File “/opt/hfs10.5/houdini/python2.5libs/hou.py”, line 9359, in hscriptFloatExpression > return _hou.hscriptFloatExpression(*args) > OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed. > Bad data type for function or operation > >>> hou.hscriptFloatExpression(“’$F’”) > Traceback (most recent call last): > File “<console>”, line 1, in <module> > File “/opt/hfs10.5/houdini/python2.5libs/hou.py”, line 9359, in hscriptFloatExpression > return _hou.hscriptFloatExpression(*args) > OperationFailed: The attempted operation failed. > Bad data type for function or operation


  • hou.hscriptExpression
  • hou.hscriptStringExpression
  • hou.hscriptVectorExpression
  • hou.hscriptMatrixExpression

Evaluate an Hscript expression as a vector.

hscriptMatrixExpression(expression) -> tuple of tuple of floats

This function will force the return type to be an Hscript matrix. Because Hscript matrices can be be of different sizes, the value is returned as a tuple of tuples of floats. If you know the matrix is a particular size, you can construct a Matrix3/Matrix4 out of the return value.

Most of the time, you want to use hou.hscriptExpression over this function.

> xform = hou.Matrix4(hou.hscriptMatrixExpression(‘doptransform(“/obj/dopnet1”, “obj0”, “Geometry”)’))

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the expression is invalid or generates an error during evaluation.


  • hou.hscriptExpression
  • hou.hscriptFloatExpression
  • hou.hscriptStringExpression
  • hou.hscriptVectorExpression
  • hou.Matrix3
  • hou.Matrix4

Evaluate an Hscript expression as a float.

hscriptStringExpression(expression) -> string

This function will force the return type to be a string. If the expression does not evaluate to a string, this function returns its string representation.

Most of the time, you want to use hou.hscriptExpression over this function. See it for more examples.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the expression is invalid or generates an error occur during evaluation.

> >>> hou.hscriptStringExpression(“3”) > ‘3’ > >>> hou.hscriptStringExpression(‘“3”’) > ‘3’ > >>> hou.hscriptStringExpression(“$F”) > ‘1’ > >>> hou.hscriptStringExpression(‘vector(“[1, 2, 3]”)’) > ‘[1,2,3]’


  • hou.hscriptExpression
  • hou.hscriptFloatExpression
  • hou.hscriptVectorExpression
  • hou.hscriptMatrixExpression

Evaluate an Hscript expression as a vector.

hscriptVectorExpression(expression) -> tuple of floats

This function will force the return type to be an Hscript vector. Because Hscript vectors can be be of different lengths, the value is returned as a tuple of floats. If you know the vector is a particular length, you can construct a Vector2/Vector3/Vector4 out of the return value.

Most of the time, you want to use hou.hscriptExpression over this function.

> vector = hou.Vector3(hou.hscriptVectorExpression(‘vtorigin(“/obj/geo1”, “/obj/geo2”)’)) > print vector.length()

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the expression is invalid or generates an error occur during evaluation.


  • hou.hscriptExpression
  • hou.hscriptFloatExpression
  • hou.hscriptStringExpression
  • hou.hscriptMatrixExpression
  • hou.Vector2
  • hou.Vector3
  • hou.Vector4
class hou.imageDepth

Bases: object

Enumeration of image depths (data formats) for representing the pixels in an image plane.

See hou.CopNode.depth.


Int8 Int16 Int32 Float16 Float32
Float16 = imageDepth.Float16
Float32 = imageDepth.Float32
Int16 = imageDepth.Int16
Int32 = imageDepth.Int32
Int8 = imageDepth.Int8

The membership flag


Return the resolution of an image in a file.

imageResolution(image_file_name) -> tuple of int

Returns the width and height of an image stored in a file.

Another way to get the resolution of an image is to load it into a file cop and retrieve it. For example, this method could be approximately implemented as follows:

> def imageResolution(image_file_name): > file_cop = hou.node(“/img/comp1”).createNode(“file”) > file_cop.setParm(“filename1”, image_file_name) > resolution = (file_cop.xRes(), file_cop.yRes()) > file_cop.destroy() > return resolution

Note, however, that this method is faster than loading the image into Houdini and retrieving the resolution because it is much less disk intensive. It does not load the image data from disk, and instead only loads as much as necessary to retrieve the resolution.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the image file does not exist or if it’s not an image file type supported by Houdini.

The following example retrieves the resolution of the default.pic file that ships with Houdini.

> >>> hou.imageResolution(hou.findFile(“pic/default.pic”)) > (512, 512)


  • hou.CopNode.xRes
  • hou.CopNode.yRes

Return the playbar’s current frame, rounded to the nearest integer.

intFrame() -> int

Note that this function is equivalent to Hscript’s $F variable. If you want Hscript’s $FF variable, use hou.frame.


  • hou.frame
  • hou.setFrame
  • hou.time
  • hou.fps


  • fcur

Return whether the application is an apprentice (non-commercial) version.

isApprentice() -> bool

Return whether the hou module is using an Apprentice license. Note that this function returns True for both Apprentice and Apprentice HD.


  • version


  • hou.licenseCategory
  • hou.applicationCompilationDate
  • hou.applicationName
  • hou.applicationVersion
  • hou.applicationVersionString

Return whether or not the hou.ui module is available.

isUIAvailable() -> bool

The hou.ui module is not available in the command-line interpreter or in MPlay, and this function helps you to write scripts that will run in Houdini and command-line and/or MPlay.


  • hou.ui

Given a path string, return a NetworkMovableItem object. Return None if the path does not refer to an item.

item(path) -> hou.NetworkMovableItem or None

If the path starts with a /, Houdini will look for an item with that exact path. Otherwise, the Houdini searches relative to the current path. See hou.pwd for more information about Houdini’s current path. For each occurrence of .. in the path, Houdini will move up one item from the current location.

This method is a more general form of the hou.node method, which will only return hou.Node objects. But some network item types (hou.SubnetIndirectInput and hou.NetworkDot) do not have names, and so will never be returned by this method.

Raises hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.

> >>> hou.item(“/obj”) > <hou.Node at /obj> > >>> hou.item(“/obj”).createNetworkBox() > <hou.NetworkBox at /obj/__netbox1> > >>> hou.item(“/obj/__netbox1”) > <hou.NetworkBox at /obj/__netbox1> > >>> hou.cd(“/obj”) > >>> hou.item(“__netbox1”) > <hou.NetworkBox at /obj/__netbox1> > >>> print hou.item(“__netbox2”) > None


  • hou.node
  • hou.nodes
  • hou.items
  • hou.pwd
  • hou.parent
  • hou.root

Given an item’s session id and an item type, return a NetworkMovableItem object. Return None if the id does not correspond to a valid item.

This function is equivalent to a series of if statements checking the item_type enum value, and calling the more specific session id functions such as hou.nodeBySessionId. It allows network items to be treated in a uniform manner by code that is expected to handle a variety of network item types.

The item_type parameter should be one of the hou.networkItemType enum values, except hou.networkItemType.Connection, which doesn’t support lookup using a single session id value.

itemBySessionId(item_type, session_id) -> hou.NetworkMovableItem or None

See hou.NetworkMovableItem.sessionId for more information.

Raises hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.


  • hou.item
  • hou.networkBoxBySessionId
  • hou.networkDotBySessionId
  • hou.nodeBySessionId
  • hou.stickyNoteBySessionId
  • hou.subnetIndirectInputBySessionId
  • hou.NetworkMovableItem.sessionId

Takes a sequence of node path strings and returns a tuple of NetworkMovableItem objects.

item(path_tuple) -> tuple of hou.NetworkMovableItem or None

This is like hou.items but takes multiple paths and returns multiple item objects. See hou.item for more information.

> paths = [“/obj/geo1”, “/obj/geo2”, “/obj/geo3”] > items = hou.items(paths)

This is the equivalent of:

> items = [hou.item(path) for path in paths]

Raises hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.


  • hou.node
  • hou.nodes
  • hou.item
  • hou.pwd
  • hou.parent
  • hou.root

Return the category of license (Commercial, Apprentice, ApprenticeHD, etc.) in use.

licenseCategory() -> hou.licenseCategoryType enum value


  • version


  • hou.licenseCategoryType
  • hou.applicationCompilationDate
  • hou.applicationName
  • hou.applicationVersion
  • hou.applicationVersionString
  • hou.isApprentice
class hou.licenseCategoryType

Bases: object

Enumeration of license category values.


Commercial Education ApprenticeHD Apprentice
Apprentice = licenseCategoryType.Apprentice
ApprenticeHD = licenseCategoryType.ApprenticeHD
Commercial = licenseCategoryType.Commercial
Education = licenseCategoryType.Education
Indie = licenseCategoryType.Indie

The membership flag


Linearly interpolates between the left keyframe’s outgoing value and the right keyframe’s incoming value.

linear() -> float

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout @replaces
  • linear()

Given a string containing data in CPIO data format, decode the data and return a sequence of (name, value) pairs representing the data.

loadCPIODataFromString(data) -> tuple of (str, str)

CPIO data format stores an ordered sequence of (name, value) pairs. The same name may occur multiple times. Is most commonly used to store hip files and contents sections inside assets. The other common file format used in Houdini is index file format.

If the data is not in CPIO data format, this function returns an empty tuple.

The inverse of this function is hou.saveCPIODataToString.


  • hou.saveCPIODataToString
  • hou.loadIndexDataFromString
  • hou.saveIndexDataToString

Given a file containing data in index data format, decode the data and return a dictionary representing the data.

loadIndexDataFromFile(file_path) -> dict

This function could be implemented as follows:

> def loadIndexDataFromFile(file_path): > hou.loadIndexDataFromString(hou.readFile(file_path))

See hou.loadIndexDataFromString for more details.


  • hou.saveIndexDataToFile
  • hou.loadIndexDataFromString
  • hou.saveIndexDataToString

Given a string containing data in index data format, decode the data and return a dictionary representing the data.

loadIndexDataFromString(data) -> dict

Index data format stores an unordered mapping of (key, value) pairs. Is used to store otl files and asset definition sections, preset files, icon archives, and other files in Houdini. The other common file format used in Houdini is CPIO.

If the data is not in index data format, this function returns an empty dictionary.

The inverse of this function is hou.saveIndexDataToString.


  • hou.saveIndexDataToString
  • hou.loadIndexDataFromFile
  • hou.saveIndexDataToFile
  • hou.loadCPIODataFromString
  • hou.saveCPIODataToString

Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini lighting (lop) nodes.

lopNodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory

Return the value of a node’s local variable. Call this function from expressions inside node parameters.

lvar(name) -> float

Many SOP and POP algorithms involve iterating over a series of points (or primitives or vertices, but we’ll use points for the examples). These SOP and POP nodes evaluate their parameters for each point, setting a variable that you can access from an expression in that parameter to a value specific to that point. For example, the TX variable is set to evaluate to the X value of the position of the current point. These variables are called local variables because they are local to the expressions inside parameters in the node.

In the Hscript expression language, you use $ to evaluate local variables, just like how you evaluate global variables. In Python, you use the lvar function. So, the Python equivalent of $TX is lvar(“TX”).

Inside a parameter expression you can drop the hou. prefix from the call to lvar, since Houdini implicitly runs from hou import * when it evaluates expressions.

If you call this function from outside a parameter expression it will raise hou.NotAvailable. If you call it with an invalid variable name, it will raise hou.OperationFailed. Note that you cannot use this function to evaluate Houdini global variables; instead use hou.expandString.

Note that hou.SopNode.curPoint and similar methods on the hou.SopNode and hou.PopNode classes return the current point that the node is iterating over. Using the point, you can evaluate attributes, etc, to perform the equivalent of a local variable. You can also access information that may not be accessible through local variables.


  • hou.SopNode.curPoint
  • hou.SopNode.curPoint2
  • hou.SopNode.curPrim
  • hou.SopNode.curPrim2
  • hou.SopNode.curVertex
  • hou.SopNode.curVertex2
  • hou.PopNode.curPoint
  • hou.expandString

Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini manager nodes. The manager nodes are /obj, /out, /part, /ch, /shop, /img, and /vex.

managerNodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory

Note that some container node types, like the shop network node type, are called managers in Houdini. The node type category for an instance of those nodes will be the same as other nodes in that same network. For example, a shop network in objects will be in the objects node type category, while a shop network in a sop network will be in the geometry node type category.

class hou.markerVisibility

Bases: object

Enum of visibility options for marker visualizers.


Display the markers without restriction.
Only display the marker if its component is selected.
Display markers around the mouse pointer in 3D space.
Display markers under the mouse pointer in screen space.
Always = markerVisibility.Always
AroundPointer = markerVisibility.AroundPointer
Selected = markerVisibility.Selected
UnderPointer = markerVisibility.UnderPointer

The membership flag


Creates a smooth curve between the left keyframe’s incoming slope and the right keyframe’s outgoing slope.

match() -> float

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout @replaces
  • match()

Creates a straight line from the left keyframe’s incoming value, matching the left keyframe’s incoming slope.

matchin() -> float

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • matchin()

Creates a straight line from the right keyframe’s outgoing value, matching the right keyframe’s outgoing slope.

matchout() -> float

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • matchout()

Returns the number of threads used for processing.

maxThreads() -> int

When Houdini/hython is started, it uses all available processors on the machine for multi-threaded processing, unless overridden by the -j command line option or the hou.setMaxThreads function.

This function returns that maximum number of threads that Houdini/hython will use.


  • hou.setMaxThreads
class hou.menuType

Bases: object

Enumeration of parameter menu types.

See also hou.MenuParmTemplate and hou.StringParmTemplate.


A standard menu that displays the currently selected menu item.
A condensed menu that only displays a dropdown arrow. Houdini lets you choose a menu entry when you click on this arrow.
A standard menu that displays the currently selected menu item. This menu always joins horizontally to the next parameter and is displayed without a label. However unlike simply turning off the label and joining to the next parameter, the layout of the next parameter is such that a series of parameters preceded by menus of this type will align in a much more appealing way.
A menu that also displays an input field. Selecting an entry from this menu will replace the contents of the field with the menu item. This type of menu only has meaning for string parameters.
A menu that also displays an input field. Selecting an entry from this menu will add the menu item to the field if it was not already there, and will remove it from the field it if was. This type of menu only has meaning for string parameters.
ControlNextParameter = menuType.ControlNextParameter
Mini = menuType.Mini
Normal = menuType.Normal
StringReplace = menuType.StringReplace
StringToggle = menuType.StringToggle

The membership flag


Move all given nodes to a new place in node hierarchy.

moveNodesTo(nodes, destination_node) -> tuple of Nodes

The nodes to be moved should be a sequence of hou.Node objects. The destination node will be the parent of new copied nodes. The type of all source nodes should match the destination node child type.

This function returns a tuple of hou.Node objects corresponding to the nodes at their new locations. If you attempt to access the original hou.Node objects in the sequence you passed into this function, you will receive hou.ObjectWasDeleted exceptions.

For every moved node, if a node with the same name already exists at the destination, the node will be renamed to a unique name.

This function will raise a hou.OperationFailed exception if any of the nodes to be moved are of invalid type, the destination node cannot be copied into, or source node type does not match the destination node’s child type.

This function will raise hou.ObjectWasDeleted if any of source nodes or the destination node no longer exist in Houdini.

All of the above issues with source and destination nodes will be reported before moving starts to avoid a partial move.

After the function finishes execution, all the moved nodes by it will be selected.


Given a network box’s session id, return a NetworkBox object. Return None if the id does not correspond to a valid network box.

networkBoxBySessionId(session_id) -> hou.NetworkBox or None

See hou.NetworkBox.sessionId for more information.

Raises hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.


  • hou.item
  • hou.NetworkBox.sessionId

Given a dot’s session id, return a NetworkDot object. Return None if the id does not correspond to a valid dot (e.g. if the dot was deleted).

networkDotBySessionId(session_id) -> hou.NetworkDot or None

See hou.NetworkDot.sessionId for more information.

Raises hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.


  • hou.item
  • hou.NetworkDot.sessionId
class hou.networkItemType

Bases: object




Connection NetworkBox NetworkDot Node StickyNote SubnetIndirectInput
Connection = networkItemType.Connection
NetworkBox = networkItemType.NetworkBox
NetworkDot = networkItemType.NetworkDot
Node = networkItemType.Node
StickyNote = networkItemType.StickyNote
SubnetIndirectInput = networkItemType.SubnetIndirectInput

The membership flag


Given a path string, return a Node object. Return None if the path does not refer to a node.

node(path) -> hou.Node or None

If the path starts with a /, Houdini will look for a node with that exact path. Otherwise, the Houdini searches relative to the current path. See hou.pwd for more information about Houdini’s current path. For each occurrence of .. in the path, Houdini will move up one node from the current location.

Raises hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.

Be careful not to confuse this function with the class hou.Node.

> >>> hou.node(“/obj”) > <hou.Node at /obj> > >>> hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”) > <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/geo1> > >>> hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”) > <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/geo2> > >>> hou.node(“/obj/geo1”) > <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/geo1> > >>> hou.cd(“/obj”) > >>> hou.node(“geo1”) > <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/geo1> > >>> hou.cd(“/obj/geo2”) > >>> hou.node(“../geo1”) > <hou.ObjNode of type geo at /obj/geo1> > >>> print hou.node(“../geo3”) > None


  • hou.item
  • hou.items
  • hou.nodes
  • hou.pwd
  • hou.parent
  • hou.root


  • opfind
  • ch()
  • chs()
  • chsop()
  • opexist()

Given a node bundle name, return the corresponding NodeBundle object, or None if there is not one with that name.

nodeBundle(name) -> hou.NodeBundle or None

See hou.NodeBundle for more information.


  • opbls
  • opglob

Return a tuple containing all the node bundles in the current session.

nodeBundles() -> tuple of hou.NodeBundle

See hou.NodeBundle for more information.


  • opbls

Given a node’s session id, return a Node object. Return None if the id does not correspond to a valid node (e.g. if the node was deleted).

nodeBySessionId(session_id) -> hou.Node or None

See hou.Node.sessionId for more information.

Raises hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.


  • opfind
  • ch()
  • chs()
  • chsop()
  • chsoplist()
  • opexist()



Given a node’s session id and an input index, return a NodeConnection object. Return None if the id does not correspond to a valid node (e.g. if the node was deleted), or the specified input index is not connected.

nodeConnectionBySessionId(session_id, input_index) -> hou.NodeConnection or None

Raises hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.


  • hou.nodeBySessionId
  • hou.Node.sessionId
class hou.nodeEventType

Bases: object

Enumeration of types of events that can happen to nodes.

Node event callbacks let you run code when events occur on an individual node instance. See hou.Node.addEventCallback.

For all event types, the callback is called with a node keyword argument (containing a hou.Node reference to the node) and an event_type argument (containing one of the values below, indicating the type of event that occured).

Some event types pass additional keyword arguments to the callback function, as noted below.


Runs before a node is deleted. You cannot cancel the deletion.
Runs after a node was renamed. You can get the new name using hou.Node.name.
Runs after one of the node’s flags was turned on or off.
Runs after the an event occurs that changes what the node looks like in the network editor. This includes but is not limited to:
  • Color or shape changed

  • Error triggered or cleared

  • Selected or deselected

  • Asset locked or unlocked

    Extra keyword argument: change_type (hou.appearanceChangeType)

Runs after the node is moved in the network editor. You can get the node’s new position using hou.Node.position.

Runs after one of the node’s inputs are connected or disconnected.

Extra keyword argument: input_index (int) – the input number (starting at 0) that changed.

The data on changed on a node this node depends on. For example, if this node references another node in an expression. Houdini _does not_ trigger this event when a parameter changes.

Runs after a parameter value changes. You can get the new value using hou.ParmTuple.eval.

Extra keyword argument: parm_tuple (hou.ParmTuple).

If many/all parameters on the node change at the same time, instead of calling the handler for each one, Houdini will call the handler once with a parm_tuple argument of None. Your callback code should be handle this possibility.

For a subnet node (for example, a Geometry object), runs after a new node is created inside.

Extra keyword argument: child_node (hou.Node)


For a subnet node (for example, a Geometry object), runs _before_ a node is deleted inside. You cannot cancel the deletion.

Extra keyword argument: child_node (hou.Node)


For a subnet node (for example, a Geometry object), runs after the current node, display flag, or render flag changes inside (meaning the 3D view will change).

Extra keyword argument: child_node (hou.Node) – the newly selected child node.

For a subnet node (for example, a Geometry object), runs after the selection changes inside. You can get the new selection with hou.Node.selectedChildren.

Runs after a spare parameter is modified on, added to, or removed from the node.

If the node has spare parameters, this event triggers when _any_ parameter is modified, not just a spare parameter.
Runs after the selection associated with a node changes. This only applies to the geometry selected on a SOP node, or the scene graph primitives selected in a LOP Network.
AppearanceChanged = nodeEventType.AppearanceChanged
BeingDeleted = nodeEventType.BeingDeleted
ChildCreated = nodeEventType.ChildCreated
ChildDeleted = nodeEventType.ChildDeleted
ChildSelectionChanged = nodeEventType.ChildSelectionChanged
ChildSwitched = nodeEventType.ChildSwitched
FlagChanged = nodeEventType.FlagChanged
InputDataChanged = nodeEventType.InputDataChanged
InputRewired = nodeEventType.InputRewired
NameChanged = nodeEventType.NameChanged
ParmTupleChanged = nodeEventType.ParmTupleChanged
PositionChanged = nodeEventType.PositionChanged
SelectionChanged = nodeEventType.SelectionChanged
SpareParmTemplatesChanged = nodeEventType.SpareParmTemplatesChanged

The membership flag

class hou.nodeFlag

Bases: object

Enumeration of the different node flags.


Audio Bypass ColorDefault Compress Current Debug Display DisplayComment DisplayDescriptiveName Export Expose Footprint Highlight InOutDetailLow InOutDetailMedium InOutDetailHigh Material Lock SoftLock Origin Pick Render Selectable Template Unload Visible XRay
Audio = nodeFlag.Audio
Bypass = nodeFlag.Bypass
ColorDefault = nodeFlag.ColorDefault
Compress = nodeFlag.Compress
Current = nodeFlag.Current
Debug = nodeFlag.Debug
Display = nodeFlag.Display
DisplayComment = nodeFlag.DisplayComment
DisplayDescriptiveName = nodeFlag.DisplayDescriptiveName
Export = nodeFlag.Export
Expose = nodeFlag.Expose
Footprint = nodeFlag.Footprint
Highlight = nodeFlag.Highlight
InOutDetailHigh = nodeFlag.InOutDetailHigh
InOutDetailLow = nodeFlag.InOutDetailLow
InOutDetailMedium = nodeFlag.InOutDetailMedium
Lock = nodeFlag.Lock
Material = nodeFlag.Material
Origin = nodeFlag.Origin
Pick = nodeFlag.Pick
Render = nodeFlag.Render
Selectable = nodeFlag.Selectable
SoftLock = nodeFlag.SoftLock
Template = nodeFlag.Template
Unload = nodeFlag.Unload
Visible = nodeFlag.Visible
XRay = nodeFlag.XRay

The membership flag


Given a node type category object and a name, or possibly just a node type name that includes the category, return the corresponding NodeType object. The exact name is assumed so node type aliases are not evaluated. To check aliases use hou.preferredNodeType() instead. Return None if there is no such type with that name.

nodeType(category, name) -> NodeType or None

A hou.NodeTypeCategory object (_not_ a string). You can use the hou.nodeTypeCategories() function to get a dict of category name strings to NodeTypeCategory objects. You can also use the helper functions hou.sopNodeTypeCategory, hou.objNodeTypeCategory, etc.

Note that this parameter is optional. If omitted, the name parameter must contain the node type category.


The internal name of a node type. To get the internal name of any node type in Houdini, right-click a node of that type and choose Type properties. The internal name is listed at the top of the type properties window beside Operator type. For example, the internal name of the Geometry object is geo.

If the category parameter is omitted, the name must include the category name. For example, you can pass Object/geo to get the Geometry object’s node type.


> # The following four ways of looking up the copy SOP’s node type are equivalent: > >>> hou.nodeType(“Sop/copy”) > <hou.SopNodeType for Sop copy> > > >>> hou.nodeType(hou.sopNodeTypeCategory(), “copy”) > <hou.SopNodeType for Sop copy> > > >>> hou.sopNodeTypeCategory().nodeTypes()[“copy”] > <hou.SopNodeType for Sop copy> > > >>> hou.nodeType(hou.nodeTypeCategories()[“Sop”], “copy”) > <hou.SopNodeType for Sop copy>


  • optype
  • optype()
  • optypeinfo()


  • hou.NodeType
  • hou.NodeTypeCategory
  • hou.NodeTypeCategory.nodeTypes
  • hou.nodeTypeCategories
  • hou.preferredNodeType

Return a dictionary where the keys are the category names (e.g. “Object”, “Sop”) and the values are hou.NodeTypeCategory objects.

nodeTypeCategories() -> dict of str to hou.NodeTypeCategory
class hou.nodeTypeFilter

Bases: object

Enumeration of available node type filters.

These filters are used by node bundles to limit the nodes in the bundle based on type.


Any node
Any POP Network
Any CHOP Network
Any COP Network
Any VOP Network
Any Object
Object: Bone Only
Object: Camera Only
Object: Fog Only
Object: Geometry Only
Object: Geometry and Fog Only
Object: Light Only
Object: Muscle Only
Object: Muscle Only
Shop: Atmosphere Only
Shop: CVEX Only
Shop: Displacement Only
Shop: Image3D Only
Shop: Interior Only
Shop: Light Only
Shop: Light Shadow Only
Shop: Material Only
Shop: Photon Only
Shop: Properties Only
Shop: Surface Only
Chop = nodeTypeFilter.Chop
Chopnet = nodeTypeFilter.Chopnet
Cop = nodeTypeFilter.Cop
Copnet = nodeTypeFilter.Copnet
Dop = nodeTypeFilter.Dop
Lop = nodeTypeFilter.Lop
NoFilter = nodeTypeFilter.NoFilter
Obj = nodeTypeFilter.Obj
ObjBone = nodeTypeFilter.ObjBone
ObjCamera = nodeTypeFilter.ObjCamera
ObjFog = nodeTypeFilter.ObjFog
ObjGeometry = nodeTypeFilter.ObjGeometry
ObjGeometryOrFog = nodeTypeFilter.ObjGeometryOrFog
ObjLight = nodeTypeFilter.ObjLight
ObjMuscle = nodeTypeFilter.ObjMuscle
ObjSubnet = nodeTypeFilter.ObjSubnet
Pop = nodeTypeFilter.Pop
Popnet = nodeTypeFilter.Popnet
Rop = nodeTypeFilter.Rop
Shop = nodeTypeFilter.Shop
ShopAtmosphere = nodeTypeFilter.ShopAtmosphere
ShopCVEX = nodeTypeFilter.ShopCVEX
ShopDisplacement = nodeTypeFilter.ShopDisplacement
ShopImage3D = nodeTypeFilter.ShopImage3D
ShopInterior = nodeTypeFilter.ShopInterior
ShopLight = nodeTypeFilter.ShopLight
ShopLightShadow = nodeTypeFilter.ShopLightShadow
ShopMaterial = nodeTypeFilter.ShopMaterial
ShopPhoton = nodeTypeFilter.ShopPhoton
ShopProperties = nodeTypeFilter.ShopProperties
ShopSurface = nodeTypeFilter.ShopSurface
Sop = nodeTypeFilter.Sop
Vop = nodeTypeFilter.Vop
Vopnet = nodeTypeFilter.Vopnet

The membership flag

class hou.nodeTypeSource

Bases: object

Enumeration of node type sources.


Internal CompiledCode VexCode RslCode Subnet
CompiledCode = nodeTypeSource.CompiledCode
Internal = nodeTypeSource.Internal
RslCode = nodeTypeSource.RslCode
Subnet = nodeTypeSource.Subnet
VexCode = nodeTypeSource.VexCode

The membership flag


Takes a sequence of node path strings and returns a tuple of Node objects.

nodes(path_tuple) -> tuple of hou.Node

This is like hou.node but takes multiple paths and returns multiple node objects. See hou.node for more information.

> paths = [“/obj/geo1”, “/obj/geo2”, “/obj/geo3”] > nodes = hou.nodes(paths)

This is the equivalent of:

> nodes = [hou.node(path) for path in paths]


  • hou.item
  • hou.items
  • hou.node
  • hou.pwd
  • hou.parent
  • hou.root


  • opfind
  • ch()
  • chs()
  • chsop()
  • opexist()
class hou.numericData

Bases: object

Float16 = numericData.Float16
Float32 = numericData.Float32
Float64 = numericData.Float64
Int16 = numericData.Int16
Int32 = numericData.Int32
Int64 = numericData.Int64
Int8 = numericData.Int8

The membership flag


Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini object nodes. For example, if /obj/model is an object then hou.node(“/obj/model”).type().category() is hou.objectNodeTypeCategory().

objNodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory
class hou.orientUpAxis

Bases: object

Enumeration of global orientation mode.

See hou.ui.orientationUpAxis for more information.


Y = orientUpAxis.Y
Z = orientUpAxis.Z

The membership flag

class hou.paneLinkType

Bases: object

Enumeration of possible pane link values.


Pinned Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 Group6 Group7 Group8 FollowSelection
FollowSelection = paneLinkType.FollowSelection
Group1 = paneLinkType.Group1
Group2 = paneLinkType.Group2
Group3 = paneLinkType.Group3
Group4 = paneLinkType.Group4
Group5 = paneLinkType.Group5
Group6 = paneLinkType.Group6
Group7 = paneLinkType.Group7
Group8 = paneLinkType.Group8
Group9 = paneLinkType.Group9
Pinned = paneLinkType.Pinned

The membership flag

class hou.paneTabType

Bases: object

Enumeration of pane tab types.


SceneViewer ChannelViewer CompositorViewer OutputViewer MaterialPalette IPRViewer NetworkEditor Parm DetailsView ChannelEditor ChannelList Textport HandleList BundleList TakeList TreeView HelpBrowser PythonPanel ParmSpreadsheet LightLinker AssetBrowser TaskGraphTable
AssetBrowser = paneTabType.AssetBrowser
BundleList = paneTabType.BundleList
ChannelEditor = paneTabType.ChannelEditor
ChannelList = paneTabType.ChannelList
ChannelViewer = paneTabType.ChannelViewer
CompositorViewer = paneTabType.CompositorViewer
ContextViewer = paneTabType.ContextViewer
DataTree = paneTabType.DataTree
DetailsView = paneTabType.DetailsView
HandleList = paneTabType.HandleList
HelpBrowser = paneTabType.HelpBrowser
IPRViewer = paneTabType.IPRViewer
LightLinker = paneTabType.LightLinker
MaterialPalette = paneTabType.MaterialPalette
NetworkEditor = paneTabType.NetworkEditor
OutputViewer = paneTabType.OutputViewer
Parm = paneTabType.Parm
ParmSpreadsheet = paneTabType.ParmSpreadsheet
PerformanceMonitor = paneTabType.PerformanceMonitor
PythonPanel = paneTabType.PythonPanel
PythonShell = paneTabType.PythonShell
SceneGraphTree = paneTabType.SceneGraphTree
SceneViewer = paneTabType.SceneViewer
ShaderViewer = paneTabType.ShaderViewer
TakeList = paneTabType.TakeList
TaskGraphTable = paneTabType.TaskGraphTable
Textport = paneTabType.Textport
TreeView = paneTabType.TreeView

The membership flag


Return the parent of the current node.

parent() -> hou.Node or None

This function is a shortcut for writing hou.node(“..”). It returns the parent of the current node (i.e. the node returned by hou.pwd).

This function will raise hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.



Given a path string, return a Parm object. Return None if the path does not refer to a parameter.

parm(path) -> hou.Parm or None

If the path starts with a /, Houdini will look for a parameter with that exact path. Otherwise, the Houdini searches relative to the current node path. For each occurrence of .. in the path, Houdini will move up one node from the current node location.

> >>> node = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”) > >>> node.path() > ‘/obj/geo1’ > >>> hou.parmTuple(“/obj/geo1/t”) > <hou.ParmTuple t in /obj/geo1> > >>> hou.parmTuple(“/obj/geo1/t”)[0] > <hou.Parm tx in /obj/geo1> > >>> hou.parm(“/obj/geo1/tx”) > <hou.Parm tx in /obj/geo1> > >>> hou.setPwd(node) > >>> hou.parm(“t”) > <hou.Parm tx in /obj/geo1>

Raises hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.



  • ch()
  • chs()
  • chexist()
class hou.parmBakeChop

Bases: object

Enumeration of Bake Chop modes.

See hou.Parm.keyframesRefit.


Off KeepExportFlag DisableExportFlag CreateDeleteChop
CreateDeleteChop = parmBakeChop.CreateDeleteChop
DisableExportFlag = parmBakeChop.DisableExportFlag
KeepExportFlag = parmBakeChop.KeepExportFlag
Off = parmBakeChop.Off

The membership flag


Returns the contents of the parameter clipboard as a tuple of copied parameter dictionaries.

parmClipboardContents() -> tuple of dictionaries

Returns a tuple of dictionaries, one per copied hou.Parm. Each dictionary has the following keys.

The path of hou.Parm parameter when it was copied.
The evaluated value of the parameter when it was copied as a string.
The expression of the parameter when it was copied as a string.
The expression language of the parameter when it was copied. This is a string. To convert to a hou.exprLanguage object, use getattr(hou.exprLanguage, expr_language_str).


  • hou.Parm.copyToParmClipboard
  • hou.ParmTuple.copyToParmClipboard
class hou.parmCondType

Bases: object

Enumeration of available parameter conditional types.


DisableWhen HideWhen NoCookWhen
DisableWhen = parmCondType.DisableWhen
HideWhen = parmCondType.HideWhen
NoCookWhen = parmCondType.NoCookWhen

The membership flag

class hou.parmData

Bases: object

Enumeration of parameter data types.


Int Float String Ramp
Data = parmData.Data
Float = parmData.Float
Int = parmData.Int
Ramp = parmData.Ramp
String = parmData.String

The membership flag

class hou.parmExtrapolate

Bases: object

Enumeration of Extrapolation methods when evaluating value outside the keyframe range.


Default Hold Cycle Extend Slope CycleOffset Oscillate
Cycle = parmExtrapolate.Cycle
CycleOffset = parmExtrapolate.CycleOffset
Default = parmExtrapolate.Default
Extend = parmExtrapolate.Extend
Hold = parmExtrapolate.Hold
Oscillate = parmExtrapolate.Oscillate
Slope = parmExtrapolate.Slope

The membership flag

class hou.parmLook

Bases: object

Enumeration of available looks for a parameter

These looks are used by hou.ParmTemplate objects and control the user interface of the parameter in parameter editors.


The default parameter look.
The parameter displays a slider that changes the value on a logarithmic scale.

The parameter has an arc control to enter an angle.

If you use this look, set your parameter’s naming scheme to hou.parmNamingScheme.Base1.


The parameter has a handle beside the label to edit the vector direction.

If you use this look, set your parameter’s naming scheme to hou.parmNamingScheme.XYZW.


The parameter has a square button beside the label to display the current color. You can click on the square to edit the color.

If you use this look, set your parameter’s naming scheme to hou.parmNamingScheme.RGBA.

The parameter has a hue circle with a pie-shaped region, like the keying nodes in COPs have.
The parameter has an RGBA mask, with buttons to toggle the red, green, blue, and alpha planes.
Angle = parmLook.Angle
CRGBAPlaneChooser = parmLook.CRGBAPlaneChooser
ColorSquare = parmLook.ColorSquare
HueCircle = parmLook.HueCircle
Logarithmic = parmLook.Logarithmic
Regular = parmLook.Regular
Vector = parmLook.Vector

The membership flag

class hou.parmNamingScheme

Bases: object

Enumeration of available naming schemes for a parameter.

These naming schemes are stored inside hou.ParmTemplate objects and determine the names of hou.Parm objects inside hou.ParmTuple objects.

The number of components in the parm template determines the number of parms inside the parm tuple. If this number is 1, the parm name is the same as the parm tuple name. If the naming scheme is Base1, the number of components may be more than 4. Otherwise, the component may have from 2 components up to the maximum number allowed by the naming scheme.

The following restrictions exist on naming schemes:

  • You cannot use the following naming schemes when editing the parameter interface on a node or a digital asset: MinMax, MaxMin, StartEnd, BeginEnd, XYWH. However, some built-in node types use parameters with these naming schemes, so asking these node types for their parm templates may return ones using these naming schemes.
  • String and toggle parameters only support the Base1 naming scheme.
  • Parameters with the hou.parmLook.Vector look must use the XYZW naming scheme.
  • Parameters with the hou.parmLook.Angle look must use the Base1 naming scheme.
  • Parameters with the hou.parmLook.ColorSquare look must use an RGBA naming scheme.

The example names below are for a parm template named “foo”:


“foo1”, “foo2”, “foo3”, …
“foox”, “fooy”, “fooz”, “foow”
“foox”, “fooy”, “foow”, “fooh”
“foou”, “foov”, “foow”
“foor”, “foog”, “foob”, “fooa”
“foomin”, “foomax”
“foomax”, “foomin”
“foostart”, “fooend”
“foobegin”, “fooend”
Base1 = parmNamingScheme.Base1
BeginEnd = parmNamingScheme.BeginEnd
MaxMin = parmNamingScheme.MaxMin
MinMax = parmNamingScheme.MinMax
RGBA = parmNamingScheme.RGBA
StartEnd = parmNamingScheme.StartEnd
UVW = parmNamingScheme.UVW
XYWH = parmNamingScheme.XYWH
XYZW = parmNamingScheme.XYZW

The membership flag

class hou.parmTemplateType

Bases: object

Enumeration of parameter template types.


Int Float String Toggle Menu Button FolderSet Separator Label Ramp
Button = parmTemplateType.Button
Data = parmTemplateType.Data
Float = parmTemplateType.Float
Folder = parmTemplateType.Folder
FolderSet = parmTemplateType.FolderSet
Int = parmTemplateType.Int
Label = parmTemplateType.Label
Menu = parmTemplateType.Menu
Ramp = parmTemplateType.Ramp
Separator = parmTemplateType.Separator
String = parmTemplateType.String
Toggle = parmTemplateType.Toggle

The membership flag


Given a path string, return a ParmTuple object. Return None if the path does not refer to a parameter tuple.

parmTuple(path) -> hou.ParmTuple or None

If the path starts with a /, Houdini will look for a parameter tuple with that exact path. Otherwise, the Houdini searches relative to the current node path. For each occurrence of .. in the path, Houdini will move up one node from the current node location.

When a parameter is evaluating, hou.pwd returns the node containing that parameter, so hou.parmTuple() can be used inside expressions to perform relative parameter references.

> >>> node = hou.node(“/obj”).createNode(“geo”) > >>> node.path() > ‘/obj/geo1’ > >>> hou.parmTuple(“/obj/geo1/t”) > <hou.ParmTuple t in /obj/geo1> > >>> hou.setPwd(node) > >>> hou.parmTuple(“tx”) > <hou.ParmTuple t in /obj/geo1>

Raises hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.


  • hou.ParmTuple
  • hou.evalParmTuple
  • hou.parm


  • ch()
  • chexist()
  • chramp()
  • chs()

Paste previously copied nodes to a given network.


This function pastes nodes from clipboard into the destination network.


  • hou.copyNodesToClipboard


  • oppaste
hou.patternMatch(*args, **kwargs)

Matches a pattern in a string.

patternMatch(pattern_string, input_string, ignore_case = False, path_match = False) -> int

This function is case-sensitive. Set ignore_case to True for case- insensitive pattern matching.

This function does not treat path separator characters specially. Set path_match to True for path-aware matching, where the multi-level wildcard (**) is required to cover multiple path components.

Returns 1 if any patterns in the pattern string matches the input string, or 0 if no patterns match.

In order to match, a pattern must match the input string from beginning to end. Use wildcards (*) to match substrings, e.g.

> >>> hou.patternMatch(“bar”, “foobarbaz”) > 0 > >>> hou.patternMatch(“bar”, “foobarbaz”) > 1

pattern is a space-separated list of one or more patterns. This can cause unintuitive behavior of this function. For example:

> >>> hou.patternMatch(“foo bar”, “foo bar”) > 0

…will return 0, because the first argument consists of two patterns, foo and bar, and neither of those patterns match foo bar (since the pattern must match from beginning to end).


> >>> hou.patternMatch(“foo bar”, “foo”) > 1

…will return 1, because the string matches the first of the two arguments in the pattern (foo and bar).

> >>> hou.patternMatch(“/foo/*”, “/foo/bar/blah”, path_match = True) > 0

…will return 0, because the wildcard only matches against the first path component (/bar), leaving the last path component (/blah) unmatched.

> >>> hou.patternMatch(“/foo/**”, “/foo/bar/blah”, path_match = True) > 1

…will return 1, because the multi-level wildcard will matches against any number of path components.

class hou.perfMonObjectView

Bases: object

Enumeration of the different structures that are used to view objects in the Performance Monitor panetab.


List Tree EventLog
EventLog = perfMonObjectView.EventLog
List = perfMonObjectView.List
Tree = perfMonObjectView.Tree

The membership flag

class hou.perfMonTimeFormat

Bases: object

Enumeration of the different formats used when viewing times in the Performance Monitor panetab.


Absolute Percent
Absolute = perfMonTimeFormat.Absolute
Percent = perfMonTimeFormat.Percent

The membership flag


A shortcut for hou.pwd().hdaModule().

phm() -> hou.HDAModule

This shortcut lets you write hou.phm() instead of hou.pwd().hdaModule(). You are most likely to use this shortcut from event handlers, button callbacks, and menu generation scripts in digital assets.

See hou.pwd and hou.Node.hdaModule for more information.

class hou.pickFacing

Bases: object

Enumeration for describing the facing direction of pickable components.


Front Back FrontAndBack
Back = pickFacing.Back
Front = pickFacing.Front
FrontAndBack = pickFacing.FrontAndBack

The membership flag

class hou.pickModifier

Bases: object

Enumeration of methods for modifying selections with new components.


Add Toggle Remove Replace Intersect
Add = pickModifier.Add
Intersect = pickModifier.Intersect
Remove = pickModifier.Remove
Replace = pickModifier.Replace
Toggle = pickModifier.Toggle

The membership flag

class hou.pickStyle

Bases: object

Enumeration of pick styles.


Box Lasso Brush Laser
Box = pickStyle.Box
Brush = pickStyle.Brush
Laser = pickStyle.Laser
Lasso = pickStyle.Lasso

The membership flag

class hou.playMode

Bases: object

Enumeration of play modes for the main playbar in Houdini.


Play through the frame range and when reaching the end of the range loop back to the beginning and continue the playback.
Play through the frame range and when reaching the end of the range stop the playback.
Play through the frame range and when reaching the end of the range reverse the playback. When the reverse playback reaches the beginning of the range, then continue playback in the forward direction, etc.
Loop = playMode.Loop
Once = playMode.Once
Zigzag = playMode.Zigzag

The membership flag

class hou.playbarEvent

Bases: object

Enumeration of the playbar events that can be handled by callback functions.

See hou.playbar.addEventCallback.


This event is triggered when the playbar has started playback either in the forward or reverse direction.
This event is triggered when running playback has stopped.
This event is triggered when the playbar has changed to another frame and after the scene has been cooked for the new frame.
FrameChanged = playbarEvent.FrameChanged
Started = playbarEvent.Started
Stopped = playbarEvent.Stopped

The membership flag


Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini particle container (popnet) nodes.

popNetNodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory

Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini particle (pop) nodes.

popNodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory
class hou.positionType

Bases: object

Enumeration of spaces.


WorldSpace ViewportXY ViewportUV
ViewportUV = positionType.ViewportUV
ViewportXY = positionType.ViewportXY
WorldSpace = positionType.WorldSpace

The membership flag


Given a node type name that includes the category and optionally a parent node, return the corresponding NodeType object after evaluating aliases. Return None if there is no such type with that name.

preferredNodeType(name, parent_node=None) -> NodeType or None
The internal name of a node type including the category. To get the internal name of any node type in Houdini, right-click a node of that type and choose Type properties. The internal name is listed at the top of the type properties window beside Operator type. For example, the internal name of the Geometry object is geo.
Optional. The node that will be the parent for this node type.


> >>> hou.preferredNodeType(“Shop/pyro”) > <hou.ShopNodeType for Shop pyro::3.0> > > >>> hou.preferredNodeType(“Shop/pyro”, hou.node(“/shop”)) > <hou.ShopNodeType for Shop pyro::3.0>


  • hou.NodeType
  • hou.nodeType
  • hou.nodeTypeCategories
class hou.primType

Bases: object

Enumeration of primitive types.


Agent AlembicRef BezierCurve BezierSurface Circle Custom

Catch-all for all HDK-defined primitives types.

Mesh Metaball NURBSCurve NURBSSurface PackedFragment PackedGeometry PackedPrim ParticleSystem PastedSurface Polygon PolySoup Sphere Tetrahedron TriangleBezier TriangleFan TriangleStrip Tube Unknown VDB Volume

Agent = primType.Agent
AlembicRef = primType.AlembicRef
BezierCurve = primType.BezierCurve
BezierSurface = primType.BezierSurface
Circle = primType.Circle
Custom = primType.Custom
Mesh = primType.Mesh
Metaball = primType.Metaball
NURBSCurve = primType.NURBSCurve
NURBSSurface = primType.NURBSSurface
PackedFragment = primType.PackedFragment
PackedGeometry = primType.PackedGeometry
PackedPrim = primType.PackedPrim
ParticleSystem = primType.ParticleSystem
PastedSurface = primType.PastedSurface
PolySoup = primType.PolySoup
Polygon = primType.Polygon
Sphere = primType.Sphere
Tetrahedron = primType.Tetrahedron
TriangleBezier = primType.TriangleBezier
TriangleFan = primType.TriangleFan
TriangleStrip = primType.TriangleStrip
Tube = primType.Tube
Unknown = primType.Unknown
VDB = primType.VDB
Volume = primType.Volume

The membership flag

class hou.promptMessageType

Bases: object

Viewport Prompt Message Type

Defines the type of messages that can be used with hou.SceneViewer.setPromptMessage.


Specifies an error message displayed in bold red.
Specifies a regular message displayed in black.
Specifies a prompt message displayed in bold blue.
Specifies a warning message displayed in bold yellow.
Error = promptMessageType.Error
Message = promptMessageType.Message
Prompt = promptMessageType.Prompt
Warning = promptMessageType.Warning

The membership flag


Set the value of the specified Houdini environment variable.

putenv(name, value)

Set the value of the specified Houdini environment variable.


  • hou.getenv
  • hou.unsetenv

If called from an evaluating parm, return the node containing the parm. Otherwise, return Houdini’s global current node. You can change this current node with hou.cd

pwd() -> hou.Node

This function is a shortcut for writing hou.node(“.”).

Note that Python and hscript both share the same global current node. So, if you change that node in hscript, the return value of pwd() will reflect that change, and vice versa.

Note that if this function is called from an expression inside a node’s parameter, Houdini will return the node containing the expression, not Houdini’s current node. This behavior permits relative parameter and node references from both Hscript and Python parameter expressions, since functions like hou.ch, ch(), hou.evalParm, hou.parm, and hou.node are relative to the result of hou.pwd().

This function will raise hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.


  • hou.cd
  • hou.parent


  • oppwf
  • oppwf()
  • oppwd()
  • opfullpath()

Linearly interpolates between keyframes using quaternions.

qlinear() -> float

The neighboring parameters must also be animated; for example, if “rx” uses qlinear(), “ry” and “rz” should also use qlinear().

Because the interpolation is done in quaternion spaces, the orientations will blend smoothly with no gimbal lock or unexpected spins. The Euler rotation values may appear to jump suddenly, but that’s simply because different rotation values can represent the same orientation.

Note that the graph editor will display a qlinear() segment as a dashed straight line. This line does not represent the actual intermediate channel values, but it does give an accurate visual feel for the behavior of the interpolation.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • qlinear()

Evaluate an interpolation function for an animated parameter that gives a smooth curve between the left keyframe’s outgoing value and the right keyframe’s incoming value, using the left’s outgoing slope and acceleration and the right’s incoming slope and acceleration.

quintic() -> float

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • quintic()
class hou.radialItemLocation

Bases: object

Enumeration of locations for radial menu items in Houdini.


Specifies top location of a radial menu item.
Specifies top left location of a radial menu item.
Specifies left location of a radial menu item.
Specifies bottom left location of a radial menu item.
Specifies bottom location of a radial menu item.
Specifies bottom right location of a radial menu item.
Specifies right location of a radial menu item.
Specifies top right location of a radial menu item.
Bottom = radialItemLocation.Bottom
BottomLeft = radialItemLocation.BottomLeft
BottomRight = radialItemLocation.BottomRight
Left = radialItemLocation.Left
Right = radialItemLocation.Right
Top = radialItemLocation.Top
TopLeft = radialItemLocation.TopLeft
TopRight = radialItemLocation.TopRight

The membership flag

class hou.radialItemType

Bases: object

Enumeration of types for radial menu items in Houdini.


Specifies a script radial menu item.
Specifies a submenu radial menu item.
Specifies a radial menu.
Menu = radialItemType.Menu
Script = radialItemType.Script
Submenu = radialItemType.Submenu

The membership flag

class hou.rampBasis

Bases: object

Enumeration of ramp interpolation types.

These interpolation types specify how Houdini interpolates between keyframed values in a hou.Ramp. See hou.Ramp.basis and hou.Ramp.__init__ for more information about how to get and set ramp interpolation types.


Does a linear (straight line) interpolation between keys.
Holds the value constant until the next key.
Interpolates smoothly between the keys. See Catmull-Rom_spline.
Another smooth interpolation that ensures that there is no overshoot. For example, if a key’s value is smaller than the values in the adjacent keys, this type ensures that the interpolated value is never less than the key’s value.
Cubic Bezier curve that interpolates every third control point and uses the other points to shape the curve. See Bezier curve.
Cubic curve where the control points influence the shape of the curve locally (that is, they influence only a section of the curve). See B-Spline.
Cubic Hermite curve that interpolates the odd control points, while even control points control the tangent at the previous interpolation point. See Hermite spline.
BSpline = rampBasis.BSpline
Bezier = rampBasis.Bezier
CatmullRom = rampBasis.CatmullRom
Constant = rampBasis.Constant
Hermite = rampBasis.Hermite
Linear = rampBasis.Linear
MonotoneCubic = rampBasis.MonotoneCubic

The membership flag

class hou.rampParmType

Bases: object

Enumeration of ramp types.


Color Float


  • hou.RampParmTemplate
Color = rampParmType.Color
Float = rampParmType.Float

The membership flag


Read a file, returning the contents in a string. Supports regular files, opdef: and oplib: paths, and http URLs.

readFile(file_path) -> string

Opdef paths can be specified with the string opdef:/node?section (e.g. opdef:/Object/subnet1?my_section). Oplib paths can be specified with oplib:/operator?operator (e.g. oplib:/Cop2/grain?Cop2/grain).

If the file does not exist or an error occurs while reading, this function raises hou.OperationFailed.


Release the currently held Houdini license.


When you import the hou module into a Python shell, it will acquire a Houdini license. This function exists so you can release that license when you’re done using the hou module. This way, you can have a long running Python script that periodically uses Houdini without having to hold a Houdini license for the entire duration of the script.

After you release the license, it will automatically be reacquired when you access functions and objects from the hou module.

class hou.renderMethod

Bases: object

Enumeration of dependency rendering methods.


RopByRop FrameByFrame
FrameByFrame = renderMethod.FrameByFrame
RopByRop = renderMethod.RopByRop

The membership flag


Repeats the motion between two times.

repeat(start_frame, end_frame) -> float

The repeated values are repeated exactly. If you want to line up the values with the value of the previous keyframe, use hou.cycle() instead.

This function is the same as hou.repeatt() except hou.repeatt() accepts times instead of frames.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • repeat()

Repeats the motion between two times.

repeatt(start_time, end_time) -> float

The repeated values are repeated exactly. If you want to line up the values with the value of the previous keyframe, use hou.cyclet() instead.

This function is the same as hou.repeat() except hou.repeat() it accepts frames instead of times.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cycleoffset
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • repeatt()

Return the root node (i.e. /).

root() -> hou.Node

This function is a shortcut for writing hou.node(“/”).

This function will raise hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.



Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini root (/) node. There is only one instance of the root node, and it has its own node type category.

rootNodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory

Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini output (rop) nodes.

ropNodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory
hou.runVex(*args, **kwargs)

Invoke VEX code, passing in arrays of inputs and receiving arrays of outputs.

runVex(vex_file, inputs, precision=”32”) -> dict of str to values

A dictionary mapping VEX input names to values. Each value may be a tuple or a single value; tuples of values become varying inputs and single values become uniform inputs. If the input value is a tuple, all elements in the tuple must be the same type.

Values may be single values or tuples of the following types: int, float, str, hou.Vector3, hou.Vector4, hou.Matrix3, or hou.Matrix4.

The precision argument can either be “32” or “64” (but not anything else). “64” instructs VEX to run in 64 bit mode.

return value
A dictionary mapping VEX output names to values. Like the inputs dictionary, values will be tuples if the output is varying and single values if it is uniform.

For example, suppose you had the following VEX function and compiled it to the file code.vex using vcc:

> cvex add(float x=0; float y=0; export float out=0) > { > out = x + y; > }

You could then invoke it from Python using the following:

> >>> hou.runVex(“code.vex”, {“x”:(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), “y”:(7.1, 8.1, 9.1)}) > {“out”: (8.1, 10.1, 12.1)} > >>> hou.runVex(“code.vex”, {“x”:(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), “y”:0.5}) > {“out”: (1.5, 2.5, 3.5)} > >>> hou.runVex(“code.vex”, {“x”:1.0, “y”:0.5}) > {“out”: 1.5} > >>> hou.runVex(“code.vex”, {“x”:1.0, “y”:0.5}, precision=”64”) > {“out”: 1.5}

The following function shows how you can run VEX on the code created by a VOP network node, such as a CVEX VOP:

> import os > import tempdir > > def runVexFromNode(vop_node, inputs): > temp_file_path = tempfile.gettempdir() + “/%s.vex” % vop_node.name() > vop_node.saveCompiledCookCodeToFile(temp_file_path) > os.unlink(temp_file_path)


Given a sequence of (name, value) string tuples, encode that data into a string in CPIO format.

saveCPIODataToString(data_tuples) -> str

The inverse of this function is hou.loadCPIODataFromString. See it for more information about CPIO data format.


  • hou.loadCPIODataFromString

Create an image file from color and alpha pixel data.

saveImageDataToFile(color_and_alpha_data, width, height, file_name)

Either a sequence of floats or a string containing the image data. The data must be in interleaved format, meaning that the first 4 values are the red, green, blue, and alpha (RGBA) values for the first pixel, the next 4 are for the second pixel, and so on. The first row of pixels in the data corresponds to the top scanline in the image.

The length of this sequence must be width * height * 4.

If you are writing a .pic file, the file will store 32-bit float data if you pass in a sequence of floats and 8-bit unsigned data if you pass in a string.

width, height
The width and height of the image to be written.
The name of the output image file to create. Houdini will automatically determine which type of file to create based on this file’s extension.

This function provides two features not provided by other imaging libraries:

  • It lets you create files in Houdini’s .pic format.
  • It lets you save images with 32-bit float data.

Raises hou.OperationFailed if the data is not the correct size, the output file could not be created, or the output file format is not supported by Houdini.

The following example uses the Python imaging library (PIL) to read in a file and calls this function to write it out. Using the convertImage function below, you can convert any image that can be read by PIL into Houdini’s .pic format.

> import Image > > def convertImage(input_image, output_image): > im = Image.open(input_image) > im.mode != “RGBA”: > raise ValueError(“The image must contain alpha information”) > hou.saveImageDataToFile(im.tostring(), im.size[0], im.size[1], output_image) > > convertImage(“image.png”, “image.pic”)

See also Writing a COP in Python.


Given a dictionary mapping strings to strings, encode that data in index data format and save it into a file.

saveIndexDataToFile(file_path, index_data)

This function could be implemented as follows:

> def saveIndexDataToFile(file_path, index_data): > with open(file_path, “wb”) as open_file: > open_file.write(hou.saveIndexDataToString(index_data))

See hou.loadIndexDataFromString for more details.


  • hou.loadIndexDataFromFile
  • hou.loadIndexDataFromString
  • hou.saveIndexDataToString

Given a dictionary mapping strings to strings, encode that data into a string in index data format.

saveIndexDataToString(data_dict) -> str

The inverse of this function is hou.loadIndexDataFromString. See it for more information about index data format.


  • hou.loadIndexDataFromString
  • hou.loadIndexDataFromFile
  • hou.saveIndexDataToFile
class hou.saveMode

Bases: object

Enumeration of hip file save modes.


Save in an ASCII format that is friendly to version control and can be viewed and edited as plain text. This format is compatible with Houdini 16 and above only and is only available with a full commercial license.
Traditional binary hip file format. This is both smaller and more performant than the text format.
Binary = saveMode.Binary
Text = saveMode.Text

The membership flag

class hou.scenePrimMask

Bases: object

Scene Graph Selection Mask

Defines the primitive types that can be selected by SceneViewer.selectSceneGraph() if the caller wishes to override the current scene viewer selection mask.


All primitive types can be selected.
Only camera primitive types can be selected.
Only geometry primitive types can be selected.
Only light primitive types can be selected.
Only light and camera primitive types can be selected.
Use the viewer setting for the primitive selection mask (default).
All = scenePrimMask.All
Camera = scenePrimMask.Camera
Geometry = scenePrimMask.Geometry
Light = scenePrimMask.Light
LightAndCamera = scenePrimMask.LightAndCamera
ViewerSetting = scenePrimMask.ViewerSetting

The membership flag

class hou.scriptLanguage

Bases: object

Enumeration of available script languages.


Python Hscript
Hscript = scriptLanguage.Hscript
Python = scriptLanguage.Python

The membership flag


Return a list of all selected node connections.

selectedConnections() -> tuple of hou.NodeConnection

The following example will print the name of the input node for all selected connections:

> for conn in hou.selectedConnections(): > print conn.inputNode().name()


Return a list of all selected nodes, network boxes, sticky notes, subnet indirect inputs, and network dots.

selectedItems(include_hidden=False) -> tuple of hou.NetworkMovableItem

If include_hidden is False, hidden nodes will not in the result, even if they are selected. See hou.Node.isHidden for more information about hidden nodes. Other item types do not support hiding and so are unaffected by the value of this parameter.

The following example will print the positions of all selected items:

> for n in hou.selectedItems(): > print n.position()


Return a tuple containing all the node bundles that are selected in the bundle list pane.

selectedNodeBundles() -> tuple of hou.NodeBundle

This function is a shortcut for [bundle for bundle in hou.nodeBundles() if bundle.isSelected].

See hou.NodeBundle for more information about bundles.


  • opbls

Return a list of all selected nodes.

selectedNodes(include_hidden=False) -> tuple of hou.Node

Returns a sequence of hou.Node objects representing the nodes that are currently selected.

> print(“The following nodes are currently selected:”) > for node in hou.selectedNodes(): > print(node.path())

The last selected item has special meaning in Houdini: it controls what network unpinned panes focus on.

> selected = hou.selectedNodes() > # In Python, a negative index counts from the end > print(“Following:”, selected[-1])

Normally, hidden nodes will not be included in the results, even if they are selected. Use include_hidden=True to get the selected hidden nodes as well. See hou.Node.isHidden for more information about hidden nodes.


  • opselectrecurse()
class hou.selectionMode

Bases: object

Enumeration of selection modes.

See hou.SceneViewer.selectionMode.


Object Geometry Dynamics
Dynamics = selectionMode.Dynamics
Geometry = selectionMode.Geometry
Object = selectionMode.Object

The membership flag


Returns the contents of the hou.session module.

sessionModuleSource() -> string


  • hou.appendSessionModuleSource
  • hou.session
  • hou.setSessionModuleSource

Sets a CHOP node path pattern to take precedence when exporting to the same channel.

setChopExportConflictResolutionPattern(string pattern) -> None

Sets a pattern for matching CHOP node paths that should take precedence when there are other CHOPs that override the same channels thus leading to conflicts.


The “current” DOP network is the network the shelf tools put new nodes into. The user can change this using the simulation menu in the bottom right corner of the main window. This method lets you programmatically set the current simulation network.

Call hou.currentDopNet to get a hou.Node object representing the current DOP Network node.


  • hou.currentDopNet

Return the setDefault color for a particular network element.

setDefaultColor(color_item, color)

Sets the default color that will be used for new network elements such as network boxes and sticky notes. Node default colors are controlled with methods on the hou.NodeType for each node type.

The color parameter can either be a hou.Color or None, in which case the default color is cleared, and the standard default colors are used.


  • hou.colorItemType
  • hou.defaultColor
  • hou.NodeType.setDefaultColor

Sets the default value for a cook context option.

setDefaultContextOption(option, value)

If the named context option doesn’t already exist, it is created as part of the set of default cook context options that are stored with the hip file. Passing a value of None will remove the named context option from the set of default options. The value may be either a string or a number.


  • hou.contextOption
  • hou.contextOptionNames
  • hou.hasContextOption

Set the number of frames per second.



  • hou.fps


  • fps

Set the playbar’s current frame. Note that the frame may be a fractional value.



  • hou.time
  • hou.setFrame


  • tcur

Sets the maximum number of threads to use for multi-processing.


When Houdini/hython is started, it uses all available processors on the machine for multi-threaded processing, unless overridden by the -j command line option.

This function allows dynamically adjusting this setting at run-time.

Note that this function may only be called from the main thread. If called from an expression that gets evaluated in a multi-threaded context, or during other processing, it will throw an exception.


  • hou.maxThreads

Sets a preference given a name and returns true on success.

setPreference(name, value) -> bool


  • hou.getPreference
  • hou.getPreferenceNames

Make the given node Houdini’s current node. This function is equivalent to hou.cd(node.path()).


This function will raise hou.ObjectWasDeleted if the parameter refers to a node that no longer exists in Houdini.

This function will raise hou.NotAvailable if you call it from mplay.


  • hou.pwd
  • hou.cd
  • hou.ScriptEvalContext


  • opcf

Sets the contents of the hou.session module. The new contents is made available immediately. You do not have to re-import hou.session.


This function throws a hou.OperationFailed exception if it fails to update the hou.session module. This can happen if the new contents has syntax errors.


  • hou.appendSessionModuleSource
  • hou.session
  • hou.setSessionModuleSource

Call hou.setSimulationEnabled(True) to enable simulation updates or hou.setSimulationEnabled(False) to disable them. The user can choose to disable simulation updates to improve interactivity using the simulation menu in the bottom right corner of the main window. This function lets you set the state of that menu item programmatically. Use hou.simulationEnabled to check whether simulation updates are currently enabled.


  • hou.simulationEnabled

Set the playbar’s time.



  • hou.time
  • hou.setFrame


  • tcur

Return Houdini’s cook update mode (Auto Update/On Mouse Up/Manual) that is displayed in the status bar.

updateModeSetting() -> hou.updateMode enum value

Set Houdini’s cook update mode to a hou.updateMode enumerated value. See hou.updateModeSetting for more information.

class hou.severityType

Bases: object

Enumeration of dialog message severities.


Message ImportantMessage Warning Error Fatal
Error = severityType.Error
Fatal = severityType.Fatal
ImportantMessage = severityType.ImportantMessage
Message = severityType.Message
Warning = severityType.Warning

The membership flag

class hou.shaderType

Bases: object

Enumeration of SHOP shader types.

Each SHOP type defines a particular type of shader. For example, it might be a surface shader or a displacement shader. This enumeration contains all the possible shader types.

Use hou.ShopNodeType.shaderType to determine what type of shader a particular SHOP type is.


Invalid Surface SurfaceShadow Displacement Geometry Interior Light LightShadow Atmosphere Lens Output Background Photon Image3D BSDF CVEX Mutable Properties Material VopMaterial ShaderClass
Atmosphere = shaderType.Atmosphere
BSDF = shaderType.BSDF
Background = shaderType.Background
CVex = shaderType.CVex
CoShader = shaderType.CoShader
CoShaderArray = shaderType.CoShaderArray
Displacement = shaderType.Displacement
Generic = shaderType.Generic
Geometry = shaderType.Geometry
Image3D = shaderType.Image3D
Integrator = shaderType.Integrator
Interior = shaderType.Interior
Invalid = shaderType.Invalid
Lens = shaderType.Lens
Light = shaderType.Light
LightFilter = shaderType.LightFilter
LightShadow = shaderType.LightShadow
Material = shaderType.Material
Mutable = shaderType.Mutable
Output = shaderType.Output
Photon = shaderType.Photon
Properties = shaderType.Properties
ShaderClass = shaderType.ShaderClass
StructDef = shaderType.StructDef
Surface = shaderType.Surface
SurfaceShadow = shaderType.SurfaceShadow
VopMaterial = shaderType.VopMaterial

The membership flag


Return the NodeTypeCategory object corresponding to shader (SHOP) nodes.

shopNodeTypeCategory() -> hou.NodeTypeCategory

Be careful not to confuse this function with the class hou.ShopNodeTypeCategory.

simulationEnabled() -> bool

Returns True if Houdini is currently set to update simulations. The user can choose to disable simulation updates to improve interactivity using the simulation menu in the bottom right corner of the main window. Use hou.setSimulationEnabled to enable or disable simulation updates programmatically.


  • hou.setSimulationEnabled
class hou.snappingMode

Bases: object

Enumeration of snapping modes.

See hou.SceneViewer.snappingMode.


Off Grid Prim Point Multi
Grid = snappingMode.Grid
Multi = snappingMode.Multi
Off = snappingMode.Off
Point = snappingMode.Point
Prim = snappingMode.Prim

The membership flag


Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini geometry (sop) nodes.

sopNodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory

Given a tuple of path strings, return a tuple of path strings sorted in input/outputs order. Invalid node paths won’t be part of the sorted list.

sortedNodePaths(path_tuple) -> tuple of string

Sorts nodes following the network traversal order. Root nodes appear first and leaf nodes come last.

> >>> hou.node(‘/obj’).createNode(‘simplefemale’) > <hou.ObjNode of type simplefemale at /obj/simplefemale1> > >>> paths = [“/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_master”,”/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_IK_wrist_right”,”/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_cog”,”/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_neck”,”/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_head”,”/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_FK_hand_right”] > >>> hou.sortedNodePaths(paths) > (‘/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_master’, ‘/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_cog’, ‘/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_IK_wrist_right’, ‘/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_neck’, ‘/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl > _head’, ‘/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_FK_hand_right’)


  • hou.node
  • hou.nodes
  • hou.Node
  • hou.sortedNodes


  • oplistsort()

Given a tuple of hou.Node, return a tuple of hou.Node sorted in input/outputs order.

sortedNodePaths(node_tuple) -> tuple of hou.Node

Sorts nodes following the network traversal order. Root nodes appear first and leaf nodes come last.

> >>> hou.node(‘/obj’).createNode(‘simplefemale’) > <hou.ObjNode of type simplefemale at /obj/simplefemale1> > >>> nodes = hou.nodes( [“/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_master”,”/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_IK_wrist_right”,”/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_cog”,”/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_neck”,”/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_head”,”/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_FK_hand_right”] ) > >>> hou.sortedNodes(nodes) > (‘/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_master’, ‘/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_cog’, ‘/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_IK_wrist_right’, ‘/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_neck’, ‘/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl > _head’, ‘/obj/simplefemale1/ctrl_FK_hand_right’)


  • hou.node
  • hou.nodes
  • hou.Node
  • hou.sortedNodePaths


  • oplistsort()

Fits a spline through consecutive keyframe values.

spline() -> float

The resulting spline interpolates the channel values at the keyframes, and slope values are not used.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • spline()

Starts a Houdini Engine debugging session in Houdini if no session is currently active

startHoudiniEngineDebugger(port) startHoudiniEngineDebugger(pipeName)
The port number that the debugging server should use
The pipe name that the debugging server should use


> >hou.startHoudiniEngineDebugger(9090) > >hou.startHoudiniEngineDebugger(“hapi_debug_session”)
class hou.stateGenerateMode

Bases: object

Enumeration of possible node generation modes by states.

See hou.SceneViewer.setCurrentState for more information.


Insert Branch
Branch = stateGenerateMode.Branch
Insert = stateGenerateMode.Insert

The membership flag

class hou.stateViewerType

Bases: object

Enumeration of state viewer types.


Scene Compositor
Compositor = stateViewerType.Compositor
Scene = stateViewerType.Scene
SceneGraph = stateViewerType.SceneGraph

The membership flag


Given a sticky note’s session id, return a StickyNote object. Return None if the id does not correspond to a valid sticky note.

stickyNoteBySessionId(session_id) -> hou.StickyNote or None

See hou.StickyNote.sessionId for more information.

Raises hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.


  • hou.item
  • hou.StickyNote.sessionId
class hou.stringParmType

Bases: object

Enumeration of string parameter types.

A hou.StringParmTemplate is set to one of these types to specify whether a string parameter will hold an arbitrary string, a reference to a file, a reference to a node, or a reference to multiple nodes.


Regular FileReference NodeReference NodeReferenceList
FileReference = stringParmType.FileReference
NodeReference = stringParmType.NodeReference
NodeReferenceList = stringParmType.NodeReferenceList
Regular = stringParmType.Regular

The membership flag


Given a subnet input’s session id, return a SubnetIndirectInput object. Return None if the id does not correspond to a valid subnet input (e.g. if the subnet containing the input was deleted).

subnetIndirectInputBySessionId(session_id) -> hou.SubnetIndirectInput or None

See hou.SubnetIndirectInput.sessionId for more information.

Raises hou.NotAvailable if you call it from MPlay.


  • hou.item
  • hou.SubnetIndirectInput.sessionId

Return the playbar’s current time, in seconds of playback.

time() -> float

Note that the time at frame 1 is 0s.


  • hou.setTime
  • hou.frame
  • hou.fps


  • tcur

Convert from a given time value to a frame value, rounding the result to a integer if it is close to an integer.

timeToFrame(time) -> float

Calling this function is roughly equivalent to evaluating time * hou.fps() + 1.0, but the result is rounded to 6 digits of precision.


  • hou.fps
  • hou.frame
  • hou.time


  • fps

Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini task (top) nodes.

topNodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory
class hou.uiEventReason

Bases: object

Values representing reasons Houdini generated a particular UI event.

Calling hou.UIEvent.reason returns one of the following values.


Quick mouse click without dragging.
Left mouse button pressed (mouse down)
Mouse dragged with the left mouse button down.
Left mouse button released (mouse up).
Mouse pointer hovered over something in the interface. In a viewer state, this is the reason associated with mouse moves.
Event generated as a change of values in hou.UIEvent
Event generated when a UI element was assigned a different value.
Event generated when a slider or scrollbar has changed.
Event was likely explicitly generated.


Active = uiEventReason.Active
Changed = uiEventReason.Changed
ItemsChanged = uiEventReason.ItemsChanged
Located = uiEventReason.Located
New = uiEventReason.New
NoReason = uiEventReason.NoReason
Picked = uiEventReason.Picked
RangeChanged = uiEventReason.RangeChanged
Start = uiEventReason.Start

The membership flag

class hou.uiEventValueType

Bases: object

Enumerator for UI event value types.

Represents the type of value stored in a hou.UIEvent object.


float value type.
Array of float values.
Array of int values.
int value type.
invalid value type.
string value type.
Array of string values.


Float = uiEventValueType.Float
FloatArray = uiEventValueType.FloatArray
IntArray = uiEventValueType.IntArray
Integer = uiEventValueType.Integer
NoType = uiEventValueType.NoType
String = uiEventValueType.String
StringArray = uiEventValueType.StringArray

The membership flag


Unset the specified Houdini environment variable.


Unset the specified Houdini environment variable.


  • hou.getenv
  • hou.putenv
class hou.updateMode

Bases: object

Enumeration of interface update modes.

See hou.updateModeSetting.


AutoUpdate OnMouseUp Manual
AutoUpdate = updateMode.AutoUpdate
Manual = updateMode.Manual
OnMouseUp = updateMode.OnMouseUp

The membership flag


Return Houdini’s cook update mode (Auto Update/On Mouse Up/Manual) that is displayed in the status bar.

updateModeSetting() -> hou.updateMode enum value

Houdini’s update mode determines when it will recook its nodes after you make parameter changes. When it is Auto Update, it will recook whenever any parameter changes. When it is On Mouse Up, it will not recook while you are tuning a parameter with a viewport or ladder handle until you release the mouse. When it is Manual, it will only recook when you press the update button in the status bar.

Note that this function is named updateModeSetting because hou.updateMode refers to the submodule containing enumeration values. This function used to be in the hou.ui submodule, but it was moved into the main hou module because it also applies to a non-graphical Houdini.

> >>> # Prevent Houdini from cooking any nodes. > >>> hou.setUpdateMode(hou.updateMode.Manual) > >>> hou.updateModeSetting() > hou.updateMode.Manual


  • hou.setUpdateMode
  • hou.ui.triggerUpdate.

Deprecated: Use InterruptableOperation.

Check if the user pressed Escape to interrupt the current operation, and optionally update the completion progress.

updateProgressAndCheckForInterrupt(percentage=-1) -> bool
This is deprecated. Use hou.InterruptableOperation instead.

Return True if the user pressed Escape and False otherwise.

An integer value containing the percentage complete to display in the taskbar. If the percentage is -1, the taskbar will not display the completion percentage.

You would typically call this function from inside a Python SOP, to let the user of the SOP press escape to interrupt a long cook.

See Define a new SOP type using Python for an example.

class hou.valueLadderDataType

Bases: object

Enumeration of the different data types that may be manipulated by a value ladder.

See hou.ui.openValueLadder.


The ladder is being used to manipulate a single floating point value.
The ladder is being used to manipulate a single integer value.
The ladder is being used to manipulate an array of floating point values.
The ladder is being used to manipulate an array of integer values.
Float = valueLadderDataType.Float
FloatArray = valueLadderDataType.FloatArray
Int = valueLadderDataType.Int
IntArray = valueLadderDataType.IntArray

The membership flag

class hou.valueLadderType

Bases: object

Enumeration of the different value ladder types.

See hou.ui.openValueLadder.


The ladder is being used to manipulate a generic numeric value. The step sizes for this ladder type range from 0.0001 to 100.0.
The ladder is being used to manipulate a value representing an angle. The step sizes for this ladder type range from 1.0 to 45.0.
Angle = valueLadderType.Angle
Generic = valueLadderType.Generic

The membership flag

class hou.vdbData

Bases: object

Enumeration of voxel data types.

See hou.VDB.


Boolean Float Int Vector3
Boolean = vdbData.Boolean
Float = vdbData.Float
Int = vdbData.Int
Vector3 = vdbData.Vector3

The membership flag


Takes a NodeTypeCategory object and returns a VexContext object representing the context of VOP networks the node would contain.

This function is for internal use by Houdini and isn’t usually necessary for scripting Houdini or creating tools.
vexContextForNodeTypeCategory(node_type_category) -> hou.VexContext or None

> >>> # Get a reference to a SOP node > >>> n = hou.node(“/obj/geo1/pointvop1”) > >>> # Get its type category (SOPs) > >>> sops = n.type().category() > >>> # If a SOP contains a VOP network, what is its context? > >>> hou.vexContextForNodeTypeCategory(sops) > <hou.VexContext Sop> > >>> hou.vexContextForNodeTypeCategory(sops).name() > ‘Sop’ See hou.VexContext.


  • VEX contexts
  • hou.vexContextForShaderType
This function is for internal use by Houdini and isn’t usually necessary for scripting Houdini or creating tools.
vexContextForShaderType(shader_type) -> hou.VexContext or None


  • VEX contexts
  • hou.vexContextForNodeTypeCategory
vexContexts() -> tuple of VexContexts
class hou.viewportAgentBoneDeform

Bases: object

Enum for deforming agent quality

Defines the quality vs. performance tradeoff for deforming agent geometry.


Only use 1 bone to deform on all agent instances (the one with the most influence).
Use up to 4 bones to deform the highest LOD agent instances, and 1 bone on all the reduced LOD instances.
Use up to 4 bones to deform on all agent instances.
Always = viewportAgentBoneDeform.Always
Disabled = viewportAgentBoneDeform.Disabled
ReducedLOD = viewportAgentBoneDeform.ReducedLOD

The membership flag

class hou.viewportAgentWireframe

Bases: object

Enum for agent wireframe mode display

The look of agents in wireframe mode.


Agents are rendered as bone-based skeletons.
Agents are rendered as line-based skeletons.
Bone = viewportAgentWireframe.Bone
Line = viewportAgentWireframe.Line

The membership flag

class hou.viewportBGImageView

Bases: object

Background image view target for the viewport display options

Selects a view target when choosing which background image to edit in GeometryViewportSettings.


The 3D view not attached to a camera (“No cam”).
The 3D view looking through a camera.
The orthographic top view.
The orthographic front view.
The orthographic right view.
The orthographic bottom view.
The orthographic back view.
The orthographic left view.
The UV texture viewport.
Back = viewportBGImageView.Back
Bottom = viewportBGImageView.Bottom
Camera = viewportBGImageView.Camera
Front = viewportBGImageView.Front
Left = viewportBGImageView.Left
Perspective = viewportBGImageView.Perspective
Right = viewportBGImageView.Right
Top = viewportBGImageView.Top
UV = viewportBGImageView.UV

The membership flag

class hou.viewportClosureSelection

Bases: object

Viewport highlight of primitives with selected components

When components of a primitive are selected (points, vertices, edges), the primitive can be highlighted as well to indicate which primitives will be affected by the current selection.


Primitives are not highlighted.
Only primitives whose points and edges reside on separate hull geometry will be highlighted when those are selected (NURBS surfaces, Bezier surfaces).
Highlight all primitives whose points, edges, or vertices belong to the current selection.
Hide = viewportClosureSelection.Hide
HullPrimitives = viewportClosureSelection.HullPrimitives
Show = viewportClosureSelection.Show

The membership flag

class hou.viewportColorScheme

Bases: object

Viewport Color Schemes

List of available color schemes for the viewport.


Solid black backaground.
Solid grey background.
Light blue gradient background.
Dark = viewportColorScheme.Dark
Grey = viewportColorScheme.Grey
Light = viewportColorScheme.Light

The membership flag

class hou.viewportGeometryInfo

Bases: object

Geometry information display state

The state of the geometry information displayed in the lower right corner of the viewport. This information takes additional time to generate.


Do not show geometry information.
Only show information when a selection is present.
Always show information on the displayed geometry.
AlwaysOn = viewportGeometryInfo.AlwaysOn
Off = viewportGeometryInfo.Off
SelectedOnly = viewportGeometryInfo.SelectedOnly

The membership flag

class hou.viewportGridRuler

Bases: object

Enum for grid numbering on viewport grids.

Specifies where the grid numbering occurs on viewport grids.


No grid numbers are displayed.
Numbers appear along the max axes at grid line intersections.
Numbers appear at grid line intersections.
GridPoints = viewportGridRuler.GridPoints
Hide = viewportGridRuler.Hide
MainAxis = viewportGridRuler.MainAxis

The membership flag

class hou.viewportGuide

Bases: object

Viewport guides

List of viewport guides that can be queried, enabled or disabled.


The mask which dims out areas outside the camera aspect ratio.
Geometry from the current modelling operator (SOP)
Geometry from the currently displayed modelling operator (SOP)

hou.viewportGuide.FieldGuide hou.viewportGuide.FillSelections

Polygon selections are highlighted with a solid color rather than just an outline when in Wire-Over shading modes.
Show the orientation axes in the lower left corner of the viewport.
Show point or vertex markers when point or selection is active.
Show the group list in the top right corner of the viewport.
Show the critical zone for IK bones.
Show any node guides that are available.
Show any handles that are available.
Show object names for visible objects.
Show full objects paths for visible objects. Object names must be displayed.
Show object selections.
Show the axes at the world origin.
Show axes per particle.
Show the safe area overlay for broadcast.
Show geometry from modelling operators with their selectable template flags set.
Show the time to update and render the viewport.
Show geometry from modelling operators with their template flags set.
Show the camera pivot where tumbling will rotate about.
Show a grid along the XY plane.
Show a grid along the XZ plane.
Show a grid along the YZ plane.
CameraMask = viewportGuide.CameraMask
CurrentGeometry = viewportGuide.CurrentGeometry
DisplayNodes = viewportGuide.DisplayNodes
FieldGuide = viewportGuide.FieldGuide
FillSelections = viewportGuide.FillSelections
FloatingGnomon = viewportGuide.FloatingGnomon
FollowSelection = viewportGuide.FollowSelection
GroupList = viewportGuide.GroupList
IKCriticalZone = viewportGuide.IKCriticalZone
NodeGuides = viewportGuide.NodeGuides
NodeHandles = viewportGuide.NodeHandles
ObjectNames = viewportGuide.ObjectNames
ObjectPaths = viewportGuide.ObjectPaths
ObjectSelection = viewportGuide.ObjectSelection
OriginGnomon = viewportGuide.OriginGnomon
ParticleGnomon = viewportGuide.ParticleGnomon
SafeArea = viewportGuide.SafeArea
SelectableTemplates = viewportGuide.SelectableTemplates
ShowDrawTime = viewportGuide.ShowDrawTime
TemplateGeometry = viewportGuide.TemplateGeometry
ViewPivot = viewportGuide.ViewPivot
XYPlane = viewportGuide.XYPlane
XZPlane = viewportGuide.XZPlane
YZPlane = viewportGuide.YZPlane

The membership flag

class hou.viewportGuideFont

Bases: object

Viewport font sizes for visualizer text

Font sizes for displaying text-based visualizers.


Tiny font.
Small font.
The just right font.
Largest font.
Large = viewportGuideFont.Large
Medium = viewportGuideFont.Medium
Small = viewportGuideFont.Small
Tiny = viewportGuideFont.Tiny

The membership flag

class hou.viewportHandleHighlight

Bases: object

Handle highlight size

Highlight size when moving the mouse over a handle.


Don’t display any highlights.
Show a half-width highlight.
Show a full highlight.
Normal = viewportHandleHighlight.Normal
Off = viewportHandleHighlight.Off
Small = viewportHandleHighlight.Small

The membership flag

class hou.viewportHomeClipMode

Bases: object

Automatic viewport clip plane adjustment during homing

Homing the viewport can adjust the viewport’s near and far clip planes to adapt to what is being homed onto, so that geometry is fully visible in the viewport.


No clip planes are adjusted.
Only the near clip plane is adjusted. Far is left as is.
Only the far clip plane is adjusted. Near is left as is.
Both clip planes are adjusted.
FarOnly = viewportHomeClipMode.FarOnly
NearAndFar = viewportHomeClipMode.NearAndFar
NearOnly = viewportHomeClipMode.NearOnly
Neither = viewportHomeClipMode.Neither

The membership flag

class hou.viewportLighting

Bases: object

Lighting modes for the viewport

The viewport renderer supports several global lighting modes, from no lighting whatsoever to full lighting with shadows.


No lighting, constant shaded.
Basic lighting from a single directional light defined in the display options.
Good quality lighting from up to 10 basic lights (area lights modeled as point lights, limited environment lights).
High quality lighting from an unlimited number of lights including area, geometry, environment and ambient occlusion.
High quality lighting with shadows.
Headlight = viewportLighting.Headlight
HighQuality = viewportLighting.HighQuality
HighQualityWithShadows = viewportLighting.HighQualityWithShadows
Normal = viewportLighting.Normal
Off = viewportLighting.Off

The membership flag

class hou.viewportMaterialUpdate

Bases: object

Enum for the update frequency of viewport material assignments

When material assignments are re-evaluated for a displayed object.


Update assignments whenever needeed.
Only update assignments when Update Materials is pressed.
Update assignments whenever needed, but not during playback.
Always = viewportMaterialUpdate.Always
Manual = viewportMaterialUpdate.Manual
OffForPlayback = viewportMaterialUpdate.OffForPlayback

The membership flag

class hou.viewportPackedBoxMode

Bases: object

Enum for the culled packed geometry display mode.

Defines how culled packed primitives are displayed in the viewport.


Culled packed primitives are not displayed at all.
A wireframe bounding box replaces the packed primitive.
A shaded bounding box replaces the packed primitive.
A bounding box replaces the packed primitive, drawn wireframe in wireframe shading modes and shaded otherwise.
CurrentShadingMode = viewportPackedBoxMode.CurrentShadingMode
NoDisplay = viewportPackedBoxMode.NoDisplay
Shaded = viewportPackedBoxMode.Shaded
Wireframe = viewportPackedBoxMode.Wireframe

The membership flag

class hou.viewportParticleDisplay

Bases: object

Viewport display option for particle display visualization.

Specifies the visualization for particles and points in the viewport.


Fixed size points in screen space.
Points with streaks indicating velocity.
Single pixel particle (fixed size)
Circular disc, variable world size.
Discs = viewportParticleDisplay.Discs
Lines = viewportParticleDisplay.Lines
Pixels = viewportParticleDisplay.Pixels
Points = viewportParticleDisplay.Points

The membership flag

class hou.viewportShadowQuality

Bases: object

The quality of shadows produced in the viewport

The viewport renderer can do various amounts of shadowmap sampling to produce a higher quality result.


Area lights are treated as point lights when generating and sampling shadow maps. This is the fastest option.
Do some antialiasing of shadow edges. Treat area lights as point lights when generating and sampling shadow maps.
Area lights generate multiple shadow maps which are sampled to generate an approximation of a blurred shadow from an area source.
Area lights generate multiple maps and antialias the shadow lookups.
Area = viewportShadowQuality.Area
AreaAA = viewportShadowQuality.AreaAA
Point = viewportShadowQuality.Point
PointAA = viewportShadowQuality.PointAA

The membership flag

class hou.viewportStandInGeometry

Bases: object

Replacement geometry for instances culled in the viewport.

When using point instancing, instances can be culled because of the Point Instancing Percent, or the Instancing Limit display options. Culled instances can be replaced by a marker or bounding box, or completely hidden.


Don’t show anything for culled instances.
Show a point marker at the local space origin of the instance.
Show the bounding box of the culled instance.
BoundingBox = viewportStandInGeometry.BoundingBox
DisplayOff = viewportStandInGeometry.DisplayOff
LocationMarker = viewportStandInGeometry.LocationMarker

The membership flag

class hou.viewportStereoMode

Bases: object

Stereoscopic viewport display modes

The stereoscopic viewport display modes available when viewing through a stereo camera rig.


Anaglyph display of left/right as red/cyan.
Interlace left and right on alternating scanlines. Only useful for 3D monitors which support this.
Interlace left and right on alternating scanlines, swapping which scanlines are used for left and right.
Use OpenGL quad buffer stereo, generally only available on professional cards.
Anaglyph = viewportStereoMode.Anaglyph
HorizontalInterlace = viewportStereoMode.HorizontalInterlace
HorizontalInterlaceReverse = viewportStereoMode.HorizontalInterlaceReverse
QuadBufferGL = viewportStereoMode.QuadBufferGL

The membership flag

class hou.viewportTextureDepth

Bases: object

Enum for the viewport texture bit depth limit

Specifies the maximum bit depth that can be used for textures in the viewport.


Compressed, 8b SDR texture format. Smallest memory use.
8b SDR texture format. Good balance between memory and quality.
16b HDR texture format. Excellent dynamic range, but more memory use and slower texturing performance.
32b HDR texture format. Extreme dynamic range, but very high memory use and slow texturing performance. Use with care.
Compressed8 = viewportTextureDepth.Compressed8
Fixed8 = viewportTextureDepth.Fixed8
FullHDR = viewportTextureDepth.FullHDR
HDR16 = viewportTextureDepth.HDR16

The membership flag

class hou.viewportTransparency

Bases: object

Transparency rendering quality for the viewport

Quality levels for rendering objects with transparency in the viewport.


Fast test to render the transparent pixel as opaque (>0) or to discard it (0). This can be used for texture cards such as leaves. This doesn’t require an additional pass for transparency.
Render transparent pixels in a separate pass. Only the front- most transparent pixel is rendered.
Render transparent pixels in an Order-Independent buffer of 8 samples, which is then sorted and composited together to do multi-layer transparency for up to 8 layers of overlapping transparency.
Render transparent pixels in an Order-Independent buffer of 16 samples, which is then sorted and composited together to do multi-layer transparency for up to 16 layers of overlapping transparency.
Cutout = viewportTransparency.Cutout
High = viewportTransparency.High
Low = viewportTransparency.Low
Medium = viewportTransparency.Medium

The membership flag

class hou.viewportVisualizerCategory

Bases: object

Enumeration of the different categories of viewport visualizers.


Viewport visualizers in the common category are available across all scene files.
Viewport visualizers in the scene category are saved to the scene file and are only available in the specific scene file in which they are created or saved.
Node visualizers are installed on individual nodes in Houdini and have a limited scope.
Common = viewportVisualizerCategory.Common
Node = viewportVisualizerCategory.Node
Scene = viewportVisualizerCategory.Scene

The membership flag

class hou.viewportVisualizerScope

Bases: object

Enumeration of the different scopes of viewport visualizers.


The visualizer affects only the geometry produced by the node on which it is installed. This value only applies to visualizers in the hou.viewportVisualizerCategory.Node category.
The visualizer affects only the geometries produced by the node and its descendent nodes of the same network type. This value only applies to visualizers in the hou.viewportVisualizerCategory.Node category.
The visualizer affects the geometries produced by the node and its descendent nodes regardless of the network type. This value only applies to visualizers in the hou.viewportVisualizerCategory.Node category.
The visualizer affects any geometry that is displayed in the viewport. This value only applies to visualizers in the hou.viewportVisualizerCategory.Common and hou.viewportVisualizerCategory.Scene categories.
AllDescendents = viewportVisualizerScope.AllDescendents
Global = viewportVisualizerScope.Global
NodeOnly = viewportVisualizerScope.NodeOnly
SameNetworkTypeDescendents = viewportVisualizerScope.SameNetworkTypeDescendents

The membership flag

class hou.viewportVolumeQuality

Bases: object

Display options for viewport volume rendering quality

Volume display in the viewport can be an expensive drawing operation. The volume quality can be adjusted to provide better viewport performance or better volume quality.


Quick volume preview.
Minor quality loss for performance.
Balanced quality/performance setting.
Jittered, high quality volume with more passes.
High = viewportVolumeQuality.High
Low = viewportVolumeQuality.Low
Normal = viewportVolumeQuality.Normal
VeryLow = viewportVolumeQuality.VeryLow

The membership flag


Matches the incoming and outgoing values and slopes.

vmatch() -> float

Unlike hou.match, this function will use its left keyframe’s outgoing value and the right keyframe’s incoming value, so hou.vmatch() can produce curves that are discontinuous with the previous segment.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatchin
  • hou.vmatchout


  • vmatch()

Matches the left keyframe’s incoming slope.

vmatchin() -> float

The curve will be a straight line from the left keyframe’s outgoing value, and will not match the right keyframe’s outgoing value. Unlike the hou.matchin() function, the left keyframe’s outgoing value can differ from its incoming value, so so hou.vmatchin() can produce curves whose left tangent matches the left keyframe but whose left values do not line up.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchout


  • vmatchin()

Matches the right keyframe’s outgoing slope.

vmatchout() -> float

The curve will be a straight line ending at the right keyframe’s incoming value, and will not match the left keyframe’s incoming value. Unlike the hou.matchout() function, the right keyframe’s incoming value can differ from its outgoing value, so so hou.vmatchout() can produce curves whose right tangent matches the right keyframe but whose right values do not line up.

This function is one of the special animation functions that use the current playbar time and information in the parameter’s keyframes, such as in and out values, tangents, acceleration, etc., to evaluate themselves. Because the information needed to evaluate these functions comes from the keyframes, these functions take few or no parameters.

Calling this function from outside a parameter’s expression will raise a hou.NotAvailable exception.


  • hou.bezier
  • hou.constant
  • hou.cubic
  • hou.cycle
  • hou.cyclet
  • hou.ease
  • hou.easein
  • hou.easeinp
  • hou.easeout
  • hou.easeoutp
  • hou.easep
  • hou.linear
  • hou.match
  • hou.matchin
  • hou.matchout
  • hou.qlinear
  • hou.quintic
  • hou.repeat
  • hou.repeatt
  • hou.spline
  • hou.vmatch
  • hou.vmatchin


  • vmatchout()

Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini vex builder container (vopnet) nodes.

vopNetNodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory

Return the NodeTypeCategory instance for Houdini vex builder (VOP) nodes.

vopNodeTypeCategory() -> NodeTypeCategory
class hou.vopParmGenType

Bases: object

Enumeration of the different node configurations that can be created for the inputs of a VOP node.

See hou.VopNode.insertParmGenerator and hou.VopNode.insertParmGeneratorsForAllInputs.


Create a Constant VOP and connect it to the VOP node’s input.
Create a Parameter VOP and connect it to the VOP node’s input. The input parameter is automatically promoted to the VOP network’s parameter interface.
Create a Parameter VOP and connect it to the VOP node’s input. Additionally set the Parameter VOP’s Scope parameter to Subnet. The input parameter is automatically promoted to the owning Subnet VOP’s parameter interface.
Constant = vopParmGenType.Constant
Parameter = vopParmGenType.Parameter
SubnetInput = vopParmGenType.SubnetInput

The membership flag