doppyrotoolutils module

doppyrotoolutils.applyKeySet(node, parmname, keylist)

Functon that applies a list of (index,value) pairs as keyframes to a parameter. Ie: applyKeySet(hou.node(“.”),”gasexpand”,[(0.5,10),(1,20)])

doppyrotoolutils.applyParmSet(node, diam, parmlist)

List of parms in (parmname, val, OP) tuples where OP not None means we should apply the binary OP function to val and diam to compute the final value of val. If val is a list, it must be a list of (val, frame) pairs and we will keyframe accordingly.

doppyrotoolutils.billowySmoke(kwargs, clustering=False)

Selected object becomes an emitter of hot billowy smoke.

doppyrotoolutils.buildColorRamp(node, parm, interp, ramplist)

Sets up a color ramp multiparm according to the list of ramp keyframe pairs.

doppyrotoolutils.buildLabel(node, p, token, defname, i)

Given a parameter name prefix, p, build the string pair of the token and parameter name if the enable is set. defname is used as the label if no internal name is given. i is the index to work with.

doppyrotoolutils.buildPyroModifiers(node, style, ismaterial)

Builds the modifier menu for the pyro shader. Returns a list of token/label pairs to be given as the modifier choices. style is one of ‘mod’, ‘vmod’, ‘noise’, ‘base’ for modifier lists (‘mod’, all types, includes None); vector modifiers (‘vmod’, fields only, and None); noise presence (‘noise’, none means everywhere, no noise fields); all base fields (‘base’, no none); field modifier base (‘mfbase’, no none) noise parameter modifiers (‘nmod’, all fields plus none)

doppyrotoolutils.buildRamp(node, parm, interp, ramplist)

Sets up a ramp multiparm according to the list of ramp keyframe pairs.

doppyrotoolutils.buildUserLabel(node, p, token, defname, i)

Given a parameter name prefix, p, build the string pair of the token and parameter name if the enable is set. defname is used as the label if no internal name is given. i is the index to work with.

doppyrotoolutils.burn(kwargs, smokeon=True, clustering=False)

Selected object becomes a continuous source of fuel igniting on creation.

doppyrotoolutils.candle(kwargs, smokeon=False)

Selected object becomes a small continuous source of fuel igniting on creation.

doppyrotoolutils.cluster(fuelsource=<hou.Node at /obj>)

Set Up Clustering, return list of new geo and instancepoints


Enables separate rasterization for each cluster.

doppyrotoolutils.clustertrail(fuelsource=<hou.Node at /obj>)

Set Up Clustering, return list of new geo and instancepoints


Selected object becomes an emitter of colorful smoke with a noisy velocity field.


Creates a new pyro shop inside /shop for us to initalize to our favorite settings. Returns said shop.

doppyrotoolutils.createNewPyroShopPreset(pyrosolver, preset)

Creates a new pyro shop inside /shop and applies the given preset name to it.


Tries to find the global gravity node. If it finds one, it removes this node from the influence by adding ^node to the groupmask.


Selected object becomes an emitter of cold dry ice.


Selected object becomes the bomb from which to build a explosion.

doppyrotoolutils.findfluidnode(startnode=<hou.Node at /obj>, usednodes=[], searchnode='fluidsource')

Selected object becomes the bomb from which to build a explosion.

doppyrotoolutils.incominggeotype(geoNode=<hou.Node at /obj>)

Selected smoke object gets its color fields set up.

doppyrotoolutils.op_div(val, diam)

Divides val by diam

doppyrotoolutils.op_mult(val, diam)

Multiplies val by diam

doppyrotoolutils.op_multsquare(val, diam)

Multiplies val by diam^2

doppyrotoolutils.selectObject(kwargs, prompt)

Prompt the user to select an object. Returns (object, bbox, diam)


Selected object becomes an emitter of a smoke trail.


Selected object becomes the source from which to build a volcano.


Selected object becomes an emitter of wispy smoke.