dopfetoolutils module

dopfetoolutils.applySolidObjectPreset(dopobject, preset)
dopfetoolutils.applyYoungPoisson(node, youngs_modulus, poisson_ratio)

apply young’s modulus (in Pascal units) and poisson ratio in [0, 0.5) to a Solid Object

dopfetoolutils.createFEFuseConstraint(scriptargs, nodetype, objecttypename)

Create hard/soft constraints between points of a finite element object and points on another dynamics object.

dopfetoolutils.createRegionConstraint(scriptargs, nodetype, objecttypename, goalseltype)

Constrain regions within a simulated container object to another simulated object.

dopfetoolutils.createTargetConstraint(scriptargs, nodetype, objecttypename, goalseltype)

Create soft/hard constraint that makes the simulated object follow the target position and velocity.

dopfetoolutils.createVisualization(scriptargs, objecttypename, goalseltype)

Create a setup where output attributes are generated and visualized.

dopfetoolutils.dividePhysicalParm(parm, scalar)

Utility to divide the parm that represents a physical quantity by ‘scalar’

dopfetoolutils.selectAndCreateHybridObjects(scriptargs, objecttype, behavior, objectdescriptor)

For a selection of geometry objects, ensure that corresponding DOP Objects with a specific behavior exist.

dopfetoolutils.selectAndCreateSolidObjects(scriptargs, objecttype, behavior, objectdescriptor)

For a selection of geometry objects, ensure that corresponding DOP Objects with a specific behavior exist.

dopfetoolutils.selectAndCreateSurfaceCollider(scriptargs, object)

This turns a deforming geometry into a surface collider.

dopfetoolutils.selectAndCreateVolumeCollider(scriptargs, object)

This turns a rigid geometry into a volume collider.


Returns a string for prompting the user to make a selection in the viewport for the stitch constraint tool.

dopfetoolutils.setParm(node, name, value)

Safely sets a parameter value, if that parameter exists.