defaultstatetools module¶
(shelffile, nodetypecategory, state)¶ Generates a default shelf tool for a given state and saves it into a given file name.
(state, nodetypecategory)¶ Returns a string representing a default python scrypt for a tool associated with a given state. Each tool has a python script that gets executed when the tool is invoked, and in this case the tool script will cause the appropriate viewer to enter the given state.
(shelfdir)¶ Generates all the shelf tools that correspond to various viewer states. The viewer states are grouped according to the node type categories (ie, network types, such as OBJ, SOP, POP), and the state tools for all such categories are generated and saved in corresponding files within the given shelf dir. The shelf tools that get generated cause the viewers to enter various states, each of which correspons to one shelf tool. These tools can be invoked from the top level shelf or from the TAB menus.
(shelfdir, nodetypecategory)¶ Generates default shelf tools for all the viewer states that exist within a given nodetypecategory (i.e., OBJ, SOP, etc.). All these tools are saved into a file that corresponds to the category name and that is saved in a given directory.