dragdroputils module

class dragdroputils.Source

A simple wrapper around hou.ui methods for quering the drag source, implementing a generator for iterating through the source data.

dragdroputils.assignPrimGroupMaterial(node, group_name, material_node)

Assigns a material to a primitive group by either appending or reusing an existing material SOP.

dragdroputils.findOrCreateSop(target_node, node_type_name, exact_node_type, new_node_name, test_func=None)

Return an instance of the specified node type ‘associated’ with target_node, either by creating a new one or reusing an existing one. The exact nature of this ‘association’ depends on target_node. For an object, this means the display SOP will be of the specified node type, while for a SOP, the chain ending at target_node should terminate with the specified node type.